#villain: jesteria
Dunno if you ever talked about it, but can you tell us more about Jesteria's family and home life before she went to villainy? Pretty please?
Of course!!
Growing up she was the oldest of three kids; her little brother and sister were five and seven years younger than her respectively. She had a lot of freedom because of this- her parents were always busy with her younger siblings so they pretty much had the "just be home by dark" parenting method. Despite this, she was actually pretty close with all of her family, and her siblings really looked up to her. They were all pretty disappointed when she ran away to join the circus after graduating high school, but tried to be positive about it at first and figured that she was just adventurous and would be back once she had some fun. Unfortunately they were sorely mistaken
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We haven't heard from your OCs in a while! So consider this ask a chance to share whatever you want about them!
Im going to use this as the perfect opportunity to share the dumbest, most inconsequential things about them, so thanks!
Riper is really big into juicing fruit. Like “suburban mom in 2012 who saw an infomercial for a juicer” levels of into it. They grow their own fruit for it using their quirk
Sick-ler is a cat person, and his favorite breed is bengals. Jesteria is a dog person, she loves Dobermann pinchers. Riper loves both and their preference is simply the fluffier the better!
Jesteria collects dolls and stuffed animals. Her favorites are vintage clown dolls and weird animals that typically arent toys like slugs and eels
When Sickler isnt committing crimes, you can typically find him at the library trying his best to not be recognized. He particularly likes reading poetry and biographies
Riper really loves birds, and uses their quirk to try and attract them with fruits, trees to sit in, etc! Theyre a big fan of kingfishers specifically
Despite not being very big or physically strong, Sickler is actually a pretty good boxer, and learned how to box as a kid
Jesteria has the worst taste in color/design. She loves the most garish clothing that anyone else would hate (she also would love Mina’s hero costume for how bright it is)
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mha-quotes-and-such · 7 months
Hey! Since there's been some ship talk going around, can you tell us about Grim Riper's, Sick-ler's and Jesteria's love lives? Anything cool really, like first crushes, if they are in a relationship and how highly they value romance in their lives.
I am SO sorry this took so long to respond to, but thank you for asking!!
Jesteria is actually aro! She never really understood why all her peers in school made such a big fuss over crushes, but she found it very funny nonetheless. She's the type to love gossiping and being Far too invested in others personal lives, so even if she never has any crushes shes always very nosy about other people's
Riper is by far the most romantic of the three- theyre an absolute sucker for anything cute and lovey. They absolutely believe in love at first sight, and have wooed past lovers with poems and songs on Several occasions. They dont have any partners at the moment, but they do have a crush on another yet-to-be-unveiled oc that I've been slowly piecing together for awhile now
Sick-ler has had a couple of relationships in the past, but all of them ended pretty abysmally due to his tendency to shut himself in his room for days at a time working. At one point in his past, he did actually intend on proposing to one of his partners, but they broke up before that happened. He tends to stay away from relationships now to avoid the headache
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Could the Grim Riper, Sick-ler and Jesteria ever work together if the need arrived (like a big, big crisis)? And who would hate it the most? (Assuming they'd manage it at all)
They could definitely do it if they absolutely had to but it would Not be easy. Imagine three terrible siblings who have made it their lives mission to torture each other. Riper would try their hardest to keep order, and it works to an extent, but its only a matter of time until they end up dragged into the other twos problems. I think their quirks works really well together and their skills balance each other out. Their personalities would definitely clash, but when push comes to shove they could totally become the worlds worst vigilante squad!
As for who would hate it the most, I definitely think itd be Sick-ler. Jesteria and Riper are definitely more upbeat, and he hates working with people. Jesteria would also intentionally try to get on his nerves which certainly wouldnt help. I think it would be a terrible nice social experience for him tho, maybe even teach him how to be a little more cooperative
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mha-quotes-and-such · 9 months
Okay, I'm a bit late, but please give me some grace: how did Grim Riper, Sick-ler and Jesteria spend Christmas? (And do they celebrate it?)
Hey Im even later in answering this, but thank you for asking!!
Riper’s the biggest Christmas fan out of the three. Theyre the type of person to buy every single human being they know a gift, bake 30000 cookies, and decorate every surface they can. Christmas is spent with literally every single human being who will spend it with them. They usually end up with dozens of people over their house!
Jesteria isnt as crazy about Christmas but she enjoys it! She loves going to holiday parties and will steal Christmas lights to decorate her living space with. Shes also a fan of cheesy Christmas movies. Everything from cliche romances to goofy horror movies are a must have for the season!
Sick-ler never grew up celebrating Christmas, and still doesnt now. Before becoming a villain he was dragged to the occasional office holiday party, which he wasnt very fond of. He does love a good gingerbread cookie tho, so he’ll tolerate the festivities for that
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Has the Grim Riper ever met/fought Jesteria? What do they think of each other?
They have! The two don’t interact too often, but they’ve fought each other a few times. They actually get along surprising well for being enemies. They’re both pretty high energy people so there’s a lot of bantering when they meet
Riper thinks Jesterias a good person that just ended up on the wrong path, and really wants to help her (even if she doesn’t really want the help). Jesteria on the other hand thinks Riper is pretty fun, but sees them as kind of uptight or snobby on the sole basis that they’re a hero and won’t let her just commit crimes. If they weren’t enemies they’d honestly probably be good friends!
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mha-quotes-and-such · 2 years
How was Jesteria's first ever crime? If you thought about it already.
And was Jesteria her stage name on the circus or did she choose it specifically as a villain name?
Her first ever crime was actually pretty low key, she pretty much just shoplifted for the first part of her criminal career! Her first ever crime attributed to her as a villain tho was the first time she got caught. She ended up leading the police on a huge chase and pretty much destroying a few neighborhoods trying to set up road blocks by randomly floating stuff at cops
As for her name, the act she was a part of was called Total Jesteria, and was pretty much a small act that would play pranks on other acts throughout the show! Once the act closed tho she took on the name for herself
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mha-quotes-and-such · 2 years
Jesteria is so cool! Tell us more about her please! (If you feel like it)
Thank you!! She’s not fully fleshed out yet but she’s actually got a lot to her so far- so here it is!
Her name is Akari Hidaka and she was previously a circus performer. Her skill was using her quirk mainly for acrobatic tricks (the bubbles can withstand a good deal of weight/impact without damage). The show got closed down after a few years of her joining, so she attempted to be a street performer. That quickly shut down tho since the whole “no using your quirk” thing. Out of spite, and to help herself in the meantime, she turned to crime and realized she actually enjoyed it believe it or not! Quickly she made her way from petty criminal to villain as she became more and more of a nuisance trying to out perform herself!
Backstory aside, she’s a pretty quirky (pun intended) person. She’s incredibly unorganized and bouncing off the walls with energy at every moment. She takes absolutely nothing seriously and turns even police chases into a game! Despite being very friendly and outgoing, she typically works solo since she really has no motive and is prone to just dropping a plan at any moment if she decides she doesn’t like it, even while in the middle of executing it. However if something another villains doing seems fun, she has a tendency to just kinda show up for her own amusement
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mha-quotes-and-such · 2 years
Wow! The new Sick-ler design is SICK (affectionate) (Bad pun 100% intended)
Also, I can totally see Jesteria saying "you will float too" while causing some mayhem (fun fact, I read her name as Jesterina at first)
Thank you both for the kind words and pun!! I appreciate it!
And YES I totally agree! Her quirk was actually inspired by Pennywise! I was thinking of giving her some sort of juggling related quirk at first but it wasn’t working, and my horror movie loving ass could NOT pass up some sort of reference to It. Ended up changing her quirk to kind of a water balloon idea for awhile (with the whole blood filled balloon thing) and eventually changed into the final floating quirk!
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mha-quotes-and-such · 2 years
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Havent talked about my ocs in awhile so heres an update
I decided to redesign Sick-ler a bit both to just update the style but also to reference the Kunekune, as well as change his mask to match his face more
Secondly Ive finally finished a new oc I mentioned awhile ago! Her name is Jesteria (jester + hysteria) and shes a villain who just commits crime for the fun of it. Her quirk is kind of a mix between Mr Compress and Uraraka’s, being that she can bubble objects in order to make them float
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mha-quotes-and-such · 2 years
Do Jesteria and Sick-ler know each other? Have they worked together before or perhaps helped each other?
They have met each other! But they also kind of cant stand each other. They are VERY different people, and have extremely different goals (that being that Sick-ler actually has goals and Jesteria does not). I imagine if they had to they could work together, but essentially Jesteria sees Sick-ler as having a stick up his ass, and Sick-ler thinks Jesteria just nuts
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mha-quotes-and-such · 2 years
Is my tablet broken? Yeah. Do I have a lot of asks to answer? Yeah. Should I finally queue quotes? Yeah. Am I going to post potential oc drafts? Yeah
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mha-quotes-and-such · 3 years
Master Post
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Dancer AU- An AU where everyone is a pro dancer, and UA is a dancing school
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