#vincent eze
bullet-prooflove · 1 year
This has brightened my day so much
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grande-caps · 1 year
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Mayans M.C 5.09 - " I Must Go in Now for the Fog Is Rising"
Quality : HD screencaptures Amount :  1.130 files Resolution : 1.920 x 960 px
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diogenesz2020portugal · 5 months
Csak nem sikerül elfoglalni azt a fránya Brüsszelt?
Helyszín azonban megint nincs. Hétfőn este a Sofitel is visszamondta a megállapodást, pedig már az antifasiszta szervezetek is meghirdették a demonstrációjukat a hotel elé, kedden 17:30-ra.
Figyelmeztetést kaptam a sajtótól az esemény természetéről és az érkező emberekről. Erről tájékoztattam a helyi rendőrséget, akik felvették a kapcsolatot a Sofitellel, és a vezetőség úgy döntött, hogy lemondja az eseményt
– mondta Vincent de Wolf, az érintett kerületnek, Etterbeeknek polgármestere a The Brussels Timesnak. Kiderült, hogy a szervezők már a szállodában voltak és amikor tájékoztatták őket, hogy a szerződés érvényét veszíti, akkor nem akartak elmenni. Végül a kiérkező rendőröknek kellett elmagyarázniuk, hogy ez nem a szállodán múlott, ekkor a szervezők távoztak.
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zaenight · 1 year
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●°●Camila "Jackie" vincent●°●
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●°●Iliana "losa" Reyes●°●
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●°●Esmae "Marisol" Reyes●°●
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
Mayans M.C. will premiere its fifth and final season on Wednesday, May 24 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on FX, and streaming the next day on Hulu.
The premiere will include the first two episodes of the 10-episode final season, with one new episode each following week. The series will be available on Star+ in Latin America and Disney+ under the Star banner in all other territories.
Mayans M.C. follows the life of Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes (JD Pardo), president of the Mayans M.C. charter on the Cali/Mexi border. Once a golden boy with the American Dream in his grasp, EZ has now risen to lead his brother Angel (Clayton Cardenas) and the Santo Padre M.C. in a bloody war against their rival Sons of Anarchy. Defending the California territory and patch begins to claim lives within the club and causes strain between EZ and Angel — as one brother devotes himself to the club and the other to family. Felipe (Edward James Olmos) attempts to heal these fractured bonds for the future of the Reyes family.
JR Bourne, Danny Pino, Carla Baratta, Michael Irby, Emilio Rivera, Sarah Bolger, Frankie Loyal, Joseph Lucero, Vincent Vargas, Gino Vento, Emily Tosta and Vanessa Giselle also star.
Mayans M.C. was co-created by Kurt Sutter and Elgin James. The series is executive produced by James and Sutter. The series is produced by 20th Television and FX Productions.
Watch the teaser in full above.
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filmszeresz · 7 months
FILMSZERÉSZ TOP 100 TÉVÉSOROZAT - 32. Mad Men – Reklámőrültek
Az (amerikai) marketing-szakma krónikája nagyjából stabil, de érdekesen vívódó macsó-szemszögből. Az új évezred sorozat-boomjának egyik legönfejűbb, s ezért is okkal-joggal tisztelt produkciója.
Úgynevezett klasszikus.
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Rengeteget dohányoznak benne. Ez önmagában még nem lenne érdem persze, de tényleg ott tartunk, hogy azzal semmi baj, ha valaki a filmen viszkivel öblít, de nehogy rágyújtson, mert fúj, az egészségtelen. Ám a Mad Men-ben nem azért cigiznek sokat, hogy bemutassanak a kornak, amely embere nézi a sorozatot, hanem egyszerűen azért, mert ha egy sorozat története a 60-as években indul, akkor így autentikus.
Az egész sorozat szuper-autentikus: a miliő perfekt, a karakterekben csak úgy pulzál a feszültség - a sztori meg egyszerre informatív és szórakoztató. És megállás nélkül provokatív. A Mad Men 7 évada hangsúlyosan mesél a reklám csinálóiról, annak célközönségéről. A manipulációról. A férfi-női viszonyok fojtott reménytelenségéről. A patriarchátusról és a feminizmus erősödéséről.
Cool, elmélyült és Jon Hamm. És Elisabeth Moss, Vincent Kartheiser, January Jones, Christina Hendricks, John Slattery
Robert Morse, Jared Harris. És a többiek.
És a Mad Men-é a tévétörténet egyik legklasszabb főcíme is.
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enk1du · 10 months
Vincent Delerm - Friends of Mine
ez meg a French Pop Friday special, és ezzel össze is ért az enk1du mikroblog zenei univerzuma
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grande-caps · 1 year
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Mayans M.C 5.07 - “ To Fear of Death, I Eat the Stars ”
Quality : HD screencaptures Amount :  1.538 files Resolution : 1.920 x 960 px
-Please like/reblog if taking!
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harompontkilenc · 11 months
Uuuu légyszi-légyszi, ez legyen jó!
Vincent D'Onofrio Kingpinjét nem baszhatja el kétszer is a Disney, ugye?
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freddysglove · 2 years
hi i’m ez, here's my request info
(currently closed on account of my brain is fried)
my special interest is horror and i mostly use this account to post about my current hyperfocus of the month.
if you want me to draw you a slasher or write specific headcanons/oneshots just message me or send an ask. i’m a college student so i’m usually a bit busy with homework but i’ll definitely try to get to it when i can.
psst, i follow and reply back on @supermotherbug :>
characters i write and draw for:
amanda young
art the clown
baby firefly
betelgeuse (clarify if you want a specific version)
billy lenz (1974)
billy loomis & stu macher
brahms heelshire
bo & vincent sinclair
bubba sawyer
candyman (1992)
chucky, tiffany & nica
the collector
creepypastas (ej, jeff, slenderman, toby)
freddy krueger (1984)
harry warden (both 1981 and 2009)
herbert west & dan cain
jason voorhees
jennifer check
jonathan (the evil clergyman)
lillian nebbs
mark lewis (peeping tom)
martin (1977)
michael myers (any version)
norman bates (1960)
patrick bateman
pinhead (og + remake)
thomas (P2)
as i watch new movies i'll update this list.
*let me know if you want me to write a slasher in the dbd universe instead of their regular one, i'm down with that too.
don't ask me for nsfw requests if you're >18.
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stickalittle · 2 years
Megy a hümmögés az ellenzékhez hivatalosan és legálisan érkezett akár 4 milliárd Ft külföldi támogatás ügyében, miközben csak a BKV informatika 38 milliárdos szerződéséből évente 30 milliárdot lopnak ki a számlagyári lehallgatási iratok szerint. És csak annyi változott, hogy mostmár Pintér úr körei húzzák le a sápot.
Sajnos keveset kapott az ellenzék. Kaphatott volna tízszer ennyit is. Bár, biktorúr még ennyit sem kapott. biztosan ez fáj neki. Meg jó lenne, ha elszámolnának vele a többiek is, nem csak Márki-Zay. Ja, az ilyen Vincent jellegű DK-s hülyék meg meg vannak győződve róla, hogy MZP elkotyogta, hogy pénzt kapott. Mert különben nem derül ki? Mi? Normális? Még a végén ő lett a hülye, hogy elszámolt vele. De akkor a többi pénz hogyan derült ki, amiről nem tudott MZP? Azt ki "kotyogta ki", faszom? Gyurcsány? Az informatikán meg számolatlanul lopnak az állami intézményeken keresztül. Normális teljesítmény meg nincs mögötte. A tartótisztek megparancsolják a fideszes intézményi vezetőknek, hogy kitől kel megrendelni és mit. Aztán, ha valamit le is szállítanak, az ott rohad használhatatlanul. Ezek a csinovnyitok pedig a pozíciójukért, a hivatali autóikért a seggük alatt, a milliós fizetésekért szépen megrendelnek mindent, amit mondanak nekik. És tudják, hogy lopnak. Aztán hazamennek, és nemhogy leköpné magát a tükörben, még meg is veregeti a vállát, milyen ügyes volt. Ezek ilyenek. A szavazóik meg hülyék.
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suti09 · 3 months
Saint Vincent és a Grenadines szigetek
Ha valaha is álmodoztál egy trópusi paradicsomról, ahol a kristálytiszta víz, a fehér homokos tengerpartok és a buja zöld hegyek találkoznak, akkor Saint Vincent és a Grenadine-szigetek a tökéletes választás számodra. Ez a festői karibi szigetcsoport nem csak lenyűgöző természeti szépséggel, hanem világszínvonalú üdülőhelyekkel és vendégszerető helyiekkel is várja az látogatókat. Young Island…
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zaenight · 1 year
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TW: Jackie's past finally comes back to haunt her , abuse,assult,Sexual abuse mentions,Racism,etc.
"Fuck." Jackie whispered softly as Ez trailed kisses down her neck , hand resting
on her stomach.
"Angel's bringing his son maverick over ,  and his girl." Ez said as his hand traced shapes on Jackie's stomach.
"Can't wait to meet them , Letty and hope said they were coming over too." She said as her hand stroked ez's face.
Ez turned his head kissing her hand , then trailing kisses down her neck.
As Jackie's hand trailed down his chest , a knock from the door came , followed by Angel yelling that he was here.
"Lo voy a matar, joder, idiota." Ez muttered as Jackie laughed , The man having to help her up.
(Im gonna fucking kill him , shithead)
Sally barked rushing over to Jackie ,  Lately she's been very over protective , When Illiana takes her on walks she
growls at anyone who came close to her , and Never leaving Jackie's side.
"Look at you , your adorable , you got your looks from your mamá didn't you?" Jackie said to maverick , Her and Luisa hit it off .
"Nah he got the Reyes men looks , look at us." Angel said waving his hand in front of his face.
The two women glanced at eachother with a laugh.
"We have arrived!" Letty said  , hope shaking her head.
Illiana rushed into the room , holding the phone.
"Its Creeper , he says He might be able to get an early release." She said as Ez grabbed the phone , Speaking untill he hung up.
"Creeper will be out by tonight." Ez said.
"How? , I mean not that it's not good , but he was looking
at alot of time." Jackie said as The other women were wondering the same.
"Says some Therapist chick told the warden his behavior was good , and that he should be released , said it was weird , Thinks she had somthing on him , and to keep an eye out." Ez said as tension filled the room.
Angel answered his ringing phone , before nodding towards Ez.
"Yo we got to go to the clubhouse , Gilly said the Sons showed up , had stuff to say." Angel said as Ez nodded.
"You girls gonna be fine while we're gone?" Ez said as his hand rested on Jackie's face.
"We'll be fine , We're a room full of powerful women , now go see what they want." She said kissing the corner of his mouth.
"Lock the doors , answer when I call-" Ez started to say  untill he was cut off.
"Ez I know , we'll be fine." She said , as the two left , with Ez ruffling Illiana's hair as he left , and Angel giving Luisa and Maverick a kiss .
"Oh my god!" Said Illiana as a guy came in through the door pulling out a gun.
"Illiana we've seen this movie twice , how are you still suprised by that." Letty said , laughing as a piece of popcorn hit her face.
Maverick babbled happily as Sally slept by him , her ears twitching as he petted her.
Luisa was sat down beside him , Jackie and Hope were half asleep on the couch , when a banging knock hit the door.
Jackie yawned rolling her eyes hand over her stomach , looking out the window she saw no one at the door.
The girls got up going by the door , And nodded , Jackie opened the door , no one was there.
As she was about to close it , a hand stopped it.
"What the f-" As Jackie looked up her face dropped , the girls noticed her mood.
"Camilia thats not nice , We just wanted to talk." Said Edmund whitt , Her step-father , ... her Rapist , the man who ruined her life.
"Illiana, trae a Maverick y Sally, sube, cierra la puerta, llama a Ezekiel y Angel." Said Luisa as the teen nodded , grabbing Maverick , and calling Sally.
(Illiana , get Maverick and sally , go upstairs , lock the door , call Ezekiel and Angel)
"Who the fuck are you!" Letty
"Im her mother you little bitch , this doesn't concern you or the other whores Camila hangs around."  Myra vincent her so called mother said.
"Get the hell of my property , how the hell did you find me , and don't call me that , you don't get to say my name!" Jackie exclaimed as The two pushed their way inside.
"You little whore watch how you speak to your mother." Edmund said.
"She is not my mother, and your n- Your not my fucking father , your a sick , evil bastered , who likes little girls ." Jackie said voice wavering as The other three women stepped forward.
Luisa had her gun , ready in her pocket , Letty and Hope managed to hide the knives they grabbed from the kitchen.
"SHUT UP YOU CUNT!" He yelled as he lunged at her , stopping himself as he noticed the pregnant stomach.
"What pathetic fuck did you let knock you up?" He laughed , although his eyes were sick and twisted.
"She probably doesn't know." the bitch of a mother she had said.
"Im not like you , I actually know my childs father , unlike you , you slept with hundreds of guys , you don't even know who my real father is , and you sure as hell kept up to it , because this sick fuck can't pay for all that." Jackie's wavering voice stated , pointing out her mother's Expensive jewlery and clothing , opposite of Edmunds baggy pants , and stained shirt.
"You need to leave now , or else." Luisa stated with a cold glare.
"What was that you cunt , can't understand with that accent." Edmund said leaning in , hand on his ear.
"You know the girl who went up-" A crash rang out , The man on the floor , shattered glass beneath him.
"Touch my fucking daughter ,
I'll fucking kill you and the old hag , You may be a sick , perverted bastard , but im a fucking monster , worse then the ones under the bed , and You pathetic fucking whore , you were supposed to protect
me , and you let him , you fucking let him rape and torture me every fucking night , and all so he wouldn't lay a fist on you , but when he didn't touch you at all , you tried to fucking kill me , but here the fuck i am , a better fucking mother then you'll ever be , and you know what , the only way you two are leaving is in a body bag." Jackie ranted with a glare.
Myra Stepped forward , letty went up behind her , knife held towards her neck.
"You fucking touch her , I'll slit your throught." Letty glared.
Hope slammed her foot onto Edumunds chest as he got up , he exclaimed out in pain.
Luisa grabbed her gun handing it to Jackie.
The pregnant woman , yanked her mother's hair , throwing her to the ground next to edmund.
"How the fuck did you find me!" She said hitting the man in the face.
"Myra works as a therapist for the jail , blackmailed the
warden to let this guy go cause he talked highly about you and others , called you CJ , but we fucking knew , but it didn't matter , we saw you at a shop , a month back , Its time to come home , Camila." Edmund said groaning as He was hit by the barrel of the gun.
"I am home! , and im not gonna let you take everything away again , Im in control now , you stupid , pathetic fuck." Jackie said.
"Who wants to play stab the rapist." She said grabbing the knife from Letty.
"Camila!" Ez yelled as Angel and the others rushed in , Illiana peeking downstairs , before angel rushed up to Maverick.
"You okay , your not hurt!" Ez exclaimed.
"No , but they will be." Jackie said as Ez stared at the two on their knees , looking beaten , recognizing them from the mugshots he once saw.
"Mierda." Ez said as Jackie grabbed the knife , as Myra started begging.
"No! - No im sorry please! Your my little girl , my baby , Please Camilia im sorry , I didn't know what i was doing." Myra begged.
"Stop fucking begging , you pathetic whorebag, you birthed me , but you were never a mother , your just a stupid fucking bitch , who needs to be put down." Jackie said plunging the knife into her chest , twisting and dragging it down.
"Ez grab him , bring him to the back." Jackie said as he stared at shaking knife in her hand , he kissed her shoulder , grabbing edmund ,  making him hit every wall and corner.
"You fucking- " Edmund was cut off by a punch from Ez.
"Talk to her like that again , I'll be the one to kill you." Ez glared.
"It's okay Ezekiel , he's about to burn anyway." Jackie shrugged.
The Club and the girls made their way to the back , Bishop was there , illiana had spoken to him weeks after Natalia died , the two somewhat having an understanding , Jackie lifted the ban , and while it was still rough , he was a somewhat chill guy to hang around.
But anyways...
Jackie had Ez pour gasoline over Edmund , grabbing a match she stood at safe distance , hand on Ez's shoulder.
"You can't this too me you bitch HELP THIS B-" The man was cutoff .
"No one can here you for miles , What else was I gonna say , oh yeah! , stop being a fucking pussy and take it." Jackie said lighting the match , with a throw , the man lit on fire , the club and the girls watched as the man ran , but the flames took over , he screeched and cried , Jackie rolled her eyes , grabbing Ez's gun and pulling the trigger , right into his head.
"What a fucking Pussy!" Jackie said with a laugh.
Edmund whitt and Myra Vincent were no more , the man who ruined her childhood was no more.
Don't fuck with Jackie vincent , and that was the day everyone knew not to screw with the pregnant woman.
Because Jackie vincent will burn you alive .
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bdpst24 · 6 months
A Bartók Tavasz keretében vár a Budapest Ritmo
A Bartók Tavasz keretében vár a Budapest Ritmo
„Remélem, hogy az ősi elemek új ötvözete másokat is arra ösztönöz, hogy alkossanak, és megtalálják a saját hangjukat” – Vincent Moon Az elismert független filmes, Vincent Moon egész héten Budapesten nyer ihletet és forgatja a Budapest Ritmo egyik különlegességét, a Dalindával közös élő film performanszát. Ez csak egy a „felfedezések fesztiváljának” egyedülállóan sokszínű programjai közül: a…
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ahazanemlehet · 7 months
Ne hagyjuk, hogy Soros nevessen a végén!
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A 2017-es, Soros György elleni fidesz-kampány része, mivel ennek saját wiki-oldala van, odairányítom a kedves olvasót.
A fenti kép a 24.hu cikkéből van a német reakcióról.
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Ez pedig a még aljasabb, lábbal taposhatóan kihelyezett példányokról készült készült kép a 49-es villamosról (amivel például a Dohány utcai zsinagógához lehet eljutni*), ezt a 444 olvasói levélben kapta. A kép az Örülünk, vincent? blog Az Orbán-fasizmusról c. topikjának a címlapképe.
*Bocsánat uram, nem tudja véletlenül, merre van a zsinagóga? A megszólított, pajeszát csavargatva: - Véletlenül... véletlenül...
requested by @diogenesz2020portugal
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burningtacozombie · 2 years
‘Mayans M.C.’ To End With Season 5 At FX
Mayans M.C. will end with Season 5 on FX. FX boss John Landgraf revealed the move during the network’s TCA day on Thursday.
Created by Kurt Sutter and Elgin James, Mayans M.C.— a spin-off series of the network’s hit Sons of Anarchy— follows a motley crew of Latin men who found a family in the motorcycle club charter Santo Padre on the California and Mexico border. While the story is about the M.C., it also features powerful female characters that are bold and powerful in their own right.
Returning series stars include J.D. Pardo, Clayton Cardenas, Danny Pino, Michael Irby, Carla Baratta, Sarah Bolger, Emilio Rivera, Edward James Olmos, Frankie Loyal, Vincent Vargas, and Joseph Raymond Lucero.
The Season 4 finale saw the M.C. mourn the loss of their brother Coco (Richard Cabral) who was killed in battle earlier in the season. It was also a big episode for Sons of Anarchy fans with the return of Kim Coates as Tig where he shared a particularly emotional reunion with OG Marcus Alvarez (Rivera).
In another tie-in to SOA, Meth Mountain’s Isaac Packer’s (JR Bourne) reaper tattoo was finally explained in the episode. He is the younger brother of Les Packer (Robert Patrick), President of SAMCRO’s San Bernadino chapter who had been undergoing cancer treatment. Still alive and kicking, a return of Les would make total sense for Mayan M.C.‘s final season.
When the series returns, Santo Padre will have a new leader in EZ (Pardo) who orchestrated the ouster of El Padrino snatching the seat at the head of the table. Alvarez wanted to barter peace between SAMCRO and Santo Padre but EZ and his brothers want war. Hopefully, this sets up the ultimate Sons of Anarchy and Mayans M.C. crossover fans have ever seen.
via Deadline
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