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phonemantra-blog · 1 year ago
But she continues testing her new adapters Fresh US sanctions affected not only the supply of various GPUs to China. Also on the American blacklist were some Chinese companies, including Moore Threads, which is known for its video cards. There is no exact data, but usually being blacklisted means that a company on it loses access to modern technical processes, since semiconductor manufacturers are prohibited from producing products for such companies. However, for now, Moore Threads does not despair and is preparing for the release of its new video cards.  [caption id="attachment_71704" align="aligncenter" width="780"] video cards[/caption] Are we expecting powerful Chinese video cards shortly? The company is already testing the MTT S90 model for consumer PCs and the MTT S4000 accelerator for data centers. The devices have device IDs 0301 and 0323 respectively, which may indicate they are 3rd generation Moore Threads GPUs.    Their characteristics are not yet available, but we can recall that the same MTT S80, although it cannot boast of high performance, is equipped with 16 GB of memory and offers a PCIe 5.0 interface and a GPU with 4096 ALU units. Current graphics cores for Moore Threads are produced by TSMC using the 7 nm process technology. If sanctions do mean the end of the two companies' collaboration, Moore Threads will have one option in the form of SMIC with its acclaimed 7nm process technology. 
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uniongamesnews · 3 years ago
The RX 3060 and RTX 3070 Ti graphics cards are presented in the style of Diablo II: Resurrected
The South Korean company Emtec will release the GeForce GTX 3060 and GeForce RTX 3070 Tid video cards stylized as a remaster of Diablo II.
#video_cards, #GeForce_RTX3060, #DiabloII_Resurrected, #GeForce_RTX3070Ti, #Emtek, #GeForce, #NVIDIA, #PC, #GAMES_NEWS, #Storm_X_Dual_OC
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topmarket-co-il · 4 years ago
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Gigabyte GV-N3080TURBO-10GD - Graphics Card, GeForce RTX 3080, 10GB, GDDR6X NVIDIA Ampere Architecture The all-new NVIDIA Ampere architecture delivers the ultimate play, featuring advanced 2nd generation Ray Tracing Cores and 3rd generation Tensor Cores with greater throughput. RTX. IT’S ON. Experience today’s biggest blockbusters like never before with the visual fidelity of real-time ray tracing and the ultimate performance of AI-powered DLSS. #Video_Card #Gigabyte #RTX_3080 #Nvidia Buy now: https://www.topmarket.co.il/en/gigabyte-gv-n3080turbo-10gd-graphics-card-geforce-rtx-3080-10gb-gddr6x/
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yuda-yuda · 5 years ago
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tqvcancun · 7 years ago
Instalación de Gentoo Linux paso a paso
En esta ocasión les comparto un tutorial de como instalar Gentoo Linux desde un live cd ya que es una distribución Linux orientada a usuarios con cierta experiencia, por lo que si decides probar este sistema o simplemente te quieres aventurar en el espero que esta guía sea de tu utilidad.
Antes de iniciar con el proceso es sumamente necesario que tengas al menos la idea de como identificar tus discos duros, particiones, así mismo de cómo están asignadas estas, por lo en caso contrario te recomiendo primero hagas esto sobre una maquina virtual imitando lo que tienes actualmente ya que puede resultar en perdida de información si no conoces donde tienes almacenados tus datos importantes.
Instalación Gentoo Linux
El primer paso que debemos de realizar es descargar la imagen del sistema, lo podemos hacer desde su pagina oficial que te dejo en este enlace.
Preparar el medio de Instalación
La acción siguiente es grabar la imagen del sistema sobre algún medio ya sea sobre algún disco o en alguna USB por lo que te dejo los programas más comunes para cualquiera de los casos.
Medio de instalación CD/DVD
Windows: Podemos grabar el ISO con Imgburn, UltraISO, Nero o cualquier otro programa incluso sin ellos en Windows 7 y posteriores nos da la opción al dar clic derecho sobre la ISO.
Linux: Pueden utilizar en especial el que viene con los entornos gráficos, entre ellos son, Brasero, k3b, y Xfburn.
Medio de instalación USB
Windows: Pueden utilizar Universal USB Installer o LinuxLive USB Creator, ambos son sencillos de utilizar.
Linux: La opción recomendable es usar el comando dd:
dd bs=4M if=/ruta/a/ Gentoo.iso of=/dev/sdx && sync
Ya teniendo nuestro medio preparado solo falta tener configurada la BIOS para que el PC arranque desde la unidad de instalación configurada.
Ya iniciado el sistema lo primero que debemos hacer es abrir una terminal y comenzaremos con el proceso de instalación.
Creación de las particiones
Comenzaremos con crear y asignar las particiones necesarias para el sistema en donde las primordiales son:
Boot: esta es donde se guardan los ajustes del arranque del sistema con 150-250Mb son suficientes para ella
Home: aquí es donde se guardarán todas nuestras aplicaciones por lo que debes de considerar un buen espacio con al menos 80Gb están bien si no planeas más que trabajar.
Root; aquí es donde se instalará todo el sistema por lo que con al menos 20Gb yo considero suficientes
Swap: aunque hoy en día la mayoría cuenta con equipos con buenos recursos nunca esta de mas tener nuestro espacio de intercambio de información.
Ejecutaremos Cfdisk y creamos las particiones con este, es importante que apuntes o tengas bien identificados los puntos de montaje, en mi caso utilice el disco entero, por lo que si decidiste conservar particiones identifiques cuales son y evites esos puntos de montaje.
Hecho esto procedemos a darle formateo a las particiones. Como les comentaba en mi caso use todo el disco por lo que los puntos de montaje pueden deferir de los tuyos.
Para la partición de boot
mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1
Para root y home
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3 mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda4
Y para swap
mkswap /dev/sda2 swapon /dev/sda2
Montar particiones
Terminado este proceso procedemos a crear los directorios para la instalación de Gentoo
mkdir /mnt/gentoo
Procedemos a montar la particion de root
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo
Hecho esto crearemos directorios para las particiones restantes y los montamos en sus respectivos puntos
mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot
mkdir /mnt/gentoo/home mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo/home
Finalizado esto nos volvemos a posicionar en el directorio principal
cd /mnt/gentoo
Instalación del sistema
Y comenzamos con la descarga de el stage 3 es importante siempre descargar la versión mas actual en mi caso y en este momento la que coloco aquí es la más actual y también en mi caso para un sistema de 64 bits, deben seleccionar el adecuado desde la sección de descargas de la web oficial.
wget http://distfiles.gentoo.org/releases/amd64/autobuilds/20180114T214501Z/stage3-amd64-20180114T214501Z.tar.xz
tar Jxvf stage3-amd64-20180114T214501Z.tar.xz
Ahora procederemos a editar el make.conf
nano -w /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/make.conf
Es sumamente importante que tengan identificado el hardware de su equipo ya que debemos de indicar en el makeopts el número de nuestros núcleos + 1, en la sección de video_card nuestra tarjeta de video, ya sea intel, Radeon, amdgpu, nvidia, etc,
pondremos march=native para que tome automaticamente las especificaciones del hardware, ACCEPT LICENCES para aceptar licencias, como yo todas aceptare pondre “*”
Cerramos y guardamos
Copiamos informacion de las DNS:
cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf
Y montamos:
mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc mount --rbind /sys /mnt/gentoo/sys mount --rbind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev
Creamos el directorio portage:
mkdir /mnt/gentoo/usr/portage
Y entramos a nuestro nuevo sistema, nos hacemos chroot:
chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
source /etc/profile export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"
Y  procedemos a sincronizar:
En esta parte les aconsejo que seleccionemos un perfil diferente a uno que no tenga systemd ya que, si no, tendrán que crear su propio kernel. Para ver la lista de opciones lo hacemos con:
eselect profile list
En mi caso estaría entre KDE o GNOME pero prefiero kde en este momento:
eselect profile set 19
Y procedemos a actualizar
emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse @world
Ahora solo nos toca las configuraciones del sistema empezamos por nuestra zona horaria:
echo "America/Mexico_City" > /etc/timezone
emerge --config sys-libs/timezone-data
nano -w /etc/locale.gen
Y marcamos:
es_MX.UTF-8 UTF-8
Generamos las locales
Y la seleccionamos con eselect
eselect locale list
eselect locale set 3
Configuramos el teclado:
nano -w /etc/conf.d/keymaps
Y ponemos:
Ahora haremos un punto muy importante, descarga el Kernel y compilarlo, para esta instalación les recomiendo que descargen genkernel :
emerge gentoo-sources eselect kernel list
O  el numero donde está el kernel
eselect kernel set 1
Nos tocara editar el fstab
nano -w /etc/fstab
Configuramos el nombre de nuestro Host:
nano -w /etc/conf.d/hostname
Aquí en este paso si cuentas con una conexión wifi es importante que lo hagas,
emerge linux-firmware networkmanager
Indicamos que se active para cuando inicie el sistema:
rc-update add NetworkManager default
Ahora debemos asignar la contrasena de root:
E instalamos unas herramientas necesarias:
emerge dhcpcd pciutils gentoolkit
Bien ahora instalaremos “grub” y en mi caos cuento con uefi por lo que mi proceso queda así
E instalamos grub:
emerge sys-boot/grub:2
E instalamos grub en la particion efi:
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot
Ahora solo debemos de ejecutar lo siguiente:
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Finalmente salimos de todo
exit cd .. cd .. umount -l /mnt/gentoo/dev{/pts,/shm,} umount -l /mnt/gentoo{/boot,/home,/sys,/proc,}
Hecho esto ya tenemos instalado Gentoo en nuestro sistema.
El artículo Instalación de Gentoo Linux paso a paso ha sido originalmente publicado en Linux Adictos.
Fuente: Linux Adictos https://www.linuxadictos.com/instalacion-de-gentoo-linux-paso-a-paso.html
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lm3m · 7 years ago
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year ago
The error has already been fixed Just yesterday we reported that GeForce RTX 30 video cards can run the Frame Generation frame generator from DLSS 3, but Nvidia has already responded to the situation and reported that the technology does not work. [caption id="attachment_68775" align="aligncenter" width="780"] GeForce RTX 20 or 30 video cards[/caption] No, Nvidia did not cheat, and frame generation does not work on GeForce RTX 20/30 video cards. We have noticed that some members of the PC gaming community, such as the Discord community before this, are experiencing a bug in the old DLSS DLL version that is erroneously generating frames on 20/30 series hardware. There is no generation of DLSS frames - it's just a raw duplication of existing frames. Frame counters show higher FPS, but the smoothness and playability of the game do not improve. This can be verified by evaluating duplicate frames using tools such as NVIDIA ICAT, or by looking for an error message in the Remix logs indicating an error in frame generation Thus, the technology not only does not work correctly, as it might seem, but does not work at all, and the performance improvement that special software displays is a mistake. Nvidia added that it has already fixed the DLL, and this trick will not be possible in the upcoming update.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year ago
There are two dozen games on the list Intel continues to improve the performance of its Arc graphics cards. This time, the latest Intel driver, according to the company itself, provides a huge increase in the number of games, up to more than double. [caption id="attachment_63862" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Intel Arc video cards[/caption] Performance will mainly increase in games with DirectX 11, although the list also includes several games with DirectX 12. In general, we are talking about two dozen games and an increase from a modest 5% for Naraka: Bladepoint to 119% for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Intel Arc video cards are getting better and better. [caption id="attachment_63863" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Intel Arc video cards[/caption] You might think that Deus Ex: Human Revolution stands alone in this case, but large increases were reported for many other games, including Payday 3 (37%), Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (88%), and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (90%). Let us remind you that the Arc A580, which was announced more than a year ago, should finally hit the market soon.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year ago
Intel is aware of the problem The Starfield game is fully released on September 6, but owners of the Premium edition got the opportunity to play two days ago. It turned out that some were especially unlucky and could not play, despite having the game. We are talking about the owners of Intel video cards. [caption id="attachment_51221" align="aligncenter" width="780"] graphics cards[/caption] The case when Intel graphics cards are a very bad choice. Users with Arc adapters are reporting that the game simply does not work. It can run for half an hour, consume up to 30 GB of additional memory, simply crash before loading, and so on. If it does get right to the game, after a few minutes it will still crash. In general, it is simply impossible to play. Intel has already announced that it is aware of the situation but will try to solve the problem only by September 6th. That is, owners of the premium edition of the game and Arc video cards will not be able to play for a whole week, and it is not a fact that Intel will be able to solve all the problems by September 6th.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year ago
In this case, the video card will probably be transferred to a new GPU The Benchlife resource shared details about the future GeForce RTX 4080 Super - they are reported to have been received from Nvidia partners. [caption id="attachment_72862" align="aligncenter" width="780"] GeForce RTX 4080[/caption] GeForce RTX 4080 Super will get 20 GB of memory, but there will be other improvements According to these same unnamed partners, the GeForce RTX 4080 will have 20 GB of GDDR6 memory - 4 GB more than the current version. This automatically means that the memory bus width will also increase - from 256 to 320 bits. If so, then the new model should switch to another GPU - and it could be the flagship AD102 (but cut down for the GeForce RTX 4080 Super). Let us remind you that details about the GeForce RTX 4070 Super appeared earlier, and it may undergo similar changes: it will receive more memory and a memory bus of a larger capacity 
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year ago
This is probably the RTX 4090 For its 20th anniversary, Galax is preparing a special version of one of the video cards in the GeForce RTX 40 line. Presumably, it will be the RTX 4090.  [caption id="attachment_65788" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Galax[/caption] Galax showed an accelerator that will be released in honor of the company's 20th anniversary So far there is only an image, but it is also of interest. At a minimum, the card has an unknown element on the cooling system casing.   There are only two fans here, and where the third could be located, there is a certain black rectangle. One might assume that this is a screen for displaying various useful information, but the Videocardz resource claims. that this is just a hole for air intake.   The video card will be announced tomorrow.  
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year ago
This is a professional adapter Nvidia has launched the RTX 5000 Ada graphics adapter. This is a professional solution that should not be confused with the regular RTX 5000 since the latter is a previous-generation model.  [caption id="attachment_61777" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Nvidia video card[/caption] Almost $5,000 for an Nvidia video card with a 256-bit bus, but 32 GB of memory. The RTX 5000 Ada has been available for about a month now, but previously it could only be purchased as part of ready-made workstations. Now it has appeared in retail, although so far, apparently, only in China.  There they ask for about $4,800 for a new product. This is about half the price of the RTX 6000 Ada, but the parameters of the younger model are simpler. The card offers an AD102 GPU but with only 12,800 active CUDA cores. At the same time, the new product has 32 GB of memory, but a 256-bit bus. Performance (FP32) is 65.3 TFLOPS with a TDP of only 250 W. 
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year ago
But the game is almost indifferent to the CPU The Starfield game, as we have already reported, does not yet work on Intel video cards. There are no problems with all other accelerators, and large performance tests have appeared on the Internet.  [caption id="attachment_51232" align="aligncenter" width="780"] graphics card[/caption] We have already said earlier that the game turned out to be very demanding, and these tests confirm this thesis. To get at least 30 fps at maximum settings in Full HD without FSR 2, you need a video card of the RTX 2080 or Radeon RX 6600 level. To get the coveted 60 fps, only the flagships of the previous generation or the new ones corresponding to them are suitable: RTX 3080/3080 Ti, RX 6800, RTX 4070 (slightly short of 60 fps), and better.   [caption id="attachment_51233" align="aligncenter" width="419"] graphics card[/caption] As expected, things get really bad at 4K for low-end or even mid-end cards. 30 fps is provided only by adapters of the RTX 4070 level and higher, and 60 fps is only possible by two flagships: RTX 4090 and RX 7900 XTX. By the way, AMD video cards in Starfield perform much better than their direct competitors from Nvidia. Starfield brings almost any graphics card to its knees, but Radeon adapters feel much better For example, the RTX 4090 only beats the RX 7900 XTX in 4K, and even that is not significant, and the RX 7900 XT shows itself at the level of the RTX 4080, although it competes with the RTX 4070 Ti in games on average.  [caption id="attachment_51238" align="aligncenter" width="666"] graphics card[/caption] As for processors, the game doesn't depend on them. Even a Core i3-13100 is enough to boot the RTX 4090. 
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topmarket-co-il · 4 years ago
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Gigabyte AORUS GV-N3080AORUS M-10GD - Graphics Card, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, 10GB, GDDR6X NVIDIA Ampere Architecture The all-new NVIDIA Ampere architecture delivers the ultimate play, featuring advanced 2nd generation Ray Tracing Cores and 3rd generation Tensor Cores with greater throughput. #GPU #Gigabyte #Aorus #Video_Card #RTX_3080 Buy now: https://www.topmarket.co.il/en/gigabyte-aorus-gv-n3080aorus-m-10gd-graphics-card-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3080-10gb-gddr6x/
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topmarket-co-il · 4 years ago
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Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3090 VISION OC 24G - 24GB, GDDR6X CREATE YOUR WORK FASTER THAN EVER Powerful GeForce RTX 30 VISION series accelerates your work with incredible boosts in performance. Whether you are doing VIDEO EDITING, 3D ANIMATION, PHOTOGRAPHY, GRAPHIC DESIGN, ARCHITECTURAL VISUALIZATION or BROADCASTING, it can save you a lot of time. #Video_Card #Gigabyte #RTX #3090 Buy now: https://www.topmarket.co.il/en/gigabyte-geforce-rtx-3090-vision-oc-24g-24gb-gddr6x/
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topmarket-co-il · 5 years ago
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ASUS ROG STRIX-RTX2060S-8G-GAMING NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER - 8GB, GDDR6, 256Bit Take Flight The ROG Strix GeForce® RTX 2060 SUPER is stacked with more CUDA cores than its predecessor and paired with a host of features for a truly top-tier gaming experience. #Video_Card #Asus #RTX_2060_Super Buy now: https://www.topmarket.co.il/en/asus-rog-strix-rtx2060s-8g-gaming-nvidia-geforce-rtx-2060-super-8gb-gddr6-256bit/
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