#vini jr headcanon's
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mo-ali-m · 2 months ago
•The Best - Vini Jr•
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Pensando no namorado Vini que finge que não mas está extremamente nervoso com a premiação do The Best, ao ponto de querer faltar nela como fez na do Ballon d'Or.
Esconde a excitação e ansiedade enquanto permite que você o ajude a escolher o melhor smoking da loja da Dior, só para no final estar dando mil e um palpites a respeito da cor ideal do tecido.
Fica lendo escondido as diversas mensagens e posts nas redes sociais a respeito da premiação, tomando um susto enorme quando você o pega roendo as unhas enquanto bisbilhota um artigo online sobre si mesmo.
Na noite do evento ele solta sorrisos tensos e tão falsos para a equipe que você contratou para ajudá-los na preparação, que um dos seus maquiadores percebe e começa uma conversa descontraída sobre como a FIFA rouba o crédito de todos os bons jogadores na cara dura.
O que acaba funcionando pois Vini rapidamente se envolve começando a meter o pau na equipe da FIFA.
Dentro do carro você o conforta e promete que não sairá do seu lado em momento nenhum, apenas quando ele receber o prêmio de melhor jogador do mundo - o que lhe rende um sorriso brilhante e cheio de dentes do seu namorado pela primeira vez em dias.
No tapete vermelho Vini se transforma em um poço de confiança e elegância, agarrando sua cintura com delicadeza enquanto posa para as fotos, vez ou outra lhe dando os melhores sorrisos e elogios para sua maquiagem e vestido.
Acaba encontrando Jude e Ancelotti ao procurar por seus assentos, e logo você está envolvida em um pequeno grupo crítico a respeito de todos da alta patente do local.
Obs: Ancelotti fingindo que não está metendo o pau na FIFA na frente das câmeras que os filmam algumas vezes, e Jude simplesmente gargalhando da cara desconfiada do treinador apenas para receber um olhar cético do mesmo.
Vendo que a coisa está chamando atenção, você os apressa para os devidos lugares e logo todos observam a abertura da premiação.
Conforme os troféus começam a ser entregues sua tensão aumenta, as palmas começam a suar demais e todo seu corpo parece gelatina. Mas você finge normalidade na frente do seu namorado, porque sabe que ele já está tenso o suficiente.
Quando Jude recebe o prêmio dele como um dos jogadores escolhidos para compor a seleção masculina na FIFA no FifPro, você e Vini o aplaudem tão alto que ele teve que se apressar nos agradecimentos e fugir do centro das atenções no palco.
Ancelotti parecia não respirar, Bellingham roía as unhas ao seu lado e você se permitiu ficar séria e expor toda sua ansiedade quando o prêmio principal começou a ser introduzido, Vini quase caiu para trás ao ouvir seu nome e somente quando você e Jude o empurraram ele foi receber o The Best de melhor jogador do mundo.
Lágrimas enchiam seus olhos com a imagem dele em cima do palco, e você ficou tão emocionada que sequer pensou em recusar o lencinho que não sabia mas Jude tinha guardado pra você.
No final da noite o time do Real Madrid se reuniu no salão de festas do hotel em que estavam, junto com toda a equipe técnica, médica e esposas para beberem e se divertirem - os jogadores ficaram tristes, mas tomaram apenas suco já que tinham um jogo no dia seguinte.
Nem preciso dizer que seu namorado ficou horas com você no quarto de hotel antes de ir para o próprio e dormir - trocaram apenas beijos e carícias pois Ancelotti o ameaçou de não ser titular e nem entrar como reserva se ele não estivesse imaculado no dia seguinte.
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certainsaturn · 11 months ago
Real Madrid youngsters HTTYD!AU
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He wandered on Dragon Island alone because of a dare and went into some dragon’s cave unknowingly knowing there’s a dragon in there. Bad luck on his side, it’s a Monstrous Nightmare who was waken up by his loud ranting. Has no other way to escape unless he prove to the dragon that he is not a threat.
Somehow got the dragon’s trust but is regretting it day by day because a Monstrous Nightmare is hard to maintain . He has to apply gel on it’s body daily to keep it moisturised so it doesn’t burn itself.
He has problems in training the dragon to follow his orders. Monstrous Nightmares are stubborn (just like him) and have high egos .He almost gave up after the dragon set itself on fire while he was riding him.
Learned the trick after reading Hiccup’s dragon manual which is to give the dragon neck hugs. (He has to throw himself on the dragon’s neck). And it worked miraculously. They still argue sometimes though.
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Rodrygo would never hurt a dragon despite the traditional ways of his people. He believes that they won’t hurt him unless he hurt them first. So anytime people bring back the hunted down and tortured dragons, he will set them free after and pretend to not know anything.
But after a while of doing that, he got caught by his people and was thrown into a dragon’s cage to get eaten. The Deadly Nadder only eyed him curiously and smelled him. He shocked the whole village by taming it. Flew out of there and went to some random island.
The dragon keep following him everywhere after that he had no choice but to train it. They became close friends and travelled the archipelago together going on many adventures.
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The Tchouameni’s are wood choppers since the beginning of time on a small island. But the arrival of a dragon comes to ruin their lifestyle. And it’s not just any dragon but a Timberjack. Timberjacks are just huge flying snakes with horns, Aurelien thought. Surely he can kill it easily. Wrong.
He got burn marks everywhere since his first attempt to kill it. The oil-based fire is hotter than he ever felt. The huge sharp wings leaving cuts his skin. He has to find a way to kill it before it effects their logging trade incomes.
Vini came to his island one day to get some rest after being airborne for so long. Aurelien welcomes him and his Monstrous Nightmare. He warned Vini about the Timberjack lurking around the island. Vini just shrugs him off and tell him to tame it if it won't leave.
After several hours attempting to tame a Timberjack, Aurelien found out he just have to scratch the wings of the dragon to earn its trust because Vini decided not to tell him until the last minute just to see chaos unfold.
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Jude Bellingham hates dragons with all his guts. His mother died because of one (or so he thought). His life’s rule is to kill any dragon that crosses his path. And he did.
Until one day he met Rodrygo and Aurelien and learned from them that dragons aren’t all bad. But he doesn’t believe them so he arranged a fight against a dragon (A stormcutter) without using any weapons to see if it would kill him or not. It did at first, but then he did the Hiccup technique (with the palm and all that) after Aurelien yelled from the stands for him to lower his ego and do it. Is now a change man.
Quitted his dragon killing operation and started a dragon sanctuary. Love his dragon and other dragons from that day onwards.
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Eduardo’s family doesn’t hate dragons. At least not anymore. The Camavinga’s used to hunt and torture dragons back in the day. What made them stop is unknown but Eduardo is forever grateful for it. He always wanted to train and fly one.
The only problem is that dragons don’t land where he lives because of his family’s history of killing them. He has to sail a ship to a well known dragon sanctuary to achieve his dream.
On his way he came across an injured dragon shot down with poison laced arrows and left to die. He tended it to its need and earned its trust but has no idea what kind of dragon is it.
When he arrived at the dragon sanctuary he asked Jude about it and his heart shattered when he found out Dramillion’s are haunted by his family to extinction long time ago and only a flock of them are left. He promised his dragon to avenge its species for the things human kind has done. They are practically best friends now, with all the similarities they got. Travelled the world together until the end of his life.
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TMI : i really love httyd. ive watched all the series and movies. im feeling generous and productive all of the sudden to do a headcanon on what dragons the boys would have and how they trained it. listening to my httyd playlist got me emotional while writing this.
i hope u guys liked this. tell me ur thoughts in the comments. i appreciate it.
© certainsaturn2024
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lecsainz · 1 year ago
i meant brazillian!female!f1 driver my bad, can you do headcanons about her and Vini Jr dating and how their relationship would be like? like her going to his matches and him going to grand prix’s!
parings: vini jr. x brazilian!f1driver!reader
authors note: I'm seriously considering starting to write this about other players or perhaps Formula 1 drivers... what do you think?
summary: the one where you're Vinicius Jr.'s girlfriend.
✩. . . masterlist !
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You often wear Vinicius Junior's football jersey as pajamas, and it's practically a nightly ritual. He finds it adorable, especially when you're drowning in his oversized jersey, but he never asks for it back. Sometimes you steal Vini's football jerseys, and he secretly loves it when you do. You love the scent of his cologne lingering on his clothes, and he finds it adorable how you look in oversized jerseys.
Vinicius is your biggest fan. He attends your Grand Prix races, often wearing a custom-made team shirt with your name and number.
During your races, he's a bundle of nerves, and he can't sit still. He claps, cheers, and sometimes even shouts advice at the TV, as if you can hear him.
Whenever you're involved in an accident during a race, Vinicius's heart nearly stops. He sends you a flurry of text messages, desperately seeking to know if you're okay.
He can't focus on anything else until he gets your reassuring message back.
You have your game day rituals, like wearing matching accessories or texting each other encouraging messages before important matches or races.
You've both taken the time to learn about each other's sports, so you can fully understand and appreciate what the other does.
Whenever your busy F1 schedule allows, you make it a point to attend Vinicius's football matches. You cheer passionately from the stands, waving a banner with his name and number.
Vinicius never forgets to dedicate his goals to you. His eyes always seek you out in the crowd, and he blows a kiss in your direction before running to celebrate with his teammates. Or he points to the sky and blows a kiss, a silent message that he's thinking of you even on the football field.
After his matches, win or lose, Vinicius rushes up to the stands to find you. He doesn't care if the entire stadium watches; he wraps you in his arms and kisses you passionately, making every victory even sweeter.
Late at night, when you're cuddled up in bed, you discuss your dreams of having a family together. You talk about the possibility of your future children being torn between the love of football and F1.
You have playful debates about which sport your future children should follow. Vinicius insists on football, while you argue for F1. The discussions often turn into laughter as you imagine your kids trying both sports.
Like any couple, you have your disagreements, especially when it comes to sports preferences. But every argument ends with a passionate kiss and a reminder of how much you love each other.
Your busy schedules leave little time for intimacy, so you've become experts in having quick, passionate encounters that leave you both breathless but satisfied.
Vinicius can't resist admiring you when you wear his football team's shirt with his name and number. He's almost rendered speechless by how adorable and sexy you look in it.
You introduce Vinicius to the world of TikTok and insist on teaching him Brazilian dance moves. He's not the most coordinated dancer, but he's a good sport and does it just to see you smile. Your dance duets become quite popular, and fans adore seeing your playful side.
Cooking together is a favorite pastime. You both experiment with Brazilian and international dishes, creating your own fusion cuisine. There's often a playful food fight involved, leaving your kitchen a delightful mess
When you're away for races or his football matches take him abroad, video calls become your lifeline. You chat, tease each other, and sometimes even fall asleep with the video call still on.
You make it your mission to make Vinicius a swiftie. You play her songs during long drives, and he eventually starts singing along. He may not get all the lyrics right, but the effort he puts into singing them just for you warms your heart. And you introduce Vini to the world of Taylor Swift, explaining every detail about the "Reputation" era and the folklore love triangle. He's genuinely interested and enjoys discussing the music with you, even if he can't keep up with all the drama.
You teach him Italian - since you race for Ferrari -, and he helps you with Spanish. Your language exchange sessions often dissolve into laughter as you attempt to mimic each other's accents.
Some of your most profound and heartfelt conversations happen late at night when it's just the two of you, cuddled up in bed, sharing your dreams and fears.
When your schedules align, you love going on impromptu adventures, whether it's exploring new cities, hiking, or simply enjoying a quiet picnic in a scenic park.
You alternate planning date nights, and sometimes it's a fancy dinner, while other times, it's a cozy movie night at home with popcorn and cuddles.
Vinicius is not just your boyfriend but your personal cheerleader, always there to celebrate your victories and provide a shoulder to lean on during tough times.
Sometimes, Vinicius surprises you by showing up at your races, making your day even more special with his unexpected presence.
Vinicius often surprises you with small tokens of affection, like your favorite chocolates or a heartfelt note, to remind you that you're always on his mind.
Despite the challenges your careers bring, you both envision a future filled with love, laughter, and the pitter-patter of little feet. You're committed to making it work, no matter what.
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lucuslavigne · 8 months ago
VOCÊ ESCOLHEU: ▸ masterlist.
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Verde = SFW | Vermelho = NSFW | organizado de A-Z.
[Admit it. You wanted to let me in] Kazuha.
[Angels like you] Jason Todd.
[Bang] Jaemin.
[Be a fiancé] Seungkwan.
[Boy in luv] Renjun.
[Cantigas] V.
[Cheating on you] Gyuvin.
[Deixa Rolar] Vini Jr.
[Eternity] Yuta.
[Fall in love alone] Jo.
[I am YOU] Felix.
[I hate to admit] Bang Chan.
[I love everything you do] Jaemin.
[Just one day] Renjun.
[Kiss me hard before you go] I.M.
[Linda] Jake.
[Me deixa cuidar de você] Hyunjae.
[Miniskirt] Karina.
[Nerves] Changbin.
[Nigrum pegasus] Ten.
[Only you] Giselle.
[She just told me] D.O.
[Silent scream] Johnny & Mark.
[Slow down] Yuta.
[Sou problemático, um pouco ciumento] Sungchan.
[Supra] Bang Chan.
[Thank you] Jeonghan.
[Um fofo, não é?] Shinichiro.
[00:00am] Richard Ríos.
[01:20am] Richard Ríos.
[03:33am] Vernon.
[19:38pm] Auggie.
[20:00pm] Heeseung.
[21:30pm] Heeseung.
[22:15pm] Eunseok.
[Dia dos namorados] TXT.
[Carência] Jungkook.
[Sem título] Anton.
[Sem título] Jake.
[Sem título] Kun.
[Sem título] Taeyong.
[Mommy kink] Sunmi.
[Odaxelagnia/marking] Sunghoon.
[Overstimulation] Heeseung.
[Pet play] Yuta.
[Você é tão, tão fofo] Anton.
[Crise] WayV.
[Deficiência visual] ZB1 hyung line.
[Filhas do KISS] Æspa.
[Fuckbuddy] Shotaro.
[Grande para você] TBZ '98 line.
[Jogadores de futebol] NCT Dream.
[Sendo mandados] &Team hyung line.
[Some things] Vernon.
[Teacher's pet] Minho.
[Vampiros] Enhypen hyung line.
[Vendo você se masturbar] SKZ '00 line.
[WayV] leitora atacante.
[Kpop] possessivas.
[Richard Ríos]
['97 liners papais]
[Pensamentos da madrugada]
[Um neo + uma música br]
[Stuck in the middle] François Civil.
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justageekk · 3 months ago
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( dakota “kota, kot, dako” ╱ bisexual ╱ writer ╱chilean, brazilian ╱ she/her ╱ spanish, english, portuguese )
— soccer players and nothing else on this account.
— headcanons, fem!reader, very, veeeeeryyyy rarely do imagines.
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i0veless · 2 years ago
𖥻 WARNINGS ー [ none ] 𖥻 AUTHORS NOTE ー [ requested by anon "speaking of vini jr because he is a beautiful man, would you write those dating headcanons for him?? he needs more attention, I swear 😓🙏" I would like to thank you, anon whoever you are for brining me out of writer's block city and also writing for my many husbands, hope you enjoy!! ]
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vini is def a silly goofy bf. lot's of pranks. on you especially. you love them. but you prefer when you pull them together. especially on his teammates and fans. seems like a hugs type a guy. def does it when ever he gets the chance. his love language is also probably physical affection. also gift giving and quality time. even though the last one is quite difficult to do since his busy schedule. but he still loves taking you out on dates.
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okay so hear me out. we know vini is the dancing king. I mean, come on. the man got moves like jagger. so he def made serval celebration dances just for you. it's kinda your little thing that when he scores the goal and you recognise the dance. that you know he's thinking of you. and after a match. especially a win. best believe this man is spoiling you like the queen you are. full of kisses and hugs. as you both ignore the rest of the world.
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mo-ali-m · 2 months ago
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Vini jr - The Best
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lecsainz · 1 year ago
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fluff ಇ | smut ✧ | angst ✶ | sad ʚ | sugestive 𑁤
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˒ ⌕ headcanons
dating with vini jr. ಇ
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lecsainz · 2 years ago
hi ra! since your requests are closed i hope that one headcanon I asked with vini jr went through, crappy wifi over here 😭😭😭
hi sweetheart, no worries! I'm definitely gonna make them! just closed requests cause I still have soooo many to work on
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