#vile academy rp
christiansorrell · 5 months
Play Report: Tacticians of Ahm #2
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Tonight, I ran the second session of an ongoing playtest of an upcoming starter Tacticians of Ahm adventure I'm hoping to get out in the February update (the game is itchfunding now). So, here's a play report (and here's a link to the first play report)!
After the chaos of the griffin attack on the Academy's field day, everyone went back inside the Academy walls for safety. Both griffins, including the one carrying Von Lopesbane, flew off to the northeast, after getting hit by enough attacks from the professors and student tacticians below to be thoroughly annoyed.
Inside the walls, the party saw a number of scouts coming in from the north, west, and eastern roads, all with the same news: sightings and reports of imperial soldiers (even several skyriders - the empress's griffin rider legion) attacking Ahmian citizens - all while proclaiming to be fighting back against the corrupt1on!
Groups of Tacticians and their advisors began to form parties to go out and address these various reports - after all what's a better final exam than the real thing? Professor Dana Turr, an elderly naga woman and the Senior Term headmaster, gave the group an option (since their advisor, Von Lopesbane, was missing): Find Von Lopesbane on their own and it will earn them a guaranteed early graduation and exemption from the remaining weeks of exercises. The other Tacticians on site at the Academy are spread too thin with more violent reports nearby, but she can't abandon Von Lopesbane and if the imperial army is involved, this could be serious enough to actually mean he's in serious risk.
The group agreed and were sent off to Quartermaster Bormos to get field equipment before heading out: 5 rations, a healing potion, and a piece of equipment (under 25g) of their choice. Both Tacticians took Leather Armor. Quablin bought both of them backpacks for the road.
The group headed out, into the region northeast of the academy in search of Von Lopesbane.
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The party was somewhat familiar with this region from their time at the Academy. To the north was Four Families, a collection of four family farms all housed very close to one another - the road eerily quiet. To the east, the village of Dodona - smoke rising up from that direction in the distance. To the far north, ruins of an old war watchtower, formally abandoned for centuries.
Helios pushed for the group to head to Four Families and then east towards Dodona. The road was strangely quiet on the way (no random encounters were rolled).
They arrived at the farmhouses and found it, again, strangely quiet. They approached the nearest house and a halfling farmer whispered at them out of the shrubs - There are soldiers in the house! They attacked the other houses and his family only just made it out in time.
Helios approached the house and tried to convince the soldiers inside that she was a higher ranking officer, but the soldiers were assured in their mission, claiming Helios to likely be an agent of the corrupti0n. Frustrated, Helios kicked down the door and rushed in!
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Over a 4 round fight, the Tacticians faced 1 Lietenant (EL2) and 2 Spearman (EL1). Through a clever use of Stupor to stun two of the enemies followed by a perfect backstab from Helios the group took the fight but both were just a strike away from falling. The gained 1 XP, 1 RP for their combo and leveled their Relationship to Level 1.
They questioned the defeated troops, you seemed out of sorts, babbling about corrupt1on, being far from home, and the vile nature of the White Walled City - almost as if the concepts of D4RKW3LL and Ahm were swapped in their mind.
Next time, the party travels onward!
[Design notes: We were testing some changes/expansions here to overland travel as it is currently written in the published rulebook. It's more of a node-based pointcrawl than a traditional hexcrawl (like the FF Tactics overworld map). The other thing I'm focusing on going forward in playtests in holding myself better to the digital nature of the world and highlighting those aspects (and providing guidance in the rulebook for GMs to know how to do the same).](edited)
Tacticians of Ahm is itchfunding now and it currently at it's lowest price (just $15 USD) with monthly updates coming from February to September of this year (and hopefully beyond)!
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vile-academy · 5 years
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Home | Rules | Ask
We are an upcoming Discord RP group based on the 2019 version of Carmen Sandiego! As the name suggests, we focus on the corrupt agency of V.I.L.E island and the academy that is built there. Here you can enroll as a student of V.I.L.E in your freshman year. You will be taught by 5 professors, learn all the subjects required to be a master thief and agent, earn your stealth suit and code name, go on unexpected field trip lesson plans, until you finally graduate to go on full blown capers. Remember your loyalty, for once you embark on the path of V.I.L.E there’s little backing out.
OC friendly! This is an OC only server pr much. 
18+ only 
Friendly & understanding mods
Eventual plots/arcs
LGBTQIA+ friendly
Please feel free to check out our blogs & rules, and drop any questions you may have! Click the follow button to be up to date on any updates & esp for when applications open! V.I.L.E Academy will be ready for enrollment soon. <3
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A little RP scenario where Mime Bomb got into the academy because his mother was “White Collar VILE” and good friends/former lover with Countess Cleo. Because of this, most of Dash’s early “assistant duties” included babysitting the kid while Cleo “caught up” with Mime’s mother.
Dash was originally annoyed by the kid who followed him around before growing fond of having his own “protege” once he saw the potential.
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once-upon-a-memoir · 5 years
LFC :: Zatna Spiteveil
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The Basics --- - 
Full name: Zatna Spiteveil, previously Mirthheart. Nickname(s): Zatbab, stabby gal, sunflower, sunshine, shadowstep.  Title(s): Shadowblade. Alias(es): Eclipse.  Age: Around 2900 years old. Birthday: 10th of July.  Race: Sin'dorei.  Gender & pronouns: Female, she/her pronouns.  Sexuality: Nobody fucking knows.  Marital Status: Unofficially going out with @frostwyrmsfury​‘s Andiais. 
Physical Appearance --- - 
Hair: The majority of her head is bald and scarred, the hair scalded and burned away during a childhood accident. Now Zatna shaves what of her hair still grows, instead opting to wear pale ginger wigs whenever she isn't dawning her leather hood or scarf-cloak. Eyes: Golden yet with a tint of darkness. Her eyes are tired and heavy yet alert and sharp, seeing the world through a veil of pain and morals.  Height: 5'/152.4 cm.  Weight: 112.44 lbs/51 kg.  Build: Ectomorph. Zatna is thin yet obviously well-trained, her strength focused on agility and flexibility.  Scars: Burn scars on her shoulder, neck, and head. Several scars on her… everywhere, really. She essentially looks like a grizzled war-veteran (because that’s what she is). Two small pieces of the outer edge of her ear have also been torn off. Tattoos: A few small, simple, and minimalistic ones that seem silly but are deeply symbolic. Distinguished Traits:
Her relaxed posture.
The slight freckling of her skin.
The bags under her eyes.
Silent footsteps.
A missing finger on her right hand.
Common Accessories:
A scarf in either red, black, or purple that you really cannot tell if it’s a scarf or a cloak. Spoilers: it’s both.
A one-handed sword, sheathe strapped to her back.
Two daggers at her hips and several other forms of sharp weaponry hidden across her body.
A cloth pouch and a leather purse attached to her belt.
Two golden hoops in her right ear.
Personal --- - 
Profession: Occasional assassin, bounty hunter, tracker, and monster hunter for hire. Full-time Shadowblade and hunter of oppressors, warmongers, and whoever else breaks her moral standard for a living. Hobbies:
Grumbling over existence, inequality, and people’s poor lack of morals and ethics.
Researching and observing.
Skill(s): Knife; hand-to-hand combat; shooting with a handgun or revolver; daggers, and one-handed axes and swords combat; singing; a bit of Void, Light, and Arcane magic; outdoors survival; surviving otherwise impossible to survive situations; strategising; acting; winging it; pulling pranks. Languages: Fluent Thalassian, conversational Common and Orcish, and a few words of Zandali and Darnassian. Residence: Zatna has a few hidden, barely used cottages scattered about Azeroth but no real, stable home. There’s one in Azsuna, one in Eversong Woods, one in Feralas, and one in Deadwind Pass. She also considers Keizi and Knoton’s abode a home, as well as Zatna’s parents’ estate outside Silvermoon. Still, she’s most likely to sleep and reside in the crowd of the Uncrowned or the wild. Birthplace: Silvermoon City. Religion: None. Patron Deity: None. Fears: Losing people; drowning; having a mission team mate be captured due out of her lack of skill.
Relationships --- - 
Spouse: None. Children: None. Parents:
 Vazolra Mirthheart (mother, alive).
Jathun Mirthheart (father, alive).
Siblings: None of blood, but the one person she considered a brother is double-deceased. His name was Itillan Riverseeker. Other Relatives: The only other relatives Zatna knows of is her mother’s side of the family, who abused and bullied every family member into becoming a follower of the Void, which led to them being exiled and becoming ren’dorei. Zatna refers to any of those relatives as “Crimsons”, short for Crimsonveil. Pets: None that are still in her care. When she lived with Keizi, Knoton, and Mo’hir in Durotar, she had several cats and raptors.
Traits --- -
Extroverted / Introverted / In between /: Zatna is an extroverted person, but, lately, with the change of pace in her life, she has become far less social in any way that isn’t business related.
Disorganised / Organised / In between /: She’s not a neat freak but doesn’t make a mess either.
Close Minded / Open Minded / In between /: So long you don’t try and oppress people or hurt them for no apparent reason in her vicinity, there’s next to nothing that she won’t accept and respect.
Calm / Anxious / In between /: Being anxious has never really been a thing she’s done.
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between /: She fights for a cause and what’s right, not to get people to agree.
Cautious / Reckless / In between /: She tries, and fails, to be cautious.
Patient / Impatient / In between /: This, somehow, always surprises people.
Outspoken / Reserved / In between /: Zatna used to say literally everything on her mind. Now she’s more reserved with personal things, like emotions and her mental state, but anything else she’ll more than happily yell to the entire world about.
Leader / Follower / In between /: She can’t follow orders worth shit. Not even her own.
Empathetic / Apathetic / In between /: She knows and understands and can relate to feelings, but simply has a very, very difficult time actually feeling them. This counts for her own but also things that are supposed to rub off from other people.
Optimistic / Pessimistic / In between /: It frequently changes whether she’s optimistic or pessimistic, though she has a tendency to lean towards a sense of pessimistic optimism. Like, it will probably be fine, but only moderately, and there’ll be some casualties, and overall Zatna simply expects everything to be mediocre.
Traditional / Modern / In between /: No comment.
Hard-working / Lazy / In between /: She can and will work through entire days without eating and sleeping.
Cultured / Uncultured / In between /: Depends on what culture you mean. Sin’dorei culture? Eh, a little cultured. Meme culture? Very cultured. Manners? Not cultured at all.
Loyal / Disloyal / In between /: Her trust is very, very difficult to get, but once you do she will die for you. And, generally, she lives by a “no man is left behind” mindset on missions, unless it’s absolutely, one hundred percent necessary to leave them behind.
Faithful / Unfaithful / In between /: Only thing she has faith in is her ability to track down and kill people.
Assertive / Timid / In between /: Don’t get fooled by her height, you’ll wish her aura never came near you.
Additional Information --- - 
Smoking: Occasionally. Alcohol: Frequently, if she didn’t work so much. Drugs: Possibly, if offered. Triggers: Drowning; being stuck beneath something in the middle of a fire. Face claim: Kim Jihae. Theme song: Life by Neffex. Alignment: Chaotic good / neutral. In-game classes she takes after the most: Subtlety rogue with a splurge of outlaw and simple Arcane mage.
Alt Verses --- - 
Brightheart: Not much changes here aside from the fact she, briefly, has a successful love life with Halduron Brightwing. They have three kids and end up getting a divorce after they’ve all migrated from their home.
Modern: A woman in the mid-30s still working towards her college degree. Up until a few years ago, she’s been making her income through professional downhill mountain-biking. 
Forsaken: Zatna dies in Northrend and is raised as Forsaken. She’s very nonchalant about it. Everybody else isn’t.
RP Hooks --- - 
Academy: Vazolra, Zatna’s mom, is the headmistress of a magic academy in the heart of Silvermoon where Zatna, alongside many, many other people, have graduated.
Bounty hunter: Not exactly feeling like going off to an alternative universe for someone who’s already out of reach to harm anyone else on Azeroth, Zatna spent the entirety of Warlords of Draenor as a bounty hunter, alongside her best friends Knoton and Mo’hir. Zatna still occasionally go after bounties and accept bounty hunter jobs, if they line up with her style of targets.
The Uncrowned: Zatna is a Shadowblade going under the alias Eclipse. She frequently launches campaigns, plots tactics, and gathers information to take down vile people of all kinds. In this line of work, she needs the help of all kinds of people, and preferably a lot of them.
Taverns: Zatna is social butterfly and quite the drinker when she finally lets herself take a break from work.
Contact Information --- -
where i roleplay: discord and tumblr. zatna can be found at @once-upon-a-memoir​ while follows and likes come from @foxfictioncentral. what im looking for:
action & adventure rp
people willing to further a plot idea i have that features a drug-caused disease, a lot of murdering, frustration, and several attempts and fails at coming up with a cure
connections of all sorts (business, friends, enemies, familial, what have you)
slice of life
emotionally charged rp
long-term and short-term connections
pre-established relationships
detective rp
what i wont do: explicit sex, self-harm, suicide, in-game rp (it’s an anxiety thing), and excessive gore.
i mainly write multi-paragraphs style as i have a tendency to vomit words, but i won’t say no to rping with different styles. my writing is very emotion heavy, and my favorite thing to write is emotionally challenging stuff. give me all the angst, tho i write p much anything
useful links: about || relationships || verses || starter call rules / guidelines / ooc info
other muse blogs: @hugs-not-anonymous​ @conflictedenergies​
mun blogs:  @foxfictioncentral​ @jcfoxington​ @arcticartings​
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forsaken-city-rp · 7 years
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Welcome to the Forsaken City!  
We’re glad to see that you have arrived safely within the city limits.  You have three days to make your facebook and add the admins Z.Tao, Seunghyun, and Hyunjae.  But be careful, the sun is rising quickly, and hunters are always on the move.
AGE: His face is frozen at a ripe 22, but his demonic existence has lurked the earth for centuries. Though relatively young for a demon of his kind, 677 is the true age of his being on the earth.
SPECIES: Demonic entity (even though it says to avoid this) I’m not talking about the biblical demon but more the demonic entity that are born out of evil that is committed within the world. An unclean spirit that can inhabit bodies and trap the the thriving soul within, possibly being able to consume it completely if weak enough, and claim the body as its own which then allows it to fully transfer its powers to its new body.
  What was once open, from men in robes preaching the annihilation of his kind to holy soldiers trained in hand to hand combat and the dealings of his weaknesses, the hunters of this era were surprisingly swift, clever, more advanced than the last as they continued to evolve. But as they evolved, so did DEAN, with nearly 700 years of experience dealing with the pesky hunters, a night like his current simply held no challenge for his expertise in avoiding such obvious disaster.   He could spot them a mile away, pretending to browse through their phones and picking up street food as believable cover up for their true mission. They’d organized quite well since the former century, moving on from the religious rule of flashing holy water, which of course affected him as it would any other human, to a more militant tactic that from Dean’s more recent experiences, were more violent and a big step up according to his standards.   His first run around caught him off guard and it seemed the pesky fucks had been tracking him somehow for the entire evening, to his eventual knowledge of course. He ditched his meal ticket for the night and decided to take it solo for the dragging night that turned late to early, when the majority of the souls of the city reached the point of rem, or at least those in the outskirts of the major one he happened to be inhabiting. Walking from the side of the street and eventually to the middle where he skipped every other step, taunting the hunters to pounce with each step of no apparent destination, until finally a split second motion of his palms from silenced guns kickstarted the impending fight, the hunters’ mission.   What are these, newbies? The demon let out a small chuckle as he opened up his palms to glance at the annoying inventions that killed thousands of organics per day on the planet. “I liked the bow and arrows better. More stylish really.” He mumbled to himself and immediately turned to throw the bullets at their new targets, returning the absorbed energy at full blast to the shadowed foreheads of two of the four hunters, with a red glint to his exposing irises. “Two down.”   The other two ran out immediately as their comrades fell, both frantically shooting at the demon, whose arms moved according to each opposite end of incoming bullets, catching every shot until the empty clicks of triggers were heard and the immediate pull of knives came next. Dean dropped the bullets to instead use this harnessed energy for his hunters’ next intentions of hand to hand combat. He had to play their game sooner or later, and what better way to learn their level of skill than now, a time of execution that would surely backfire the four who really shouldn’t have been lead out of whatever academy they came from.   "Slow–“ He commented mid knife fight, using his temporary enhanced movements to avoid each and every swipe and stab targeting his young and very beautiful body that he’d worked hard to maintain from two opposing sources who, without too much wasted time, were manipulated by his expertise and forced to stab themselves respectively and multiple times at that. "Way too slow.” He finally paused to take a breather, then brushed his hair aside as the hunters fell to their own bleeding deaths. “Though better than the last I’ll give you that.” He smiled down at his executors and reached down to rob them of their personal possessions, for obvious purposes but also for informational purposes of his own behalf. “Your souls were tainted anyway– it was only a matter of time…” The demon waved his hand over the gravel between the dead bodies, splitting the dimension into one clean pathway to his home with his remaining energy and walked into the staircase of his apartment basically connected to the gravel of the road. The perks of being born an energy manipulator of all the vile entities.   "Sweet dreams~“ He sweetly bid his final farewell as he disappeared into the road.
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