son-of-regis · 6 years
My muse has captured yours. Send me ✖ for my muse to notice yours is attempting to escape. 
Noctis hummed a little tune as he walked down the hall. He wanted to check up on the other. As he walked he saw the other look around the corner he snuck up behind him and tap his shoulder. “Going some where?”
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chosenbythecrystal · 6 years
“Don’t you dare talk back to me!”
Starters | Servant/Pet
The young male couldn’t help but flinch at the ferocity of those words. He was most definitely pushing it, there was no doubt about that, but he didn’t seem in any rush to rectify his behaviour. He could apologise, beg for forgiveness in the hopes that punishment might be forgone, but he was too stubborn.
He straightened, eyes burning as he glared at the man.
“Go to hell.”
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>>„Are you sure about this?“ The deep voice forced her to tear her gaze from the scene before them. “Yes, Vincent. I am sure.” She had come here to meet with the black haired. It was a serene place yet when they arrived they immediately knew that something or rather someone disturbed Aerith’s resting place. But nothing could have prepared her for what they found. Who they found. “I… understand your motives but… I am concerned. This might proof to be out of your control. Don’t lose yourself even more…” She smiled at his concern. “I know what I’m doing. This is a risk I am willing to take. You get those Shinra-Lapdogs out of here. And greet the asshole from me.”<< Things had been… Complicated. When she somehow was pulled across oceans of time to arrive in this era she was glad. Glad to see the sun which she had missed for ten years. Glad to be able to forget her burden that stayed back in that World of Ruins. She had not been a mercenary for long before she met HIM. Green eyes and white hair, he was the first one able to defeat her in a very, very long time. Instead of killing her he hired her for Shinra. Back then Aranea was not in her best shape. The downsides of her Nif-contract combined with ten years missing the sun had left her with a serious case of osteoporosis and little value to her life. When they offered her to regain her strength she accepted and became one of them. A SOLDIER. Nothing the Chancellor – who too was brought there – was too happy about. He had a personal war with Jenova and simply overruled her cells within Aranea with the scourge that had become his. The scourge lay dormant within her but it didn’t worry her anymore. The only sign of it were her eyes that had turned a rich purple after that progress. There was still HIM. The Silver General. And over time... She fell. She fell hard. Well. They both did. But it was not enough when the truth turned against them and revealed its ugly shades. She lost him back then, not to death or war but to that alien bitch. And she fought her. With every step Aranea took she opposed Jenova, with the Scourge – proof of her failure four millennia ago – inside her and the determination to bring her beloved back she fought. And lost. In the end she had not been able to save him. And as they came across Kadaj and his brothers Aranea knew that her battle was not yet over. She would not give up. She had not given up on HIM and she would not give up on THEM. So there she was, after buying Vincent the time to get the Turks out, looking the remnant straight in the eye and refusing to fight him.  
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breakneckbrute-old · 7 years
♡ + Mother
Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon || @violentremnant
//  Loz can’t hear Mother. He only has this sense that she’s there, that she exists and loves her children. His motivation to find her stemmed from that, but is mostly due to how much he cares about his brothers.
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light-of-judgment · 7 years
"I stole Ardyn's wallet. Let's go shopping."
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son-of-regis · 7 years
continue from here X
Noctis smiled and offered the other a drink and some snacks. All he wanted to do was spend time with the other. Plus he missed Kadaj’s company.
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abrokenremnant · 7 years
“N-no! Not back there!” The remnant shouted angrily at his captors as the shoved him back into the holding cell at a blinding speed. The room was stark white, lined with ceramic tiles from floor to ceiling, with the ground a pale yellow. Due to some awful design flaw on ShinRa’s part, it was the only part of the room from which blood didn’t seem to wash off well.
The silver-haired youth shook visibly from his crouched position on the floor as he tried to stand. Some of the others crowded around him while others kept to the walls. They all looked exactly the same. Clones made from Sephiroth’s DNA, genetically modified as more resilient creatures which the organisation used for testing everything from biochemical weapons to bulletproof armour.
The scientists took different ones out on different days. Some returned maddened, some with limbs, eyes or other body parts missing, some not at all. Each and every one of them had tried to fight it alone and as a whole but ShinRa always had a way of getting rid of them when they wanted. The room had started out with two dozen, but now less than 10 remained.
“We’ll come for the next one in a while,” the scientist at the door said crudely. Truly, there was no reason for them to tell the clones anything. They did it just for kicks, the bastards.
The broken youth groaned and reached to his left side. Fresh blood seeped through the haphazardly-done bandages from a deep incision the length of his hand. Had they taken an organ out? He couldn’t tell.
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rhapscdos · 7 years
❖; Continued.  @violentremnant
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From everything he’s heard since awakening again, he certainly shouldn’t have missed the silver. But he did, and the touch against his cheek made it impossible to ignore the fact he was nearly giddy seeing his old friend once more.
“Perhaps,” he teased, “so much has transpired since then, hasn’t it... you shouldn’t be here, should you?” Less of a question, given Genesis knew the answer, more of an observation. Sephiroth was supposed to be dead.
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son-of-regis · 7 years
continue from here X
Noctis smiled and flops on after he was kidnapped. “I’m bored”
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parricidalis-blog · 7 years
@violentremnant : "No. The baby isn't mine." That's all he says.
“Then whose is it?” He doubted Kadaj was going around stealing children. He’d have no motive for that, and was too weak for it anyways. Until Kadaj has recovered, he was easy to keep an eye on. “Did you see the parents?”
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light-of-judgment · 7 years
@violentremnant continued from here
Kefka found it terribly amusing, but that generally happened when he was less than sober. He watched the remnant pouting and just smirked.
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“You wanted to be a kitten,” the mage teased.
“Now you’re a kitten. My kitten.” He finished brushing the hair and began running his fingers down the other’s spine. 
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streetniff · 7 years
"Whats this do?" Curious remnant is touching all of his stuff.
“It’s a stun rod, or a dildo if you’re brave enough,” he chuckled. As long as he didn’t steal anything or fire any weapons, he didn’t mind the curious youth.
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“It’s a bit black-on-black, darling, but I get the idea you prefer things simple like that....”
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