viceprints · 5 years
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viceprints · 6 years
— m.h.
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⟹ stage name: m.h.
⟹ real name: hwang minho
⟹ position: leader, vocalist
⟹ birthdate: december 17th, 1989
⟹ hometown: boston, usa
⟹ zodiac: sagittarius
⟹ height: 185cm // 6’1
⟹ nationality: korean-american
⟹ ethnicity: korean
⟹ mbti type: enfj
⟹ fc: minho of shinee
⟹ personality: 
protective: if you told minho that he’s protective, he probably would disagree with you. however when it comes to people that are close to him, he gets really protective of them. he’s not like cyth who would probably kill someone if they bothered a loved one, minho takes a more relaxed approach. for example, he might strongly suggest cutting toxic people out of a friend’s life, driving someone home when it’s late, calling someone just to make sure they’re okay, etc. he just doesn’t want anyone to be hurt, ever. 
empathetic: he’s really in tune with other people’s emotions and thoughts, making him have great interpersonal skills. he gets connected to people really quickly and finds himself in relationships that are very emotionally raw, even if they’re just platonic. he can’t stand seeing someone else be in any sort of discomfort and will always try his best to help them through whatever. 
anxious: thank god he has a team of strong friends behind him because otherwise he would be an anxious mess. minho has a bad habit of over-thinking every little detail to the point where it overwhelms him and he gets anxious. this anxiety can sometimes lead him to micromanage everything in order for any possible negative outcomes to be diminished. when he gets into his micromanaging moods, the people in his surroundings often have to reel him in and bring him back to reality.
closed-minded: even though he is a leader, sometimes he has trouble accepting other opinions that aren’t his own. if a member of his group suggests they do something differently, the idea won’t sit nicely with m.h. in fact, he might even take it a little too personally and see it as a criticism of his leadership. he may not be very lenient when it comes to changing something or trying to see things in a different light, but he at least tries to be accepting towards adjustments.
⟹ history:
family life: minho was originally born in seoul, south korea as his family’s first born. however, once he was three, his parents moved to boston, massachusetts for his father’s work. his dad was an international businessman and was relocated to the states. his mother later picked up a job in boston as a teacher’s aide at a preschool. minho has two younger sisters who were born in boston. his family wanted minho to grow up and be sucessful, just like every other parent wishes. however, they weren’t so sure about minho becoming an idol, even though he was musically talented. their concerns with him pursuing a career as unpredictable as an idol made minho’s parents feel a little unsteady. eventually, his parents came around to the idea after minho showed how much passion he had for it. today, his younger sisters are known in the vice fandom for being the biggest supporters of their brother and his group. his parents are also very supportive and proud of their son. 
predebut: during his early teen years, minho would often perform in train stations all over boston with his guitar. even back then, he would pretend that the train station was a stadium and that he was performing his music for millions to hear. as someone who grew up listening to kpop groups (his mother was a huge fan), he started fantasizing about being a kpop idol. after a while, this daydream started to get boring. he was tired of pretending when he could actually be working towards his dream. so one summer he asked his parents about auditioning globally for a korean entertainment company. at first, they were apprehensive, but they gave in and brought him to multiple auditions. he went to hbh’s global audition in new york and was accepted right away. 
being a trainee was different back then. being one of the few trainees that were actually accepted, he was very well known among both staff and trainees. what gathered people’s attention about him was his singing ability, guitar skills, and his kind personality. even though he was well liked, his dancing needed to be improved greatly. he struggled for nearly a year on dancing, but eventually, he honed in on his skills. he was made leader of vice after the whole group discussed who would be the leader with the company. 
he’s known to be the ‘father of hbh artists’ because he’s been at hbh the longest and likes to keep good relations with all the hbh artists. 
can speak english and korean, knows a little bit of spanish too.
engaged to solji of exid, they plan on getting married in 2021.
can play guitar very well and is self-taught
he’s physically pretty strong but has a reputation of losing in arm wrestling matches.
his least favorite food is raw celery.
he’s allergic to pineapples.
an idol that he says he feels protective over is i.m from monsta x. he says that he feels like an older brother to him because they both lived in boston and they both have an m in their stage name. he sees a lot of himself in him.
loves his virtues and always orders them food if they wait outside venues.
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viceprints · 6 years
— geonwu
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⟹ stage name: geonwu
⟹ real name: lim geonwu
⟹ position: vocalist
⟹ years trained: 3
⟹ birthday: september 15th, 1990
⟹ hometown: changwon, south korea
⟹ zodiac: virgo
⟹ height: 186cm // 6’1
⟹ nationality: korean
⟹ ethnicity: korean
⟹ mbti type: istj
⟹ fc: minhyuk of btob
⟹ personality:
∇ realist: if you want something to be handed to you straight, geonwu’s the one to do it. geonwu calls it like he sees it and doesn’t like to get caught up in impracticalities. when tackling an issue, he likes to plan out ways of how to deal with it rather than jumping in without much thought. because of his practical approach to things, he’s often someone people rely on for advice.
∇ reliable: geonwu is not one to flake out. if you need him for whatever reason, you can bet that he will be there for you. he wouldn’t label himself as a nurturer, but he tries the best he can to be someone else’s rock in times of crisis. geonwu never forgets things like dates, times, birthdays, etc. 
∇ judgemental: the singer is known for being a bit of a judgemental person. sometimes he’ll jump to conclusions about people he barely knows. whatever conclusion he comes to, it's typically final unless proven otherwise. when it comes to friends, he judges their choices based on his own morals. it comes from a place of caring, but it can be very annoying. 
∇ snarky: geonwu is usually a little on the irritated side of the mood spectrum. because of his proneness to bad temper, he tends to be a little snarky with people. he usually doesn’t mean to be malicious, but his comments can hurt people’s feelings pretty badly. his judgemental personality also strikes up his snarkiness, which really provokes others.
⟹ history: 
∇ family life: geonwu was born and raised in changwon, south korea. he’s the only child in his family, making his bond with his parents close. he never really discusses how much money he comes from, but both of his parents were heads of their respected companies, making geonwu and his family almost upper class. geonwu also was homeschooled by a tutor all the way until high school. even though his father had essentially secured geonwu a stable job at his company, both of geonwu’s parents were beyond supportive of geonwu when he told them that he wanted to be an idol. they remained supportive of his dream through company changes and training. to this day, geonwu’s parents are very supportive of their son and often buy vice’s albums in bulk to help with sales.
∇ predebut: the career choice geonwu made wasn’t exactly a surprise to his parents. growing up, geonwu had been very musically oriented, being a piano prodigy at a young age. when geonwu told his family he wanted to pursue singing, they were extremely dedicated to his training. after geonwu was accepted to pledis entertainment, they started becoming very invested. they would not only fund his training but they also made sure that he had rides to practice, had enough time in his schedule to work in the studio, etc. they basically became ‘trainee parents’ and were a little obsessed with their son’s progress in the beginning. it was probably the stress of debut his parents had put on him that caused geonwu to drop out of pledis, realizing that a debut opportunity was not going to happen there. he later auditioned for smaller companies, finding his way to hbh.
his training period was short but fulfilling. he was able to continue perfecting his vocal ability under hbh and was able to build a better basis of dancing as well. his past training had pinned him instantly as someone to be considered for the final line up. socially he was well known due to his sarcastic humor and caring attitude towards the younger trainees. he eventually debuted with vice in 2011. 
⟹ extra:
his parents were very wealthy, but he doesn’t ever bring up how much money he came from.
he was homeschooled when he was young. the first time he regularly interacted with people his age was when he became a trainee at Pledis in 2008.
became a trainee at HBH in 2010.
can play the piano very well, there’s a bunch of videos of him as a young boy playing at recitals
he’s known for having an “uncle-like” presence.
the members say that he used to walk around the dorm in just his boxers.
has acted in several dramas.
he’s secretly got married in 2017 to a stunt double (Son Yikyung) that he met on set.
has a two year old son named Eunhyuk.
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viceprints · 6 years
— seokyu
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⟹ stage name: seokyu
⟹ real name: han seokyu
⟹ position: vocalist, dancer
⟹ years trained: 1
⟹ birthdate: july 7th, 1992
⟹ hometown: incheon, south korea
⟹ zodiac: cancer
⟹ height: 187cm // 6’2
⟹ nationality: korean
⟹ ethnicity: korean
⟹ mbti type: intj
⟹ fc: jinyoung of got7
⟹ personality:
∇ humble: it’s very rare for seokyu to brag or even enjoy a lot of attention. he’s always seen himself as someone ordinary, so whenever he receives praise, it rarely goes to his head. he’s not one to let his celebrity status get to his head. he’s grateful for everything he receives and doesn’t get greedy. he’s known for being very down to earth.
∇ chivalrous: is the kind of guy to go out of his way to help an elderly person carry their bags or help a pregnant woman get through a busy crosswalk safely. he never does it for show however, he does it out of the kindness of his heart. he’s always willing to be helpful and useful, but he doesn’t want to be praised for his good deeds: he doesn’t realize that not just anybody would do what he does. 
∇ shy: seokyu gets flustered and shy very quickly. on stage, he is able to overcome his shyness to do what he loves best, but off stage, he’s just a little introvert. some people find this trait charming, but he’s always been very self-conscious about how shy and passive he is.
∇ quiet: along with the shy trait, he’s known for being very quiet. he doesn’t talk a lot, and when he does, it’s never about himself. he doesn’t like to speak if there’s nothing for him to add. he’s much more of a listener than a talker. 
⟹ history: 
∇ family life: seokyu grew up in incheon with his mother, father, and two older brothers. his father was in the military, so seokyu didn’t see him that often when growing up. however, his father would write him lots of letters and send back pictures of him and his friends on duty. seokyu’s mother worked from home often and was always around her babies as they grew up. for a long time, seokyu and his two older brothers wanted to join the military like their father. his oldest brother ended up becoming a businessman in seoul after he finished his mandatory enlistment, but his other brother joined the airforce after he graduated high school. seokyu’s father didn’t think that seokyu would be a good fit for the military, knowing that his youngest was a bit more delicate than his other sons. once seokyu got scouted, both his parents encouraged him to take up the opportunity. they remain huge supporters of their son. seokyu’s brothers are also insanely supportive and proud of their younger brother.
∇ predebut: seokyu was musically talented enough to attend a performing arts high school, which is where he formed a high school band with his two best friends. he’s always been talented when it came to guitar and singing, so he was elected the frontman of his band. he was often picked on at school for being a part of a band, but the determination from his friends motivated him to keep performing. his band performed at their school’s end of the year talent show, which is where and hbh representative was present and offered him an audition. he originally was going to turn it down, but his parents convinced him to go to the audition. months later, he was called back and then later was accepted.
he joined hbh just shortly after vice started promoting. he proved himself to be a quick learner during his training years. he put in a lot of effort to become as talented as he could be. he went from someone who’s never danced before to someone who adores dancing. it didn’t take very long for staff to recognize his star potential. after a year of rigorous training, he finally was asked to debut with vice in 2012. 
⟹ extra:
got braces just before his debut so for the first couple years of him promoting, he had braces. 
was one of the members to be added prior to debut.
his biggest fear is the dark and sleeps with his closet light on.
in 2013 he stated that his ideal type was “someone who gives good hugs and is the opposite of himself”. he later stated in 2016 that body type does not matter to him at all.
can play the drums and guitar very well.
one of the tallest members in vice and at hbh.
moonbyul from mamamoo is one of his closest friends and they work on choreography for their respective groups together.
choreographed some dances for the produce 101 series.
he posts the least on instagram.
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viceprints · 6 years
— cyth
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⟹ stage name: cyth
⟹ real name: yoo sungho
⟹ position: rapper
⟹ birthday: october 21st, 1991
⟹ hometown: paris, france
⟹ zodiac: libra
⟹ height: 180cm // 5’11
⟹ nationality: french-korean
⟹ ethnicity: korean
⟹ mbti type: istj
⟹ fc: key of shinee
⟹ personality: 
∇ protective: when it comes to others, cyth will defend anyone he sees in need of some defense. whether it be someone getting harassed on public transport or his friends being yelled at by somebody, he’s on their side no matter what. he can get a little over-protective sometimes, but he typically knows his boundaries.
∇ straightforward: there’s no point in beating around the bush when it comes to cyth. he lays out everything very bluntly, wanting to get to the point. he doesn’t see the need for embellishing phrases or anything. he’s a simple guy who likes seeing real-world results. he’s usually the type to give that hard-hitting advice you need to hear.
∇ cynical: cyth has learned to expect the worst from people. he tries to work on this and give others a fair chance, but he just always assumes that the people around him do not have other’s best interest in mind. he just assumes that people, in general, are not going to act as chivalrously as you believe they will. he doesn’t give strangers the time of day.
∇ distant: cyth, usually without realizing, is very distant with people. he won't tell anyone what’s bothering him until it’s too late, he’ll work alone for hours and then not show anyone what he’s completed, and he usually will go off without telling anybody. it makes him come off as untrusting, but he really is just naturally distant from people emotionally. 
⟹ history:
∇ family life: sungho grew up in paris, france. his mother’s job moved her out to paris a year before he was born and the original plan was to move back to busan once sungho was born. however, sungho’s mother decided on staying in paris after all. sungho’s father was never in the picture, as he left his mother shortly after he found out she was pregnant. it’s always been sungho and his mom, living in their small paris appartment. because of this, cyth is really close to his mother and used to have some pretty bad separation anxiety growing up. cyth’s mom will always support her son.
∇ predebut: sungho knew he wanted to be a performer early on in his life. his mother has countless family videos of him as a toddler dancing around their living room and singing along to old korean pop songs. because of his love for music, sungho went on to study music production and performing arts in college. he made it through a year of school before deciding that he was going to pursue the idol career path. once he got the confirmation that he had made it through auditions to hbh, he dropped out of school and moved to korea.
the training was difficult for sungho, especially because he was never trained professionally for dancing. he lacked the basics, but he tried his best to keep up. he proved himself to be more skilled at rapping than most, giving him a huge name inside the company. after working tirelessly for a year, he was given a shot at debut with vice. 
he is fluent in both french and korean. he also knows some conversational english, but he’s not confident in his english abilities. 
does a lot of charity work and loves doing those rebuilding volunteer things for communities in need.
he looks cold with all his tattoos and stuff, but he’s a really caring man. he doesn’t like when people assume he’s mean.
has a very close relationship with his mother and hated living away from her in college. he bought her a house right down the street from his own.
has to sleep with a noise maker on.
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viceprints · 6 years
— ji
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⟹ stage name: ji
⟹ real name: shin joongji
⟹ position: rapper
⟹ trainee period: 3
⟹ birthdate: february 9th, 1993
⟹ hometown: daegu, south korea
⟹ zodiac: aquarius
⟹ height: 185cm // 6’1
⟹ nationality: korean
⟹ ethnicity: korean
⟹ mbti type: estp
⟹ fc: xiumin of exo
⟹ personality: 
∇  lively - there is never a dull moment with ji around. he’s someone who can’t stand boring small talk or sitting around doing nothing. because of this, he’s usually labeled one of the mood makers in the group. his energy is infectious, but if he’s in a bad mood, it tends to rub off on other people.
∇  popular - ji has always been pretty popular. at school, he was well known. as a trainee he was friends with nearly everybody. once he became an idol, his connections to random idols surprised fans and group mates. he just knows how to be likable to others.
∇  pessimistic - almost without thinking, joongji resorts to the absolute worst case scenario. unlike other members who would keep the negative thoughts to themselves, ji likes to bring them to everyone’s attention, and he’s not subtle about it. like stated before, he’s one of the mood makers. if he’s being negative, the whole group’s energy turns negative as well. 
∇  lazy - if it’s too much effort, it’s really not worth it in joongji’s eyes. the amount of times he’s contemplated dropping out of training during his trainee years is alarming. he also hates being interrupted from leisurely activities to do actual work. usually, he’s driven by someone else or his own internal will to get these tasks done, but he’ll put up a little stink about it before doing the task at hand.
⟹ history:
∇ family life: growing up as the youngest of three brothers, joongji knows what it’s like to get teased. his brothers always showed joongji tough love and kind of pushed him around a lot as a kid. both of joongji’s parents worked long hours, so they left joongji in the care of his brothers a lot. being raised by his siblings, he finds himself to be closer to them than his parents. however, his parents are way more supportive of him being an idol than his brothers are. his brothers are just concerned with the stability of the occupation, but they still support their youngest.
∇ predebut: joongji was pretty popular in school. he labeled himself as the ‘bad boy’ of his school, but really he was super friendly and nice to everyone. he mostly got in trouble with teachers due to him causing some trouble and being a bit of a distraction in class. he didn’t think much about becoming an idol until he was street cast outside of his high school by an hbh recruiter.
while he was training, he made a lot of connections within the company. he wasn’t necessarily known for his talents, he was more known for his personality. he trained with the guys of vice for a year, but they debuted before he did. he trained an extra two years, refining his skills and focusing hard on his career. in 2012, he was added to the lineup of vice.
⟹ extra:
one of the members to be added to the lineup of Vice prior to debut
for a while he was called the “Nations Boyfriend”, but it’s ironic because he didn’t have a girlfriend until he was 23.
he’s left-handed.
cut off his relationship with Lovelyz’ Mijoo when he left for military service, but it’s rumored that they are not broken up for sure.
knows how to ice skate and can play hockey pretty well.
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viceprints · 6 years
— woodie
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⟹ stage name: woodie
⟹ real name: choi woodam (korean) // william choi (english)
⟹ position: lead vocalist
⟹ years trained: 1
⟹ birthdate: may 23rd, 1992
⟹ hometown: hong kong, china
⟹ zodiac: gemini
⟹ height: 187cm // 6’2
⟹ nationality: korean-chinese
⟹ ethnicity: korean
⟹ mbti type: infp
⟹ fc: wonho of monsta x
⟹ personality: 
∇ caring: naturally, woodam just wants what’s best for people. if that means he’ll shoulder all your emotional weight for you, that’s what he’ll do. he’s the type of person to not rest until someone feels completely secure. he’s known for being a brotherly figure to rookies and trainees at his company. 
∇ optimistic: always looking on the brighter side of things is something woodam does easily. he hates looking at negatives, as it feels like it limits his energy. in a group of mostly pessimists, his optimism comes in handy when the group needs some morale. he’s always willing to shine some positivity on a situation.
∇ patronizing: he never means to be, but sometimes woodam can come off as a bit patronizing, especially to younger people. sometimes he forgets that not everyone younger than him is a child and that they are capable of doing things they are assigned. this trait came out a lot during idol producer. he’s noticed it a couple of times, but he still slips up.
∇ untrusting: maybe his lack of trust in others is what causes his patronizing personality. besides his group mates and close friends, it takes him a lot to be able to trust somebody. he’s always wary of new people, even though he’ll always put on a friendly face.
⟹ history: 
∇ family life: woodam’s childhood was a hectic one. he was born and raised in hong kong to korean parents. woodam’s mother is an international businesswoman, meaning her job moves her around the world all the time. when woodam turned eight, his mother’s job moved them to seattle, washington. he went to school in the states for five years before his mother’s business moved them to seoul. due to him traveling everywhere with his parents, the three of them have a very tight and trusting bond. both of his parents are very proud of their son for achieving his dreams. 
∇ predebut: woodam’s been all over the world in a short amount of time, meeting a ton of different people. somewhere along the line, he thought to himself it would be cool to be known internationally -- on a larger scale. often he would just daydream about being a famous singer or performer. he didn’t actually decide to take it seriously until he moved to seoul. the idol scene appealed to him greatly. his parents placed him in dancing and singing lessons shortly after. eventually, he was cast by hbh at an audition.
woodam was one of the few early hbh trainees that had a strong background in dancing and singing before being accepted, so he was basically confirmed for debut once he was signed. regardless, he still knew he had to be the best he could for debut. he trained hard for a year before being placed in vice’s final line up.
⟹ extra:
lived in seattle, washington for five years (2000-2005) due to his mom’s job moving her all over the world.
knows english pretty well, but can speak cantonese, mandarin, and korean fluently.
despite being ethically korean, his dominant language is cantonese due to growing up in hong kong. 
he helps write and produce a lot of stuff for not only hbh artists but rookie groups.
was a vocal coach on a season of the chinese survival show idol producer
a huge reader and has a whole room in his house dedicated to novels.
one of his exes is Kim Yujeong of Laboum.
owns a rescued jack russell terrier named duck.
is the proud father of twins: Goeun and Namkyu. It’s rumored that Yujeong is the mother of these two, but no one has proof.
he keeps his private life very secretive, so not much about his children is known.
he is the most physically strong member of vice and works out regularly.
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viceprints · 6 years
— kane
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⟹ stage name: kane
⟹ real name: lee kangdae
⟹ position: rapper, maknae
⟹ years trained: 1
⟹ birthdate: july 21st, 1994
⟹ home town: damyang-gun, south korea
⟹ zodiac: cancer-leo cusp
⟹ height: 181cm // 6’0
⟹ nationality: korean
⟹ ethnicity: korean
⟹ mbti type: enfp
⟹ fc: byeongkwan of a.c.e
⟹ personality: 
∇ humorous - sometimes without meaning to, kane is the comic relief of tense situations. cracking a joke in the spur of a moment comes naturally to him. usually, the jokes stick, and he has a talent for making even the sternest people crack a smile. the only problem he has is that sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop.
∇ energetic - dubbed as virtue’s happy pill, kane has an electric personality that infects everyone around him with a surge of energy. kangdae can’t stand dullness and tries to make everyday as full of life as the day before. his positive attitude affects everyone around him.
∇ loud - volume control doesn’t exist with kane. naturally, he enjoys being heard and being the center of attention. this loudness and expressiveness can come off as obnoxious and annoying to other people. the worst part is that he’s pretty oblivious to his loudness.
∇ dependant - kane relies heavily on other people. he’s pretty bad at making his own decisions and sometimes has bad self-direction. if he can follow what someone else is doing, he feels a little bit more secure. because of this, he can be kinda clingy to others.
⟹ history: 
∇  family life: kangdae grew up on his grandparents strawberry farm with his grandparents, parents, and four older siblings. because the expected occupation of kangdae was to work on the family farm, he was homeschooled by his parents. his grandparents were really hoping he would end up working on the family farm, but they are very proud of their grandson for following his dreams. his parents are supportive but sometimes can be petty about the whole situation. his siblings are probably the most supportive, as they always knew farm life wasn’t for kangdae.
∇ predebut: kangdae didn’t even know much about idol groups until he went to a local high school to get his high school diploma. at his home, his parents and grandparents mostly listened to trot music. when his friends introduced him, he fell in love with the idea of being a performer. without much thought, he started applying online to entertainment companies. out of all the companies he applied to, only hbh accepted him.
as a trainee, kangdae has to work very hard. he had little to no musical experience, unlike the other male trainees. he was easily the rut of the group. but because he only had a year to practice due to hbh’s desperation to get a group out, he got most of his skills from actually performing regularly. he made a lot of friends during his trainee years and for a while was the youngest male trainee at hbh.
⟹ extra:
was afraid that he wouldn’t be the maknae anymore when they added new members.
hates cucumbers with a burning passion
originally joined HBH because he wanted to model, not because he wanted to be an idol but then he fell in love with making music.
loves comic books and the Marvel franchise. He owns every Marvel movie known to man.
dyes his hair the most out of everyone in Vice.
started a foundation for underprivileged students to afford college that gives out grants every year.
a co-host of his own podcast “vice after dark” with his fellow member, ji. 
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