#vil's reqs💞
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kitsuvil · 1 month ago
Hey Kit. Long time no speak. So my birthday is coming up in 3 days, would you make a fanfic for my birthday? It’s okay if you don’t have too
request away!! i'll try my best to get it out on time, but i'm balancing tumblr with working on my book daily so it might be a little late 🫶
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thesilliestangel4ever · 3 years ago
greetings :D this is out of the blue but i just love the way you're actively interacting with your followers :)) and i would like to req something but take your time and dont rush if you still got other things to do
leona x gn reader ; leona secretly likes the reader but he just doesn't realise how he's sometimes too smitten towards them. for examples he can't really say no to reader when they asked for help, is willing to put aside his sleeping priorities to help reader fix any problems they made during studies and etc . he also ended up getting teased by the dorm members because of this :))
Awawwwwwww ur so isjsjejehhe wsweet 🥰🥺🥰💖💞💞💖💖‼️
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- okay so!
- at first, Leona just thought of you like everyone else
- just a normal herbivore, yk yk?
- but, the more you started to spend time with him- he starts to feel a bit attached to you
- Leona does get flustered around you, yes--
- but its not obvious
- atleast not most of the time
- unless you're really observant, you wouldnt notice the longing glances leona gives you
- how the lengths hes willing to go for you has started to slowly intensify
- like, it went from grabbing something for you since he's close to it
- to helping you with LITERALLY EVERYTHING
- like, he helps you study!! When HES the one who barely puts any effort into school!!
- it has reached to the point where he stops napping for YOU!!
- he thinks hes being v v sly n sneaky 😇😇😇 but in reality hes more obvious than he thinks 😤😤‼️
- nobody's ever seen him do this for anybody else, literally!!
- like,,, nobodys seen him do i vested in a conversation b4 ‼️‼️
- ur built different sweetie
- Leona might not actually say it aloud, but actions speak louder than words
- hed literally yeet his entire sleep schedule across the room to help you with your problems
- ruggie has deffo noticed 💪😇✨
- ruggie, and some of the other dorm heads (such as Vil or Azul) tease him for it!
- bc i feel like other students dont have the guts to tease him like that 😇😇
- he gets v v defensive when they tease him!!
- "I don't have a thing for them, chill out and shut up. And if I DID I would just tell them? No WAY would I be so stupid and not just tell them outright." 🙄🙄🙄
- And the dorm heads/ruggie are just lik “Alright, if that were true you’d actually tell them whether or not you’re friends or if it’s something more.”
- and he goes "bet :)"
- I feel like, since he's acting like this about it, he wouldn't say it aloud?
- anytime he tries to, he can barely force the words out, so he just yoinks u and uses you as a pillow when he wants cuddles
- you know how cats bring dead animals to ur owners??? He does that w/u!! Just not with dead animals hehe
- just give this lion some love and affection please he needs it
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kitsuvil · 2 years ago
Hi im not sure if the requests were open or not so if not just ignore it
What about enemies to lovers with tighnari, but the reader has adhd, tighnari doesnt know this and just thinks the reader doesnt focus on his lectures just to annoy him
The reader also doesnt know that tighnari isnt aware of the fact they have adhd. They tought they told them before or someone else did and he is just being rude on purpose.
Now watch tighnari's emberrasment after he finds your adhd meds and goes "oh gods im an idiot"
— misunderstanding [tighnari x gn! adhd! reader]
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warnings/notes; fluff, comfort, adhd, mental health, does get slightly angsty in the depressed reader type of way but tighnari comes to fix it ofc <3 i think i made this way more emotional and comfort focused than it should've been sorry anon but i hope it still fits ;;
summary; your emotional breakdows for the past few weeks were all just a misunderstanding? tighnari should learn how to read better. proper summary is technically in the ask i'm just playing around hehe
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"Again, Y/N?"
"What?" Your eyes flicker back to the lead ranger who's berating you for disregarding his lessons. For the 6th time this week. You'd think that by now you'd have learned to stop drifting away from his voice and the lecture...
But all he could see is that you truly didn't want to pay attention, you thought that staring at the clouds and people outside mattered more than the instruction he was offering.
"Y/N, please, I understand if you don't think it's important to learn all this, it can be very extensive but... I don't understand why you would ask for extra tutoring if you don't care. Is it just to take away time from me?"
"No, I- I get you're really busy, I would never take advantage of you like that, I really want to learn this and become a better forest ranger..."
You'd told him before about how difficult it is for you to memorize the content you're supposed to learn. Everything seems to just leave your mind, entirely without your consent. One day you think you've got something entirely scaled out in your mind, but by the time you have to answer questions about it, you can only stare into nothing and rack your empty brain, just to find not even a hint towards the answer.
You can promise Tighnari that you'd paid attention that day all you want, but you don't have the evidence to prove it. The times you can remember something fully and it stays, you throw a mini-celebration in your head, feeling successful. Yet - you had to constantly remind yourself about the fact that it wouldn't be enough to become as good of a ranger as Tighnari, or even your colleague Collei.
Even the extensive tutoring you'd begged Tighnari to give you wasn't helping, you felt hopeless. Now here he was, getting upset at you for something you couldn't control. You knew he had his eyes on you every time you couldn't stop fidgeting from stress and the overwhelming feeling of what you had to accomplish that day. You felt so... Weak. Didn't he understand your condition? You were almost positive he'd read through the files that were stored somewhere in Gandharva Ville. He did that for everyone. Shouldn't he understand how debilitating having ADHD felt?
"Y/N. You're spacing out again. What do you need from me so that I can actually help you?" Tighnari raised his voice.
Comfort, you wanted to speak out. But instead, you just looked down at your lap in silence. It wouldn't do anything to suddenly spill out your stressors and illness to him. He wasn't a therapist after all, he was just a student, professor, and a ranger at the same time. He doesn't deserve to have more issues thrown on him. Either way, this was something you'd been told to deal with yourself your entire life.
"If you're going to be like this, the session is dismissed for today. I hope you'll be more focused within the class along with the rest of the trainees tomorrow. Be awake bright and early in the morning so you don't miss anything. Although, it seems like you're not getting enough sleep so I might be a little more lenient."
You heaved a sigh of relief, ready to go home and cry your stress out under the comfort of your blankets. At least maybe you could rest a little more in the morning, but it would just be another case of you being portrayed as 'lazy', when all you wanted was to be as active as the others.
"Thank you, goodnight Tighnari," you frowned.
You returned home and let the tears spill the instant you fell into your bed, feeling even more helpless than a few weeks ago when you hadn't asked him for help. He was acting like an ass to you for no reason. You really didn't comprehend why he couldn't have some mercy on you and try to help you learn in other ways that would be memorable.
A knock echoed through the building you slept in and called home. "Yes?" You managed to get out in between choked sobs as you tried to calm down and wipe your face, deciding on pretending to have just been asleep so that your eyebags weren't suspicious.
It was Tighnari who walked in, of course.
"I thought I'd get you some tea, to help you sleep. It's obvious you're not having a good time. I'm sorry if I'm too strict on you, but I can't help you if you don't put in the effort."
You untuck your head from your sheets.
"I've been trying so hard to put in effort, Tighnari. You just... don't care to see it. Thanks for the tea, you can put it on my bedside table."
"Y/N..." He pauses for a moment, coming closer while contemplating on what you said
There's a long silence after he places the hot cup down.
"Shit, Y/N, you're kidding me right?"
"Did I do something wrong again?..." You tensed up.
"No, I- How did I not see this. I'm an actual idiot. This makes so much sense."
You look towards Tighnari to see what was causing his mental spiral.
In his hands was a small bottle, a paper on it labeled as treatment for ADHD.
"Oh, yeah... Sorry, I forgot to take them today. That must be why today was worse than usual..." You rub your hands over your fatigued face.
"That's not it, I'm just... Y/N, you never told me you had ADHD? I've been so hard on you this entire time because I just thought you hated my lectures and teaching and me."
You freeze up after hearing his words, stuck in the element of shock.
"I thought you knew? There's no way you didn't know, it's on my files, isn't it? The ones you read about everyone?"
"You noticed that? I must've just entirely missed it. Y/N, I'm so sorry. No words can explain how I feel right now. I'm so guilty."
"Tighnari, don't stress over it too much. You don't know how relieved I feel right now, I thought you were just entirely dismissing my condition. Don't feel guilty, I understand it was just a big misunderstanding now."
"Still, I'm so sorry. Do you perhaps need some comfort, attention, anything? I don't have anything planned until class in the morning. You can explain things to me for hours, I don't care. My ears are always open to listening whether I like it or not anyway. We're going to plan out a guide that will help you memorize the content more, we can even do experiments and things, I will bring you to a proper forest ranger in no time. I wish I'd known this earlier."
The next morning, the entire group of forest rangers saw Tighnari and you exit from the same bedroom, tired with eyebags present, but you were smiling like never before.
You two were already closely acquainted, where could this go further now that he knew the truth?
THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE PLS IM SOBBING. like actually bcs like partway thru this i teared up and idk if it was the tighnari playlist i was listening to or the kinning what mc feels in this 💀 neurodivergent people unite (though this IS heavily based on how adhd shows itself to me, it'll rarely be the exact same experience for everyone!)
on a side note i rly hope this was written well for u anon, u are my first actual request and i think thats super sweet and i enjoyed writing this a lot, u get a special first request badge <3
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