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NR/524 Vintage Scottish silver Clan Fergusson Crest Brooch by J Hart on Isle of Iona. Hallmarked in Edinburgh in 1964 and also stamped "Iona". It’s 1 1/2 inch across. It's a quality piece of jewellery, worked not cast and engraved with the Clan Fergusson motto Dulcius Ex Asperis, which translates from Latin to "sweeter after difficulties" and the "bee" is there as well and easily missed. Safety "C" catch and good pin. Further information pleasePM me or follow the link in the header. #fergus #fergusson #clanfergusson ##fergussonclancrest #sweeterafterdifficulties #dulciusexasperis #scottishclanbrooch #vintagesilverbrooch #vinatgescottishjewery #scottishclan https://www.instagram.com/p/CGx_4emFilY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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KI/525 Vintage Scottish Irish Celtic silver Penannular Gaelic brooch. Hallmarked in Edinburgh 1958 and then hallmarked as an import at Dublin in 1959 and it’s 1 1/2 inches across. For further information please PM me or follow the link in the header. #vintagesilverbrooch #scottishvintagebrooch #irishvintagebrooch #scottishjewellery #irishjewellery #brooch #penannularbrooch #celticjewelry #scottishjewelry #irishjewelry #jewelryaddict #instajewelry #jewelryaddiction #vinagesilverjewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/CGzWgO4FwbI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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KO/547. A 1960s Scottish Celtic design plaid brooch, fully hallmarked in Edinburgh in 1967 and made by Robert Allison & Sons, just short of 1 1/2 inch or 3.5 cm across, safety "C" catch. For further information please PM me or follow the link in the header. #robertallison #RA #vintagescottishjewellery #vintagescottishjewelry #silverbrooch #vintagesilverbrooch #cottishsilverbrooch #brooch #vintagebrooch #celticbrooch https://www.instagram.com/p/CHD1J_tFidP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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KO/572. A very nice Scottish vintage silver brooch made by Ward Brothers (WBs) and hallmarked in Edinburgh in 1961, it's 2 silver thistle heads with nice orange/yellow paste in a slightly oval silver surround with wigglework or knurled decoration engraved into the front, gives it a bright attractive appearance, All in good or better condition with a safety "C" catch and good pin. Any further information please on me or follow the link above. #scottishbrooch #brooch #silverbrooch #vintagesilverbrooch #celticbrooch #celticsilverbrooch #pebblejewellery #jewelry #scottishjewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5kpTcFJY2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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IR/593. A striking and pretty antique mid Victorian dark banded agate brooch set in a secure 9ct gold rim, tested no mark. It is 1 x 3/4 inch or 2.5 x 2 cm. Pin is good and it has a good "C" catch. PM me for further information or follow the link in the header. #brooch #silverbrooch #scottishsilverbrooch #vintagebrooch #vintagesilverbrooch #scottishvintagesilverbrooch #vintagesilverjewelry #vintagesilverjewellery #celtic https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5ncX3FLzk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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IR/593. A striking and pretty antique mid Victorian dark banded agate brooch set in a secure 9ct gold rim, tested no mark. It is 1 x 3/4 inch or 2.5 x 2 cm. Pin is good and it has a good "C" catch. PM me for further information or follow the link in the header. #brooch #silverbrooch #scottishsilverbrooch #vintagebrooch #vintagesilverbrooch #scottishvintagesilverbrooch #vintagesilverjewelry #vintagesilverjewellery #celtic https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5ncX3FLzk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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KO/602. Vintage Scottish thistle brooch made in Aberdeen W. Dunningham & Co A small vintage silver Scottish brooch set with natural amethyst and natural citrine thistle heads mounted in silver thistle foliage and surrounded by an outer silver rim; to the rear there is a good "C" catch and pin and stamped by the maker "W.D. & Co. STG" and they are W. Dunningham in Aberdeen and they’ve used this form of mark, amongst others, since 1881, I would think the age of this, 1930s up until 1950s, no later than that as they apparently ceased trading in 1958. The brooch is just over and inch across or 3cm. For further information please PM me or follow the link above. #brooch #silverbrooch #vintagesilverbrooch #scottishbrooch #vintagescottishbrooch #jewellery #jewelry #cceltic #scottishbrooch #scottish https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5pnCKlrVD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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IO/630 1950s Vintage silver & agate Scottish plaid brooch. A 1950s vintage silver and agate plaid brooch; the agate shows white and medium brown striated layers and a solid dark brown layer which shows striation only if held to the light, the silver is lightly stamped "solid silver": this design has been popular since the 1860s and is still seen today, I would be very surprised if this was a Victorian piece, I think that this is a 1950s brooch. It's around an inch and a half square or 4.5 cm and there are very minor chips to one of the lobes. For further information PM or follow the link above. #brooch #scottishbrooch #silverbrooch #vintagebrooch #agatebrooch #vintagesilverbrooch #celticbrooch #celtic https://www.instagram.com/p/CISa77OF-bH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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IR/638. Vintage Scottish silver targe or shield brooch made by Shipton & Son and hallmarked in Chester in 1936. Decorated to the front with a Celtic Knot design surrounding a longship under sail and heading west to "Tir nan Og" and eternal life. Just over an inch cross and with a good pin and "C" catch. It has been gently cleaned to remove surface dirt and I leave the decision to clean it further to the new custodian. For further information please PM me or follow the link above. #jewellery #jewelry #vintagejewlery #scottishjewellery #celticjewellery #silverbrooch #vintagesilverbrooch #shipbrooch #vikingbrooch #gaelicbrooch #targe #shieldbrooch https://www.instagram.com/p/CIz57C-FqST/?utm_medium=tumblr
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IR/654 A vintage silver Clan brooch of the Clan Donald or MacDonald; a mailed hand holding a Cross Crosslet fitchy, resting on a crown (earls?) all within a garter with the motto "Per Mare Per Terras"; almost certainly 1950s period, stamped to the rear with "sterling silver", good pin and "C" catch and just over 1.1/2 inch across. For further information please PM me or follow the link above. #jewellery #jewelry #scottishjewellery #clanbrooch #clandonald #clanmacdonald #celticjewellery #brooch #vntagebrooch #silverbrooch #vintagesilverbrooch https://www.instagram.com/p/CJE3vvEFoeL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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KO/657. An excellent quality vintage silver Caithness Jewellery Millefiori Celtic Cross brooch, fully hallmarked in Edinburgh in 1972, the second year of their registration, set with a central millefiori glass cabochon, good clear hallmark with a good safety "C" catch and good pin. This is the earliest example I've ever seen of Caithness jewellery. The cross is of round format and is one and a half inches. Millefiori loosely translates as a "1000 flowers", though it's original name was mosaic glass and that term was mostly used to describe beads. For further information please PM me or follow the link above. #brooch #vintagebrooch #siverbrooch #vintagesilverbrooch #scottishbrooch #vintagescottishbrooch #celticcross #crossbrooch #caithnessjewellery #jewellery #jewelry #millefiori https://www.instagram.com/p/CJVhDNQFJNc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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