#vicki watches the o.c.
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
whatever's starting to happen with Ryan and Taylor - yes pls I'm weirdly loving it haha
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putawayurhalo · 3 years ago
Out For Blood | Chapter 4: 100mg
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Munson!Reader ; Eddie Munson x Fem!Henderson!O.C.
Warnings:  Strong language, some season 4 spoilers, nose bleeds, Tylenol usage, “BOOBIES!”, i know nothing about sports nor how a guidance counselor is suppose to talk to teens because mine sucked in high school lmao
Word Count: 4.1k words (longest one yet)
Author’s  Note: deadass thought I was never going to get this out because I finished it at 1 am my time said I would get it edited when I woke up and publish and then the internet was out for several hours... anyways here it is! might have another one out before Friday no promises though! Also I barely edited it,
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“Okay but Steve, you do realize you don’t have any obligations nor any commitments to these random girls you’re going on dates with right?” Robin asked Steve as he drove her to school.
“What are you even going on about Robin?” Steve asked, confused.
“You have this lack of self respect and a lack of respect for… well, actually that’s besides the point. You lack any conviction.” Robin began to ramble as she put on mascara.
“Conviction? I’ve never been charged with anything!” Steve practically shouted.
“No, oh my God, Steve, you lack any firmly held belief when it comes to girls. You go on like fifty dates a week and have no plans for the future with any of these girls, Harrington. I know you swear you’re not looking back on anyone you’ve dated or seriously liked,” Robin continued to ramble while moving her hands around as she spoke, “Look, since last year I’ve noticed your serious lack of ambition to do literally anything. That and your lack of common sense… which has always been a thing so…” She trailed off.
“Hey!” Steve looked over at her.
“Eyes on the road, dingus!” Robin shouted at him. “Besides, I wouldn't want to die before you and (Y/N) at least become friends again.” She mumbled but Steve still heard her.
“We’re never going to be friends again, Robin, she’s made that very clear and I have no idea what the fuck I’m suppose to do to change that.” Steve said quietly, “Anyways! What about you and Vickie?”
“Oh cut me some slack, please!” Robin started, “This isn’t about me, this about you! Besides, we just don't know if Vickie likes girls.”
“She returned Fast Times paused at fifty-three minutes and five seconds; do you know who pauses Fast Times at fifty-three minutes and five seconds?” Robin shook her head at Steve, “People who like boobies, Robin!”
“Ew! Gross!” Robin rolled her eyes.
“Don’t say boobies!”
“It’s not a big deal! I like boobies, you like boobies! Vickie likes boobies!”
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“Oh my God can we stop talking about boobies!” (Y/N) groaned as she slid farther down in the passenger seat of her brother’s car.
“I’m not the one who was watching Fast Times and at fifty-three minutes and five seconds when I came home last night.” Eddie spoke, wagging his index finger at his sister while keeping his eyes on the road.
“How do you even know that? Actually, don’t answer that I’m going to vomit.” (Y/N) covered her mouth with her hand.
“Not in my car!” Eddie screamed at her, eyes wide as he stared at her.
“I’m fucking joking, Eddie.” She giggled, “Now pay attention to the road, asshole.” 
The two sat in silence for about two minutes before Eddie spoke, “Why were you even watching Fast Times last night?”
(Y/N) sighed, “I was bored and I was sick of watching The Breakfast Club.” She didn’t exactly lie. 
“Yeah, but you never watch Fast Times, and you had what I can assume was half a box of tissues, used and next to you and an empty pint of ice cream, which was mine by the way.” Eddie pulled into the parking lot. “Look out of the two of us, I’m supposed to be the dramatic one… so whatever happened last night when Jenny dropped you off has to be serious.” 
“I really don’t want to talk about Eddie, so fucking drop it.” (Y/N) muttered, ejecting her mixtape for the car stereo and putting it into her Walkman. “Besides we don’t own Gremlins and we both know Gremlins Phoebe Cates if way better in that movie than in Fast Times.”
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“Phoebe Cates!” Dustin shouted as he got into his sister’s car.
Jenny jumped slightly, “What?”
“Suzie is hotter than Phoebe Cates!” Dustin shouted again, startling Jenny more.
“Oh my gosh, Dust…” Jenny hit her forehead on her steering wheel before putting her car into drive.
“She helped me change my grade in Latin.” Dustin spoke.
“I’m not even going to ask how…” Jenny muttered. The sound of some pop song playing on the radio.
“So what’s Plan B?” Dustin asked after a few minutes.
“I don’t have one.” Jenny nonchalantly responded.
“WHAT?” Dustin yelled.
“Dustin, stop yelling in my car!” Jenny shouted at him, “I really thought plan A would work.”
Dustin and Jenny sat in silence for a few more minutes before she pulled into the school parking lot. Dustin turned toward his sister, “I have an idea, but you might not like it.”
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“I just don’t understand why we keep having these meetings. I’m going in no direction, there’s no hope for me, and there’s no sense in trying to save my sorry ass.” (Y/N) spoke as she sat in the uncomfortable chair in the guidance counselor’s room. One arm resting on the back of the chair, the other just laying across her lap and she leaned back. She had been in there for thirty minutes and they were going in one circle with the questions and answers as they had always done and as much as (Y/N) hated her U.S. Government class she would rather listen to her teacher dwell on about random laws than deal with Ms. Kelly’s never ending questions about her nightmares, her nose bleeds, and her migraines. 
“Because it’s my job to make sure that all the students at Hawkins High are okay mentally.” Ms. Kelly started.
“See that’s the problem, this is simply a job for you. What happens when I graduate in a few months? Sure I may see you around town but there’s no way you’ll still actually give a fuck about the senior students you give ‘guidance’ to when you have a whole new set of Freshmen coming in next year. Besides, there’s no chance I’m making it out of Hawkins alive and not a slightest chance I’ll ever last outside of this shit hole.” (Y/N) spoke again leaning forward, her elbows resting on her knees, “There’s no getting through to me, and I’m not just going to wake up one day and get my life together just because you or anyone else asked me to.” 
She grabbed her backpack, “Look, Ms. Kelly, you’re a very nice lady and I’m sure you do actually give a fuck about us kids’ well-beings, but there’s no sense in any of this if everything still happens for no reason whatsoever. And quite frankly, I’m sick of everyone asking me if I’m okay and asking me to talk about my problems. I don’t want to talk about them anymore, I want to live my life instead of thinking about how my best friend died and I wasn’t there to save her, how the boy I was madly crushing on borderline in love with out of nowhere stood me up, and I sure as hell don’t want to talk about what the fuck happened to my parents either.” She stood up, “Good talk.” She said as she left the room bumping into Chrissy Cunningham, “Shit I’m so sorry Chrissy.”
“It’s okay.” She gave her a wide smile before entering Ms. Kelly’s room. 
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“You want me to do what?” (Y/N) asked Jenny.
“Cover for me with the cheer squad tonight. I know it’s the last game but I really need to get a hundred on this math test and Eddie’s supposed to tutor me tonight.” Jenny told her best friend as they walked down the school hallway. 
“Doesn’t he have Hellfire tonight?” (Y/N) raised her eyebrow.
“Yes! But he’s helping me study before the session, that’s what it’s called right, starts and then during the session I’m taking the practice test Mr. F gave to us and he’s going to grade it after. I won’t have time to cheer tonight.” Jenny pouted slightly.
“Oh my God, fine, I’ll cover for you, but you owe me big time.” (Y/N) spoke as she opened the restroom door, a smaller presence walking into the restroom first and muttering a small ‘thank you’ to her, “I’ll see you at lunch?” Jenny nodded and continued walking down the hallway.
“Hey, Max.” (Y/N) spoke as she washed her hands and looked over at the young girl.
“Hey.” Max muttered as she slipped her headphones off and reached into her backpack. “Need one?” She asked the older teen as she pulled a Tylenol bottle out.
“You are a lifesaver.” (Y/N) sighed in relief as Max passed her two pills, she grabbed an unopened water bottle out of her bag and went to pass her it but Max shook her head and dry swallowed the pills. (Y/N) took the pills and sipped the water, “I don’t know how you do that.”
“Yeah… yeah.” Max responded. “You owe me.”
“I know,” (Y/N) started, “do you think it’s something at the trailer park causing our headaches?” 
“I don’t know, my mom and your brother don’t seem to get them.” Max replied with a sigh.
“Yeah but my brother is constantly high and well…” (Y/N) trailed off. Max nodded and went to open her mouth to reply when they heard a sob and the sounds of someone throwing up, “Hey, are you alright in there?”
“I’m okay.” The person said.
“Chrissy? Do you need help?” Max asked her getting closer to the stall.
“I’m alright, thank you though.”
“You sure?” (Y/N) asked this time head tilted.
“Yes, thank you!” Chrissy responded.
“Okay… let’s go Max.” (Y/N) started and nodded her head towards the door, “I’ll get you those sour gummy worms you like out of the vending machine.”
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“(Y/N)!” A voice called as she walked down the hallway past the gymnasium doors.
“What?!” She said with a slight attitude before turning around and seeing Chrissy, “Oh my, Chrissy, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.” Chrissy giggled, “Have you seen Jenny? She wasn’t at practice and she still hasn’t shown up.”
“I’m looking for her as well, actually, but if I find her I’ll let you know.” (Y/N) lied to the sweet girl and felt bad about it.
“Thank you!” Chrissy ran back inside the gym and (Y/N) sighed as soon as the doors closed. She walked down the hall towards the drama club room and opened the door with a little too much force.
“What the hell am I supposed to tell Chrissy when I go back out there without you Jennifer!” (Y/N) said as she walked over to her friend.
“Oooooh, is the hot Munson sibling filling in for Lucas?” Gareth asked.
“Gross!” Both Eddie and (Y/N) said at the same time. “That’s my sister!”
“Firstly, Gareth, I will never ever play D&D with you dweebs ever again and secondly, no, I’m going to go support Lucas because my brother here is a jackass and won’t move the session to tomorrow night so you could go support him.” (Y/N) glared at her brother.
“I already explained to you tha-.” Eddie started.
“I know!” (Y/N) interrupted, “You don’t want to watch a bunch of jocks throw balls into laundry baskets or whatever the fuck you said in the cafeteria, and God knows I can’t stand Jason at all but Lucas deserves support from his friends, from the people he’s close to… from us. He’d do the same for us.” (Y/N) replied before crossing her arms over her chest and looking at her beloved best friend, “Seriously are you going to actually come out there or are you going to work on math homework all night? You know Spring Break starts after this game right? You have all of the break to do this bullshit.” 
“No, I really need to get this done today, I have plans for this break.” Jenny replied as she worked on a math problem.
“Plans? What plans?” (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at her best friend.
“Ya know… plans.” Jenny replied nervously, tapping the end of her pencil on her notebook.
Eddie took note of the action and jumped in, “Are you really going to support Lucas or are you going to see Harrington?” He teased.
“Why the fuck would he be here?” (Y/N) asked her brother, completely forgetting her question to Jenny.
“Because he has a date!” Jeff spoke mid chip chew.
“What?” (Y/N) softly asked. Jenny kicked Jeff from under the table and glared at him earning an ow. “You know, I’m just going to go. I’ll tell Chrissy I couldn’t find you, figure out what you’re telling her after the game.” (Y/N) left the room, no longer in the mood to talk.
“Is it me or has she been more bitchy since this morning?” Eddie asked Jenny. 
Jenny rolled her eyes ignoring her boyfriend’s question and glaring at Jeff and Gareth more, “Did you two not listen to a single word Eddie and I were talking about or were you two too busy being total dumbasses?” 
Eddie chuckled at what she said while Jeff and Gareth glared back at her. 
As (Y/N) walked down the hallway she passed by Mike, Dustin, and Erica, giving the trio a puzzled look before shrugging and minding her business as she continued to the gymnasium doors. She looked over at Chrissy who’s eyes widened and she smiled slightly as she saw her, she shook her head answering the silent question she was asked and Chrissy’s smile flattened.
(Y/N) made her way up the bleachers and passed by Robin, “(Y/N) you’re here! I thought you’d be, I don’t know, anywhere but here!” Robin spoke.
“And miss your last band performance and Lucas’ last game as a freshman? Not a chance in hell would I do that.” She smiled at her friend and she continued up the bleachers and sat at the end of one of the rows. She pulled the book and her Walkman out of her bag, having no actual interest in the game, placing the headphones on her head leaving one ear uncovered and pressing play on the tape.
She was too engulfed to hear or see Steve walk up the bleachers with his date and sit across the stairs from her, only noticing him when they announced Tammy Thompson was singing the National Anthem, “Told you a Muppet.” She heard Steve say to Robin and she giggled slightly at the joke, Steve turning his head to look at her and smiling, she only caught a glimpse of his smile before turning away from him. 
The game seemed to go on forever, (Y/N) had barely paid attention but she did look up at the scoreboard and saw they were only a few points behind and about a minute left on the clock, as the timeout was over she saw Lucas running out on the court. She took her headphones off and laid them on her shoulders and placed her book back in her bag. The whistle rang, the game began again, (Y/N) stood up so she could see over the sea of heads in front of her, she tried her best to follow where the ball was at, seeing it get passed to Lucas, she watched as he dribbled the ball and shot it. Everything felt like it was in slo-mo, “Come on Lucas.” She whispered to herself as she watched the ball hit the rim and slowly roll around. She started picking at the skin around her nails again… and then it went in. “Oh my God! YES!” She yelled and cheered. She felt like a proud friend, a proud sister even of the young boy. 
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“Hey.” (Y/N) felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Chrissy, “Do you know where your brother is at?” She asked.
“He’s probably in the drama club room with the Hellfire Club… why?” (Y/N) asked her.
“Oh…” Chrissy paused for a second, “I, uh, borrowed his pencil in class and promised to give it back but I forgot. I just want to give it back to him.”
“Hmm.” (Y/N) hummed in response with an eyebrow raised, she opened her mouth to say something else felt someone else tap her shoulder.
“(Y/N), how amazing was that game? Wasn’t it amazing Steve?” Robin rambled all giddy. 
“Is she good?” (Y/N) asked Steve as she looked at Robin. 
“Yeah, she’s almost always like this.” Steve replied to her looking down at his feet.
“I’ll be right back!” Robin shouted as she ran off to who knows where leaving Steve and (Y/N) to stand by themselves. The two just stood there in semi-silence, the only noise coming from the girl’s headphones and the conversations of the students walking around them, (Y/N) was fiddling with her fingers and biting the inside of her cheek while Steve looked over at her. Suddenly the basketball players were walking past them, none of them seemed to care that they would bump into the girl so Steve grabbed her arms quickly and pulled her into him. 
“What?” The girl started to question.
“Shh.” Steve said as he held her tighter, she looked over her shoulder and noticed the jocks walking right through where she was standing, not giving a single shit about the other students standing or walking around there.
“Jesus, thank you Steve.” She muttered as the group finished walking by, Steve loosened his grip and she backed away.
“Your nose…” Steve pointed to her and she wiped her index finger under her nose and found blood.
“Fuck.” She whispered as she reached into her bag and pulled out a napkin placing it under her nose, “God dammit this is embarrassing.” 
“I mean, you’ve done worse in front of me.” Steve joked, trying to make her feel better.
“When do we intervene?” Robin asked Jenny and Dustin as the three of them watched from where Jenny’s car was parked. 
“If they start fighting… or in like five minutes because I’ve got to make sure (Y/N) doesn’t see Eddie leave without her.” Jenny spoke.
“Why would he leave without his sister?” Dustin asked.
“He has something to do.” Jenny told him, “Now shh I’m trying to hear them.”
“Hey, Steve,” (Y/N) started, “I have a question… well actually two.” 
“Shoot away, Lil’ Munson.” 
She pondered for a second on which one to ask first, “Do you ever feel like you’re living in a hollow shell of what you used to be? Like you’re not fulfilling these expectations everyone has for you?” 
Steve scoffed, “Everyday… What made you ask?”
“This conversation I had with Ms. Kelly today. Kind of told her to fuck off though.” (Y/N) smiled slightly as she spoke, for the first time in a while it was a genuine one.
“You told her to fuck off?” 
“Well, I’m really sick of every time I go in there for our ‘meetings’ it’s the same five questions; how’s your migraines? The nightmares? Has your nose bled this week? Are you okay? Do you want to talk about your parents? I don’t want to answer any of that anymore.” She shared with him and he nodded. (Y/N) sighed in relief before feeling a sharp pain in her temple, “Ow! Fuck!” She held a palm to her head as she reached into her bag and pulled out a small packet of Tylenol, “Can you open these for me?”
Steve nodded, “Sure.” He took the packet from her and opened it for her, waited as she reached into her bag and grabbed a water bottle, he noticed the book that laid toward the top of the chaotic mess. “What was your other question?”
The other trio watched from afar, “Is she okay?” Dustin asked Jenny, the girl nodded her head.
“Just give them a second.” Jenny started to bite her lip, “Plan B has to work. Please let this plan work.”
(Y/N) downed the two pills and drank some water before looking at Steve and asking, “What happened to your date?” 
“Oh… she uh, she left right after the game… with one of the basketball players.” He sighed.
(Y/N)’s shoulders fell and the look she gave him softened slightly, “Oh Steve, I’m sorry.”
Steve was taken back at her empathy, “It’s all good,” he shook his head, “To be honest I wasn’t really paying much attention to her tonight.”
“Yeah, I get it, the game was so interesting.” She responded with a slight giggle.
“How would you know? You had your head buried in 1984 and listened to that mixtape the whole time until Lucas was on the court.” Steve raised an eyebrow at her.
“It’s not my fault that the game is boring besides I was only there fo- Hey! How did you even know that?” (Y/N) asked him, shock evident in her tone.
“Because I wasn't paying attention to the game either.” Steve looked her in the eyes, (Y/N) gasped quietly at his confession the two were now closer to each other than before, standing in front of one another, another step closer from either of them and they’d be chest to chest again.
“Steve! I’ve got to get home, come on Dingus!” Robin called as she walked up to the duo who jumped further apart from one another, Dustin and Jenny hot on her trail both with annoyed looks on their faces.
“Okay, Robin!” Steve responded and started walking towards his car, he turned around and looked back at (Y/N), “Hey, (Y/N/N),” The girl hummed in response, “I think you should know I’ve never met anyone who’s as special to me as you are.” The girl’s cheeks grew warm and she smiled smally at his words. Steve smiled back at her before turning back around and making his way to his car.
“You want to stay the night tonight?” Jenny asked her, pulling (Y/N) out of her daze.
“Sure… let me go tell Eddie.”
“Already taken care of.” Jenny smiled at her, “We can even watch Gremlins when we get home.” The trio walked towards Jenny’s car, Dustin immediately hopping into the back seat. 
Jenny started the car and the radio started, Cyndi Lauper’s cover of ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’ playing, “I can change it if you want.” Jenny immediately reached for the radio.
“No, no. Leave it on.” (Y/N) smiled at Jenny.
“But it was Roxy’s favorite song.” Jenny looked at her bestie confused. (Y/N) nodded and hummed along to the song as it played.
A little while later, Jenny pulled into the local grocery store, “I’m getting snacks and ice cream, anything you specifically want.”
(Y/N) shook her head and Dustin spoke, “Popcorn!”
“Already on the list Dust.” Jenny laughed as she exited the car, “Be right back.”
Dustin leaned forward over the center console, “Can I ask you a question, (Y/N)?”
“Sure Dust.” 
“How close were you and Roxanne?” He asked, he carefully worded the question not wanting to accidentally upset the girl.
“We were best friends since elementary, kind of like you and the boys, and then we became friends with your sister in middle school. All of us were inseparable, until last summer when she spent her time with Billy and Jenny and I spent our time with Steve and Robin.” (Y/N) answered truthfully.
“So you let a boy get between you guys?” He asked.
“I wouldn’t put it that way. Friends grow apart sometimes and Roxy was more interested in Billy Hargrove than she was in being friends with Jenny and I… the same could be said for me though, I was more interested in spending my days talking to Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington than going to the city pool and watching Roxy ogle at douche bag Billy.” She leaned back in her chair, “There’s just a part of me that still thinks I could have saved her. That I could have hung out with her more and she wouldn’t have been at the mall with Billy when it caught on fire.”
Dustin frowned at her words, “You shouldn’t blame yourself.”
“Dustin, you don’t have to make me feel better.” (Y/N) looked at him, “Besides, I’m already living in a hollow shell.”
“A hollow shell?” Dustin asked her.
“I’ve become numb to the topic of death, I mean talking about it once a week for the entire school year does that to a girl.” Dustin noticed a difference in her demeanor, one moment she’s happy and fine like the (Y/N) he’s known for six years and the next she’s back to this girl with a gloom cloud above her head, “My uncertainty is everlasting and perennial, small child, and is it even possible when you’re already in hell?”
Taglist (still open for now): @preciousbabypeter​ @honeymunson​ @willgrahampills​ @secretsicanthideanymore​ @hiphopdancer101universe​ @tanyaherondale​ @lettyshush​ @kayt-marie​
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televinita · 4 years ago
Books Read In 2020: The Why
In a tradition I accidentally started for myself in 2016 and now quite enjoy, at the end of the year I look back at my reading list and answer the question, why did you read this particular book?
Below, my 100 reads of 2020 are split into groups by target readership age, plus nonfiction at the end, now with a bonus note about how I heard of it. Which I probably won’t continue to do next year, but it was fun to try.
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I read each of these books because...
A Glitter of Gold - Liz Johnson. 2019. It had me at "her pirate tour business," but between the shipwreck & the museum-director love interest it was like BLOOD & TREASURE ROMANCE AU LET'S GOOO.
How I heard of it: a book blog
The Last Woman in the Forest - Diane Les Becquets. 2019.   Recommended by a dog lover; I'm down for a thriller about a woman who has a dream dog-inclusive job like this.
How I heard of it: a book blog
Good Omens - Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman. 1990. I really enjoyed the miniseries and wanted to see if the book everyone loved so much was as good (for the record: it was not. at least not if you’ve seen the miniseries first; otherwise they are probably equal).
This Is Home - Lisa Duffy. 2019. Attractive cover + I flipped it open to a random page and just liked the writing style.
How I heard of it: library
Dear Mr. Knightley - Katherine Reay. 2013. I'd had this on the back burner for a while because the MC sounded like me, and one day I got sick of not being able to find any fluffy contemporary romances with beta male heroes and decided Matthew Gray Gubler was gonna star in this one. (spoiler alert: it is a good book but that did not work)
How I heard of it: a book blog
Rubbernecker - Belinda Bauer. 2013. Criminal Minds sent me into a tailspin so I went hunting for books to cast Spencer Reid in again; the Asperger's/case-solving/difficult relationship with mother combo sounded promising. (spoiler alert: the med-student element + his social cluelessness proved too strong and I was only able to picture the kid from The Good Doctor)
How I heard of it: Googling keywords
The Swiss Affair - Emylia Hall. 2013. I got a random hankering for a student/teacher novel, and after scrutinizing the library catalog this was the only one that fit my parameters for gender, lack of adultery, and focus on romance over sex.
How I heard of it: library
Love At First Bark - Debbie Burns. 2019. I was trying to cast Wes/Jules [Dollface] in a romance novel, so I browsed through a Goodreads friend's "dog-romance" shelf and accidentally landed in a Jeid AU [Criminal Minds]. Which may or may not have been a large part of what turned me into a Jeid shipper (outside canon only).
The Mermaids Singing - Val McDermid. 1995. One final attempt to cast Reid in a novel -- a user in a Reddit post asking for this very thing suggested this, and "profiler with idiosyncracies" certainly fit.
The Wire in the Blood [and 9 subsequent novels] - Val McDermid, spanning 1997-2019. Turns out aside from being British, Reid paints onto Tony Hill EXCEPTIONALLY well, and I accidentally found myself with a little Jeid AU in the process, so obviously I read the entire series. Good crime-solving fun and all that.
Horse - Talley English. 2018. Random library pull because I connected with the writing style and it appeared to actually focus on horses.
How I heard of it: library
A Sparkle of Silver - Liz Johnson. 2018. I liked the author's other book and this was pretty much a remix of the same story, but now with a cool mansion/estate setting.
How I heard of it: looking up other books by this author
Everyone Is Beautiful - Katherine Center. 2009. Went looking for stories about strong marriages, found this on a Goodreads list of "second chance marriage" books, tripped into something like a season 9 Jim/Pam scenario. How I heard of it: Googling keywords
The Lost Husband - Katherine Center. 2013. Loved the previous book of hers I read, and the "starting life over on a goat farm" angle sounded like an ideal life to try on.
How I heard of it: looking up more from this author
The Shadow Year - Hannah Richell. 2013. Fixing up an old house?? I am THERE. Doing this in two timelines, one of which involves off-the-grid homesteading, is even better.
How I heard of it: used book sale
Mandrake Root - Janet Diebold. 1946. I needed a non-library book to bring on vacation, and after spinning in circles over what I thought would appeal to my mood in that setting, my brain randomly said "reread this one."
How I heard of it: estate sale
Path of the Jaguar - Vickie Britton & Loretta Jackson. 1989. Bought cheap for cheap thrills: a Yucatan adventure/mystery. Read now so I could get rid of it. How I heard of it: library sale
Burying Water - K.A. Tucker. 2014. The library didn't have The Simple Wild, but they DID have a book w/ an equally pretty cover that talked about a badly beaten young amnesiac (!) recovering on a horse farm (!!). What is: my top romance trope (hurt/comfort, bonus points for animals and rural setting).
How I heard of it: library
Happiness for Beginners - Katherine Center. Established quality author + summertime hiking inspiration.
How I heard of it: looking up more from this author
The Visitors - Simon Sylvester. Cool cover + setting, and a teenage protagonist usually makes adult fiction more accessible. How I heard of it: Goodreads
Becoming Rain - K.A. Tucker. 2014. I was in this companion novel solely for mentions of Alex and any people by the last name of Wells, but figured I might as well read all of it to ensure I didn't miss any. How I heard of it: looking up more from this author
The Guest List - Lucy Foley. 2020. Honestly, it just sounded like a cool thriller (and cool setting). How I heard of it: a book blog
You Deserve Nothing - Alexander Maksik. 2011. Fell down a Will/Rachel [Glee] rabbit hole and ravaged the student/teacher keyword in my library catalog again to scratch the itch.
The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson. 1959. Mom's been trying to get me to read this for years, and this time when it came up in conversation it was the right time of year, so I randomly decided to give it a shot. How I heard of it: Mom
The Walker in Shadows - Barbara Michaels. 1979. Gothic ghost story + beautiful architectural details in a historic house = yeah!
How I heard of it: Goodwill
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People Like Us - Dane Mele. 2018. Needed an audiobook; a girls' boarding school murder mystery seemed most likely to hold my attention of the limited options. How I heard of it: Library
The Possibility of Now - Kim Culbertson. 2016. I will read anything by this author, and girl having a meltdown over a test = me. How I heard of it: looking up other books by this author
Rob&Sara.com - P.J. Petersen & Ivy Ruckman. 2004. Mostly I wanted to go back to my high school days and enjoy the format of a novel written in emails, but also, I like Ruckman. How I heard of it: used book sale
For Real - Alison Cherry. 2014. Fictional Amazing Race!! + awesome summery cover + sisters How I heard of it: library sale
The Summer After You + Me - Jennifer Salvato Doktorski. 2015. The awesome summery cover, mostly. How I heard of it: a book blog
You'd Be Mine - Erin Hahn. 2019. Gorgeous cover + the chance to vicariously follow a budding young country music star on tour for the summer.
How I heard of it: a book blog
Juniors - Kaui Hart Hemmings. 2015. The neat setting(s): a live-in guest on a wealthy estate in Hawaii. How I heard of it: Dollar store
Lion Boy's White Brother - Alden G. Stevens. 1951. Bought cheap because vintage juvenile book in a unique setting. Read now to see if I could get rid of it (NOPE).
How I heard of it: used bookstore
The O.C.: Spring Break - Aury Wallington. 2005. I keep meaning to finish this short series, and it was an easy title to count for my Mount TBR challenge.
How I heard of it: used book sale
Echo Island - Edward Karlow. 2017. Bought cheap because of the beautiful summery cover; easy read for Mount TBR so I could get rid of it. How I heard of it: library sale
Confessions of a High School Disaster - Emma Chastain. 2017. Read because of THE SUPER CUTE SUMMERY COVER (and diary format).
How I heard of it: Dollar store
Kentucky Daughter - Carol J. Scott. 1985. Working my way down the “Inappropriate Student/Teacher Relationships in YA" list because I'm in that kind of mood this year; chose this because 80s books tend to deliver the subject best*, the character reminded me of the girl in Send No Blessings, and Open Library had it. *this one was just blatant sexual harassment, though, and belonged very literally on that list
How I heard of it: Goodreads
What They Always Tell Us - Martin Wilson. 2008. I sorted the library catalog to see the oldest contemporary YA novels they still have before they get weeded, and "loner being taken under the wing of his older brother's (male) friend and falling in love with him" hit a couple of good tropes. How I heard of it: library
Bobby's Watching - Ted Pickford. 1993. Browsing around on OpenLibrary and saw they FINALLY had a copy of this book that scared me too much to finish as a kid, and which I've wanted to revisit ever since I remembered what it's called (Interlibrary Loan doesn't have it and it's Not Cheap to buy).
How I heard of it: library
Powwow Summer - Nahanni Shingoose. 2019. Always interested in modern-day Indigenous girls connecting w/ their heritage, especially if they're from my home state's tribe.
How I heard of it: a book blog
The Princesses of Iowa - M. Molly Backes. 2012. Appealing cover + heft suggesting a solid Midwestern contemporary, plus I liked the student teacher element (without a slash this time, as in "college student who is almost a teacher")
How I heard of it: library
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ann Brashares. 2001. The Second Summer of the Sisterhood - Ann Brashares. 2003.
Long-intended reread of a college fave because I wanted see Mike Vogel in the movie, and it was summer so the stars aligned. Continued because the first book was as good as I remembered. (I would have kept going but Life distracted me for a bit and by the time I was back on track, it was no longer summer) How I heard of it: I...can't remember. Am the worst!
The Distance From Me To You - Marina Gessner a.k.a. Nina de Gramont. 2015. Hiking inspiration + an appealing-sounding romance. How I heard of it: Goodreads
Where Have All the Tigers Gone? - Lynn Hall. 1989. Will read any of her books, but specifically read this one because it seemed fairly autobiographical, and I read it NOW because it seemed durable enough to take on vacation. How I heard of it: looking up books by this author
And Both Were Young - Madeline L'Engle. 1949 (text of 1983 edition w/ material from original manuscript added back). Something reminded me of its existence and I requested it because it was the only non-animal-focused vintage teen novel I could physically get my hands on before Interlibrary Loan opened back up, and I had a craving for just that.
How I heard of it: library
The Other Side of Lost - Jessi Kirby. 2018. Established quality author + throw me ALL the thru-hike novels!
How I heard of it: Goodreads
The Vow - Jessica Martinez. 2013. Perfect scenario to run an Abed/Annie [Community] AU!
How I heard of it: I want to say...an article on a book website (not personal blog this time) back in 2013.
Moon and Me - Hadley Irwin. 1981. Was just in the mood to read an 80s teen novel and this one helped me knock off a title for the Mount TBR challenge. From an author I like, w/ bonus horse content.
How I heard of it: used book sale.
Suicide Notes From Beautiful Girls - Lynn Weingarten. 2015. I bought a blind bag at the library sale and this was one of the only contemporary YA novels in it; figured I might as well read it since I'd liked a previous book of hers.
How I heard of it: Library
History Is All You Left Me - Adam Silvera. 2016.
With the Glee rabbit hole came a Klaine spiral; this was my season 4 Tragic AU dream for them and I've been saving it for a Klainey day ever since it was published. (No I am not sorry for that horrid pun.)
How I heard of it: googling keywords
The Museum of Heartbreak - Meg Leder. 2016. The cool cover/concept of a "museum" of items reeled me in; I bought a copy a while ago 'cause the library didn't have it. Read now to see if I could get rid of it (NOPE).
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Me & Mr. J - Rachel McIntyre. 2015. Student/teacher novel that looked especially appealingly tame so I'd been saving it, but then Open Library notified me it was now only available in 1-hour increments, and I got paranoid it would disappear altogether (it's not cheap to buy or available via ILL), so I wanted it in my brain.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Dear Evan Hansen - Val Emmich w/ Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul. 2018. Fell in love with the DEH soundtrack. Play's summary sounded good -- getting to experience it in YA novel form?? Amazing.
How I heard of it: Wikipedia
Saddle a Thunderbolt - Jo Sykes. 1967
Bought a while ago because vintage horse story. Read now specifically to alleviate my pre-homesickness about moving by imagining living in an even more beautiful place than home.
How I heard of it: either a used book sale or a used bookstore...
Learning to Breathe - Janice Lynn Mather. 2018. This was mentioned on a lost-book forum and "girl with unplanned pregnancy supports herself by getting a job cleaning" piqued my interest; the setting (Bahamas) and cover made it better.
How I heard of it: Reddit
Everglades Adventure - James Ralph Johnson. 1970. Standard vintage boys' adventure-in-nature story; I like those.
How I heard of it: Goodwill
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Little Women - Louisa May Alcott. 1868. Seeing the new movie and falling head over heels was what it took to FINALLY convince me to reread this childhood fave.
How I heard of it: can't remember; I was a kid
A Little Princess - Frances Hodgson Burnett. 1905. I was perusing a lot of books about classic children's books and it started to bug me that I had skipped this appealing-sounding one as a kid.
How I heard of it: can't remember; I was a kid
Little Men - Louisa May Alcott. 1871. LW sparked a fandom revival and I wanted more detail about the Marches' adult lives (esp. Jo & Bhaer), even on the fringes.
How I heard of it: library
Lady and the Tramp - Ward Greene. I saw a quote from the new movie under a gifset on Tumblr that sounded like it came from a book, and upon Googling out that one existed, I obviously could not allow the book version of a beloved childhood animal-movie fave to go unread. Especially after finding out it was super rare so reading it would be a privilege.
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett. 1910. Read for the same reason as A Little Princess. Can’t have one without the other, you know.
How I heard of it: was a kid; can't remember
The Mother-Daughter Book Club - Heather Vogel Fredericks. 2007. Much Ado About Anne - Heather Vogel Fredericks. 2008.
Always thought the series looked cute/reminded me of The Teashop Girls, but the fact that the first book they read is Little Women gave me the impetus to finally read this one. First book was darling so I continued to the next (but failed to continue beyond because COVID shut the library down until I was out of the mood).
How I heard of it: library
Nature Girl - Jane Kelley. 2010. I wanted walking inspiration.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
From You to Me - K.A. Holt. 2018. Mistook it for a similar-looking book I'd seen at the same time (See You On A Starry Night), but figured I'd give the 8th grade bucket list idea a shot once I had it. How I heard of it: Goodreads
Semiprecious - D. Anne Love. 2006. Cute cover + I'm starting to be a big fan of what I call "contemporary historical," for stories set mid-20th century.
How I heard of it: library
Dandy's Mountain - Thomas Fall. 1967. Vintage horse-inclusive children's book in a rural setting, I'm sold. Not to mention, love reading a summer setting in summer.
How I heard of it: used book sale
Littler Women: A Modern Retelling - Laura Schaefer. 2017. The only way to make the Little Women MORE magical is to make them younger, modern, and written by a proven quality author.
How I heard of it: a book blog
Behind The Attic Wall - Sylvia Cassedy. 315 pg/1983.
A Goodreads friend strongly recommended it as similar to but better than Mandy, and reading about it in 100 Best Books For Children sealed the deal. Read now for the Mount TBR challenge.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
The Jigsaw Jungle - Kristin Levine. 2018. I am a COMPLETE sucker for books told in non-traditional/scrapbook-esque format.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Runt - Marion Dane Bauer. 2002. Wolf story by a quality author. Read now after owning it for a decade to see if I could get rid of it.
How I heard of it: used book sale
The King of the Cats - Rene Guillot. 1959. Bought cheap for a quick read because vintage animal story. Read now so I could get rid of it.
How I heard of it: used book sale
Just The Beginning - Betty Miles. 1976. Found cheap; always down to read a vintage book about an average girl (and I wanted to know how she'd cope with her mom being "a cleaning lady in a town full of classmates who HAVE cleaning ladies").
How I heard of it: used book sale
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling. 1997. Been meaning to reread the series for a while now; finally got motivation to check out the illustrated edition 'cause Christmastime.
How I heard of it: originally Mom; a book blog for this edition
Echo Mountain - Lauren Wolk. 2020. Almost entirely because of the incredible clipart cover, promising me nature and a dog (and because I could get it as an e-audiobook from the library).
How I heard of it: a book blog
Knock Three Times - Cressida Cowell. 2019. I needed another audiobook for bedtime/walks and I know that David Tennant will provide.
How I heard of it: more by this author (more accurately, narrator)
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The Red Leather Diary: Reclaiming A Life Through The Pages Of A Lost Journal - Lily Koppel. 2008. I'm kind of obsessed with the concept of historical 5-year diaries -- and finding one like this is The Dream.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life - Anne Bogel. 2018. Attractive and compact book about the pleasures of being a reader? A headspace I want to be in.
How I heard of it: library
100 Best Books for Children - Anita Silvey. 2004. I'm big on looking at lists of books for children this year. These are the kind of books I know, love, and want to hear people talk about, now that I know books about these books exist.
How I heard of it: library
The Coming of Saska - Doreen Tovey Originally bought because it was cheap and featured animals, I needed a non-library book to bring on vacation, and this one is a durable ex-library copy in plastic wrap that featured a similar setting to where I was going, so: thematic.
Cats in the Belfry - Doreen Tovey. 1957. Wanted more of her books, and lo and behold the library had the first one.
How I heard of it: more by this author
Sorry Not Sorry - Naya Rivera. 2016. I'll read anything the Glee kids write, and this doubled as an easy number for the Mount TBR challenge.
How I heard of it: entertainment news websites
Living Large in Our Little House - Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell. 2016. I love tiny houses. And this one specifically mentioned living with dogs. And had color photographs.
How I heard of it: used bookstore
I'm Your Biggest Fan: Awkward Encounters and Assorted Misadventures in Celebrity Journalism. - Kate Coyne. 2016. Found cheap at a library sale -- loved the chapter headings and the fact that they were all about celebrities I knew.
Adrift - Tami Oldham Ashcraft w/ Suesea McGearheart. 1998/2018 edition. The movie was so awesome that I couldn't wait for more details about the real story in her own words.
I'll Be Gone In The Dark [NF] - Michelle McNamara. 2018. Been reading a lot of true crime write-ups on Reddit lately; decided it was time to pick up this well-received one.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Dear Evan Hansen: Waving Through A Window - Steven Levenson. 2017. Much like The Grimmerie for Wicked, once I fell in love with the DEH soundtrack and looked up the plot summary, I wanted to read the musical's detailed background/behind the scenes story + libretto before I watched it.
How I heard of it: Wikipedia
Empty Mansions: The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune - Bill Dedman & Paul Clark Newell. 2013. Love me a story about a mansion (or three). Or the reclusive and insanely wealth heiress who owns them, that works too.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
JUVENILE NONFICTION Mascots: Military Mascots from Ancient Egypt to Modern Korea - Fairfax Downey. 1954. Animal book from an author I like; read now to see if I could get rid of it (yes).
How I heard of it: secondhand bookstore
Come on, Seabiscuit - Ralph Moody. 1963. Bought because vintage kids' horse book; read now to see if I could get rid of it (and to count it towards my Mount TBR challenge 'cause it was short).
How I heard of it: secondhand bookstore
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zalrb · 5 years ago
Do you think there’s a fine line between writers having a plan for their show (ex I think stelena was the plan at least for Kevin) and writers giving into fan service when a ship becomes popular (ex jj and kiera possibly becoming a thing even tho the plan was pope/kiera). Like giving into fan service can ruin a show (bughead) but the latter can also ruin it by avoiding what fans want (bellarke/how I met your mother ending). What should writers do?
Well, at least by the looks of my dashboard, people still seem to be watching The 100 anyway it seems and The 100 is notorious for going against what the fandom wants is it not, didn’t a good chunk of the fandom freak out when Lexa died and when that guy ... the one who is on American Gods now, left the show and so the writers killed him off? Wasn’t there like a petition to boycott the show?
And I mean with Bughead, Riverdale was ruined from the moment it started, it’s a horrible show with horrible plot lines and horrible acting and just overall horrible writing.
At least for me, I think it doesn’t hurt to know what the viewers want but that doesn’t mean that viewers have a say. Fan service used to mean something very different, fan service when done properly is giving your fans a little treat usually with a callback, not letting them dictate who gets to be with who and what storyline you do. For instance, if I were in charge of TVD and I had to give a fan service moment it would be 3x07 because it’s an episode where past characters come back from the dead
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so you get to see Vicki and Anna and Grams and Mason and Lexi
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but that’s the only time you’d see them, with the exception of Lexi ---- I’d keep 2x15 --- but that’s it. Because that’s a treat, that’s a OMG YESSSS THEY’RE BACK, that’s servicing your fans who have been with you for three seasons.
OTH had a lot of problems but a good fan service moment they did is they got viewers involved by having them vote on the song that would play during Nathan and Haley’s dance at their vow renewal.
In The O.C. when Marissa dies, it’s weird to call it a fan service moment but the show does a montage of all the times Ryan has carried her
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and it’s a fan service moment because the fans remember those moments and it makes the death all the more painful for fans
That’s the kind of fan service I like. I think the bigger question is the fine line between writers sticking to a plan and allowing for new developments that’s where I think a show like JTV failed.
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gossipdepartement · 5 years ago
Vicki Gunvalson Selling $3.4 Million Orange County Home After Mexico Move
Vicki Gunvalson Selling $3.4 Million Orange County Home After Mexico Move
It’s the end of an era in Coto de Caza. Vicki Gunvalson has put her Orange County, California, home on the market.
According to the O.C. Register, the 58-year-old former Bravo star listed the 5,456-square-foot home for $ 3.35 million. Real Housewives of Orange County fans watched Gunvalson live, host parties and fight with fellow Housewives in the gated community for 14 seasons on The Real…
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years ago
#Richard #Burgi #family #jewelry #makeuplooks #modelo #motivation #naturephotography #rap #singer #viral #youtube
ICHARD was born on July 30, 1958 in Montclair, New Jersey. He is married to Lori Kahn, and they have two sons, Jack and Samuel.
For Richard, a strong interest in music and theater is in his blood. His parents and three siblings were interested in the performing arts and the Burgi home was a fertile environment.
Richard recalls, “…my brother and I had a detective agency when we were kids. We were really enamuch mored with these kids’ novels, the Brains Benton series. They’re rather obscure. They were, I guess, a thinking boys’ alternative to the Hardy Boys. Not that the Hardy Boys were idiots. But, I mean, these were really wildly constructed stories that these two junior detectives went through. So he and I had fashioned ourselves after Brains Benton and his partner, and had a laboratory and all these Erlenmeyer flasks – beakers and condensers. And we’d make this and boil that. And we had gunpowder, and we’d light fires in the basement. And it was total insanity. But the final straw, as far as my parents were concerned, was when… well, the house caught on fire one day. It got messy. So we had to retire early.”
After finishing school, Richard traveled throughout the U.S. and Europe. Though a career in acting was always one of Richard’s goals, it took a while for the goal to become a reality.
He finally ended up in New York City and began studying acting and gaining acting experience with commercials and cameos, which led to regular roles on several daytime dramas.
When Richard left Days of Our Lives, the co-executive producer said “Richard has such amazing timing, whether dramatic or comedic.”
A move to Los Angeles allowed him to read for different types of roles. A recurring role as Lane Cassidy in Viper led to a lead role in One West Waikiki with Cheryl Ladd.
His character, Mack Wolfe, was a man fighting demons, struggling to become a hero. “I think it was organic in that way to take him in that direction, because I think to watch people struggle through their dark ingredients is appealing. Going through it and out and up into a joyful, winning, positive, light area is appealing… and the possibility of sliding back.”
As Jim Ellison in The Sentinel, Richard played “a champion of the light, of the good, that’s where he is, that’s where I am in some way.”
Richard has been keeping busy since The Sentinel ceased production in 1998, beginning with a guest spot on the popular CBS drama Touched By An Angel as well as appearing on E! Entertainment TV’s Celebrity Homes feature. His character in the pilot of the short-lived 1999 FOX comedy, Action — action movie star Cole Riccardi — came back for a second appearance in the show’s controversial fourth episode, “Blowhard.” Richard guested on a 1999-2000 season episode of NBC’s comedy Veronica’s Closet as Veronica’s new beau Mark, as well as an episode of the popular NBC drama Providence as Dr. J.D. Scanlon. He also filmed a Fall 2000 episode of NBC’s Just Shoot Me, appearing as action hero Robert “The Nomad” Gallatin, and joined the recurring cast of the hit CBS drama, The District, in the role of Captain Vincent Hunter. He also appeared as the ill-fated Paul Donovan in the March 18th, 2001 ABC/Wonderful World of Disney feature “Bailey’s Mistake,” opposite Linda Hamilton .
Fall 2001 located Richard in the new FOX drama, 24, playing the part of Alan York/Kevin Carroll in the Golden Globe-winning drama’s first season. In addition to filming his eleven-episode story arc on 24, Richard entired filming the new “indie” feature film, “Wheelmen,” playing former hotshot ambulance driver, Nick Torino. “Wheelmen” is currently awaiting a distributor. Richard joined the recurring cast of the CBS drama Judging Amy in Spring 2002, playing the part of Judge Amy (Amy Brenneman) Gray’s ex-husband, Michael Cassidy. He spent most of May and June with the Matrix Theatre Company’s production of the Neil Landau-written “Johnny On The Spot,” playing dual roles, Fred and Sy. After appearing at the 42nd Monte Carlo Television Festival (July 1-6) in Monaco, Richard rejoined his “Johnny On The Spot” castmates for the July 20th Los Angeles finale.
Richard brought in Fall 2002 with an appearance in the season premiere of Judging Amy, once again in the role of Amy’s ex-husband, Michael. Head writer Barbara Hall revealed that the custody dispute between Michael and Amy would be a continuing theme throughout the season, which proved to be the case with three of his four episodes: “Lost in the System,” “People of the Lie,” and “The Best Interests of the Child” all dealt with and finally resolved the custody issue, while the most recent — “Marry, Marry Quite Contrary” — showed Michael and Amy as friends who still care for each other. In addition to his continuing association with Judging Amy, Richard returned to CBS’s The District in two episodes, appearing once more as Captain Hunter in “The Second Man” and “Good-bye, Jenny.” He has also filmed an episode of the “most watched” CBS show, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, playing paragliding instructor Rick Weston in “High and Low,” which aired December 12th. Richard closed out 2002 playing Lieutenant Womack in “The Message,” one of the final episodes of the FOX network’s Firefly, a sci-fi series from Joss Whedon, producer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Though FOX decided to cancel Firefly before airing all of the contracted episodes, the show was temporarily snatched up by the syndication market; “The Message” aired on the UK Sci Fi Channel in July 2003.
Richard ushered in 2003 with his most recent episodes of Judging Amy and The District, and worked with producer Chris Thompson (Action) on a new pilot for the WB Network. The new show, a comedy titled Trash, was described as “Romeo and Juliet set in a trailer park,” with Richard playing Bud Blue, father of teenager Luna — the show’s Juliet. Unfortunately, Trash was not picked up by the WB for the Fall season.
In addition to his television work, Richard spent part of March and April in Ottawa, Canada, where he joined the cast of the Matt Hastings-directed “Decoys” as Detective Francis Kirk. Hastings described the movie as “‘American Pie’ meets ‘Species'” — a tongue-in-cheek sci-fi thriller set on a college campus. Next up was the long-awaited sequel to “Starship Troopers,” titled “Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation,” from producer Jon Davison, director Phil Tippett, and writer Ed Neumeier. Richard leads the cast as the “hero” mentioned in the title — a tough trooper named Captain V.J. Dax. Principal photography ran from May 14th through June 20th. The film premiered on the Encore Action Channel, part of the Starz! group of Cable channels, on April 24th, 2004, with DVD release starting in May.
Richard enjoyed a brief flirtation with summer vacation, but was at work on “Jack’s Back,” the Fall 2003 season premiere episode of The District by mid-July, after which he headed to Sofia, Bulgaria to shoot “Darklight,” a sci-fi thriller designed by UFO Films for the Sci Fi Channel’s 2004-05 roster of original features. The “Darklight” shoot ran from July 28th through August 20th. The last quarter of 2003 proved to be just as busy, with additional episodes of The District as well as a role in “Cellular,” a thriller from New Line Cinema starring Kim Basinger, William. H. Macy, Chris Evans and Jason Statham. Richard played Craig Martin, husband of Basinger’s character Jessica. Cellular premiered in theaters on September 10th ’04.
February 2004 found Richard once again at work on a major feature film — “In Her Shoes” from Fox 2000 and 20th Century Fox. The dramatic comedy stars Cameron Diaz (Maggie), Toni Collette (Rose), and Shirley MacLaine (Ella), with Richard playing the part of Rose’s love ’em and leave ’em cad of a boyfriend, Jim Danvers. The film is expected to premiere in 2005.
While waiting to film his remaining scenes for “In Her Shoes,” Richard worked on Point Pleasant, the pilot for a new “superall-natural” dramatic series. From producer Marti Noxon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame, and 20th Century Fox Television, Point Pleasant has been described as “a kinder, gentler ‘Rosemary’s Baby,'” and “a cross between Peyton Place and ‘The Omen.'” Richard plays Dr. Ben Kramer, a fortysomething husband and father whose family takes in the show’s lead character, a mysterious young girl who washes up on the beach one day.
Point Pleasant was given a 12-episode order (13 including the pilot, portions of which have been re-shot) in late August ’04 and went into production in San Diego in November. FOX launched the show on January 19th and 20th at 9:00pm as a two-part premiere, with 9:00pm Thursday becoming its official timeslot following The O.C.
May 2004 found Richard in New Orleans working on a film for Lifetime Television titled “Torn Apart.” The thriller stars Tia Carrere as Vicki Westin, Dale Midkiff as Jerry Bender, and Richard Burgi as Billy Westin, and premiered in late September ’04. Tia Carrere plays a doctor whose husband (Burgi) and daughter are kidnapped by a man (Midkiff) whose wife and daughter Dr. Vicki Westin couldn’t save. Instead of a ransom, Jerry Bender demands that Vicki decide on whether her husband or daughter will die.
Richard brought in Fall 2004 with a guest role on the new ABC series Desperate Housewives, where he played Karl Mayer, the philandering ex-husband of series star Teri Hatcher’s Susan Mayer. Next came a five-week shoot on the new Jim Carrey comedy, “Fun with Dick and Jane.” The film, a remake of the 1977 original starring Jane Fonda and George Segal, stars Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni as Dick and Jane Harper. The Harpers are a young couple who turn to a life of crime to pay the bills after Dick loses his job. Richard plays a new character, Joe Kleman (we’re uncertain of the exact surname spelling). The movie is slated for a June 2005 release in the USA.
The last quarter of 2004 saw Richard working on a second episode of ABC’s breakout hit, Desperate Housewives, before starting production on his new FOX series, Point Pleasant. The episode of Desperate Housewives, “Move On,” premiered just over a week before Point Pleasant launched on FOX. Richard also filmed an episode of ABC’s midseason drama Eyes sometime in late 2004, roughly concurrent with his work on Desperate Housewives. The Eyes role was intended as a recurring character, but Richard’s commitment to Point Pleasant prevented his continued involvement with the show.
The first quarter of 2005 found Richard still hard at work on Point Pleasant. Though FOX decided to cancel the show in late March with five episodes unaired, 20th Century Fox kept the show in production and finished all thirteen episodes. With the complete season available for broadcast, Point Pleasant aired in a variety of international markets. FOX later released a Complete Series DVD boxed set, as was done with Firefly. Late March found Richard being featured in launch promos for ABC’s Eyes, which premiered on March 30th. (Sadly, ABC pulled the show before Richard’s episode could be aired).
The second quarter of 2005 saw Richard finishing the last episodes of Point Pleasant in mid April and, roughly a week later, returning to Wisteria Lane and Desperate Housewives, where he took part in the season finale episode, “One Wonderful Day.” As it turned out, the finale appearance also served to reintroduce the character to viewers — by July, Richard would be confirmed as a series regular for Fall 2005. Richard started a six week feature film shoot in Shanghai, China in mid-June, where he worked on “Shanghai Red,” a joint venture between MAR de ORO Films and Shanghai Film Studios. Richard costars with Vivian Wu, whose husband Oscar L. Costo is the writer, director, and producer of the film. Richard plays an expatriate American named Michael Johnson. As described for us by Oscar Costo, “‘Shanghai Red’ is a dramatic film about the journey of a young, modern Shanghai mother Meili Zhu (Vivian Wu) who suffers the loss of her husband and how she comes to terms with her state of depression. In her murderous journey of revenge, Meili meets Michael Johnson (Richard Burgi), an expatriate American from Chicago escaping his own dark past. Even though Michael’s motives for being with Meili are originally laced with deception, he ultimately finds hope, love and honor through her.”
Late July 2005 found Richard home from China and once again at work on Desperate Housewives, this time as a series regular. As suspected, Karl spent the Fall 2005 season stirring up trouble on Wisteria Lane by becoming romantically involved with neighborhood vamp, Edie Britt (Nicollette Sheridan) while still pining after ex-wife Susan (Teri Hatcher). By the end of the season, Karl had secretly remarried Susan to provide her with medical insurance coverage while still stringing Edie along with a sham engagement. He had also been hired by Bree (Marcia Cross) to serve as her lawyer in her son Andrew’s emancipation case. Richard’s work as Karl was often mentioned in the press as a highlight of the season. Sadly, a reorganization of the Desperate Housewives production and writing staff led to a reprioritizing of storylines for the Fall 2006 season, which led to Karl being sidelined and essentially excised from the ongoing saga.
While waiting for news of his fate on Desperate Housewives, Richard spent the summer of 2006 working on movies and making public appearances. “Firestorm: Last Stand at Yellowstone,” a telemovie for A&E, was filmed in May in British Columbia, Canada. After a quick June trip to Rhode Island and the Newport International Film Festival, Richard was once again in Canada — Ontario, this time — to work on “In God’s Country” for CTV and Lifetime TV. August found Richard at the All*Star Cup charity golf tournament in Newport, Wales, and by October, he was hard at work in Prague, Czech Republic, on “Hostel: Part II,” the sequel to Eli Roth’s horror blockbuster “Hostel.” In addition to “Hostel: Part II,” Richard filmed a short scene for a Sweeps episode of Desperate Housewives, “Children and Art,” which has been his last appearance on the show to date.
2007 found Richard working on a mix of television guest spots and movies, beginning with three back-to-back episodes of NBC’s Las Vegas, which were filmed in January and aired in late February and March. A fourth Las Vegas episode — the conclusion of the previous season’s cliff-hanger finale — was filmed in May, after which Richard was once more Canada-bound for another movie role. “Thomas Kinkade’s Home for Christmas,” scheduled for a Christmas 2008 release, found Richard playing Bill Kinkade, father of famous American painter Thomas Kinkade. Richard filmed an episode of the CBS legal drama Shark in July, playing an unscrupulous plastic surgeon. The episode, “Eye of the Beholder,” aired October 7th.
Richard’s last role before the WGA (Writers Guild of America) strike effectively shut down television production for the rest of the year was in ABC’s Big Shots, playing billionaire adrenaline junkie Gavin Carter. The episode, “The Way We Weren’t,” aired November 29th.
Thus far, 2008 has gotten off to a slow start for Richard, due largely to the strike-related industry shutdown. He filmed a commercial for the 2008 Cadillac DTS DeVille Touring Sedan in mid-January which, as of mid-February, has yet to premiere. Now that the WGA strike has been resolved and television production resumed, Richard and his peers should soon be back at work.
Right now, Richard cherishes his time with his family. Marriage and fatherhood agree with him; in fact, they “changed my life around,” he says. “I’m more in love than I’ve ever been. I can’t imagine anything that surpasses this.”
Time with family dovetails beautifully with Richard’s other loves — music, surfing, nature and bird-watching. Richard is the proud owner of a vintage Buddy Miles drum-set and enjoys playing it whenever possible; during a Spring 1999 appearance on Access Hollywood, he revealed that get-togethers in the Burgi household often turn into impromptu concerts, with adults grabbing instruments and children singing along.
An enthusiastic surfer and nature lover, Richard spends as much time outdoors as possible, either at the beach or hiking through the hills with his family. Introducing his sons to the natural world is an added pleasure. He feels a strong connection to nature and is an advocate of environmental protection and preservation.
Richard was involved for a time with the Yellowstone Ecological Survey,an organization devoted to educating the public on the delicate Yellowstone ecosystem. The Bozeman, Montana-based organization is best known for its part in the reintroduction of wolves to the Yellowstone ecosystem. Richard now supports the work of the Surfrider Foundation, a San Clemente, CA – based organization which works to protect and preserve shoreline and coastal environments. “Life comes and goes, and I think we require to save our planet and not hurt it,” he explains. “I like to be proactive, but at the same time I like to work in a grass roots way and impact my environment as best I can.”
Richard is also an avid bird-watcher, an interest he discovered as a ten-year-old. Sharp-eyed viewers of The Sentinel may have noticed a variety of bird-watching books and framed bird prints scattered throughout Ellison’s Loft; many, if not all, belong to Richard or were selected by him. Perhaps the most noticeable is a National Audubon Society print on the wall of Jim’s bedroom.
Richard’s interest in and commitment to preserving the environment for future generations, his preference for “grass roots” work, and his passion for and devotion to the sea and the marine mammals common to the waters of his California home led him to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, a Laguna Beach, CA – based, volunteer-run and funded organization which tends to the needs of sick or injured seals, sea lions, and other marine mammals. The RBFC is delighted to join Richard in his support of and interest in the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.
Name Richard Burgi Height 6' 1½” Naionality American Date of Birth 30 July 1958 Place of Birth Montclair, New Jersey, USA Famous for
The post Richard Burgi Biography Photographs Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/richard-burgi-biography-photographs-wallpapers/
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
no way, did Marissa just die??? what the fuck
I don't have time to start another episode right now ughhh
I'm just lowkey shocked bc like, whyyyy, what was the reason, she was leaving anyway if they wanted to write her off 😭😭😭 she's one of the main characters so I genuinely didn't think they'd go there but wow
I know I talked some shit about her but like I did like her character and I'm gonna miss her 😭 god I can't wait to see what s4 looks like without her
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
I'll keep repeating this but omg Kirsten and Ryan's bond is one of my favorite things on this show
the dynamics between the whole Cohen family are amazing but those two just have my whole heart
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
"you spent all last year trying to drag me down with you"
"you want to make a mess out of your own life? fine, you're doing a pretty good job of it"
truer words haven't been spoken on this show lmaooo
why is everyone looking at Ryan like he's wrong 😂
I am LIVING for Ryan who's not in love with Marissa omg
don't tell me he's gonna apologize to her now jfc nothing he said wasn't true - maybe she didn't force Lindsay to drink but everything else was spot on (and she is an alcoholic who provided the alcohol and encouraged it anyway sooo)
Marissa and everyone around her always making a victim out of her jfc 😂 I'm getting so sick of it 😂
like I know she has her issues but come on, at this point seeing it over and over again is just annoying - she should really go back to therapy jfc - also, someone pls do something about her drinking - Summer sees it all the time and mentions it but like, tell her mom???? she's gonna hate Summer and Julie will probably get her checked into rehab or smth but at least they'll try to help her??? that girl has problems and needs help and everyone around is just watching her spiral deeper and deeper
don't get me wrong, I like her character, but I'm getting annoyed and also it's mind blowing to me that even her best friend, who knows so well what's happening, isn't concerned
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wikiangela · 2 years ago
this whole oliver storyline is so frustrating jfc how are Luke and Ryan the only ones that see how sus he is??? I got a weird vibe the moment he showed up, and why does no one believe Ryan jfc
I think what's the most frustrating for me is that even Seth doesn't believe him 😩
also, I love Marissa, but why is everyone going crazy over her 😭 this is such a main character thing thats so annoying lmao
still loving the show but getting slightly fed up with Oliver's character tbh, and hoping she'll see the truth soon (I mean, this episode is titled the truth so fingers crossed🤞 lol)
tho I gotta say, I'm loving Luke and Ryan lowkey becoming closer over this lmao
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
the Cohen family owns my heart atm and I will cry at every single family moment
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
I genuinely don't remember the last time I was as excited about a canon, het ship as I am about Ryan and Taylor
I just love them so much - I didn't see it coming before but omg they're just so good together aaahhh
also, love how Taylor notices how funny Ryan is bc he's hilarious and i think she's the first to truly appreciate that lmao
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
the way Ryan went "woah" after that kiss with Taylor aaaahhh I'm obsessed with them
istg I've never shipped Ryan this hard with anyone else, they just make so much sense even tho they shouldn't on paper, I'm so here for it, I need them to get together asap
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
Kirsten is like, emotionally invested with Carter, huh
she didn't technically cheat (yet) but it feels like she's been cheating for a few episodes now
she fr likes him
and I'm scared bc I know it's probably inevitable at this point but pls I don't want that to happen 😭 (she literally just invited him over for dinner, I'm scared to continue lol)
my heart breaks a little every time she doesn't say "I love you" back to Sandy 💔
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
okay, I love Seth Cohen, but he is such a liar and ngl I hope Summer won't forgive him, at least this season lol they need some time apart fr
also, I really like Theresa but pls tell me she and Ryan won't get back together and Ryan won't stay 😩 I just need him to go to college pls
also, Taylor grew on me, I'm really enjoying her character now haha she's intense but fun 😂
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wikiangela · 2 years ago
I'm on 1x16 and i cannot believe Ryan and Luke are friends now lmao thinning to how they started and looking at now is just wild
I'm loving it tho, Luke is fun when he's not being an asshole hahah
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