#vice swapfell
kiok0r0 · 6 months
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WIP of swapfell lore but I wanted you to see the grandma I have cared deeply for the last two days. Also I flip flop between my tablet and pencil doodles because sometimes I don't have the energy to draw on my tablet
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wishingstarinajar · 11 months
I’m deeply sorry if i may be wrong but are Stray and Outer Wine from the same au or have they got different aus?
Different AUs.
Zinfandel (Outer!Wine)'s AU has no name assigned to it (yet) but it's a Fellswap Gold in space AU with inspirations from Outertale and Warhammer 40K.
Stray is from a "deleted" Outer!Swapfell AU that simply went by outerswapfell. He's more of an out!code now who sticks together with Dullahan from @leytale.
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rainbowsans · 1 year
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mothiepixie · 9 months
Hello! I have some questions about Motti's family.
Are Motti's parents still alive and how is the relationship between them?
Does Motti have any siblings?
Love your art and I hope you get a new PC soon.
Heyo!! Thank you so much. 🫶
For the longest time I didn't have much for Motti in regards to backstories and such, but I luckily now have some stuff lmao.
I will admit, I try not delve too deeply because I can confuse myself and the families not important (until one day I decide they will be lmaooo).
I'll share a little run down of what her family is like for some of the AUs. Also thank you so much for asking about her 🫶
Motti's family consists of her mother, two brothers and a sister. No father and Motti being the youngest. Motti is only on speaking terms with her sister and one of her brothers. Her eldest brother is estranged from the family. Motti is on good terms with her family, but they can be overbearing and she needs time away from them.
Father has passed. Not on speaking terms with her family aside from one of her brothers. The one brother forces to keep contact since Motti moved away to live near Ebott but has not heard from Motti since she fell underground.
Motti is estranged from the whole family, except the Grandparents. They left the farm to her after they passed. Her parents are irresponsible and Motti remembers vaguely being with her Grandparents more as a child. Her siblings are far older and followed their parent's irresponsible and reckless ways. After the Grandparents disowned her parents, Motti's parents made sure she never saw them again. Until she became an adult and would call them a lot. Her mother tries half hearted attempts to keep in contact and send letters but they just pile up. Her father wants nothing to do with her and vice versa. Her siblings didn't care to be in contact until they caught wind of Motti's getting the entire inheritance. Their falling out is what made Motti decide to move to the farm instead of selling it.
Precious Stone (swapfell au):
Motti is estranged from her family. Their world views are vastly different and she felt ostracized. She has not spoken or seen her family since she fell underground and does not want to return or speak to them again.
Smoke ‘n Threads (swapfell mafia au):
Her father disowned her since she embarrasses him with her wild ways (woo flapper life) and refused every suitor he threw her way. Motti's mother and grandmother keep in contact with her secretly and help support Motti moving and starting a new life. Motti sends letters anonymously to her mother and grandmother but has yet to tell them about Boysen. Motti has two brothers and one sister, but finds her lifestyle choices too odd and keeps minimal contact in fear of their father's scorn.
Motti is a lower Goddess that was crafted by Toriel out of spite, so she has no siblings. Toriel is the closest thing she has to a concept of a Mother
The Eclipse Crew (pirate nightmare au):
Motti is a daughter of Nobles and is treated by her family as a very well groomed pet and bargaining chip. She cares for her parents and siblings but doesn't like the lifestyle or life planned for her. She was to be married to another Noble who had a reputation of killing off his spouses, and has since resented her family.
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unma · 2 months
Top 3 favourite Frans au pairings in no specific order and a short (or so) explanation on why? (Frans doesn't have to be canon in the au, it can be aus you just like to make them canon in/ explore their dynamic)
Underfell I blame Vene for this, her Underfell Frans comics made me fall madly in love with the pairing in this AU. I find it wonderful, the amount of angst and fluff you can squeeze out of this situation. It's basically my default because you are rather flexible in what you can portray using this AU, and it's definitely an easy AU of choice for any oneshot ideas I have picking at my brain. What can I say? Underfell Sans lends himself rather well to fun and wacky romantic situations (as well as angsty ones)
Dusttale I'll admit, this was the first one that came to mind when I got the ask. I definitely write about it the least on this list, but it's the AU I spent the most time thinking about. It's just so juicy, seeing these two who are downright obsessed with each other further that obsession in many ways, including romantic. It also helps that I'm a yandere lover, so this kinda romance is right up my alley. I do also have an AU in the aftermath of a Dusttale AU where both are returned to normal, but that's a story meant to focus on the aftermath, picking up the pieces, and the importance of forgiveness. I do really like that AU too, but given how much is connected to it it would take a long time to actually put that into writing. I'm referring to the Fallen Angels AU here, and a few people might remember that I'd written to oneshots for this (one is part of my latest fransweek collection, the first chapter).
Swapfell I'm gonna be honest, I frankly never cared much about this AU until I started writing it for a Secret Santa present. It was because of that fic that I'd even first thought about Frans in Swapfell, and honestly I fell in love quickly after that. Whether in versions of the AU where Frisk is alive or a ghost, their interactions with Sans were always so fun, and whether you wrote Sans as tsundere or Frisk as tsundere, or perhaps just have them both be awkward, there really is something lovely about pairing up the vice leader of the Guard with the princess of the Kingdom. You can probably tell how much I love it by how I proceeded to write more and more for my own Swapfell AU afterwards. Don't even get me started on other SF!Frans pairings, such as those of Lord Yabadoo, or the royal Frans Swapfell AU, and so on that are all really beautiful (the two mentioned here are really inspirational for my own SF work, especially the former) . It's great, and I would probably wax poetic longer about it if my laptop wasn't almost dead, lol.
Much apologies for this wall of text, but I had so much to ramble about and not much idea of how to go about formatting it. When I get back on my phone (or when I get home so I can charge my laptop) I'll take a look at the post to see if I can make it more readable. No promises tho. Thank you for the ask!
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therosebunpost · 2 months
Right so this is a strange post, i admit that, but since I'm slowly but surely dipping my toe back into the Undertale Fandom, I feel like I need to ask/beg/question some things-
1. STOP PUTTING THE WRONG PAIRING IN THE TAGS- This happens so much in Papyrus x Reader fics on AO3 and I am so tired- Its okay if Sans is in there, but oh my god PLEASE just tag the character, stop putting in Sans x Reader when it's supposed to just be Paps x Reader. It congests the options and I'm so tired of rooting through stories. Vice versa please! don't give me hope that it'll have Papyrus x Reader when we both know Sans is the Main Feature of that fic. skeleton. Honestly this is an issue in Stranger Things too, but since it's a smaller character pool (often just Steve or Eddie) then I'm not as annoyed.
2. Can the reverse harems just...stop please? Or can we just have smaller casts? Can we have reverse harems contained within different AUs? Like a reverse harem where its just the Fell!AUs (Like Underfell, Swapfell, Fellswap yada yada yada) Or honestly can we just focus on specific dudes now- The Underfell Papyrus x Reader tag is abysmal and I am so saddned by this-
3. Continuing the topic of Reverse Harems, listen, I liked The LandLady fic just as much as the next person but PLEASE. ITS GETTING OLD- Rarely are they ever done right and often characters just get pushed to the wayside because there's just way too many to keep track of.
4. This is a more personal issue of mine but if it somehow convinces one writer to change then I am a happy woman. When you put a bunch of one shots into a multi chapter fic, please either make a table of contents or label what the pairing is in the title of the chapter. It's frustrating reading through a one shot fic and having to jump past chapter after chapter, looking for a specific character because all the chapter names are just words. Like obviously you can name your one shot fic, I dunno, 'Passionate Bones' but that could be about any one of the skeles.
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janeelyakiri · 4 months
Do you think swapfell purple sans and papyrus would get along crow and hound?
Like Cash and Vi? (I believe that's their names?)
Mmmm I think Crow would get along with Vi, granted i know less of his personality than Cash. Crow would be envious of the cool bone scythe and they'd probably have fun making traps- Crow would feel Vi is younger tho. IDK if that's the case or not.
But Hound would NOT TRUST Cash. Not one bit. Hound has his vices sure but he'd clock Cash from a mile away and do everything to keep Crow away from him. Crow would be disgusted by Cash anyway.
Hound would adopt Vi as another brother tho he'd deadass steal Vi.
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e-icreator23 · 2 years
Swapfell Liu: The Age of the Punisher Angel started and vice everyone knows very well that here at several bad duty and judge them *their speed *
All: Punisher angel he will kill all the culprits and leave the innocent alive
*they look and nod*
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Janus Dreemurr
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Pan-sexual, Homo-romantic
Soul Trait: Red[Determination-Formaly]/Blue[Integrity]
Age: 23
Height: 5’5½”
Weight: 146
Hair color: Dark Bronze Brown
Eye color: Wine Red
Likes: Dark Chocolate, Helping People, Photography, Being active
Dislikes: Caramel, Puns, Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, People Being Hurt,
AU: Swapfell(Purple)
Number of Resets: 10[1 Neutral Run, 8 Deaths, 1 True Pacifist]
Goal: Doctor for Both Humans and Monsters
Yandere Partner: Undecided
A somewhat stoic person, Janus is polite but terse. This is because Janus is cautious of people due to his past. Because of this, Janus is weary of humans, despite being one himself. Janus has worked hard to overcome his weariness with the help of his friends and family, as he wishes to help those who are suffering.
Janus has shown to be blunt and somewhat sarcastic, but incredibly loyal and caring. Over the years, through his relationships, Janus has started to try and be more open to new people and things. Of course, there are times when his still weary nature will hold him back. The core of Janus’ nature is an Integrity driven Soul. In everything Janus does, he puts every ounce of himself into it. No matter what, he never gives up or loses hope. This has proven to be both a good and bad thing.
Somewhat hot tempered and very opinionated, Janus struggles to control himself when facing people or things that stress him out or make him uncomfortable. Janus also has a habit of being a tad judgmental of people on first meetings but he’s just as quick to abandon that first opinion should he see later that he was wrong. He can be stubborn to a fault, but wishes to do what he feels is best for those around him. He is a very sympathetic person who hates to see others hurt or suffering. However, Janus does have his limits and refuses to keep giving to those who take others for granted. He will also struggle to forgive those who push unhealthy vices onto him.
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saw this dude and wanted to draw him sitting swapfell vice by @rainbowsans
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kiok0r0 · 5 months
Give me the Swapfell lore.
I need to hear why the lads are the way they are.
Okay so to refresh people's memory about like who is in this funky little family
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Here is the family (in the younger, not-scarred years)! Their parents fell down just when Rus was five and Helio was eight and ended up living with Grandma Semi. They have a grandpa but he's not pictured.
Helio was born with a magic deficiency which is why his growth was stunted. While growing up, he had taken various vitamins and medications to supplement it. Because of it, his grasp on his magic took him a good long while. He's the only one who's got it in the family. Grandma Semi always bundles him up so he can keep warm and has an extra layer of protection in case something happened and in case he becomes a target of some bullies.
Unfortunately, Helio did get some bullies growing up. Rus stepped in to defend him when the bullying began as Vice and Grandma Semi have told him that Helio's going to need help. Rus didn't mind to help as he hates to see Helio get hurt or scared. Though one day, Rus gets himself hurt when someone tried to attack Helio.
Helio tried to stand up for himself because he was getting tired of Rus being the one to protect him. If Rus hadn't stepped in, the attack would have killed him. The attack resulted in Rus' scar which Rus is kinda proud about as it showed he protected Helio and still will. Rus' scar only reminds Helio that he's failing as the older brother.
It motivates Helio to push himself and get stronger, finding some way to live and work with his magic deficiency. He eventually gets himself into the guard where he then adopts a villain persona to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. No one will stop him or hold him back.
Rus continues to look out for Helio even if Helio doesn't want him to. Though the role of being the caretaker switches a good amount after Rus loses his job at the CORE.
Working at the CORE as an engineer was a dream of his growing up. He was ecstatic when he got accepted and worked his best. Unfortunately, after some accidents that made the Queen wary of what the CORE is doing, his branch was shut down. Rus was given a choice to apply to other available jobs in the CORE. He applied to those and... did not get any of those jobs. Rus fell into depression afterwards, unsure of what to do with himself now that his dreams have been cut short.
Rus definitely spiraled. Badly. So bad that Helio had to tell Muffet and Grillby to only serve Rus water should he ever enter any of their establishments. Grandma Semi thought to help Rus, Rus could be Helio's right-hand man until he figures out something.
Rus was quickly nicknamed "Mutt" by others because he always sticks close to Helio during his patrols. He fucking hates that nickname. But he can't say anything about it or else Helio loses his job. He can't be the reason why Helio loses anything.
He may still be finding his next purpose but he has found his way back to his first purpose in life and that's to make sure Helio's okay.
So uh, yeah. Rus is going through it.
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bakerymanslaughter · 3 years
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Ugh FINE, I guess I'll swap those fells myself 🙄
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dragon-tamer-1 · 3 years
I got the bois!!
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Sir and Vice came in!!! @rainbowsans thank you! I get the gentleman and friend! They're a little smaller than I thought, but their size is all the more lovable!
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Size comparison with Nightmare plush ^
I'm going to cherish them <3
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smolspoopy · 4 years
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Takes some doodles of @rainbowsans 's skele lads i made just to make a couple people simps uwu
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septic-skele · 3 years
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N: Hmh. If that’s how you live with your choices.
R: Well, if that’s your sixth cup of coffee, you’re in no position to judge.
Welp, now I can’t stop drawing these two. Send help 
Nox and Rus’ designs are from @bonelyheartsclub
Please don’t repost my art; like or reblog instead.
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ellenarts-world · 3 years
Meme time ▹ With LazyCat & Frechiiie characters (Part 3).
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•I miss post this ...
♡The first characters belong's to ▹ @rainbowsans.
♡The last characters belong's to ▹ @imjustalazycat.
•If you want, you can see the part 1 and the part 2 here, on my old account.
•Note : If you want to use my memes on any other social media, i allow, but please leave the credits to me.
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