#viii legion
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elvenwolves · 11 days ago
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aidoddark · 10 months ago
(Konrad Curze/ The Night Haunter)
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I also have this bloodier version...
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It's better to let Konrad eat in peace jejejeje~
Es mejor dejar que Konrad coma en paz jeje
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Thanks for watching Don't forget to follow me on Twitter (X). The appreciation you give to my drawings motivates me to continue doing so 🛐
Gracias por ver No olvides seguirme en Twitter (X). El aprecio que ustedes le dan a mis dibujos me motivan a seguir haciéndolo 🛐
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nightscreeching · 8 months ago
Sketches. The dangerous nostraman grandmother and the emotion of disgust
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noctischaplain · 6 months ago
In the bowels of the escort Cobra-class, the Night Lords of the Murderous Glint kill-team moved in systemic protocol. Their preysight bringing illumination into the beautiful darkness. The crew deck spiced of recent gore, the aroma of bolter fire, and the hints of fear.
The moment it was exposed, the alien infestation had made moves to slow the legionnaires down. The critical sectors were already locked down and viciously protected by others of the warband, auspices and the apothecary was ensuring the quarantine noose-tight.
It has been a prowling half-week of hunting.
The mortal crew had pleaded for mercy, out of animal instinct than the long-established fact - their masters had none to give. Their existence was to serve, even it meant giving their lives to their convience.
The fact that the ahborrent xeno-tainted thought it could hide among their herd was both laughable and insulting. The Lords debated for hours on culling the entire population or not, it was only by the final words of the Lord-Chaplain on the Ebon Revenant did they decided a surgical move.
A test to see just how tainted their mortals were, the Tyranids were a damnable annoyance.
Claw leader Arkerus caught movement. His fist made a gesture, the rest of the claw splayed out with wargear at the ready. The droves of slaves were already in their sectors, killing themselves in the mounting fear at the suspect of being selected by the Eighth Legionary scrunity.
And when that multi-armed mutant was caught in the middle of trying to pry into the vents, Arkerus gave no second thought in shooting it apart in two shots. More than the needed one but he've suffered these 'Genestealers' before, they were not to be underestimated.
His auto-senses telling him there was other encounters, just as quick killings but one flashed.
The Claw leader didn't vocalize, he didn't need to. Only the flash of Majoris glyph flashing to his northwest. Quick as a whip, his backpack huffed in a vent of heat and he lept up to the second level. The catwalk almost whining under power armour weight, but it didn't stop his stride.
The snarls of Brother Konroth as he made battle with something that didn't want to die on the first shot, Arkerus seeing him move and weave from talons slashing and fire reports of a stubgun. Konroth flourished his combat knife, slicing wrists and carving into a bicep before yanking the larger monster.
It was humanoid in shape but the mutations was too far gone, the obvious corruption made Arkerus sneer. How long had they been infesting their slaves?
The thought was minute compared to his bolter snapping up, firing in a burst. Each explosive strike hammering into suit-covered carapace and taut muscles, the shrill scream of agony yawning from the fanged maw. Torso crumbling but it still fought. Not till Konroth's bolt pistol aimed and blasted its skull apart from jaw under.
Kill-marker to Konroth.
Then more marks were flashed with the shrill cries out from the darkness as the claw starting to gather into a crescent formation. They come and there was more than expected. Good - they came prepared.
"No Life Protocol. Activated."
The combat servitors came alive.
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jasposeyblog · 2 months ago
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My commission of Shadow Lass sketch cover by Jason Adams
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nevesmose · 10 months ago
But what if I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking the reader was a completely loyal and devoted serf of the III Legion who is (at first) amazed and honoured to be personally chosen by the Phoenician himself to help with civilising / educating Konrad in the ways of the Imperium by """"""assisting"""""" with the lessons Fulgrim is giving him about ways to interact with mortals other than ultraviolence?
But what actually unfolds takes place in a twisted, broken-down parody of a once-pristine art studio strewn with abandoned painting supplies symbolising the degree to which the efforts at civilising the Night Haunter have failed so far? And the painting supplies could be used for body writing.
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ew01z · 2 years ago
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i just think i could call this man babygirl to his face and he would let me
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lesterspiffany · 9 months ago
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Legionnaires Homeworlds
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oceandolores · 4 months ago
ℜ𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔦𝔬𝔫 | masterlist.
General Marcus Acacius x f!reader
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"Fata viam invenient | The fates will find a way."
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summary: In the grandeur of ancient Rome, you are the secret daughter of Commodus, living a quiet life as a servant in the imperial palace. Everything changes when you meet General Marcus Acacius, Rome’s honorable and stoic leader.
Though devoted to duty and loyalty to the princess, Marcus is drawn to you in a way he cannot ignore. A forbidden passion ignites between you both, and an affair begins—one that threatens the very foundation of loyalty, power, and honor. As you fall deeper into your dangerous love for Marcus, each stolen moment becomes a fragile, dangerous secret.
warnings: 18+ only, 14 YEARS AFTER GLADIATOR 1, ANGST, Fluff, A LOT OF SMUT, Unprotected Sex, Exhibition Kink, Age-Gap, Ancient Rome, mentions of violence, Gladiators, Blood, Gore, Politics, Sexism, Forbidden Love, Loss of Virginity, mentions of death, Innocent and pure reader, Infidelity, more warnings will be added throughout the story
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❝They call you Rome’s lion, her indomitable shield, yet to me, you are the flicker of warmth in a palace carved from ice.
Your hands are calloused from war, but they cradle my soul with the tenderness of spring rain. Your voice commands legions, yet it whispers my name like a prayer, as though the gods themselves might hear and envy us our stolen moments.
If love were not a sin, I would adorn you with laurel not for conquest, but for the triumph of your heart over mine. Yet here we linger, caught in the webs of empire, where every glance is a rebellion, and every touch a battle lost.
Ad te anhelo, quasi ad caelum ipsam, (I long for you as though for the heavens themselves,) but our stars burn too brightly, and even the gods avert their eyes.
So I am to love you as Rome loves her champions— for eternally.❞
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thꫀ ρᥣᥲᥡᥣเ᥉t! (on spotify) 🏛️
in love with marcus acacius
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Chapter I: "in her eyes shone the sweetness of melancholy."
Chapter II: Soon
Chapter III: Soon
Chapter IV: Soon
Chapter V: Soon
Chapter VI: Soon
Chapter VII: Soon
Chapter VIII: Soon
Chapter IX: Soon
Chapter X: Soon
Chapter XI: Soon
Chapter XII: Soon
Chapter XIII: Soon
Chapter XIV: Soon
Chapter XV: Ending
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Here's a small sneak peek:
"And so, having climbed the ranks of the Astartes, he [Dark Apostle Iordanus] ended up achieving more and more credit. His path finally led him to support and offer his services to a captain of great fame between the men and women she led. Horussy was the name she was given. Call it a coincidence, call it destiny, call it predestination: the captain's name was very reminiscent of that of an ancient one leader of humanity. A leader who today few people remember and even fewer know was one of the glorious primarchs of the god emperor. Horussy, even before she became the main character of this story, was famous for her terror tactics. She went down to the field, in lightning bolts, having mastered the art of concealment and ambush. The bodies of defeated enemies were exhibited [...] ".
"Even more, the stories and testimonies say that she was a powerful psyker, who did not disdain to embrace a forbidden power during the Council of Nikaea. The dark memes, birthed from her deviated mind, were capable of raising psychological storms, capable of flagellating entire sectors. Their ability to channel warp energy posed a threat, [...] "
"[...] following a drinking contest against an astartes of the Space Wolves, she had let herself go into a restful sleep. lordanus, assuming the features of Enricym Cavillius, captain general of the Adeptus Custodes, appeared among her dreams to show her a terrible truth. As much as her fame had spread among the Astartes to her Command, no one on Holy Terra knew her name. Other heroes of the crusades were revered as gods on her home planet, the fulcrum of the human race, but for her the future at home only held anonymity and oblivion. Unless she... she decided to take her destiny into her own hands [...] "
They sent me the beta script of the Spaghetti Heresy lore vid.
I'm crying, it's so fucking beautiful.
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themysteryofthepurplepool · 3 months ago
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bantarleton · 1 year ago
Trimontium Roman Fort
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A departure from the Early Modern period to do a thread about the Roman fort of Trimontium in what is now the Scottish borders. I visited the museum at the weekend, and it was great! 1/14
Trimontium, now called Newstead, was first built about around 80 AD, during the Roman General Agricola’s invasion of Caledonia. It stood for over a century in an area known as Trimontium – between three hills.
The land had been occupied by native tribes since at least the Iron Age, with multiple settlements existing on the slopes surrounding the fort.
It served as a military base in Caledonia, and seems to have primarily been a cavalry depot for long periods – there are lots of horse remains, as well as these helmets and ceremonial faceplates belonging to Roman cavalrymen.
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The XX Legion spent time there (as did the VIII, earlier on), as evidenced by the remains of this plaque.
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A Roman soldier’s service record!
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The fort’s strategic function shifted over time –it was a bulwark existing beyond Hadrian’s Wall, then after the construction of the Antonine Wall further north it became more of a logistical hub, then resumed being a frontier fort after the Antonine Wall’s abandonment.
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Small settlements sprung up around the fort’s walls, and it is likely there were regular peaceful contact with the surrounding tribes. However there is also evidence of conflict. Roman forts came under sustained attack across several periods, and it looks as though when the fort was finally abandoned, it was done so in a hurry.
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As per soldiers from the Ancient World to modern-day Iraq and Afghanistan, when the troops move out they leave a lot behind – lucky for the archaeologists and historians.
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I am amused by how miserable Roman soldiers must have been after getting assigned to northern Britain. The ends of the earth indeed! I also do scoff at the whole “I think about Rome every day” meme, but I can see the allure, and I find it extremely interesting comparing and contrasting what I know about 18th c. militaries with the Roman Army. There were definitely a fair few things that I think the Romans were better at, especially when it comes to organisation, logistics and efficiencies!
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gcballet · 3 months ago
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Red Dwarf VI "Legion" S06E02 1993
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Red Dwarf VIII "Back In The Red: Part Three" S08E03 1999
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nightscreeching · 1 year ago
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Queen Nocta and her guard meet the day pony on their territory.
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noctischaplain · 6 months ago
What are We?
In the eternal cloak of night, we march in the name of those who denounce us.
We, the Lords of Night, were the Emperor's blades in the darkness.
We, Sons of the Sunless Cells and Nostramo, were the dregs of mankind giving the honour of judgement to the wanting.
Our sins were our baptism. Our failings were our prologue. Our humanity were our gateway.
No man, woman, nor child walk this galaxy sinless.
No astartes is unblemished of sin.
And they have dared to throw us under their treads of self-righteousness, for they could not stomach what we were commanded to do!
Flay the wayward! Make examples of those who denounced His olive branch! Punish those who lift their banner against His!
And when we performed our duty, ensured the Fear from their selfmade charnal houses and made millions more bend the knees whilst our cousin-legions would crush them under armour and fire! They dared to call us monsters!
Their gilded righteousness of bolters and nobility of war saw the utter destruction of countless whilst we culled far more in less time!
We were the Examplars of Fear!
We ARE the Examplars of Fear!
And we continue our dark edict by our slain Father's commandment! We bring that same Fear upon the wayward, church-driven Sheep of our Grandfather's Imperium. It festers in its own hypocrisy and they hate us for being true to our way and edict!
They will suffer us till the last Night Lord and we will drag them from their ignorance to what was!
We are the Lords of the Night! We are Fear! We are Terror! We are His and we will force all to know we are the Eighth Legion!
And they all will know True Fear!
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jasposeyblog · 1 year ago
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My acquisition of Mon-El and Shadow Lass by Dean Lee
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