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changqwi-aa · 3 years ago
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            when their world collapsed and they had to fend for themselves as sahido fell  ,  after recovering from the chest injury by help of a divine being . . . akimi had to experience a lot on their own  ,  without guidance and it terrified them  .             it was actually an old couple near the edge of vinonde  (  yes  ,  that’s right  ,  the same old couple that took in meixiu  )  that took akimi in  ,  housed the former prince for a while as akimi tried to get a hang of being . . . well  ,  NORMAL  .  it’s there with the old lady and the town’s sole physician -- solana -- that akimi learned what it meant to have a female body  .              though  ,  that only really solved half of their problem  .  their heat cycles are also a rather large issue but  ,  the physician didn’t have any knowledge on magical beings and advised akimi to head towards lindea for assistance  .
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ilmondodiramyblog · 7 years ago
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Il Merlot #tacoliasquini è un vino morbido e corposo. L'ideale per arricchire ogni cibo con gusto. Di colore rosso con riflessi violacei, profumo fresco un po' fruttato. Dal sapore sapido e morbido. L'ho accompagnato ad un risotto zafferano e pancetta dolce. 🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 Segui il mio foodblog blog.cookaround.com/ilmondodiramyfood 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 #vinoespañol #vinoespumoso #vinosdeespaña #vinoypark #vinosargentinos #vinonds #vinopop #vinorosso🍷 #víno #vinoy #vinobiologico #vinovinovino #vinothek #vinorosado #vinod #vinoteka #viño #vinolover #vinoveritas #prilaga #vinobrani #vinonatural #vinoplease #vinovino #vinotintosomostodos #vinorojo (presso Campagna)
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changqwi-aa · 3 years ago
finally a serious lore post . . . where i won’t go into detail abt anything at all  .
regions of importance to my characters  :  
            SAHIDO -- a semi-landlocked empire that is ruled by an emperor  ,  the ozora family has been the longstanding royals and has always birthed a celestial guardian amongst their descendants  .  
>  AKIMI had been slated to become the next emperor  ,  bearing the powers of the celestial tiger  .  >  FUMIO is akimi’s mentor and advisor  ,  offering guidance to the young prince  .
            LINDEA -- a landlocked kingdom and is largely known for their advanced magic  ;  has the world’s most prestigious magic academy and many of the renowned magicians have graduated from said academy  .  
>  LUCIANO is the former grand duke of lindea before being exiled for the use of necromancy during the great war  ;  despite being a hero that protected lindea from invasion  ,  people called for justice as he tampered with things he shouldn’t >  FUMIO has attended the academy and been a class mate of luciano’s >  KYRELL is also a former student of the academy and given a lecture before >  rumor is that LEONIA and THEODORA have also attended this academy
            LIONYAMAR -- from a small kingdom to an empire  ,  they were the ones that instigated the great war to unite the lands  .  while the feat was seen to be a GOOD one  ,  there have been arguments if the union of the land could have been done more peacefully and with less bloodshed  .  they were known for their MILITARY POWER  .
>  RENATA is the youngest of the bellator family and hails from a prestigious family of knights  ,  despite so  ,  the bellator family is regarded with disgust and disdain due to rumors and misunderstandings that the family never set to rest  . >  VERNE is the son of the fourth consort and is forgotten amongst his siblings  ,  honestly  ,  he doesn’t care much for vying for his father’s attention  .  currently  ,  he’s on the run and traveling the world >  FUMIO is currently the emperor’s favored consort and is locked away in a rather comfortable prison  (  as some would think  )  ,  having his own palace  . >  KYRELL is the former mage master of this kingdom before he deserted in guilt  ,  he’s currently being hunted >  CAELIA was the product of curiosity and was  ‘  born  ’  in lionyamar  ,  the intent was to use her to sway the hearts of people by being the saintess  (  but she’d be basically the emperor’s puppet  )  . >  MEIXIU  (  or better known as QIANG  )  was part of a mercenary group hired by the emperor and has killed in the name of the empire  . >  other notable people in this region  :  NERISSA  (  puppet to a noble family with an ailing daughter  )  ,  COLETTE  (  the misfortune teller  ,  has a shop in the marketplace  )  ,  ALTHEA  (  on the outskirts of lionyamar  ,  teaching the less fortunate  )  ,  ARLETTE  (  former noble that’s ran away in search of her own purpose  )
            VINONDE -- no man’s land . . . or rather  ,  it was a town that had barely escaped the cataclysm of war . . . not to say they were spared  ,  they had their fair share of horrors and devastation  ,  but they survived farely well  .  it’s more of a passing by town  ,  full of inns  ,  entertainment  ,  and restock points  .  no one really stays in this area for long  .
>  WREN is the currently master of the town’s most popular brothel  ,  tranqulity manor  .  formerly a prostitute of said brothel  ,  after some underhand tactics  ,  he managed to acquire it and now runs it as his own  ;  doubles as a shelter for the abused and battered  ,  homeless and needy  . >  LEONIA owns a tavern / inn in this town and operates her information network from this area  .  it’s inconspicuous and has numerous reasons for people to come and go  >  ARWEN is a princess turned mercenary that uses this town to seek jobs and restock her supplies >  LUCINDA is a captured siren from the war  ,  initially used as a quick way to heal people as her abilities allowed her to use her voice to heal  ,  she’s now just a lounge singer  ,  trapped and unable to get free  .
            UNKNOWN LOCATIONS -- the following people are currently in areas that have yet to be mapped or is a forgotten blip
>  RAELYN is a former princess that managed to escape being a consort  ,  she hailed form a land that were known for their flowers and perfumes  ,  it was one of the first places to fall due to lack of military power  .  having ran away  ,  she does her best to make a living by making perfume >  CORDELIA is an elusive matchmaker that only accepts clients by way of reference or if she so feels like it . . . >  ROSALEA is also currently on the run  ,  with a bounty on her head as she’s labeled as a slave that’s deserted her master >  THEODORA could probably be found if one looks hard enough  ,  this librarian is hardly ever far from a book  .
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changqwi-aa · 2 years ago
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            when luciano was banished  ,  he had thought to leave his adoptive son  --  THEO  --  behind  ,  to spare the boy the pains of being associated with a criminal  .  he had intended to ask aleric to take the boy into the denuo house and secretly sponsor the boy until he was old enough . . . but much to his surprise and chagrin  ,  he finds theo waiting for him at the gates of lindea  ,  ready to leave with his father  .             luciano had not intended to adopt any more kids as he progressed along his journey  ,  but he had difficulty ignoring those in need  ,  especially children  .  so slowly  ,  he began to  (  unofficially  )  adopt these children  ,  always saying that he intends to send them to aleric and end up not doing so because he grew attached to them  .             when he found NORA  ,  he cried . . . he won’t admit he did  ,  but theo knows he did  .  it was because he sensed a familiar mana he never thought he’d get to sense again . . . his brother’s  .  his deceased brother’s mana swirling within this tiny girl  .  feeling responsible and attached to nora  ,  he cares greatly for the toddler and immediately took her within the acerbi family  .                 as he traveled  ,  his gaggle of children grew and soon  ,  he figured that these children cannot continue to travel with him  ,  and he cannot provide a good environment for their growth if they keep moving around  .  settling in vinonde  ,  luciano opened a small cafe that caters to both human and non-human guests  .
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