#vic vc: not fair not fair not fair
amazingdvils · 2 years
@wraith-of-christmas-future asked:
[ UNBUTTON ] : due to heat or stress or other reasons, sender unbuttons the top of their shirt to reveal their neckline.
[ My mind went to our discussion --- I couldn't resist. I have no self control. ]
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The Brat ran her fingers through her messy hair, pushing loose strands off of her sticky forehead. Normally, she enjoyed the summer heat, especially considering how her chronic pain tended to not flare as badly during the warmer months. However, there was definitely a thing ‘as too hot,’ even for her. And when the heat was so high that the air conditioner wasn’t working as efficiently, even with fans? Yeah, it was too hot even for her at that point.
She sighed, putting her pencil back in its case and stood up, stretching with a groan. Vic knew that she needed to finish this book for her editor, but concentrating was absolutely impossible in this heat. Perhaps she’d try to get up earlier in the morning, before the sun was as high, and make the attempt again. Or maybe she should buy more fans and one of those air conditioning units for the window to put in the art room, which had become the hottest room in the house due to the amount of windows and lack of curtains.
Vic grabbed her cane, leaning heavily on it as she exited the room. A nice cold glass of ice water sounded amazing right now. Perhaps she’d get the water, take off her clothes, and just lay on the floor of the living room with all the fans pointed towards her. Maybe that would actually cool her once in this hell of a heatwave that they were having.
Feeling amused at herself, she entered the living room only to find that Manx had arrived. He must have just gotten there seeing as he hadn’t come to her art room to bother her. Either that or he was actually choosing to behave for once, which she honestly kind of doubted. Was he even capable of behaving?
“When did you get in?” She glanced at him on her way to the kitchen, then did a small double take. Her gaze had gotten caught on his throat, watching as he unbuttoned his shirt. For a second, she felt the urge her press her lips right there and trail kisses and small bites all the way - 
Nope. Vic shook her head, forcing herself to stop that line of thinking as she moved into the kitchen. The heat was clearly getting to her. “Want something to drink? I made sure to have a freezer full of ice since it’s hotter than hell.” She sighed in relief as she opened the freezer, needing a quick break from the heat, goose pimples rising along her sticky skin as the cool air danced across it. “I don’t see how you can wear so many layers when it’s so hot.” She’d chosen to wear a pair of pajama shorts made of thin, almost see through, material and a spaghetti strap tank top and still thought it was too much. 
She closed the freezer and grabbed a glass, one of the few that wasn’t decorated with some comic book character, and set about filling it up. Vic then grabbed a piece of ice, slowly rubbing it on her neck and collarbone, shivering slightly at the coldness. She glanced back at him, eyes once more catching on that loosened collar. God, why did that appeal to her so much? Like a lot of things that Manx did to drive her crazy, it just wasn’t fair.
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girltheftauto · 3 months
ok in all seriousness. so many people think lance betraying tommy didn’t make sense but….
(especially in vcs) he’s Victim Mentality humanized. he’s beyond entitled, lazy, expects reward without doing any heavy lifting, and doesn’t take accountability for any of it because he believes it’s all righteous indignation to (probably) reckon with the trauma from his cokehead mom and being bullied in high school. which Hello. still makes him the biggest piece of shit. still makes me so sad because he could’ve been really great if he confronted it. BUT with vic’s death in vice city it was definitely insult to injury on top of all of that and nobody seems to note that he was grieving at all??? i realize the day drinking that was making him slack (making tommy yell at him in front of everyone) was a means to cope with that visceral grief. he was so sincere in his emotions to avenge vic which explains his impatience to kill diaz and risking his life in the attempt to do so, going right ahead instead of asking for tommy’s help or using him. in regards to him betraying tommy because “he wasn’t getting a fair slice” yes tommy should rightfully be credited for 90% of the operation i mean he’s the boss but lance wasn’t useless. reckless sure. outside of missions he was still likely recruiting members seizing territory and handling day to day things. every time you go to the mansion he’s in the middle of something. tommy wouldn’t have gotten diaz’ operation if it weren’t for lance’s help and yet he still deemed it as entirely His which is Why i think lance’s feelings were valid. tommy also shut down ken albeit everything he did to help him which is like. Lightbulb momenttttt. i love tommy with all of my heart he’s the father of my kids but i think most people can’t take off the rose colored glasses with him being the protagonist and all to realize how greedy and inconsiderate he was in his own right. and lance was obvi fucked up and wayyyyyy too trapped in his own pity party to think rationally. A double edged sword
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whctewidow · 3 years
bey:  Came into this world Daddy's little girl And daddy made a soldier out of me Daddy made me dance And daddy held my hand
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annelisterofhalifax · 3 years
Northgate Hotel, laying a stone and burying a time-capsule
Sept[embe]r 26 1835
12 1/4
No kiss rain last night fr[om] bet[ween] 11 and 12 to aft[e]r 1 – rainy morn[in]g b[u]t n[o]t heavy r[ai]n till n[ea]r
9 t[he]n fair and F[ahrenheit] 55° - br[eak]f[a]st at 9 1/4   A getting off her speech for the first stone lay
ing and I writing out mine put on my new pelisse and had my hair done – Mar[ia]n
w[a]s to ha[ve] gone to t[h]e 1st stone lay[in]g, b[u]t g[o]t nerv[ou]s and staid at ho[me] – A-[Ann] and I off at 10 3/4
in my own carr[ia]ge w[i]th our 2 men beh[in]d, to N[orth]g[a]te hotel – n[o]t qui[te] ready
for us - beg[a]n look[in]g ov[e]r t[h]e draw[in]gs of N[orth]g[a]te and by mista[ke] kept t[h]e people wait[in]g and d[i]d n[o]t begin t[h]e
ceremony till ab[ou]t 11 3/4
w[hi]ch last[e]d ab[ou]t 1/4 h[ou]r – A-[Ann] d[i]d h[e]r part ver[y] well – t[h]e coins of t[h]e King’s reign
, W[illia]m iV, i.e a sov[erig]n, ½ d[itt]o, 1/2 crown shil[ling] and sixp[en]ce ( c[oul]d n[o]t get a 7/. [7 shillin]g piece ver[y] scarce – Swanns
bankers in York h[a]d on[l]y seen two of W[illia]m Iv 7/. pieces. were put int[o] a large
mouth[e]d green glass bot[tle] as als[o] an inscript[io]n engrav[e]d on sheet-lead and roll[e]d up
tight – t[h]e cork w[a]s dipp[e]d in tar, t[he]n put int[o] t[h]e neck of t[h]e bot[tle] and cov[ere]d ov[e]r w[i]th course
red wax – Sh[oul]d ha[ve] been hermatic[all]y seal[e]d b[u]t  mess[e]rs Harper and Husb[an]d c[oul]d n[o]t get
it done – h[a]d no blowpipe -  I s[ai]d I c[oul]d ha[ve] g[o]t it done at old Ch[arle]s How[ar]th’s – no!
bec[ause] it w[a]s n[o]t plate glass – t[h]e green glass too diffic[ul]t to fuse! t[h]e stone in
w[hi]ch t[h]e hole w[a]s made t[ha]t put t[h]e bot[tle] int[o] w[a]s a large sq[uare] piece of rough stone
fr[om] one of Stock’s quarries, wh[en]ce co[me]s t[h]e rest of t[h]e stone want[e]d, and form[e]d t[h]e foot[in]g of
t[h]e front corn[e]r, n[ear]est H[alifa]x, of t[h]e Casino – ov[e]r t[h]e foot[in]g w[a]s put a ver[y] large mass of grit stone
quarried at N[orth]g[a]te in dig[gin]g for t[h]e cellar, w[hi]ch they call[e]d t[h]e foundat[io]n stone – t[he]re m[u]st
ha[ve] been a hund[re]d peop[le] collect[e]d r[ou]nd t[h]e spot – 2 neatly dress[e]d young lad[ie]s? so[me] respect[able]
look[ing] men and t[h]e rest rabble – t[he]re w[a]s a lit[tle] crowd to push thro[ugh] to get int[o] t[h]e wall –
race – Mr Nelson jun[io]r and his men were in work[in]g costume – t[h]e bot[tl]e w[a]s held
in h[a]nd by A-[Ann] whi[le] she address[e]d Mr N-[Nelson] as foll[ow]s ‘ Mr Nelson, I ha[ve] been request[e]d
‘by my fr[ien]d Miss List[e]r, to lay t[h]e 1st stone of a casino, w[hi]ch will form a spac[iou]s and commod[atiou]s saloon
‘to be annex[e]d to t[h]e Northgate hotel – I will on[l]y add t[ha]t we hope and trust t[ha]t t[h]e und[er]tak[in]g
‘will prove an accommodate[io]n to t[h]e inhab[itan]ts of t[hi]s town and neighb[ourhoo]d, in wh[o]se prosper[it]y
‘we feel interest[e]d; t[ha]t it will be a gr[ea]t an accommodate[io]n to t[h]e pub[lic] at large, and t[ha]t it will
‘do cred[i]t to all t[h]e individ[ua]ls concern[e]d in its erect[io]n’ -  t[hi]s s[ai]d A-[Ann] deposit[e]d t[h]e bottle – 8 or
10 men low[ere]d d[o]wn and prop[erl]y plac[e]d ov[e]r it t[h]e foundat[io]n stone w[hi]ch A-[Ann] t[he]n ga[ve] 3 right
earnest strokes w[i]th her mallet, and I spo[ke] as foll[ow]s look[in]g now at Mr N-[Nelson] and now at t[h]e peop[le]
assembl[e]d r[ou]nd – Mr Nelson – my fr[ien]d Miss Walker h[a]s done us a gr[ea]t honour; and
‘I trust her good wishes will n[o]t be in vain – I am ver[y] anx[iou]s t[ha]t t[hi]s Casino
‘w[i[th its annex[e]d Hotel sh[oul]d be an accomm[oda[tion] to t[h]e pub[lic] at large, b[u]t mo[re] espec[iall]y to
‘t[hi]s my native town in whose prosper[it]y I ev[e]r ha[ve] felt, and ev[e]r shall feel, deeply
‘interest[e]d – I earnest[l]y hope t[ha]t t[hi]s work we are now begin[in]g, will do credit
‘to us all – may t[h]e voice of Discord be nev[e]r heard w[i]thin its walls, and may
‘persons of every shard of varying opin[io]n meet togeth[e]r here in amity and in charity,
‘and may none ever go away dissatisfied b[u]t s[u]ch, if s[u]ch t[he]re be, whom good cheer
‘and good humour can[no]t please!’ – I heard so[me]one of t[h]e crowd say ‘ver[y] well’ – A-[Ann]
and I hurr[ie]d b[a]ck int[o] t[h]e carr[ia]ge 3 cheers were given – Mr Harper ga[ve] us b[a]ck t[h]e silver trowel, and we dr[ove] off to call
on Mr and Mrs Musgrave at t[h]e vicarg vicarage – t[h]e inscript[io]n on t[h]e sheet-lead put
int[o] t[h]e bot[tle], writ[ten] by Mr Gray on Tues[day], w[a]s as foll[ow]s –                
                                                                                                                              sat 3/4 h[ou]r fr[om] 12.5 to 12.50 at t[h]e vic[ara]ge w[i]th Mr
The first stone                                                                                     and Mrs M-[Musgrave] I ment[ione]d A-[Ann]’s hav[in]g been lay[in]g t[h]e        
of a spacious Casino,                                                                       1st stone of t[h]e Casino – t[he]y, or rath[e]r Mrs M-[Musgrave],
w[hi]ch will be annex[e]d to                                                             let out t[he]re belief t[hs]t t[h]e th[in]g w[oul]d n[o]t ans[we]r – s[ai]d
a handsome pub[lic] hotel,                                                                 it w[a]s report[e]d Mr Carr of t[h]e White Swan had
to be erect[e]d at Halifax,                                                                   tak[e]n it – of w[hi]ch I s[ai]d I knew noth[in]g – I      
was laid on t[h]e 26th day of Septemb[e]r                                         m[o]st peop[le] th[in]k t[h]e th[in]g will be a losing concern, and laugh
A.D 1835,                                                                                           at me for so throw[in]g away my mon[e]y - nons
in t[h]e sixth year of t[h]e reign of King                                             venons – call[e]d at Mr Parker’s off[i]ce, - he
Will[ia]m iV,                                                                                       ca[me] to t[h]e carr[ia]ge door, to say t[h]e Suth[erlan]ds were to be
by Miss Ann Walker t[h]e younger,                                                   in H-[Halifax] we suppos[e]d at Mr P-[Parker]’s at 2 1/2 -
of Cliffhill, Yorkshire,                                                                       I ord[ere]d handbills to be put up ag[ain]st holly stealers
in t[h]e name and at t[h]e req[ue]st of                                                 and wood and young tree damages offer[in]g 10/. reward for each
her partic[ula]r friend,                                                                         one taken, or convict[io]n – ho[me] ab[ou]t 1 ½ - so[me]
Miss Anne Lister of Shibden Hall, Yorkshire,                                   whi[le] w[i]th mt a[un]t – repeated our speeches and amus[e]d her-
owner of t[h]e property.                                                                   f[ou]nd A-[Ann]’s quond[a]m Highland[e]r serv[an]t Ja[me]s co[me] to see her -
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guiltsworn-a · 6 years
diem vc: " are we deciding whether or not you're cute? i'll happily weigh in; only when holding my hand, as it brings you up from a modest 5 to at least an 8. seeing as i'm an 11, it only seems fair. " jk jk jk jk j-
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           ❝you’re more than an eleven, i’ll give ya’ that … ❞ vic takes 6d10 psychic damage.
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