hgconfessional · 5 years
give us some crackships?
“Like I just get to tell you what I wanna see? Wow okay, Dash Hastings and Phoebe Stones, she’d spice up his life. Is that awkward to say? He said he hasn’t gone on a date in a long time, right? What about Laura Wilde and Lincoln Rossi? Ian Tyler and Jack Wilde? Faraday Fitzpatrick and Farren Loset? Violet Becker and Posey Mitchell? They could be their own flower girls at the wedding!”
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@dashhastings @pbstones @lauraxwilde @lincolnrossi @iantylers @jacknwilde @faradaythewerewolf @farren-loset @violetbecker @equivocalisms
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lxttlebutterfly · 5 years
At first glance few would think that Chou had any sort of manner that children would be at ease with yet he got on with them rather well. He’d finished an early morning through afternoon’s work in the forest (spring was one of his favourite seasons to research in) and was heading home for either a nap or to polish his daggers, he’d yet to decide, when he saw several children leaving Little Rascal’s, their parents in tow. With a small smile he lifted a hand to his lips and blew, several dozen petals forming from thin air and blowing over to dance around the little ones who caught sight of the petals and Chou and burst into whoops of delight, playing around in the illusion and grabbing at the phantom petals.
He nodded at a few of the parents and was about to continue on his way when one crossed the road and headed towards him; pausing Chou recognised her as the young woman who’d been at the Greyson Manner the night of the Blood Moon, “Ms Violet.” he greeted with a small nod, “You’re looking well. I hope you don’t mind my entertaining the little ones?” he asked evenly.
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lunaxshaw · 6 years
# - her broooos
Luna definitely pulled them into joining fake cooking competitions with her, or to play restaurant when they were younger. Sometimes they would use Easy Bake oven food, and sometimes it would be concoctions of their own design - or mac and cheese with a fancy garnish when it came to the brothers. It wasn’t so bad once she actually started making decent meals or snacks, but the earlier days were rough. If the food was too bad, Wil, Ned, and their mom would each take turns distracting her so they could subtly spit it back out after taking a bite.
Put a # in my inbox for random headcanons about my character
Bonus Point: Put a character name behind it and I’ll put a headcanon about those characters together.
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witchyrileycaldwell · 6 years
# - vi
The day Violet went off to college Mara probably told her that she couldn’t make it to see her off, they skyped or whatever video chat. Well when Violet got to her dorm on campus Mara was sitting there on her bed just smiling and was like ‘Did you really think I’d miss seeing you off?’. She spent the whole day helping Violet unpack and getting her room set up. She also took Violet to her first college party that night, she let her get super drunk because she’s a great influence. Anyways Mara spent the whole weekend with Violet, when she left on Monday morning they spent 30 minutes hugging outside the car and Mara deff missed her flight home. It  was worth it though because she got to see her best friend off to her first class. 
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ned-ibarra · 5 years
The basket mostly has games for the kids, a couple books of MadLibs, some boxes of Lunchables, and a few Color by Numbers books. There’s a bottle of wine in there for him and Violet and some CapriSun pouches for Max and Kenna and Grace. The Greyson manor is always fully stocked anyway, but that isn’t the point. The point is that this is his date, his basket, and she doesn’t need to outbid anyone else for any amount of his time. 
Ned let’s himself into the place and heads up to her room, finding a sight so much better than the one they’d all faced two months ago. The kids are playing what looks like a general game of princesses, if the dress Max is wearing is any indication. The girls are in the middle of putting a crown on him. He almost doesn’t even see Violet for a moment, so intrigued by the way they kids are engrossed in their own world. He wishes he still had an imagination like that— some days it still fails him. 
Then again, some days it overflows. 
“Sorry, sorry,” Ned apologizes as his gaze shifts to his girlfriend— a large grin spreading over his face at the thought— “those three can be very distracting. Hello. I brought you all something, figured we could make a date of it. Our second official first date.”
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lauraxwilde · 5 years
Laura hadn’t seen Violet in what seemed like forever. She had texted her and asked her to meet her at the coffee shop, to catch up. She waited patiently for Violet with two coffees sitting on the table, steam coming up from them. She had just made them so she hoped the other girl would turn up soon so she could start drinking her own coffee. Laura heard the door ring and looked up, hopeful. 
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george-chatwin-blog · 5 years
He slid into the seat next to Violet at the chili cook-off, balancing four different samples of recipes. He was still a little tipsy from the afternoon he’d spent with Savannah and a bottle of whiskey and had picked his buffet at random. He was sure he made quite the sight, with his hair tucked back in a messy bun and his black eyes just barely concealed by his sister’s off-tone concealer, but he didn’t care for once. It’d been a long day and right then he just wanted to stuff his face with one of his oldest friends. “I can’t believe I’m actually eating food that hasn’t been microwaved,” he said with a grin. “It feels like I’ve been living off ramen noodles since January.”
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olivadunhams · 5 years
ツ pls n ty
holly → jacob
hollychevalier: this year for halloween i’m dressing up as jacobthorne i’ve already snuck into his house and stolen some lame flannels
holly  → phoebe
hollychevalier: not to be dramatic but i would let phoebestones slap me in the face
holly  → violet
hollychevalier: i believe cartoon birds braid violetbecker’s hair in the morning and i refuse to hear otherwise 
ever → phoebe
everaltair: let’s get blackout drunk she said, i won’t tattoo ‘i love phoebe’ on your arm she said 
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sophiagreyson-blog · 6 years
The moment she’d settled things at the manor she had headed to the hospital to track down he remaining loved ones and to help in any manner that she could. Violet Becker was the first name on the patient list her eyes went to when she arrived and instantly Sophia was running down the hall way till she reached Violet’s room. “Vi?” Sophia said with a heavy sigh of relief to see the young woman she’d raised as her own alive and breathing, even if she was a little worse for wear. “Are you...” Sophia’s words caught in her throat as her emotions got the better of her. 
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daralisgreyson · 6 years
With the Block Party on Church Street, the sounds of bands playing truly made everything come to life. And although Dara didn’t mind crowds, there was nothing like a view. Having found her niece earlier on, she nudged the younger werewolf before they made their way on the roof of the local bookstore. Sitting on the edge of the building, Dara had her legs dangle against the brick, beer in hand. Her eyes fell below to the sea of people as she kept an eye out on things from above. Nevertheless as a certain song's tune registered, admittedly even Dara was trash for Outkast. Turning to Violet, she started to serenade the brunette as her lightheartedness took over. “♫ I’m sorry Ms. Jackson (oh), I am for real! Never meant to make your daughter cry, I apologize a trillion times.♬” By the time the song ended, the Original whistled below before smiling to her companion, "I hope Soph'll play good music at her wedding.” As she took a swig of her glass, "Also side bar because I've been thinking about this a lot -- as her Maid of Honor, I'm just saying, if anyone and I mean, anyone tries to screw up Soph's big day, I think my literal obligation to kick their ass. And as her bride's maid, I would say the same but knowing you, I guess we’ll keep you on the ‘make sure everyone keeps their clothes on’ committee.” @violetbecker
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hgconfessional · 6 years
Any brotp pairings that you want to see?
I can think of a few I’d like to see.
How about new neighbors @ameliawalshh and @hollychevalier  
Or new roomies @reid-brooklyn and @billielawson
How about @gemmaxbarton and @charlotte-gilmore
@wyattleblanc and @elena-greyson
@violetbecker and @delilahreyes
@jamesxthatch and @nik-heimirsson
I am all about the brotps and if you can surprise me even better. 
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jettdanvers-blog · 6 years
The sight of Violet Becker under the rubble was something Jett never expected that day of Spring Fling. The adopted daughter of the people who gave him salvation in the form of hope was someone he needed to keep alive. She was his pack mate and friend. And that’s why when given an option between saving Violet and helping Dean, he picked the former. After getting her out as carefully as he could, there were more people who could get her to the hospital whilst Jett stayed to clear more of debris. Hearing she was recovering in the hospital, he found her room before knocking, offering a slight grin. “Figured I’d stop by and see if you wanted some real food.” He settled a large bag on the over bed table before looking around her room to see the many gifts, “I know it’s not flowers or cute teddy bears but hey, you never can go wrong with Chickfilia.” He mused, pulling up a chair to the side of the bed as he insisted she didn’t need to get up, “Gave us quite the scare there, Vi. You feeling okay? Need me to distract the nurses so you can escape?” @violetbecker​
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lunaxshaw · 6 years
When Luna was younger, one of her favorite places to go was her treehouse. It was a sanctuary where she could read, color, play dress up, practice for school plays, stargaze, and so much more. Some days it could be a castle, some days it could be a ship that sailed the seven seas, and other days it could simply be a quiet retreat, just a place for her to go when she wanted some time alone. It was where she could play board games with her brothers, or have sleepovers with her friends. To this day, the treehouse still stands, waiting for her to visit any time she goes back home to see her parents.
Put a # in my inbox for random headcanons about my character
Bonus Point: Put a character name behind it and I’ll put a headcanon about those characters together.
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vincentnygaard-blog · 7 years
After a day at the shelter, the vampire was on a mission to buy the ingredients he needed as headed over to pick up his adopted son. Entering the Greyson Manor after he said his hellos to the lingering werewolves, he tucked Max into his comfortable parka considering they were going out for the day. But as he almost left the foyer, the person who was coming in looked familiar to him. “Violet? Hey!” The vampire bounded over as he embraced the petite brunette warmly before pulling back with a sheepish expression, “Sorry, I just recognized you from the pictures and Sophia’s told me a lot about you and I’m just a hugger.” He apologized while rambling. But he couldn’t help it. Violet was apart of the Greyson family and he respected them all so much. “Forgive me, I’m Vince, by the way. Sophia’s boyfriend and Max’s dad. I should’ve started with that.” @violetbecker
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witchyrileycaldwell · 7 years
& - violet
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
[text] You are by far a better friend than I ever deserve. Thank you for always being there and always being my best friend. I love you so much, Vi. 
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ned-ibarra · 5 years
“Querida,” the word fell from his lips easily, his heart pounding as he shut the door and entered the dark room. What life was this, in which Ned was able to simply come in and shut the door and crawl into bed next to her, his exhausted limbs sinking into her mattress, one far more nice and comfortable than his. He threw an arm around her, chin on her shoulder, and kissed her neck. “Have you slept at all today?” Ned asked her. “You need to rest.”
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