#violent people arent afraid to be violent. they're not afraid to hurt someone getting in their way. peaceful people dont stand a chance
beatbawksradio · 1 month
#i think im done actually. i think im gonna throw in the towel#i dont think this is working out for me#i think the world of the online public is just too hostile. too violent. too uncaring#i dont belong here. i wasn't built for this world. its not ready for someone like me and I'm not ready for it#the internet is a world where human interaction is filtered through words on a screen. what kind of interaction is that#you cant see how you affect people. you don't know what people are going through. you can only judge by the words they let you see#that's not how humans were meant to exist. we're meant to see each other. care for each other. feel each others suffering and support#but that doesnt happen here. this world is designed for those who thrive behind a mask. those not afraid to hurt others who take theirs off#and anytime someone does take off the mask. the reaction is to twist anything they say or do into how theyre actually bad#everytime i post in public i worry about that. how is this going to be purposefully misinterpreted. how is this going to be used against me#how are the people who hate me going to use this to further make even more people who don't know me hate me#and that's not healthy!! that's paranoia!! mental illness!! im putting the symptoms of my abuse on display and it only hurts me more#no one cares about caring though. its all about how this person just wants more attention than everyone else. they just wanna be special#i can tell people i don't wanna see g*ns and theyll act like im a baby for it. i tell them ive had my life threatened & they think I'm lying#bc that's what you do on the internet. you don't trust people. you don't validate them. you abandon them when they're opening up#bc all you see is a screen and not how the person is actually reacting in real life to these things. its just words#and if anyone comes along trying to just be a nice person. then its either “they must not actually be nice and I'm gonna expose them”#or they just get abused by the people not afraid to abuse nice people. its all the same. there's always another war. peace doesn't exist#violent people arent afraid to be violent. they're not afraid to hurt someone getting in their way. peaceful people dont stand a chance#the only way to survive the game is to not play the game. find a pocket somewhere and stop existing to the world.#thats the only way to make everyone happy when everyone hates you. there is no redemption. this is the land of careless wolves#and I'm just a rabbit telling the wolves to stop being wolves. of course ill be killed. that's what happens to rabbits#so i hope all the people still reading this who used me as entertainment or as a stepping stone for their own manipulation are happy#ill be gone. i won't be here anymore. i won't be something that you ever need to think about anymore. you can go ahead and celebrate#tell everyone you've won. the evil is defeated. you killed the person who you and everyone else hated so much. go ahead and be a hero#ill be dead to this world. and that's okay. bc ill be living a much better life in the real world#ive had my time in the spotlight. now it's over. now it's time for a different chapter. yall can go ahead and enjoy your spotlight#go ahead and keep proving to everyone how good and nice you are by screaming at everyone who opposes you and destroying their lives#im sure you'll be proud of the legacy you leave behind. im sure you'll be proud of how much peace your violence brought into the world#im happy with the people i love. and ill continue to find my happiness away from this deplorable hostile world. ill be floukru
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d4rkpluto · 3 years
𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢
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❦ we've come to the chapter of aries in the eighth house, the most transformative house in the astrological wheel. as people dont think its appropriate to speak about it, but the eighth house is the house of surgery, having aries in the eighth house indicates someone having cosmetic surgery done to their face or even cranium, (even though having aries here doesnt automatically mean that everyone with aries in the 8h is going to have surgery there). many of them well have fast and impulsive decisions about what they want to change about themselves.
❦ with the eighth house speaking of transformation, people who have this placements are individuals who transform themselves very quickly, perhaps they're people who transform themselves all the time. sometimes they go to routes without thinking properly and might transform themselves into something they arent supposed to be, like how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, now imagine the butterfly transforming back into the caterpillar; becoming someone who isnt learning the lessons of life or someone who wants to rebel the lessons of life. being their own personal block, on the other hand, those with aries in the eighth house can be people who learn very quickly and might learn about the story of life better and faster than others around them.
❦ as the eighth house is about the people who have hurt you in this life time, having aries there indicates people who were leaders in life could've hurt you, it could be any type of leader, someone who is a leader of a friend group, someone from the government or even someone who's the leader of your family or perhaps younger people, you could've also had masculine figures or people who carry masculine energy hurt you in this life time. howbeit, this entails that people with aries placements could've hurt you in life.
❦ with the eighth house comes emotional walls, having aries in the eighth house can make someone very aggressive, can make someone behave in a way that it is determined as "bratty" or very "abrupt". even though these individuals can feel a lot, their fiery and hot anger could become to very little in a small time. they blow off steam by being alone or focusing on something else, but these are people who are very likely to blow a punch in someone's face if needed to.
❦ those with aries in the eighth house are people who handle their finances quite impulsively, the type of people who would probably regret what they have bought or dread looking at their bank account after they've spent something. whilst being people who want to boast about their money and show off what they got, it could make them people who spend money on expensive things just to impress others, on the other hand, they are people who are great an investing.
❦ with the planetary ruler of aries being mars, this indicates someone being very passionate about their finances. as the eight house speaks about emotional walls, their emotions can be very impulsive, being people who are very abrupt in reactions and wont be afraid to show how they feel. but due to how rash they behave this can sometimes end them behaving violent. with the planetary ruler being mars this amplifies my reason on why it could've been a masculine figure who has hurt the individual's feelings, along with this house communicating about surgery, people with this placement often want to make their faces more symmetrical.
❦ moving onto the psychology of one, like it's been insinuated in the last paragraph, having aries in the eighth house can indicate that someone has anger issues or just need to work on their explosive emotions. as they are someone who dont get angry for a long time, however, as it is in the eighth house, the house of grudges, this placement would kind of have someone be annoyed for a longer time. adding on, they are people who are more action than think, causing them to be people who do dread what they have done in the future. on the other hand, they have this psychology to win all the time which can make them a very strong competition to go against.
❦ now with the legacy of aries in the eighth house, they want to know before they've died that they've at least brought a lot of things to the table. that they have done something which has made others put the spotlight on them. want to know before they give their last breath that they have done something others havent done before or have done something many people have done before, but, better. on the other hand, their legacy could've at least involve with them leading something, being action-oriented, at least knowing that people in their next generations would at least follow what they have done, as if it is a tradition.
❦ as to the eighth house communicating about research, having aries in the eighth house causes someone to be the "first" to research about something. very original people here, as to being the type of people to not follow a crowd, they are not the type of people to continue to do research on something that already has a lot of information. if the type of content didnt have a lot of information, they would've considered to add stuff to it. they're very authentic and like to show people that they can bring many things to the table. these are the type of people to do research on polymath too.
❦ the topic of occult belonging to the eighth house, these are people who are very intrigued by the occult, the type to learn about whatever supernatural beliefs, spirituality, witchcraft and voodoo on their own if they needed to and if they wanted to join on, (even though they'd rather lead it), they become very passionate, enthusiastic and devoted towards it. these are the type of people in shows that always want to find out about the town's mysteries and fighting the villains that attempt to hurt their home area.
❦ the main house of sexuality, (not trying to imply that the eighth house is the house that tells you what is or what is not your sexuality), this house could be considered on how someone embraces their sexuality. having aries in the eighth house makes an individual optimistic about expressing their sexuality, having multiple lovers, sexual partners and a high libido. they like to have sex and are straight forward about what they want. they're adventurous and rough, wont hesitate to tell their partner if they're doing something wrong within physical intimacy; are very sensitive on the head and cranium, makes them more sensual. could be said that they have a very strong, veiny or potent sexual area.
❦ as it comes to personal secrets, these are the type of people who might accidentally spill secrets because of how rash and fast they are. can be other people's secrets or can be their own, however, as it comes to their secrets it could've been things they've done when they were aggressive, naive or out of it. on the other hand, when it comes to other people sharing secrets with them, (as aries is known as the first to get something or do something etc), people with this placement are most likely to find out a secret first.
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❦ aries in the houses masterlist
pluto ❦
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