#vincent cyrux
masked-puppeteer · 10 months
Hi gays
here’s a work in progress thing. i literally just started working on this
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Used a reference pic btw
Ugh i dont know how vinny fucked up so bad like me personally would have kept my shy long haired bf but whateverrr 🙄
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masked-puppeteer · 1 year
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here look at uhh Liam (the STUPID) and Vincent (evil) andddddddddddddd Vincent’s gay ass goat boyfriend thought he’s normal (human) in this drawing (hes the colored image )
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
Vincent do you like men
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
Hey Vincent what's your diet?
“Well, I don’t really have any particular diet, i just make sure i have balanced meals and don’t eat anything too processed very often.”
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
William be like "bro it smells like wrong dog in here" Vincent: "bro.... " William: "ask me what wrong dog pls 🥲🥲🥲🥲"
😭😭😭😭 nahh okay I’m always sad for him but like,, writing about him makes it sound so much worse im starting to feel bad about making him suffer
Someone ask him whats wrong
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
Vincent get your man he's sad 😭😭
Nahh Vinny probably gonna be like “be strong you got this” or some bullshit and then like completely ignore his feelings or whatever, since William is too embarrassed to tell him about his tragic backstory because he tried once and Vinny was like “ummmmmm well i was there and i didn’t notice anything so you’re probably making it up/ making it sound worse than it was 🙄🙄🙄” soo he doesn’t talk about it to anyone now
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
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Not even he gets bitches bro
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
Hey lia m what can you say about your dad's last name it's definitely something out of the ordinary //at least in my opinion
“Well i didnt pick it out for him so i dont know (💀💀💀), but i think if you google it its a kind of rare last name, i dunno.”
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
Are your characters multilingual or bilingual? If yes what other language they speak in?
Okay so,
Vincent knows English and Japanese (he just learned Japanese because he thought it was an interesting language and just. did it ig)
Liam only knows English
William knows Russian (native language), English and Chinese (his family all know these languages as well)
Idk if you remember Kendy (💀) but i changed his name to Kenny and he knows English and Spanish because he’s from Chile because i said so
And i have some others but im too lazy to put them all here
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
curious when did your disagreements started with vincent, william?
“Well, they weren’t really disagreements, but… well, he kind of started talking to me less and he stopped allowing me to see liam , like he was avoiding me so, when i asked him why he just denied doing it and said i was probably imagining it, which i probably WAS but, I dont know, it still hurt a little, haha.”
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
ooooh what kind of books do you read vinny? Can I call you that or is it too personal
“Well, mostly novels or simple stories, nothing too complicated or special, i mostly reread the ones i already have since i don’t have space for new ones. Also sure, you can call me Vinny if you want.” -he smiles-
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
Does Liam do pranks on William or vin?
He pranks William more often because they have a similar sense of humor
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
Vincent are you blind without the glasses or are they like reading glasses?
“These are more like reading glasses.”
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
-pat vin head- what conditioner you use fox man >:)
“Uhh, I’m a wolf but, I just use whichever’s the cheapest high quality option.”
- he doesn’t really do much about the pat, just a small pat back to your hand
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
Hey Liam before vin what was life like for you?
“Well, I was pretty much homeless, so it wasn’t very nice, but the people around who knew me took care of me so i was able to make it this far because of them, I guess. If i had, like, died back then then i wouldn’t have met my dad yknow?”
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masked-puppeteer · 2 years
William are you and Vincent in good terms?
“Yeah, I think we are, yes.”
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