#vianočné oblátky
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iamonlyhereforthefood · 1 month ago
Some of Slovak folklore traditions before and during Christmas, as depicted in Vianočné oblátky (Christmas wafers, 1977):
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Girls pouring lead into water on Ondrej's day (30th of November), to see what occupation/trade their future husband would have:
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Bringing a cherry branch inside on Barbora's day (4th of December) and keeping it in fresh water, if it bloomed before Christmas the girl was likely to marry next year:
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The girls would also prepare paper ornaments with names of boys written on the corners, turn one corner each day and the one that was left was supposed to be the name of their future husband:
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On Lucia's day (13th of December), girls pretending to be witches and doing mischief:
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Boys pretending to drive witches away:
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Whoever believed to be cursed by witches could prepare a wooden stool and on Lucia's day could see witches at midnight on the crossroad through it (in some places it was to be prepared from Lucia to Christmas and take to Christmas midnight mass):
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Baking of Christmas wafers (the local teacher was supposed to be in charge and the entire village would provide supplies):
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If the wafers turned out well, the children could then sell some of them in nearby towns or mansions:
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Children caroling all through Advent, on Tomáš' day (which used to be on 21st of December before it was moved to different date) they would bring a piece of lead with them to ensure all household tools would remain in good condition during next year:
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On Christmas, the shepherds would go caroling too, wishing good health to the people but also their livestock:
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And the Christmas Eve dinner, being the main event of the holidays, with the Christmas tree in some parts of the country traditionally hanging from the roof, above the table:
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And the entire village celebrating together after dinner:
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reshiiii · 4 years ago
Ako viem, že idú Vianoce:
miesto krvi mi prúdi šípkový čaj
napiekla som viac druhov pečiva než budem mať v januári skúšok
odrhla som podlahu zubnou kefkou ("jeeej mne sa tu rozsypali trblietky, žeby si to zotrela?")
rozmotávanie svetielok
aj podlaha vonku pred dverami už je umytá, mačky vykefované, blato v záhrade stojí pozorom
prach sa bojí vôbec dopadnúť
"ideš so mnou lepiť linecké?"
"už si ozdobila medovníčky?"
S Tebou Mně Baví Svět
Vianočné Oblátky
Ako sa Vianočka dala poistiť
Slobodne pridávajte vaše postrehy<3
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woodova · 4 years ago
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Source: https://www.lenivakucharka.sk/spaldove-vianocne-oblatky/
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iamonlyhereforthefood · 1 month ago
Vianočné oblátky (Christmas wafers), 1977
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reshiiii · 4 years ago
Bryndzáky alebo strapačky? Šúľance s makom alebo orechami? Martin Benka alebo Ľudovít Fulla? What's your favourite Christmas fairytale? How do you eat your fish on Christmas? Are you looking forward to it this year? Are you reading any interesting books atm? What brings you comfort these days?
My boyfriend and I have been doing 1000-piece puzzles of famous artworks while listening to podcasts. Or we watch Hercule Poirot witch David Suchet instead of a movie, because it's the perfect movie length (1 hr 30 min).
Prajem príjemný večer výročia Nežnej revolúcie ✌🔑🍂
Príjemný večer aj tebe! Akurát som dopiekla chlebík! (a Poirot je vždy dobrá voľba.)
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Bryndzové halušky. Alebo strapačky.
S makom!!!!
Obaja sú fajn, ale asi skôr Fullu? Nie žeby ma nejak priťahovali.
Vianočné oblátky, I can't imagine Christmas without that. And the stories my grandmother tells, about the golden dog and so on.
I am very much looking forward to it. I will be with my family. Without my grandfather, sure, and without my friend - he would sing in latin at midnight. Now he won't. But I will be with my parents, grandparents and sister, and cats and family friends and everyone and finally, I will be home.
Uhh, rn I'm reading Howl's moving castle, Peter a Lucia, El Príncipe de la Niebla and!!! Bratislavská bludička (Lenona Štiblaríková) - výborná oddychovka, odporúčam. Oh, and Orlando.
Well, my blanket and tea and good music, and calls w my mom, Bubu (cat), soups, this bread (I'm so happy) and also zázvorovica.
Ja prekladám z češtiny do latinčiny, došiel nám kamarát, takže popíjame zázvorovicu, rozprávame sa a pečieme chleba. Teda, teraz už len čakáme kým vychladne.
Prajem pekný večer, užívajte 😌🍃
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