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vinzohair · 2 years ago
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Thick and naturally full drawn, Raw Straight hair of the highest quality, single donor and perfectly wefted 💯👌🏼 #vinzohair #vinzoindianhair #vinzostraight #vinzoweft #vinzobundles #straighthair #straightweave #straightbundles #straightweft #naturalstraighthair #virginstraighthair #indianstraighthair #indianhair #indianhumanhair https://www.instagram.com/p/CpNaDCIy6ls/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vinzohair · 2 years ago
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Thick and naturally full drawn, Raw Straight hair of the highest quality, single donor and perfectly wefted 💯👌🏼 #vinzohair #vinzoindianhair #vinzostraight #vinzoweft #vinzobundles #straighthair #straightweave #straightbundles #straightweft #naturalstraighthair #virginstraighthair #indianstraighthair #indianhair #indianhumanhair https://www.instagram.com/p/CpM6H7WSI75/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vinzohair · 3 years ago
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Beautiful Natural Straight Single Donor Hair in lovely natural colors.. Thick and Full Hair Bundles, healthy from root to tip available in all lengths from 8 inches to 30 inches and sometimes longer too.. Since these bundles are completely natural, it can take on a slight wave after co-washing them.. Raw Hair at its finest 💯💥🔥 #vinzohair #rawhair #indianhair #straighthair #templehair #singledonorhair #onedonorhair #naturalstraighthair #rawstraighthair #straightbundles #virginstraighthair #indianstraighthair #vinzostraight (at VINZO Hair) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY004e0Bxmx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vinzohair · 5 years ago
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Beautiful and Naturally Full, Single Donor, Raw South Indian Straight and Wavy bundles for a client's sample order.. Co-washed and air-dried before shipping out.. Amazing quality always from VINZO HAIR 🙏🏼���🇳 #vinzohair #vinzostraight #vinzowavy #vinzoindianhair #naturalhair #templehair #southindianhair #rawhair #straighthair #wavyhair #straightweave #wavyweave #indianhair #humanhair #indianhairweave #humanhairweave #indianhairweft #humanhairweft #indianhairwig #humanhairwigs (at Chennai, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJ8lezHZtL/?igshid=1oljg46e4nw1k
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vinzohair · 5 years ago
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Natural Straight Wefted Hair Bundles.. Soft and Silky Natural Straight South Indian Hair... Usually when you co-wash straight bundles and allow it to hang dry it may have a slight wave to it which is something many of our clients love.. Beautiful hair for the beautiful you always from VINZO HAIR 🇮🇳🔥 #naturalstraight #naturalstraighthair #naturallystraight #naturallystraighthair #indianstraight #indianstraighthair #virginhair #virginstraight #virginstraighthair #straighthair #straighthairs #straighthairbundles #straighthairweft #vinzohair #vinzostraight https://www.instagram.com/p/B_zyXepBPsK/?igshid=1djg3pyk1uvg2
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vinzohair · 5 years ago
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Indian Natural Straight Hair.. You cannot get quality like this elsewhere.. When it comes to the highest quality Single Donor, Cuticle Aligned, South Indian Temple Hair, VINZO HAIR is the preferred supplier of top hair companies, brands, stylists and salons around the world 🇮🇳🔥 #indianstraight #indianstraighthair #straightfromthetemple #singledonorhair #cuticlealignedhair #southindianhair #straighthair #straighthairbundles #straighthairextensions #straighthairweft #straightweave #straight_hair #straighthairs #vinzohair #vinzostraight https://www.instagram.com/p/B_rOSwCD9FU/?igshid=gka8qjz5x23k
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vinzohair · 5 years ago
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Natural Straight bundles, tagged and ready to pack and ship out to our clients.. Beautiful hair for our beautiful customers around the world 😍🔥 #vinzohair #vinzostraight #atlantahair #miamihair #lahair #baltimorehair #newyorkhair #dallashair #parishair #londonhair #usahair #ukhair #indianhair https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fjAF8jZ9c/?igshid=12wyrbnzz4x96
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vinzohair · 5 years ago
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Our Raw Natural Straight Wefted South Indian Hair Bundles.. Pretty hair with good ends.. Completely unprocessed because of which our straight hair is not bone straight like Chinese or other hair.. This is pure straight so after co-washing it may have a slight wave to it but this is one of our best sellers because it is so versatile and takes color well since it is single donor hair.. The best quality 😍🔥 #vinzohair #vinzostraight #beststraighthair #atlantahair #atlantahairstylist #lahair #lahairstylist #miamihair #miamihairstylist #baltimorehair #baltimorehairstylist #indianhairwholesale #indianhairvendor https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Xv9KfBZQd/?igshid=6ywqdqaqa8t7
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vinzohair · 5 years ago
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Our soft and silky straight hair weaves.. Completely raw and unprocessed, with full and natural ends.. Available from 8 inches up to 32 inches usually, with longer lengths such as 34, 36, 38, 40 inches and even longer available rarely as we can get these very long lengths only if such a donor has given her hair.. May have a slight wave after co-washing and air-drying as Indian Women do not often have bone straight hair 🤓 #softstraighthair #silkystraighthair #rawstraighthair #virginstraighthair #remyhair #rawstraight #indianstraighthair #indianstraight #vinzohair #vinzostraight https://www.instagram.com/p/B_XfHMkB3Go/?igshid=bi6gtydxjo7r
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vinzohair · 5 years ago
Our Indian Natural Straight Hair is always full and beautiful I must say.. Most Indian women do not have bone straight hair, so if you want a bone straight look, you can press/straighten them using a hair straightener.. Also, when you co-wash and hang-dry our natural straight hair, it may have a slight wave to it based on the single donor's original hair texture 👍🏼 #naturalstraighthair #indianstraighthair #rawstraighthair #templestraighthair #southindianhair #virginstraighthair #remystraighthair #vinzohair #vinzostraight #vinzoindianhair https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgH_iIhAtN/?igshid=1vmm1sav2hbtu
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vinzohair · 5 years ago
Natural Straight Bundles being combed out.. As you can see, the bundles are naturally full from the top to the bottom, which is due to the quality of our raw single donor ponytails that are carefully sorted and selected to ensure only the best hair is Wefted for our esteemed clients 🙏🏼👍🏼 #straighthair #straighthairweft #straighthairbundles #straightextension #straighthairextensions #straightweave #indianstraighthair #naturalstraighthair #naturallystraighthair #rawstraight #straightfromthetemple #rawstraighthair #vinzohair #vinzostraight #vinzoweft https://www.instagram.com/p/B_pGB0Fj4NH/?igshid=g2cilm024kpq
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