#vincenzo mauro
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lalalychee · 2 years ago
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armageddon eyes
yet another painting i didn't think i'd ever finish lmao 😵‍💫
it's all hand-painted! i don't use filters or fancy brushes, so even all the shinies are painted. please be sure to zoom in and look at all the lil details i worked so hard on!
painting is based on a photo by ichabod
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catharsis-in-darkness · 1 year ago
Family Affairs: Teaser
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Authors Note: Just a little something i’ve been working on! I got some writers block working on Grief of Hearts bc i don’t know what direction i wanna take in lol.
Pairing: Vinny Mauro x Reader
Cw: Mentions of Cheating, Mentions of Pregnancy, (i think that’s it, let me know if i need to add anything else lol)
If you want to be added to tags please let me know!
Grumbling as I stepped out of my front door, I locked the door behind Vinny.
“Cheer up Princess, it’s not going to be that bad.” Vin could tell I was stressed out about tonight. We’re going over to my parents house, they’d been bugging us to come over for weeks.
“I don’t wanna goooooo.” I dragged out, my lower lip jutting out. I put on the best puppy dog eyes I could muster, as I looked up at him.
“We have tooooooo.” He chuckled, grabbing my face in his rough hands. His thumb ran over my cheek a couple time he soon brought his lips down onto mine. We softly kissed for a second prior to him bringing his forehead to meet mine.
“Cmon Sweets, we gotta go.” He whispered, pulling away and slapping my ass. He started giggling, running to the car.
“VINCENZO!” I followed him, slightly rubbing my cheek from the pain.
“You look different Y/N!” My mother gushed as she pulled me into a tight hug, effectively knocking the air out of me.
“I haven’t changed much momma.” I really hadn’t changed anything about myself. I was the same old me, the one I’ve always been.
“And Vincenzo! You’ve gotten so muscular!” She exclaimed, finally taking notice of my fiancé. He pulled her into a hug.
“You look as beautiful as ever Mrs. Y/M/N.” I rolled my eyes at his antics as he gave me a playful smirk back. My giggling stopped as I saw my step-father come out of the kitchen.
“Hi hun.” He said briefly making eye contact with me. Ever since I found him fucking his assistant in the kitchen, he hasn’t been able to look at me the same. Their marriage has been in shambles ever since I told my mom. Kevin has been in my life since I was 12, and as much as I loved him like my own dad; He hurt my mom.
“Hi Kevin.” I smiled at him before getting pulled into an awkward hug. I quickly got out of it as my mother grabbed Vinny and I leading us to the kitchen like we hadn’t been there before.
“Let’s eat!”
An awkward silence fell over us as we all ate dinner.
“So, Vincenzo! When are you and Y/N going to give us little grand-babies?” My mother questioned, making me choke on the food I was swallowing.
“MOM!” I scolded.
“What?? You think I don’t know how you youngins get down these days? I wouldn’t be surprised if you were already pregnant.” She shrugged my scolding off.
“Uhm, we haven’t really gotten there yet Mrs. Y/M/N..” Vin played it off well.
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circle-with-me · 1 year ago
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daily fave vinny ♥️
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endlizly · 2 years ago
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from rickys video
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sweeter0da · 1 year ago
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Sharing with the crowd
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skold · 2 months ago
vinny cosplayer is catnice @androidart1st on twt!!
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saw this on Pinterest annswhdjdvejsvdjdvsj
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anchesetuttinoino · 3 months ago
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Correva l'anno 2021, mese di marzo...
Il Governatore della Regione Campania De Luca:
“Per quelli che hanno fatto le due dosi di vaccino – spiega De Luca – abbiamo dato una card con microchip, che garantisce l’anonimato ma che, avvicinato al cellulare, può certificare dove e quando è avvenuta l a vaccinazione. Stamperemo altre 4milioni di card, credo possa essere una cosa importante. Abbiamo già distribuito le prime 100mila card di avvenuta vaccinazione”.
20 dicembre 2024
La Sezione Giurisdizionale Campania della Corte dei Conti ha condannato il governatore Vincenzo De Luca a risarcire alla Regione Campania la somma di euro 609mila euro in relazione alla produzione delle smart card regionali, ritenute “un inutile duplicato del green pass nazionale”.
Le indagini del nucleo di polizia economico finanziaria della Guardia di Finanza di Napoli svolte sotto la direzione dei pm contabili Davide Vitale e Mauro Senatore. De Luca è stato condannato perché la sua condotta è stata ritenuta commessa con dolo. (ANSA).
Si rifarà tentando di vendere il Maschio Angioino agli ammericani. Mai arrendersi! 💪
Segui ➡️ 🌐  t.me/ArsenaleKappa 🅰️ 💥💥
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syntheticklove · 2 months ago
LA LEÇON (chapitre 1)
Vinny Mauro x Emily
Résumé : Emily est une jeune célibataire qui s’ennuie un peu et a décidé de prendre des cours de batterie afin de développer son sens artistique. Mais son professeur, un certain Vinny Mauro, batteur d’un groupe de Metalcore très populaire, va avoir de l’effet sur d’autres de ses sens…
Warnings : 18+/ NSFW / vulgarités/ drogues / alcool / smut (sexe oral H/F et F/H, pénétration, masturbation…)
PS : il s’agit de ma première fiction, à voir ce que l’avenir nous réserve ; merci pour vos retours ! J’ai d’autres idées en tête pour la suite. Enjoy !
Un immense merci à ma bêta reader @mylittlehatefuck666
6472 mots
Total mots pour les 4 chapitres : 19 980 mots
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Je n'ai jamais été très douée pour les activités culturelles ou artistiques. Mais j’ai toujours voulu apprendre à jouer d'un instrument ou à mieux développer mes piètres talents en dessin. Quelques années de cours d'arts quand j'étais en primaire ne m'ont hélas��pas laissé beaucoup de traces.  
C'est pourquoi j'ai envie maintenant que je suis adulte et posée, de prendre des cours de musique. Et comme je suis célibataire et que je n'ai pas énormément d'amis autour de moi, j'ai pas mal de temps libre pour me lancer dans une nouvelle activité.
J'aurais aimé faire du chant mais pas de chance, je n'ai pas de talent dans ce domaine. Alors je vais tenter la batterie. J'ai toujours été fascinée par le talent des batteurs et cette capacité qu'ils ont à être dans leur bulle et à être capables de désynchroniser leurs gestes. J'ai toujours adoré le rock, le métal, la musique alternative, la culture goth. Je recherche donc un professeur plutôt spécialisé dans ce domaine.
Je me suis renseignée près de chez moi pour trouver quel serait le meilleur professeur proposant des cours à des horaires compatibles avec les miens.
On m'a parlé à plusieurs reprises de ce musicien d'un groupe a succès, Motionless in White, qui donne des cours entre deux tournées. Je n’ai jamais trop prêté attention à ce groupe, j’ai donc écouté un peu ce qu'ils font et… j’aime beaucoup.  
Je suis surprise qu'un musicien aussi réputé prenne le temps de donner des cours à des gens lambda mais je tente mon inscription, on verra bien. Les tarifs sont raisonnables et mon travail dans une banque m'offre des revenus plutôt confortables pour mon train de vie assez simple.  
Quelques jours après avoir rempli le formulaire, une dame m'appelle pour creuser mon projet et voir si tout peut coller. J’imagine qu’elle voulait aussi vérifier que je n’étais pas une groupie hystérique qui prendrait des cours uniquement pour rencontrer son idole. Et ça se comprend. Je pense qu'il s'agit de sa maman au vu de comment elle parle de lui.  
Il s'appelle Vincenzo Mauro, mais son surnom c'est Vinny. Il n’est pas très grand, la petite trentaine, plutôt mignon et des cheveux aux épaules avec des mèches rouges sur le devant du visage. Il n’est pas désagréable à regarder d'ailleurs même si ce n'est pas forcément mon type. Dans le groupe je serais plutôt attirée par leur guitariste, Ricky Olson : une beauté celui-là !  
Mais je suis déterminée à apprendre à jouer et quoi de mieux pour ça que quelqu'un de talentueux et de reconnu dans son domaine.  
Le premier cours est fixé à la semaine suivante. Pour ce premier cours je veux paraître un peu mignonne et soignée sans faire la pimbêche trop apprêtée. J’opte donc pour ma veste en cuir habituelle, mon skinny noir, mes Docs et un petit t-shirt, histoire de ne pas me mettre à transpirer bêtement, même si nous sommes en automne et que les températures rafraîchissent.  
Je sonne à l’adresse indiquée et m’avance dans l’allée, pour arriver sur le côté d'une jolie maison, simple mais bien entretenue, devant un grand garage aménagé. On m'avait conseillé d'amener un casque anti bruit ou des boules Quies : je suis heureuse de l’avoir fait au vu du boucan qui s’échappe du bâtiment !
Je rentre dans le garage et y découvre Vinny, assis sur un tabouret derrière une batterie. Il semble totalement concentré et ne me voit pas arriver dans le garage. Je reste plantée là à ne trop savoir quoi faire. Et au vu du bruit qu’il fait ce n’est pas sûr qu'il m'entende parler… Alors j'attends bêtement en espérant qu'il lève la tête à un moment donné et qu'il me voit.  
Je l'observe jouer quelques instants : je suis tout de suite frappée par ce qu'il dégage, sa gestuelle, sa façon de bouger la tête et son corps face à l’instrument. Il est habillé simplement, un t-shirt et un cargo. Je reste scotchée et ne me rend même pas compte qu'il a arrêté de jouer, qu'il me regarde et m'interpelle :
« Hey, tu dois être Emily ! Excuse-moi je ne t’ai pas entendu arriver… »
Quelle idiote… Je dois être rouge tomate et me sens totalement honteuse... Je lui souris et me présente. Il se lève de son tabouret et s'approche de moi en souriant en retour. Je suis éblouie par son sourire et son regard qui me transperce. Nous nous serrons la main et commençons à discuter.
Il me demande comment j'ai eu connaissance des cours qu'il donnait et lui explique mon histoire.  
« D’accord Emily, j'ai bien compris ce que tu recherchais et je pense pouvoir t'aider… À ce qu'il paraît je suis assez pédagogue et en plus je suis plutôt marrant, on devrait bien s'entendre ».
J'adore son humour et sa repartie : je le trouve drôle et cool.
On commence à discuter un peu des bases et je suis contente d'avoir creusé le sujet avant de venir. Je connaissais ainsi deux ou trois choses sur le fonctionnement des différents accessoires et quelques termes techniques.  
Il semble satisfait et m’observe de façon assez intrigante et perturbante. Il a une manière de regarder un peu par en haut en levant le menton, ses mèches rouges devant les yeux et un petit sourire en coin. J'espère qu'il ne se moque pas de moi mais j'essaye de faire abstraction de ce qu'il me fait ressentir.  
Je n'aurais jamais cru qu'il allait m'attirer même si je l'avais trouvé mignon sur les quelques photos et vidéos que j'avais vues avant de venir. C'est ce qu'on appelle le charme à ce qu'il paraît. Je suis subjuguée et hypnotisée.  
On ne commence rien de très technique ce jour-là : on apprend surtout à se connaître et à discuter de batterie en général.
Il me demande un peu de lui montrer comment je tiens un rythme ou de tenir une cadence. J’aimerais lui poser des questions plus personnelles sur sa vie, ses ambitions, son histoire mais je n'ose pas trop, il doit déjà répondre à ce genre de question en permanence dans les interviews alors je décide de m’abstenir.
Notre heure de cours est déjà terminée : je n'ai pas vu le temps passer. Ça nous a permis de faire un bilan et de voir si mon apprentissage peut réellement commencer.  
« Bienvenue dans mon cours Emily : je serai ravi de t'apprendre deux ou trois trucs avec ma petite expérience ».
J'ai souri bêtement…
« - Merci Mr. Mauro"
- Appelle moi Vinny ou Vin ! Personne ne m'appelle comme ça ! Quelle horreur…
- Avec plaisir Vinny, merci beaucoup ».
On prévoit donc de se revoir lendemain pour commencer vraiment les cours.  
Au moment de se dire au revoir, il me tend la main. Mais il ne se contente pas de me la serrer professionnellement : ça ressemble plutôt à une caresse et sa main reste un peu trop longtemps dans la mienne. Il me regarde droit dans les yeux. Ils sont magnifiques, un peu verts. Il me sourit et me souhaite une bonne soirée. Je rougis de la tête aux pieds et le remercie.  
Je fais demi-tour et pars presqu’en courant, en me demandant ce qui s'était passé entre nous et si je m'étais fait un film et s’il était comme ça avec tout le monde.  
Après tout il s'agit d'un musicien qui a l'habitude de séduire les foules et les groupies en chaleur, et s'il est comme ça avec ses fans il doit en ramener beaucoup dans son lit !
Mais le soir en rentrant chez moi je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser à son regard sur moi, son sourire, sa façon de parler, de bouger, d'être passionné par ce qu'il fait, tout en étant décontracté et un peu désinvolte. Un cocktail très excitant alors que j'avais toujours été plutôt attirée par les gothiques torturés aux cheveux noirs et piercings.  
Je prends une douche froide pour me calmer et j'essaye de dormir tant bien que mal, tout en ne pouvant m'empêcher de penser à lui.
J’ai passé une partie de la soirée à regarder des photos et vidéos de lui, lorsqu’il est sur scène il est incroyablement sexy et torride. Voir ses bras et ses mains frapper les fûts, puis regarder la foule et crier les paroles des chansons m’a totalement déboussolée.
Les images que j’avais en tête et ce que j’ai ressenti cette journée-là ne m’étaient pas arrivées depuis tellement longtemps.
J’imaginais sa bouche et sa langue sur moi, ses mèches rouges qui m’auraient chatouillé l’intérieur des cuisses pendant qu’il m’aurait fait jouir, ses doigts experts en moi, ses beaux yeux verts qui m’auraient regardée par en bas. Il aurait, une fois que j’aurais joui, fait des baisers le long de mes cuisses et m’aurait léché les seins pour ensuite venir m’embrasser pour que je sente mon propre goût pendant qu’il m’aurait dit à quel point j’étais délicieuse. Il m’aurait ensuite pénétrée délicatement le temps que je m’habitue à sa taille avant d’accélérer le rythme et me donner des coups de reins puissants et langoureux.
Ce scénario m’a fait avoir 3 orgasmes coup sur coup ce qui ne m’était jamais arrivé.
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tearfallpixie · 1 year ago
Make Mama Happy - Chapter 3
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Tags: @nerdraging4point0 @thesazzb @synthetic-wasp-570 @circle-with-me @beaker1636 @itsjustemily @witchyweeb34 @agravemisstake @cookiesupplier @cncohshit @faceless-mirror @nonamessblog @yournecessaryevil @black-damask1999
@lyschko666 @vinyardmauro @skulliecadaver-blog @some-daniela @latenightmusiclover
I pouted in the back seat while simultaneously glaring at the driver of the vehicle. Heather had convinced me with her stupid puppy dog eyes to tag along to Vinny's place with her and Rick to watch a movie. I didn't know how I would survive tonight, but at least it was just the four of us instead of a party.
"Oh, come on. It won't be so bad. I promise, Chole," Heather tried to appease me. Ricky had apologized for what he said, and I could tell he was sincere, so I forgave him, but it didn't make us buddies.
"One night. And then never again," I declared, crossing my arms and resigning myself to the impending social gathering. I didn't share with Heather the information about seeing Vinny at the winery, so as far as she was aware, the last time I had seen him was at the party.
We all walked up to Vinny's door, which he opened before we stepped onto the porch. The atmosphere felt tense, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this movie night might not be as uneventful as Heather hoped.
"Hey guys, come on in," Vinny greeted us, his gaze lingering on me before turning his attention to the group. We walked in, and I couldn't help but feel the weight of his scrutiny as we settled on the couch. Ricky and Heather claimed one side, leaving only two spots available, forcing me to sit next to the drummer.
Vinny had chosen an action movie that Heather and Rick had shown interest in, and I found it mildly intriguing. I decided to tag along because it had only recently been released, and I hadn't had a chance to watch it yet. As we settled in, I tried to focus on the movie, but the tension in the room was palpable. I could tell that we were all tense, expecting someone to pop off at any moment.
"Do any of you want popcorn?" Vinny asked, pausing the movie. We were only about 20 minutes into it and had forgotten to consider the snacks beforehand.
"Oh, that sounds delicious! Please?" Heather cheered. Vinny stood and padded to the kitchen quietly.
"Oh, I need something to drink. Anyone else?" I asked, taking the opportunity to escape the tense atmosphere on the couch. Once I took their orders, I followed the drummer into the kitchen. "Just need to get some drinks," I mumbled.
I reached into the fridge and pulled out two water bottles and a Sprite before turning to Vinny. "Do you want me to grab one for you since you'll have your hands full with the popcorn?"
"Sure," he said after a moment of silence. "A Sprite is fine. Thank you." I nodded, sensing the awkwardness but choosing to maintain a level of courtesy. There was the sound of the door opening, prompting us to perk up. Vinny grabbed the bowl and stepped back into the living room to see an older woman standing there holding a comically large box. "Mama? What are you doing here?"
"Well, I forgot to bring over that statue you asked for last week. So I thought I would stop by on my way home today. Hello, Richard and Heather. It's always good to see you," she greeted warmly.
I exchanged a surprised glance with Heather and Rick, Vinny’s mum’s arrival seemed to catch everyone off guard, and I couldn't help but glance over at Vinny. He had a guarded expression on his face so I couldn't tell what he was feeling.
"Hello, Mama Mauro. Looking beautiful as always," Rick flirted, earning an eye roll from me as I went over to set the drinks on the table. Vinny followed me, setting the popcorn down too.
"I don't believe we have had the pleasure of meeting yet," Mrs. Mauro said, holding out her hand. I shook it, introducing myself. 
"I'm Nichole."
"Kyle said my Vincenzo had a girlfriend. I didn't know you would be so pretty," she remarked, casting a discerning eye over me. I glanced at Vinny in alarm, a sentiment mirrored in his expression, but there was an underlying look of pleading in his eyes.
"I wasn't aware that Kyle had said anything," Vinny spoke up, wavering a bit.
"You flatter me, Mrs. Mauro," I mumbled, attempting to maintain a bashful tone. I felt Vinny move into my space, a hand touching the small of my back. Glancing at Ricky and Heather, who looked confused, I silently pleaded for them to keep their mouths shut.
"I'm sorry I didn't introduce her sooner, Mama. We just wanted to make sure it would work before we told anyone," Vinny explained, a hint of unease in his voice.
"How did you two meet?" Mrs. Mauro pressed, her curiosity evident.
"He came by my winery a few weeks ago for a tasting with Kyle. We started talking then and just never stopped," I smoothly replied, sticking to the fabricated story.
"How sweet. You know, Vincenzo used to be such a play—"
"Mum, let me take that from you," Vinny cut her off, stepping forward and taking the box from her. "I will see you at family dinner this weekend." His interruption distracted her from her thoughts and I couldn't be more grateful.
"Of course, baby. Nichole, you must come. I insist. I won't take no for an answer," Mrs. Mauro demanded, her determination clear.
"Mum, I'm sure she has her own plans," Vinny tried to interject.
"Nonsense. She's family now. I'm sure she can arrange her schedule," she insisted. Vinny looked at me for help, but I couldn't come up with a convincing excuse.
"I don't mind," I conceded, realizing that it might be the path of least resistance.
"Wonderful! I will see you both Saturday," Mrs. Mauro declared, bustling out of the house and leaving all of us in stunned silence.
"What the fuck just happened?" Ricky asked, his confusion mirroring my own.
"Well, it seems as if Nichole and Vinny started dating, and we weren't aware," Heather giggled, seemingly entertained by the unexpected turn of events.
"No. I still hate her. But my brother fucked me over, and if I don't do this, my mum will start setting me up on blind dates," Vinny muttered, stepping away from me quickly, making it clear that this was nothing more than a charade to appease his mother. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise, confusion, and a hint of amusement at the absurdity of the events.
"Well, you're in for it now, so you better start playing nice," Ricky teased, adding a touch of humor to the situation. Vinny and I took our places on the couch again, both of us lost in thought about the impending friday dinner.
"Do my eyes deceive me, or is Ricky Olson being nice to my best friend?" Heather snickered, noticing the change in Ricky's demeanor.
"I'm just here to watch her fail," the guitarist shrugged, maintaining a facade of indifference. His girlfriend swatted his chest and scowled, signaling a playful reprimand.
"I only just forgave you. Don't be stupid," Heather scolded Ricky before turning back to us. "You two need to practice before you go on Saturday. You will need to actually look like a couple." Both Vinny and I exchanged glances, our reluctance evident. Neither of us wanted to pretend, but we also didn't have a choice now.
"I'm sure we can fake it well enough," Vinny protested. "Only need to stay together for a little while. Then we can break up and forget about each other."
"You can't do that to Mama Mauro. You'll have to be together for a few months at least. Now cuddle. I want to see how you two look together," Heather insisted, determined to make her point. I knew she was right, but I didn't want to get closer to the drummer than necessary. Glancing at him, he shrugged, equally annoyed. I scooted closer to him, and he reached around me to drop his arm across my shoulders.
"God, you two are so stiff," Richard spoke up, expressing his discomfort with the situation. "I don't like this, but I'm going to help you two out. Look at each other and try to relax." As I sat there, curled awkwardly in the drummer's arms, I glanced up at him to see his hazel eyes staring back down at me. Initially filled with curiosity at the request of the guitarist, his gaze softened to something almost kind as we held eye contact. I felt his arm grow heavy on my shoulder, and surprisingly, I found myself relaxing into his side.
"That's a little better. Now kiss," Richard suggested, adding a touch of mockery to the situation. Our eyes snapped over to him, anger filling my bones as he made light of the entire predicament. 
"Like hell!" I snapped in response to Ricky's suggestion.
"You'll have to eventually. Might as well get the first awkward one out of the way so you are used to it later," Ricky shrugged, seemingly unperturbed by my resistance. I looked back up at the drummer, and although he looked unhappy, both of us knew that he was right. He sighed, leaning down to peck my lips.
"No, stupid. Kiss her properly," Ricky insisted, pushing for a more convincing display. The tension in the room increased as I hesitated, grappling with the discomfort of the situation.
"Make it deep, sweet, soul-stealing," Heather ordered.
"Oh, come on! We will never have to kiss in front of his parents. It's not that big of a deal," I protested, trying to reason with them. However, neither of the others would have it. I glared at them hard until a hand took my chin and turned me to face Vinny.
His lips met mine again in a longer kiss this time, one that truly took my breath away. His lips were soft, and they tasted of movie theater butter from the popcorn we had in front of us. He must have snuck some before we left the kitchen. As his lips moved against mine, we both relaxed further into each other, and his arms found their way around my waist. He pulled me into him for a moment before letting go and pulling away.
"Now that's more like it," Heather declared, seemingly satisfied with the performance. I snapped away from his gaze and looked at my best friend. 
"Are we good?" I asked, breaking the silence that hung in the room.
"I think that's passable," Richard shrugged, offering a smirk. I scoffed and stood up.
"Cool. Enjoy the rest of your movie. Vinny, I guess I'll see you Saturday," I announced, ready to make my exit. I grabbed my jacket and headed toward the door when a hand grabbed my arm, turning me back around. Vinny was standing there, staring down at me, appearing like he wanted to say something.
"Yes?" I prompted.
"I- just- thank you. I'm sorry I dragged you into this," he mumbled, a hint of sincerity in his voice.
"It's whatever. I'll keep up appearances as long as you need me. I should go," I replied, deciding to keep my response casual. I exited the house, dropping into a squatting position on the porch for a few minutes to take a deep breath. I could handle this. It was going to be fine.
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sierrasdiary · 1 year ago
·:¨༺ italian masc names ༻¨:·.
‪‪‪‪❤︎‬ Achilleo
‪‪❤︎‬ Adriano
‪‪❤︎‬ Agostino
‪‪❤︎‬ Aldo
❤︎‬ Alfonso
‪‪❤︎‬ Angelo
‪‪❤︎‬ Antonio
‪‪❤︎‬ Armando
‪‪❤︎‬ Augustino
‪‪❤︎‬ Battista
‪‪❤︎‬ Carlo
‪‪❤︎‬ Carmelo
‪‪❤︎‬ Cesare
‪‪❤︎‬ Dario
‪‪❤︎‬ Dante
‪‪❤︎‬ Domenico
‪‪❤︎‬ Elio
‪‪❤︎‬ Enzo
‪‪❤︎‬ Florentino
‪‪❤︎‬ Franco
‪‪❤︎‬ Giovanni
‪‪❤︎‬ Leonardo
‪‪❤︎‬ Luca
‪‪❤︎‬ Marcello
‪‪❤︎‬ Massimo
‪‪❤︎‬ Matteo
‪‪❤︎‬ Mauro
‪‪❤︎‬ Othello
‪‪❤︎‬ Paolo
‪‪❤︎‬ Pietro
‪‪❤︎‬ Renzo
‪‪❤︎‬ Romeo
‪‪❤︎‬ Santino
‪‪❤︎‬ Stefano
‪‪❤︎‬ Valentino
‪‪❤︎‬ Vincenzo
‪‪❤︎‬ Vito
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lucfierens · 11 months ago
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Noi (Elena Marini - Luc Fierens) ci siamo.
Les enfants terribles della poesia visiva.
Nella Galleria ARTPOETRY, via G. Candido 3, Lecce, venerdì 12 aprile alle ore 19, sarà presentata da Francesco Aprile la mostra “Asemic writing: la scrittura acefala, lo scrivere, il flusso”, a cura di Salvatore Luperto. L’esposizione allestita da Anna Panareo e dal curatore è costituita da oltre 30 opere. Autori in mostra: Vincenzo Accame - Francesco Aprile - Tony Bellucci - Mirella Bentivoglio - Tomaso Binga - Cristiano Caggiula - Giuseppe Calandriello - Italo Carrarini - Marilena Cataldini - Luciano Cattania - Vittorino Curci - Nicolò D'Alessandro - Mauro Dal Fior - Michele De Luca - Liliana Ebalginelli - Luigi Fagioli - Vittorio Fava - Federico Federici - Fernanda Fedi - Luc Fierens - Gino Gini - Marco Giovenale - Alfonso Lentini - Lorenzo Li Greci - Oronzo Liuzzi - Ruggero Maggi - Elena Marini - Egidio Marullo - Adamo Modesto - Rrose Sélavy - Enzo Patti - Giuseppe Pellegrino - Giovanna Sandri - Anna Spagna.
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lalalychee · 2 years ago
full process for my most recent painting 🫶 like i said previously, every single glitter and hair strand is meticulously painted by hand. i don't use filters or fancy brushes on my paintings; this entire thing was literally all done with one single watercolor brush haha.
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catharsis-in-darkness · 1 year ago
Family Affairs: Chapter 2
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Authors Note: Things are looking up y'all! Unbeta'd per usual.
Pairing: Vinny Mauro x Reader
CW: Fluff, Implied smut, smut?? 18+ (kinda??), Pregnancy, slight angst
Word count: 1,224
Divider: @cafekitsune
Tags: @tearfallpixie @jilliemiw86 @vinyardmauro @malerieee
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
“Holy shit.” Vinny muttered next to me, out of breath. I rolled over looking at his disheveled figure. A light sheen of sweat covered his body as his chest rose and fell rapidly. His neck and cheeks were blotched with red. My own body was shaking slightly, still coming down from my high. Vinny moved closer, throwing an arm over me. 
“You okay, my love?” He murmured. Our legs entangled as I ran my hand up and down his arm. “Besides the fact that I feel like I just got my soul sucked out of my body, I’m doing amazing, baby.” I chuckled, slowly feeling his orgasm leaking out of me. I shuddered in discomfort. 
“Let me go get a towel.” He slowly made his way into our en suite bathroom, wetting a rag for me. He rolled me over before spreading my legs gently. I felt a finger trail down my thigh, getting closer and closer to my mound. I let out a hiss at the sensitivity as his finger scooped some of his release up and pushed it back into me. His head snapped up to meet mine.
“Can’t let any of this go to waste can we?” Vin gave me the toothiest grin he could muster. 
“Oh my god! Don’t make it nasty, Vin!” Grabbing a pillow from behind me, I hit him hard enough to feel it. 
“You didn’t think it was nasty when I-” I hit him again. 
“STOP!!” My eyes were now watering with laughter. 
“Don’t be embarrassed mama, it’s just us here.” Vinny cooed at me. I glared at him before nudging him to finally clean me up.
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“When are the guys getting here?” I asked as we finally divulged into our now cold breakfast. 
“They should be here in like 30, I think.” Vin stated, swallowing his food. After our rendezvous this morning we showered and got dressed, but not before we went for round 2 in the shower. 
“Let me put pants on then.” I put my plate into the sink then washed my hands. Vinny came up behind me, yet again. One of his hands circled my waist, before pulling his shirt up that I was wearing. His finger slipped into the band of my panties slowly. 
“Round 3?” He asked me. Even though I couldn’t see him, I could hear the smirk evident in his voice. I turned around palming his bulge. I looked into his eyes as I bit my lip. Leaning in towards his ear, I whispered to him. 
“You’re not even packed yet doofus.” I pulled my hand away quickly, bursting into laughter. He glared at me, while I fell to the floor laughing. 
“You’re so mean.” He feigned sadness. He turned away from me with a pout on his face. I got up, giving him a peck on the cheek, walking out the kitchen past him. 
“If you finish packing before the guys get here, we can.” I taunted him, running into our bedroom. I heard his hurried footsteps after me soon after. 
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“I’m going to miss you so much baby.” I sighed; my arms wrapped around Vinny tightly. My eyes started watering. I buried my head into his chest so he wouldn’t see me cry. 
“Hey, look at me mama.” I sniffled as he pulled my face up to look at him. 
“I’ll be back before you know it, and then we can have all the time in the world to make mini Vincenzos.” He lit up at the mention of his mini me’s. I nodded, my vision still blurry from my tears. He wiped them away for me, kissing both of my cheeks. 
I hated how lonely I felt, and he wasn’t even gone yet. I’ve never been an out-going person, so when Vin left I never really had much to do. It was stupid, I try not to over bear him when he’s gone, but sometimes I can’t help it. After 3 years of dealing with this, I have gotten better at it. Regardless of that though, I still feel alone at times. 
“Make sure you go and visit Logan while I’m gone.” I nodded yet again. Finally mustering the courage I kissed him. 
“I love you so so so much baby, be safe, have fun, no drugs or hookers please!” I added in the last line knowing Vinny would never do that to me. My spirit lifted a little higher when we opened the door to see the boys waiting for him. Rick let out a whistle.
“Rick! Leave my wife alone!” Vinny yelled, flipping him off. 
“Hey! She’s not Mrs. Mauro just yet.” Rick shrugged. 
I gave everyone hugs and told them all to have fun. Giving Vinny one last kiss, I made my way back to the porch.
“Keep my Vincenzo safe!” I called before they all got in the car. 
“Anything for you Mrs. Mauro!” Rick winked at me, getting a slap to the back of the head from Vinny. I laughed at their antics as they pulled away. My smile faded, and I went back into our now empty house. I sighed, starting to clean up the breakfast we never put away. 
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1 Month Later
“I miss you so much, mama” Vin told me over the phone while I made dinner. 
“Me too my love, only 2 months left though!” I remained happy. 
“What’s got you in such a good mood today, love?” He was surprised at my tone. I bit my lip to suppress myself from telling him.
“I don't know, I’m just in a good mood. I went and saw Logan today, I talked to him about how I’ve been feeling, and I think things are starting to look up!” I rambled. It was true, I went to Logan’s gravesite and told him the news. 
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“Okay it’s just a pregnancy test, nothing scary right?” I whispered to myself. “You wanted this, remember?” I stared at the test on the sink. From the kitchen, I heard my timer of 3 minutes going off on my phone. 
“Here goes nothing.” I slowly grabbed the test and flipped it to face me. I looked at myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath. 
I let out a gasp of excitement, the tears flooding my eyes before I could stop them. I need to tell Vin! I ran to my phone, but stopped before I pressed on Vinny’s contact button. I instead called Chris. He answered after a few rings. 
“Hey bean, what’s up?” He asked, sounding concerned. 
“Can you help me surprise Vin?” I asked excitedly. Chris helped me set up a flight and promised to keep it a secret from everyone. I was leaving tomorrow at noon and Chris said he’d pick me up from the airport. I was beyond ecstatic. I couldn’t believe after one try; we were pregnant!
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“Baby we just got called for soundcheck, I’ll call you later, okay?” Vinny told me, snapping me back to reality. 
“Okay my love, I have a doctor's appointment in the morning so I’ll be asleep early tonight.” I shrugged, forgetting he can’t see me. 
“Doctor’s appointment?? For what??” He asked, his tone laced with worry. 
“It’s just my yearly checkup baby, nothing bad.” I calmed him. We said our goodbyes and with that I ate my dinner and went to bed. 
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circle-with-me · 1 year ago
You Move Like I Want To
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Pairing: Vinny Mauro x Female Reader
Content Warning: 18+ MDNI!!! Porn without plot, smut, teasing, soft dom!Vinny, reader is kind of a brat, vaginal fingering, male masturbation, mutual masturbation, phone sex, facetime sex.
Word Count: 3k
Tag list: @concretenoah @deathblacksmoke @malice-ov-mercy @popppylove @tearfallpixie @synthetic-wasp-570 @nerdraging4point0 @valiantroeagleangel @lacktoesandtoddlerants @cookiesupplier @beaker1636 @meekahy
If you would like to be added to my tag list for Vinny or any of my other works, please sign up here.
Author’s Note: All of this started from my daily Vinny post and out of pocket tag by @ovhellfire 😂 Now here is… this filthy piece of work. That’s all I have to say for myself. This was not beta’d so I apologize in advance. Enjoy 😉
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Getting your boyfriend worked up was your favorite thing to do, especially when he was away on tour. The longer he was away combined with the tension from your teasing made for incredible homecoming sex. You felt yourself getting wet just thinking about it.
You had been teasing Vinny all day, the poor thing. Sending him selfies with your breasts spilling out more than usual. Showing him the slinky little dresses you were trying on at the department store, making sure to pick out ones with the highest slit possible. He loved your hips and thighs and you wanted to make sure the dresses accentuated them perfectly.
Of course, you had no intention of actually buying them. This was all a game meant purely for your own satisfaction.
Later in the evening you thought you’d share your bubble bath with him. The photos were tame enough in the beginning. The standard bath selfie with nothing showing. It took him a while to respond and you got bored, so you decided to heat things up a bit. You roll over onto your stomach, resting on your left arm and stick your butt out of the water a bit. With your free hand you snap a selfie, making sure to flash your most mischievous smile in the process. Send.
A few minutes later, your phone pings.
Vin 💕 loved an image
“Are you kidding me?” You say aloud to an empty room.
Y/N: I think my ass deserves a better response than that, Vincenzo.
Vin 💕: Sorry, baby. We’re on the bus right now and the guys are right next to me playing video games.
Y/N: You know you have a bunk, right? ;)
Vin 💕: They’ll get suspicious if I go back there this early. You know how Ricky is. He’ll have a camera in my face the second I walk back there.
You groan. Fucking Ricky. Always cockblocking the two of you with his damn updates.
Vin 💕: I’m really sorry baby. Maybe later?
Never one to be deterred, you sit up and lean back against the bathtub. You collect what was left of the bubbles and cover your exposed breasts with them. You angle your phone the way you want it and raise your hips slightly so your pussy is barely visible beneath the water.
“Let’s see how he responds to this one.” You snicker.
The photo had barely shown as “delivered” and he had already responded.
Vin 💕: You better watch it, princess.
You shiver at the term of endearment. He only called you princess when he was especially worked up. The last time you got him to call you princess was not long before he left for tour. You had been bratty all day in front of his friends. He whispered a warning in your ear, much similar to the one he just sent you, but you continued.
The second the door closed and his friends had left, he had you pinned against it fucking you so hard your vision went white and you drenched his cock and your hardwood floors. You couldn’t sit right for days after. He smiled like an idiot knowing it was because of him.
You whimper loudly, the memory sending a shockwave of arousal through your core. Fuck, you were aching for him. Unfortunately for you, he was thousands of miles away and wasn’t offering any assistance.
Well, if he won’t help. You’ll just have to take care of things yourself and show him what he’s missing. Who cares if the guys were next to him and potentially saw the photos? Your cheeks heat up at the thought. Just the idea of them seeing you spread open for Vinny had your brain malfunctioning.
Your pussy is throbbing now and you can’t take it anymore. You get out of the bathtub and dry off. Slipping into your bedroom, you lay down on your bed and make yourself comfortable. Opening your legs you dip your fingers into your folds, spreading your arousal and moaning at the feeling.
You become so lost in your own pleasure that you almost forget about your mission. You blindly grab for your phone and take a photo, your fingers still deep in your cunt. You tilt your head back against the pillow and arch your back so he has the perfect view of your tits.
You press the button to send it and sit your phone back down. You must have lost track of time again because you’re suddenly jolted back to reality by the sound of Vinny’s ringtone. You scramble for the phone and look at the screen.
Vin 💕 wants to Facetime..
Your belly does backflips seeing his contact photo pop up. You could answer it immediately. As wet and needy as you are right now, you should answer it immediately, but where’s the fun in that? So, you let it go to voicemail.
He calls back immediately.
This time, you let it ring twice and then you hit the decline button. You’ve barely removed your finger from the screen and he’s already calling again. You can’t ignore him a third time, you think to yourself.
But you do. You giggle and sink further into the pillows. He was going to be so mad and you’re dripping at the thought.
Vinny calls a fourth time, and you let it ring a few times before you pick up. His face appears on screen, and you were right, he is mad.
“Princess…” he says sternly, the rasp in his voice shoots straight to your pussy. He’s sitting on the edge of his bunk with his arms propped up on his knees, hunched over. His red streaked curls were falling in his face, green eyes boring into you as he impatiently waited on a response.
“Hi baby!” You smile sweetly. Like you hadn’t just ignored his calls three times in a row. He huffs a laugh at your response. You adjust yourself and the camera so your breasts come into view and Vinny’s eyes immediately wander down to them. His tongue darts out to lick his lips and you silently wish it was your clit he was licking instead.
“You’ve been very bad today, baby. Getting me all worked up when you knew I was busy. Ricky almost saw that last photo you sent me. You wouldn’t want that, now would you?”
You bite your lip to stifle the moan that threatens to leave your mouth.
Vinny raises his eyebrows, a hint of jealousy and intrigue on his face.
“We’ll discuss that another time, but right now I think you owe me an apology.”
You stick your bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout. “But baby, I just wanted you to see my outfit today..”
Vinny chuckles, “And what about all of those short dresses you were trying on?”
You shrug and look down, tracing the line leading down to your breasts. “I thought you might wanna pick out a dress for our first date when you get back…” You look back up at him seductively and flutter your lashes at him. A hum of amusement escapes Vinny. He wasn’t buying your excuses, but that wasn’t the point.
Vinny smirks at you and scoots back against the wall of his bunk. He rests his phone against the bottom of his stomach, right above his crotch, and the angle has you drooling. It was the same view from when you suck him off and you once again were cursing the distance between you.
“I suppose the bubble bath photos were just to prove you got clean today then, huh?”
Giggling, you nod. Raising the phone you give him the complete view of your naked body. “See? All clean, baby.”
Vinny’s eyes darken at the new angle. His right hand goes out of view and by the way his breath hitches you know he’s touching himself. You wiggle and arch your body, needing some form of movement to release the tension. As you move your legs fall open and Vinny sees your slick glistening in the light of your bedroom. He groans loudly and brings his fist up to his mouth to stifle it.
“Sending naughty photos. Playing with that pretty little pussy without me. What am I going to do with you, princess?”
Traveling down your body, your hand reaches your core. You gasp softly and spread your folds, bringing the phone a little closer so that he can see.
“Talk to me baby. Make me cum. Wanna see you cum, too.”
Vinny could have cum untouched from that sentence alone, not to mention the view. He palms his cock that is straining painfully hard against his jeans. He could do it. Make you cum with his voice and instructions, reach his own climax, and call it a night. It would be the easy option since he was out of town and not exactly alone.
He wouldn’t go with the easy option at home, why would he go with it now? His princess was naked and spread open for him, craving him and dying to cum.
Too bad you had been a fucking brat. You’d have to earn it. You had teased him all day. It was time for him to do a little teasing.
Vinny smirks. “Don’t worry baby, I'll make you cum.”
You sigh and lightly rub your clit. “Thank you so much, baby.”
“Did I say you could touch yourself?”
“B-but..” you stammer, confused. “You said you’d make me cum.”
“I’ll make you cum when I think you’ve earned it, princess. Now be a good girl, and listen to me, okay?”
“Yes sir” You mewl.
“Put the phone closer to your face, baby.”
You do as you're told, placing the phone in front of your face so he can see you better. Vinny’s eyes land on your mouth.
“Open up.”
Opening your mouth, you stick your tongue out instinctively.
“Mmm, good girl. You already knew what I wanted.” You glow at his praise.
“Do you miss my cock, baby?” You nod and an “uh-huh” escapes from your throat.
“Show me. Use your fingers and show me how much you miss my cock.”
You bring your index and middle finger to your mouth and slowly drag your tongue from the base to your fingertips. Swirling your tongue around your fingertips, you suck them into your mouth. Vinny tries to hold the eye contact you’re making but is too mesmerized by the sound of you gagging as you shove your fingers further in your mouth.
Vinny would love to get his cock out and pretend it’s him you’re gagging on but the two of you have other areas to explore. He’s going to hold out as long as he can.
“Mmm… Wanna see how wet you got ‘em, honey” he hums.
Slowly pulling your fingers out you release them with a pop. Vinny’s eyes dilate as he watches the saliva drip down your hands and onto your wrists. Despite him not giving you permission, you stick out your tongue and lick up your arm collecting the saliva as you go. He shivers and you hold back a smile.
“Baby… let me see those gorgeous tits. Want you to play with them for me.”
You bring your saliva slicked fingers to your nipples and gasp softly. Tracing circles around your nipple slowly your free hand massages your other breast. Vinny licks his lips while you pinch and roll the buds between your index finger and thumb.
“Honey, can you get up for me? I have another idea.”
Nodding, you sit up and scoot towards the edge of the bed waiting for further instruction.
“Sit down at the foot of the bed. On the floor.”
You do as you're told. You had no idea what he was planning but you wanted to cum so you weren’t going to question it.
“Good girl. Now, prop the phone against the mirror in front of you so I can see you. I want to see all of you.”
Placing the phone against the mirror, you reposition yourself against the bed. You bend your knees and spread your legs, making sure to give Vinny a view of everything.
“God, If I wasn’t across the fucking country right now…”
You giggle and play with your breasts some more, sliding your other hand down your stomach and to your thigh. You make a show out of rubbing your breasts and inner thighs, softly moaning and rotating your hips. You were throbbing and if he didn’t let you touch yourself soon, you were going to explode.
“Rub your thighs for me, baby. That’s it… fuck…” Vinny palms his aching cock and the closer your hand gets to your pussy the more he wants to touch himself but not yet.
You couldn’t take it anymore though.
“Vinny, baby. Please. Please let me see your cock. I want to see you touch yourself. I’ll be so good for you, my sweet boy, please.”
Every ounce of self-restraint he had in that moment melted away in an instant. His mouth was so dry he was barely able to croak out an “okay”. Vinny was so flustered he couldn’t get his belt off quick enough and was muttering expletives as he fought with it. You giggle and he shoots you a glare before relaxing into a smile.
Vinny finally conquers his belt and pushes his jeans and boxers down, his cock springing free and slapping against his belly. The tip was bright red and leaking. You grip your thigh and flex your hips upwards, silently and futilely begging for him to press inside you.
He watches you intently, placing his hand around his cock. Vinny whines, throwing his head back. He gives into the feeling and slowly thrusts into his fist. His face is twisted in pleasure and he’s already starting to sweat. Your eyes follow the curve of his jaw, down his Adam's apple. You’ve never wanted to sink your teeth into the flesh of his neck so badly before.
As much as you were enjoying the show, you were being selfish and feeling severely neglected. You shove your fingers back in your mouth and whine to get his attention. He doesn’t move his head, just looks down at you and smirks.
“Enjoying the view?”
You whine again, pouting around your fingers.
Vinny chuckles. “Aww, is my princess feeling neglected?”
You nod, still pouting.
He adjusts himself against the back of his bunk, hand never leaving his cock.
“You’ve been so good, honey. Why don’t you put those fingers to better use? Touch that pretty pussy for me”
Your hand flies to your mound massaging your swollen bud. All of the teasing and anticipation had built up so much tension that you felt dizzy from the pleasure. You apply more pressure and you see stars, your legs involuntarily shutting at the feeling.
“Uh-uh. Open your legs. Now.” Vinny says firmly.
With a whimper you open your legs, lazily drawing circles around your clit. You were so worked up and desperate for more you couldn’t keep still, your other hand keeping you upright as you squirmed against the carpet.
“I’ll let you play but you have to keep your legs open for me. You’ve gotta let me see. Understand?”
“Do it again and you don't get to cum. I’ll make you wait until I get home.”
A shiver runs through you at the thought. He wouldn’t be home for nearly three weeks. You couldn’t wait that long and he knew you would obey him if he told you not to touch yourself.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me and keep your legs open?”
“Yes sir.” You nod enthusiastically, opening your legs wide for him.
He sighs in satisfaction. “Princess. I want to see how gorgeous you are when you finger your pussy.”
Your mouth drops open, a shocked squeak following. Wasting no time, you plunge two fingers into your drenched hole. You pump them in and out slowly, taking your time because you know Vinny wants to see every move you make.
The slow movements weren’t enough to satisfy the ache but you were happy to get any kind of relief at this point. You open your eyes to see Vinny fisting his cock, his eyes fixed on your cunt. Moaning loudly, you grind down hard against your fingers, the ache for him growing even stronger. You could feel the tightening in your belly and knew you weren’t going to last long.
Vinny sees your pussy clench around your fingers and knows you're close. His fist tightens around his cock but he wants to wait. He has to wait until you’re done.
The soft sighs that are falling from your lips. Your whines. The moans. The way your body is arching. How beautiful you look with your fingers in your soaked pussy. Vinny is completely enamored by every single part of you and he cannot stop staring. He tries so hard to wait on you but that all goes to hell as soon as you call out his name.
“Vinny… please…” He could listen to you beg for him until the end of time. “Cum with me, baby.” and that’s all he needs. Vinny cums with a choked sob. His stomach tenses and his legs shake. Warm cum spills over his hand, dripping down and around the rings he’s wearing. When he comes down you’re still shaking and crying out for him and he wishes like hell he had another in him because he swears it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
“That’s it, baby. That’s my girl. Doing so good for me.” He coaxes you through your orgasm until you’re out of breath.
Once you catch your breath you crawl towards the phone and grab it. You lay back down on your bed and focus on him. He had placed his phone against the wall and was removing his rings, cleaning his hands with a dirty t-shirt that was nearby.
“Ya know, if I was there I would clean up all of that for you. Rings and all.” You giggle, licking your lips.
Vinny’s head whips in your direction.
“You better watch it, princess.”
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entrelac · 4 years ago
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I'm done with you!
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sweeter0da · 1 year ago
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Been loving on Vinny recently…. Guys why he kinda sexy no lie
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