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drawesomedump · 5 years ago
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Villainess Month Day 13
Mary visited Catarina one day. They eat snacks and talk when Mary mentions how she always wanted to brush someone else’s hair. Catarina offers her head and so they find a place and get comfortable. Maybe too comfortable in Catarina’s case since she’s now dozing off. But it’s not HER fault; the rhythmic brushing is a very soothing feeling! (Mary, of course, finds the sleepy Catarina adorable)
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oddeyesarcpendulumdragon · 5 years ago
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VillainessMonth Day 18: RPG
Once again, showing my biases but only drawing girls slkfdjalk;sfja
There’s an official art of them all in rpg outfits so that’s what these are based off of!!  I had to get a little creative with some of them, particularly ALL of Maria’s, because of the way they were hidden in the artwork, but I had a lot of fun!  They’re a cute little rpg party ready to save the world <3
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donut-powers · 5 years ago
Day 4: Keith Claes
My boy Keith is the best boy out of the cast according to anitrendz, congrats!
I don't really have a lot to say about Keith. I don't ship him with Katarina, that's his sister. NOPE
He has strong af magic BUT he is physically meh. Noodle boy.
Thanks to Katarina he is more comfortable using his earth magic.
When he helps Katarina with her field, he usually uses his earth magic.
I like to imagine that as Katarina's little bro she taught him how to climb.
Looking at the flashbacks from this weeks episode(7) Katarina doesn't take care of her hair that much, so Keith likes to brush her hair.
He started to take care of his hair because he once read that girls like guys with good hair.
He spends more time with Luigi (Papa Claes) because he needs to prepare to be the future duke. 
He would say "SHAMELESS" whenever anyone tried to get close to Katarina, he doesn't want any of the other suitors getting close to his sis, SPECIALLY Gerald (I really miss muse from love live ok). Nobody is aloud to lewd his sister.
He develops his own version of the Katarina-glare®, but it's based on the original (and way superior) Diana aka mama Claes glare. His version is way less intimidating but it works
He probably plays the trumpet or some other wind instrument (it would be way funnier if it was the tuba) maracas
He learns a lot of pop culture references through Katarina’s weird rants
He wonders wtf Katarina is talking about sometimes
"What do you mean that we are not those type of cousins, you are my nee san?" - Keith
She is referring to this type of cousins
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He really appreciates that Katarina is a social butterfly because now he has friends (he is not lonely).
He doesn't know why Katarina tries to keep him away from Nicol, they are just friends (right?)
Being oblivious runs in the family, he doesn't notice when someone subtly flirts with him.
He might is kind of shy, but once he can legally drink OH BOY, he turns into an unstoppable flirt.
As the president of Katarina mustn't end with Gerald club he holds a meeting once each month asking everyone else in the harem how's their romantic progress with Katarina. He wants the harem to play
He praises Katarina when she does something good, but if she asks him to be honest he can be savage af.
I honestly would prefer if they actually acted like real siblings(shitty AF but still willing to die for each other).
Katarina makes a lot of bro jokes with him, and he is moved by all of them, example: 
Katarina: bro, close your eyes
Keith: Okay onee san
Katarina: what do you see?
Keith: Nothing nee san
Katarina: that's my life without you
Keith, in tears: ONEE SAN!
Also this when Katarina is trying to write her Fortune Lover Manual: 
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I have seen a lot of people ship him with Sophia, just because they want Sophia to be related to Katarina(at least let her fight for her love), but it makes a lot of sense if they don't end up with her. They would be a chill couple, they are not dramatic. They would visit Katarina a lot (she would kill someone with her butt)
On a side note:
The anime is making me ship Keith and Gerald, I'm not going to go further than that cause that's a whole can of worms that I don't want to open anytime soon.
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entamewitchlulu · 5 years ago
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So, May is tomorrow, so I thought I’d just share this! 
I’m doing a personal Villainess project next month, and I made a graphic of what I’m doing so if anyone else wanted to participate, they could! I’m not hosting an official event because I am extremely lazy (read: depressed lol), but I wanted to share the love lol.
Also, just cause I’m doing it in May doesn’t mean anyone else has to. It’s only 30 days so that it could be used as any old 30 Day Challenge any time you’d like to do it, any month at any time.  And feel free to share/repost this graphic wherever! Do not care if you credit me for it, i took like 10 minutes to make it on canva lol.
I’ll be using #VillainessMonth to post my shit, so feel free to use that tag if you do anything with it so you can boost your work! I just wanna spread the Villainess love~ <3
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mercuriallycooperative · 5 years ago
"Who Needs Destruction Flags If You're Already Dead?" (link to ao3)
there is a girl who haunts the Claes family.
she's really very nice.
(Sometimes, you hit your head, and you wake up with memories of your past life, and also you're a ghost now. Well, at least you don't need to worry about bad ends anymore!)
Villainess Month prompt was ‘Bad End’ and I actually have a second ghost!Katarina story that I will also be writing that would fit slightly better, but this was one I got a chapter done of approximately before the end of the day. Er, more or less.
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drawesomedump · 5 years ago
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Villainess Month Day 12
Nicol was saying how precious Catarina is to him, got too close, and she fainted. (So the usual)
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drawesomedump · 5 years ago
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Villainess Month Day 15
Maria and Catarina were shopping for ingredients/seeds but Catarina kept getting distracted with all the amazing sights and, more specifically, smells. So she held on to Maria to focus on the task. Maria decided to show Catarina her favorite places while she’s here with her.
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oddeyesarcpendulumdragon · 5 years ago
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VillainessMonth Day 20: Cafe 
one of Katarina's otaku friends got her to come to this maid cafe, and now she keeps going back and she's not really sure why...probably nothing to do with that cute waitress in the pink dress. definitely not.
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oddeyesarcpendulumdragon · 5 years ago
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VillainessMonth Day 21: Fairy Tale 
I cannot believe I managed to draw a background I don't utterly despise. I've peaked i'm never drawing again
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oddeyesarcpendulumdragon · 5 years ago
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Villainess Month Day 6: Mary Hunt
We stan a tenacious, determined bisexual
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drawesomedump · 5 years ago
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Villainess Month Day 8
When Catarina ate her muffins, and called Maria by her first name, and visited her home, and-
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drawesomedump · 5 years ago
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Villainess Month Day 9
Geordo was complaining about how his hand has been hurting from writing too much, so Catarina decides to kiss it better
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drawesomedump · 5 years ago
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I’m gonna (attempt to) participate in entamewitchlulu ‘s Villainess Month, since it gives me something to do while waiting for the anime! (But I’ll be honest, I was gonna draw these characters anyway)
So here’s Day 1 - 3!
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drawesomedump · 5 years ago
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Villainess Month Day 10
Catarina challenges Alan to a race, and wins. But Alan gets to see Catarina smile so who’s the real winner?
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donut-powers · 5 years ago
Day 2: Jeord(I prefer Gerald) Stuart
Continuing the month of villainess here are my headcanons/interpretation of Gerald, I haven’t read the light novel so there may be some things that are OCC
He tries so hard to make Katarina notice him on a romantic way. That it kind of feels like "senpai notice me" meme
When he learns that Katarina is into gardening, he starts to read gardening books and ask the royal gardener to teach him on his free time(when he cannot see Katarina)
He just wants a woman that doesn't conform to the ways of the nobles, someone that surprises him (that's why he was into Maria in the original game)
Fun fact: in the spanish-speaking fandom a lot of people call him "thousand names-kun"(mil nombres-kun), because there are a lot of translations of his name(Geordo, Gerald, Jared, Jeord, Geord, Jeordo, GIORNO)
He respects Mary quiet a lot because she is really forward with her intentions.
Keith and Mary might be his rivals but they join forces to stop people from joining the harem, Maria somehow joins in.
He is the president of Katarina's protection squad
(This comes from this fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/23951533 I highly recommend it) he sucks at baking so he practices at night just to impress Katarina. He admits defeat and asks Maria for help
I want him to have a confidant, so he has a butler that goes everywhere with him (like Anne with Katarina). He asks his butler for love advice mostly.
He is so in love with Katarina that he is willing to renounce to his royal title to live a happy life as a farmer alongside her.
He tries out new stuff thanks to Katarina’s influence
He wants to be the minister of agriculture cause that's farming related
When he uses his free time in non-Katarina related things he likes to study stuff that would make him a minister(administration, accounting, people skills etc)
He (not-so) secretly cares for Alan, when Alan was sick when they were little, he would visit him daily and ask how he was doing. Alan saw this as Gerald mocking him (Alan wtf?).
His favorite book genre is mystery, but he is secretly into romance (he just self inserts with Katarina)
His best friend is Nicol because they share a lot of experiences(a bunch of people want to marry them cause they are hot and powerful), he also asks him for advice on how to be a good older bro (it doesn't work). Sophia lowkey ships them.
He is afraid of snakes because his older brother chased him around with an anaconda (not the Nicki Minaj song) when he was young.
He is afraid of reptiles in general.
He doesn’t like people touching his things without permission, that person is probably going to be banished from the country.
When he gets angry he likes set stuff on fire to let off steam, over time he channels his anger into being a human heater.
He has muscles, but he is not on Katarina’s level of strength/buffness.
I believe that if he didn't end up with Katarina he would probably stay single for some years, and probably fall in love with a coworker and not someone from his friend group
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oddeyesarcpendulumdragon · 5 years ago
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VillainessMonth Day 13: MaryKata
I am incredible behind but I’m about to catch up tonight!  We’re finally getting to the girls’ dates, as Mary invites Katarina to a tea party in her rose garden.
Read All Routes Lead to Romance here!
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