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chrishnadagod · 2 years ago
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V I A N D R A D U N N Outfit: @fashionnova Artist: @viandradunn 📾: @chrishnaphotography #ChrishnaDaGod #ChrishnaPhotography #ChrishnaPhotos #ViandraDunn #Viandra #LosAngeles #LAVibes #LosAngelesArtist #Fashionnova #LosAngelesRapper #FemaleRapper #FemaleArtist #NewYorkPhotographer #NewJerseyPhotographer #LosAngelesPhotographer #DallasPhotographer #HoustonPhotographer #AtlantaPhotographer #PhillyPhotographer https://www.instagram.com/p/CqNzXbmOSRv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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peonierose · 2 years ago
Chapter 3
Nightbound AU vs. HĂ€nsel & Gretel
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Book: Nightbound
Type: Series / Chapter 3
Characters involved: HĂ€nsel van Andresen (M!OC), Gretel van Andresen (F!OC), Grey (M!OC)
Words: 3,000+
Rating: Mature, NSFW
Summary: HĂ€nsel and Gretel are now in New Orleans. Looking for clues. They’ll encounter someone new. Friend or Foe?
A/N: A huge thank you to @annieruok94 for brainstorming and reading through 💚 @jerzwriter Thank you so much with the smut scene (I’m super nervous though 🙈) 💗
2nd A/N: Thank you to anyone who reads my stories and gives my characters a chance. It truly means the 🌎 to me. Also please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future stories 💚
Playlist for Chapter 3
In case you missed the first two chapters, you can catch up on them here Chapter 1 & Chapter 2
I wasn’t sure if the purple sleep powder would work on her. I catch her before she can fall to the ground and carry her in my arms. I teleport us to Vi’s shop. Not many Fae can teleport.
Though it seems as if I’m the exception to the rule.
Viandra or Vi for short is my best friend along with Vine. Vi owns her own spice and herb shop called “Blue Moon“.
She found this old apothecary that was ready for demolition, but she saved it and opened up her herb and spice shop instead.
Opening it for all supernaturals who needed help with illnesses and couldn’t go to a normal doctor.
Vi is amazing. She can make all kinds of potions and antidotes. She’s also using the shop as a cover to remain hidden from certain Fae.
She can also make love potions, but Vi always says those aren’t for the faint of heart. Ironic really since the heart region is the aim of the potion.
We met a long time ago at one of the grand balls of the season.
It’s a gathering of Fae royalty from all the Courts. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Since all three of us hail from different Fae courts, no one could’ve foreseen we’d become such close friends. Yet here we are. Proving everyone wrong.
When I was banished from the winter court, Vi and Vine left with me.
Making all three of us outcasts. I couldn’t be more grateful for having such wonderful friends by my side.
I’m breathing hard as I’m entering Vi’s shop. Using my magic to create a glamour to mask my appearance and then teleporting us into Vi‘s shop? It’s straining to say the least. I can feel myself becoming tired from using so much magic.
Vi stops what she’s doing and stares daggers at me. Her hair glowed like a bright orange sunset. The top half was a bright burning red, her light orange tips falling to the half of her back in cascading waves. Her dark eyes outlined with coal, are glowing like embers in the ashes.
“Who is that? And why have you brought her here?“ She asks, pointing with her chin towards Gretel. Her full lips turned down in a suspicious frown.
“Help me and I’ll explain,“ I say.
Vi walks towards me and together we place Gretel on the plush red chair and tie her hands behind her back.
Gretel moans softly but stays out. I let out a breath of pure relief. The magic must’ve worked better than I thought it would. It was made by Vi after all. She might be a giant pain in the ass, but she knows her way around potions and mixtures.
Vi takes a closer look at Gretel. When she recognizes Gretel she steps back and whirls around to pin me down with a gaze.
“Are you out of your damn mind? Bringing her here? Do you know who that is? She’s going to expose all of us,“ her dark eyes blazing like an inner fire. Considering that’s her power it’s not that far off.
“Relax. She doesn’t know anything,“ I say not worried in the slightest.
Vi laughs but it’s hollow.
“Yet. How long will it take her to realize who we are? Who you are? She’s a freaking Grimm. Making her one of them. She’s not going to just lie low and be told what to do. Neither is her brother. You should know better than that Grey,“ she shakes her head at me.
The Brothers Grimm aren’t just two guys who went around collecting stories to write down. Oh no. They’re far worse than that. They’re supernatural hunters. Collecting stories? That was their way of knowing more about supernaturals. With time they’ve become more and more dangerous. They have a database for almost all supernaturals. Their strengths and weaknesses were collected and passed on to the next generations of Grimm.
I shudder just thinking about it.
The stories of them are all true.
Though there is one Grimm who isn’t cruel and that Grimm's daughter is currently sitting on the chair we tied her to. HĂ€nsel and Gretel are direct descendants of the original brothers Grimm. Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm.
And from the looks of it, neither HĂ€nsel nor Gretel has any idea about their heritage.
I turn my gaze towards Vi again and take a step closer to Vi until we’re face to face and our noses are almost touching.
“Then you should know that I’m not some stupid faeling that doesn’t know how to survive. We both survived far worse in the Fae courts. Or do I need to remind you of that?“ My voice is cold as ice.
She’s not batting an eye. But after a few seconds, she shakes her head in response.
I incline my head.
“Good. Let’s see what she knows. Afterward we’ll make her forget she ever saw us,“ I say.
Vi looks concerned. Which is rare so I’m on high alert.
“She doesn’t strike me as the type of person who’s going to forget for very long,“ she says.
When I give her another look she holds up her hands. Her dark magenta-painted nails caught in the soft, dim light, and sparks emanate from her fingertips.
“Don’t bite my head off. I’m just saying. She‘s a descendant of the Brothers Grimm. They aren’t easily fooled. You know that Grey. Better than anyone,“ her voice got soft.
I close my eyes. Not wanting to think of the people responsible for the death of my whole family. Almost my whole family I amend. One member of my family is still alive, though I try not to dwell too much on that.
When I re-open my eyes I’m in control of my raging emotions again.
Vi grabbed my shoulder to lend me some strength. I cover my hand with hers.
Letting my guard down. Showing feelings and emotions of the softer side is something that’s very rare with Vi. Vi is like the sister I never had. So I cherish these moments even more.
When I look at Gretel all I see is my family screaming for help.
Her family eradicated my own. She’s no different I try to remind myself when I look at her soft face, her rosy cheeks, and her long blonde braid reaching almost the middle of her back.
I’m trying to decide on how to proceed when Vine enters the shop.
His dark blue hair is cascading down his back. Put in some complicated braid.
“Hello, party people
Oh my god. Grey, who did you bring that for?“ He says upon entering.
He stops in his tracks and sees Gretel tied back behind a chair. Vine takes a closer look and steps back when he recognizes her.
“Really? Gretel? I didn’t think you’d be that stupid,“ he leans against the counter.
I turn towards him and put my hands on my hips. What is it with these two tonight?
“Mind your place,“ I say coldly.
He shakes his head at me.
“Dude you know I’m right,“ he says and hops onto the counter.
As Gretel’s moans are getting louder, everyone stops doing what they’re doing. Looks as if the sleeping powder is wearing off quicker than we thought.
She’s fully awake now and on high alert. Her eyes darted left and right.
She seems to want to reach for her right boot where her dagger was, realizing her hands are tied behind her back. She grits her teeth. Her hazel eyes take on a more green hue. Glowing like the eyes of a cat.
“Are you looking for this?“ I ask her.
Too bad I found it earlier when I searched for her. I hold it up into the light. Admiring the craftsmanship.
The small blade has a dark emerald hilt, with the initials KVA inscribed into it. Making my whole body go taut. Though I school my features I wouldn’t want Gretel to know that those initials are well known to me.
The blade itself is made out of a dark, smooth black material. One that seems to absorb any light nearby.
One I’ve never encountered before and that says a lot. I’ve been alive and wandering this earth for over a thousand years now. You could say I’ve been around for a while.
She keeps staring at me as I’m carrying the blade.
“That doesn’t belong to you,“ she clarifies as if it wasn’t evident enough.
I ignore her and ask her in turn.
“Where did you get this?“ I look at her and she sighs in return.
She gulps down and sighs.
“It was my mothers,“ she says while trying to get the rope off of her hands. All it seems to be doing is digging deeper into her flesh.
I put it on the counter. It’s not as if she can fight her way out of here but I don’t want to take any chances.
She takes a look around and when she notices we’re not alone she sits up straighter in her chair.
I know I won’t get anything out of her if Vi and Vine are here too.
Without looking back I say quietly.
“Leave us,“ my voice low.
With their sensitive hearing, they hear well enough, without me having to raise my voice.
Vi and Vine start to protest.
“Now!“ I say louder this time. My tone booking no argument.
Vi knows not to test me and so she walks into the other part of the shop and drags Vine with her.
Before they’re completely out of sight Gretel stares at Vine and mutters “Nice rose and vine tattoos,“ she admires it for a couple of seconds longer as if she’s staring at an oil painting. Vine’s eyes widen a fraction.
I whip my head towards her. How does she see through our carefully constructed glamour? Even Grimms usually don’t notice our tattoos.
Because they‘re only visible to Fae eyes. I take a closer look at her and breathe out slowly.
Maybe Vi was right. It’s going to be hard to make her forget she ever saw us.
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The rope is burning into my flesh.
I look up and see a beautiful guy. With long dark hair and forest-green eyes. I instantly turn my guard up. Making my voice sound emotionless.
A guy like him? He’s dangerous for various reasons. Especially for my heart. He could make me want and feel things I haven’t in a while.
I try to distract myself by taking a look around to avoid having to look at him. I guess I’m meeting The Shadow earlier than I thought I would. I mean who else could it be?
The place looks bigger on the inside than you’d think, not that I even know where we are. Keeping my breath even, as I’m trying not to break out into a full-on panic.
I clear my throat and see all sorts of herbs and plants adorning the place. Making you feel as if you’re inside a greenhouse. Only smaller.
Strange liquids and items are sitting in jars on the shelves. Making me curious as to what those are, but at the same time not want to know.
“Who are you? And what do you want?“ I ask, not looking at The Shadow.
“So demanding,“ he says, his voice smooth as silk.
I snicker in disgust and look back at him.
”If this is you trying to turn on the charm? Try again.“ I say as if we’re having a nice little chat. Not me being tied to a chair like a hostage.
He smirks even more at the fact that I’m uncomfortable and trying to hide it.
“As to your question. I brought you here for a reason Gretel,“ he replies.
A shiver runs down my spine at the tone of his voice. I shake it off. My blonde ponytail swung back and forth.
“How do you know my name?“ I ask.
He smiles down at me.
“I know a lot of things about you and your brother,“ he says ominously.
“Yeah, that’s not creepy at all. I know that you’re Fae. Your glamour won’t work on me. Find a better victim. Cause I ain’t playing one,“ I say.
He seems a bit taken aback that I discovered so soon what he is and that he’s trying to use Fae glamour on me to coax information out of me.
I hate people who play games with me. Either say what you’ve got to say or don’t say anything at all. That’s what my mom taught me.
“Again who are you?“ I ask him again.
He ponders over that for a second before he bows elegantly and smiles through his eyelashes.
“You can call me Grey,“ he says winking at me.
I roll my eyes at his attitude.
“Alright. We’ll pretend that’s your real name,“ I reply.
Grey nods his head at me.
“Fair enough,“ he says.
I let out a frustrated growl.
“I want you to stop looking into the case you’re investigating. You don’t need to concern yourself with this. It will be taken care of. You have my word,“ he promises.
These are his next words.
I laugh bitterly at his promise. I learned early on not to trust a pretty face. Two words, the witch. That’s all I’m going to say.
“I know next to nothing about this case. That’s why I was seeking you out,“ I say.
“We will handle it,“ he tries to reassure me.
“I don’t trust you or your word. Fae never do anything out of the goodness of their hearts. You want something. As for stopping to look for these people? You’ve got another thing coming hot stuff,“ I say with more confidence than I feel right now. Totally trying to bluff my way out of here.
He laughs and it sounds like the proverbial forbidden fruit. Something you know you shouldn’t want. But are drawn to.
My heart beats faster and he turns his face to me as if he could sense it. With his heightened hearing he probably can.
Grey is crouched down in his leather pants and gives me a look. As if trying to decipher what to make of me.
I can’t show what I feel. Even though I’m scared shitless I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.
He grins.
“So you think I’m good-looking?“ he asks.
“I didn’t say that. So wipe that smirk off your face,“ I say.
He smiles and for a second his face seems blurry again. Showing me white silvery hair instead of inky black and crystal clear blue eyes instead of moss green.
I smile to myself and he gets a confused look on his face.
There’s a secret as to how HĂ€nsel and I can unmask all these supernaturals and see behind the mask so to speak. We’ve been able to ever since we were born.
So this is going to be fun.
I lean back in my chair as much as my tied hands let me.
“Interesting that you’re masking your appearance. Are we a little vain?“ I ask mockingly.
His smile disappears and a careful look enters his eyes.
He steps closer and grips my chin to look into my eyes. He moves his fingers to reveal any sort of magic. But he won’t find any. When he realizes that I’m not under a spell and that there’s no magic involved he steps back.
Grey studies me more carefully, the scent of lush green grass wafting toward me.
“You just became more fascinating,“ he mutters almost as if to himself.
“Glad I could be of service. Although you look like a stone sculpture. I’d rather have fun with my vibrator than with you. So if there’s nothing else can you untie me?“ I ask him
Grey’s eyes glitter in delight.
“Your vibrator must be bad if you’re this frustrated,“ he says in a sultry tone.
I laugh in surprise.
He chuckles in turn.
“You know it’s funny. How mortals think they know everything about pleasure and how to achieve it,“ he says.
I raise my eyebrows.
“And you’re the expert?“ I ask, teasing him.
He shrugs.
“I’ve never heard any complaints.“
“People were probably too scared to tell you if they weren’t satisfied,“ I say.
He smiles though his green eyes have gone cold. Oops. Look like I hit a sore spot.
I gulp.
Suddenly the scenery changes and I’m in a different room. Lying in a big canopy bed. Dark silver-grey sheets surrounded me. Grey is lying next to me.
His long silver blond hair falls to the side, surrounding him like a curtain and he has that smirk on his face. He traces a finger across my bare skin before I feel a sticky drip on my skin.
I look in his direction and my eyes opened wide when I saw him dip his hands into a bowl filled with honey. Next, the stickiness is on me as he spreads his honeyed hands onto my stomach and leans down to lick it away. His warm tongue feels like fire as it licks and sucks at my sin. Making me moan.
I push my hand into his hair and pull him towards me to kiss him. He tastes like lilac honey. Sweet and decadent. Making me want more. We break apart only for the image to fade away

I get back to the here and now. My heart is racing in my chest and my chest is heaving like I just ran 10 miles. I’m left unsatisfied and wanting more.
He walks up behind me and leans down to whisper into my ear.
“What’s got your heart beating so fast, little rosebud?“ He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
I swallow and try to wipe away those images. As horny as they made me I can’t give in.
“You know there’s a saying in Fae. If you find someone attractive you can project your wants and needs into the person's head,“ he says, his voice sending shock waves down my spine.
“Then stop doing it,“ I demand.
He laughs before he leans even closer to me as if to place a kiss on my neck and I lean closer to him seeking his touch, but then he lifts his head and denies me that contact.
Grey chuckles darkly making gooseflesh cover my whole body. And anger flashes through my body because he made me want more and then he took a step back.
“I wasn’t projecting anything. You were the one who put those images into both of our heads. I find myself wanting to know how it’ll end. How about you?“ He asks curiously.
I gulp and try to escape those pictures. I want to know too, but I feel as if he’s playing a dangerous game with me.
“Stop playing mind games with me. Please. Make it stop,“ I say trying to make him stop projecting.
It takes me back to the gingerbread house when the witch held us, hostage. Mind games were her favorite pastime.
She liked poking into our heads and putting images there.
I hang my head and try to escape anywhere. Just not to be used like that again. He must’ve realized that something is off. He steps closer and this time I can breathe again. Like I woke up from a dream.
A single tear slipped out and our eyes connected. I don’t make any effort to wipe it away. Letting him see my vulnerability and pain for a second.
Grey seems to debate what to do. He breathes out and flicks his fingers. At that, the rope that was binding my hands together slips off landing like a small heap on the wooden floor.
I rub my wrists from the burn of the rope.
My breath goes faster, indicating a panic attack is near. I try to regulate my breathing. When I trust my voice again I say.
“I don’t like mind games. If you want to know something ask me. Just don’t play mind games with me. Please.“
He takes another chair that I haven’t noticed was there before. It almost seemed as if it materialized out of thin air. Maybe he conjured it with magic.
Grey’s eyes take on a softer tone.
“I wasn’t playing any games. If I had to take a guess then I’d say the witch liked to do that.“
I whip my head in his direction and stay still as an ice sculpture. Not moving an inch.
“How do you know so much about us?“ I ask him. Genuinely curious, about how he seems to know almost everything about me and my brother.
He stretches his long legs in front of him. My gaze falls to his leather-clad legs. Leather looks damn good on him.
“I’ve been following you and your brother’s stories for years. It’s always fascinated me how two regular humans can survive all this, without any special powers.“
I laugh at that.
“We’re special snowflakes, didn't you know? It’s not creepy at all how you’ve been following us. Regarding the case. Why don’t we work together? We could solve it faster if we do,“ I say to him.
If we work together, I can keep an eye on him. But I don’t tell him that.
It’s his turn to roll his eyes at me.
“I don’t trust you,“ he says with finality.
I furrow my eyebrows together.
“Are you scared you’d work well within a team?“ I ask him.
Grey laughs but it sounds hollow.
”I work alone.“ He says his tone is colder than an ice wind blasting through the tundra.
I look at him with some understanding. Something in me just wants to help him heal. I don’t know what has hardened his heart so much, but I can’t deny the need to help him.
My brother often said I have a soft heart and that soft heart of mine will get me into trouble one day.
But I can never deny someone who needs my help.
“I know how hard it must be to let go of the past and to let someone new in. But I really think we’d work well together,“ I try to convince him.
Grey eyes me with a steady gaze. Blue gaze meeting hazel eyes.
“We’ll see,“ he says.
I look around for a piece of paper in my jeans project and find a gum wrapper. I also slip my dagger into my right boot where it belongs.
I see a pen on the counter. Quickly I write down my number and put it in his hand.
As soon as our hands touch I feel like an electrical zing jolted through my whole body. As if I put my finger into the power outlet.
We both take our hands back. I can see that it didn’t leave him unbothered.
I clear my throat and rub my hand against my leather coat. To feel the soft leather on my skin. I turn to Grey again.
“In case you’ve made up your mind and want to work together, here's my number. But be quick, because these people are running out of time,“ I say.
“I will need some time to think about it,“ he says and looks down at the purple digits scrawled on the wrapper.
I nod and leave the shop. Finding myself in a small street outside of the French Quarter.
I smile as I leave a speechless, open-mouthed Grey behind.
Feeling kind of satisfied that I could stun The Shadow.
This was not really what I was expecting. But life rarely is.
Always expect the unexpected.
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moodmusicmonday · 2 years ago
What a fun playlist we have this week! Crank it up in the car or while your cleaning and/or cooking--you're going to enjoy it! And also, keep your eyes peeled for these upcoming fics!
Can't wait? Well, you're in luck... check out the list below, and you will see that some have already been released! Find the 📖, then click the link! Don't forget to comment, like and reblog! These writers will surely appreciate it!
Huge thanks to all of our creators who participated in this week's MMM! We do this twice a month (on the first and third Mondays), and all Choices creators are invited to participate! We will see you in May!
📖 “Holding On” - Leony; Holding On [OH; Ethan x f!MC (Chris)]
“Infinitely Falling” - Fly By Midnight; Vancross, Chapter 14: Real As A Dream (multiple crossover; Liam x f!OC)
“It Is What It Is” - Lifehouse; Best Kept Secrets, Chapter 13: Maybe There’s No Making It Now (TRR; Liam x f!OC)
“Who Knew - Acoustic” - James Bradshaw; 
 Sometimes Not, Part 1: Until We Meet Again (TRR; Liam x f!OC) 
📖 “Chasing Cars” - Simply Three; Black Silk, Chapter 3:  Shopping [TRR AU; Liam x f!OC (Alice), Drake x f!OC (Delilah)]
“You Ought To Know” - duomo, Tomas Piere-Serrate; Black Silk, Chapter 4: The Debutante Ball;  [TRR AU; Liam x f!OC (Alice), Drake x f!OC (Delilah)]
“Father to Son” - Queen; Legacies, The Statuses [TRR, Book 3; King Liam & Duke Hakim Theron (platonic)]
"Dream On" - Aerosmith; Nightbound vs. HĂ€nsel & Gretel, Chapter 4 [Nightbound AU; Characters involved: Gretel van Andresen (f!OC), HĂ€nsel van Andresen (m!OC), Grey (m!OC), Viandra (f!OC) and Vine (m!OC)]
“Goodbye My Lover” - James Blunt; Like Ships in the Night, Part 1: I’m So Hollow; Part 2: Goodbye My Lover (OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC; Tobias Carrick x f!OC)
Tags are in the comments; please let us know if you'd like to be added or removed. Thanks for supporting MMM!
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lovemusic808playlist · 2 months ago
Viandra - Fun For The Night ft. Southside Diddy
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lovemusic808 · 4 months ago
Viandra - Fun For The Night ft. Southside Diddy
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hourlyhiphop · 10 months ago
BigTyme Music Group (BTMG) Heats up the Charts with artists Viandra Dunn and Keno Journey
BigTyme Music Group (BTMG) Heats up the Charts with artists Viandra Dunn and Keno Journey
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christophe76460 · 1 year ago
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Texte : Matthieu 24 v 14.
Le signe de la fin des temps, c'est le signe de la fin du monde.
C'est le signe qui montre que le monde a pris fin.
C'est le signe qui montre que le monde est entrée dans sa phase finale, sa phase de destruction.
C'est le signe qui montre que le monde peut ĂȘtre dĂ©truit a tout moment, a tout instant.
C'est le signe annonciateur du retour de JĂ©sus-Christ.
C'est le signe qui montre que le Seigneur JĂ©sus-Christ peut revenir Ă  tout moment pour enlever son Église : (les Saints).
Ce signe trĂšs important nous ai rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© en notre texte de base Matthieu 24 v 14 d'oĂč JĂ©sus-Christ lui-mĂȘme a dit ceci : Cette bonne nouvelle du royaume sera prĂȘchĂ©e dans le monde entier, pour servir de tĂ©moignage Ă  toutes les nations, Alors viandra la fin.]
La Bonne Nouvelle, c'est l'Évangile.
Le mot Évangile signifie Bonne Nouvelle.
L'Évangile est la Bonne Nouvelle du royaume de Dieu a l'Ă©gard de l'humanitĂ© tout entiĂšre.
L'Évangile est la rĂ©vĂ©lation de l'Oeuvre sacrificielle du Seigneur JĂ©sus-Christ a la Croix de Golgotha.
L'Évangile se rĂ©sume Ă  Jean 3 v 16 d'oĂč il est Ă©crit :
Dieu a tant aimé le monde qu'il a donné son fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse point, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle.]
Dieu, c'est le Seigneur JĂ©sus-Christ./Jean 1 v 1-14.
En fait, en Jean 3-16, C'est Jésus-Christ qui a tant aimé le monde, qui s'est donné en sacrifice afin que quiconque croit en lui, ne périsse point en enfer, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle en entrant au paradis.
Pour que JĂ©sus-Christ qui est Dieu vienne dans le monde, il s'est fait naĂźtre par Marie...d'oĂč le fait qu'il se fait appeler fils de Dieu.
Le monde symbolise les hommes.
NB : L'Évangile : la Bonne Nouvelle du royaume de Dieu consiste Ă  prĂȘchĂ©e aux Hommes que JĂ©sus-Christ, le Dieu unique, le Dieu vĂ©ritable, s'est donnĂ© en sacrifice a la Croix de Golgotha pour que son sang dĂ©livre et purifie l'humanitĂ© de ses pĂ©chĂ©s.
Quiconque croit en lui, ne périra point en enfer lui et sa famille, mais lui et sa famille aurons la vie éternelle en entrant dans le royaume de Dieu, dans le paradis aprÚs leur mort.
A suivre..................................
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Italian forenames and elements from the periodic table, excluding the letter "M"
Achelic Acopperto Adarto Adelo Aderio Adina Adrazino Agastina Agneonio Agnesto Albio Aldonia Alenio Alero Alesanana Alesco Alforico Aliania Alpholo Alute Anarsa Ancesta Andiulic AndolĂČ Aneston Anfra Anfrando Angsto Anluore Annico Antitne Aranola Arcesco Arederbon Arena Aressano Ariano Arigonio Arino Ariora Arisarco Arseo Arsephon Artuno Aulvenio Aurieria Austrid...
Baldarina Baldavic Bardo Bargi Batina Beano Bellorne Benzio Benzo Bergola Beria Beriano Berio Bertona Bertuno Bettoren Biantha Biorqual Bisanc Bohria Bohro Bornato Brido Brona Brusendo Calbia Caldo Calino Calla Canantina Cardo Cargio Carin Carsenzo Catta Celina Cenielo Cessa Cesta Cestatina Chela Chele Chella Chneona Chner Chodia Clantina Claudina Clavirco Clegric Clelo Cleon Cleono Creado Creni Criana Dandano Danfra Dannio Darcoleo Dargia Darsana Darsano Dassilvia Daste Davio Dello Derio Donia Dubni Duria Durino Edovithia Einto Eitro Elenzo Elleo Eninato Enobino Entineta Ettino Ettordo Eurico Everio Everto Fabricio Fabruno Faeldo Faellaudo Fanzo Fedon Fergia Feridia Ferto Fildo Filettale Flando Flani Flano Flavirio Flavo Flucrika Fluto Fractince Francardo Francelo Frano Franzo Frasco Frazia Freadio Friana Fritatona Fulvirco Gaber Gadanto Gadony Gadridino Gaelando Galurica Gasena Gasta Gatio Gellauro Gellista Gerbio Geriscon Giachel Giadole Giana Giancia Giancino Giandelo Giandeon Giando Gianielo Gianina Gianlucca Giano Giantino Gielella Giettazio Gietto Gildo Gilicosa Gilindan Gillergio Gilvia Giullando Griactino Guate Guatrina Gugene Guisangen Guseony Gustona Gustroste Haffaello Hafniana Handrio Hantia Helenico Helia Hydrazino Inettana Inetto Irika Isardo Iscalicon Jactina Jostetto Julild Kryllucco Kryllucia Lascopina Latro Lausal Lauste Lawrena Leada Leatinapo Leserna Lettonino Levale Liano Liniulia Liovia Liste Liulio Liviana Lucalt Luccaro Luccia Luccianna Lucco Luccophia Luchelia Lucilento Luido Luigia Luigio Luigo Luisane Luthon Naldo Nella Neona Neppe Nerto Nesia Niaco Nianda Niarine Nichlo Nicobardo Niellia Ninutone Nitana Nitoria Nuele Nutha Ordinessa Ordono Oredolo OriacolĂČ Oriano Oricoldo Orrazio Oseritneo Osiantano Osild Osilia OsprolĂČ Osvaton Oxygenzo Palerota Panio Paole Paolino Paolisa PaolĂČ Parbarto Parizio Paseon Pasevalda Passa Passinino Paurado Paurypto Phildo Phina Phole Pholo PholĂČ Piella Pietta Pietto Polessa Potta Prolo Prosa Prosta Pucald Pucalina Pucilda Pucina Ralcio Ranierfo Ranita Ranna Ranpaolo Rantina Razino Razio Redeldo Reneonilo Renichia Renrino Rescarino Rezino Rhela Rhola Rholenico Rhosa Rianluigo Robea Rogenzo Rogeppe Rogery Rosale Rosano Rosilina Rotandro Rotte Rubardo Rubisalo Ruggelo Ruglio Rustrona Ruthelda Ruthilo Sabia Sabro Salbera Salicato Sallangel Sangel Sanna Sarconio Sardia Savio Sebalivia Selia Sella Senico Senio Seodo Sephia Sepholo Sephoriel Seppe Seppetrio Seppino Silda Sodiano Sodoario Sonichro Stetta Suseppe Talevio Tando Tassa Tatorgio Tavio Teino Teitne Telfo Telina Tellesera Teodia Teona Terio Terlo Terto Thalda Thano Thaselo Thelena Thenzia Thero Thilvio Thulla Tilifo Tinico Tinto Tittatena Tulla Tungalla Tungenzo Tungste Tunzo Turiana Ubaleo Ubianeo Ubnico Ubnio Ugelinapo Uggia Uggilla Uggio Ugona Uracia Valitta Vandovio Vatina Vatorio Veniaco Venzo Verylla Viandra Vicia Vicola Vincio Viorusto Viranfra Vircosa Virko Vitro Xenobbero Xenzo Yttantino Zairce Zaircon Zairgia Zandona Zioria Ziovio
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peonierose · 2 years ago
Luna Auclair (F!OC) - Open Heart
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- Food
- The beach
- Art - painting, sculpting anything that lets Luna be creative 💚
- Bryce (her fiancé)
- The Mandalorian (Luna loves Grogu and Pedro Pascal đŸ˜»đŸ˜±)
Bryce Lahela (M!MC) - Open Heart
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- Surfing, Hiking, rock climbing (anything that has to do with being out in nature)
- Lunas cooking & art đŸ˜»
- Luna 💚 She’s his better half 💚
- Spending time with friends & family
Maxine Moore (F!OC) - Open Heart
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- Listening to old vinyl records (especially by Linda Ronstadt â€ïžâ€đŸ”„)
- Dolphins (one of her favorite animals)
- Watching ballets / opera plays
Gretel van Andresen (F!OC) - Nightbound
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- Whiskey đŸ„ƒ
- Spending time with the people she loves (especially if she can go hunting with her brother HĂ€nsel)
- Lilac honey 💜
- Showing people women can be a badass and can still have a soft heart 💙
HĂ€nsel van Andresen (M!OC) - Nightbound
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- Long drives in his ’67 Chevy impala
- Pie (especially apple & blueberry)
- Swimming (especially in the lake at the Black Forest, where he and his sister Gretel have a home)
Viandra (Vi for short) - (F!OC) - Fae - from Nightbound
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- making potions and antidotes to help other Supernaturals
- rain during any time
- reels & jigs around the fire
- Fae wine
I am super curious 👀
@txemrn @cariantha @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads @noesapphic @harleybeaumont @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle @karahalloway @angelasscribbles
Top Three Thursday - Week 2
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Welcome to Top Three Thursday! 💙
FIRST, a few quick rules!
Please reblog your answer - don't create a new post. The point is to keep us all together in one place and to get to know each other.
You can answer any way you like - basic answer, headcanons, fics, moodboards, edits, artwork - be as creative (or not!) as you like.
Pixelberry Choices-related content only.
PLEASE BE KIND! People will have different options, thoughts, headcanons, and likes - and that’s a good thing. Be respectful of one another.
For Week 2 - let's get to know our MCs. If you have more than one, you can answer for one or all of them - whatever you wish!
Top 3 Things that make your MC happy
Please specify your MC's name and the Choices story they're from.
If you’d like to be added to the tag list, let me know, but anyone can participate! Tags below break. 💙💙💙
@aces-and-angels @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @bebepac @cariantha @coffeeheartaddict2 @cooltuna69 @crazy-loca-blog @headoverheelsforramsey @hopelessromantic1352 @icecoffee90 @karahalloway @korgbelmont @kyra75 @lovealexhunt @missameliep @peonyblossom @peonierose @potionsprefect @princess-geek @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @secretaryunpaid @takeharryandgo @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @tveitertotwrites @twinkleallnight @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks
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chrishnadagod · 2 years ago
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F A S H I O N N O V A K I L L A Outfit: @fashionnova Artist: @viandradunn 📾: @chrishnaphotography #ChrishnaDaGod #ChrishnaPhotography #ChrishnaPhotos #ViandraDunn #Viandra #LosAngeles #LAVibes #LosAngelesArtist #Fashionnova #LosAngelesRapper #FemaleRapper #FemaleArtist #NewYorkPhotographer #NewJerseyPhotographer #LosAngelesPhotographer #DallasPhotographer #HoustonPhotographer #AtlantaPhotographer #PhillyPhotographer https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2pbnRuxJS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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flyandfamousblackgirls · 7 years ago
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eosvartauga · 2 years ago
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Posy Ring 1500 - 1530 (made)
Gold posy ring, inscribed in Roman capitals in French, 'UNG TEMPS VIANDRA' separated by a flower and scrolling foliage in relief around the outer hoop and '+MON DESIR ME VAILLE' separated by stars engraved on the inner hoop. The outer hoop may originally have been enamelled.
Posy rings, the name deriving from poesy ('poetry'), are rings with inscriptions that express affection, friendship and love. Rhyming or cryptic inscriptions were fashionable from around 1200-1500, and were written in Latin but more commonly in French, the language of courtly love. Both these languages were spoken and understood fairly widely by the elite in medieval Europe. The repetition of particular inscriptions suggest that goldsmiths had reference books of stock phrases; the more unusual inscriptions perhaps indicate a client's individual request.
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ravishing-angels · 4 years ago
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Viandra Dunn
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pesantrenpandeglang · 5 years ago
TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021
  Dengan bertawakkal kepada Allah SWT. Kami Panitia Penerimaan Santri Baru Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta Selatan, setelah:
Nilai Tes Al-Qur`an, Imla’, Pengetahuan Agama dan Umum, Matematika, Bahasa Arab dan Inggris (bagi peserta Aliyah dan Mutasi) serta Wawancara Calon Santri dan Wali Santri.
Hasil musyawarah tim penguji seleksi masuk TMI Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.
Bahwa untuk hal tersebut perlu segera mengeluarkan keputusan.
Hasil Tes Seleksi Gelombang Kedua masuk TMI Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.
Kelulusan dibagi menjadi empat kriteria; Lulus Murni, Lulus Bersyarat,  Lulus di Darunnajah Cabang dan Tidak Lulus.
Peserta tes yang dinyatakan Lulus Bersyarat diwajibkan untuk mengikuti Bimbingan Belajar selama 5 (lima) atau 10 (sepuluh) bulan berturut-turut.
Keputusan ini tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Ditetapkan di Jakarta, pada tanggal 2 April 2020
    Dr. K.H. Sofwan Manaf, M.Si.
Pimpinan Pesantren Darunnajah
    Miftah Ahmad, S.Pd.I.
Ketua PPSB 2020/2021
Keterangan Penting Harap dibaca! :
Bagi orang tua/wali peserta tes yang Lulus Murni/Lulus Bersyarat bisa langsung melakukan pembayaran di ATM atau fasilitas Internet Banking yang terhubung dengan jaringan ATM Bersama, Prima, atau ALTO, paling lambat 7 hari setelah pengumuman kelulusan, dikarenakan tempat terbatas.
Pembayaran tidak dapat dilakukanmelalui BCA Internet Banking.
Transfer hanya dapat dilakukan dengan Real time Transfer tidak dapat di proses dengan LLG (Lalu Lintas Giro) dan RTGS (Real-Time Gross Settlement).
Pembayaran hanya dapat dilakukan dengan kode pembayaran Dana Bulan Pertama Santri Baru. silahkan login menggunakan akun pendaftaran ke situs santri.darunnajah.com untuk melihat kode pembayaran dan nominal pembayaran.
Batas waktu pembayaran Biaya Santri Baru yang telah ditentukan, yaitu selama tujuh hari kerja setelah pengumuman kelulusan. (Senin, 6 April 2020 s/d Selasa 14, April 2020).
Pelunasan Pembayaran Biaya Santri Baru 2020/2021 adalah syarat untuk mendapatkan kamarSantri Baru Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.
Program Bimbingan Belajar bagi peserta tes yang Lulus Bersyarat terhitung sejak dimulainya sekolah sampai 5 (lima) atau 10 (sepuluh) bulan ke depan dengan Materi Membaca Al-Qur`an dan Imla` (Tulis Arab).
Setelah melakukan pembayaran agar konfirmasi ke panitia penerimaan santri baru, untuk pemilihan kamar santri baru tahun ajaran2020/2021.
Selama pandemi COVID-19 kantor pelayanan santri baru kami tutup hingga batas waktu yang belum ditentukan, segala bentuk pelayanan kami alihkan secara daring melalui website resmi kami atau media whatsapp.
  Untuk pemilihan kamar santri baru silahkan mengirim pesan whatsApp ke Panitia Penerimaan Santri Baru 2020-2021 di nomor berikut ini.
  Sukarni, S.H.I          : +62 857 4869 8328
Noormala Maharani : +62 895 3324 77588
Nasropah Hopipah   : +62 858 8753 1198
d.  Fitri Mutia Salsabela : +62 813 8974 5545
  Lampiran Surat Keputusan No.64.B/PPSB-TMI/DN/IV/2020  HASIL TES SELEKSI MASUK GELOMBANG KEDUA TARBIYATUL MUALLIMIN/AT AL-ISLAMIYAH (TMI) Hari/Tanggal,  Sabtu, 28 Maret 2020 s/d Ahad, 29 Maret 2020 Tahun Ajaran 2020-2021 Memutuskan: A. LULUS MURNI (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI/1 MTs) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028320 ACHAMAD FAJAR UBAIDILLAH L 2 0000027216 AHMAD NABIL ZAHRON L 3 0000028607 AHMAD SALMAN FAUZAN L 4 0000026491 AIDIL AKBAR L 5 0000026419 BINTANG AL-AKBAR JANUARI L 6 0000026830 CHOIZ BIMA SAPUTRA L 7 0000028873 DANIEL AFZAL FAUZI L 8 0000028795 DZAR AL-GHIFARI MATONDANG L 9 0000027678 FADHIL KHAYATUL MAKHI L 10 0000026679 FAISAL HAZIQ L 11 0000028504 FEBRIAN BAGUS PRATAMA L 12 0000028163 HANAFAL ACHMAD GHAISAN L 13 0000027266 HAQIQI NUR AZZAM L 14 0000026628 IDZHAR MUHTADIN L 15 0000026688 ILYASA L 16 0000025367 ISYANA KENZHI MULIA L 17 0000027424 IYAS FATHAN HIBATULLAH L 18 0000028548 IZZATUL IBAD L 19 0000030111 KHIYAR RADHYA GIFFARI L 20 0000026854 LALU ANTING PURWANE KOAR LALANG L 21 0000028709 LUTFI IHSANUL RAUF L 22 0000026801 MAHESA ARILYA NURHAN L 23 0000026584 MUHAMMAD AFFAN HUNAIFI L 24 0000028292 MUHAMMAD DHAFIN FADHLAN L 25 0000025532 MUHAMMAD DZAKI AL-FAQIH L 26 0000024533 MUHAMMAD FACHRI YANFAUNNAS L 27 0000029832 MUHAMMAD FAHRI L 28 0000024792 MUHAMMAD FAIRUZ RAHMAN L 29 0000026448 MUHAMMAD ICHSANUR REZA L 30 0000026953 RAKHADITYA DAIVA HERDANU L 31 0000030153 RIZQI NOOR ARSYAD L 32 0000028212 SALMAN ALFARIZI L 33 0000027662 SULTHAN ZAKI L 34 0000025868 TUBAGUS SYARIEF MUHAMMAD L 35 0000030137 AERO KEIZHA FIRSTCA WICAKSONO P 36 0000025022 AFIFAH AZIZAH P 37 0000027463 ARINA NASYWA MALIKA P 38 0000029816 AURA NINGTIAS P 39 0000026873 BALQIST NABILLAH HERMANTO P 40 0000028652 CELLICA APRILYA WAGIYANTO P 41 0000028209 CHIKA ROLY AMANDA P 42 0000028530 ESTININGTYAS KURNIA MUFIDAH ALDIANNY P 43 0000029972 FARJAH ADINDA KHALISAH P 44 0000026934 FATHIA FEBRIANTI SANUM P 45 0000028752 FATHIYA PREVIA ADILA P 46 0000029470 FITHRI SYARIFATUN NISA P 47 0000029093 ILMA NURUL AINI P 48 0000028553 KAYLA AULIA ASMORO P 49 0000027887 KAYLA MEUTIA RACHMAWATI P 50 0000028720 KHALISA AZIZAH PUTRI WIDIYANTI P 51 0000027844 MALEEKA RAI ADISTY P 52 0000025712 MSY. QUEENERA SALWA TSABITAH P 53 0000026566 NABILA SAFIRA MAHARANI P 54 0000028007 NADIVA NAURA KAMILA P 55 0000026390 NADYA SHOFWAH ANGGONO PUTRI P 56 0000026907 NAFILAH ERLYNDA NUR ABIDIN P 57 0000026543 NAGITA LATISHA PUTRI FACHMI P 58 0000029901 NASYWAA ZHAFIRA P 59 0000027990 NATASYA FATAHUL ASRI P 60 0000029342 NAURA CELIA P 61 0000030192 NAURA MALIKA SAID P 62 0000025522 NIKEISHA ANGIE PUTRI INDRANI SANJAYA P 63 0000030039 NIKEISHA HASNA KAMILA P 64 0000028417 NISRINA SYADZA MUFIDAH P 65 0000030401 NURJIHAN GAZKIA MAHIRAH P 66 0000028638 PUTI BALKIS BURHANI P 67 0000029265 RAIHANA SOFWA IZZATI P 68 0000026803 RAISA SHOFA MUZDALIFAH P 69 0000029384 RAYSAQILA NAMIRA MARHENDRATA P 70 0000027663 RIFAYA NURHAFIZA P 71 0000028480 SABRINA ALYA P 72 0000027551 SALWA NOVILIA NAYARA P 73 0000029628 SAMIAH P 74 0000028811 SARI NUR RIZKILLAHWATI P 75 0000026318 SYAIRA AULIA CAHYONO P 76 0000026816 SYASYA KHAULAH KHANSHA P 77 0000027076 SYAUQI QISTHI NAFISAH P 78 0000028148 TSANIA LATIFA IKRIMA P B. LULUS BERSYARAT (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI/1 MTs) Wajib Mengkuti bimbingan belajar selama lima bulan NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000030379 ADAM RAFAEL L 2 0000028139 ADITYA AL FACHRI SUSILO L 3 0000028382 AHMAD KHAIRI L 4 0000029747 ALIF RIZKY HERMAWAN L 5 0000026807 ANARGYA RAIHAN BAIHAQI L 6 0000030485 ANUGERAH Q.R. WALAY L 7 0000029836 DANISH MANGGALA AOWIN L 8 0000026290 FAREL SURYA IBRAHIM L 9 0000028015 FAREL VIANDA PUTRA L 10 0000026520 FARHAN RIZKY RAMADHAN L 11 0000025569 GEOFALDI EL GHAZALI L 12 0000028623 HANUN ANANTA PUTRA L 13 0000026264 KADAVI L 14 0000026484 KARL AMIN MANGARIBI L 15 0000023848 MAHENDRA KUSUMA WIJAYA L 16 0000028899 MIFTAHUL FATHAN ABUBAKAR FARA L 17 0000026321 MIRZA DAVI AL MUNIF L 18 0000026864 MOHAMMAD SATRIA ALVIANDI L 19 0000026337 MUHAMAD MAULANA IBROHIM L 20 0000025342 MUHAMAD RASYA SAPUTRA L 21 0000028674 MUHAMMAD FARID FIRMANSYAH L 22 0000026796 MUHAMMAD FIKRY ALY HUSEIN L 23 0000030249 MUHAMMAD HERSYA SAPUTRA L 24 0000029826 MUHAMMAD IRGIANSYAH RENWARIN L 25 0000028018 MUHAMMAD NAUFAL AZZAHIR L 26 0000028142 MUHAMMAD RIDHWAN YASYKUR L 27 0000028014 MUHAMMAD SALMAN SHIDDIQY L 28 0000023908 MUHAMMAD SATRIA KUSUMAH L 29 0000025362 MUHAMMAD ZAINAL ABIDIN L 30 0000027681 MUHAMMAD ZIDAN PERMANA CITRA L 31 0000026933 PRADIPTA ARYA DANISWARA L 32 0000026968 RAAFI AUFAA L 33 0000024145 RAFI MAULANA ICHSAN L 34 0000029229 RASENDRIYA AL BARRAA L 35 0000026851 ROFI FAHRIANDRA L 36 0000030484 SAYYID AHMAD HASAN L 37 0000026022 SYARIF BADRU ZAMAN L 38 0000028598 YASIR RASYDAN AHMAD L 39 0000024297 ZAKY MUHAMMAD AKRAM L 40 0000026989 AISYAH NISRIN ZAKIYAH P 41 0000027869 ANGEL TIARA LESTARI P 42 0000028470 ARTHIT ZARA ZAVIRA P 43 0000029387 AURELLIA ZAHRA PUTRI P 44 0000029310 AZQIA NAYSHILLA PRAMONO P 45 0000025846 ELIS MUYASSAROH P 46 0000026880 FIRYAL NAPISAH KAMIL P 47 0000025862 GHEA FRIDA NAFEEZA P 48 0000028231 JENITA AULIA RAMADHANI P 49 0000026831 JIHAN HUMAIRROH PUTRI P 50 0000028533 MAHBOBA SYIFA AHDYAR P 51 0000028092 MIKE TIARA ISTIQOMAH P 52 0000026765 MUTIARA HASNA HAMIDAH P 53 0000028249 NADIYRA AISYA ZAFIRA P 54 0000026306 NAFISA ZAHRA P 55 0000026412 NAURA ATHAYA UTAMI P 56 0000030080 NAURA SHAFIRA P 57 0000026908 RAIHANAH ADELIA ZAHRA P 58 0000030309 RAISA HANNA P 59 0000028665 RAISHA MALLIKA FAGO P 60 0000026788 SABRINA ANINDYA SYAHLA P 61 0000025619 SYAHLA ULYA ZAHRA P 62 0000030335 TARISHA NAURA SULAIMAN P 63 0000026781 VIANDRA ARTXIENESIA FAUZI P 64 0000029852 VIANDRA KHAIRA JASMINE PRABOWO P C. LULUS BERSYARAT (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI/1 MTs) Wajib Mengkuti bimbingan belajar selama sepuluh bulan NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028152 ABDULLAH JESSAR L 2 0000027698 ABIRA FAZLI RASYAD L 3 0000026338 AHMAD FATHAN  ALZAVY L 4 0000027888 AL GHAZALI L 5 0000028599 AL GHOZALI ALIFIANZA ATTABIK L 6 0000029952 ALFATIH AGUNG L 7 0000027029 ALIEF HAWWARI L 8 0000028827 ATMA KAUTSAR L 9 0000027827 AZRIEL NUR FIKRI L 10 0000029744 BARIE SANJAYA JAYANDARU L 11 0000030184 ELLANG ADIS FARRAS L 12 0000029911 FAAIZ OMAR SURYA GANDANA L 13 0000025635 FACHRIANSYAH L 14 0000028284 FACHRY ALFIANSYAH L 15 0000025433 FADHLAN SATRIANDIKA L 16 0000025575 FADLAN ALDIWINATA L 17 0000027350 FARDAN FIRMANSYAH L 18 0000027632 FARID ILHAM MUSTHOPA L 19 0000025627 FARIZ ADNAN TRIBUANA L 20 0000030013 FAUZIAN SYARIFHIDAYAT L 21 0000028467 HAFIZ ALI MUSA L 22 0000026782 IHSANUL FALAH L 23 0000027977 IKHWAN ASSIDIQI L 24 0000026930 ILAGAMPO KHAIZURAN NARARYA L 25 0000030261 IZZA ABDIL AZIZ L 26 0000030068 LINGGA DARYA WIDYADHANA L 27 0000030264 M ALIIF AL THAARIQ L 28 0000024915 MUHAMAD ZEIN MORY L 29 0000026411 MUHAMMAD ARYASENA ARDITE L 30 0000028661 MUHAMMAD AZKA IHSAN HAKIM L 31 0000030398 MUHAMMAD BARIQ ALVINO RUSLI L 32 0000025947 MUHAMMAD FARDHAN MALIASYARIEF L 33 0000026505 MUHAMMAD TRI RASYA L 34 0000028774 MUHAMMAD WILDAN AL FARIZI KUSUMA L 35 0000027995 MUHAMMAD ZAIDAN ADHAFA WIRAWAN L 36 0000028813 NAGATA AZHAR AHYAN L 37 0000028613 RADITH NURAWAL  RAMADHAN AR L 38 0000029369 RAJIB MUSTOFA L 39 0000026852 RIZKY ARDY FORDIANSYAH L 40 0000029970 RIZKY MUHAMMAD ILHAM L 41 0000027706 SABIAN BETRO SARAGIH L 42 0000029078 SUALDI LUTFILLAH FAHMI L 43 0000021749 AISYAH HANNAH MARYAM P 44 0000029367 DENIETA NOOR ZAFIRA P 45 0000021751 FAIZA AZZALIA P 46 0000030018 FARISAH NAVARRA PUTRI P 47 0000028167 FARISHA FARHA ANNISA P 48 0000029549 FAYLASUFA KHAERULLAH P 49 0000030115 INDAH CAHYANI KAMARULLAH P 50 0000027611 KEYLA POETRI AL-ZALEA P 51 0000028878 NADINE NATHANIELA ANGIE SANTOSO TOTONG P 52 0000026625 NAYLATUSYAROFAH QUROTU’AIN P 53 0000028024 RACHMANIA ALISA WULANDARI P 54 0000030000 RAISA ALIYA NOVIANDINI P 55 0000027518 SEPTYA ALFIRA AZZAHRAH P 56 0000030399 SEYSHA KIERA ANDHINI P 57 0000030143 SITI AISYAH ARHAMNI P 58 0000029924 SITI NADIAH FARHANA P 59 0000029642 TSAABITAH SYAQRAA P 60 0000027580 TSABITA DZAKIYAH ILHAMY P 61 0000024803 ZAFIRAH JAMALUDIN MAHFOUZ P D. LULUS MURNI DI KELAS INTENSIF (Kelas Persiapan Selama Satu Tahun Ajaran) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000026357 ALTAMIS HAIL AHSAN NASUTION L 2 0000029581 DEWA ALESSANDRO THANOVA L 3 0000025776 FIRMANSYAH ALI SANTOSO L 4 0000029992 MUHAMAD FARHAN APRIANA L 5 0000026528 MUHAMMAD  ADRIEL ALTAF FATEEN L 6 0000026389 MUHAMMAD MUFTHI L 7 0000028738 PRANAJA RESWARA SUTA ISKANDAR L 8 0000025923 YUSUF L 9 0000030150 RYANTINISA GUZELAZKIA P 10 0000028834 SYARIFAH KESYA NABILA SYLVANIE P 11 0000027491 TYA AYU NARISSYA GUNAWAN P 12 0000026828 UMMU RAHMAH SAYYIDAH P E. LULUS BERSYARAT DI KELAS INTENSIF (Kelas Persiapan Selama Satu Tahun Ajaran) Wajib Mengkuti bimbingan belajar selama lima bulan NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000025949 ABDAL AL KAMIL L 2 0000026315 BREGAS WAHYU ADI PUTRA L 3 0000028004 KHAIDAR AHMED L 4 0000028529 KHAIDIR FAQIH L 5 0000028123 M. FAQIIH BRYANWIJAYA L 6 0000030219 MICKY RAMAIZAL L 7 0000024766 MUHAMMAD DZAKI AL FAREZI L 8 0000029861 MUHAMMAD KHARUL NIZAM L 9 0000026667 MUHAMMAD UMAM L 10 0000029648 PUTRA ALFARISI L 11 0000029863 RAFLI ARIF NAZARIO PUTRA L 12 0000030486 RIVALDHI VAN ZULDI L 13 0000024080 ALIA CHAIRUNNISA P 14 0000026875 AMBER ALIFIYA ROSYID P 15 0000026792 DENISA NURALYAH GANDA PERMANA P 16 0000026858 ISMANIAH ARIELLA AZHAR P 17 0000025886 JANNATA ANGELA SYIFANIE P 18 0000029721 NABILA KHAERUNISA BUDIMAN P 19 0000030307 NAYLA RAMADHANI P 20 0000027659 NISRINA ALYSHA NAJLA P 21 0000030373 RAISA P 22 0000030061 ROSSALYNA ETTAQIYA P 23 0000029560 SERLITA YOSSI P 24 0000030203 SHAFIRA NUR RIMADANI P F. LULUS BERSYARAT DI KELAS INTENSIF (Kelas Persiapan Selama Satu Tahun Ajaran) Wajib Mengkuti bimbingan belajar selama sepuluh bulan NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000027037 LALU WIRA YUWANA L 2 0000024050 M. FARIS AKBAR L 3 0000029087 MARWAN ILHAM MUHAMMAD L 4 0000028887 MUHAMMAD ABIYYU RASYUDIN L 5 0000029703 RAIHAN NUR FATHAN L 6 0000029750 RAYHAN AHMAD MUZAKKI L 7 0000024571 ALKESYA MULIA AZZAHRA P 8 0000026972 AQNHATUL SHABRINA SUHERMAN P 9 0000029663 NURVITA DWI AGUSTINE P 10 0000024108 REVALINDA PUTRI AZZADYA P G. LULUS  BERSYARAT DI KELAS 2 TMI (Diterima di kelas 2 TMI / 2 MTS) Wajib Mengkuti Bimbingan Belajar Bahasa Indonesia NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000023979 MOHAMMED ALI ABDULLAH AL-JAWDA L H. LULUS MURNI DI KELAS 4 TMI (Diterima di kelas 4 TMI / 1 Aliyah) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000030333 MUTHIA SALMA AINI P 2 0000026489 YASINTA DIVA NEGARA P I. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Darunnajah 2, Cipining, Cigudeg, Bogor (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000029212 BASO FARID AKBAR L 2 0000028587 RAKHA SULTHAN PRIYANTO L 3 0000026641 REZKY DEVA PRATAMA L 4 0000030439 RYAN BUANA RAMADHAN L 5 0000028590 DZIKRAA MICHAELIA PRIYANTO PUTRI P J. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Al-Mansur Darunnajah 3, Serang-Banten  (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI ) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000030190 CLEONIMA RAFA SUBAGIO P 2 0000025408 DANISHA NAIA AZ-ZAHRA P 3 0000027885 MUTIARA NABILATUL KHASANAH P 4 0000027674 NABILA SUCI RAMADHANI P 5 0000029288 SAFFANAH SANIYYAH DASTRIAN P 6 0000027824 SALMA SHOFIANI P K. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren An-Nur Darunnajah 8, Gunung Sindur Bogor  (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI ) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000026314 RAFA ARYA WIGUNA L 2 0000029550 RAVEL L 3 0000027254 HANIFA SANIYYAH SAFRI P 4 0000027251 TAZKIA RAMADHANI SAFRI P L. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren An-Nur Darunnajah 8, Gunung Sindur Bogor  (Diterima di kelas Intensif) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028732 MUHAMMAD ARIEF BUDIMAN L M. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Al-Hasanah Darunnajah 9, Pamulang Banten (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI ) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000029209 ALMIRA ZAHRA DYVIA P 2 0000029717 FEREISYA NABILA ZAMRAH P 3 0000028265 NAYLA PUTRI WIDYADHANA YUSUF P 4 0000028261 REVANNA RAMADHANI ARIFIN P N. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Al-Hasanah Darunnajah 9, Pamulang Banten (Diterima di kelas Intensif) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000026034 WULANSARIP P O. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Nurul Ilmi Darunnajah 14, Serang Banten ( Diterima di kelas1 TMI ) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028073 ANDRE ADITYA SETIAWAN L 2 0000028247 FACHRY RASENDRIYA HAFIZH L 3 0000029860 MUHAMMAD ZAMAKHSYARI L 4 0000029993 OBAMA L 5 0000028255 RAFI BAGAS WELDANY L 6 0000030402 DELFIANA LARASSATI P 7 0000024974 KAYLA RAISYA PUTRI P 8 0000028256 NAILA AINUN REYAN P 9 0000029798 PUTERI DAVINA SYA’BANI P 10 0000026910 QEYSA CAESAR RIANTI P P. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Nurul Ilmi Darunnajah 14, Serang Banten ( Diterima di kelas Intensif ) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028732 MUHAMAD FAKHRI RABANI L 2 0000026780 MUHAMMAD ARIEL DWI SABILI L Q. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Nurul Ilmi Darunnajah 14, Serang Banten (Diterima di kelas 4 TMI / 1 Aliyah) NO  NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000026769 MUHAMMAD SULTHAN RAFLY L R. Yang Tidak Lulus NO  NO. REGISTRASI 1 0000026078 2 0000023814 3 0000029981
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muzickingblog · 2 years ago
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