#viewing people through an artist's eye really enhances your life
ok I understand prettiness in theory. now someone please explain what makes a person ugly
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
I don’t know if it’s too much to ask, but when you’re done with all your requests, can you please do a part 2 of getting to know you?❤️
Hello darling!💕 Thank you for the request and I’m so sorry it took me so long; I was waiting for Cherry to come out to write this and I also have time to finally write. I hope you like it!💕 *CHERRY SPOLIERS*
A/n: Hello my loves! I just wanted to say that these kind of fics are the closest I will get to writing for Cherry. I will not be writing about the characters in the story, I will only be writing about the filming process, working with Tom, etc. Now that I mentioned that, I wanted to let you all know that this is going to be a bit more of a happier fic! I see a lot of people writing about the hard parts of filming Cherry so I thought why not have a little fun one? I’m sure they had some laughs on set, I briefly remember Ciara and Tom mentioning it. But yeah that’s all, enjoy the fic! Ally xx
I’m Really Happy You’re Here
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(GIF @thollandgifs )
Tom watched you from a distance. From where he was, he could hear the sound of your bubbly laugh and see that bright smile on your face. Your smile was contagious. The way your eyes crinkled at the ends and how your smile squished into your cheeks was something he’s grown fond of over the past eight weeks. Though the difference from the previous weeks was that your cheeks were fuller and the bleak expressions of Emily did not shadow your face anymore.
The last eight weeks of filming have been rough. Both on you and him, along with the rest of the cast and crew. Having to begin filming with the ‘Dope Life’ section of the movie was not a pleasant way of starting a months long project. He felt drained after every shoot, spending his time on set crying, kicking, and screaming. Not to mention he was also starving himself to enhance the ‘druggy’ look on his features. After those eight weeks they had to transition into the part of Cherry’s life where he’s falling in love with Emily. The transition from being an addict to becoming a lovesick college student was a tricky one for Tom. The sudden switch in the film’s dynamic, made Tom doubt himself. From the intense scenes and screaming to being all loving and sweet, he was self-conscious that he was not doing enough. Though you were quick to debunk his doubts. You kept your promise of being there for him and gave him the freedom to be vulnerable. You didn’t judge him, you listened to him ramble and understood the struggles he was facing. Because of this, you helped him through the transition of druggy to lovesick college student. 
It wasn’t hard to act like he was falling in love you. You have been so supportive and patient with him during the previous weeks that he’s grown to adore you. On and off set you made sure he knew you were not only his co-worker but his friend. When he had a rough day, you were there to pick him up. Or that one time when he had a bit of a panic attack and you were instantly by his side to guide him out of it. There were many reasons as to why you are so dear to him, he could have gone on for days listing them. But overall, it was your lovable nature that lured him in since the very beginning he’s met you.
He felt like Cherry in that one scene you guys shot in the classroom. The one where he’s gazing at Emily and admiring her features. Except you didn’t stare back at him, instead you were having a very animated conversation with your makeup artist and one of the stylists. You were dressed in Emily’s clothes, white stockings, a jean skirt, and that cherry pink jacket with flowers embroidered onto it. He thought you looked so adorable and carefree kicking around leaves with your brown ankle boots and playfully swinging your arms around. Tom felt his lips unconsciously twitch upwards at the sight of you.
Harry, who had been eyeing his older brother, nudged him roughly. Tom whips around to look at him, sending him a glare for rudely interrupting his train of thought.
“What?” Tom hissed.
Harry smirked, motioning to you, “(Y/n) looks really pretty today.” Tom distinctly squints an eye at Harry before looking over his shoulder. The glare for his brother softening once you come into view.
“I mean, doesn’t she always? She’s a beautiful woman.”
“And you’re absolutely whipped.” Harry remarked with a smug grin on his face.
“So I can’t call someone beautiful without being absolutely whipped for them now?” Tom retorted crossing his arms. Harry raised his hands up defensively, “You can mate, chill. I’m just saying that because you’re literally staring at her with a stupid love haze in your eyes.”
“No I’m not.” Tom scoffed, hoping to get his brother off his case. Harry stared at him blankly and rolled his eyes, “Whatever, they want you on your mark.”
The filming location was a secluded park located somewhere in Cleveland. The park was set up to appear as a cemetery, gray gravestones were placed on the ground and gothic statues scattered the place. The scene was supposed to be a meaningful one for Cherry and Emily. Emily was going to be telling Cherry about her abusive father and he was going to tell her he loved her.
Tom sat on the grass and leaned against the stone statue where his mark was located. He looked around his surroundings in curiosity. A few feet away from him was the crew, the Russos, and a tent that sheltered the monitors. He breathed in, wallowing in the crisp air of Cleveland’s autumn weather. It was a bit chilly, but not to the point where you were shivering and left with chattering teeth. The vintage looking jacket he was given and the black beanie on his head was enough to keep him warm. His eyes continued to wander around the park, shifting along the trees and studying the clusters of yellow and orange.
“Hey you.” Your gentle voice breaks through the quiet murmurs of nature and the crew surrounding him. Tom’s eyes instantly set themselves upon your figure, their focus on you and only you. The trees and cameras behind you faded in the background. His gaze followed your figure as you moved to sit beside him.
“Hey.” His voice is soft making you hum in response. Being the gentleman he was, Tom held out his hand to help you sit on the ground. You quietly thank him. He watches as you rest your head against the stone and shut your eyes.
“Still sleepy?” He chuckles nudging your shoulder. You giggle along, lazily nodding. Your eyes open again and he’s met with your stunning (eye color) orbs. They were bright and filled with joy even though you were clearly tired.
You turn your head to the side to face him, “I barely got any sleep last night.”
Tom’s brows drew together in concern, “Why didn’t you get any sleep?”
“I may or may not have watched The Nun by myself last night.” You cringed. Tom let out a dramatic gasp, “Darling, why would you do that to yourself?”
“I was bored and I couldn’t find anything else to watch. I thought watching a horror movie would be a good idea, but I was wrong.” You explained, shaking your head at yourself. You breathed out a laugh, remembering how terrified you were the night before.
Tom joined you, also shaking his head. “Why didn’t you ask Harry and I to join? We could’ve watched it for movie night. Then you wouldn’t have to be alone and you’d have two body guards to protect you from the scary nun.” He teased you poking your side. You squeaked and swatted his finger away.
“You guys were going out for dinner. I thought you might want to have some quality time with your brother.” You stifled a yawn, your nose scrunching after, making Tom pout at your sleepy state. He glanced in front of him to see everyone still occupied in side conversations. The Russos were haunched behind the tent discussing things about the scene.
Tom turns back to you and motions to his lap. You give him a questioning look. You glance at his lap, not completely understanding him. Tom followed your stare, realizing that you were probably getting the wrong message.
“Oh! No—I meant that you could sleep on my lap or something. I don’t think we’re gonna start filming for a few more minutes, so I thought you might want to squeeze in a little nap.” He explained, words jumbling together in panic. Your heart swelled at how sweet Tom was.
The two of you were silent, staring at each other before bursting out in laughter. Tom squeezed his eyes shut, fingers holding his temples, “God, I’m sorry, that was embarrassing.”
You chuckled resting your head on his shoulder, “It’s okay, you had good intentions.” When your laughs die down, you look up at him. “Does your offer for the nap still stand? I think I can use it.”
“Of course it does.” Tom shifts so there’s space on his thigh for you to rest your head on. He helps you lay down, fixing your hair so it’s not in your face. He leaves a hand to play with the strands, mesmerized at how luscious it was. He notices that he’s probably invading your space and pulls his hand away, apologizing.
You make a noise of disagreement, pulling his hand back. “It’s ok, feels nice.” You mumble, eyes closing and a content expression on your face. Tom played with your hair; being careful to not tangle any strands or pull on them too hard. He couldn’t help but study your features. To name a few, he took the time to memorize the way your lashes brushed against your cheeks, the shape of your nose, and the curve of your lips. Your lips. They looked remarkably soft and had a tint of pink to them. Tom found his eyes flickering down at your lips the most than your other features.
He was so caught up in admiring you that he didn’t notice the words coming out of his mouth.
“I’m really happy you’re here.”
Your eyes snap open dancing with amusement. A toothy grin forms on your mouth.
“Did you just quote the movie?” You question him, referring to the previous scene you were both shooting a couple of days ago. Tom becomes flustered, the blood rushing to his fair cheeks.
“Yes, shut up.” He muttered, bouncing his thigh, causing your head to loll to the side. You giggle elbowing his stomach. “Well were you practicing your lines? ‘Cause they’re for the wrong scene, Tommy.” You tease him.
Tom playfully rolls his eyes and looks down at you. His hands were still tangled in your hair, the soft strands like silk in between his fingers. “No, I know that—but I’m serious. I’m really happy you’re here with me. I know I’ve told you this so many times but I can’t imagine filming this movie with anyone else. And you’ve been so loyal and trusting, I feel so comfortable with you. You’ve always had my back and I’m really thankful for that. So thank you for—being you.”
You give him a lopsided grin, “You know, you don’t have to always thank me. We made a promise to always have each other’s back. I’m one to keep my word but at the same time you’re my friend, Tom. I’m not being nice to fulfill a promise, I genuinely care about you.” Tom beams while you continue.
“It honestly goes both ways, I should also be thanking you. The beginning of filming was very taxing and somehow you’ve made it bearable for me to come into work not worrying about losing my shit on everyone. So thank you, Tom.” You finish, reaching out to interlock your fingers with his free hand.
Tom sighs happily, “I guess we’re just happy to have each other, huh?”
“Yeah.” You agree, eyes trained on the way his giant hand enveloped yours. A peaceful silence lays upon the both of you. The melody of birds chirping and the sound of Tom’s breathing fill the air as you drift off to sleep.
Tom feels your hand loosen in his grip, your interlocked fingers resting on your stomach. He felt your stomach steadily raising up and down to the pace of your breathing. His hands remained where they were; one playing with your hair and the other holding one of your hands.
Joe approaches the both of you, gesturing to the position you and Tom were in. Though you were unaware, napping on Tom’s lap.
“Is this how you guys want to film the scene? We were gonna have you sitting beside each other instead.” Joe stood above you and Tom with his hands on his hips.
“I think this is actually better—don’t get me wrong, sitting beside each other and cuddling is pretty affectionate. But I think having someone rest their head on your lap is another level of intimacy.” Tom reasoned. He wanted to extend the amount of time you could ‘nap’ but he also thought the scene would be much better if your head was cradled on his lap. Personally, he believed it would show the audience how comfortable Cherry and Emily were with each other.
Joe nods his head, “Yeah, I get what you mean. I think I like that better, to be honest. What do you think, (Y/n)? Is Tom’s lap comfortable enough for you to shoot a few scenes on?” Joe asks, teasing you towards the end. He’s met with no response. He raises a brow at you, “Is she asleep?”
“Yup, long night.” Tom chuckled, running his hand through your hair soothingly.
Joe chuckles as well, “Is she all good though?”
“Oh, she’s fine. She just watched The Nun by herself and couldn’t catch any sleep after.” Tom reassured him.
“Ahh, alright.” Joe snickers, moving to make his way back to the crew. “She’s got a good 10 to 15 minutes to squeeze in a nap, monitors are acting up.”
“Gotcha’ boss.” Tom mentally notes, resuming to bask in the nature around him and your presence.
Tom Holland Taglist
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brawltogethernow · 4 years
So, I don't think I've ever asked you this... what IS the whole point of the Spider-Sense? It really seems like something that only exists for writers to ignore or work around when they want to inject Legit Tension into a story.
I’ve thought about this power so much, but never with an eye to defend its right to exist, so I needed to think about this. The results could be more concise.
Ironically, given the question, I have to say its main purpose is to ramp up tension. But it’s also a highly variable multitool that a skilled creative team can use for...pretty much anything. It does everything the writer wants it to, while for its wielder always falls just short of doing enough.
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I went looking through my photos for a really generic, classic-looking example to use as an image to head this topic, but then I ran into the time Peter absolutely did not reimburse this man for his stolen McDonald’s, so have that instead.
A Scare Chord, But You Can Draw It
That one post that says the spider-sense is just super-anxiety isn’t, like, wrong. It’s a very anxious, dramatic storytelling tool originally designed for a very anxious, dramatic protagonist. I find it speaks to the overall tone of the franchise that some characters are functionally psychics, but with a psychic ability that only points out problems.
Spidey sense pinging? There’s danger, be stressed! Broken? Now the lead won’t even KNOW when there’s a problem, scary! Single character is immune to it? That’s an invisible knife in the dark oh my god what the fuck what the fU--
Like its counterpart in garden variety anxiety, the only time the spider-sense reduces tension is in the middle of a crisis. But in the wish fulfillmenty way that you want in an adventure story to justify exaggerated action sequences, the same way enhanced strength or durability does. Also like those, it would theoretically make someone much safer to have it, but it exists in the story to let your character navigate into and weather more dangerous situations.
For its basic role in a story, a danger sense is a snappy way to rile up both the reader and the protagonist that doesn’t offer much information beyond that it’s time to sit smart because shit is about to go down.
Spidey comic canon is all over the board in quality and genre, and it started needing to subvert its formulas before the creators got a handle on what those formulas even were, and basically no one has read anything approaching most of it at this point, so for consistent examples of a really bare bones use of this power in storytelling, I’d point to the property that’s done the best job yet of boiling down the mechanics of Spider-Man to their absolute most basic essentials for adaptation to a compelling monster of the week TV series.
Or as you probably know it, Danny Phantom. DON’T BOO, I’M RIGHT.
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DP is Spider-Man with about 2/3 of the serial numbers filed off and no death (ironically), and Danny’s ghost sense is the most proof in the formula example of what the spidey sense is for: It’s a big sign held up for the viewer that says, “Something is wrong! Pay attention!” Effectively a visual scare chord. It’s about That Drama. And it works, which won it a consistent place in the show’s formula. We’re talking several times an episode here.
So why does it work?
It’s a little counterintuitive, but it’s strong storytelling to tell your audience that something bad is going to happen before it does. A vague, punchy spoiler transforms the ignorant calm before a conflict into a tense moment of anticipation. ...And it makes sure people don’t fail to absorb the beginning of said conflict because they weren’t prepared to shift gears when the scene did. Shock is a valuable tool, too, but treating it like a staple is how you burn out your audience instead of keeping them engaged. Not to go after an easy target, but you need to know how to manage your audience’s alarm if you don’t want to end up like Game of Thrones.
The limits of the spider-sense also keep you on your toes when handled by a smart writer. It tells Peter (everyone’s is a little different, so I’m going to cite the og) about threats to his person, but it doesn’t elaborate with any details when it’s not already obvious why, what kind, and from what. And it doesn’t warn him about anything else-- Which is a pretty critical gap when you zoom out and look at his hero career’s successes and failures and conclude that it’s definitely why he’s lived as long as he has acting the way he does, but was useless as he failed to save a string of people he’d have much rather had live on than him.
(Any long-running superhero mythos has these incidents, but with Peter they’re important to the core themes.)
And since this power is by plot for plot (or because it’s roughly agreed it only really blares about threats that check at least two boxes of being major, immediate, or physical), it always kicks in enough to register when the danger is bearing down...when it’s too late to actually do anything about it if “anything” is a more complex action than “dodge”.
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Really? Not until the elevator doors started to open?
That Distinctive, Crunchy Spider Flavor
The spider-sense and its little pen squiggles go hand in hand with wallcrawling (and its unique and instantly identifiable associated body language) to make the Spider-Person powerset enduringly iconic and elevate characters with it from being generic mid-level super-bricks. Visually, but also in how it shapes the story.
I said it can share a narrative role with super strength. But when you end a fight and go home, super strength continues to make your character feel powerful, probably safer than they’d be otherwise, maybe dangerous.
The spider-sense just keeps blaring, “Something’s wrong! Something’s wrong! God, why aren��t you doing something about this!?”
Pretty morose thing to live with, for a safety net! Kind of a double edged sword you have there! Could be constantly being hyperattuned to problems would prime you for a negative outlook on life. Kind of seems like a power that would make it impossible for a moral person to take a day off, leading them into a beleaguered and resentful yet dutiful attitude about the whole superhero gig! Might build up to some of the core traits of this mythos, maybe! Might lead to a lot of fifteen minute retirement stories, or something. Might even be a built in ‘great responsibility’ alarm that gets you a main character who as a rule is not going to stop fighting until he physically cannot fight anymore.
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Certainly not apropos of anything, just throwing this short lived barely-a-joke tagline up for fun.
One of my personal favorite things about stories with superpowers is keeping in mind how they cause the people who have them to act in unusual ways outside of fights, so when you tell me that these people have an entire extra sense that tells them when the gas in their house is leaking through a barely useful hot/cold warning system that never turns off, I’m like, eyes emojis, popcorn out, notebook open, listening intently, spectacles on, the whole deal.
It also contributes to Peter Parker’s personality in a way I really enjoy: It allows him to act like an irrational maniac. When you know exactly when a situation becomes dangerous and how much, normal levels of caution go out the window and absolutely nothing you do makes sense from an exterior standpoint anymore. That’s the good shit. I would like to see more exploration of how the non-Parker characters experiencing the world in this incredibly altered way bounce in response.
It’s also one of many tools in this franchise hauling the reader into relating more closely with the main character. The backbone of classic Spidey is probably being in on secrets only Peter and the reader know which completely reframe how one views the situation on the page. It’s just a big irony mine for the whole first decade. A convenient way to inform the reader and the lead that something is bad news that’s not perceivable to any other characters is youth-with-a-big-exciting-secret catnip.
Another point for tension, there, in that being aware of danger is not synonymous with being able to act on it. If there’s no visible reason for you to be acting strange, well...you’re just going to have to sit tight and sweat, aren’t you? Some gratuitous head wiggles never hurt when setting up that type of conflict.
Have I mentioned that they look cool? Simultaneously punchy and distinctive, with a respectable amount of leeway for artists to get creative with and still coming up with something easily recognizable? And pretty easy to intuit the meaning of even without the long-winded explanations common in the days when people wrote comics with the intent that someone could come in cold on any random issue and follow along okay, I think, although the mechanic has been deeply ingrained in popular culture for so long that I can’t really say for sure.
It was also useful back in the day when no artists drew the eyes on the Spider-Man mask as emoting and were conveying the lead’s expressions entirely through body language and panel composition. If you wiggle enough squiggles, you don’t need eyebrows.
Take This Handwave and Never Ask Me a Logistical Question Again
This ability patches plot holes faster than people can pick them open AND it can act as an excuse to get any plot rolling you can think of if paired with one meddling protagonist who doesn’t know how to mind their own business. Buy it now for only $19.99 (in four installments; that’s four installments of $19.99).
Why can a teenager win a six on one fight against other superhumans? Well, the spider-sense is the ultimate edge in combat, duh.
Why can Peter websling? Why doesn’t everyone websling? Well, the spider-sense is keeping him from eating flagpole when he violently flings himself across New York in a way neither man nor spider was ever meant to move.
How are we supposed to get him involved with the plot this week???? Well, that crate FELT dangerous, so he’s going to investigate it. Oh, dip, it was full of guns and radioactive snakes! Probably shouldn’t have opened that!
Yeah, okay, but why isn’t it fixing everything, then? Isn’t it supposed to be why Peter has never accidentally unmasked in front of somebody? ('Nother entry for this section, take a shot.) That’s crazy sensitive! How does he still have any problems!? Is everything bad that’s ever happened to characters with this powerset bad writing!? --Listen, I think as people with uncanny senses that can tell us whether we are in danger with accuracy that varies from incredible to approximate (I am talking about the five senses that most people have), we should all know better than to underestimate our ability to tune them out or interpret them wrong and fuck ourselves up anyway. I honestly find this part completely realistic.
The spider-sense is a clean branch into...whatever. There is the exact right balance of structure and wishy-washiness to build off of. A sample selection of whatevers that have been built:
It’s sci-fi and spy gadgets when Peter builds technology that can interface with it.
It’s quasi-mystical when Kaine and Annie-May get stronger versions of it that give them literal psychic visions, or when you want to get mythological and start talking about all the spider-characters being part of a grand web of fate.
Kaine loses his and it becomes symbolic of a future newly unbound by constraints, entangled thematically with the improved physical health he picked up at the same time -- a loss presented as a gain.
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Peter loses his and almost dies 782 times in one afternoon because that didn’t make the people he provoked when he had it stop trying to kill him, and also because he isn’t about to start “””taking the subway’’””’ “‘’“”to work”””’’” like some kind of loser who doesn’t get a heads up when he’s about to hit a pigeon at 50mph.
Peter’s starts tuning into his wife’s anxiety and it’s a tool in a relationship study.
It starts pinging whenever Peter’s near his boss who’s secretly been replaced by a shapeshifter and he IGNORES IT because his boss is enough of an asshole that that doesn’t strike him as weird; now it’s a comedy/irony tool.
Into the Spider-Verse made it this beautiful poetic thing connecting all the spider-heroes in the multiverse and stacked up a story on it about instant connection, loss, and incredibly unlikely strangers becoming a found family. It was also aesthetic as FUCK. Remember the scene where Miles just hears barely intelligible whispering that’s all lines people say later in the film and then his own voice very clearly says “look out” and then the room explodes?? Fuck!!!!
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Venom becomes immune to it after hitchhiking to Earth in Peter’s bone juice and it makes him a unique threat while telling a more-homoerotic-than-I-assume-was-originally-intended story about violation and how close relationships can be dangerous when they go sour.
It doesn’t work on people you trust for maximum soap opera energy. Love the innate tragedy of this feature coming up.
IN CONCLUSION I don’t have much patience for writers who don’t take advantage of it, never mind feel they need to write around it.
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angrymoontaeil · 4 years
words: 1,281
tw: none!
soulmate au!!!
Sorry I haven’t wrote in a while, I have a bunch of stuff up my sleeve! :)
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What is your favorite color? A question that is asked for every ice breaker, when asking about a present, or getting to know a person. Yellow: like a sunflower, blue: like the sky at night, green: like the forest. Yet, you were cursed with the image of only black and white. Like old tv shows that your grandparents would show you when you were little, or when you would be forced to watch old documentaries in school - the kids would complain about it not being colorized while you remained unfazed.
Maybe this was why you wanted to start up art. To make others understand your point of view without words. You were able to communicate to others your feelings of guilt and sadness, of happiness and sorrows. From a young age you started to use art as a coping mechanism to battle against hardships of school and past friendships.
That is what led you to today. Your thesis for your last year of college. As an aspiring artists, you needed something to get yourself out and in the public eye. Although everyone has their own type of way to communicate with their destined other, you felt singled out and wanted to use such to your advantage. So, as such you were going to tell a story through your pictures by using the black and white filter and end it in color: telling your story. Almost.
"This sucks," you muttered under your breath. The rain pounded down on you as you ran down the sidewalk. Your hair was soaked and wild as you finally bounded up the steps and threw open the double doors to the Arts building and ran inside. There were clusters of people outside the auditorium who gave you weird looks when you ran your hand through your hair.
"Y/N!" In your friend group, you were known as the more reserved and quiet in some situations, but then the next you were not giving a shit if others cared and lived for yourself. However, your friend - Dahyun - was always so upbeat in every situation, it brought you no surprise when her voice started screeching throughout the hall. "Hey, we need you right now sooo..." Dahyun scrunched her nose in a smile and grabbed your arm and started to drag you further into the building.
You smiled widely. Your shoes squeaked against the flooring and continued to do so as Dahyun threw open the door to the auditorium and dragged you inside.
When Dahuyn finally let go of your hand, you stood in the middle of the center row on ground floor. She quickly swept in for a kiss on your cheek and bounded off towards the stage to get ready.
The story you decided to settle on was the focus on the "simple things in life". You wanted to capture emotions that everyone goes through in their life, daily occurrences. And because you needed to take some pictures still, Dahyun begged you to snap some shots of her and her friends while they did their dress rehearsal of The Firebird.
The lights slowly went down and you settled yourself in and waited for the show to start. You held the camera up and captured the dancers as they lept across the stage. Everyone looked so perfect as they danced with emotion and grace. Dahyun entered on the stage and smiled widely, her energy was contagious and you felt her smile was directed at you. Your camera shuttered multiple times as she performed.
You smiled at the scene of the show as the emotions poured out of all the actors on the stage. Then entered a boy who leaped onto stage and gave a bright smile. Your camera gravitated to him almost like magic. He was nothing shy from perfect, he bound across the stage towards Dahyun and picked her up with ease.
You pressed the button on your camera like a mad-man, trying to catch every shot of what was happening. He set her down and turned towards the audience. You moved your camera away from your face to try and see him better. All of a sudden, your surrounding shifted into bright lights. Everything was bright and colorful. You could see the colors of the stage and the people when you looked at the boy who was still turned towards you.
He stood like you, unmoving. You both stood, staring at each other in shock. The colors surrounding him were glorious, the shiny material covered him and the others, the bright lights shone down on the stage. Suddenly, as quickly as they came, the colors were gone when he turned away and ran off the stage.
Your whole body still remained frozen to the same spot. You couldn't force yourself to move. Your camera hung limp in your hand and mouth slack.
You couldn't believe it though. You finally found your soulmate. Year, years you have been searching for this moment. But now that it arrived you didn't know how to react. Without thinking, you set your camera down and walked out of the theater into the now empty hallway.
This can't be happening. You didn't know why you were freaking out, all this time you were dreaming of this moment, to finally see colors. Now that you have seen what it is like you were just freaked out.
"Hey," You head snapped to the sound of the voice. There stood a boy in glittery clothing, and when you finally met his eyes you saw the colors that you have been missing. The dark material suited him perfectly. "are you?" His voice trailed off.
"I think so." Your voice was meek. "I can see colors. I mean- I couldn't before and now I can and I- it is really..."
"Breath-taking?" He finished.
"Yeah, it really is." The boy stepped closer to you. Your breath caught in your throat as he finally reached you. He extended his arm to reach your face, and you let him. His fingers graced your skin of your cheek, leaving shock in its wake. "How did you know?" You asked, your eyes never leaving his.
"I can see your color." He said, a small smile breaking onto his face.
"My colors?"
"Yeah," he said taking his other hand and holding your face in your hand. You couldn't tell if it was his hands or your growing blush that warmed your face faster. "you have this warm color surrounding you." His hand left your face to grab your own and brought it to his chest that was adorned with a dark color - you decided it was to be your favorite one. "It was this color." he said timidly. His voice was stable, and you knew if you were to speak that yours wouldn't be as such, so you opted for a smile.
"I'm Wooyoung." He said. "I am so glad to have finally met you."
"I'm Y/N." You finally trusted yourself to speak to Wooyoung. He was undeniably gorgeous. His hair was slick back and the makeup that adorned his face only enhanced his features.
"You're beautiful, Y/N." If you weren't blushing before, you definitely were now. "Now, if you don't mind me,soulmate, I still have a performance to do. So, if you don't mind, meet me here after." Wooyoung quickly swept in for a hug, and when he did the butterflies that occupied your stomach turned into fireworks at the motion. When he pulled away, he gave a quick wink and walked away giggling to himself.
You were left alone in the hallway, the once colorful world disappeared when he broke your eye contact. "Bye," you whispered to yourself, "soulmate."
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d-nghy-ck · 4 years
what i remember your writing by - the fleeting lines of imagery that encapsulate the mood of the piece so well without actively describing the emotions, you know? it's so, so wonderful and artistic the way you pull it off. take this line from Citrus Summer for instance: "Your fingers break the peel as your gaze returns to him, the view enhanced by the spritz of citrus visibly floating in the sunlight." it feels like a stolen moment in time or an oil painting coming to life SHEER BRILLIANCE 😭
(1/??) tumblr is acting out and my asks don't seem to get through to you 🤬🤬🤬 BUT ANYWAYS EXPECT A FLURRY OF NOTIFICATIONS because i plan to geek out in full, please and thank you. so this is from Silk: "A passing car shines headlights through the window of your apartment, briefly revealing the glimmer of his hooded eyes gazing down on you." - this little snippet flashes in my mind whenever i think about Silk (which is.... quite... often....)
(2/??) as i was saying!! i completely adore how that little detail is literal and yet somehow metaphorical at the same time and it's really beautiful. tangible but it turns intangible the longer you linger on it and just. PURE ART!! i hope this makes sense fhjdkfhjdkfj but i have a tendency to fixate on feelings and sensations more than, information or details irl too, so the way you write things is just very. pretty to me heheh
(3/??) the closing lines of Peach Tea: "... you’re rendered breathless as he matches the scene around him; the light filtering through the trees casts his deserving halo, his eyes glow ..." first off, the way you make words flow is just SEXY. second, i really really really like the imagery here. DHJSKDJDK don't have words to do you justice but your writing makes me feel things. wonderful, exquisite things 😭💞 thank you for sharing your talent with the world
Ahhh thank you so much for sharing the parts you enjoyed; not only is this so heartwarming and validating for me, but also helpful to know what readers enjoy in particular <3 I really really appreciate it. And from a sis as well-read and well-spoken as you, I am just so flattered. 
I also fixate on feelings and sensations more than information or action!?! I’m pretty sure you just read my mind??? Ahahah <3 Looks like we were meant to be friends, because we just understand each other’s viewpoint too well not to be. Tbh, my focus on detail and senses in my writing is something I contemplate often, if it’s too much or too heavy in a way that it might plunge the reader down, away from the tempo of the piece, but hearing that you enjoy it really helps!! I’ll just keep trying my best to facilitate flow while continuously loading the senses. Feelings and emotions, though? We will never diminish them, they will always be fully loaded, bursting. 
I’m sorry tumblr was a pain in the butt, though your asks made me beam ehehe <3 All this flattery TT^TT “an oil painting come to life” sjhakfgh. Also thank you for thinking of Silk.... often..... ahahah <3 Everyone comments on the headlights in Silk, always. People love a good mood lighting ;) Ok, but can you imagine being in the dark with him, following him ambiguously with your hands, when suddenly his eyes glow with a passing light, ohohoho instant h***y!!! Alert!!!! Alert!!!! 
I’m proud of the closing lines of Peach Tea, too!! They say a lot about how she perceives him through imagery without explicitly stating it, as you say. I’m really satisfied with them!! 
Take care Mia, I appreciate you so much <3 You sweet, kind soul. 
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readingsbylibramc · 3 years
birth chart reading for @sakurastrology
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a splay shape, meaning that your planets are located randomly in different groups in your chart. people with this type of chart are usually very talented at different things. they can focus their attention on different matters, from family, to work, to love. everything is important for you, and you try to live your life to the fullest. you may be particularly talented at things that require action, it doesn’t matter whether it’s physical or mental. you may be very good at sports, dancing… or maybe you’re good at leading, you could easily be the boss on your work place. since you’re interested in so many things, you could easily be skilled at all of them to be honest. my advice would be to pick the hobby that is most important for you and care about it more than the others. that’s because people with this chart usually tend to do so many things that they may lack precision. it’s better to give all of yourself to what’s important for you.
your dominant planets are mercury, venus and uranus. you are probably extremely intelligent, you are a great problem solver and you're able to come up with innovative ideas easily. you may also have a creative, artistic eye to you as well; you may have a creative hobby and you may be into aesthetically-pleasint things.
your dominant sign is aquarius. you're eccentric and rebel, you don't like being told what to do. you're very considerate of others, as you focus more on the development of a group rather than your persona. that's because you want the people you frequent to be as open-minded as you are. aquarius people are capable of elaborating different ideas in a short amount of time; hence, you either overwork yourself, or you're not able to keep up with all your ideas, leaving projects unfinished.
your dominant element is earth. you're a loyal and stable individual. you value longevity in your relationships, and that makes you quite picky. you can easily appear as cold, as opening up to someone you don't know well is too much of a risk for you. once you do, though, you'll stay forever. money and material possessions are important for you, as you understand that financial stability is one of the main qualifications in life.
🌎 ascendant in aquarius, 16° / 2nd decan ruled by uranus and mercury
you have a very unusual, yet striking charisma to you. people notice you because you look different, interesting. you probably have an alternative style, or at least you don't like following trends. you prefer making your own. you are very independent and open-minded, you hardly ever judge someone from its appearance, for example. you are fond of friendship, it's most likely more important than love for you, but at the same time you're more of a loner. you'd rather spend the day in watching your favourite show on the couch than going out and partying. your self-esteem most probably fluctuates a lot: some days you're very confident, especially in your skills / abilities, and maybe as well in your appearance. other days, though, you start feeling pretty insecure. you're very unpredictable, not only from this point of view, but in your life in general. you're probably quite indecisive and you may change your mind often. yet, once you make your decision, no one can convince you into changing your mind, you're extremely stubborn in this case. in addition, because of this behaviour of yours, you could possibly even come off as a know-it-all from time to time. deep down, you're really not. you strive for freedom, you don't want to force others into thinking the same way as you do when it comes to shallow opinions. your life philosophy is most likely 'live and let live', everyone is free to do what they want for you. on the other hand, you're most likely an amazing friend, as you know what it means to support and help an individual or a group. you're an ideal leader, basically. your first impression of you may be that you look slightly unapproachable and cold, but it's not entirely true. in fact, you hide a lot of emotions that you'd rather not show to the world. physically, you may have amazing, thick hair, like your sister sign leo after all. you may as well be naturally skinny or petite, and you could also have long limbs. you could also have something smaller on your face, such as thin lips, small eyes or nose.
aquarius ascendant square scorpio moon: you may have troubles understanding others’ real feelings for you. you may feel as if everyone hates you, like everyone is talking behind your back when it’s the opposite. the moon being in scorpio doens’t help either, as this aspect enhances its trust issues even more. you’re particularly sensitive about others’ view and opinion of you, you may get deeply hurt when people criticize you. you could have the tendency to act differently than you usually do, in order to preserve your feelings. this is obviously a toxic behaviour, that fills you up with your own stress and doubles it. due to that, you may become very moody and nervous, ending up hurting others yourself. or maybe, it’s the other way around; your feelings are so overwhelming that you can’t hide them, and that could put you in embarrassing, unpleasant situations. you may show all of your emotions on your face, ready to be read. the way to cope with this placement is finding someone similiar to you; someone who’s trust-worthy, and very sensitive and empathetic too. someone who’d never judge you for you think or say, and that would always help you becoming the best version of yourself. someone that understands you, without having to explain all of your behaviours and habits.
aquarius ascendant opposite leo venus: this aspect makes you more sociable and prone to interact with people. you’re also most probably very attractive, people are naturally drawn to you. the downside of this placement is that you may suffer from self-esteem issues, as you really care about others’ impression of you. maybe you’re a little bit clumsy too. it’s easy for you to gain popularity, but be careful as it’s not always good. popularity brings scandals too, so people you see in your everyday life could possibly start gossips around you. the good thing about this aspect is that you emanate loyalty, so you usually attract and choose loyal and trust-worthy partners. this placement may also bring issues and problems in marriage with your future partner, but I'll talk more about that in your leo venus section.
aquarius ascendant square taurus saturn: you may be shy and have self-esteem issues, especially during your early years. because of that, you may often appear as insecure to others, or even unreliable. you have a strong desire to be with someone and commit to them, you despise supertificial bonds, but at the same time you may find yourself being too shy to approach others, especially during your early years. luckily, I feel like the effect of this aspect is mitigated by your ascendant in aquarius, which makes you more confident. you may not be the most confident person on earth, but you're not the most insecure either. this may apply more to the younger you, actually. you don't feel much comfortable around other people, and others can sense that; your insecurity is exposed to the world, and some may take advantage of that to hurt your feelings. you're afraid of being judged, whether it's for your appearance, or maybe because of your ideals or interests. hence, you end up becoming reserved. this is something that will be solved through growth and time; the older you get, the easier you'll be on yourself. also, thanks to this aspect, you're a responsible person with defined values. to cope with this placement, I'd suggest you to do what makes you feel the best. there are different ways to boost your self-esteem, so maybe you can work on that and then start expressing yourself freely; if you do it without the fear of being judged, you will shine even more.
🌞 sun in virgo, 21° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and venus
this is the least intimidating virgo decan. you probably have a reputation for always being calm and elegant, as you try to avoid conflicts as much as possible. you're very smart and insightful, and you strive for perfection; in a room, you always want to be the best, whether it's fashion-wise, or maybe at work or school. you're a perfectionist, you can't bear being #2. to be perfect you don't bring others down, though. that's because you want to prove your power to yourself, not to others. it's like a way to increase your low self-esteem. in fact, it depends a lot on your achievements; if you don't meet your expectations, you start going through a hard time of insecurity and struggles. you find beauty in aesthetically-pleasant things, therefore you care a lot about hygiene and possibly about looks too. for example, your house probably looks very neat, and you choose your furniture wisely. you clean it everyday, you can't stand dust or any bad smells. you're also very organized, but you tend to base your life too much on a schedule. you love communicating, despite your scorpio moon that definitely makes you more secretive than other virgo suns. your eyes talk for you, though. you're also very introspective, and you're fond of art and creativity in general. you're very critical, both of yourself and of others. you don't do it with malice, though, but you want to frequent people that try to be at their best all the time, just like you after all.
virgo sun conjunct virgo mercury: you express your ego and identity through your words and ideas. you’re very opinionated and you protect strongly your beliefs. after all, you probably came up with your ideals after thinking deeply about them, you were too precise to be wrong. you’re also probably an avid reader, and you could do well in writing yourself, as you’re able to properly convey your ideals with your words. also, your heavy virgo and sagittarius dominance makes you naturally good at writing poetry, or even philosophical quotes. your mind is very active, and you feel comfortable letting all your thoughts out. it’s actually a way to relieve stress. you also have a wide vocabulary, and you’re capable of making a formal speech if you have to. you have a memorable way of speaking, as your words are very sharp. it’s hard for you to be ignored for your intellect.
🌙 moon in scorpio, 20° / 3rd decan ruled by pluto and the moon
with your moon in scorpio, you’re way more secretive and cautious than most virgo people. you tend to preserve yourself, even though it’s hard for you to repress your emotions, as they’re too intense to bottle them up. you absorb people’s feelings like a sponge, there’s no way that you won’t instantly understand their real emotions. overall, you tend to overreact a lot; you have aquarius' unpredictable energy on one side and scorpio’s mysterious, almost scary vibe. dealing with these emotional burnouts may be stressing to you, as you get totally caught up in them. even if it looks like you get to know other people often, you actually don’t let others know you. you’re the type of person to talk and socialize, especially after your saturn return, but you never reveal your deepest fears and thoughts to strangers. you only open up to people you’re sure you can trust. when you’re angry, you can literally go as far as using violence; you need to let out your emotions by screaming, swearing… anything that can make you feel better. I’ve noticed that scorpio moons, when they don’t get rid of all their negative vibes when angry, they tend to get physically sick; you could get stomachaches, or maybe even headaches. there’s a secret, sensitive side in you that needs passionate and romantic partners in love. yet, you can’t help but feel more attracted to the ones that may hurt you badly. you’re possibly quite sensitive to higher entities too, like ghosts, spirits and stuff like that.
scorpio moon square leo venus: this placement pretty much confirms what I've talked about in the ascendant square saturn section. there are contrasting feelings in your relationships with others; after all, your leo venus wants to commit to someone and be loyal to them. on the other hand, your scorpio moon wants to be free. you don't want to feel tied to someone, you still need your independency. those two desires of yours probably contrast each other, stressing you out. you want a calm, almost boring relationship, but with this placement you can't seem to have one. your feelings and self-esteem may depend a lot on your relationships, not only with your lovers, but also with your friends. if someone isn't loyal to you, you immediately start blaming yourself. in your life you may lack intimacy, and while it may make you feel better at first, based on the rest of your chart you actually need someone on your side. you can't do everything on your own. it's very challenging, especially since your scorpio moon makes you reluctant to intimacy, but you need to find someone that projects your ideals of love. if you need a free-spirit, go look for one. it may take you a while, but if you learn all the lessons you need to learn from your breakups, you'll be able to live a peaceful life with your spouse.
scorpio moon opposite taurus saturn: you most probably felt misunderstood during your childhood, as if everyone were cold with you. maybe your mother (or anyone in your family/childhood) was emotionally absent or even aggressive, hence you didn't grow up in a completely healthy environment. this issue causes you to question your worth; you may have low self-esteem, especially during your early years. your family may have big expectations of you, and hence you feel the need to meet them, making you even more pressured to be perfect. overall, your personality may resemble that of your parents a lot, even though it may feel challenging for you. you're constantly strict with yourself, challenging yourself to improve. especially with your sun being in virgo, you always want to be at your best state, physically but also emotionally. you just want to radiate good vibes, even though you may feel limitated to share all of your true self due to saturn making harsh aspects.
🗣 mercury in virgo, 27° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and venus
you have a very logical, pragmatic mind. you try to be as well-spoken as possible, especially with strangers, but when people get on your nerves you can’t help but kill them with your words. before expressing your opinion on a certain matter, you like making sure that your thought actually has proof to be supported. you’re very analytical, and hence you also overthink a lot. especially when it comes to people you care, you start overthinking so much about little things like late replies to messages that you create a variety of hollywood-worthy scenarios in your head. you also pay lots of attention to details, and you can’t tolerate typos and grammar mistakes. you always try to speak and write in the most correct and polite way as possible. you may have an elegant, yet neat handwriting. your voice probably sounds very calm and collected, yet you don’t have any problems speaking at a louder tone. in fact, you have a clear way of speaking that may often make you seem rude or insensitive. you're certainly very honest.
❤️ venus in leo, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by the sun and jupiter
with leo venus you're very picky, as you have high expectations for your future partner. you always try to be at your best state, and you want those who surround you to be perfect too. it's hard for you to fall for someone, as you take everything in consideration: personality, physical appearance, fashion sense... it may look like it is too much, but once you find the right one that truly satisfies your standards, you're in for a long ride. you'll want to travel, live your life in the best way possible with the person you love. you look at them as if they were the brighest star in the sky, and you want to be seen like this as well. you may even be a bit clingy, but your partner needs to be aware of that. they can't repress your need for affection. you see love as a way to revive your inner child, you feel younger when you're in love. even though you want someone fun and outgoing, you also need someone ambitious, hard-working and generally serious when it comes to committing. there's no room in your life for flaky people.
leo venus square taurus saturn: you feel unable to love someone. this placement usually brings fear of committing, causing the individual to be flaky. there are two possibilities; I assume you directly avoid to get into relationships. your mind may unconsciously repress any thought about an eventual crush or love interest. it is caused by your insecurity, especially regarding your looks. or perhaps, it’s the other way around: you literally jump into relationships, resulting in you getting hurt from time to time. you could feel pressured to be in a relationship, even though it’s not your priority. you most likely have low self-esteem when it comes to love; don’t be afraid of not being enough, because you are. but if you don’t realize it first, others won’t. you have to be your own healer, you’re totally capable of doing that. with this placement, it's also recommended to get married after your saturn return, hence after your 28-29 years old, to avoid any kind of challenges such as fights or even divorce.
☄️ mars in sagittarius, 7° / 1st decan ruled by jupiter
you are driven by a strong sense of justice that makes you want to discover the truth. you hate lies of any kind, you want sincerity from those around you and you're the first to be constantly honest. you value your freedom a lot, your life motto is most likely 'live and let live'. you think everyone should live their lives by their own standards, without feeling afraid of being judged or criticized. you're a very pure and genuine person, you hardly ever judge a book by its cover, and you're also extremely open-minded. you're thirsty for knowledge of any kind, you're always up to learn something new. you may also be interested in foreign languages and cultures, as well as philosophy, literature... anything that can teach you something new about the world. you may be quite impulsive, and when you get angry you tend to be very blunt. you may say things that hurt others, as you're brutally honest, even though that wasn't your intention. you may also appear as flaky, since you don't like feeling tied to something or someone. you could often change your favourite colour, food, singer... you despise boredom, and your need for freshness may also manifest in your relationships.
sagittarius mars conjunct sagittarius pluto: you’re an extremely goal-oriented person. you want to be the best at everything you do, not only to be better than others but also the best for yourself. you’re very astute, it’s impossible to trick you, and you always find a way to be in charge and get what you want. yet, you can get quite obsessed about your goals, that you could do extreme things to get what you want. in fact, people with this placement can even manipulate others, as they’re totally capable of doing that. people are naturally attracted to you, you have a way with words, and hence you’re always able to convince others into giving you what you want. but luckily, this doesn’t turn into manipulation, you probably don’t even realize this skill of yours, and hence you don’t use it to damage others. when you get angry, you could actually seem scary. your emotions are very intense, it’s hard to calm you down. mixed with your sagittarius mars and virgo mercury, you may be very sarcastic and aggressive with your words. you could hurt people, but you don’t do it on purpose. most of the time, you don’t even mean the things you say. you may also vent your anger with physical action, hence you could slam doors, punch or break things etc.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in aquarius. you’re very electric and noticeable, you probably appear as someone quite edgy too. it’s hard for you to blend into society, and hence you may end up not having many close friends, especially during your early years. in fact, you may find yourself befriending people with your same interests, it’s very important for you. you may have frequent mood swings, and you could get nervous quite easily. you probably despise authority, in fact you’re quite reckless yourself, but in life you need to understand that it is often necessary for the world. with the ruler of the 1st house conjunct the ascendant, you have big goals for your future, they’re basically the centre of your life, it revolves around your goals and achievements. you’re naturally charismatic, you may develop a high sense of worth as you grow up. you may also be very attached to your image, you may take lots of care of it.
your 2nd house is in pisces. your relationship with money may not be totally stable; you may get distracted easily, and you could lose your money around. you could be quite messy, overall, or in general, this is usually a placement that indicates sudden money loss. this placement also confirms that your self-esteem isn’t stable either; you could be quite insecure, and you may idealize a lot the way you look. for example, you could think that you have an ugly nose when it’s actually the opposite. same goes for your belongings; you may think that you have saved loads of money, you spend them, and then you realize you didn’t really have much. jupiter is also placed in this house: this placement makes it better, as you are naturally lucky when it comes to making money. you may end up pursuing a career that is well-paid, or perhaps you're good at managing money, accumulating wealth with time. the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 12th house: you could increase your self-esteem through spiritual outlets. for example, getting to know more about your soul purpose, or even about your birth chart, can literally boost your sense of worth. perhaps, even through charity work, or even by helping the world in general. you could also make money from yoga, meditation and spirituality in general.
your 3rd house is in taurus. this placement makes you extremely good at making your ideas concrete. for example, if you have in your head the melody of a song, you don’t just hum to it, nor you daydream about how it may turn out. you actually write it down and play it, and it’s good for you to have such a placement with your heavy pisces energy. you can also gain money from these hobbies. you also have saturn in the third house; this placement is quite tricky, like every saturn placement after all. perhaps, when you were younger you could have started speaking later than other kids, or perhaps you used to stutter. you were slower when it comes to speaking and thinking, and you could have been picked on for it. nowadays, this energy may project in a struggle to speak your mind. you have very innovative ideas, but you tend to keep them for yourself, and if you do share your opinion with others, you may often get in troubles for the way you speak. the ruler of the 3rd house is in the 10th house: your future career may involve communication. you may become a writer of any kind, a teacher, a translator... anything that allows you to use your voice and / or your thoughts and words.
your 4th house is in gemini. you’ve always been a smart kid, that’s probably what your childhood revolved around. you most likely were a diligent student, and your parents took a lot of pride in your marks. you might have been really chatty with your friends, and maybe you used to get scolded because of that. the ruler of the 4th house is in the 7th house: you could find yourself marrying a childhood friend, or someone younger than you. also, you may meet your future spouse through your family. they're most likely from your same country / city too, and you may be quite similiar and see eye to eye on a lot of matters. they may be very affectionate and sensitive, and they'll be your other half that will help you dealing with your insecurities.
your 5th house is in gemini. you feel able to express yourself and your creativity through communication and media. probably, when you were a child you used to love puzzles. your have tons of hobbies, and they are all quite different from each other. they have the goal to stimulate your mind in some way, so for example if you read a book, it has to be about something interesting for you, that allows you to open your mind and also that teaches you something. the ruler of the 5th house in the 7th house; you may meet your future spouse during a vacation, at a party, at a club... anything that aims to offer you relax. you may also be the type to hang out a lot with other people, even if you're not that much of an extrovert you still like being in company for a while.
your 6th house is in cancer. you may find yourself often having diseases around the stomach area, you may tend to bloat often for example. this placement also indicates that there might be someone in your family that works in the health field, hence there could be a surgeon, a nurse, a therapist, a nutriotionist, a vet, etc. you may choose a career that allows you to work from home as well, or perhaps you may work with children, families or houses in general. you may even end up following the same steps of your family and pursue their same career, or perhaps you may end up working with someone from your family or even just childhood in general. the ruler of the 6th house is in the 9th house: your future job may involve foreign languages. you may work abroad, or maybe as a translator of any kind. you'll get to interact with people from all over the world, probably. you may also work in the teaching field or, again, in writing, especially as a journalist.
your 7th house is in leo, with also your venus, sun and mercury placed there. in love you crave attention and being spoiled with care. when it comes to a partner, you’re extremely picky; you care about everything, from personality to looks. yet, this is another placement that indicates that you’re particularly loyal and protective. you want to be the centre of your partner’s attention, they must only dedicate their heart to you. ironically, you tend to attract quite selfish, self-centered people who want to be in the spotlight just like you. on the other hand, if you’re patient enough to satisfy their needs, they’ll be extremely supportive, loyal and affectionate with you. venus is tightly conjunct the descendant; venus is the planet of romance and pretty much an indicator of a peaceful marriage. you're going to have an amazing relationship with your future spouse, you'll probably hardly ever argue, and when you do you'll always be able to work things out. you could find yourself often thinking about your relationships with others, and also you try to be extremely kind with your words, you're very considerate of others. this placement also indicates that your future spouse is going to be very intelligent and witty, they'll most likely have a nice sense of humor.
your 8th house is in virgo. you use a practical approach when it comes to intimacy, you may struggle to let go around others, especially with the prominent scorpio and aquarius dominance that you have in your chart. you’re extremely secretive, you hardly ever talk about yourself, and you may even despise being too exposed. you’d rather stay by yourself, in fact you have a very mysterious vibe to your aura. also, with virgo in the 8th house, you may feel so tied to a schedule, to a plan, that you lack flexibility. you're too logical, even though deep down you have this intuition that you can't fully express. on the other hand, while this makes it hard for you to get closer to your spiritual, higher self, you're extra good at handling situations here on the earth. for example, you may handle money very well if you're well-organized. transformation in your life happens when you're able to stimulate your logical mind to earn awareness of your problems. to make it simple, you may often not realize your mistakes yourself, others have to let you notice, but thanks to your heavy plutonian energy in your chart you're able to solve your problems by your own.
your 9th house is in scorpio. you literally give all of yourself in school, even though you might have had some troubles. maybe there were a few bullies/mean girls that caused you troubles, or perhaps your parents influenced your studies too much and you ended up choosing something that you didn't like. yet, scorpio here indicates that school helps you transforming and growing up. you probably learnt or will learn a big lesson in school that will help you appreciate yourself more for who you are. overall, you went through major transformations during your school life, which helped you to find who you are today. maybe, you’ve changed class/school often, as you frequently changed your mind about the subjects you wanted to study. you also have the moon placed in this house; lyou’re an open-minded person who’s probably into history, literature/poetry, philosophy etc. you may also have a knack for studying different languages and travelling a lot, as they help you increase your creativity and hence your inner child. you are into foreign cultures, and you may actually have a foreign background yourself. for instance, you may have foreign parents or perhaps you were born abroad.
your 10th house is in sagittarius. you may gain a reputation for being very joyful and open-minded. you could possibly work abroad, speaking a different language. you may also have the chance to work in a school environment, and deal with people from any country or culture. mars is also sitting here, together with your pluto in an extremely tight conjunction; it indicates that you find pleasure and energy in work, it's your way to feel free and independent, even it you may work under a boss. it's also where you put most of all your energy, you're very goal-oriented and you strive to be the best at whatever you do. yet, you may actually start obssessing with your career, to the point that you could over-work yourself. you may also find a great job fast. you’re extremely motivated to achieve your goals, even though you may feel lost and confused due to your retrograde saturn. you’ll pursue a career that involves looking for the truth, hence you may be a detective, a scientist, a poet etc.
your 11th house is in sagittarius. your friends may be very open-minded, and you might have met them in school. they could also come from a different cultural background, or maybe they’re directly from abroad. at first you struggled to make friends, as you were very secretive. with time, you’re learning to trust people and to transform and grow up through them. overall, you find yourself at ease when you’re with them, you’re particularly fond of your friendships as they play a big role in your growth and fortune. in addition, the 11th house is also about goals, dreams and future, therefore with jupiter’s influence you may have big goals. you may want to accomplish giant, almost impossible goals, or perhaps your idea of success has to do with succeeding in education, learning as much as you can about the world that surrounds you. the ruler of the 11th house is in the 2nd house; you may earn money from your dreams, therefore you may pursue your dream career as an example. you may also have wealthy, possibly materialistic friends, or perhaps you earn money thanks / with your friends. you may have a business together, or at least if you did, you may be able to earn money.
your 12th house is in capricorn, with also neptune and uranus placed there. I feel like you’re an extremely spiritual person! especially with neptune being in its natural place. you may be able to have prophetic dreams, talk to spirits, read tarots or birth charts… anything that has to do with your higher self and world. yet, due tp capricorn’s influence in the cusp, I assume it could be hard for you to fully embrace these skills of yours. in fact, you may be a bit too pragmatic to embrace your spirituality. I think you’re already working this out since you’ve booked an astrology reading to discover more about yourself, but remember that you should definitely try to get more in touch with your soul! even doing simple stretching, meditation or yoga can help give you some space to think about your identity, your wants and your needs. you may also be a religious person or have any kinf of higher belief. the 12th house is also the house of fears, and since its cusp falls in capricorn, you may be afriad of authority, like the police for example, or anything that appears to be much bigger and more supported than you. it may also manifest in fear of not being organized, and also fear of money / success loss. with uranus here, there's an hidden rebel inside of you who has the desire to change the world. yet, you can't seem to free this part of yourself. actually, you may be afraid of stepping out of your comfort-zone, you probably tame changes.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love you attract leo, virgo, gemini, sagittarius and aquarius placements. your future spouse will most likely have aquarius and / or sagittarius traits or placements in their chart. they’ll be very similiar to you: passionate and extremely emotionally intelligent with strong feelings and values. your spouse will also be very romantic and flirty, you may meet him abroad possibly in your workplace, or even thanks to your friends, perhaps at a wedding or in any place crowded with people. your children will most likely have gemini and / or virgo; they’ll be particularly witty and intelligent, either too talkative and chatty or too quiet and reflective, but they'll have strong ideas that will get them known for being mature and smart.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is a very intelligent person, she's probably very talkative and witty, and she also has a nice sense of humor, even though she could be a bit immature or self-centered at times. she most likely has leo or gemini placements in her chart, together with libra and / or aquarius. your father is also very funny and sociable, he's probably quite extroverted even though he might be more strict than your mother. he’s probably interested in foreign languages/culture. he may be a sagittarius, a pisces, a scorpio or any other fire sign. if you have siblings, they probably have taurus, libra, sagittarius or earth placements. perhaps, you have an amazing relationship with them, even though it might have taken you a while to get along. probably, you weren't close when you were younger.
📊 career
while doing your reading, I got a strong feeling that you're going to work abroad, or at least that you're going to do something related to foreign languages and / or cultures. you could possibly be good at speaking other languages, therefore you would make a perfect translator or interpreter. or maybe, you may even work as a flight attendant, you could have to travel for your job. possibly, I also see lots of possibility in creative fields; for instance, you could probably become a good dancer, as you also have mars conjunct your midheaven which is the planet of movement. if you're into sports you could also pursue as a career in that field, or maybe you could make a good healer, such as a nurse or a therapist. your chart also has many wealth indicators, hence you'll probably be able to gain lots of money and success thanks to your job!
👕 fashion sense, style analysis
keyword for your wardrobe: black. every leo venus loves black, it's probably my favorite love story. after all, it's such a versatile color! it can be both badass and classy, how can I blame you. you may also have a thing for anything that looks luxury and high quality; you probably enjoy wearing designer brands, especially in your belts and bags. you may also like wearing fitted clothes, even just simple skinny jeans or tight tops. aside from black, you could as well use white and bold colours like gold, hot pink etc. also, you may as well be into pastel colors, and you could like following fashion trends.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, you were a very spiritual individual. you were close to your higher self, and you probably were able to talk to ghosts, you used to interpret your dreams and you most likely were also interested in astrology and other occult matters. in this lifetime, you need to put your spirituality aside for a while, and focus on finding out your identity here on the earth. you can still use spirituality to find out, but your priority is learning your karmic lessons regarding your self-esteem and work. you’ll finally be able to reach happiness and fulfill your soul when you start having an organized schedule, which allows you to balance both your hobbies and work.
🤔 major transits analysis / april 13th
chiron is currently retrograde transiting in your 2nd house. this year you might be struggling with finances; perhaps, you aren't earning much, and therefore you need to save money. or perhaps, you've wasted so much money that you need to be careful and picky with what you choose to buy. or maybe, these issues have to do with your sense of worth; you may struggle to feel confident, you may constantly look down on yourself, and combined with your natal mars being in virgo, you may judge yourself based on your achievements. transit saturn is also conjunct your ascendant; this year you may be feeling a bit self-conscious, especially about your image. you could be experiencing low self-esteem but, at least with jupiter in the 1st house, if you work hard to change what you don't like about yourself or about your life in general, you'll start feeling you way better.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
your secret skills revolve around finances and just security in general. with a positive attitude, you may attract material luck: money, clothes, houses… everything that you desire. since you’re a logical person, I assume the most efficient way for you to manifest through the LOA is writing! take a notebook and just write down positive affirmations, such as 'I have the car of my dreams’ etc. you may also write them on post-its and glue them around your house, so that you can accelerate the progress. you can also try to idealize your wish before trying to manifest it. for example, if you want a new sweatshirt, try to imagine yourself wearing it. you could also go into a shop and actually try that sweatshirt it on; being in contact with it will boost the law of attraction even more.
and this is it! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated with you :)
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wackapedia · 4 years
Lucky Star
Soulmate au! Yoongi x idol reader where corporations fuck things over as usual. slightly dystopian warnings: mentions of blood, murder but not so graphic, angst 1.7k You were leaning upright inside a containment in the middle of the ridiculously bright room of the facility. The rough material of medical scrubs rubbing against your skin while several wires and tubes are connected to your body. As the containment tilts to make you lie horizontally. "Commencing cryogenic stasis" The gentle robotic voice alerts. you close your eyes and remember the events of the past week. "ProtoGen Inc. has been the world's leading resource developer for modern technology. From Smartphones, Appliances, Transportation, and Medical Technology. ProtoGen is also partnering with Yong-Soon Farms to create Genetically-modified livestock, to fill the global supply. Today, ProtoGen takes on the entertainment industry as we launch the world's first Artificially-Enhanced girl group. Please welcome, Lucky Star!" The curtains rise to reveal three girls standing with perfect posture. The crowd jumbles to get a clear view, flashing their cameras boldly to the three girls. The camera flashes would blind a normal person, but the Lucky Star Girls were nowhere near normal. You and your groupmates bow simultaneously. "Hello! We are Lucky Star!"
---------- "'ProtoGen Inc., debuts world's first AI-Enhanced girl group' whatever the fuck that means," Taehyung reads the headline of an article as he scrolls through his pad, slurping his soggy cereal. "Are they aliens?" Jungkook asks, peeling his third hard-boiled egg for the day. "I'm pretty sure we haven't discovered alien life yet, Kook..." Jimin sighs from the kitchen. "That's what they want you to think!" Namjoon continues to read the article, squinting over Taehyung's shoulder while unknowingly spilling his orange juice down the younger's Gucci trousers as Jimin talks Jungkook out of the thought of meeting aliens in the near future. This was the scene that greets Yoongi as he descends the stairs. "What's going on?" He asks, heading straight to the coffee machine. "Aliens!" Jungkook enthusiastically answers. Too enthusiastic at 8am. "That AI girl group just debuted." Namjoon fills in. "Called Lucky Star". "Okay, what does that have to do with aliens?" "Nothing! Jungkook here was just being imaginative!" Jimin continues to buzz with Jungkook talking over him. Yoongi sighs as he finishes preparing his coffee and heads back upstairs to his home office. "Whatever." He mutters, leaving them to continue reading the article and discuss alien life. "Local K-Pop fans continue to protest for the girls' human rights despite- AHH HYUNG! YOUR JUICE!!" Taehyung finally realizes the coldness seeping through his thigh, seeing a large orange stain on his outfit. ---------- Immediately after your first live performance in a music awards show, you meet other idol groups queueing up for the stage. A girl you know as Jennie glares at Yue who glares back at her with hostility. You were escorted to your private dressing rooms where the CEO of ProtoGen himself waited. "How did we do, chief?" May, the main dancer asks as soon as she enters. "It was good..." Chairman Han answers, putting down the tablet after scrolling through the articles about Lucky Star. "But not good enough." "Excuse me? You programmed us to perfection and you think we weren't good enough?" Yue, the leader and the most developed speaks up. Her android programming allowed her to quickly learn from her surroundings, allowing her to have some form of a freewill. "Leave us." Chairman Han addresses the group of wardrobe and makeup assistants, leaving you three with him and the programming director of the Lucky Star project. The door opens just as you caught a glance of the group of men marching toward the backstage. One of them stops and makes eye contact with you, his cat-like eyes freezes you in place and the familiar mark on top of his wrist causes your heart to skip a beat. And then the door shuts again. A robotic freewill is considered as a paradoxical flaw in programming. A resultant factor of several integral aspects that can not be substituted without compromising the quality of the output. You learned this during your time at the facility at a young age, picking up IT jargon while they infused the enhancement serum into your system. Contrary to what most believe, the Lucky Star girls are actually part human. May was human, farmed and fertilized in a test tube. Yue was the least human. You witnessed how she was constructed in the facility for over 20 years. She was considered as the most developed among all humanoid robots in existence. You were a normal human, born 25 years ago, injected with all sorts of chemical enhancements, but still human enough to don a soulmate mark on the top side of your wrist. You are witnessing how technologically advanced Yue is when she sharply talks back to Chairman Han who was verbally abusing her about her lack of energy during the performance. "You were created to entertain, and yet here you are, presenting a mediocre performance, shaming my company in a pitiful excuse of a performance!" The chairman's heavy hand lands on Yue's artificially manufactured cheek. There was an awkward silence before Yue pushes the chairman against the mirrored wall of the dressing room, cracking it against the Chairman's skull. The programming director moves to stop her but his efforts are futile when Yue drives the narrow edge of a contour brush through the chairman's head. Blood stains Yue's glittery costume. ---------------- Hoseok animatedly reviews their performance as he leads the group to their assigned dressing rooms. Jin laughs at how Jimin almost slipped at the stage. All seven of them are halted in their steps when a crowd of paramedics gather at one of the dressing rooms. "What happened?" Namjoon asks a personnel of ProtoGen Medical as a mortuary trolley gets dragged out of the room. "Oh my god did someone die?" Jungkook loudly questions, earning him a 'Shut up' from his hyungs. Namjoon gets ignored by the personnel as they were escorted away from the crime scene. Yoongi clearly remembers seeing you in the room minutes before their performance and wonders if you're okay. "ProtoGen Ceo Han Sung-Hoon dies of Heart Attack" Jimin reads the headline of an online article the morning after the music awards. "We all know that's not what happened." Taehyung replies. "We shouldn't speculate..." Namjoon comments. "Big Hit warned us not to get involved." "What? We were the only ones who saw the medics last night!" Yoongi answers, scrolling through the pictures from last night's event, trying to spot anything peculiar. He pauses at the group photo of that AI-enhanced girl group, his eyes zero-ing in on a familiar mark on your wrist. "Which is why they asked us not to get involved." Namjoon stresses again. "We wont get involved if they tell us what happened!" Jungkook states. Just then, their manager walks up to the dining area, overhearing the maknae's sentiments. "Sit down. I'll tell you what happened." The manager declares, causing all seven to settle down. ------------ "Commencing cryogenic stasis" The gentle robotic voice alerts. White smokes of gas fill the chamber, causing your eyes to water despite tightly shutting them. Your panicked heartbeat erratically rattles your chest, feeling the sense of claustrophobia despite being in the spacious chamber. ProtoGen has decided to put down the Lucky Star project after last night's event. Yue has been dismantled into particles the moment she arrived in a crate in the facility. Her programming became too much to control, causing her to go on a murder spree at the dressing room last night. She annihilated Chairman Han and May. Before she choked the air out of you, she asked you to join her in taking the fame and be the most popular artist. This was her only motivation as she was programmed to be an artist. You politely declined, explaining to her that you were not a humanoid like her, to which she did not understand. She tightens her grip on your neck before she was shut down by the programming director who eventually bled out and died. The ProtoGen staff immediately answered to the situation, cleared up the place and dealt with the media. You were brought to the facility to where the board of directors decided to have you placed in cryogenic freeze until they found a way to separate the flawed formula of the serum in your system. The glass window of the chamber fogs up. Your vision becomes blurry and the engine noises become muffled as you sink into cryo-stasis. and then it stops. The Cryo chamber tilts to an upright position but doesn't unlock. a group of people in labcoats enter the room, escorting a group of men who gather around you. One of them immediately positions himself  directly in front of the glass window. ---------- "You have two minutes." Doctor Sharp lets all seven of them in the room. Yoongi immediately knocks on the closed chamber, desperate to see you awake. "Hey y/n.. Its me.." He shows you his soulmate mark through the fogged up glass. He notices a spark of recognition in your eyes, encouraging him to go on. "I'm sorry there's no way for me to get you out of here. But when you come out, I'll find you. I may have to take up another form in the next life, but you'll still be you. So I'll come find you, okay?" Yoongi stutters but continues to make the most out of his last minute, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry it had to end this way. But it isn't really the end..." "Your time is up. Please leave the room peacefully while you can." ---------- You look up to the man who you remember to be one of the idols from last night's event. He tries to tell you something but all you can hear is his muffled unintelligible voice through layers of metal and plexiglass. He shows you his soulmate mark which was identical to yours. You smile. He continues to talk with tears in his eyes and all you could do was to wander your eyes on his face, hoping to dream of him for the next 50 years of cryo-stasis. He is eventually escorted out of the room, and the chamber tilts back to continue the process. You peacefully close your eyes and inhale the sleeping gas as years of sleep take over you. ---------- "BTS Spotted leaving ProtoGen facility after Lucky Star project shutdown" Taehyung quietly reads the headline as Namjoon reads over his shoulder. "Such a shame Yoongi-hyung found and lost her in such a short time..." Namjoon sighs.
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onestowatch · 3 years
Surfaces Is Bringing Their Happy Place to the Masses [Q&A]
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Photo: Dan Franco
When Colin Padalecki met Forrest Frank on SoundCloud, back in 2016, they had no idea that their whimsical exchange of DMs would evolve into the brotherhood of a lifetime, an ever-growing discography, and a roster spot on one of the hottest independent record labels in the world—10K Projects. 
Since then, the two friends have formed a genre-bending band called Surfaces and an audiovisual world of neo-soul, beach-pop, reggae, and gospel music. Or better yet, an imaginary happy place, right smack-dab in the middle of “The Lone Star State,” where the two Texans make masterful R&B music with spoken-word lyricism that elevates positive thinking for the soul. 
All in all, the guys from Surfaces have been releasing music together for four years now. Thus, with each year comes a brand-new album from the hardworking duo. While Caribbean rhythms and heartwarming subject matter remain notable fixtures of their songwriting, another mainstay is the scenic artwork that’s accompanied every album release so far.
Each time that Padalecki creates an official album cover for Surfaces, it’s as if he’s giving their supporters a behind-the-scenes look at the way in which they find inspiration before a songwriting camp. In many instances, the artwork that he designs serves as a catalyst for the band’s recording sessions, because it sets the mood. His graphic illustrations of sunsets, beaches, and waterfronts augment the heartfelt stories that have been told for the duration of four albums now by his bandmate, Frank, whose lyrics and jazz-rap cadences always seem to carry a positive undertone. 
The meaning behind his uplifting words stem from a spiritual assertion that was instilled in him from a young age by his family. In fact, his band’s biggest hit to date was influenced by his faith. “When I think of the lyrics [from “Sunday Best”]... for me, personally, the only way I’ve been able to find that kind of complete stress-free lifestyle is through my relationship with God,” shares Frank. Of all the songs that have been penned by Surfaces over the past five years, none of the releases contain a single ounce of vulgarity in them. This is a very unique distinction for a secular band—especially one that is part of a record label that’s been home to some of the most popular rappers of the SoundCloud rap era. 
But nevertheless, their working relationship with their record label has actually enhanced their creativity. Because the company’s CEO has created a healthy environment for artistic expression, regardless of the genres his artists belong to. “I feel like Elliot [Grainge] runs a really tight family kind of shop. He doesn’t have a lot of artists on his roster, but he has a personal relationship with all of us and the other people we work with like Molly, Sam, and our managers. So, [signing with 10K Projects] just made sense,” shares Padalecki. “Elliot gave us full creative control, which is truly a blessing when it comes to something like a record deal. At any moment in time, we could just ask him to meet us for lunch and he cares enough about us on a personal level to go do that. He trusts in our decisions when it comes to song making, album choices, and everything. They’ve been nothing but supportive and we’ve been nothing but grateful for 10K, it’s almost like a family.” 
Indeed, a stress-free creative space, cathartic chorus lines, and the full support of 10K Projects have proven to be key components in a winning formula that’s yielded multi-platinum successes for Surfaces. So, as the old adage goes: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Which means when it comes to dropping new music, the guys are sticking to what works. 
When they made their best-selling album to date, Where The Light Is, they recorded the tracks during the day, while the sun was out at Frank’s boat house to perfectly capture a positive and happy mood. Catching a vibe in a sunny environment has proven to be tried-and-true method for the band and a blueprint that Colin Padalecki wanted to follow during the making of their latest album, Pacifico. 
“We rented a house in Malibu for about a half a month. It was kind of like this creative camp that we set up and we pretty much woke up every single day in this really gorgeous house with this really gorgeous view of the beach line of Malibu and the sunset peaking over the mountains every single day,” says the multi-instrumentalist. “It was just nice to not have to worry about anything with Forrest, his wife, and our creative collaborator Conrad [Public Library Commute]. Nothing felt forced… we were just trying to capture the essence of that trip. The whole album pretty much describes that vacation of ours. And we just tried to capture all aspects of it through sonics.” 
On April 9, Surfaces introduced their fourth studio album to the world with the lead single called “Wave of You.” It’s a vibey beach-pop track that explores the depths of a romantic relationship through the eyes of Frank. It also displays his willingness to expose his own real-life experiences. “I think it’s really powerful. A relationship can be so powerful and when you’re really drawn to someone it’s like the tide pulling you into the wave. It’s awesome, but it’s also really fragile and dangerous,” says Frank.
Upon the release of two follow-up singles to “Wave of You,” Surfaces officially dropped Pacifico on June 25. The new album arrives on the heels of one of the most challenging time periods this world has ever seen. In the wake of a global pandemic, a little bit of sunshine is exactly what the the world needs. Pacifico, fittingly, is a breath of fresh air for their supporters and a fitting soundtrack for the beginning of summer after nearly a year-and-a-half of worldwide shutdowns. 
One of the main aspects of this album that displays the band’s growth as musicians are the amount of artist features present. Before the release of Pacifico, the only collaboration they ever published was “Learn To Fly” with Elton John. Their collaborative effort with the Rock & Roll Hall of Famer was an absolute banger, but it was never officially featured on an album by Surfaces. Instead, it was published as a one-off single. But this time around, the group teamed up with four collaborators: Public Library Commute, Salam Ilese, Xavier Omär and Quinn XCII. 
Their contributions to Pacifico have added a whole new element to this delightful collection of sun-soaked music. In fact, the story of how they ended up recording their collaboration with Omär in person is almost as compelling as the story of how the co-founders met each other. “We’d been huge fans [of Xavier Omär] ever since the SoundCloud days. We had a second verse open [for “Come Around”]. So, we DM’d him and said, ‘Yo what’s up! We’re huge fans!’ He said he was a big fan of ours too. So, we told him that we’d love to link up and talk about music because we have a song that he might like,” recounts Frank. “Then he said, ‘Oh cool, but the only thing is, I don’t live in L.A., I live in San Antonio.’ And we were like, ‘Yo, Colin lives in San Antonio (laughs)! So, we basically drove down the street and recorded with him.” It’s a fond memory of their first encounter with one of their favorite musicians… and it’s strikingly similar to the way that Padalecki met Frank on SoundCloud about five years prior. 
“Hearing (Omar Xavier’s) melodies recorded at my house brought me back to my high school days of listening to Middle of Things,” says Padalecki. “It had a huge impact on me in high school. So, him coming over and hanging out with us like friends, getting lunch with us, and then getting to the music later was really special.” While collaborative efforts like “Come Around” and “On Time” have certainly added a new dimension to the songwriting and emotional depth of Surfaces, fans can rest assured that their trademark penchant for feel great grooves remain true all throughout Pacifico.
In just five years, the duo behind Surfaces has traveled all over the country. The last time they took the show on the road was during the “Warm Winter Tour” back in 2019. This August, they’ll hit the road again for a North American tour called the aptly titled “Good 2 Be Back Tour.” To the masses they’re a homegrown duo that never fails to bring light and positivity to the forefront of their music. But internally… they’re just two friends having the time of their lives. And why wouldn’t they be? It’s not every day that pop icons like Justin Bieber partake in a “Sunday Best” dance craze dedicated to you by your fans on TikTok. 
More importantly, it’s not every day a pop-rock band comes along and reminds us of Bill Withers, Hall & Oates, Beach Boys and Chance the Rapper all in one breath. “That’s pretty good (laughs). I like that,” confesses Frank when the unique comparison was brought to his attention. With the release of Pacifico, Surfaces is now four albums deep into a promising career in music. And to think, it all started with a litany of recording sessions at Padalecki’s college house in Texas. It appears as though the guys from Surfaces are just as good at building songs as they are at giving form to the happy place from which all of their songs originate.
Pacifico is available everywhere you can stream it. 
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svynakee · 4 years
Mulan (2020)’s idiotic cultural appropriation of chi is really stupid
Qi is a real thing. Not in the way that oxygen, or electromagnetic waves, are real. You cannot find an atom of qi. You cannot measure qi with a device. Qi is real the way romance, or luck, are real. And in the same way that the romance most people experience isn’t the same romance that is depicted in movies of passionate, melodramatic, wild love, the qi in wuxia and other genres is not the qi experienced in real life.
Now, when it comes to romance movies, the concept of love at first sight does not need to be established. It is accepted that there can exist, in the setting of the story, an unseen powerful force that drives strangers together on the whims of fate. There doesn’t need to be a professor pointing at a blackboard explaining the mechanics of destiny, and the evolution of true love, for an audience to willingly accept that love at first sight can be real for the sake of the story. In this way, it is unnecessary for there to be a martial arts master in every story that uses qi to explain what qi is, why it exists and how humans have learned to harness it.
However, the individual story’s take on qi should be established. If there are organised, respected, powerful sects teaching students to use qi, then assumptions can be made about how society views qi, how developed the study of qi is, the place of qi users in this world. If qi users are almost mythical and tend to hide in seclusion, assumptions can be made. If the emperor’s strongest generals proudly use qi in battle, assumptions can be made. If a teacher cautions against improper usage of qi because it can result in both physical and mental harm to the practitioner, assumptions can be made. And even if nobody bats an eye at the fact that the duke’s eldest son and the third imperial prince are doing flying leaps across rooftops on market day, then assumptions can be made about qi, such as ‘using qi is so common that the price of cabbage is more interesting than watching someone doing magic parkour’.
Simply saying ‘qi exists and is for warriors’ does a poor job of worldbuilding. Worldbuilding is important because it sets the stage, gives context to the stakes, lends weight to the protagonist’s struggles. What does Mulan (2020) tell us about…’chi’? One important thing to note is that in Disney’s Mulan (2020), chi is referred to as a skill; ‘he has strong chi’, ‘he has a talent for soccer’. In Chinese works, qi is the energy, the skill is qigong, which is qi (air) + gong (effort). A martial artist therefore has strong qi, or skill in qigong. They are not skilled in qi. In the following points, I will be discussing Disney’s idea of chi, so I will use their terminology.
Only men can use chi, but chi is also available to women.
Not being true to yourself poisons your chi.
Chi is for warriors, implying that women cannot be warriors (this is actually uncommon in Chinese wuxia stories, more common in historical ones where QIGONG AND WITCHES DO NOT EXIST).
The existence of a woman with chi powers is unusual and a cause for alarm, but not unusual enough that the Emperor dismisses the idea after hearing ONE REPORT FROM A RANDOM SOLDIER.
Those in the Imperial army are trained, briefly, to use chi – this is shaky because I think the commander talks about how chi can be used, and Honghui’s compliment to Mulan implies that her usage of chi is what makes them equals, meaning Honghui can also use it.
People recognise that chi allows humans to do super gymnastics and have enhanced reflexes, enough that when the villagers see a young Mulan doing these things, they are freaked out. Or the ancient Chinese really hated backflips.
Despite women using chi being so taboo, Mulan’s father decided to teach his daughter chi just because she was born with a high midichlorian count- I mean, high chi. When she displays chi abilities in front of other villagers, her mother gets angry and tells him to stop teaching her. Yet Mulan still retains her chi proficiency into adulthood, meaning either her father continued to teach her, or chi mastery lasts for a lifetime. In that way, using chi is a bit like riding a bicycle.
Rourans can use chi to run up walls, but Mulan’s friends are only shown to do this very briefly near the end of the movie, with normal Imperial soldiers failing to use this ability.
The Emperor of China is a proficient chi user. His chi lets him use drapery as weapons (actually a common technique in wuxia, the idea being that qi is personal energy and a skilled practitioner can channel their energy into any object, giving them sharp edges or huge kinetic force).
When a woman can use chi, she is a witch. And this is where this becomes HILARIOUS. Because there IS a witch in Mulan (2020).
Xian Lang is a witch.
In her introductory scene, Xian Lang is shown POSSESSING A MAN, her physical form completely disappearing as she does this. She then nails two long range kills using throwing stars and engages in melee combat, easily defeating Imperial guards despite being outnumbered. She is later shown to turn into a bird, or a large swarm of bats. She never turns into multiple birds or a single bat.
Xian Lang was an outcast as a young girl because of her chi. This is why she joined the Rourans, despite being Chinese (as evidenced by her name). She believes that Bori Khan will make a world where girls like her, born with strong chi, will not be outcasts.
Bori Khan treats Xian Lang horribly, being prejudiced against her gender and dismissing her strength. The Rourans in general also hate her for being a witch.
Xian Lang saw through Mulan’s disguise easily and also identifies that she has strong chi.
Oh and Chinese stories rarely have witches, Xian Lang should’ve been an nugui, kind of like an evil spirit or demoness but from Chinese folklore.
Here’s the thing that I find the funniest about the world Mulan (2020) has created.
Women should not be allowed to use chi. It has given all the proof for this rule to exist, and none to dissuade me from agreeing with it. Because the movie gives us two women with strong chi. Mulan, who actively suppresses her chi, and presumably only learns to use it during her training with the army. So, she is a chi beginner. The other woman is Xian Lang, who is immensely strong despite not looking much older than Mulan. She is probably the strongest character in the story, and definitely a chi master. The only other contenders for the title of strongest chi – not gender restricted – are the Emperor and the Commander. I believe the Emperor is stronger because Bori Khan lures him into a trap and still loses men trying to capture him. He restrains the Emperor with a ton of thick ropes. This guy is terrified of the Emperor and from the few times we see the Emperor fight? I don’t blame Bori Khan at all.
And yet the Emperor never possesses people. He doesn’t turn into a bird, or a swarm of bats, even when these would have FREED HIM AND SAVED HIS COUNTRY. Notably, none of this is ever stated as being against chi law. None of these abilities are stated to be the result of evil experimentation, forbidden techniques or any other taboo method. In the worldbuilding of Mulan (2020), Xian Lang’s chi is only evil because she is evil. And she is only evil because she is a woman with strong chi.
Mulan is a woman with strong chi.
The implication, the weird mess that Mulan (2020) has made, is that All Women With Strong Chi Become Witches. And men CANNOT become witches. Men cannot possess others. Men cannot shapeshift. Men can possibly learn to use throwing stars, but this is debatable. Women can not only do all these things, women are FATED to do so. If a woman is born with strong chi she becomes a witch.
And I don’t blame the ancient Chinese for wanting to suppress witchcraft! It looks hecking dangerous! They can possess anyone. They can break into secure spaces by shapeshifting. Sure, it’s not ethical to deny women access to chi because they could potentially become supervillains, but I can see why they went to that conclusion. The movie does nothing to address this. Mulan doesn’t vow to teach girls to use chi for good. But that’s FINE, because Xian Lang only became evil because of sexism, which is solved now, so cue the happy ending.
Even disregarding how the message of the movie is “girls get bullied for being born weird unless they prove themselves worthy of basic respect”, what is this WORLDBUILDING. Is Mulan in danger of poisoning her chi again and becoming a witch? If chi is for warriors, does that mean civilians can’t use chi? What if a farmer is born with strong chi, do we exile him until he becomes a warlock for the Rourans? How often are girls born with chi and how many of them suppress it correctly? Are they killed if they fail? Do they just join a circus and masquerade as acrobats?
Disney, chi is not a magic you can just throw around! It’s not bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! If you have a magical world, you need to teach the audience about the magical world. INSTEAD OF JUST POINTING. AT ANOTHER CULTURE. AND SAYING “THIS IS REPRESENTATION AND IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS TAKE IT UP WITH THEM”. Yes, qi is part of my culture! CHI. IS. NOT. Its your abomination, stop using OUR STORIES and OUR TRADITIONS as a shield for YOUR SHODDY, LAZY, IDIOTIC WRITING.
Anyway all they had to do was not add ‘chi’ and have Mulan doing normal martial arts for fun or something. Just make her a normal tomboy. Sometimes girls like sport it doesn’t have to be because they were born with baseball magic.
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wincore · 5 years
archenemies | huang renjun
pairing: renjun x reader
words: 8.8k
genre: ‘bad boy’!au, fluff
warnings: language, some juvenile activities, huang “fight me” renjun, he’s way too aries for this to be good
a/n: move aside it’s my emotional support bad boy fic
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There are people who are lucky and people who have met Huang Renjun. 
Every day is a reminder of all your mistakes, all the sins you’ve committed to have to deal with him. You’ve forgotten what began all the biting comments and burning quarrels, but you’re not going to lose to some quick-tempered punk. In all honesty, however, you’d prefer to never think of him again.
Huang Renjun is just a cog in the machine that controls your life and you’re going to best ignore him till someone upstairs decides to fix that machine. (You wish it were that easy.)
You eye the bruise on your knee with a sour taste in your mouth. It’s a darker shade of purple now, the blues mingling amidst only enhancing the size of it. You sigh heavily and crouch to retie your shoelaces. You’re going to have to slow down now, and not jump over the steps of a ragged staircase. There are few reasons to pass through the playground, when you can take a safer albeit longer way to the subway station.
It’s the shorter way, yes, but there’s more. Is it because of the lack of overenthusiastic students and the loud buzz? Is it because you can walk down the thick metal railing feeling free, arms stretched? Or perhaps, the most important of all—the illegal murals on the walls starting from your school. The art gets removed every time and not two weeks later, there’s a new one. If anything’s more cheerful in colour in this city, you’d gladly pay a pretty penny to see it.
You stand in front of the latest in the collection, eyes studying every stroke of paint. It’s a wolf, made with different colours of the rainbow and with a star gently held in its mouth. You swear its eyes move with the way they stare back at you, deep and alive. You wonder what this criminal artist sees in their head to create things so raw, so full of feeling. You’re always sad when they get painted over.
You take a picture of it on your phone to remember. Your first picture dates to about two years ago, when you accidentally stumbled into the backside of the school buildings. It was the mural of a trophy, more specifically the one your school awarded for academics each year. Except the trophy was made of branches intertwined far too loose and it held a rotting apple instead of a live golden one, greens faded to brown. The single piece of writing was in black—‘here lies our youth’. You had scoffed at it then. Undoubtedly, some sort of edgy loser had spilled ink on those walls. But you had to admit, the mural was unspeakably pretty and you took the picture for your own amusement.
The school, of course, had it removed at soon as they could but you still look at it on your phone once in a while. The look on your principal’s face was glorious when a new one showed up right beside the front gate. A withering rose with thorns made of silver, and a raccoon gazing at it with its head at a slight angle. It made no sense, of course. All of these have been abstract, almost hard to find meaning in but you felt a dash of impertinence in that piece of art. It was meant to piss them off.
And of course, the art continued blossoming. Over the months, they got better and better; every new piece held a different meaning. It became a sort of game for you, to find each work and photograph it before it was criticized by disgruntled police officers and hastily removed. Adults find no importance in these kinds of things; it’s too bright, too attention-seeking and too honest.
You tread carefully along the side of the street now, aware of your aching knee and curse yourself for being so frivolous in movement. Except you aren’t as careful as you think you are, and you bump rather harshly into a lean figure when you were looking elsewhere.
“Sorry! I really am,” the words tumble out of your mouth before you can recognize the boy. But when you do, you grimace, a familiar bitter taste on your tongue. “Renjun. Hi.”
Renjun glares at you as he massages the shoulder you had so carelessly rammed into. The white bones on his dark jacket sleeves and the skull on the back look painted, although you think Renjun couldn’t have made something remotely aesthetic. You await the biting comment he usually sends your way, but he quickly turns away after shooting you another scowl.
“Well, okay,” you tell yourself. “That’s new.”
If it wasn’t clear before, Huang Renjun isn’t the nicest of people you’ve met. With a flaring temper and sharp tongue, he’s on your list of people to avoid, but you cross paths quite literally way too many times. Of course, his entire group of friends is on your list of people to avoid, but it’s Renjun who seems to be fated to run into you every goddamn time. You’ve been assigned to do projects with him at least six times by some sort of treachery, and for all the years you’ve known him, his seat is almost always behind yours. It’s torturous, really. Renjun would be much more pleasant to face if he wasn’t glaring holes into the back of your head all the time.
You pull the vague memory of a shy new boy from middle school and shove it aside—no way can you relate the past and present. At school, he’s only a troubled student, not the type to sugar-coat words and with no restraint on words, he often pisses off people he shouldn’t be pissing off. Honesty is a good feature but not on people like him. Only the bravest of teachers take a liking to him, and the rest of the students are a little in awe of him. I wish I could be that honest, you’d heard one of your friends say. That way, I wouldn’t be afraid of the world. He was mistaken; there’s no one on earth born without fear. Needless to say, your peers like to romanticize him as some sort of cool, tough guy with mystery on his fingertips. You think he secretly likes the reputation. The only times Renjun’s softened is around his band of troublemakers.
You don’t trust reputations but you think Renjun is at least six times worse than what everyone thinks of him. (And you speak from experience.)
You have to admit, though, that you might be a little at fault here. You’ve accidentally spilled hydrochloric acid on him in the chemistry lab and smeared his neck with an obnoxious green in art before, but you don’t think that’s reason enough for Renjun to hate you. Regrettably, there are more cases of misfired actions and you’d rather not dwell on them.  
If luck has anything to do in the universe, it loves to mess with you when you’re around Renjun. It’s miraculously always him the victim, and you, an unwitting culprit. Bad luck doesn’t even begin to describe what has bound the two of you. At least, that’s how it began. It’s not like you’re trying to be annoying; the circumstances provide the paint for your already messy canvas and Renjun is left more and more pissed at you at the end of every encounter. You’d feel sorry for him if he weren’t such a prick.
The times you’re not accidentally messing with Renjun, he’s the one with offhanded comments that make your blood boil. You don’t know if it’s payback but it ends up with the two of you neck-deep in hatred for each other yet again. Sometimes, you enjoy the misery you unintentionally give him, like that one time the stray cat you were holding launched itself at Renjun and he ended up with more scratches than what was good (although, he isn’t exactly a stranger to injuries) and of course, the glorious times you were the cause of Renjun’s detention. Sometimes even those aren’t enough to shut his quick mouth and honestly, you’re giving up on ever having an actual conversation with him without being at each other’s throats.
You shake your head for thinking about him for this long. Any thought lasting longer than three minutes about Renjun is a curse.
Chenle waves at you from a few metres away. It’s always good to see him and you smile; the kid’s a ball of positivity. It’s much better than running into Renjun anyway, for whom you’d have to grit your teeth and brace for another jab, trying not to start another bout of bickering with him. In fact, you find the contrast between Chenle (someone you’ve only ever talked with comfortably and an occasional angel) and Renjun (literally the Devil’s advocate) so sharp that you find it hard to believe they’re friends. The only thing they seem to have in common is living at the dorms, as non-native students.
“Hi!” Chenle greets you from a few feet away as he jogs up to you. “Have you seen Renjun?”
You furrow your eyebrows. You wonder why someone as nice as Chenle would follow around a mean grouch like Renjun.
“Yeah, I just passed him,” you answer, a little piqued by Chenle’s rapid flurry of expressions. Something’s obviously not right.
“Thanks,” he says with a slight bow before he takes off in the other direction.
Now, given your history of unfortunate circumstances with Renjun, you shouldn’t be following Chenle. You shouldn’t. But of course, you’d take this chance to snoop around on Renjun, just watch him speechless as he can’t come up with any response at all. Information, secrets—they give you the upper hand. You’re being petty, sure. It’s good for your health.
You follow the loud footsteps at a safe distance, starting to wonder if it’s worth it. You almost walk into Renjun’s view and scramble back behind the wall. He’s sitting on one of the swings while Chenle pants beside him, trying to catch his breath.
“I told you to stop following me around. You look like some lost puppy.” You hear Renjun click his tongue.
“You’re so mean,” Chenle says with a pout, “Wait, doesn’t that mean I’m cute? Like a puppy? Never mind, don’t you wanna know how far the investigation is going?”
“You don’t have to do that for me,” Renjun responds, looking down at his hands.
Chenle smiles, radiant as ever. “It’s no biggie!”
Renjun laughs, a sound foreign to you. “You’re acting like I said ‘thank you’.”
“Didn’t you?” Chenle grins. “Anyway, you have to be careful for the next week. They’re going to increase patrols near school.”
Renjun scoffs. “Like they’ll ever catch me.”
You narrow your eyes. From all the rumours you’ve heard, Renjun is no stranger to delinquency and other things illegal for high school students. But they’ve only been rumours. This is your chance to get some dirt on him, and you’re certainly not missing it.
Chenle presses his lips together, a flash of worry passing through him.
“Be careful anyway, okay?” he says.
Renjun snaps his head to the side, an annoyed sound leaving his lips. He looks nothing but bothered by the conversation.
“Don’t talk to me like that.”
You let out a breath, annoyed with how ungrateful Renjun is. Of course, you don’t expect better from a no-good sociopath, or whatever the hell he pretends to be. You never realized how twisted your ties with Renjun has been this far. You can paint no other picture except of a demon every time you think of him.
“Now scram,” Renjun huffs.
Chenle looks like a kicked puppy and you almost march over to Renjun to reproach him. There is nothing he does that doesn’t get on your nerves. But you maintain your position; it’s not worth wasting your time over.
The twitch of your foot, however, brings you to the boys’ attention. You retreat your head and look forward, your body getting still. Half of you is terrified of Renjun finding you and the other half simply doesn’t care, in fact wanting to shove some choice words at him in case he does find you.
As fate would have it, Renjun emerges from behind the wall and you hit your head back against it. Your heartbeat evens out quick and you face him, not wanting to look stupid. He’s pissed off—you can tell by the knitted brows and bitter twist of his lips.
“I knew you were annoying but eavesdropping?” Renjun rebukes, “Congratulations on getting to a whole new level of weirdo.”
Your ears turn red and you click your tongue. “Whatever.”
“You should stop being so interested in me. Seriously.”
“Me? Interested in you? If anything, you’re the one way too interested in me.”
“I’m not the one eavesdropping.” Renjun stands up straighter, fists clenched. Your cheeks colour.
“And I’m not the one picking fights every day at lunch.”
Your hostilities aren’t unknown to the school, who look partly afraid and partly entertained with your jabs and arguments. You’ve figured they’re more afraid of Renjun and his cold face than they’re afraid of your fights. If only they didn’t think he’s cooler than he actually is. You could roll your eyes.
“You guys sound like children,” Chenle butts in.
“Don’t interrupt me,” Renjun scowls.
“Don’t talk to him that way,” you warn.
“And who are you to tell me that?”
“A decent human being.”
“God, talking to you drains me of energy.” Renjun turns his head to the side, his frown never leaving.
“Looking at you drains me of energy,” you grumble.
With one last look of repugnance, you turn around to make your way back to where you were headed in the first place.
“I don’t know why you hang out with him, Chenle,” you say before you start walking off.
You can see Renjun tense up out of the corner of your eye. For a moment, you think he’ll yell an insult back at you but only the gentle breeze fills your surroundings. You like having the last word, but no part of this exchange was satisfying. You should’ve just gone your way.
The conversation you overheard leaves your mind as quickly as it entered. Soon, you’re on the subway home with a larger basket of reasons to avoid Huang Renjun.
As if high school wasn’t dull enough, being unable to skip class makes your sleepless body worse. The can of coffee you got at the vending machine offers no aid, and when you finally blink at the silhouette of escape, you seize it. You’ve never thought of skipping class as explicitly bad. It’s not good but neither is it an awful thing to do considering the condition of the present-day education system. You’d call it a necessary evil.
At least, that’s the excuse you use for yourself every time. You’ve only been caught once, and that’s because you fell asleep under the bleachers. Detention isn’t new, but it doesn’t put you in good books. You care for your future, and the inconvenience you cause others (unlike some others you know). It’s just that there are certain habits that you can’t help.
You’ve decided to be more careful, of course. You don’t want your mother getting any more upset with you nor do you want to spend more time at school through detention. There’s a prettier world outside these drudging walls.
Somehow, you sneak your way out to the back of the school building. The painting has been removed long since you first saw it, but the place has a sense of mystery to it. You’re drawn in, an optimistic explorer to lands that call. You shake yourself to prevent your imagination from wandering.
The weeds grow unkempt here, in the narrow gaps between walls and there’s messy graffiti (vaguely phallic and highly inappropriate) here and there. It’s not pretty but it’s fun walking through here, better than dozing off in class anyway.
The clicking sound grabs your attention. The thought of anyone else being here doesn’t make you very comfortable, but what could they do? There’s no way they’d land you in trouble without facing the same fate. You shrug and take slow, daunting steps towards the source. You might as well figure out who’s there.
You peek out from behind the concrete wall, only able to see a figure in a dark blue hoodie. Only a moment later, though, your eyes inevitably trail to the artwork on the wall.
It’s half done—without an outline or final touches. The strokes of paint make up what looks like a dragon skeleton, its wings spread out and a hollow look in its eyes. Even so, it’s funny to find it smiling. What stands out, though, is the burst of colour it’s made of. And without any prompt, you know it’s him—the mystery juvenile artist of your town. Why did he have to paint it here, where most people would never see it?
You step out from behind the wall, forgetting your hideout. It’s not like you’ll ever give away this artist’s identity, the only person who has the guts to make this place colourful. You’re about to call out when he turns and you freeze, your face morphing into disbelief.
“It’s you?!” you exclaim. This has to be a joke—what on earth is going on?
Renjun yelps at your appearance, dropping the spray can as he stumbles backward. He stands there horrified, eyes wider than usual and mouth apart in a stagnant pose.
“You’re following me again!” Renjun seems to have found words.
“I’m not following you, you dimwit,” you snapped. “I just happened to be here.”
“At least make up something more elaborate.” He takes a step towards you, still standing on the raised concrete between the walls.
You glare at him. “It’s true. I don’t care what you’re up to. But you’re the guy who’s been making these?”
You point to the painted wall, not wanting to believe a demon made something beautiful.
“And what if I am?” he snarls and steps off onto the ground in front of you. You’d be afraid of the look on his face, but you’ve seen it often.
“I could report you,” you say, almost smiling. You’ve wanted to see him squirm for a long time now.
You turn heel and walk inside, but Renjun runs after you, stopping only when you turn.
“What?” you ask, your smile smug.
He grabs your arm hastily before he pushes you against the wall, his hand gripping your shoulder too tight. There’s no doubt he’s learnt how to intimidate people. There are streaks of blue and yellow on the web of his thumb and parts of his wrists. The corridor is silent without lingering students, almost eerie without the buzz.
“Don’t you dare tell anyone.” He’s looking at you intensely, almost frantic. Of course, holding secrets takes courage.
You laugh, and he furrows his eyebrows, his frown deepening.
“What are you going to give me in return?”
Renjun scowls. He’s about to answer when you’re interrupted by a rather shrill yet familiar voice.
“No making out in the hallways!” your history teacher scolds. “I can’t believe you’re skipping class for this. I would say detention but I’m in a good mood. Jesus Christ, I know you’re young but there’s a time and place for everything.”
He leaves, his grumbling fading out soon but the two of you are frozen. You can see the red that’s flushed Renjun’s skin and you wonder if you look the same. His eyes are wide, his hand still in place against your shoulder. In his haste, Renjun had left no space between the two of you; in fact, if he were to dip his head a little lower, he’d have his lips brushing against yours.
Your cheeks flare up at the thought and you shove Renjun off you.
“That was- we weren’t- that didn’t happen,” you say quickly, your voice a pitch higher.
“That didn’t happen,” Renjun agrees, still flustered, the pink bathing his face and neck.
There’s an awkward silence before Renjun speaks again, a warning tone lacing his words.
“Don’t tell anyone.”
“You could add a ‘please’, at least.” The look on his face is way too enjoyable. You wait for him to realize you mean it and the look progresses into something even more fun.
“Don’t tell anyone…pl…uh, please.”
Renjun turns a few shades redder. Life just got far more splendid.
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Renjun sighs enough times for Jaemin to take notice. The last thing he wants is for Jaemin to mother him but he needs some answer to his problem (you) too. He could kick the telephone pole beside him right now, but there’s no point in hurting himself. He slumps back against the wall.
“So did you finally ask (name) out? I heard rumours of you two…you know,” Jaemin grins, his tone more than teasing.
“Why the fuck would I ask (name) out?” Renjun tries his best to get his disgust across to Jaemin, though the warmth in his cheeks probably gives his embarrassment away.
“I mean, you’re always talking about them.”
“Because they make my life hell! And I’m not always talking about…them.”
Jaemin laughs and Renjun wants to kick him instead. Jeno breaks into a short laugh beside him but quickly recomposes himself at the glare Renjun sends his way. Have his friends always been this annoying? Donghyuck is thankfully absent and Yangyang’s probably hanging out at the bike garage. His friends like to add salt to cuts and wounds. And Renjun’s only used to the physical kind.
He sighs again, toning down the thoughts. If he thinks, he thinks of you and your ways of making him miserable. The smug look on your face had made Renjun want to set fire to something, preferably you.
“You guys don’t understand,” Renjun whines, “I literally got threatened to be reported to the police. By someone who hates me and will probably do it.”
Jaemin and Jeno exchange a look and it irks Renjun all the more.
“I don’t think it’s that serious,” Jeno says, “Or that (name) will do it.”
“Just talk it out,” Jaemin adds.
That’s nice and all but Renjun thinks they’ve completely missed the point. He’s dealing with the root of all his miseries and he sees no easy solution to this. For all he knows, you could be a demon launched directly from hell to make him pay for his crimes. Renjun shakes his head. He doesn’t want to think that way.
“Whatever,” Renjun sighs, “I’ll figure it out.”
It’s easier to get to solutions when it’s other people’s problems.
Jaemin wiggles his eyebrows and Renjun shoves him playfully, a smile falling into place.
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You raise an eyebrow. You made a face when Renjun approached you as you left school but now that he’s piqued your interest, you relax against the wall. There’s no one around at this time in the park.
“You’re really making a deal?” You grin, hoping it gets on Renjun’s nerves.
“Yes,” he responds through clenched teeth. “Just don’t say something too outrageous.”
You press your finger to your lips, squinting your eyes to think. Renjun taps his foot impatiently and you almost consider whacking him across the head to stop the noise. There is no way you’d ever get along with him.
“Be my date for prom.”
“What?!” Renjun sputters.
You burst into a fit of laughter; the look on his face is far more enjoyable than anything you’ve seen so far this year. You like Renjun owing you.
“I’m kidding. I don’t have anything in mind,” you say, “I’ll let you know when I do.”
Renjun groans, drooping his shoulders. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re awful?”
“Multiple people actu—wait, I’m awful?! You’re the one with mean comments, little graffiti man.”
“Don’t call me that,” he snaps. “You’ve been making me miserable ever since I came here—oh, don’t make that face, it’s true!”
You cross your arms and try ignoring Renjun’s look of disdain. After a moment of hesitation, you sigh.
“I never meant to,” you say, voice softer.
Renjun blanks out for a moment and you use it to get back to the dilemma at hand.
“I won’t tell anyone,” you clarify, “But…you have to show me how you make the murals.”
Renjun frowns. “I don’t like that.”
“The alternative is agreeing to do whatever I say whenever I want till either of us dies.”
Renjun throws his head back, a sigh escaping his lips. “Fine. I’ll take you to the next place I work on. You better keep your end of the deal.”
“Of course.”
You smile. As much as you hate to believe the one person you admired for their creations turned out to be a demon, you’re curious. You might as well make the most of this situation while it lasts.
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You won’t admit you lost sleep on a Friday night because you were excited to see Renjun spray paint a wall. It’s almost embarrassing, considering the history you have with him but you can’t deny what’s standing so clear in front you. The art you’ve saved in your precious folder in your gallery, its secrets will be laid open soon.
“You know, I heard this place is haunted,” you hum.
Renjun freezes in his path, and you almost bump into him. He turns around with distress across his face, eyebrows knit together.
“Don’t say that,” he says a little too quickly.
You narrow your eyes at him. “You’re afraid of ghosts?”
“No,” he starts, “Yes. A little bit. Whatever. This place is not haunted.”
You giggle. You didn’t expect Renjun of all people to have that look on his face. You know he’s not a tough guy (or, you refused to acknowledge he could be) but wouldn’t the school love to see him like this. He’s always come off as a little detached, uncaring of the world around him and he’s got scratches and bruises on him like he really doesn’t care which fight he’s picking. Of course the school got to talking about him—the foreign student with a mean temper and a rare smile. (“It gives him a rare charm! His laugh sounds so dreamy…” You rolled your eyes at your friends. “No. He’s just mean. And says mean things. You know. Like a mean person.”)
No one comes into this part of the subway station at night. The line is closed off during these hours, and you wonder how Renjun found out the hidden entrance. It's not easy to search over unchanging walls. The tunnel lights barely work, but the warm glow shoos away any unnerving feeling to leave empty spaces. It’s strange to not see platforms bustling with people; this one offering painted seats and large advertisements to no one now.
“What’re you going to make today?” you ask, making sure to not fall behind.
“Something simple,” he responds, taking the cans out of his satchel. “Maybe a remake of Starry Night.”
That does not classify as simple in your books, but you shrug, taking a seat by one of the tunnel walls.
Watching Renjun work is far different from staring at final products. The way his hands move in a fluid motion, the way he sprays the lines and curves with precision, the way he fills out the spaces with colour—you wish you could record all of it too. The clicking of the cans every time he shakes them is oddly satisfying, so are the full colours that transform the wall. His focus is trained and you maintain your silence, not wanting to break the encased time. You want to say you’re impressed, say it’s breath-taking to watch what he’s doing. But words don’t come easy at the cost of pride.
You tilt your head to focus on the large bruise-like mark on his hand. You thought it was paint, then a bruise but you can’t quite figure it out.
“What’s that?” you ask, tapping your own hand.
“A birthmark.” Renjun pauses momentarily to answer before turning back to his work.
You wonder how you never noticed that before. It’s like a little nebula, fitting for a boy who paints the sky with such adoration.
You don’t know how long you’ve been there but when you check your watch, time’s almost over. A little less than an hour left, you notify Renjun.
You never realized the importance of finishing touches. Neither did you ever think you’d find Van Gogh on subway walls.
An overused painting but there are Renjun’s touches to it—small tweaks in the colour and shape. There are still whirling clouds, bright stars and a sweet crescent moon. The village, though dark, somewhat adds meaning to the comfort of the lights from the houses. You shouldn’t forget why something was painted, Renjun had remarked as you were making your way here. This Starry Night holds no mourning, however.
“It’s lovely,” you say, finally. “I can’t believe you made this in a subway tunnel.”
Renjun looks up from organizing the spray cans back into the satchel. There’s a faint glow across his cheeks and he turns back to his bag quickly. His voice is unsteady when he speaks. “Thanks.”
You take your time searching for an angle with enough lighting to photograph it. Renjun looks at you dubiously at first but he steps aside with an indecipherable expression, his lips twitching at the corners.
The footsteps catch your attention. You share a look with Renjun, a cautious one when they get closer and you immediately move to stand near him.
“If that’s a police officer, I think we’re both going to jail,” you whisper.
“Or if it’s a ghost, I don’t think I’ll know what to do.”
“You seriously think it’s a ghost?!”
Renjun can’t answer for a figure comes into view, who most certainly belongs to higher authorities you’re not supposed to upset. Instead of saying anything, you share a look with Renjun and the two of you take off running. The adrenaline has already spiked into your veins as you follow your companion, who unquestionably knows his ways around these tunnels. You hear shouts from someone who’s most likely a patrolling guard but you keep running till an exit appears and you get out into the fresh summer air. You only feel the breeze for a moment before you have to break into a sprint again. You can tell dawn is on its way with the glint of the sky.
You can still hear trouble behind you as you leave the area and somewhere into your escape, Renjun takes a hold of your hand to keep you from tripping.
You reach the school dorms out of breath, sweat coating your skin and muscles throbbing. The two of you breathe heavily before a smile creeps onto your face and you laugh (or rather, wheeze) despite your lungs aching. Renjun looks at you incredulously and smiles back, the moment almost delicate. There’s a brief second when the two of you realize your hands are still clasped in each other’s and you let go with a start. You’ll brush this under the carpet too, of course.
“I hate running,” Renjun says in between huffs, bent over with his palms on his knees. “But the look on your face…I can’t stop thinking of it.”
Renjun breaks into laughter, the dimple on his cheek showing and making his features all the more pleasant.
You shake your head at him, deciding to let this one slide.
“I’ll treat you to breakfast at Red’s,” you say, unsure why you’re doing this. You don’t have to, but you feel like you should. It’s not every day you see the flicks of an artist’s wrists.
“Shouldn’t you get home? You live pretty far,” he says.
“It’s only a ten-minute subway ride,” you shrug, “How do you know I live far anyway? Does this mean you’re the one stalking me? Hm?”
“You’ve said you live far before, dumbass,” Renjun replies, his ears turning red.
You grin at him, hoping Red’s has opened for breakfast.
And just like that, you find you’ve both cast aside your differences. Everyone who knows you are in awe when you and Renjun simply shrug at the idea of being partners for a project. Only Jeno and Jaemin look smug when you laugh at what Renjun says, while Donghyuck and some of your friends leave teasing remarks. Your accidents have decreased by a decent amount and Renjun no longer glares holes into the back of your head in Calculus and Geography. In fact, you’ve been having civil conversations (save for light insults and jokes like between friends) and although something has changed, it doesn’t feel odd at all, like this was meant to be.
You don’t miss any opportunity to trail behind Renjun every time he comes up with something new to paint. It’s not like he keeps it secretive enough from you and although he acts annoyed, you think he’s glad to not venture into creepy, abandoned places alone. He’s a little bit of a coward, but a brave artist nonetheless. You’re lucky that more often than not, it’s a clean getaway (though Chenle’s snooping around the police station helps). Somewhere along the way, you shoved off your unnecessary hatred for Renjun. The night never ages when you’re together.
You sit atop the ledge of an apartment rooftop with Renjun beside you. There’s a bunch of obsolete items stashed around the small space—an old vending machine, partly broken flower vases, a rusted bicycle and more—some entertained by the overgrown vines cradling them. Renjun’s finished painting the floor of the roof, a sunflower field with vague meaning and a tiny Moomin hiding in between. This building will be gone soon and no one would find this one easily, yet he painted here. You don’t understand why he works on things that don’t last.
The building is too short for you to view the skyline; it’s quite dazzling to look at during night-time but it’s morning now. Thus, you only have the sky’s pink clouds and Renjun to keep your company interesting enough.
“I mean, come on. Don’t tell me you’ve never thought this way,” Renjun continues rambling, “If the universe doesn’t give a shit about you anyway—why shouldn’t you do whatever the hell you want? Our lives are too small when you compare it to stars and planets. And even they don’t matter in the end!”
“Optimistic nihilism is not an excuse to wreak havoc, Renjun,” you sigh. The breeze is finally picking up on the rooftop. Empty apartment buildings are hard to find these days. Of course, you’ve only learnt that because of Renjun.
Renjun rolls his eyes. “It’s not like you’re an angel, you know?”
You feign a shocked expression, hand flying over your heart. “But you’re the one in black, Mr. Huang Renjun. And I’m the one in a white sweatshirt, looking as angelic as I can be.”
Renjun drops his head to rest his cheek against his palm, the look of distaste across his face.
“You have no idea how miserable you made me all these years,” he huffs. “I remember when you dropped the pottery mud on me in sixth grade—you ruined my figurine and I never got to wear that shirt again!”
“Why do you remember what I did to you in sixth grade?”
“You expect me to forget tha—you don’t look very apologetic either.” He narrows his eyes at you.
“I swear I never meant to do any of that!” you defend, shaking your head profusely, “Maybe a little sometimes. But mostly never.”
Renjun breathes out, a defeated sigh tumbling out. He turns back to the sunflowers on the roof, a brief flash of respite passing his features. The following moments are coloured with silence and you lean back onto your arms. You can see the beautifully simple tattoo of Saturn on his left wrist peeking out of his sleeve. Renjun doesn’t like showing it to people often, and it’s not very easy to spot it either with his love for jackets and long sleeves. He said he wasn’t really thinking when he got it, just thought it was pretty. You think it’s just like him.
If you were to reach out right now, you could run your thumb over the ink, feel the skin. Your face turns warm. This is not supposed to be the feeling you get. You must not think the words, or you’ll accept them for reality.
You’ve started thinking this lately, but Renjun isn’t a bad person. He might be too honest for his own good but he has a strong sense of right and wrong, something your class is not wrong for admiring. He’s said he wants to be brave one of these passing days, (“I don’t want to run all the time. Just from the cops maybe. And anyone with a weapon.” “Glad to know you’re not going to jail any time soon.” “Don’t look so disappointed.”). You think he already is brave for being true to himself. He’s not always impulsive either, and he’s surprisingly kind often. He’s clever with his words, not just annoying. You realize you’ve seen only a shadow of him before. You feel guilty for having been so harsh.
“It’s funny,” he says, a small smile on his face, “People who know usually question me why I do this first. You haven’t questioned me yet.”
“Why do you do this?”
“I don’t know.” Renjun shrugs. “I just wanted to shove my feelings somewhere, I guess. You know. Choose your own sin, that kinda thing.”
“That’s nice,” you say, your smile mirroring his. “You don’t have to show off, Mr. Artist.”
Renjun laughs, his eyes twinkling with the stars. He doesn’t have to look like that. You look away for fear of delving deeper, something unknown gripping you. There’s an uncomfortable feeling choking you, its dark hands constricting around your neck. This isn’t good. You must not think the words, the feelings or they will become reality.
You get up suddenly.
“You think I can jump across to the opposite building?” It’s no use. The red must have started blossoming over your neck and ears already. No matter; you have to run away from this feeling somehow.
“What the fuck?”
“Treat me to ice-cream if I succeed,” you say, the adrenaline rushing in. Much better than whatever the hell had gripped you. The gap’s not that large; if you get enough momentum, you can leap onto the building’s ledge. You can run away.
Renjun stands up in haste.
“Did you get hit on the head?” He takes a step towards you. “Why the hell do you think this is a good idea?”
“Doesn’t hurt to try.”
Before you can step on the ledge, however, Renjun’s hand shoots to grip your wrist, the touch burning your skin.
Oh, you definitely know what this feeling is. You’re not sure what the outcome will be, especially when a mere touch to the wrist can bloom red all across your skin, free so many butterflies in your chest and stomach. You’re almost ashamed of yourself, yet a voice inside you is smug; it was bound to happen. Renjun pulls you down off the ledge and lets go.
“Oh, well. The last one to reach the ground treats ice-cream!” you declare before you rush to the door at lightning speed, and swing it open to exit. You don’t want your feelings written all over your face for him to read.
“No- what?! That’s cheating!” Renjun scrambles behind you, his voice full of annoyance, but a different kind than before. You wish it hadn’t changed, but you’re also not quite complaining.
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Renjun hates this feeling more than he’s ever hated you. In fact, he can’t remember the feeling of hating you anymore. He wonders if it’s okay to have these thoughts about you.
Renjun spots your figure on the couch by yourself. Jaemin’s parties have two kinds of people—people drunk out of their minds and people only here by peer compulsion. He can’t say he’s ever seen you at parties before, maybe once or twice, not that he’s cared—he only wanted to avoid you then. He fidgets with the yellow sleeves of his sweatshirt; he doesn’t usually wear something this bright but he’ll blame you once more. He wishes you hadn’t been so elusive lately; a part of him feels weary without you and a part curses him for that.
Renjun’s heart leaps to his chest when he sits beside you, only to be greeted with a sweet smile and flushed cheeks. Stop looking at me like that, he wishes he could think the words into existence. There are scores of emotions tangled up inside him with no way to untie the multicoloured knots. It takes a while to calm his heartbeat, and even then, it’s unnatural.  He might as well tell you at this point—tell you that he likes you, that he’s wanted you more than he’s ever wanted anyone. He read somewhere that summer is a good time to let out your feelings although he can’t be sure of the credibility of the article.
You’ve always been a problem for him, this stupid, annoying problem he wanted to get rid of as soon as he could. And yet, you’ve given him the sweetest picture of all. He doesn’t usually play this game—in fact, he’s never done anything like this before. He feels embarrassed every time he drifts past his daydream, wanting you to kiss him, caress his cheek and run your fingers through his hair. These thoughts feel more illicit than anything he’s ever done. Renjun feels weak in the head when you tug at his sleeve.
“Hi,” you greet, still smiling. Renjun desperately wishes you wouldn’t look at him like that.
Just confess, the voice inside his head tells him. Get it out of your system.
However, the words halt on his tongue. This is the voice he’s been saying no to ever since you looked at him with wonder, with stars tugging your smile by those subway walls.
He needs to swallow his pride to confess— but just what is he doing? This is not what was supposed to happen, this is not something he’d ever imagine a few months ago. He’s practised the words, but he can’t look you in the eye. He can’t tell you, oh no. It’s easier to run away.
You tilt your head, your gaze soft and Renjun feels a sigh leave his mouth.
“I like you,” he blurts out. “Yes. I, uh, l-like you. That’s what I meant to say- what I’ve been meaning to say. For a while.”
“Oh, thank you,” you say, “That’s very sweet of you.”
You burst into a fit of giggles. Renjun is only slightly baffled as he examines your condition. Out of all the ways he’d imagined you reacting to his confession, this was not one of them.
“Are you- are you drunk?!” he asks, the realization dawning upon him. You reek of alcohol, he finds with a sniff.
“What? No. Go back to being sweet. What were you saying again?”
Renjun places his face in his hands and groans. Not only did his horribly timed confession go unheard, but also he’ll undoubtedly have to carry your drunk ass back home. He definitely does not want your family finding him with you in this state.
“How much did you drink?” Renjun asks with a grimace, helping you up.
“Renjun. You’re adorable,” you say, wrapping your arms around his torso. He freezes immediately, resisting an urge to push you off him. This is strange, the feeling is strange. Renjun’s cheeks have risen a few degrees, his chest blooming with electricity and his ears will blow steam if he doesn’t do anything soon.
“We need to get you home,” he says, the syllables distinct.
“How could I go home?” you whine, wrapping your arms tighter around him.
Renjun resists another urge to smack you over the head. His heartbeat is frantic at this point, and he wants nothing more than the sweet relief of death to free himself from you. Besides alcohol, he can smell strawberries, possibly from your shampoo, and a dash of fabric softener. You’re warm and comfortable, annoyingly so. If you stay like this, he might not be able to bear the thought of you moving away from him.
Of course, Jeno has to find the two of you like this, your head in the crook of his neck and arms wrapped around him as his own balance you. In the middle of the living room, you look like young lovers who have forgotten the rest of the room, the world. There are people all around, yet no one cares.
Better Jeno than the others, Renjun thinks when he meets his friend’s eyes, although Jeno can be equally teasing.
“Help me get them home,” Renjun says, pulling you apart and holding you steady. You let out a complaint that he ignores.
“You could take them to the dorms,” Jeno offers. “It’s nearby.”
“What?!” Renjun didn’t realize his pitch could rise that high. “Can’t they…stay here?”
“The rooms are occupied. Besides, your roommate’s on vacation, right? You can take the top bunk,” Jeno suppresses an amused smile. Renjun hates him looking so smug.
“Okay,” he says, “I’ll…do…that.”
“Need help sneaking (name) in?” Jeno has a teasing lilt to his voice.
“No, I’m good,” Renjun responds quickly. Jeno won’t let him live, will he?
In the end, with much difficulty, Renjun actually manages to sneak you in and with even more difficulty, he gets you to sit on the bed.
“I like you like this,” you say with a laugh. “I wish you’d always be this nice. And loving. And nice. Everyone would love you more. Not as cool guy Renjun. But sweet guy Renjun. I love sweet guy Renjun.”
Renjun sighs heavily. “If I gave all my love away like that, do you think people would care about me for me?”
He shakes his head. There’s no way he’s having a coherent conversation with you right now.
“I would,” you respond, your voice meek.
Renjun ignores your answer; you must be too drunk to think right now. With a hurried goodbye, he turns off the lights and clutches his heart tighter to bed.
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You clear your throat, trying desperately to distract yourself from certain memories of last night and the fact that you’re currently in the school dorms, likely in Renjun’s room.
The afternoon has bled well into wisps of the evening, and you look around more nervous than ever. You remember clinging onto Renjun a little too tight, your hands around his waist—it’s the first time you’ve touched him save for the occasional swatting at his hands or punches to the shoulder. What would the school think of you two warmed up so close to each other like that—what would Renjun think of your stupid drunk self holding on to him like that?
Or even worse, what if you said something? What if you let slip something important at a time when words don’t mean as much?
The door opens and you flinch, turning your head to find the object of your afflictions. Renjun blinks for a moment or two before he sits beside you. He’s wearing a thin jacket; it’s not cold outside but he prefers those anyway. There are a gash and a bruise on his cheek and you wonder which obviously larger and stronger opponent he pissed off again.
“I thought you’d never wake,” Renjun says, nodding to emphasize. “That’s my bed, by the way.”
“Who’d you get into a fight with?” You shift closer, narrowing your eyes.
Renjun sighs, making a face. “Some idiot. Why does that matter?”
“Hold that tongue of yours for once,” you chide.
He heaves a noise of annoyance. “What are you, my mom? I let you sleep here all of last night and most of today—and the first thing you do is complain. I could’ve left you at Jaemin’s house, you know?”
“See! That’s what I’m talking about—you have no control over what you say sometimes,” you state, an old feeling bubbling up. “You pick a fight with everyone.”
“No. Everyone picks a fight with me and they do that because they hate the truth.” He pauses to let his frown show in his eyes. “Are you telling me I shouldn’t tell people to stop being rude to waitresses or tell the other kids to stop whining about not doing anything? They know the truth too.”
“When will you realize there are things more important than the truth?” Your voice is louder already. But you don’t think you mean the words; they’re just cowardly, from a person too afraid to lay their feelings out in the open.
“So you’ve decided to be this way then,” he says, scowling already. This is an old scene alright.
“I’m just telling you what might help—God, never mind,” you say, standing up quickly, “This what I hate about you. You’re just- there are just so many things I hate about you.”
No, you don’t mean any of this but habits die slow.
Renjun looks up at you silently. The sunlight makes its way to his cheek, caressing it with golden hues. His hair brushes against his browbone, the sun apparent in the brownish loose strands. The gash on his cheek is unbecoming but if anything, it highlights the rosy hues of his lips and nose. You’ve never been this infuriated yet fascinated with someone before. Your hands twitch, head still clouded with unfamiliar thoughts and a hangover. You wish you hadn’t snuck a look at his lips.
“Go on then,” he whispers, eyes flickering down for barely a moment, “Tell me what you hate about me.”
Do you take the risk? You hold the fragile thread against your thumb, a small tug required to snap it off.
You pull him up by the lapels of his jacket into a kiss, his lips rough against yours. The force of your pull sends the two of you stumbling backward three steps before your lower back hits the side of the study desk. You hold your position, your shaking hands bunching up the cloth you tightly hold.
When he doesn't respond, you feel a tremor of panic—maybe you shouldn't have been so hasty, maybe you figured wrong. You pull away with a start, an apology popping up on your lips and warmth across your face. But in the brief stretch of a moment, Renjun slides one arm around your waist and the other against the table for balance, his torso relaxing as he pushes against your lips again to further the kiss.
When you pull away, Renjun’s face is a sweet shade of pink. He looks embarrassed for a moment before he furrows his eyebrows, lips curving to a frown.
“You shouldn’t go around crashing your lips onto other people’s,” he scolds.
Your face flushes hot and you stumble over words to excuse yourself.
“Sorry,” you say, “I should have asked.”
“You’re lucky I like you,” he mumbles. “You’re lucky I wanted to kiss you the moment I entered this room.”
You feel another rush of warmth to your cheeks. Renjun is no different, face splashed pink from his words and your actions.
Renjun dips his head and you press your lips against his in another kiss, this one much calmer as a promise, the feeling already getting familiar. Maybe fate had different plans all along and the two of you misunderstood. Or perhaps, you’ve fallen into something fate forgot to acknowledge, perhaps fate grew tired.
Renjun pulls away first, lips parting into an open smile. Your heart swells, all the contempt inside driven out.
“I was wrong,” you confess, “I was wrong about you- about a lot of things, actually.”
“I’m glad we’re on the same boat,” he says softly.
You bury your head against his neck again, the smell of summer wind and green tea hand cream wafting in. You can’t quite describe it but you’ve grown used it, the scent and the warmth. You’ve grown used to Renjun as a person now and not as the bane of your existence.
“You know, I actually wouldn’t mind,” Renjun says.
“Going to prom with you.”
You laugh. He looks away bashfully, the dimple appearing once more and you know right then you’ve been wrong in cursing fate—this is a gift that took time, one you unwrapped late. He’s only occasionally timid, not looking to pick a fight and you want to cherish moments like these. You don’t have to say things to mean them with him; you don’t have to hold his hand to feel warmth. Whatever had been set up for you, the two of you have finished it and as your mother says, only once in a blue moon does fate betray its course.
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crypticsewerslut · 3 years
Chart Reading for @demonxluxrosez <3
Sorry it's not in order and its alot more than my normal readings I loved your chart and havent done one in awhile sorry if it's not accurate bestie i tried. Thought I'd mention the like "pov" is so messed up I switch between they and your, but whatever.
Immediately theres a lot of Scorpio energy (Aswell as Gemini but I'll get there) with a Scorpio rising, 8th house stellium, and a few Scorpio degrees. Starting off with your rising I'd say an oval face, nice jawline, and smaller eyes. Your eyes are probably a more prominent feature on your face even if you dont have a "fierce gaze" their still alluring. As they get older they tend to like more flashy clothes which I live for😌, good taste in fashion. I feel like Scorpio risings dont get enough credit for this but they're very loyal, they just have trust issues. No body talks about this but your noses are perfect istg. Idk if they're necessarily intimidating or mysterious but I do know that they go through some emotional turmoil 😀. INTUITIVE. But possessive, I'd love to be your friend but I could never date a Scorpio rising.
I really wanna talk about their Gemini Mercury, I love that placement. 1st of all 7th house mercury may lean towards younger partners (but they had said it was the opposite). You guys are so smart and yes book smart but also I associate you guys with someone who is very straight up, which my Sag Sun LOVES. In my experience you guys are typically more politically progressive or far left (love to hear it). They talk alot though, and your Gemini stellium probably enhances that. Even if their grades arent fantastic (I'm not saying they arent) your still so god damn smart. Expect miscommunication with this placement.
Cancer Mars, not familiar with it your the first person I met that has this placement tbh. In the case of fighting I'd say this is either overwhelming aggression and underlying manipulation/gaslighting we all got our toxic traits babe. It important to remember that cancers are moody. In the case of sex I've heard 2 things, they like to see their partner in pleasure and prefer being submissive or very aggressive and the opposite. But you do have alot of 8th house energy that well get into later, so you could definitely be into some things that arent vanilla even bdsm. As far as what house your Mars is in I've seen a post about deep penetration and thigh rubbing but idk🧍‍♀️
Aries Moon is such a fun placement and as a fellow fire moon I love this placement, as we tend to get along well. Most fire moons tend to have the same stubbornness and sense of humor that makes me LOVE to hang out with them. Anyways this isnt confirming anything but every Aries moon I've met had a case of mommy issues (felt✊) I'm not saying you have an awful relationship with your mom, it's just something I've picked up on. You guys arent necessarily determined though, I'm sure your sick of hearing it but theyll start something and put it off for months. Nobody talks about how sarcastic Aries moons are.
Gemini Venus, also never met someone with it. I'd say very social (debatable) and likeable. When looking for a partner they may prefer someone that they see not just as a s/o but also a friend. They also look for someone who's open sexually as Venus and lilith are in the 8th house.
Jupiter Virgo in the 10th house, luck career wise. So great reputation and job. Could have interest in more creative jobs musician, artist, etc. A more mature yk logical approach towards their career. In my experience people with this placement are the mom friend or act a lion maternal when something goes wrong in their friends life. Father figure had impossible standards and helped contribute to intense self esteem issues.
A Gemini Lilith in the 8th house, starting off with the house placement I'd say there are higher chances of them being into things like bdsm and I'm just gonna guess a top or a switch. Might hide a few things for fear of rejection. Psychoanalyzes people and uses it to their advantage.
Saturn Cancer 8th house. Its giving daddy issues 🤭. Anyways, showing vulnerability is something hard for you as you protect it. Could have pretty bad paranoia. Trust issues are something you may struggle with. You need emotional stability as you attract dangerous coping mechanisms. Father could be money oriented to the point that it causes your family harm or he acts possessive to show he cares but rather does it for control.
Uranus Pisces in the 4th, lack of stability in the home, I saw a tumblr saying this placement showed signs of moving around frequently in childhood so maybe a parent was in the military? Just a guess I doubt it. Could be rebellion against family or parents. Possible psychic instincts or strong intuition.
Chiron Capricorn 3rd house, has a hard time speaking out and specifically standing up to parental figures. Feels like they arent being heard. Give yourself credit for how much you've been through your not a failure. Ambitious.
Pluto Sagittarius in the 2nd house. Opinionated. Higher chance of getting braces. Enjoyed school and learning when they were younger. A strong want for financial success. Change is hard for you. May go through some time were you feel silenced bytbyoull overcoms it.
Neptune Aquarius in the 3rd house, I've seen a tumblr saying music helps you feel comfortable and focused. Often lightweights. Be careful as drugs seem to be connected to this placement, maybe a siblings with substance abuse or something. Interested in poet or likes writing poetry. Unorganized and is often late.
Body parts associated with health problems are
Bowels, stomachs, breasts, chest, reproductive system, blood, nose, arms, hands, lungs, and shoulders. You could experience pain in one of these or like reproductive system, not able to have kids.
Hopefully its accurate, sorry the point of view I used was messed up and it took longer then expected.
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lost-in-zembla · 4 years
On Metamodernism
It’s tough to grasp metamodernism as an artistic movement but most of us live lives strongly affected by the concepts of metamodernism every day. You’re having a serious conversation with your friend about her mental health; simultaneously, you and your friend are part of a groupchat where you are currently making fun of the very friend you are supporting. This isn’t necessarily disingenuous; you are witnessing two different instances of a person and those two instantiations of you happen to be different depending on context and medium. In part, metamodernism is a kind of acceptance of our multiple selves, our tendency to oscillate between states or even inhabit both in a sort of human superposition.
I taught my friends about metamodernism in our groupchat as my friend Jarett consoled me via one-on-one text after the sudden implosion of my five-year long relationship and the fact that my life is generally unbearable—a fact that is more embarrassing when one considers how easy I have it. It’s sort of a shame feedback loop. 
As I was explaining metamodernism for my own satisfaction, I thought that I might actually make an okay professor. I could teach American literature. Maybe. 
So I get a job teaching at the local community college and my life slowly comes back together like a cut that heals. I am relatively respected by my students and I have some abstract sense purpose, the cracks in the surface of which are only visible if one spends a long, existential period of time contemplating the practical or, god-forbid, spiritual uses of an education in American literature what with the reality of a global climate catastrophe and the approaching drumbeats of right-wing strongmen leaders reaching positions of power all around the world.
But things are pretty good.
I get a parking space. I get an apartment that looks bad, then looks better. I start to open the curtains. I don’t want to hide so much. A year or two down the line I lease a practical car and people treat me with a bit more respect when they see me step out of it. I smile at people in the grocery store. At this point I can see peoples’ mouths when I go outside. When I see their mouths, they’re smiling. They can see my mouth. I’m smiling.
I get to know people and people think I’m lovely. The faculty all look up to me. How young and handsome and intelligent he is! He’ll sure go places, they say. And I do. I quickly earn a raise and then I’m head of the department. And so young! When I’m not inspiring awe I inspire smoldering jealousy. Women? Naturally. And I treat each of them with utmost respect. I value these women for more than the thousands of hours of hot naked ecstasy they provide me. I buy more fresh produce. I throw none of it out.
I single-handedly save the English department at the community college. Funding comes pouring in. Eventually, it becomes one of the premier colleges for literary studies in the Midwest. They rename a building after me. I just turned thirty. Before long, I’m offered a job at the prestigious private university in town, with nods toward a proverbial shoe in the door when it comes to tenure. Unheard of! But he’s just that good. My wrists and forearms become perceptibly thicker. People cross the street in front of traffic to shake my hand. I learn what the fuck “ketosis” is.
Then there I am one day in my cushy office. Rows of leather-bound books fill the shelves around the ample perimeter of the room. I’ve read them all, naturally. My hair has started to grey in places but damn if it’s not as thick and lush as the heart of the Amazon. A knock on the door. My office hours ended at one. I answer and it’s, oh, Claire from this semester’s modern American literature course. Of course I’ve noticed her in class. How could I not? But I’d always maintained a professional and appropriately avuncular demeanor in front of her. She’s twenty-eight, French, gorgeous. Naturally.
We discuss her essay on Light in August and I say to her, you know, Claire, it was the French who were among the first to notice Faulkner’s genius. She puts her hand on my thigh. In her accent that itself somehow resembles a beautiful naked body she says, The French notice lots of things. I slide my attractively thick forearm over the crowded desk space and knock the books and pens and everything onto the floor and—well, let’s just say that my life of success and talent has enhanced me in other ways. And it’s hot and insane and weird and papers fly everywhere. And it sort of just goes on like that for weeks and then months—the relationship, not that particular sexual event. At my age, after all the sex and drugs and joy and tragedy, sometimes I think that it’s the clandestine nature of the thing that really gets me off. Like I need more and more secret or shameful shit to fire off those tired old neurons. I start to become cavalier in front of the students. I begin to, perhaps, show my hand. 
I get another knock on my office, sometime in the Spring. Bill, I say. Come in. He sits down and we engage in a tense discussion where every syllable is laced with a double entendre because he can’t just say it out loud, for Christ’s sake. That’s just not how these things are done. He’s old school, but firm, Bill. She’s graduating anyway, and something tells me when we can finally be together publicly then the thrill will already be gone. 
The students already know. I’ve seen the screenshots. I’ve been memed. Things are tense in class and they can tell that I’ve given up. The fire in my eye that led to my meteoric rise has dimmed to a pathetic ember. Sometimes I take my Audi out on a dark highway outside of town and I press on the accelerator until I can’t go any faster. I have to stop myself from shutting my eyes.
One day in class, I look up from my papers and all the students are out of their desks, standing over me. They’re holding pencils and yardsticks that have been modified into edged weapons. What’s the meaning of this? They use my Tom Ford tie to tie my arms behind me and to my chair. They put me in the center of the room. I knew they would betray me. I’d always known. For years this notion has haunted the deepest recesses of my mind: these people, these kids, are going to be the ones to put this old dog down. Is this because of Claire, I ask. They laugh. They laugh because they think I’m an old fool. I am an old fool.
No, professor, Shellie says. She seems to be the leader. It’s much more serious than that, she says. O life! Everything I’ve ever done. I’ve stomped on people all the way to the top and now it’s all coming back to me, some sort of holdup in the karmic clerical system that led to forty years of consequences all delivered at once. Things were so easy for so long, so fun, that I forgot what it was like to live a life with consequences.
Shut up, she says. You’re here for a reason. What could she know? How did she mobilize all of these students? When did they make the weapons? How many questions could I possibly pose in sequence?
Professor, she says, we have one question for you. Anything, I say. And answer truthfully, she says. And I say of course, of course I’ll be completely honest. Okay, professor, she says, do you consider yourself… a historicist? At this very moment I know it’s over for me. Well, I say, it’s not so simple, Shellie. The mob is in an uproar. A fair bit of verbal sparring ensues. Shellie and the other students in favor of the transcendent nature of literature—whatever that means—and me in favor of a more context-based approach. Sure, if I thought that novels were a good way to learn about history then I’d deserve this. I’d deserve all of this.
How can you read these works outside of their historical context? What about Light in August for God’s sake?  The mob lashes out again—not Faulkner fans, go figure—but Shellie shushes them until the classroom is as silent as the dusty hills of Jerusalem. Literature, she says, is timeless. And this essentially breaks me. I begin weeping openly. You might as well kill me, then, I say. They set upon me like a pack of hyenas. 
A moment or an eternity after my head is pulled off my body like the Bacchae in that Euripides tragedy, I hear waves lap against the rocks. I feel in my face the salty breeze of the ocean. I open my eyes to find a beautiful Mediterranean island. It feels neither hot nor cold. The breeze from the ocean feels perfect, as though there were no storms to be found in any corner of the Earth.
Behind me, inland, I hear the sound of approaching footsteps. I turn around to find Vladimir goddamn Nabokov of all people. It’s perfect. So I tell him the story, how I was murdered by my students over two reductive and non-mutually exclusive schools of thought in literature—two schools of thought that are both perfect lenses through which to view Nabokov’s work. When I tell him he laughs his big Russian laugh and slaps me on the shoulder, and I laugh. Then he hands me a butterfly net and we skip through pleasant hills in that vast and timeless place forever and ever.
No. What’s happening? It’s all slipping away from me now. All the memories, the moments, the time, leaking out of my mind to become something ghostly, an image half-developed, a thought unspoken. I lift my head and look at my hands and there I am, lying on a couch in a high school faculty lounge. My hands are unwrinkled. My body is young. There is no Humanities Wing in my name, no tenure, no Audi. No Claire. Was it all just a dream? Could it all have been just a dream? Is it within the realm of possibility that such an absurdly bad trope could have manifested into my life naturally? Or am I the subject of a cruel and untalented god who simply bats me about and writes hack narratives for me to tumble through like some Sisyphean Rube Goldberg machine? Coffee. Need Coffee.
It’s all silly, anyway. Nabokov and myself cavorting through some weird Elysium? Ridiculous. If that was what the afterlife had in store for me, then Nabokov would probably be hanging out with Pushkin and Tolstoy while maybe Dostoevsky and I build a sandcastle. Maybe. But then, in all likelihood, Nabokov, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and the other cool kids would kick sand in my face and walk off with whatever beautiful ladies happen to inhabit this weird Russian-literary Elysium that I’ve somehow ended up in. I haven’t thought this out very well.
What was this all about, again? Metamodernism. Easy. Let’s think.
As I write this now, behind my computer, watching Youtube videos about sushi, wondering how the sushi will make its way into my writing through mental osmosis (not subtly, it turns out), I look at these instances of me, with the meteoric success or the banal day-to-day life, and I wonder who exactly I am. I am a thousand selves. I am nothing. I am trying to remember into the future who I am. I am a metamodernist—no, I’m not.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
What if the gang had superpowers and went to a superpower school? And how would they use there abilities
I feel like a School for Superpowers would be something more likely to happen in the 2000s, rather than in the 1930s (considering the mindset of the era on things that make people different, and how it’s likely people with powers who are open about it would either be subjected to discrimination or outright ostracized), so that part is out. As such, whatever use they have for said powers (if they have even mastered them that is) would be heavily limited outside of certain situations.
Joey Drew - Copycat. He’s a power sponge that hires people with powers so that he can experiment with different kinds of abilities. Seems obsessed with Henry’s power the most, wanting it for himself but being unable to use it to the same degree as Henry himself;
Henry Stein - Mental Projection. Henry can create Tulpas (objects or beings made real through spiritual or mental powers). Combine that with his imagination and artistic view and you get quite the interesting result;
Sammy Lawrence - Relocation. His body becomes a syrupy fluid that can “teleport” through small cracks and pipes like an actual liquid. Doing it too many times destabilizes his body however, so it’s unwise to do it in excess unless he wants to spend a day stuck as a humanoid blob;
Jack Fain - Invisibility. Mostly activates on its own when he’s spooked/startled as a defense mechanism. Expect to find an “empty” suit and hat walking around the studio on a daily basis;
Susie Campbell - Claw Retraction. Think if Wolverine had beautifully manicured fingernails that can become super sharp claws. She complains that it’s not the most feminine ability, but that it has its perks...Those nails are sharp enough to disembowel a man, so best not get on her bad side;
Norman Polk - Night vision. It’s not the most impressive ability but Norman is a big strong guy, so he doesn’t need special powers to defend himself. He rather likes being able to creep along the darkened bowls of the studio without having the need for a light. His eyes also reflect light so expect to be spooked a lot if you happen to come across him in the dark;
Allison Pendle - Spiritual Perception. She can peek through the veil and perceive the voices or messages left behind by those who’ve passed on. It’s not the easiest ability to discern sense of, but she makes due;  
Thomas Connors - Super Strength. Comes in handy when you work with heavy machinery, not so much when you’re dealing with delicate instruments. Thankfully Thomas is a master of his strength;
Wally Franks - Super Speed. If only he wasn’t so lazy he’d actually use it outside of running away from Sammy or Joey. If he were a hero we all know what his catchphrase would be;
Shawn Flynn - Sonic Scream. If your eardrums can’t bare his usual tone, then get ready for them to burst if he uses his power on you. A rarity really since he’s not particularly fond of hurting others, much less paying for damages his particular range tends to cause;
Grant Cohen - Telepathy. It’s HELL. Grant has to concentrate at all times to block out everyone’s chaotic thoughts and it really stresses him out. It’s an added pressure to his daily life and career as Joey’s accountant;
Buddy Lewek - Astral Projection. A very difficult ability to control as Buddy can potentially become stuck outside his body if he’s not careful enough. His body goes onto autopilot when he’s using his powers, so it appears Buddy is awake and aware but really his personality isn’t there, and he behaves in a rather apathetic manner, making it easy to manipulate his actions;
Bertrum Piedmont - Technopathy. Machines are his bread and butter, and he can manipulate them to his heart’s content. He rose in his career path for building and improving his amusement park rides to do the seemingly impossible;
Lacie Benton - Enhanced Sight. She could spot an ant in a football field if she wanted. It’s a useful skill when you work with Bertrum’s machines, as every detail counts when making them work to such astounding degrees. Makes seeing things a lot more unsettling tho;
Emma LaMonte - Enhanced Stamina. She uses it for dancing. It’s a little lame, you may think, but Emma is a renown world-class dancer for greatly outmatching her rivals and has thus built a career around her skill and seemingly “useless” power;
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declencurran98 · 4 years
Who am i as an artist: Essay & Analysis
I have been a printmaker now for over a year and a half, attempting and producing various types of prints, but as time has went on, I have become more confident in Screen-printing and seems to be my go-to so I will work towards that process in greater depth. Screen-printing is the printing process of transferring a design onto a relatively flat surface or textile by using Ink, a Silk/ mesh screen and Squeegee. Screen-printing has been a constantly evolving process that has become a favourite and Widley used because its colours are so vivid on dark fabrics, allows the printmaker to reproduce a design multiple time of various shapes and sizes, creates bold highly detailed prints with a wide range of inks available. I have become more familiar with this process over my HNC with creating very high standard and multicoloured pieces on various textiles with combining and printing digitally created threshold images onto tracing paper and transferring/ exposing them onto silk screens and for me, it’s a very rewarding process if done right. I have chosen to work towards Screen-printing as I am very organised and fluent in how I produce and style my work. The process and style stand out to me as a printer in terms of how freely you can layer and change the piece if you desire to create a depth on the piece or even develop it into a whole new piece which always gives a new perspective. Over time i would like to produce a portfolio that clearly demonstrates and expresses me as a person and an artist. 
Chuck Sperry
Chuck Sperry is an American Printmaker who has been producing rock-based prints in San Francisco for the past decade. He specialises in multi coloured rock posters which catch the eye upon first glance. His use of colour and topic really depicts what he tries to convey through his style and artwork. His work can be compared to classic cultural murals with the sheer amount of detail and appropriation to colour and topic.
"Empathy" (2021)
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Chuck Sperry. (2021). “Empathy” Blotter Art Release. [online] Available at: https://chucksperry.net/empathy-blotter-art-release-2/ [Accessed 14 Mar. 2021].
When looking at Sperry’s work, its clear he knows how to use colour appropriately, the way he mixes cold and warm colours to create a fresh perspective is quite an accomplishment. When first viewing his piece “Empathy”, my eyes instantly went to the blue section of the artwork as it feels like the coldest part of the image with the outer colours surrounding the blue feeling more enclosed and darker, it’s like Sperry did this intentionally to capture the viewers eye and make you look further into the print. The more I analyse this image, the more patterns I capture in the females skin and the gaps between the green flowers, it adds more depth to an already immersive print, The direction of the females stature facing towards the viewer with her eyes looking right at you creates this sense of mystery and welcoming which makes you want to know back story on her. The overall image gives off the idea that we should accept natural beauty like the female in the image has, she appears to be naturally faced with no make-up enhancements being present and is surrounded by nature in its truest form with no technology or human created materials shown. Sperry has blended floral decoration with natural human physique to give off the impression that this female is one with nature and the calmness in her facial expression makes you feel the same. The choices of colour used on this piece create a distinct aura of fresh and vibrant which adds to the images overall natural beauty, you find yourself being constantly drawn to another part of the image with how the yellow and orange bleed and blend into the green leaves and blue smaller flowers and when your eyes get used to that colour palette, the pink/magenta floral art grabs your attention making you spend more time analysing and investing in this print. The style Sperry has chosen for this image works as its already an busy image with lots of colour so his choice to keep the style simple but adding a lot of detail without it overtaking the image is an accomplishment. Overall this piece works visually and expressively giving the human eye something new to look at the longer the gaze.
Dogboy, also known as Philip Huntington, is a Camberwell College of Arts graduate who mixes and incorporates Screen prints and digital methods in his work. I came across Dogboy when first researching screen-print artists and his work stood out as it was bright, whimsical and mysterious which gives them their impressiveness. Dogboys work spans from the very obvious to the very abstract, showing that they don’t go into every piece produced with an idea of what they are trying to convey.
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Dogboy Illustration. (n.d.). MUTATION. [online] Available at: https://www.dogboy.co/work/illustration/mutation.
Out of all the prints Dogboy has produced, this one stood out to me due to its cold tonal presence. Even if you don’t have an understanding of what is going on in the image, the colour palette used is enough to draw you in and get you thinking. The image itself gives off a sense of helplessness as it depicts some sort of future, dystopian setting with the patterns along the walls and ceiling almost looking like 20th century depictions of spacecrafts on television, “people” horded together in a hole in the middle of the image desperately trying to escape while there are what appear to be “guards” just standing by, watching them pathetically attempt to escape. What makes this image stand out is how controlled yet unpredicting this image is. The amount of detail in this image makes it feel more real as the colour palette draws your eyes with how the turquoise mixes in with the lighter shade to create depth and vibrance in a cold, desolate image. The way Dogboy has kept the black part of the screen-print in the image imperfect adds to the density and darkness of the image while almost making it feel on purpose. When you aren’t drawn to the figures at the bottom, your eyes get drawn to the amount of different patterns and things going on in the top image, the sharp zig-zags and single line colours make the ares of the image seem si-fi and immersive, yet again another part of the image not lacking in detail and intricacy. It’s not clear what Dogboy is trying to convey or portray in this image, but I think that was his idea while creating this piece, To give the viewer no definition of what’s going on apart from the title of the piece and the image itself, to then let the viewers mind create its own depiction of what’s going on. Pieces like this stick in the mind as you’re brain is trying to create an understanding of what you’re visually seeing.
Rob Corradetti
Rob Corradetti is a Bay Area based artist who specialises in Screenprints, paintings, T-shirts, comics and Psychedelic pieces. His style is quoted as “a blend of head shop and punk rock” which he was inspired by in his coming of age in the early 1990’s. The thing that stands out about Robs work is how bright and fun it looks on first glance but makes you want to see more. He has collaborated with many pop culture bands and brands such as VANS, Buzzfeed and Wiz Khalifa. 
"Death At Home" (2016)
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Etsy. (n.d.). Death at Home Screen Print. [online] Available at: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/288520471/death-at-home-screen-print?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details [Accessed 14 Mar. 2021].
I had a look through Robs inventory of prints and its clear in all his pieces that he tries to give insight into different perspectives and his piece “Death At Home” is a great example. The images black background sets the overall tone of the image as it makes the environment seem enclosed and small focusing all your attention on the white outlines and patterns. This type of colour palette works for pieces like this, as theres alot of dexterity and There is so much going on in this image but yet still maintaining its overall image which creates this impressive, eye catchiness to the viewer. My interpretation of what is portrayed in this image is we as humans are so obsessed and reliant on technology that we spend most of our times indoors, In front of a television slowly rotting away in the comforts of our own homes till death. This is shown by the skeletal figure sitting close to the television, smoking and drinking, playing a videogame which states “game over” on the television which could be a metaphor for the once human now skeletal figure playing a game of life that they have now lost. Rob has succeeded in trying to portray this with his bold white and black colour palette blending together and the composition of the image giving the viewer an unknown sense of wonder. The image has so much going on in terms of detail and presence with how each white outline of the garb is its own and if you look even longer, you start to see other patterns and things going on in the image like the spiral swirls and eyes staring at the viewer. The image gives off a feeling of unsureness as it doesn’t really explain what’s going on too much, yet another piece of screen-print that makes the viewer create their own interpretation of this image. The pop art style really lifts the image off the ground and catches the eye even with its two-colour palette which is a great choice. Overall the detail, the matter of the image and the way is composed gives “Death At Home” so much revisit value in terms of what the viewer finds in the image and their interpretation. The image upon multiple viewings gives off this aura of Horror and when you delve into the image and what it stands for, it works. 
Chuck Sperry
Chuck Sperry. (n.d.). About. [online] Available at: https://chucksperry.net/about/.
Netdna-ssl.com. (2021). [online] Available at: https://3nmir91xseyl7jrgx40dgp41-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/EMPATHY-BLOTTER.jpg [Accessed 14 Mar. 2021].
Chayasatit, A. (2013). People of Print: 20 Screen Print Artists You Should All Know About. [online] People of Print. Available at: https://www.peopleofprint.com/general/people-of-print-20-screen-printers-you-should-know-about/.
Dogboy Illustration. (n.d.). MUTATION. [online] Available at: https://www.dogboy.co/work/illustration/mutation.
Rob Corradetti
tumblr. (n.d.). Tumblr. [online] Available at: https://robcorradetti.com/info.
Etsy. (n.d.). Death at Home Screen Print. [online] Available at: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/288520471/death-at-home-screen-print?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details [Accessed 14 Mar. 2021].
Wordcount: 1537
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getyourblisson · 5 years
A Look At March 2020
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A Look At March 2020
The energy of March in general is a time for being creative, exploring possibilities, communications, writing, speaking.  However, it also naturally comes with its share of smooth talkers, con artists, and overall magnetic people.  Magnetic energy is quite high during this month; so the key is sorting out who is coming from pure spirit and truly may be in need of assistance; and who is simply charming and giving a story to get something they want and are not truly in need. On one hand hidden things may come to light; and on another it is easier to have people see only what they want us to see.
 During 2020 success and recognition come forward very strong this month.  So it makes it easier to get noticed than normal.  With the normal March influence that means that we must be careful of those that are narcissistic, jealous, and live strongly in their ego.  They are going to want the attention that they think they should have and want; even if it has not been earned.  Globally, events will go in 2 directions; recognizing those that have made true achievements and made significant enhancements to our planet and well-being, and those that are done specifically to get attention.
 For the most part however, I believe that people will be focused on their own success; and those that are operating with pure intent, are doing things for the sake of personal success and well-being or spiritual progression.  They will not be concerned about getting public recognition. However, this can be a time where those hidden gems can be “found”, even if they are not putting themselves completely out there.
 In essence, if we are engaging our inner alchemist and creator this month; we will be focused on having success with our own spiritual processes and our own plans.  In doing this it will open up the ability to be in our soul abundance and to have greater command over our own life.  This is a great time to put our plans out into the world, and to ask for help from others where needed.  This month shows that what we invest our energy into is creating success and laying the foundation for a fortunate future.  It is also a time where we may receive recognition, success, or the proverbial “harvest” for the efforts we have already made.
 From March 1st – March 19th we are encouraged to engage our leadership energy. This will best be used in bringing people together; especially where they stand in opposition with each other. When opposites enter into a mentoring relationship with each other, tremendous progress and breakthroughs are made. This is a time that favors people coming together in all kinds of relationships.
 During this time the codes show that things will not be able to move forward until people come into harmony; or at least operate with respect for each person’s skills, assets, and wisdom.  The spiritual process must be honored and lessons learned before things can move on. Those in a leader position will know best how to do this through observation.  By watching they will see the hidden talents and skills that other members of the group may not have even identified within their own self.
 The leadership energy comes in many forms.  For those that are not involved in a group, you may still be working as a leader simply by the way you live your life.  This can also be a great time for those that are coaches, counselors, or other such practitioners to gain greater insight into what people in general are struggling with; and thus create in their own style something that will be of assistance with that.
 Relationships while overall and generally positive right now, can still be a bit on the passive-aggressive side.  This is because first the spiritual foundations and interactions need to be in place for the relationship to progress or work; so those without this foundation may feel a great deal of challenge or frustration.  The codes also are showing a competitive energy arising in connection within relationships.
 This means that old lovers may show up to compete for a partner, or even someone current may attempt to interfere with things.  This can really test the strength of a relationship.  A true partner will put a stop to things, and keep their attention on their partner.  However, that is not always enough to stop someone from playing games and causing havoc in their jealousy or resentment for not being able to drive a wedge into where they want to be.
 Partners will have to be fully open and transparent to work past this type of situation; since an aggressive competitor will drop to very low means to get what they want. This can mean spreading lies; and making things appear different than they are.  They can even get as nasty as to create a set-up to appear as if they are with someone that they are not, or to trap someone into appearing they have done something that they haven’t.  So be very careful at this time, and very cautious to not even connect as “friends” if you have no intention of getting back together with this person.
 Jesse once had someone go so far as to interfere with her job that operated under this influence. The person was relentless in destroying her life long after the relationship had ended.  Eventually, the person made enough false complaints that she was fired; which was a devastating blow being that at the time it was her only stable source of income on the road, and it ended up being only 1 month prior to Orlie passing.
 Business partnerships can also experience competitive patterns if they are not strong, and operating with transparency and integrity.  They may find each other over-riding decisions the other has made, creating confusion and chaos with the business and with any employees.  If you are an employee in this situation; refuse to pit managers or owners against each other.  Encourage them to talk things out and come to an agreement.
 Where we find these types of competitions surfacing will be with those that have opposing styles; and they will talk to the one person that they can trust.  This automatically places that person in a leadership position, because both people are in full disclosure of what is happening for them. While I don’t encourage breaching confidentiality, that person can help each person understand more of the other person’s position from an objective point of view.  It is important to not take sides; because when this energy passes, they are likely to be back to being friends unless they are true polar opposites and not actually in a relationship with each other.
 We must be careful with these patterns; because when we are in a position of authority and engage in competition and these types of patterns, we can easily drive away employees or group members that are sincerely trying to help us.  It can cause total chaos.  This is why learning how to integrate the different pieces, or allow people to be “specialists” in their own area becomes more beneficial.
 A big key during this period is to keep re-directing back to core spiritual processes and principles; when we do that and keep that at the center of what we are working on then we are able to strengthen our relationships.  Those partnerships and relationships that are able to stay out of competitive patterns or maneuver through them are likely to increase in strength and stability; and have the potential to be lasting for us.  No matter which dynamic happens, it will be very eye opening and provide great clarity and insight for whether our relationships are worth continuing with and investing ourselves in.
 From March 20th – March 31st personal time and processes are favored.  After the first couple of weeks of this month, it is likely that you will be ready to focus on yourself instead of others. There may be some stress, tension, or anxiety that is surfacing; and you may not even really be certain where it is coming from or what it is about.
 Most likely this is growth energy; and things are ready to move, but not quite in motion just yet. There may be a sense of uncertainty, or not understanding what is about to happen; only knowing that you sense something is going to happen.  The key when this pattern shows up, is to remember that it may be something wonderful unfolding.  Uncertainty does not always mean foreboding or negative things.  It is simply something that we don’t have full understanding or awareness of things just yet; but our soul is saying to stand by because things will be happening soon.
 This is a good time for a personal retreat, and for re-connecting with your own self.  It is a great time to focus on you and what you want to be doing.  Personal power is activated, and the choices we make and the actions we take during this time have a bigger impact than normal.  Our thoughts, feelings, and actions will be impacting all of our existences and all aspects of ourselves.  This means that you have the opportunity to do big things if you want to.
 It is important that you tune into what is best for you; and to make your own decisions at this point. Decisions will bring the best results if they are focused on creating greater freedom and ability for you to pursue your own path in life.  This time favors relationships as well; however, it favors those relationships where there is a deep soul connection; and where there is honoring, acceptance, and support of each person being true to their own self.  Relationships that thrive at this time, do so because each person is free within the relationship and is able to fully be who they are within it.
 If there is something that you would like to further or progress for yourself at this time, then it can also be a great time to connect with others that can help you out. Creating partnerships is great in order to progress your own ideas; however, it is important that the person you are partnering with is not responsible for deciding things for you. So, for example, it can be a great time for getting people to provide space or a donation for an event that you are doing; but not for deciding how your event would run.
 In Summary, this month holds a great amount of potential for personal and worldly successes.  It is a time for both laying the foundations for success in your own pursuits; and for receiving recognition and success where you have been putting out quality work and effort.  This month requires us to handle spiritual processes first in both personal and group dynamics.  We will do best in leaderships positions where we help polar opposites to integrate through mentoring capacities and transparency; and by the way that we live our own life.
 Pay extra attention to relationships and stay out of competition.  This is a time for unfolding the truth in how strong relationships are and showing us which ones no longer are worth investing in.  Keep your focus on what is in alignment with spiritual principles because it affects all aspects of your life, self, and existences. Partner with others; but do not let them make decisions for you.  Honor some personal and alone time, or take a personal retreat near the end of the month; as spending time in personal connection will be valuable in handling stress or anxiety, and for coming into wholeness before moving forward again.
 I welcome you to find ways to engage your own creative and creator energy; exploring new options for doing or integrating things.
I welcome you to use your magnetic energy to be a positive influence and leader for others.
I welcome you to graciously accept recognition and success; and to also give it to others that have worked hard and contributed to the success of things.
 I welcome you to stay focused on what you need to do to create success in your own life; and remaining in your own authentic self as success comes through.
 I welcome you to stay out of competitive patterns; and when in doubt about the integrity of others, remain in observation.
 I welcome you to keep in mind that things are not always how they seem, so know the truth before taking action.
 I welcome you to embrace relationships of integrity, and to seek assistance from others where needed.
 I welcome you to find ways to remain in your true and authentic self when in relationships or partnerships with others.
   Actions to focus on
 This time is all about taking command.  Those that are willing to do this can create huge success and lay some solid foundations for a favorable future.  The key with this is to be very careful about the people you are surrounding yourself with; and you may even want to stick to what you can handle on your own.
 Paying attention and observation are big keys.  While we may feel impatient with the process of things, slowing down and taking our time with things is very important in order to avoid having major issues and problems to deal with that will create even bigger delays.  This is not the time to rush through things, no matter how much you may want them done.
 Take the time to check in and see how those around you are functioning.  It is likely to be the poor choices of someone else that gets impatient, that can undo everything that you have been working on.  It is important that you have people in your sphere that operate with purity, integrity, honesty, patience, and compassion.
 It is also important that you come to your own opinions and decisions.  You know what is best for you; and it is important that you don’t let others decide things for you at this time.  This month shows that we can increase our success, where we are willing to draw on the expertise of others; and where we are willing to take the time to really learn about things and how they work.  If you are the one in the mentoring position, and sharing your wisdom with others; then it is important that you are giving your time to those that are truly sincere in what they are doing, and are willing to have the patience to really see the process of bringing things forward through.  
 For information to be of value, it has to be heard and used.  It does no good to share information and guidance and experiences with those that will not put it into action.  Likewise, do not take up the time of others unless you are truly willing to implement what they are sharing with you.  To take someone’s time and energy and waste it sets several other self-sabotaging patterns into place, and creates even further delays for us; or can even create a complete crashing and dismantling of what we want to do. Exploring and gathering information is one thing, engaging in a mentoring process is one that needs to be entered into with respect, integrity, and an open and receptive mind.
 I welcome you to take command of the direction your life is going; and the things that you would like to implement into it.
 I welcome you to really pay attention to those you are surrounding yourself with; and the sphere that they operate within.
 I welcome you to come to your own decisions, based on what is best for you.
 I welcome you to be open and receptive to learning, having patience with the learning process; and truly implement the wisdom that others share with you.
   What to focus your thoughts on
 From March 1st – March 4th and from March 17th through the end of the month is likely to find us knowing what we need to do for success and wanting to focus on it; but there may still be feelings of being blocked or stuck and unable to move forward.  It is important to turn our thoughts during this time to focusing on the spiritual process behind what we are doing, instead of the actions themselves.  The key is to stay tuned in with what we are learning in the process instead of the end result that we are working towards.
 It is important that even when we are creating on our own, that we do not engage in competitive thinking. This happens when we are focused on being better than others in what we are doing, instead of focusing on what we are offering or creating.  It happens when we are focused on beating the records set by others instead of focusing on how what we are doing will impact the lives of others.
 Competition, materialism, and misuse of power can easily come through passing thoughts.  A key piece to place our mind on during this time is how wisely you are using your power as you are bringing your creation forward.  If you are not using it wisely then, you may be headed for a fall instead of a rise or creating fate instead of luck for yourself.
 During this time the more responsible your choices, and the more that you focus on bringing forth and sharing what you are abundant in, the greater the success you will have. It is important to re-direct your thoughts into peacefulness and unconditional love for yourself any time that you move more in a materialistic direction.  The result will come naturally, when you stay focused and aware of the spiritual process and value in the moment.
 From March 5th – 16th things can feel a bit heavy and daunting, as our determination and patience are required.  During this time we need to think about how practical we are living; and to consider if the choices we are making are truly responsible.  While that doesn’t always sound like fun, it can open the door to some wonderful experiences if we are willing to work with it.
 During this time, it is likely that we are going to need to let something or someone go, in order to handle material world responsibilities and obligations.  This is a time where we need to stay focused on doing what we need to do to take care of our physical world needs. Consider where you are living in excess, and release things that are purely materialistic, and over indulgent. This doesn’t mean that you are without enjoyable things, just mostly releasing what you do not use and are excessive in.
 During this time we take command of our life, through releasing what no longer serves us or honors our processes.  It is a time of great shifting and shaping and polishing; like sand forming a pearl. The stress is only there to help you expand your thinking, and to engage you to get more creative and to open to more possibilities.
 I welcome you to ask what the spiritual processes are in what you are doing.
 I welcome you to pay attention to where competitive thinking is coming up for you, and get back to the core of what is truly important in what you are doing.
 I welcome you release material excesses, and to embrace moderation instead of over indulgence.
 I welcome you to consider how you gain greater command over your life by releasing what does not honor your process.
   Nourishing the soul
From March 1st – March 5th the soul is seeking relationship, and true connection. However, it may be a bit hard to find that among the material world distortions and responsibilities.  It is likely that others will want to compete for the relationships that you have.  This can also be a time where earthly responsibilities will compete for your time with others, making it hard for you to have time for the relationships that you value.
 Keep in mind with this that it is people and true loving relationships that the soul sees as the priority.  They must be honored even among the demands of the earthly world.  On top of this our own soul processes will have to be honored, since nothing will progress without doing that.  So the soul is asking us to find balance between, self, relationships, and material needs.  It is in that balance that the soul is not only nourished; but unlocks the doors that we have wanted to walk through, and have been unable to.  Each piece is a valuable part of our life, so each must be honored.  As we grow and expand and become more successful, even more tries to pull us out of that balance; so we need to practice being good at keeping it before stepping into bigger successes.
 From March 6th through the end of the month it can find us feeling a bit stressed, anxious, and coming into some of our victim patterns, as is so easy to do when things are not smoothly flowing as the human self would like them to do.  This period is the soul asking us to trust it.  It is a time where success can definitely happen; and the use of our power becomes the tipping point between succeeding and falling apart.
 Lies, manipulation, and deception are all present; and when this happens it is important that we look to soul processes and principles to see the truth.  It is when we trust in the soul’s wisdom that we are able to come through those periods that twist and turn things around, and can part the veils of illusions.  During this time the soul is asking us to be with it and let go of the illusions of the world that we live in.
 During this time we may feel like we don’t know who or what we can trust or believe; however, our own soul does not lie; and thus we are asked to trust and turn to Divine presence and connection.  We are asked to walk in the steps of truth, integrity, and purity; for that is the one place that clarity can be found.  When in doubt look to Divine Principles and see where they are active and not active; and that will be your guide.  At this time the soul is nourished by standing in its light regardless of what others choose.
 I welcome you to focus on strengthening your relationship and connection with your soul self and Divine Presence
 I welcome you to be in true and loving relationship with others, or be willing to release them from your life.
 I welcome you to honor what you need to do for your own soul lessons and processes.
 I welcome you to fully trust your soul self, knowing that it operates only for your best benefit.
 I welcome you to allow Divine principles to show you where the truth is and is not.
The Code Journey ~ Jesse An Nichols George
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thefrogtheme · 4 years
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The Mysterious White Wire!™ —A James Woods Conspiracy
Or as others might call it... 
A Shirt Crease!™ —A Frogman Reality
I have sooo many questions. As in, I have like... four questions. 
What is it connected to? What would that device even do? Why not use wireless tech? Why isn’t it under the shirt?
Sadly, this blurry video of another video was enough to start a trending hashtag and myriad other cheating conspiracies. 
Let us take a journey together. A trek into the #JoeWired hashtag where you will see firsthand the smoothbrain’d conspiracy-mongers in action. 
Shall we?
The Case of the Magic Eyeballs!™ —A LindaF Ocular Machination
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Unnatural eye movements? Reading the air? Smart lenses? Neat! How very sci-fi we are getting already. But do smart lenses even exist?
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Yes, this is a real technology being developed, but there are no working prototypes and the R&D phase is expected to last for several more years. The picture above is a prop and the concept lenses are bulky and very noticeable.
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So smart lenses are out. Though that would have been really cool.
Moving on to the next conspiracy...
Intravenous Adrenaline!™ —A SoulFliesFree Reminder
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Ah yes, I almost forgot about his performance enhancing drugs. Taking a pill before the event wasn’t good enough. He needs Adderall STRAIGHT INTO HIS VEINS. Without it, he will drift into a coma. His Odinsleep could last for hundreds of years. Don’t fall asleep, Sleepy Joe!
Wait, I’m sensing alternate theories from the BonkoSphere...
The Redundant Microphone!™ —A GMom Nonsensical Notion
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So, it’s not an IV.  It’s... a microphone? 
Because it’s not like his voice is being amplified and broadcast to everyone already. He needs a secret special secondary microphone... for reasons.
Next up we have Corey Lynn... an “Investigative Journalist.” 
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First some background on our intrepid reporter extraordinaire.
She thinks AIDS was engineered in a lab and people were purposely infected so that Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and George Soros could make billions of dollars.  
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Corey is a fact finder and truth seeker through and through—as evidenced by her merchandise. Something all good journalists have.
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I don’t know how she crammed so much wisdom onto a $20 iPhone case (free shipping available). 
As you can see, Corey is highly attuned to detect anything suspicious. And she may have broken this Biden debate cheating thing wide open.
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Look at that investigative effort. She went all the way to the C-SPAN YouTube channel to get a good peep at this mysterious thing poking out of Biden’s sleeve. She took high definition screen caps and zoomed in—just like a crime scene investigator might do.
Corey thinks the IV drugs and secret microphone theories are silly. Obviously. 
Clearly it is... 
ELECTRODES MAYBE!™ —A Corey Lynn Paradigm Shift (Women’s Flowy Tank Top, Only $26.99)
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Yes, electrodes are much less silly. Because electric shocks are a proven way to keep “Sleepy Joe” from his permanent slumber. Makes perfect sense! 
Case closed.
Wait, she has another theory. It’s some kind of... hypnosis triggering device? 
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Corey, your paradigm is shifting a bit much. 
She can’t say which for sure because she’s “no expert.” And I am always comforted when investigative journalists say “if that is in fact true.” 
Still, brilliant investigative work!
Sayyyy... I wonder what would happen if instead of staring at pixels and wildly speculating, Corey did like... 8 seconds of research. (Or, as some might call it, “investigating.”) Just to see “if that is in fact true” before jumping the gun and blasting misinformation out to over 100,000 followers. 
The Super Sad Sentimental Souvenir!™ —A Bojo Fact That Can Be Verified Via Multiple Sources
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Pssh, likely story! 
Have you considered his dead son’s rosary is a perfect place to hide a combination IV/microphone/electrodes maybe/hypnosis device? 
Next up, we have...
The Mystery of the Missing Ear Canal!™ —An Anonymous (Yet Patriotic) Observation
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Wait a sec... where is his ear canal? 
Though I think American Patriot Anon70768033 has trouble telling right from left. That would be his right ear, friend. But don’t fret, Elaine from NorCal has the left ear covered. She even circled it! Just in case you forgot what ears are or where they are located. 
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She compared both ears! She’s 99.5% sure!  Large red circles don’t lie!
The problem is, all of these pictures are taken at different focal lengths from different angles under different lighting. Meaning each photo has different lens compression, distortion, and angle of view. This can cause features to appear wildly different.
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Not to mention shadows can change appearance quite a bit too.  
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Does she have nostrils or not? If you can’t see the nostril holes, do they even exist?
But Elaine from NorCal is 99.5% sure and I trust her forensic analysis.
New questions... Does the shirt crease wire attach to the secret earpiece?  Does it go into his body up through a neck vein and plug into the earpiece from the inside?  Do all of the pieces connect together? Is this all a single connected conspiracy!!??
The wire, the rosary, the drugs, the smart lenses, the earpiece... they must be part of an elaborate technological system designed to help Joe Biden cheat. Without this system he wouldn’t have been able to deliver epic verbal blows such as... 
“C’mon man!” “Will you shut up?” “It’s hard to get any word in with this clown.”
That doesn't sound like him at all. He didn’t say malarkey once. They probably had Patton Oswalt parked in a van outside on zinger duty. 
This is getting complicated. I think I’m going to need a diagram or something. 
Oh, good... Eugene has me covered!
The MS Paint Diagram of Doom!™ —A Eugene Exhibition Extravaganza
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Welp, this looks very official and the science certainly checks out. I’m 99.5% sure. 
Also, in EXHIBIT C & D, Eugene is positive there is an earpiece in the RIGHT ear. I’m glad we cleared that up as well.
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Uh oh... I may have done another 8 seconds of research. 
I found this photo from the debate looking straight down his ear hole. 
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Hmm, that looks pretty ear canal-y to me. 
I’m gonna need a closer look to be sure. TO PHOTOSHOP! 
The Great Ear Hole Enhancement!™ —A Frogman Earvestigation
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Sorry... I didn’t mean to alarm you. 
I’m such an idiot! I forgot to circle the area in question. I mean, without a circle you probably didn’t even know what the heck you were looking at. Is that a Martian crater? Is it a Sarlacc Pit? 
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I... I just don’t know what to believe anymore. 
Eugene! I think I need another diagram!
I realize I have conclusively proven Joe Biden has ear holes and all of these theories have come crumbling down. But I still think there is something to this earpiece business. I refuse to believe the president of these United States would make something like that up. I refuse to believe this is all a bunch of... malarkey. 
Which is why I thought I would join in on the spurious speculations.
SKULL SOUND!™ —An Original Sir Frogsworth Conspiracy (And Cool Idea for a Band Name)
If it were me, I would have gone with bone conduction tech. You can transmit and receive audio directly through vibrations in the skull. Basically your own skull becomes a speaker and microphone. It’s a proven technology that really exists and was even used in the short-lived Google Glass augmented reality spectacles. 
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Theoretically, you could place the speaker under a false flap of skin on the temple and hide the bulkier electronics under a hairpiece. Something any competent special effects makeup artist could do. 
Now, I’m not a professional diargram-ologist like Eugene, but I imagine it could work something like this.
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In real life, it might look something like this random photo I found of no one in particular. 
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Technology like this is quite advanced and very expensive to develop. 
If I were to estimate, it would probably cost something like... $70,000. 
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