rubberbeautys · 1 year
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Vinean / Latexvin
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driguanadragon · 1 year
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Basking Bruma
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fearidescent · 2 years
The way that the Metkayina in Avatar: The Way of Water are adapted to life at least partially underwater highlights to me... maybe not necessarily a problem, but some wonky logic with the Yoko Tsuno comic series, particularly the album The Archangels of Vinea.
This particular album takes place mainly underwater, on the planet Vinea. The main characters are humans and Vineans returning to their planet after having left it about 2.5 million years ago. The story involves an underwater city, whose inhabitants do not spend all their time completely separated from the water (like with domes and covered walkways). They do swim in the water. Admittedly it's not really clear how much time they spend in the water on average, but it's not "no time at all."
It is also not established for how long this underwater city has existed, but considering Khany, a returning Vinean, seems pretty confident about the reason for the city existing, it may be safe to say that it has existed for at least 2.5 million years. In that timeframe, the Vineans living in the city haven't biologically adapted to living underwater (or if they have, it is not clearly shown). No webbed fingers, no fins, nothing. It is also implied that the inhabitants have little to no contact with cities on the land, so it's not like these features did not appear because of regular genetic input from Vineans who do not live underwater.
I didn't really have a problem with this... Well, I still don't, but the way the Metkayina have adapted to a large part of their lives being spent in the water, does highlight that Roger Leloup may not have a very good sense of timescales. Which is not uncommon, I mean, there is even a trope called "Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale", but still...
Fellow Yoko Tsuno fans, do you agree with me or do you think I am just overthinking things, or maybe even misinterpreting parts of the album in question? I am open to conversation.
(Aka please talk to me about Yoko Tsuno, I know like zero other fans.)
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karavansara · 1 year
My summer with Yoko #6: The three suns of Vinea
The series now well underway, by issue #6 a pattern has developed, or a rhythm, if you will: the series alternates between more or less science-fiction thrillers based on Earth technology, mystery and events and episodes that focus on the alien Vineans.And in this re-read, if it was the Vineans that got me hooked, in the long run I find the human-based episodes more satisfying.Which is a pity,…
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heleizition · 4 years
You got any comic book recs? :)
im way too new to dc to rec dc comics except young justice 1998 sjoefjoefs BUT i can rec a few european graphic novels that i looked up and can be found in english !!!! even if that might not be what ur looking for but lets fucking go i can never talk about these :(
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gung ho is a gorgeous graphic novel based in a post apocalyptic earth where people live - survive - in camps and where the wilderness is inhabited by beast who kill men. we follow the arrival of two brothers, archer and zack (zack on the cover) who were in the foster care system and kept disobeing and causing troubles and were now sent to one of the camp at the outer edge of civilisation. it has kind of a walking dead feel to it + teen drama and its absolutely gORGEOUS and i rly rly love it ... ive been buying all the tomes since 2013
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extremely different both from the story/its thematic and also when it started being published (1970), the yoko tsunos are a saga of adventures following yoko, an electronical engineer who was raised in japan but now works in belgium. the order of publication in english is not the same as the one in french but the first volume is “the strange trio” which is the 7th issue on read comc online >:0 . so yeah ur gonna get aliens (vineans, which are recurring !!!! hell ye) and science (the circle of life which apparently is the first issue in english is one of my fav !!!) and sometimes stuff that looks supernatural but . . . is it 👁️👁️
i know its very different from american comics but its one of the serie i keep reading and re reading <33!!!!!
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zombillenium is !!!!! fucking great man . basically, zombillenium is a theme park in a place in france thats like surrounder by famers and little towns and stuff and superstitious people who are convinced the people working at the horror themed park are all actual monsters ah ha hah . ... .. .  unless ? sweats
so yeah . ... m aybe they are ... what of it . they are also subject to capitalism and being fired (and damned to hell with it) and having to deal with the stuck up vampires high in the hierarchy and the hot demon stealing all the fun from the other attractions... they’re doing their best .... 
i absolutely adore this comic, it’s hilarious and sometimes sad and it only has 4 issues so far too so its pretty easy to catch up and they’re all in english online too >:0 !!!!!
probably not what u wanted to be recced but hell ye get it 
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keykidpilipili · 5 years
Okay but if Shambala is developped enough to have war missiles and automatic sliding doors(I wonder if the keys for that section would be card keys instead) then they would probably have running water and gone through an industrial revolution. They’re basically the Vineans/Twili of Fire Emblem and it’s a darn shame we don’t get to see their society.
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ronsenboobi · 6 years
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septembre 2018: pavane and sairsel, the now. 1,524 words. 🎧 shrike - hozier
As the adventurers left, Sairsel rose from his bench with plate in hand and returned with another steaming serving of stew. He laid a hand on Pavane’s shoulder under the guise of steadying himself as he sat back down, though it was more of an excuse to keep close at the sight of his concerned look. It was an unusual sight, but the time they’d spent together had been enough to understand that Pavane worried about much more than he let on. Sairsel was only of the lucky few who got to see it.
“Is that your third helping?” Pavane asked, glancing over at him as Sairsel picked up his spoon to shovel stew into his mouth.
“Yeah,” Sairsel said through a mouthful. “Been flying for hours to get here. I’m starving.”
“You didn’t have to rush over.”
Sairsel shrugged and ate a few more bites before speaking up, tearing a chunk of bread as he did. “They’re going to be fine, you know. The kids. I’ve seen stupider Striders live longer than they should, and my nain thinks they show promise and she’s—”
“An Immortal. I know. They know it, too.”
“That’s what you meant when you said they might come looking for her,” Sairsel said. He paused for a moment, running a hand over the stubble at his jaw. “Well, they’re not going to be doing that in Vinean, so it’ll be a fortnight or three before they’re going to be bothering her about it. We can keep going during that time, can’t we? You and me, our business.”
“Yeah,” Pavane said distantly. “Yeah, we can keep going.”
Sairsel noticed, but said nothing. He could feel something simmering from within Pavane, something quiet and more vulnerable than he liked to admit; Sairsel knew there was no point in reaching for it before it came to the surface. Once he’d cleaned off his plate, he put his hand on Pavane’s shoulder again.
“You still have a room here?”
“I do.”
Sairsel nodded and pushed himself up off the bench with a weary groan, then leaned down close to his ear. “I’m going to rest up for an hour, then I’ll stay in bed a bit longer. Join me whenever you'd like.”
“I could use a nap, too. Long night.”
Pavane followed Sairsel out of the inn's common room, and when they were both within the relative intimacy of the staircase, Sairsel reached back blindly and found his hand.
They were less than an hour gone from Blackhart when Pavane stopped in the middle of the road, walked off the path with a few curt words about wanting a moment’s rest, and stood staring at the trees with his arms crossed over his chest until Sairsel came to stand near him. He’d been uncharacteristically quiet since they had left, which made sense—Sairsel had seen how dulled those waking nightmares made him, the toll it took on both his body and mind. But this time, there was something heavy about the weariness that he hadn’t known in Pavane yet.
“Why are you here, Sairsel?” he asked at last.
“Why am I here?” Sairsel repeated, frowning. “Is your memory playing tricks? You’re the one who sent for me, saying we should meet up again.”
“I know what I did. Why did you come?”
Sairsel found himself at a loss for words—not because he had no answer, but because he did not know how to speak the one that came to him out loud. It could have been simple, no more than four words, but they stayed caught in his throat; somehow, telling him he missed him seemed like words in a foreign language he’d never learned to speak.
“Because you asked,” he said after a moment.
Pavane shook his head, dark and stormy. It was not an answer he could accept. “So much for your freedom. You’d think that after what happened you’d have the sense to get away and stay away and not come back just because I whistled for you like a pet.”
“Are you trying to insult me, or are you just that much of a prick?” Sairsel asked, taking a step back. He exhaled hard through his nose and shook his head, too, looking past Pavane at the line of the horizon. “No. That’s not it. You sent that message thinking I wouldn’t be coming back, did you? And I proved you wrong.”
“It’s not about me being right.”
“No. It’s about driving me away.”
Sairsel didn’t know why he was angry, but he could feel it rising from within him, burning in his lungs and driving his words out of him. His voice and tongue were sharp and quick in ways he hardly knew.
However Pavane felt, he wore it with a bitter smile. “You could barely look at me after it happened.”
“Yeah, because it was fucking weird, Pavane! If I’d had a mirror, I wouldn’t have wanted to look at myself, either,” Sairsel said, raising both arms before dropping them by his sides. He took a step forward again, closer to Pavane, who stayed rooted to the ground but seemed to want to move away. “I stayed behind because I needed to think about all of it, aye, but it gave me a clear head. I thought about you. About us. And I came back because I wanted to.”
Pavane shook his head quietly and wouldn’t meet his gaze. Say something, Sairsel thought desperately, say fucking anything so that I know it isn’t just me. But he said nothing. Sairsel let out a sharp exhale, frustration pushing at the words that wouldn’t come. If he was already lost, then what was the point of holding back?
“I came back because I care about you, but you just can’t fathom that, can you? Because everything is temporary or disposable to you, isn’t it? I was just an entertaining fuck, some exotic wild thing to warm your bed because it’s different to have someone who doesn’t worship the ground you walk on.” Sairsel shook his head again, running a hand over the lower half of his face as he put a hand on his hip and angled his body away. “Gods, I’m a fucking fool.”
It was strange, to know a shame of this sort. Sairsel had let himself be ashamed of much in his life, but never this, never men; and it wasn't Pavane being a man that made him so. It was that he'd lost his grip on himself so thoroughly that Pavane could hurt him.
When Pavane made to speak, a gust of wind rose, as though to wrap itself around Sairsel protectively, like the shadows that made Pavane strong but threatened to swallow him whole. So he waited, let it quiet down to a rustle in the trees, and when he did speak his voice was small and quiet.
“If you’re a fool,” he said gently, moving towards Sairsel the same way he spoke, “then so am I, and an utter arse to boot.”
Sairsel glanced over his shoulder at him, all too aware of how strange it was to see and hear him so restrained, so diminished. Pavane touched his shoulder and waited until he had turned around to face him again, the other hand hovering near his jaw, before cupping his face and leaning in to kiss him. When Sairsel didn’t kiss back, he began to pull away; Sairsel grabbed a fistful of his collar and pulled him back in. They kissed softly, gently, and the breeze fluttered in the leaves around them with the same sort of unhurried reverence.
“What does that mean?” Sairsel asked against his lips.
It was hard to stay away from Pavane; Sairsel kissed him again. “I’m going to need you to clarify that. If I have to worry about what you meant, where we stand, I’ll—”
“I meant that I don’t want you to be temporary or disposable in my life,” Pavane said honestly. “But I should be keeping you away, and it makes me be a prick that I can’t bring myself to.”
Sairsel managed to laugh; against the heaviness that lingered inside him, there was something that fluttered upwards, something he couldn’t quiet. “Why try? You said it yourself: I’m a wild thing. I’m going to do as I damn well please.”
“Of course,” Pavane said, finding himself smiling as well. “What a fool was I to think I had a say in whether or not to keep you around.”
“I think you’re going to be stuck with me awhile.” Sairsel gave Pavane’s chest a small shove and kissed him once more, smiling against his lips when he kept him close and lengthened it. “We’re in this together, Viper.”
For the first time, he had a purpose that wasn’t running away or keeping himself away. It felt like the ground was falling away from under his feet, but he was not falling with it. It felt the way he did when his body took the shape of a bird and he beat his wings and soared up into the sky, and instinct alone guided him north.
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bamfas · 7 years
Yoko Tsuno - The Titans
Yoko Tsuno – The Titans
paperbackAuthor: Roger LeloupAge: 8 years and upSize: 21.7 x 28.7 cmNumber of pages: 48 colour pagesPublication: May 2017 Yoko, Vic and Pol are back on Vinea after a two-month journey in hibernation. They’ve barely had time to wake up that the Vineans are already presenting them with disquieting news: plants of extravinean origin have been found in a remote part of the planet, as well as obvious…
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rubberbeautys · 1 year
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Vinean/ Latexvin
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rubberbeautys · 1 year
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Vinean / Latexvin
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rubberbeautys · 1 year
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Vinean / Latexvin
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rubberbeautys · 2 years
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Vinean / Latexvin
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rubberbeautys · 2 years
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Vinean /  Latexvin
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rubberbeautys · 2 years
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Vinean /  Latexvin and Velia Vendetta 
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fearidescent · 5 years
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Ant, an alien, and her oxybot (feat. assorted bits and pieces of other drawings).
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fearidescent · 5 years
I think the main problem with trying to produce a Yoko Tsuno movie (or tv series) is that it is currently not very well known in the US, I think? Not sure.
As for how to solve that... *gets up real close in some comics’ publishers faces* Translate the integral editions* to English. Now.
*Might not be the correct translation. In Dutch they’re called “Integraal”. Basically, they collect three volumes of Yoko Tsuno (that are roughly about the same subject) in one nice hardcover package.
Time travel stories are put together with other time travel stories. Stories about the Vineans together with other stories about the Vineans. And so on...
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