#victim blaming and Fodlan is like ice cone and ice cream
randomnameless · 5 months
Favorite example of Edelwanking in the Fódlan games?
Mine still has to be Seteth saying that she must be a kind and trusting leader because her troops were willing to die to protect her, meaning they all liked her on a personal level; this is despite the fact that Seteth should also know that Adrestia is currently a hell-hole where anyone who isn't in the army is starving and being tortured by Thales, which is a much more likely reason for her troops to not be willing to disobey orders than loyalty.
Seteth saying this when, as the player, we know Baldo'n'Waldi were fielded is just completely bonkers and really one of the lowest points for him, but that can be written off with "everyone has to hold the idiot plot ball at some point, else the player cannot drink Hresvelg Gray".
Imo the worst still comes from VW!Billy lol, with the uwu choice "I don't want to kill Supreme Leader" and "Can't we walk with Supreme Leader?" when, at this point, Billy's concerned about Rhea's safety, didn't interact with her more than they did with Dimitri and Bernie, trounced BL students scot free in Gronder because Claude has myopia and either killed Bernie or witnessed her being flamed, the entire schtick with Flamey and Jerry, Baldo'n'Waldi, etc etc.
Nopes!Dimitri takes a hit too, iirc at some point he mentions he doesn't disagree with her reforms (but disagrees with her methods?) but what are even her reforms? Random Joes being able to climb "dah ladder" and become something else than randoms? Get rid of corrupt noble? Can someone tell me why Waldemar'n'Leopold are still here - nobles so corrupt that they betrayed their Ionius for ~reasons~ and now kneel in front of his daughter for ~reasons~ (Tru Piss reveals Leopold governs over Leicester!).
Heck, Barney is still a nobody - despite being an OP random - but Leopold is a general and the Minister of War, and he gives his heirloom to... his son, and not to Barney who showed more merits and has more achievments than Nopes!Caspar.
Honorable mention to Rhea's "maybe the war was my fault" in the worst support -> the game will not tell us what she was doing during those 5 years (that's why I jokingly say she had zumba classes for 5 years in Enbarr's finest resort) but it sure spends even one octet having her taking the blame for, well, Supreme Leader's war and even suggesting those actions can be "justified" by Rhea's own actions...
GG game, victim blaming at its finest.
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