#viktor krum x male reader
hpsluts · 11 months
Viktor Krum and and Ron's older brother having a secret relationship. Ron's older brother being whored out by Viktor, being made into a pathetic cockslut.
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idk6123 · 21 days
Durmstrang Champion (Viktor Krum X Male Reader)
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Hogwarts was quite different now that there are two other magical schools use the same building. That being said, there are barely any problems with it. In fact, the students between the three schools get along pretty well, most of the time. Along the students, four of them stand out, because the Triwizard Tournament. One of which is Viktor Krum from Durmstrang Institute. Since he came from a school where being taught curses is normal, it’s only natural Slytherin students are seeking him and his school mates out. That being said, Viktor found them annoying and just ignore them. However, one student stands out from the crowd.
His name is Y/N. He’s a fourth year. The first time Viktor notices him is during lunch, as his classmates were harassing the other students, Y/N is sitting by himself, eating lunch. The second time he notices him is when the tribute visits the library to notice him study, alone again. The third time is during his physical training outside. As a crowd of girls are following him, eager for his attention, from the side, he notices the teen taking care of some magical creatures.
Then he saw him for the fourth time. It’s again in the library, where Y/N is checking out some books. He’s standing near a desk, where his pet Puffskein observes him. As Y/N grabs a book from the upper plank, a couple of them drops, hitting him and get them on the floor.
“You gotta be…” Y/N sighs. Just before he crouches down to pick them up, a certain someone walks to him.
“Need help?”
And that’s how to the met. Ever since that day, the two became friends. The Slytherin’s don’t understand why someone like Krum would hang out like Y/N. That doesn’t bother him though, since when he got some rude comment about it, Y/N merely said back it says more about them then him.
Viktor and Y/N made sure to hang out whenever they can. Both of them share stories very often about their school. The Bulgarian was very surprised the amount of incidents happened ever since Y/N enrolled the school. It also helps that he’s friends with Harry and his friends, thus getting the information pretty quick.
During a sunny day, Viktor is jogging on the grounds of the school. As he trains, he notices at the magical creature pens Y/N, who’s taking care of some Kneazles.
“Come here, kitty kitty kitty.” Y/N crouches down as one of the Kneazles walk towards him. Once near him, the student brushes him. “Good girl.”
Viktor jogs towards the pen. He grabs the fence and stretches as he waits until his friend is done. After a couple of seconds, Y/N stands up. “You such sweat heart.”
Y/N yelps as he quickly turns around. He feels reassured it’s someone he knows, but he should’ve recognized him by his voice. “And you’re sweaty.”
“It’s that you say ‘hi’ in your country?” With a smirk, Viktor jumps over the fence. Once in the pen, he leans against the fence with his back.
“It sure is in Slytherin.” Y/N chuckles. He walks over to his friend. Once next to him, he sits on the fence. “Training for the first task?”
“Yes, but I’m doing this regular.” Y/N find Viktor’s broken English bit endearing. “It take lot of effort to be fit.”
“I can imagine. Anyway, what do you think your chances of winning are?”
With a smirk, Viktor replies with any doubt in his voice. “I’m sure I’m going win.”
Y/N is happy his friend came first during the first task. Viktor faced the Common Welsh Green dragon and used the Conjunctivitis Curse to blind the dragon before quickly retrieving the golden egg. Though being happy for him, he also wanted to congratulate his other friend, Harry. Though the boy who lived quickly called him out for supporting Krum more than him. An argument came and Y/N just left him be. Knowing how he treated Ron and Hermoine; he knows he’s way too moody to be deal with.
So instead of hanging out with people who are just in a bad mood, Y/N hangs out with Viktor more often. The two of them are walking around the grounds. The champion is wearing a bag with something in it.
“I don’t know what’s going on with him.” Y/N confides with his friend. “I understand that it’s all stressful, but he keeps lashing out.”
“Give it time. I’m sure after while he realize what he doing is wrong.” Viktor advice. “You’re good guy. Don’t think otherwise.”
“Thanks.” Y/N replies with a smile. He looks around the gorgeous forest. “How are things with you? Enjoying the attention?”
“Not at all. I’m glad I’m with someone isn’t ogling me.” Though being annoyed by it, the champion smirks. “But that isn’t I’m worried about.” He stops and grabs his bag. Y/N then stops as well and looks back, seeing the Bulgarian grabbing the golden egg. “Everyone knows this is clue to next task.” He hands over the egg, causing Y/N to check it out. “Don’t open. You ears bleed.”
Y/N checks out any angle of it. “I don’t see or sense anything odd.”
“This thing bugging me. I don’t know how figure out.” Viktor admits. “Any chance you can look into this?”
“Sure.” Viktor is happy to hear it. “Before I try anything funny, I grab some earmuffs.” Y/N continues to check it out. “I wonder… would the Mandrakes hurt more, or this?”
During the week, every time he has some free time, Y/N tries to figure out the deal with the golden egg. He has a gut feeling it’s revolved around the ear piercing sound but doesn’t know what. He tried to figure out what kind of sound it is. And yet, he didn’t found what. He got to the library to find more info. Didn’t found anything. He then tried different spells on the egg on himself. Didn’t work. He tried some potions. Didn’t work. Y/N wonders what Viktor did, because the chances of him to figure this out becomes lower and lower.
He often takes strolls around the castle to remedy his mind. He sometimes figures something out just by doing something not relating to it. As he walks around in a hallway, he notices something odd happening to the wall. Slowly, a door reveals itself. Curious as he is, he gets through the door, entering a large room with a big bath. Feeling this is a sign, Y/N put his bag to the side and turn on the water.
After a few minutes, the bath become full. Y/N grabs the golden egg and some earmuffs. He removes his shoes and roll up his trousers’ pipes and his shirt’s sleeves. Then, he slowly gets in the water, putting the egg in it. After he adjusts his earmuffs, he crouches down to open the egg. To his surprise, his hears doesn’t start to bleed.
Y/N slowly removes his earmuffs, hearing nothing. He throws it to the side and slowly put his head to the water. When he gets underwater, that’s when he realized he figured it out.
Y/N made sure to tell the news to Viktor in an instant. So, the Slytherin leads his friend towards the bath. Both of them still in shock that they cracked the code.
“Where we going?”
“It’s called The Room Of Requirements. It basically gives you what you need if your desperate of something.”
“You were desperate to figure out?”
“Yeah. I wanted to help you. I can’t go back empty handed.” Viktor smiles at hearing that.
They then get in front of the room, slowly revealing the door. Once revealed, they enter. That’s where they see the big bath.
“It basically gave me the answer.” Y/N comments.
Viktor is quick to turn on the water. They wait again until the bath is filled. This time, the bath is filled with a layer of foam. Y/N grabs the egg from his bag and hands it over to Krum.
“Thank you.” He then puts the egg on the floor. That’s when he starts removing his clothes, surprising Y/N.
“O-Oh. I thought we just…”
“Might as well have bath.” Viktor merely says, finding it not weird. He removes his shirt and pants, with Y/N awkwardly looking away. From the corner of his eyes though, he watches him, right until Viktor removes his underwear.
“Relax. We’re both guys.” Viktor doesn’t understand why Y/N is being shy. He enters the bath. Once sitting down, he looks back at his friend. “You come?”
“Y-Yeah… Can you turn around?”
Viktor looks confused but doesn’t question it. He can hear his friend taking off his clothes. After a few seconds, he can hear him walking to the bath. The Bulgarian looks at his right, as Y/N enters to his left. Though next to each other, there is some distance between them.
“Are you uncomfortable?” Viktor asks.
“It’s just… I’m usually don’t undress and be naked around people.”
Viktor hums. “Glad you join.” He turns back to grab the golden egg. In his hands, he looks at his friend. “You ready?”
Thus, after taking a deep breath, they get under water. The Bulgarian man opens up the egg, where they hear the true message.
“Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you 'll have to look. To recover what we took…”
That’s how the message ends, and so they get back. After a few seconds for both guys to recover their breaths, they discuss the message.
“Let’s see…” Y/N recalls what it said. “’We cannot sing above ground.’”
“Like they live underwater.” Viktor comments.
Y/N nods in agreement. “Must be merpeople. They live in the Black Lake.” He continues to think further about what it said. “You got an hour for the next task, where you need to seek them out.”
“Sounds obvious.” Viktor says. “I’m more curious what they took.”
Y/N thinks a bit but got no answer. “Guess you have to wait and see for yourself.” That’s when he realized something. “Wait, you’re going to be underwater for an hour.”
“I figure something out.” Viktor says without any doubt.
“You better.”
There is an awkward silent between the two. Y/N merely looks around after a few seconds. He still finds it unbelievable that he’s bathing with his friend, who doesn’t have an issue with it.
“I’ve been meaning ask you something.” Viktor speaks up, with Y/N looking back. “The Yule Ball is coming, and we need dance partner. Do you want be my partner?”
Y/N looks surprised. “Me? Like a friend?”
“If you want.” Viktor smiles.
“You don’t want any of the girls annoying you?”
“No. I rather want be someone like you.” Y/N blushes a bit with Viktor smiling at him. “Maybe if I go with guy, then maybe they get message.”
“That you find them annoying, or…?”
“I’m already interested in someone.”
“Oh.” Viktor loves seeing Y/N acting flustered. “Is that why you wanted to bathe together?”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” He slowly put an arm around Y/N. “Is that problem?”
“Definitely not now.”
It’s right before the Yule Ball. In front of the hall, Y/N makes sure to dust away any dust on his clothing as he awaits for his dates. That’s when he notices his friends, Harry and Ron.
“Nice suit, Ron.”
“Shut it.”
“Still moody, huh?” Y/N chuckles. “I take it you find someone Harry.”
“Yes. Parvati.”
“Oh, she. She’s sweet.”
“How about you?” Ron asks.
Right before he’s answering, Y/N noticing his date standing on the staircase. Both friends follow his gaze, to see his answer, only to look surprised. The Bulgarian man goes down the staircase, wearing his handsome suit. Gently, he grabs Y/N’s hand and presses a kiss on it. That’s when he holds his hand. Y/N then looks back.
“See you later.” Holding each other arms, they walk towards the ball. Both guys still in shocked from what they saw.
“Bloody hell. I definitely didn’t expect that.”
During the dance, Y/N notices a lot of girls staring at him. Some look sad. Others look disappointed. Some other are jealous. Though Y/N isn’t bothered, as he continues to enjoy his time with Viktor.
Eventually though, Y/N wants a break and want something to drink. He notices Harry and Ron sitting by themselves, looking sulky again. With a glee smile, he sits beside them.
“Where are your dates?”
“Gone.” Harry merely replies.
 Y/N merely hums, finding it a bit awkward. He takes a sip from his drink. He then notices Krum at the side of the dancefloor, seeing him talk with his friends. That’s when both eyes meet, and they give a small wave to each other. Ron only groans in respond.
“You’re really fraternizing with the enemy?”
Y/N looks back at him and scoffs. “Really? You consider him the enemy?”
“It’s obvious what he wants. He’s after Harry. To get inside information. Maybe even Jinx Harry.”
“What information? Because last time I check, both of you act crazy ever since this year started. We barely hang out anymore, and this is why.” Y/N put his cup at the side as he glares at Ron. “Unlike you, Viktor can actually treat someone like a friend.”
“Get a room.”
“Don’t worry. We already did. More than you ever will.” With that, he storms off.
Viktor can tell by the side of his eyes to see his upset date. “You alright?”
“They’re being jerks, saying I’m conspiring with the enemy.” Y/N looks back. “I thought he hated the tournament.”
“Hey.” Viktor makes Y/N to look at him. “Don’t let them ruin fun. We have amazing night, we continue to do so.”
After some breaths, Y/N calms down. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Viktor smiles. “Let me introduce my friends. They eager to meet you.”
The second task came. Viktor is surprised he doesn’t see Y/N at all. Last time, they chatted for a bit before the tournament starts. Though not letting him bother by it, he does wonder where he is. And so, the second task starts. To deal with the water, he transfigures himself into a shark, though the spell execution wasn’t the best, since only his upper half transformed.
As he swims around, he tries to follow the clue which he got from the golden egg. Eventually, after several minutes, he heard the sound of the merpeople. Exploring further, that’s when he discovers what he needs to retrieve. Being chained on the bottom of the lake, he sees 4 students, one of which is Y/N. He sees Cedric saving Cho, and now he has to safe his person.
With speed, he swims towards Y/N. None of the merpeople or any other creature try to stop him. Without any problem, he bites through the chains and get Y/N. With speed, he swims to the surface. Once he reaches it, Y/N regains consciousness. He quickly screams once he sees a shark head next to him, only to calm down when Viktor returns back to his normal form.
“W-What the-?!” Y/N confusedly looks around.
Viktor grabs Y/N. “It’s alright. Let’s go.”
Once back on the pier, they get a cheer from the crowd. Alongside the glory, they get some blankets to warm up. That’s when they sit somewhere, where they await for Harry to get back. During which, Y/N is shivering from the cold, which Viktor notices. Gently, he removes his blanket to put it around Y/N.
“Y-Y-You S-Sure?”
“I manage.” Viktor assures. He scooches closer to Y/N.
Y/N smiles. “W-Why c-couldn’t they d-d-do t-this in the s-s-summer?” Viktor chuckles in respond. He then puts an arm around Y/N, helping him to warm up.
It’s the final task. In front of the crowd, who’s all cheering the champions on. Although he made up with Harry and Ron, he’s still cheering for Viktor, who’s going to wait for some time before entering the maze. During the wait, he talks with Y/N at the side.
“I know it’s not smart, but it’s an option.”
“I get in trouble if I set maze on fire.”
“Like I said, final trump card.”  That’s when Viktor is called to be ready. “Alright, it’s your time. See you later.”
Viktor leans to Y/N and kisses him. “I get trophy.”
And so he enters. After some time, Fleur did as well. The crowd wonders what’s happening in the maze. It takes a while until something happens. A red light appears on top of the maze. Some time has passed, and Fleur reappears from the maze, looking thorned down. Everyone wonders what happened to her, and what exactly is in the maze.
Not too soon later, and Viktor appears as well. Y/N can tell there is something wrong with him, as he slowly takes one step after another. He quickly gets off the stance and helps him get some rest.
“Are you alright?” Viktor remains quiet, looking off. “What happened?”
“…Don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” They get to the stance, where Y/N is checking up with Viktor. The rest of the Durmstrang academy is wondering what’s up as well. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t remember…” Viktor quietly says. “Don’t know happen.”
Instead of pressuring him to remember, Y/N remains by his side. Not only did something happened to him, he lost. Although he caught many victories along the year, not winning is still a blow. Thus, Y/N makes sure to be right by his side.
It takes a lot of time before something else happened. Once it did, nobody expected what appears in front of them. It takes a second before they realized in front of them is Cedric Diggory, dead. Once they did, the entire crowd became silent, only hear the desperate pleads of Harry, and the crying of Mr. Diggory. Harry eventually gets moved away from the scene.
As Mr. Diggory cries, Y/N grabs Viktor’s hand. All he wonders what happened to him, back in the maze.
Though the year ended badly, after some reflection, Y/N enjoyed his year. Yes, his friendship got tested, but in the end, it gotten stronger. Not just that, he got an amazing boyfriend of who he forged a strong bond with. Speaking of which, it’s time for the schools to disband. Everyone is saying their goodbyes, as does Y/N and Viktor, who’s at the school’s boathouse, where they watch over the lake. Both of them is sitting down, next to each other.
“You should come to Durmstrang. You make excellent student.”
“And now that Karkaroff, I don’t have to worry about a douchy principle.” Y/N smirks. “Sure, I visit once in a while. I look forward to it.”
Viktor smiles. “I love you; you know?” Y/N can’t help but smile in reply. “You truly an amazing guy. Let’s spend summer vacation together.”
“Definitely.” He leans in to kiss Viktor. “Love you too.”
Viktor puts an arm around Y/N. Both of them look at the lake. They appreciate the last few minutes before they depart. And yet, it’s only the beginning for their relationship.
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dearest-painter · 1 year
Yandere!Viktor krum with a intimidating!male!reader
TW/CW:Y/N is the type to look mean and scary but is a softie,Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior,unhealthy relationship,abusive relationship,Threatening,please tell me if I must add more
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•First things first,He didn’t see you as intimidating as he saw you as homey in a way
•He saw how others were scared of you expect Hermione because she’s your sister. She knows you like the back of her hand
•When he talked to you he saw how soft and sweet you are,they way you check in on him everyday,not caring of his celebrity status,the way you make sure he eats every day,and the fact you are always so soft and welcoming
•He loved the way you allowed him to just…use you as a way out of reality. You didn’t mind when he laid on you and dozed off to sleep or him leaning on your shoulder or him holding your hand you just smiled at him
•He HATED when anyone but him even touched you hell even your sister! He would also hold a growl in but they would see the famous man glare at them and give them the death eye
•He asked you out to the Yule ball and you being sweet said yes,he immediately helped you to get a suit if you couldn’t
•When the Triwizard tournament happened, he got worried when you where the one to be put underwater,he’s never swam so faster in his life. He won’t let his beloved obsession die!
•When he leave he’ll write for you every single day he can. Hell he’ll confess through letters! His next follow up letters all depend if you accept his confession or denied his confession
•Just say yes or else he’ll start to passive aggressively threaten you and everyone you love
•Don’t date anyone because if he finds out that person is dead in a few weeks. Will send you some of their hair as proof but not to hardcore to pin it on him
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
Viktor Krum reaction to seeing you after the war
A/n: enjoy
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He ran thought the broken halls and collapse ceilings. He ran till he reached the great hall. Then he heard your voice. "I think he is ok" he looked in to see you helping rap a wound of a man who was asking about someone. Viktor ran over to you and said "I thought I lost you" you turned and hugged him.
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I'm rewatching harry potter. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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6rookie-writer0110 · 11 months
Request - a Hermione X Yandere Male Reader headcannon with Reader being a kind and selfless person that won't hurt a fly but actually Reader is killing Hermione's bullies and the death eater kids
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•At school, if someone needs to find you they will find you feeding the owls. Because you like taking care of the owls and other small creatures.
•You are close with Hermione and she likes spending time with you.
•Everyone is surprised that you are friends with her because she is a Gryffindor.
•You do spend time with Hermione and sometimes study together.
•She does help you study and you always learn new spells because of her.
•You don't have many friends but you spend the most time with Hermione.
•Everyone sees you two together all the time.
•When she is feeling down or stressed out, you will be there for her.
•You feel comfortable being around her.
•When your wand broke, she helped you fix it.
•Hermione would make sure you ate something.
•Hermione went to The Yule Ball with Viktor Krum, and you made sure he would treat her right and he did.
•Hermione made a club called The Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare.
•It’s to protect elves and bring them justice.
•You joined the club to help out and she is happy about that.
•But not everyone was on board with the club because not everyone cares about elves.
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•You and Hermione are on break, she took you to her hometown.
•You met her parents and they are nice to you.
• Unfortunately you met her childhood bullies, they are still mean to her.
•Later she starts to talk about how they used to bully her.
•You come up with a plot to get revenge for your best friend.
•You don't tell Hermione about the plan, but you know what to do.
•In the middle of the night, you used magic to leave her house and she didn't notice.
•You used a spell to make them suffer and no one couldn't save them.
•You enjoyed watching them suffer because they hurt Hermione.
•You brutally killed her bullies and you destroyed the bloody clothes you had on.
•You didn't feel bad for killing them.
•You are extremely protective of Hermione, you won't let anyone hurt her.
•Back at Hogwarts, someone was bullying Hermione.
•You start to think of a plan and how to not get caught by anyone in the hallway.
•You found Hermione crying and she told that she was bullied by some girls, they were horrible to her.
•That made you angry and you want them to suffer.
•In the middle of the night, you used the invisible cloak, you go to their rooms and you put poison in their drinks.
•You watched them slowly die.
•One of the girls used her wand to call for help, but you used your magic to stop her.
•No one has put the clues together about what you have been doing.
•Hermione doesn't even know that you have been killing her enemies.
•You don't plan to tell her anything.
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panandinpain0 · 1 year
can I make a rEquEST I’m new to this so sorry if it sounds weird 😭😭 can I req a cedric (yes I’m basic) x male hufflepuff where the readers the year below him- at the triwiz tourney and ball it’s revealed he’s the cousin of krum or delacour? Specific I know 😭
Dw hon, I'm basic too <3
I'm going with Delacour, idk why I just feel more inclined to do her- so you're Fleur Delacour's little brother!
Requested by: Anon
Cedric Diggory x Male!Hufflepuff!Delacour!Reader
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(Y/N) and Cedric had been friends since (Y/N)'s first year. They'd met at his welcoming feast and became fast friends, even though they couldn't really go to class together (seeing as the classes were separated by year) but whenever they weren't attending class you'd see them together.
Now it was the Triwizard Tournament, and Cedric had been chosen.
"You what?" (Y/N) muttered through the toast in his mouth.
"Don't talk with your mouth full- and I was chosen as a champion for the Triwizard Tournament," Cedric shot back playfully.
It was the day after his (and Harry's) name had been drawn, but (Y/N) was recovering from a week-long cold in the hospital wing. (Y/N) had really wanted to go but Madame Pomfrey insisted he stayed until he was better.
"Okay mom-" (Y/N) mocked after he'd swallowed his toast, turning his full attention to Cedric. "So you're actually going to compete?"
"Well-" Cedric shrugged halfheartedly- "Yeah. Do I really have a choice?"
"I'd like to think so," (Y/N) argued back, not backing down.
"It's not like I can just ask them to pull another name out of the goblet-"
"That's exactly what you can do!"
"Why are you fighting so hard for this? Aren't you happy for me?" Cedric asked, the fire fading from his voice near the end of his sentence.
(Y/N) sighed and shook his head, looking around the hall for a second.
"It's not that I'm not happy for you Cedric, I'm just... worried. You could die, Cedric. This tournament was banned for years for a reason. I have no idea why those idiots decided to bring it back." (Y/N) scoffed and started eating again, not that he was very hungry anymore.
"Hey, 'those idiots' includes our Headmaster."
"I meant what I said. The man who's supposed to be protecting us and have our best interests at heart is sending you- and other students- into a dragons den!" (Y/N) replied heatedly. "To hell with him."
Cedric didn't know what to say to that, he had a point.
"I'm sorry you don't like it, but I'm doing it, (Y/N)," Cedric warned him with a determined look on his face.
"I know, that's what I'm so afraid of. You're my best friend, Cedric. If you die, I don't-"
"Well, I'm not going to be dying so you don't have to worry about it." Cedric so badly wanted to reach across the table and take (Y/N)'s hand- but he didn't.
"You can't promise that." (Y/N) shook his head, not looking at Cedric.
They left it at that, changing the subject and getting on with their lives. Until the first task started to approach.
"I was just joking when I said they were sending you into a dragons den, I didn't think there'd be actual dragons!" (Y/N)'s strained voice whispered across the table to Cedric at the library.
"I didn't either, but Harry told me so now I'm ahead of the other champions."
(Y/N) worried his bottom lip, "I hope Fleur and Viktor find out soon..."
"I'm sure they'll be fine, if Harry knows everybody else probably knows too. Anyways, I've been studying up on some things I can use to get past the dragon, and I figured my best shot would be transfiguration. What do you think?"
"Well, you know how shit I am at transfiguration so I don't know, but I can't think of anything else. I just hope it works."
"It will." He sounded like he was reassuring himself more than anything.
"Alright, I've got to go-" Cedric motioned to the champions tent outside the stadium. "Make sure you have a good view," he joked, sending (Y/N) a wink.
"Wait, Cedric!" (Y/N) caught him by his wrist and pulled him in for a hug, arms around his waist as he tried to stop himself from tucking his face into Cedric's neck.
"Please be careful. Don't die."
Cedric, though surprised at first, wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s shoulders, holding him tight. Pressing his face into (Y/N) hair he let his fear take over for a moment before he responded.
"I'll be careful, don't worry. And when it's done we'll go flying on our brooms together."
Eventually they parted, and Cedric gave what he hoped was a confident smile to his best friend, who nodded and weakly smiled back.
"You idiot!" Was the first thing Cedric heard after the tent flap opened.
Chuckling as Madame Pomfrey spread the salve over his burns, Cedric held out his hand to (Y/N).
"Hello to you too."
Pulling up a chair (Y/N) took hold of Cedric's hand and sat next to his cot.
"You're an idiot. I told you to be careful!"
"I know what you're saying is coming from a place of love so I won't take it seriously," Cedric joked again, squeezing (Y/N)'s hand in reassurance.
(Y/N) held Cedric's hand in both of his, pressing a kiss to his knuckles subconsciously. Heat flooded Cedric's face, and not from his burns.
"You're such an idiot," (Y/N) mumbled, still not noticing what he had done and the effect it had had on his best friend. "You could have died."
"But I didn't," Cedric managed to whisper out.
(Y/N) merely glared at him, not letting go of his hand. Madame Pomfrey finished wrapping his wounds and went to check on the other champions, leaving the boys alone.
"Hey," Cedric nudged (Y/N)'s chin with his captured hand, smiling at him. "I'm okay. I'm not dead, I'm right here."
Brows creased and tears pooling in his eyes, (Y/N) took in a deep breath and nodded, blinking them away before moving closer to Cedric's bedside. His elbows were on the side of the cot and still held Cedric's hand, staring into his eyes.
"You didn't die."
"I did not."
"Okay." (Y/N) took in another breath and closed his eyes, putting his forehead on their joined hands. "Are you in pain?"
"Some, but Pomfrey gave me some stuff for it."
"Good. Want me to beat up the dragon for you?"
Cedric guffawed and (Y/N) joined him, the two falling into laughter.
Staring at the egg on the table in the Hufflepuff common room, (Y/N) shook his head in dismay.
"It's only been a week, we still have time to figure it out, (Y/N)," Cedric startled him out of his thoughts.
"I know, but the sooner we know the better, that way we can find a way of beating the next task," (Y/N) shot back, turning the egg a bit on the table.
Cedric just let out an amused sigh, plopping down on the couch next to him.
"So, have you heard about this ball thing?" (Y/N) asked casually, wanting to gossip like they usually did.
Sitting up from his slouched position, Cedric gulped down his nerves and nodded.
"Uh, yes! Yeah, the Yule Ball, right?"
"Apparently we're supposed to be taking a dancing class for it," (Y/N) made a face as he wrote something down on his parchment, looking back up at the egg.
"About the ball, I was wondering..." Cedric trailed off uncertainly, looking at (Y/N)'s distracted state.
"Wondering?" (Y/N) put down his quill and looked to Cedric.
"Wondering if you'd like to go with me to the ball?"
(Y/N) blinked in shock and then his eyebrows slanted down.
"Like... as friends, or...?" (Y/N) trailed off, licking his lips as he suddenly found himself panicked.
"Um, no. Not- well, unless you'd like it to be as friends because that's completely f-"
"Yes. Yes, I'd like to go to the Yule Ball with you as not friends." (Y/N) smiled at him, his hands finding the loose thread in the common room couch very fascinating.
"Good, that's- that's good!" Cedric leaned forward and kept nodding.
They sat for a moment in awkward silence, sharing nervous looks every once in a while.
"Who do you think Harry will ask?" (Y/N) suddenly wondered aloud, picturing the awkward, bumbling boy in his year trying to ask someone out- curious as to who all of the champions will ask.
"You don't think he'll as Hermione, will you?" Cedric responded, giving in to the gossip.
"Oh, no- Ron's in love with her. Harry would never," (Y/N) stated like it was common sense.
"Wait Ron's in love with Hermione?"
And that's how the rest of the night went, the egg eventually being ignored.
"Do we really have to walk out in front of everybody? That seems a bit dramatic..."
"We're not just walking out, dearest, we're dancing in front of them too," Cedric teased, moving his eyebrows up and down to try and lighten the mood.
"That's not better, Diggory." (Y/N) frowned at him.
"I know, I'm sorry. I won't be that bad, just focus on me and you'll be fine," he reassured his best fr- boyfriend? They'd gone on a couple of dates since he'd asked him out to the ball, and it'd been like a dream come true.
They were lined up outside the doors of the Great Hall with Harry and Parvati standing behind them.
"Alright champions and companions, time to dance," Professor McGonagall opened the doors and out they went.
"Oh my god I can't believe I'm actually doing this," (Y/N) whispered to Cedric as they made it to the middle of the room, everybody's eyes on them. Well, the champions, which included them.
"Just look at me. None of them matter, not right now, just look at me." Cedric looked into (Y/N)'s eyes and they joined hands, dancing as the music started.
"I'll be honest, Ced, I did not expect to have this much fun tonight," (Y/N) revealed, taking a sip of the butterbeer that Cedric had gotten him.
"You didn't expect to have fun at a ball with your boyfriend?" Cedric asked incrediously.
"Boyfriend?" (Y/N) looked caught off guard, staring at Cedric with wide eyes.
Cedric stammered, "I- well, you- and we- I just thought..." he trailed off at the sight of (Y/N)'s blushing face.
"Boyfriend, hmm?" a new voice interrupted their conversation.
Head's whipping to see who the new person was, the boys felt almost relieved to have someone interuppt.
"Fleur, hey!" (Y/N) tried to act natural as Fleur pulled him into a hug.
"It is nice to finally get to talk to you again cousin! It feels as though I have hardly seen you while I've been here!"
"Cousin?" Cedric cut in, glancing between Fleur and (Y/N).
"Well, it is a big castle!" (Y/N) chuckled nervously, having forgotten he never told Cedric.
"Yes, (Y/N) here is my cousin. He grew up with me in France! Did he not tell you?" Fleur glanced between the two Hufflepuffs, sensing she'd said something she shouldn't have.
"I hadn't gotten the chance, it never came up." (Y/N) shrugged and smiled apologetically at Cedric.
"By the way, Mama says you need to write her back. 'Aunts deserve attention to, you know' were her exact words. Anyways, I will leave you with your boyfriend. Au revoir!" Fleur twirled away, making her way towards Roger Davies, the Ravenclaw she had asked to the ball.
"So, you're a Delacour, huh?" Cedric tried to joke.
"Not technically, if it helps? My mom is Fleur's mom's sister. She married my dad who's from Ireland, and they live there now, but we visited France a lot growing up," (Y/N) rambled, trying to tell him all now to make up for not telling him before.
Cedric nodded and looked down at his drink.
"Listen, it never real came up and I just kept forgetting, please don't take it too hard."
"It's not that." Cedric shook his head.
"Oh... well, we hadn't really talked about it yet, so I was just surprised."
"You aren't mad that I called you my boyfriend?"
"I would've preferred we'd talked about it before but I'm open to that conversation," (Y/N) chuckled out his response.
Cedric looked relieved.
"Care to dance?" he set down his cup and held out his hand to (Y/N), who took it.
"Gladly," he laughed back.
And they were happy, even if just for that night. In truth they were happy until the third task...
Hope you liked it Anon! Idk if you wanted that much background but I didn't feel good about just jumping into the Yule Ball scene.
Lots of love to ya!
-Author Max <3
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wolfman-moony · 1 year
 Fanfic requests open!
My requests for stories are open!!
I’ll write any character on this list x male reader, non-binary reader, gender neutral reader, gender fluid reader, any specific pronouns you request I’ll do.
My rules on what type of stories I will, and will not right↓
Fandom and characters I’ll write for!
~Harry potter~
Draco Malfoy
Blaze Zebini
Viktor Krum
George Weasley
Bill/William Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
~Stranger Things~
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Gareth Emerson
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Wheeler
~Julie and the phantoms~
Alex Mercer (i’ll only write male reader for him)
Reggie Peters
Luke Patterson
Harry Hook
Gil LeGume
Carlos De Vil
~The 100~
(Note: I’ve only watched the first two seasons of the 100 so far)
Jasper Jordan
Monty Green
John Murphy
~D & D Honor among thieves~
Simon Aumar
~The school for good and evil movie~
Hort Hook
~Z nation~
Sarge/Lilly Madison Mueller
~Words on the bathroom wall~
~Diary of a wimpy kid~
Rodrick Heffley
~The Entitled~
Dean Taylor
~The Santa clause movies~
Bernard the head elf
~Evil Dead Rise~
~Matthew Lillard Characters~ 
Tim LaFlour
Stu Macher
Shaggy Rogers
Emmanuel "Cereal Killer" Goldstein
William Afton
Brock Hudson
Roger Sperling
And most any other character Me has played as long as I know the character 
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
Harry Potter Masterlist | Last Updated: 6/12/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵 | Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋ | Character on hold = 🔒
Cedric Diggory (Robert Pattinson)
Coming soon...
Neville Longbottom (Matthew Lewis) 
Coming soon... 
Remus Lupin (David Thewlis) | 🔒
Coming soon... 
Viktor Krum (Stanislav Yanevski)
Coming soon...
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
could you continue the Victor krum x hufflepuff reader hc please? and how would he react to someone flirting with his bf?
HERE WE GO, PART 2. This is also a tad c(krum)my. I'm so so sorry.
Part 1
§×§×§ §×§×§ §×§×§
Ok. So he comes and visits right?
He LOVES seeing you and you always great him with a loud shout of his name and you charge at him and dive at him, allowing him to hug you and spin you around.
So your on his arm the entire time and you guys eat together.
Of course a few people would come by Krum to flirt with him and he'd always brush them away and go find you.
However, when the tables turned and some Ravenclaw is leaning against the wall, clearly messing with a button on your shirt in a more than friendly manner, he gets kinda pissed.
He doesn't get pissed easily, either, but this grinds his gears.
So much.
Like he's standing there, shifting on his feet, his hands twitching at his sides.
Usually he's very composed, he's used to stress, however.. However, he will throw hands.
Viktor's probably waiting for you to say something against the Ravenclaw but adventually he just can't wait anymore.
He storms over, yes his chest is puffed a tad and honeslty, he's not even walking, he's strutting.
A little bit of hip swivel 👀
Does the cliché arm around the waist and pulling you into his chest.
"Accidentally" smacks the hand away a tad bit too hard.
He definetly, 10,000%, looks the dude up and down before scoffing.
Viktor doesn't throw any curve balls and blatantly tells the dude to fuck off
"He's not interested, but I'm sure he's greatful for the offer, you shaggy twig. I believe you should get going now." "Viktor, he's just asking for answers on the Charms homewo-" "Well, I'm sure he can go find the answers himself. Books exist. Shoo, twig. Shoo."
He pulls you away with the arm around his waist and just kisses your head.
He didn't realize how oblivious you could be to something like this but now he knows.
Of course he brings it up and asks you to be a tad more aware of people's intentions, which makes sense.
He just doesn't want anyone stealing his Puffie and that's that. He adores you far too much to lose you.
Can you say 'that player is no longer on the team'.
I just realized more stuff so to add on:
If it happens again, with the same Ravenclaw, Krum goes off on them, almost shouting about how someone like said Ravenclaw should've been able to know when he's not wanted.
If it happens a third, warnings are over.
Now it's time for throwing hands.
Probably doesn't do much besides one punch because, let's be honest, for a Seeker, this dudes RIPPED.
He knows how to use his strength well too, so he could easily knock the little Ravenclaws lights out.
To be honest, the dude should've kept his distance.
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
Being a muggle-born who gets bullied until Victor Krum defends you and teaches you Durmstrang dueling and becomes your boyfriend???
This makes me weak at the knees @bigfan-fanfic , Weak at the knees!
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Your time at Hogwarts wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows. You were muggleborn which made you a target for the majority of Slytherin purebloods and even members of your own house.
It wasn’t an uncommon sight to see you being the target of taunting and some rough housing, but your bullies were smart enough to not do it in front of teachers, so they wouldn’t get in trouble. 
Of course there were some people that would stick up for you but it wouldn’t do much. But it was different when HE defended up. You had been pushed by one of your bullies but before you fell to the ground, you felt strong hands holding you up.
“What is the meaning of this? Are you so insecure you must do this?”
You couldn’t see who had helped you but by the accent you figured it was one of the Durmstrang boys. But why would they help you? They looked like the epitome of masculinity. Either way your bullies looked like they all wet their pants and ran off. The boy holding you walked around to look you in the face and that’s when you saw him...Viktor Krum. THE Viktor Krum.
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stand by when such a handsome boy like yourself was being harassed.”
You blushed at at. Did he seriously just call you handsome?
“N-no problem. Thanks for the help.”
“I teach you some dueling tips to help scare them off.”
It wasn’t a question, not even a suggestion, it was a statement. He was going to teach you his dueling tips. 
So you ended up training with him. What shocked you was how even though he looked tough and rigid, he was surprisingly gentle with you. It was even more surprising when he asked you on a date and in his words ‘started courting’ you.
Imagine everyones surprise when during the Yule ball you were Viktors date.
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Fred Weasley X Male Reader (Chapter Two)
Here’s chapter two. This one does follow the story line somewhat. he only things that changed is that Harry doesn’t get chosen to compete in the triwizard tournament. Oh and you are chosen instead of Cedric. I know that spoils what happens but I want to make it clear that this doesn’t follow the story line exactly.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary: The Triwizard tournament is coming up and you are extremely nervous for it. Not only that but you and Cedric have been spending less time together and you feel horrible about it so you decide to tell him how you feel.
After going back to the Hufflepuff common room you sat at a table and started doing your homework. Once you were done your homework you went and got into bed. You slowly sank into a deep sleep remembering the fun you had with Fred at the library. You awoke the next morning to the sound of your alarm and other students talking. You got up and got ready for the day. You were excited for the day, excited to learn more, and to see Fred. You hadn’t realized it, but Fred was all you could think about since last night. You thought it was just because you were excited to have a new friend, you weren’t aware of the events that were about to unfold, and your feelings that would soon become clear. 
When you were done getting ready for the day you went to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. You sat down beside Cedric as always and started eating. “I didn’t see you at dinner last night. Where were you? It’s not like you to skip dinner.” You looked up at Cedric after swallowing the food that was in your mouth. “Yeah. Sorry. I was at the library with Fred.” Cedric smirked. “Oh really? What were you two doing?” You tilted your head slightly in confusion. “Studying. What else would we be doing? He needed help with a few subjects so I helped him.” You shrugged and went back to eating. Cedric sighed and put his hand on your head. “You’re so innocent.” “Innocent? What do you mean?” You finished eating and got up. “Actually we’ll talk later I have to go to class.” you started walking away but Cedric called out to you. “Hey wait! You haven’t entered your name yet. I have but you haven’t. There’s only one day left to enter. Better do it soon!” You sighed, had you really forgot about that? Something so important? Now that you knew Cedric hadn’t forgotten about it, you have to enter of Cedric would enter for you. You nodded at Cedric. “Yeah. I’ll do it tonight.” You hadn’t realized the stares you were getting from the other students, especially from Fred Weasley. You turned and went to class, unknowingly being talked about along the way, after all, word spreads fast in Hogwarts. You sat in your seat and took your books out.
Once all your classes were done you went to the room that housed the Goblet of Fire, only to find the room packed with students who all went silent at your arrival. Cedric came over to you. “Hey! You didn’t back out!” You rolled your eyes. “Of course not. If I did you would’ve entered for me.” Cedric laughed. “So what’s with all the people here? Is something going on?” Cedric pat you on the shoulder. “Yeah. The shy and quiet, introverted, nerdy, scaredy-cat Hufflepuff guy named Y/N is entering in the Triwizard Tournament.” You groaned. “You didn’t have to say all that. And why is that such a big deal?! It’s not like I had a choice!” You crossed your arms and huffed. Cedric pulled you towards the Goblet of Fire. “Come on! Do it already! We’re all excited to see you do it!” You took the piece of paper out of your pocket and slowly approached the Goblet. You took a deep breath as your hands started shaking. You looked at Cedric and shook your head. As soon as you were about to turn around and leave you heard someone call your name. “Y/N! You can do it!” You turned your head towards the voice and saw Fred smiling and waving. You smiled and slowly turned back to the Goblet. “Okay. I can do this. I won’t get picked anyway.” You whispered to yourself. You reached up and threw your name into the Goblet. The Goblet burned a beautiful blue colour and settled back to what it was before. You turned around and went over to Cedric. “I guess that means I’m entered?” Cedric nodded as the room erupted into applause. You decided to quickly slipped into the hallway as soon as everyone started moving around. You decided to go for a walk to collect before you go back to the common room. You went outside and sat on the steps leading out to the Forbidden Forest. You closed your eyes and sighed. “Why did I do that?” “Cause you’re smart, and wisdom is all you need to beat that tournament. Well, and a really wild and crazy, prankster, ginger friend to help.” You opened your eyes and saw Fred standing behind you, looking down at you. “Fred.” You sighed once again. “I don’t know. You also need to be strong, and confident and i’m neither.” Fred sat beside you. “Of course you are. You just haven’t figured that out yet.” You smiled. “Thanks Fred. I most likely won’t even be chosen anyway, I don’t know why I’m worrying so much.” You yawned. “Oh excuse me. Sorry. I should probably get to bed before I fall asleep on you. I’m sorry I can’t spend more time with you. I really would love to but I need all my energy to not fall asleep in class.” You got up. “Yeah. I understand. Although I wouldn’t mind you falling asleep on me.” Fred trailed off towards the end of his sentence. “Wait really? But isn’t that only what boyfriends let their girlfriends do?” You questioned. “Yeah, I mean, I don’t know.” Fred said quickly, slurring his words together. “Well, I’m going to go now. I’ll see you around.” You went back to the Hufflepuff common room and sat on the couch. You took out your homework and started working non it until you were too tired to work anymore, then, you went to bed. You woke up the next morning when your alarm went off, got up and got ready for the day. You went to the Great Hall and sat in your usual spot beside Cedric. “So... tonight Dumbledore is going to announce the competitors for the tournament.” Cedric said without looking up from his breakfast. “Yeah. I’m so nervous. I hope you get chosen and not me. Or.. at least anyone other than me.” You laughed nervously and poked at your food with your fork. “You know... this is kind of out of nowhere but, I’m really glad you and I became friends. Without you I probably never would’ve gotten used to life here. Even though I still don’t have many friends, people don’t make fun of me anymore cause they know I hang out with you and you’re like the cool guy no one wants to pick a fight with, you know? I don’t know how to say it but I’m really happy you reached out to me back then.” You smiled at Cedric. “You’re a great friend Cedric. I really hope we stay friends after we graduate.” “I don’t know what to say to that... other than of course we’ll stay friends.” Cedric looked at you. “I’m glad we became friends as well.” You went back to eating in silence, it wasn’t an awkward silence though. You both knew that you respected each other. “Oh. I forgot to ask. How’s it going with Cho? Are you two a thing yet?” You asked Cedric in between bites of food. “I haven’t really spoken to her about being more than friends yet. Every time I try I get so nervous that I can’t speak.” Cedric sighed. “What about you and Fred?” “Huh? Fred and I? We’re just friends.” Cedric pat your back. “Sure. If you say so. You two have gotten really close in these past few days. Are you sure you two are just friends?” You got up as you had finished eating. “Yes. Come on. We should go or we’ll be late.” You and Cedric walked to class together for the first time in a while, talking about pointless things along the way.
Once classes were finished for the day you nervously went to the Great Hall and sat in your seat. Cedric smiled at you. “Ready to find out who’s competing?” You sighed. “Not really but I guess that doesn’t matter, cause they’re going to announce it anyway, even if i’m ready or not.” You and everyone else in the Great Hall went silent at the sight of Dumbledore approaching the Goblet. It seemed as if no one was breathing as the first slip of paper flew out from the Goblet and slowly floated down into Dumbledore’s hands. “Fleur Delacour!” Dumbledore shouted. The table that sat the Beauxbatons academy students erupted in applause as Fleur made her way up to Dumbledore. As Fleur got into position at the front, facing the students the next slip of paper burst out of the Goblet and gently landed in Dumbledore’s hands. “Viktor Krum!” Immediately the Durmstrang academy exploded into cheers and applause. Viktor confidently made his way up to the front and took his place beside Fleur who smiled at him and shook his hand. Silence once again took over the Great Hall when the third and final piece of paper was shot from the Goblet. It slowly made it’s way into Dumbledore’s hands. You and everyone else waited in suspense. It seemed like Dumbledore was taking an eternity to open the folded paper. “Y/F/N Y/L/N!” Dumbledore shouted. You turned pale at his shout. “Me?” You whispered. “No... no... not me. It has to be a mistake.” You turned to Cedric. “Dumbledore didn’t say my name, right?” Cedric smiled at you. “Sorry, but, he did.” Cedric helped you up as he knew you wouldn’t get up on your own. You slowly made your way to the front as people slowly started to clap and cheer. It sounded as if all the cheers and claps were far away though. You stood beside Viktor, feeling as if you would pass out any moment. You felt as if tears were about to start flooding down your face so you looked down and tried not to think too much. You and the other two competitors were escorted to The room. Once you were there you sat on the floor and sighed. Fleur came over to you and sat beside you. “ Ça va?” You looked at Fleur and tilted your head slightly. “Are you okay?” She said in a thick french accent. “Oh... yeah. I’ll be fine. Just need to think about all this and take it in. Thanks for asking.” You smiled slightly. “Out of everyone who entered why was I chosen? I’m not fit for this.” “Well the Goblet seems to only choose those who it thinks are fit to compete, so it must have thought that you are going to do well, non?” You sighed once again. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Well. There’s no going back now. I guess I just have to try my best.” You slowly got up. “Thanks Fleur.” You watched Fleur get up and smile at you. The three of you turned your heads towards the door when it opened. 
Sorry this is so long. I meant for this to be the last chapter but it would just be way too long if I fit everything into this chapter.
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
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©️copyright 2021-2024 all right go to Maycat-19-142 on tumbler please do not copy translate or edit my work.
this is the master list that will be not updated because it has hit 100 links check 📌 post for my other masterlists
Tye longshadow:done
Peter Parker:done
Mafia deku: done
Shinsou: done
Winx: done
Shade: done
A/n: you can still request the characters/fandom in the series. Most thing in a series are Connected/same idea. All the things in that series are together. Also I can restart series if I wish.
Link Notice: series are not on separate posts because I think it is not necessary “just code it in some way so it is obviously together” is what i said. Also the link might say male or female if not it has a indicator. If it has not indicator it is gender neutral. thank you for understanding. Most of my writing is fem or fem coded due to the fact I’m afab so there is little x male reader on my blog but I’m willing to write more just request if my request are open.
Fluff = ♡
Angst = ♧
Headcannons =◇
Gender neutral=¤
Fem coded=¤¤
Male coded=¤¤
•Ladybug and cat noir•
Marc Ladybug and cat noir headcannon♡◇¤
Nathaniel mini headcannon♡◇¤
Stace from down to earth x model Reader♡◇¤
Duke and Pluto reaction to you getting hurt♡◇♧¤
BTS gif reactions to your relationship getting exposed♡◇□¤
RM x idol reader meeting your over protective members♡◇¤
yeonjun meeting your group♡◇¤
Fans catching you and him with each other repressive animals exposing your relationship | TXT♡♧¤
Blackpink reaction to you having her photo card ♡◇¤
Mingi reaction to your relationship getting exposed♡◇♧¤¤
Bangchan x idol reader♡◇¤
Park seonghwa x idol reader♡♧◇¤
Mingi relationship headcannons♡♧◇¤
Blackpink dancing with them or them teaching you to dance♡◇¤
Bangchan imagine ♡◇¤
°harry potter°
Viktor Krum reaction to seeing you after the war
•Winx club•
Winx finding a new fairy♡♧◇¤¤
Bloom reaction to you being able to control parts of the dragon flame♡◇¤
Helia meeting your family pt1 | part 2 ♡◇¤
Helia x moon fairy reader♡♧◇¤¤
Helia x magma fairy comfort♡♧◇¤¤
Helia x reader enchantix♡◇¤¤
First kiss with the specialist♡◇¤
Imagine jump scaring helia♡◇¤
Dancing with the specialist♡◇¤
Riven headcannon♧◇¤
Winx helia headcannon♡◇¤
Piff imagine♡◇¤
Heila x witch to fairy reader headcannon♡◇¤¤
Helia proposal headcannon♡◇¤
Stella headcannon♡◇¤
Flora x male reader♡◇♧¤
Timmy headcannon♡◇¤
Winx headcannon♡◇¤
Dark fairy winx training headcannons♡♧◇¤
Cuddle with helia♡◇¤
Nex meeting your fairy animal♡◇¤
Nabu headcannon♡◇♧¤
Winx headcannon Sirenix♡◇♧¤¤
Dancing with helia is fun♡◇¤
Helia scenario♡◇¤
Helia x monster fairy♡◇¤
4th trix headcannons♡◇♧¤
Helia x witch reader♡♧◇¤
Sky imagine♡◇¤
Winx headcannon♡◇¤
Helia meeting imagine♡◇¤
°Hunger games°
Peeta meeting you in district 13♡♧◇¤
•my hero academia•
Deku headcannon♡◇¤
Bakugou headcannon♡◇¤
Todoroki x reader meeting your family♡◇¤
Mha character if you beat them in training◇♡¤
Mha x fairy Qurik reader♡◇¤
Mha x reader headcannon♡◇¤
Comfort headcannon mha pt 1 | part 2 | part 3 ♡♧◇¤
Training with shinsou♡◇¤
Bakugou headcannon♡◇¤
Mha bakugou fluff headcannons♡◇¤
Scenario for tamaki amajiki♡◇¤
Deku and bakugou with a American s/o♡◇¤
Shinsou hitoshi x reader fluff headcannon♡◇¤
Todoroki headcannon meeting his mom♡◇¤
Kirishima cuddle headcannon♡◇¤
Cuddles with bakugou♡◇¤
Shinsou x reader Headcannon♡◇¤
Mha monoma headcannon♡◇¤
Cooking with bakugou♡◇¤
Kirishima headcannon♡◇¤
Shoto todoroki meeting his mother♡◇♧¤
Iida headcannons ♡◇¤
Mina Dancing headcannon♡◇¤
Todoroki Headcannon♡◇¤
Bakugou imagin♡◇¤
Todoroki x reader comfort♡♧◇¤
°young justice°
Lagon x Merperson reader Headcannon [platonic]◇♡¤
Young justice mini scenario♡◇¤
Young justice team headcannon♡◇¤
•Hunter x hunter•
Hxh headcannon♡◇¤
Love sick illumi is funny♡◇¤
Random Hxh headcannon♡◇¤
Hunter x hunter headcannon♡◇♧¤
Random Hxh headcannon♡◇¤
Haikyuu Nekoma headcannon♡◇¤¤
Kuroo headcannon♡◇¤
Kenma x video game streamer reader♡◇¤
Kageyama loves cuddles♡◇¤
•Multiple image•
Multiple headcanon ♡◇¤
Cuddles headcannon multiple♡◇¤
Being a night talent fairy♡◇¤¤
Tinkerbell headcannon♡◇¤
•promised neverland•
Getting reunited with the trio headcannons♡◇¤
Legolas x elf reader♡◇¤
Legolas imagine♡◇¤
•legend of korra•
Huan beifong headcannon♡◇¤
°gray's anatomy°
Gray's anatomy headcannon♡◇¤
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hp-hcs · 11 months
male, nonbinary, & gender-neutral readers x hp characters
requests: open! (RULES)
join the taglist!
Do you hate it when you find a fic that says “x reader” only for it to have she/her pronouns, as if it’s some inherent rule that only fem people read fanfiction? WELL DO I HAVE A BLOG FOR YOU.
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am i reorganizing my masterlist for the 10,000th time? yep! i’ve finally written enough that i need to break this down into tinier masterlists!
key: 🚹 = male reader ⚧️ = nonbinary reader 🚻 = gender-neutral reader
☣️ = yandere tw 💥 = violence tw ‼️ = homophobia/transphobia tw 🩸 = blood/gore tw 🧨 = implied sexual content/sexual innuendos ❤️‍🔥 = smut tw
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mattheo riddle masterlist
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theodore nott masterlist
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polyamorous/non-monogamous masterlist
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“Splinched” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹🩸
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“Pansy’s Brother” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹 ☣️ 💥
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“lipstick” masterlist • enzo berkshire and draco malfoy 🚻 ☣️ ❤️‍🔥
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“watercolors” masterlist • tom riddle 🚹
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“The Doll” masterlist • enzo berkshire, regulus black, draco malfoy, theodore nott, mattheo riddle, and blaise zabini 🚻 💥
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“phoenix tears” masterlist • riddle brothers 🚹 ‼️💥🩸
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draco malfoy:
the audacity, i can’t believe this 🚹
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enzo berkshire:
shut up 🚹☣️❤️‍🔥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
ron weasley:
love triangle 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
neville longbottom:
mr. green thumb 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
weasley twins:
common room confessions 🚹
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blaise zabini:
uniforms ⚧️
fiendfyre 🚹
yandere! blaise zabini headcanons 🚻
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narcissa malfoy:
yandere! mother! headcanons 🚻 ☣️💥
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riddle brothers:
June 🚻
crystal 🚻☣️💥 (referenced attempted S/A tw)
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pansy parkinson:
paralyzer 🚻
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viktor krum:
sibling rivalry 🚻
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slytherin boys hcs:
slytherin boys: gn! muggleborn! reader’s music taste is rather…unexpected 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
random non-reader stories:
❌= implied/referenced child abuse tw 🛑= graphic child abuse tw
“where have you been?”
molly weasley discovers the extent of the dursleys’ abuse ❌
the weasley family and their cinematic adventures
just some funky lil headcanons
Harry Potter and the Amount of Abuse He Suffered at the Hands of His Guardians That Doesn’t Get Mentioned Nearly Enough (aka LET THE POOR BOY BE TRAUMATIZED)
writing prompt: “…jegulus taking in teenage harry after he runs away from the dursleys” 🛑 ❌
untitled tomarry thingy (i just love them okay)
writing prompt: “Touch starved Tom / Voldemort” 🛑 ❌
two thousand words of pure marauders-raise-harry fluff
writing prompt: “regulus black becoming the best seeker ever and harry being his biggest fan and then he finds out that his dad use to date him and he tries (and plots with sirius) to get them back together just so he can call the regulus black his stepdad”
Children Don’t Belong in Cupboards (pt. 1/?)
synopsis: jily comes to the dursleys’ to get their son back 🛑 ❌
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ghostofscarley · 2 years
Fred Weasley x Reader
Inspired by the movie 'Enchanted'
Taglist: @wolfstardaughter-jj @dayangestre @cobrakaisb @emso12 @wixabear @robincantfunction @lilyswh0re @dracosluvbot
word count: 8.7k
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"you're practically gaping at her mate, subtle much," fred muttered as he glanced at harry who was staring at the fifth year ravenclaw, cho chang, mindlessly as she giggled with her friends, "so much for wanting to keep my lunch down. mate, before you lose anymore pumpkin juice, you'd have more luck going over and talking to her-"
"oh, leave him alone fred," rolling her eyes, y/n gave back the rolled up newspaper to a glaring hermione granger after having smacked the ginger boy on the back of his head, "he is however, miraculously, right in a sorts though harry. you really should talk to her."
"ugh! look at this! i don't believe it, she's done it again. miss granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the bulgarian bon-bon viktor krum. no word yet on how harry potter's taking this latest emotional blow," glaring now at the newspaper article, hermione slams it onto the table, almost knocking over her own goblet of pumpkin juice in the process, "i mean who does she think she is? i can tell you right now, harry seems to be doing just fine."
shaking his head, as if he had been in a trance, harry looked towards his fury-filled friends is confusion
"i wouldn't mind her, mione. you know how that hag of a woman is," shaking her head at the clueless chosen one before turning to in a sympathetic manner to comfort her bushy-haired friend, "the lengths she'd go and the people she'd shine a false light on for the sake of fame and attention. such a bitch."
groaning, fred slid over to his best friend, not so subtly stretching an arm around her shoulder, pulling the girl closer, and unbeknownst to the ginger, causing a certain hue of rosy red to spread across the said girl's cheeks
"such a dirty mouth. to what do i owe the honours of being allowed to be within the presence of that mouth?" winking with a sly grin, blowing a single strand out of his eyes and angling his head to get a better look at the girl, he asks, "is the one and only y/n y/l/n blushing because of little, ol' frederick weasley? you flatter me."
huffing, y/n shrugged off the older twins arm that was draped across her shoulders, sending a scowl his way as she crossed her arms
"you wish freddie, and don't say shit like that. weirdo."
"well maybe if someone stopped swearing then-"
"i'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."
hearing this, both y/n and fred looked over to the two youngest weasleys, one of which were holding what looked like old rags of spare lace sewn together, before hermione laughed
"they're not for ginny. they're for you! dress robes."
upon saying this, the friend group all broke into laughter whilst ron's face fell
"dress robes? for what?"
to this, y/n and fred, having calmed down from the fits of laughter at the situation for the younger weasley male, turned to each other, a look of confusion now adorning their faces
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"the yule ball has been a tradition of the triwizard tournament since its inception. on christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity. as representitives of the host school i expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and i mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost... a dance." groans emerge from the boys who are listening on. the girls seem a lot more excited, "silence. the house of godric gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. i will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."
y/n sent a quick glance to where harry, fred and george were standing only to see the twins murmuring to themselves and thus she shook her head, knowing that it was nothing serious before focusing back on mcgonagall
"now to dance is to let the body breathe. inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight and inside," upon hearing whispers, she turns to glare at ron, "every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance, mr weasley, will you join me?  now, place your right hand on my waist."
embarrassed and a little befuddled, ron almost mutters
impatient, the woman moves to correct the placement of ron's very much awkward placing of his arm
"my waist," the woman states firmly, before the music starts up and the professors leads them into a waltz, inviting others to join
upon the invitation, the girls rushed to stand, only for the boys to remain seated, awkward, some even scratching at the back of their necks
with a smirk, fred walks over to y/n, who had previously been in a conversation with her friend and fellow quidditch team mate, katie bell, when she saw an approaching body out of the corner of her eye, before turning to see fred offering his hand out to her
"if you will, m'lady."
nudging the girl with a giggle, katie pushed her friend out of her seating position and into the arms of the cheeky ginger, winking at the girl before turning to find her own partner
"real smooth, weasley," she stated, placing one hand into his before raising her other arm to rest it on his, "'m'lady', huh? that's a new one. what book did you stumble upon to get that one? oh who am i kidding, you'd never pick up a book. willingly."
"oh ha ha, you're so funny. much laughter. such a comedian," the hand that rested on her waist began to poke slightly at her after her cheeky comment, twirling her and bringing her back into his chest now, "i'll have you know that i didn't find it. i just heard it was all. in one of those silly muggle movies that you love."
"they are not silly," she scoffed, moving her hand to slap the back of his head only for him to grab it and keep a firm grasp on it instead, the familiar heat spreading across her face, "they are romantic. not that you'd know."
"what's that supposed to mean? i'm so romantic i'd knock your socks off with how chivalrous and charming i am."
the girl couldn't keep a straight face at what the boy had said, immediately breaking out into a boisterous cackle which attracted many fellow gryffindors though the girl didn't care. the boy didn't either, a small smile then growing rather large at the sound
"oh freddie, now who's the comedian?" sighing, she moved, well tried, to rest her right cheek on his shoulder, which was now hunched to aid her due to the distinct height difference, "i can't wait. i mean, an actual ball, are you kidding? hogwarts is already magical on its own. can you imagine how wondrous it'll be?"
"oh, do you already have someone in mind as to who you'll take? my, my. and whom is it that has piqued y/n y/l/n's interest?" he nudged at her, wiggling his eyebrows as chuckled at the rosy red cheeks, "it wouldn't happen to be someone i know, would it?"
"what's it to you?" burying her face deeper into his neck, her voice came out as a murmur, "maybe i have found someone i hope will sweep me off my feet."
though the girl couldn't see it, fred's face dropped, after a wave of shock, not expecting what she said
"oh. well that's good," he shrugged, the movement pulling y/n out of her trance, and out of his neck, "can only imagine how wonderful he is. only the best for you."
"yeah," she said, a look of serenity taking over her face as she thought about the boy that was standing in front of her, "he is pretty wonderful."
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"this is mad. at this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates. well, us and neville," ron uttered, sharing a chuckle with harry whilst y/n, who was across the table next to fred shared a look of displeasure with hermione, "then again, he can take himself."
before y/n could reply to the younger weasley, hermione had beaten her to it
"how sweet. but it might interest you two to know that neville's already got someone."
a smirk growing, the older gryffindor girl knew that she no longer had to say anything
"well now I'm really depressed."
ron's shoulders drop as his lips form a pout
hearing quick scribbles, y/n turned to read what fred had written before he scrunched it up and threw it at his brother
'get a move on or all the good ones will have gone'
to this, ron looks up from the parchment before turning to his older brother
"who are you going with then?"
fred turned to y/n, who was sat on his right, sharing a smile, as she let out a small giggle, wiggling his eye brows, before turning and throwing a piece of scrunched up parchment at angelina johnson
y/n could only feel her smile drop, her eyes gloss, and the rosy hues fade as she watched the boy next to her whisper at the girl. a girl that wasn't her
"oi! angelina!" acting out dancing movements, he then continued to ask, "do you, want to go, to the ball, with me?"
with a smile growing on her face, angelina turned so her whole body was facing him before resting her head on her hand with a dreamy look
"yeah. yeah, i want to go."
y/n could only see fred wink at ron before she quickly packed all her things and rushed to hand her book to snape, alarming the others as they all watched the girl scamper off, not wanting them to see the tears that had now escaped, her heart broken
"what's wrong with her?" ron could only ask though he got shrugs from both fred and hermione, "well, anyway."
fred could only drown out his brother's words as he watched the girl practically run put of the great hall, before he heard a book slam and turned to witness hermione leaving as well, sending a final glare to his little brother
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the small sniffles from the gryffindor girl, with the occasional break of an audible sob were all that could be heard that wintry evening as the rebounded off the walls of what she thought was an empty corridor, void of students
"y/n? is that you?" the soft voice came from around the corner from where she was sat, the owner of the voice stepping out into the open corridor to reveal adrian pucey, chaser of the slytherin quidditch team and a total heartthrob, his face softening as he looked at the upset girl in front of him, "are you ok? what happened?"
she made quick eye contact with the boy before she hurriedly brushed away her tears, rubbing at her eyes and glancing down as she shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, not wanting to look at him again
not wanting to seem vulnerable or weak in front of him
"come on," nodding his head to the side, he waited with his hand held out, "let's go for a walk. i promise it won't be a bore. i'm a pretty fun person."
looking from his eyes back to his outstretched hand and then his eyes again and seeing nothing but kindness and warmth in his irises, the girl huffed a little before placing her hand in his, allowing him to pull her up from her seated position
not saying anything for a few moments, the pair walked, hands still in each other's, taking in the sights of the school, the blanket of white coating every inch that was exposed, small, icy flakes fluttering and falling, both from the sky and the branches of trees that had collected hefty amounts
"so, mind telling me what's up?" adrian spoke out, filling the otherwise silent air before freezing up a bit, turning to the girl frantically, "not that you should feel obligated to tell me, if it's something you wish to keep to yourself then i won't pester you about it. but. i am here if you do need to talk."
"you make it seem a lot more... serious than it is, i guess," she responded, wanting to reassure the boy whilst feeling idiotic herself, then scoffing and shaking her head, "i mean, who cries because they watched their crush ask out another person to this really extravagant ball that's coming up? stupid, right?"
now frowning, the slytherin boy turns towards her, shaking his head
"y/n. that is a valid reason to be upset. it's not stupid at all. well, i guess it's their loss."
shaking her head as more tears welled up, she stopped their walk, removing her hand from his grasp before facing him and placing both of them on his shoulder
"it's not stupid at all," he all but uttered, not wanting to scare or upset the girl any further by his usually confident and loud voice, "it's rather valid you know. but anyone would be a blind idiot to not take you."
her crying came to a halt as a look of self doubt lingered in her eyes
"no, adrian. you don't understand. the girl is like. stupid gorgeous. like, her eyes are doe like, you could easily get lost in them. her skin is ridiculously smooth and clear, free of blemishes and pimples and blackheads, not to mention the tone of colour. her hair, looks alone, is so silky and it blows freely in the wind, never a single strand out of place. she's a bloody chaser on the quidditch team so that's a factor alone. her laugh is airy and fucking perfect. her smile is so warm and dreamy and captivating. she's not too short but not too tall. angelina johnson," taking a breath, the girl could feel her senses cloud, losing sight and touch, looking aimlessly past the boy, "she's so fucking perfect and. i'm just. me. i don't even know why i thought i had a chance. but the way he looked at me, smiled at me, with that stupid boyish grin he always wears. i was so sure it would happen. and then it didn't. i was stupid to think fred weasley, the class clown, would ask me to the ball when someone like angelina johnson roams the very same halls. it seems so bitchy to say that too because she's so kind. always the sweetest thing to me and here i am being the grouchiest person ever."
"then go with me," he asked, no stated firmly and without a doubt, "i won't let you downplay yourself like that, comparing yourself to someone who is just another girl. who isn't all that. and that's not because i'm biased or partial as your friend. she may be beautiful, but you radiate beauty. and i won't let you continue to bottle up these thoughts that you hold against yourself when they aren't true. so, i am asking you to go to the yule ball with me, as my date."
"oh ade, i, i can't. i just, i don't want a pity date. just because the guy i wanted to go with asked someone else."
instead of arguing, because him asking her wasn't out of pity, adrian held out his hand to her, waiting until she eventually took it, though not without a look of confusion before he cleared his throat, taking her down the corridor
in a horrible, posh british accent, like more posh than his usual accent, he sang out loud, his voice echoing off of the walls for all to hear
"hee hee"
"ade, what are you doing?"
"my baby's always danCInG, and iT WouLdN't be a bAd tHiNG. BUt i doN't geT nO lovInG, aNd thAt'S nO LiE"
quickening her pace to match his, she couldn’t help but smile, forgetting what had happened in the great hall not too long, spinning whenever he motioned for her to, seeing others who were now exiting the great hall watch on, curious
"wE sPenT thE nIGhT in fRisCo, aT evEry kiNdA diScO. fRoM thAt nIghT i kIsSed oUr lOvE gOodByE."
out of the corner of her eye, she could she a flash of ginger hair, though she wasn't given more time to wonder about who it was before she was dipped and she let out the loudest cackle
"dOn't bLAmE iT on tHe sUNsHinE, DOn'T bLamE It on thE mOoNlIGhT, dON't bLAme It oN ThE gOoD tiMeS. bLAmE iT on thE boOgie."
doing one more spin, the boy left the girl in the middle of the corridor before skipping and spinning and prancing circles around her, her smile growing and lighting up the otherwise darkening hall as the sun set
"i jUSt cAn't, i JuST caN't, I jUsT cAn'T cOnTrol mY feET. i jUSt cAn't, i JuST caN't, I jUsT cAn'T cOnTrol mY feET."
now out of breath, the boy dropped onto both knees, gesturing for her hands and asking once more
"i hope that wasn't too embarrassing for you," he chuckles, taking in deep breaths, the musical break out doing more numbers on him than his weekly quidditch practices, "so, i'll ask again. will you, y/n y/l/n, chaser of the gryffindor quidditch team and total heartthrob, accompany myself, adrian pucey, chaser of the slytherin quidditch team and also total heartthrob, to the yule ball? i can't promise i'll be as 'extravagant' as i was in this moment, but i'll be the best damn date you could ever wish for."
"well, i mean i don't know, i-" dragging on her words, she looked down at the boy to see his confident grin faltering and she knew she couldn't continue to play along, "of course i will ade. how could i say no after that?"
breathing out a sigh of relief, he went to wrap his arms around her before realising he was still on his knees, getting up and then embracing the girl who was no longer teary eyed and instead glowing, radiating warmth and happiness
whilst most onlookers were applauding the 'proposal' they had witnessed between the two chasers, a certain ginger beater, who was watching from behind pillar, was green with envy, shaking his head before walking off to find george
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it was christmas night. the night of the yule ball and y/n finds herself in hermione's dorm room, getting ready with said girl and the youngest weasley
"ok but can we talk about that proposal again and how cute it was," ginny exclaimed, grabbing onto the oldest girl's hand and twirling, though almost falling due to the wedges that adorned her feet, "i mean. i always saw you two together so i knew he was friendly but. the singing, the dancing, the 'falling onto his knees'. it was so romantic."
"ah, gin," the girl, though smiling, shook her head slightly, straightening up her younger friend, "it was cute, but i just don't see adrian like that. he's just a good friend."
"y/n, y/n, y/n. did you not see the way he looked at you? it was practically heart-eyes. he adores you. he had this soft smile on his face and his eyes glowed. it was like you had hung, no, handpicked the moon and the stars for him. he was enamoured."
"adrian is aromantic, gin. i can assure you he doesn't like me like that. besides, though he's my date, i've always had my eye on someone. the feelings just don't seem to be reciprocated."
ginny's smile faltered as she looked at her friend who was gazing down, twiddling her fingers
"if you're talking about my git of a brother," she held up a finger to the girl, whose mouth was slightly ajar, as if she were to ask 'which brother' "and before you get smart, i'm talking about fred. you're clearly not as smart as i thought you were if you think for a second that he doesn't like you. he's constantly talking about you and whatever you've done that was just 'oustanding' or 'astronomical' when you aren't around.. and then where you are around, he needs to be touching you in some way. if i thought adrian was enamoured with you, fred is gobsmacked, drop dead, head over heels, in love with you."
"then why didn't he ask me to the ball, gin? why did he ask angelina? and why did he do it in front of me? no, it doesn't matter. i don't think i have the right to ask that. just... clearly, whatever feelings he did feel.. aren't there," she looked over to the clock in the room before turning to the bed that had her dress hanging just above it, "come on. we've got just under two hours before the ball, and i would like to do your hair. your dress is beautiful by the way."
"well i know, and yes i understood, adrian does not like you and you do not like him and it's all platonic, but i just know he's gonna be blown away with how gorgeous you'll look. i mean the satin and the deepness of the green, which honestly suits you. even if he wore his house tie, it would still match your dress. you'd look hot as a slytherin. too bad you're too much of a lion to be a snake. platonic or not, this is still gonna be as much of a date as any other date you've been on or could go on. and don't look at me like that, enjoy your night with adrian. you deserve it."
before y/n could respond to the girl after having braided and pinned up her ginger hair into a half up/half down style, hermione's voice echoed from the bathroom
"y/n, could you please help me with my hair?"
"don't think for a second that i'm done with you gin, just give me a few minutes. i've got a choice of words with you."
"ah, would you look at the time. i think neville is downstairs waiting for me. see you soon."
"gin- GINERVA," before y/n could say the girl's full name, she had sped out of the dorm room, leaving the older girl to shake her head and huff, "i'm gonna kill her."
quickly slipping in her own dress, she then knocked on the bathroom door before opening it, to see a nervous hermione granger in a beautiful periwinkle dress that complimented the soft brown of her eyes
"and what is it that i will be doing with your hair tonight, miss?" she asked in a horrible mock posh accent, "would you care to flip through our catalogue? i personally love style 3."
"i was actually wondering if you could help me curl it and then pin it back, i don't want to do too much with it," she requests, finally looking over to her friend before gasping slightly, "the dress is absolutely gorgeous on you, y/n. adrian won't know what hit him. if we didn't already have dates, i'd take you myself. save me a dance, perhaps?"
"oh, of course, kind lady. it would be an honour to get the opportunity to dance with you at this regal ball," she continued with her horrible accent, whilst casting a charm to curl hermione's hair, going to speak again but losing the accent, her tone sincere, "you look beautiful, mione. i just know viktor won't be able to keep his eyes off you. and i mean, i wouldn't blame him. i wouldn't want to look away from you either. you really did a wonderful job at picking the dress. should i ever get married, obviously as one of my bridesmaids, or even maid of honour, i'd have you pick out the dresses without a doubt. ok, all done. what do you think?"
"oh, y/n," before y/n could say anything, hermione threw her arms around her, "it's absolutely beautiful, thank you. ok, take a seat and i'll do your hair and your make up if you'd like. not that you'd need any. your natural beauty alone would blow the minds of the whole school, hogwarts, beauxbatons and durmstrang. veela's have nothing on you."
"granger, you flatter me. surprise me will you? i don't really have anything in mind so go at it however you see fit. and maybe just a clear gloss. that way, i can get absolutely hammered and not worry about having to remove a full face of make up."
at the request, hermione spun the girl so that she was no longer facing the mirror, taking the still charmed wand and curling her hair back to resemble that of beach waves, keeping it soft and light, not overdone, before parting her hair, braiding the top half of the two section before tying it off into two separate ponytails that sat on the top of her head, similar to a half up/half down style. she then applied a coat of clear gloss as requested, as well as a light coat of mascara to really accentuate her eyes, before spinning her again, ready for the reveal.
"i'd like to see adrian try and take his eyes away from you. it'd be with great difficulty, i'll tell you that much. you'll easily be the prettiest girl at the ball."
"oh, mione, you can't say that when you'll be there. if i'm gorgeous, you're absolutely stunning. i honestly am envious that viktor is taking you. though i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. don't hide away too much, yeah? i will be getting that dance," she then hugged the younger girl, careful as to not wrinkle either dress or ruin either hairstyle, "thank you for this. i don't think i've ever felt this pretty. who needs a beauty team? i just need you, my girl. let's go blow everyone away, yeah?"
"let's do it."
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walking down to the great hall, the duo heard gasps and saw looks of awe as they turned heads. y/n saw the youngest weasley standing with neville and her own date before looking around, her eyes settling on a cleaned up fred weasley who looked as handsome as ever. he seemed to have found her too, meeting her gaze
she wanted to smile bashfully and wave at the boy she considered her best friend before she saw the girl whose arm was linked with his. the girl that was hanging off of him. and she removed her gaze from him, keeping the small smile as she looked over to adrian, who was returning the smile as he met her gaze, walking over to meet her at the foot of the staircase
"i'll see you around, mione. blow them all away."
the girls hugged a final time before separating to move to their respective dates
"wow, y/l/n. you look incredible. didn't take you to be much of a green girl but it really does suit you. maybe you should've been sorted into slytherin, would've fit right in."
"mm, i don't think so. too many snakes for me to handle. i'm happy with my little pride of lions. must admit, you do look quite incredible yourself. very handsome. i very much like that your tie matches my dress. you wouldn't have asked one of my friends about the colour, would you?"
"whaat? me? never. that does not sound like me at all. but yes. yes i did. reckon we'll make quite the couple. turning heads left, right and centre."
"maybe i should have worn a burgundy. once in a lifetime opportunity to see you in red. reckon you'd look quite ravishing i suppose."
"maybe not so much. wouldn't want to make a fool of myself. at least you can pull off any colour, miss head-turner. shall we make our way inside now?"
"we shall. lead the way, mr head-turner."
from the other side of the hallway
fred was standing just outside the entrance of the great hall, in a group that consisted of himself and his date, angelina, george and his date, alicia spinnet, and lee and his date, patricia stimpson, when the three girls turned to the staircase to see who was making their way down and gasped
"look at our girl, ang. she looks amazing," exclaimed alicia, pulling george with her towards the girl, though george stopped her, "why are we stopping?"
"the girl still needs to find her date, ali. we'll see her inside, alright?"
the girl pouted slightly before nodding and returning her gaze to their third chaser
"did you guys see pucey's proposal to her? it was so romantic and she looked so happy. if i'm being honest though, i thought you'd ask her freddie. especially after that dance practice a few weeks ago. but you have to admit, she and pucey make quite the cute couple. it had to have been the talk of the school. one of our chasers with slytherin's chaser and heartthrob, adrian pucey. i mean she was left smiling hours after. sure, he can't sing to save his life, but it was adorable. the way he got on his knees and grapsed onto her. the way he spun her. her cackle! i don't think i've seen her so hap-" angelina was cut off mid-sentence
"can we stop talking about how cute pucey and y/l/n would be? this isn't about them."
"woah, what's wrong with you? besides it's the truth isn't it? isn't she your best friend? you'd think you'd be happy for her?"
"she can be with pucey for all i care. he's bloody perfect for her, isn't he?" fred sneered, moving his gaze to look at the girl, his glare dropping as he saw that her eyes met his before she turned away, "i just want the best for her. that's all."
george could only smirk, wanting to slap the back of his twin's head but refraining and he rested his arm around alicia
"it seems to me like your jealous, freddie."
fred could only scoff, his glare returning and focusing on his brother
"shove off. whatever, let's just go inside." he suggested as he saw the girl he longed for enter the great hall with her date
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looking around the now wintry filled hall, y/n couldn't help but gasp, her grasp around adrian's arm tightening
just when you thought the school couldn't get anymore magical
"oh, ade it's wonderful. it's so magical."
"i'm afraid that's to be expected in a school of witchcraft and wizardry, my dear. thought you knew that. this'll shock you. we also have wands each that produce spells and charms. just as magical."
rolling her eyes but smiling nonetheless, she lightly shoved the boy before looping her arm through his once more
"shut up, smart arse, you know what i mean."
"i do. but i must say, it's got nothing on you and your beauty. really did me dirty because now i have to fend off the whole school. it'd be considered lucky if i'm 436th in the line of 947. you really have charmed the school, y/l/n."
"you flatter me. look, here come the champions? ugh, my mione is so gorgeous. booked myself a dance with her, i did. luckiest girl in the world i consider myself to be."
"well i guess i'm 437th in the line now. i hope you're ready for your feet to be aching."
"oh stop it ade. if anything, you're 537th. no, i probably won't dance with that many people, to be completely honest. you, mione, ginny, luna, maybe george if i can catch a word with alicia. oh my goodness. look at fleur. she's absolutely stunning."
"again. i mean, yeah she's pretty. but looking at the girl on my arm, she's nothing but a caterpillar next to the butterfly that is you. don't tell her that though. she might send the whole of beauxbatons on my ass and i'd like to be around long enough to walk you back to your common room."
"you're such a flirt. might wanna watch out before i start to believe less and less that you're aromantic."
"why? is the infamous y/n y/l/n scared to fall in love with the handsome, dashing, charming, endearing, loving, kind and caring adrian pucey?"
"not to mention cocky and the lack of humbleness. but no. in fact it's quite the opposite. wouldn't want to break your heart when you inevitably fall in love with me, ade."
"oh because it will hurt for sure. thank you for watching out for my heart," he chuckled, grasping his chest, as if to reinforce the protection he holds over his heart, "i just want to give you the full experience as my date. that includes the corny compliments, horrible jokes and puns and of course my amazing dancing skills. so, what do you say? we go spike the punch, have a few glasses and then hit the dance floor and show everyone what we're made of? not enough to be absolutely wasted, but enough to allow you to feel the rush, enough to be tipsy, enough for you to sober up easily after a couple songs."
"let's do it."
5 minutes later
the dances of the champions has concluded and now other couples are invited to occupy the vast dance room
y/n and adrian, three glasses of spiked punch layer, were just a little tipsy, feeling the rush of the alcohol but were stable enough to find each other's touch and guided the other to the dance floor as a familiar song began to play
something told me it was over
when i saw you and her talking
something deep down in my soul said "cry girl"
when i saw you and that girl walking around
swaying together, the pair moved closer, the warmth welcoming both of them, something nice about being able hold each other like this, whilst knowing that the only thing that would come out of tonight would be a closer friendship
"i love this song. the lyrics tell such a sad story but etta james just captures the feelings that should be portrayed so beautifully. the fact that she'd want to lose her sense of sight than to have to watch the man she's in love with push her to the side as he pursues another."
i would rather, i would rather be blind
than to see you walk away
so you see, i love you so much
that i don't wanna watch you leave me
"the song is rather sad. i must say though. i wouldn't want to go blind when i have you in front of me, dazzling the whole school."
"and so the corny puns start, huh? do your worst, pucey."
"oh darling, don't worry. i plan to."
when the reflection in the glass
that i held to my lips now
revealed the tears that are all on my face
baby i'd rather be blind
than to see you walk away from me
the song then ended, though the pair continue to sway, seemingly lost in their own world as another fan favourite began to play, y/n removing her head from adrian's shoulder to better appreciate the abba song, if you will, grasping the hand that rested on her hand to manoeuvre him around, matching the tempo the upbeat song
you can dance
you can jive
having the time of your life
see that girl
watch that scene
digging the dancing queen
"i swear this song is like every teenage girl's 'anthem', i guess you could call it. i heard this song a lot growing up. mum loved it."
the two would spin each other, the previous stance during the slower dance gone as they were laughing loudly together. they were sure to remember this night for the rest of their lives
anybody could be that guy
night is young and the music's high
with a bit of rock music
everything is fine
you're in the mood for a dance
and when you get the chance
"dad always found mum's taste in music a little weird, being a muggle and all, but he loved her and her weird little quirks so much. he loved how happy she got whenever the song would play, so he always played it any chance he got."
"was wondering who you inherited your quirkiness from. figured it was something you picked up on your own. seems that isn't the case."
slapping his chest lightly, she threw her head back, laughing
"oi! how rude. some gentleman you are, ade. feeling real flattered right now. like gosh, i might faint. falling head over heels."
"oh shush."
you are the dancing queen
young and sweet
only seventeen
dancing queen
feel the beat of the tambourine
"i didn't think i'd have this much fun if i'm being honest," y/n laughed as they continued to mindlessly jump and twirl around together, knowing that others were watching, and that they'd probably look at the two weirdly for their assortment of strange dance moves, "but i'm so glad i'm here with you tonight, ade. the evening has been absolutely wonderful."
"your mother was a muggle, right?"
"yes? why?"
"just had to be sure. do you know if she ever went to those muggle balls that they hold in movies? prom was it?"
"i didn't know you watched muggle films," she glanced over to the boy who was now bashful, sporting a small smile, "but uh, no. prom is an american event. mum, however, did go to a formal. who she went with, i wouldn't know. i just know it wasn't dad. she met him a good 5 years after she finished school."
"well, i saw that proms often crown for prom king and queen. if you ask me, who needs a prom queen when i have my dancing queen right in front of me."
she cackled once again, wanting to slap his chest yet again but deciding against it and instead fixing up his tie which had been a little lopsided
"you really are something, you know that."
"i think they have one more upbeat song before they play a final slow song, so what you say we have a few more glasses and sober up before the last dance."
another three glasses later and the second last song began to ring out through the hall
i've got sunshine on a cloudy day
when it's cold outside
i've got the month of may
"this song just makes me so happy. it was my parents wedding song. mum grew up with it and she introduced dad to the song after their second date. dad's loved it ever since. would always sing it to her. it makes me feel warm."
i guess
you'd say
what can make me feel this way
my girl
talking 'bout my girl
"i wish i grew up on songs like these. they just seem so nostalgic even though i'm hearing them for the first time tonight."
"ade, you're joking? you cannot be serious. this is urgent. every time we hang out, no matter what, i will play one song. this just isn't acceptable. i refuse to believe it."
i've got so much honey
the bees envy me
i've got a sweeter song
than the birds in the trees
"what do you say y/l/n? reckon my singing the other week was sweeter than the birds that roam hogwarts?"
"that was singing? well, sweet isn't the first word that comes to mind."
"oi, you should be grateful. i don't give out thise performances for free. only on special occasions. it was a moment to remember forever."
whilst the two swayed and the girl sang to the boy, a ginger haired, sulking, teenage boy was staring off at them from his seated position
"you're staring. the song is about to end freddie, just ask her. i'm sure adrian won't mind. everyone knows you're her best friend."
"why would she want to dance with me, ang? she looks quite content with pucey. what's the point?"
"it's just one dance, fred. besides, you've been frowning all night and that's not like you, it's weird."
"quite the date i am huh? sorry. you would've been better off with harry and he's just as much of a lousy date as i am. at least his date got a dance."
"it's alright. i still got a few dances with alicia and you know i've had my eye on roger davis. got a dance with him so i'd say my night was pretty successful."
"that makes one of us."
suddenly, before the final song was to commence, dumbledore had a final announcement to make
"the yule ball is coming to a close and so i must announce before the final dance that there is to be a change in scene. i ask that you gentlemen or women invite another to the dance floor that he or she did not accompany to the ball."
"see, there's your chance fred. take it."
"if anything, she'd probably want to dance with geor-"
"FRED WEASLEY YOU GO OVER TO THAT GIRL AND YOU ASK HER TO DANCE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I ASK FOR YOU MYSELF! i am sick of your pity party of despair and loneliness. just go for it."
he could only sigh as he stood up from the seat he had been sat in for the last 2 hours, making his way over to the pair, though lord knows his heart was 2 seconds away from pounding violently through his ribcage and out of his chest
whilst fred made his way over, the two were still away in their own world, wanting the moment to last just a little longer
"was hoping i'd get my last dance with you. i've had so much fun tonight and i don't want it to end."
"i've had a lot of fun too. was quite the experience having the prettiest girl in hogwarts wrapped in my arms, swaying to muggle misic. who would have thought. i think i might sit this one out. i don't see myself dancing with anyone else that isn't you."
"are you sure you're aromantic, ade? like, straight up? 100%?"
though he knew she meant nothing by it, he still laughed lightly and hugged her before pulling away so they were both at arms distance
"straight up. if i wasn't, i would have been kissing the hell out of you. i can assure you i feel no romantic feelings. even after having you in my embrace for the last 2 hours, it's nothing but platonic. i just don't see anything happening. that, and i can see a certain ginger making his way over and i don't fancy getting kocked out right now. so, after the dance, i'll meet you and escort you to your common room to see you off."
looking to her right slightly, her heartbeat quickens as she sees a hurried fred weasley making his way over before she turns back to adrian
"are you sure? i could just sit with you?"
"i'm sure. i'll just sit with miles. poor bloke was rejected so he's been sat at the table, drinking. reckon i should go over before he dies of alcohol poisoning because trust me, he will find a way. besides, i think someone wants to dance with you. about time if you ask me."
and with that, adrian placed a final kiss on her forehead before he walked away, sending a last wink towards her before turning and not looking back
she could only watch his retreating back for a moment longer before she felt a tap on her shoulder
feeling like her chest was about to explode, she took a slow, deep breath before turning to see the boy who, after the weeks that went by with distance between them, still had her heart
"hi? um, you look.. good?" his face furrowed, slightly frowning as he shook his head, "i mean, obviously you look better than good. amazing, incredible, gorgeous, spectacular. all eyes were on you tonight and reasonably so. the dark green really stood out against your skin. you and pu- adrian really blew the whole school away. it was really cute. anyway, it was nice talking to yo-"
"fred, do you want to dance with me?"
here she was with her heart on her sleeves as she awaited his answer. fred was flabbergasted
"i- me?"
"i mean, no one else is around," she said as she gestured to the empty space around her, "what do you say, freddie? for old times sake? accompany me for the final dance?"
"how could i say no?"
she let out a breath of relief as she took the hand that was held out to her, a small smile growing on her face as she felt warm
dumbledore moved to the centre of the stage a final time
"now, please join me in welcoming mr jon mclaughlin who has warmly agreed to sing our final song for the evening. mr mclaughlin, the stage is yours."
a light piano echoes through the hall as y/n gazes into fred's eyes, something she hasn't done for a while, something she has missed
she missed her freddie and she finally had him back in her arms and she was reluctant to let go
you're in my arms
and all the world is gone
the music playing on for only two
she wanted to say something, anything. she wanted nothing more than to catch up with the boy in front of her but nothing came to mind
so she just held on tighter, resting her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as they swayed in time, the rest of the world beginning to fade out as they lost themselves to the music and the soft voice of mr mclaughlin
so close
and when i'm with you
so close to feeling alive
he too had a lot on his mind. like how effortlessly perfect she was. from the way her eyes shone as the fire of the floating candles reflected off of them. how her cheeks now adorned its usual rosy hues. how in love he was with her
"you really are beautiful, love."
a life goes by
romantic dreams must die
so i bid mine goodbye
and never knew
"thank you, freddie. i must say, you look quite swell yourself."
"ah, you know. i just pulled this little getup from out of my trunk. curled my hair a little, though it's nothing compared to you. i never thought i'd love seeing you in green so much."
she couldn't help but lean closer, wanting to be as close to the boy as possible
"so, you and pucey, huh? when did that become a thing?"
"is there another pucey running around that i don't know about?"
y/n could only scoff, though it was light-hearted
"smart arse. there isn't a thing. we're just friends. freddie, i don't want to talk about adrian. just. dance with me."
so close
was waiting
waiting here for you
and now forever i know
all that i want is
to hold you
so close
she rested her head on his shoulder, with a little struggle but she got there and and shared a look with angelina, who only winked at the girl. similarly, fred, who now turned was facing adrian who could only raise his drink in acknowledgement, smiling, and seeming to have mouthed the words, 'well done weasley', to which fred just shook his head, the smile never leaving his face
so close
to reaching that famous happy end
almost believing this one's not pretend
and now you're beside me
and look how far we've come
so far
we are
so close
looking back on their years together, the pair couldn't help but wonder why this didn't happen sooner, why they elongated the pain and sat through the hurt when they could've shared this moment of peace and euphoria earlier
they thought about the weeks they had spent apart and in the presence of another when all they needed was each other. what were they thinking, honestly?
"are you singing, frederick gideon weasley?"
"for you, i'd do just about anything, love."
she sighed happily before she thought back to that afternoon in the great hall. the study session
"i really thought you were gonna ask me. i was so sure, especially when you looked at me with those warm eyes of yours and your happy, boyish grin and i was so excited. but then, you turned and asked someone else. and i had to leave. i couldn't be around to hear all the giggles you both shared whilst i was slowly breaking."
oh how could i face the faceless days
if i should lose you now
"y/n, i'm so sorry. believe me when i say that i was planning on asking you. that afternoon, during dance practice. i was set on asking you then. but then you said-"
"that i might have found someone i wanted to sweep me off my feet. did it never occur to you that i was thinking about you? freddie, i had, have literal heart eyes for you. was it not even a little obvious?"
"i guess not, love," he said, shaking his head at his own obliviousness, "i just. wanted the best for you. and if you had already found it in someone else, then i was fine with that. well, i wasn't but i wasn't gonna let it show. when you said that, i thought someone else had asked. and that you had said yes. so i asked angie, and ended up being a shit date, so i owe her big time. but then when i left to chase after you, adrian was there, singing, in a horrible accent i'd like to add, and in the middle of it all, you just looked so happy, despite the tear tracks that stained your face. your smile was so bright. and then he asked you and you said yes and i just felt. defeated. which is unfair, but i didn't know you were dateless. had i known, i would've asked myself. i just should have asked you about it, but instead, i went and asked someone else, i made you cry and then i pushed you into the arms of another in the process. i was just a downright git who doesn't deserve you. i'm lucky you're dancing with me ri-"
we're so close
to reaching that famous happy end
almost believing this one's not pretend
let's go on dreaming though we know we are
rolling her eyes, she pulled him even closer, if it were possible, titling her head ever so slightly to slot her lips onto his, shutting him up
and it was like sparks, no, fireworks went off and they lost themselves to each other. this was where they truly belonged
"do you ever shut up? you ramble a lot, freddie. i'd say it's cute and a little impressive but then it kept going on and on and i didn't know when you'd st-"
fred leans in again, the kiss lasting a little longer than the first, the otherwise chilly night feeling rather warm
"fred, you just kissed someone with a dirty mouth."
fred grinned gingerly, leaning in to whisper into her ear
"yeah. and i'm about to do it again."
so close
so close
and still
so far
adrian and angelina, who was accompanied by roger davis, sat off to the side, grinning at the kissing couple, bumping fists under the table
"i reckon she doesn't need me to escort her to the common room anymore. suppose i should take drunk-off-his face over here back to our dorm," adrian says to angelina, gesturing to the shitfaced miles bletchley, "tell y/n i said goodnight. if you get the chance to."
and with that, adrian left the yule ball with his drunk mate attached to his arm and a smile on his face, happy that his friend finally got the guy she wanted
her freddie
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is that a wrap?! i think fucking so. this will forever be my baby because believe me when i say i've never written a fic this long but it was so worth it.. love yall <33
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Spencer Reid
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock
Bobby Drake
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Hank McCoy
Scott Lang
Scott Summers
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Mobius M. Mobius
Pietro Maximoff
Matt Murdock
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Charles Xavier
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell
Soldier Boy
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Aaron Raleigh
Paul Jesus Rovia
The Governor
Abraham Ford
Eugene Porter
Morgan Jones
Spencer Monroe
Lee Everett
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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rckflg · 3 years
enjoy :) hope you like this free food
i will link each character’s masterlist in this post
han solo
princess leia
luke skywalker
padme amidala
anakin skywalker
obi wan kenobi
kylo ren
general hux
poe dameron
rose tico
boba fett 
fennec shand
din djarin
paz vizsla
cobb vanth
harry potter
hermione granger
ron weasley
ginny weasley
george weasley
fred weasley
charlie weasley
bill weasley
neville longbottom
oliver wood
seamus finnegan
dean thomas
cedric diggory
luna lovegood
cho chang
fleur delacour
pansy parkinson
viktor krum
voldemort/tom riddle
bellatrix lestrange
fenrir greyback
lucius malfoy
narcissa malfoy
igor karkaroff
barty crouch sr
barty crouch jr
professor severus snape
alastor moody
sirius black
remus lupin
nymphador tonks
newt scamander
theseus scamander
black widow / natasha romanov
yelena belova
hulk / bruce banner
antman / scott lang
tasm!spiderman / peter parker
hawkeye / clint barton
hawkeye / kate bishop
echo / maya lopez
daredevil / matt murdock
mobius m. mobius
deadpool / wade wilson
negasonic teenage warhead / ellie phimister
cable / nathan summers
domino / neena thurman
storm / ororo munroe
mystique / raven darkholm
wolverine / james howlett / logan
rogue / anna marie
phoenix / jean grey
cyclops / scott summers
havok / alex summers
jubilee / jubilation lee
banshee / sean cassidy
quicksilver / pietro maximoff
angel / warren worthington
x-23 / laura kinney
magik / illyana rasputina
wolfsbane / rahne sinclair
mirage / dani moonstar
nightcrawler / kurt wagner
magneto / erik lensher
please let me know which version of the x-men characters you would like me to write for when requesting
harley quinn
black canary
renee montoya
victor zsasz
harley quinn
rick flag
captain boomerang
polka-dot man
ratcatcher 2
merry brandybuck
pippin took
bilbo baggins
thorin oakenshield
michael emerson
ace merill
denny lachance
eyeball chambers
billy tessio
carlisle cullen
esme cullen
alice cullen
jasper hale
rosalie hale
emmett cullen
edward cullen
bella swan
charlie swan
billy black
jacob black
seth clearwater
leah clearwater
paul lahote
sam uley
eliot waugh
quentin coldwater
julia wicker
alice quinn
margo hansen
penny adiyodi
kady orloff-diaz
mariana andrieski
henry fogg
vanessa ives
ethan chandler
dorian gray
brona croft
victor frankenstein
vanya hargreeves
klaus hargreeves
luther hargreeves
allison hargreeves
diego hargreeves
ben hargreeves
lila pitts
CHARMED (1998)
piper halliwell
pheobe halliwell
prue halliwell
paige halliwell
leo wyatt
cole turner
CHARMED (2018)
macy vaughn
mel vera
maggie vera
harry greenwood
abigael cain
niko hamada
tommy shelby
john shelby
arthur shelby
ada shelby
finn shelby
polly gray
alfie solomons
luca changretta
aberama gold
bonnie gold
johnny dogs
jim hopper
joyce byers
dr alexei
robin buckley
steve harrington
billy hargrove
max mayfield
fiona gallagher
ian gallagher 
carl gallagher
debbie gallagher
lip gallagher
mickey milkovich 
kevin ball
veronica fisher
male!reader platonic &/or smut & fem!platonic!reader only for ian & mickey
spencer reid
penelope garcia
luke alvez
aaron hotchner
elle greenway
kate callahan
rhycroft philostrate
vignette stonemass
nick burkhardt
hank griffin
captain sean renard
seargent wu
rosalee calvert
adalind schade
vic mcqueen
maggie leigh
tabitha hutter
9th doctor
10th doctor
11th doctor
12th doctor
13th doctor
missy / gomez!master
rose tyler
yazmin khan
river song
bill potts
captain jack harkness
toshiko sato
owen harper
the mandalorian / din djarin
javier pena
maxwell lord
whiskey / jack daniels
dave york
fransisco ‘catfish’ morales
marcus moreno
poe dameron
nathan (ex machina)
apocalypse / en sabah nur
kane (annihilation)
gomez addams ; platonic!reader or familial!reader only
rick flag
takeshi kovacs
pete koslow
erik heller
stephen holder
ed baldwin
tasm!spiderman / peter parker
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