nival-kenival · 4 months
Random thoughts about my Leverage Discworld crossover because I can't currently write these things into it but I need to write them somewhere:
I don't necessarily think that their best-known crimes actually happened in Ankh-Morpork, but I do think they used The City as a base of operations (especially in the going postal era thing I'm vaguely writing)
As such, there are very specific Ankh-Morpork things they would have to keep in mind.
They would not be members of the thieves' guild
I think they might have aliases who are members of the guild, especially in Sophie's case, but I feel like it's too much paperwork, especially because they usually get the stolen item to its rightful owners once they've teamed up
Vetenari definitely knows they're there, and knows what they are doing, but is actually fine with it because their actions against the unjust actually help the city run smoother by dusting out some of the burrs in it's cogs.
Vimes also knows they're there and watches them with the same level of scrutiny as he does Moist Von Lipwig, waiting for them to slip up just enough to get them caught. NGL if Vimes wasn't too much a good pessimistic man he would get along very well with Sterling.
Moist would recognize Sophie and Nate on Sight. Sophie because they grifted together once or twice (similar to Cribbins but like a better ending for their partnership) and Nate because he once chased him. He would know Eliot, Parker and Hardison by reputation alone.
I think Sergent Colon and Corporal Nobs 100% play a similar roll to the leverage crew as Agents McSweeten and Taggart (FBI) unless I port those two over as well, which is possible but idk yet
Eliot doesn't have a bounty with the Assassin's guild, in the same way Sam Vimes doesn't have a bounty with the Assassin's guild. But unlike Sam, they don't even attempt to send people out to get him because he is very good at convincing them to leave the guild and that very quickly became to big a cost for the guild to take. What can they say? His Clooty Soufflé is worth changing your career path to have more of it.
I've mentioned it somewhere, but Sophie is a Black Ribboner. With enough makeup, she can pass as human or, on one memorable occasion, a werewolf.
Both Sophie and Eliot originally hailed from Uberwald as all Vampires and Werewolves do, but with Eliot being adopted by the nac mac feegle they have very different ways of interacting w the region to the point where Sophie wouldn't have been able to tell Eliot was from the region if not for the smell.
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musubiki · 1 year
when lime is first talking to coco/oscar/taffy about how hes leaving to join the m34th and everyone is giving him shit about it, he pulls out their little borchure and goes “they cover dental. and they have a retirement plan” and they see in the little pamphlet his yearly salary and everyone goes “oooh....makes sense....maybe its not so bad.....we’re rooting for you!!”
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mendedrum · 1 year
Panic took over the thief's features. Randomized guilt flooded his mind. It wasn't the case of what had he done. It was a question of what the Patrician had found out about.
-Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!
Love this line and how it sums up Lord Vetenari XD
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I was thinking "y'know, Mephala of Elder Scrolls... would be somewhat akin to Havlock Vetenari... save for the murder and negotiable love bit."
But then I got to thinking...
Y'know, if there's a god of plots, whose plans are less "thinking ahead" and more "adapt as you go", who maliciousness is contained in the fact that he will viciously defend his city / planet, whose conspiracies have outlasted him and are still in motion...
Whom you can't tell is there. Not that he's using invisibility, but he's got this trick about simply standing still in the right light, dressed in the right colors...
Whom you can't tell if they ever really lied to you, or they just simply let you believe what you want if that means getting the job done.
Who switches between riling up the warrior, threatening the thief, or convincing the mage.
Who is often claimed to be a huge tyrant and a bastard, but you really can't pinpoint what exactly he's done, because he's the reason you're standing there calling him a tyrannical bastard.
And he would be the kind of entity where even his death is suspect at best, and he's not actually gone per say... but he's not necessarily around to have a direct hand in things anymore (not that he'd want to, it would interfere with things too much).
Havlock isn't related to Mephala... she'd be more akin to Margolotta.
Havlock would be more related to Lorkhan.
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sterrenkijker · 5 months
the old man yaoi in discworld is real by the way. i was there
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123567-9qaaq9 · 6 months
Veterinary Vaccine Market, Market Segments Analysis, Current Challenges & Business Opportunities | Bis Research - 28 March 2024 
Veterinary vaccines are indispensable tools in the realm of animal health, playing a crucial role in preventing infectious diseases, reducing economic losses in livestock production, and safeguarding public health. These vaccines are designed to stimulate an immune response in animals, thereby conferring protection against specific pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
In 2022, the global veterinary vaccine market held a value of $9.44 billion. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.30% during the forecast period 2023-2033 and attain a value of $19.86 billion by 2033. 
Grab a look at our sample page click here 
Veterinary Vaccines Overview 
Veterinary vaccines are specialized medical products designed to protect animals from infectious diseases by stimulating their immune systems to recognize and defend against specific pathogens.
Veterinary vaccines contain antigens, which are substances that elicit an immune response, derived from various pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites. These antigens are administered to animals through different routes, including injection, oral ingestion, or nasal spray. Depending on the type of vaccine, antigens may be live attenuated (weakened), inactivated (killed), or genetically engineered to express specific antigenic proteins.
Market Segmentation
Segmentation 1: by Type
Segmentation 2: by Disease
Segmentation 3: by Technology
Segmentation 4: by Route of Administration
Segmentation 5: by Distribution Channel
The veterinary vaccine market holds significant importance in the animal health industry, with profound impacts on both animal welfare and public health. The availability and widespread use of effective vaccines contribute to the prevention and control of various infectious diseases in animals, ranging from pets to livestock. 
Key Players in the Market 
Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH
Ceva Santé Animale
Elanco Animal Health Incorporated
Merck & Co., Inc. (Merck Animal Health)
Zoetis, Inc.
Phibro Animal Health Corporation
And many others 
Types of Veterinary Vaccines:
Live Attenuated Vaccines: These vaccines contain weakened forms of the pathogen that retain their ability to induce an immune response but are unable to cause disease in the host. Live attenuated vaccines often provide long-lasting immunity with a single dose but may pose a risk of reversion to virulence in certain cases.
Inactivated Vaccines: Also known as killed vaccines, these vaccines contain whole pathogens that have been inactivated or killed using physical or chemical methods. Inactivated vaccines typically require multiple doses and may necessitate the use of adjuvants to enhance immunogenicity.
Recombinant Vaccines: Recombinant vaccines are produced by genetically engineering organisms to express specific antigenic proteins of the target pathogen. These vaccines offer precise control over antigen composition and can be safer than traditional vaccines since they do not contain live or inactivated pathogens.
Visit our Life Sciences and Biopharma page click here ! 
Animal Vaccines Market 
The animal vaccines market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by factors such as increasing pet ownership, rising awareness about zoonotic diseases, and the growing demand for livestock products. Vaccines for companion animals, livestock, and aquaculture species are among the primary segments driving market expansion.
Major Trends and Drivers included are as follows 
Technological advancements - Innovations in vaccine development technologies, such as recombinant DNA technology and vector vaccines, have led to the creation of safer, more efficacious vaccines with broader coverage.
Focus on Preventive Healthcare - With a shift towards preventive healthcare practices, there is a growing emphasis on vaccination programs to control infectious diseases in both companion animals and livestock.
Rise in Zoonotic Disease - The increasing incidence of zoonotic diseases, such as rabies, influenza, and brucellosis, has spurred the demand for vaccines that not only protect animal health but also mitigate public health risks.
Expanding Lifestyle Production- With the global population on the rise, there is a corresponding increase in demand for meat, dairy, and other livestock products, driving the need for vaccines to ensure herd health and productivity.
Importance of Veterinary Vaccines- Stringent regulations governing animal health and welfare, coupled with initiatives promoting vaccination campaigns, are bolstering market growth and fostering industry compliance.
Disease Prevention: Vaccination is the most effective strategy for preventing infectious diseases in animals. By stimulating the immune system to recognize and neutralize pathogens, vaccines help protect individual animals and entire populations from disease outbreaks.
Economic Benefits: Vaccination plays a pivotal role in maintaining the health and productivity of livestock. By reducing the incidence and severity of infectious diseases, vaccines contribute to increased animal growth rates, improved reproductive performance, and higher yields in animal-derived products such as meat, milk, and eggs.
Public Health Protection: Many infectious diseases affecting animals have the potential to transmit to humans, posing significant public health risks. Vaccinating animals against zoonotic pathogens not only protects animal health but also helps prevent the transmission of diseases to humans, thereby safeguarding public health.
The veterinary vaccine manufacturer market is a vital component of the animal health industry, responsible for the production and distribution of vaccines designed to prevent infectious diseases in animals. This market encompasses a diverse array of companies ranging from multinational pharmaceutical giants to smaller biotechnology firms dedicated to veterinary health.
Key Question Answers 
Q  What are the major market drivers, restraints, and opportunities within the global veterinary vaccine market?
Q  What are the major trends adopted by the global veterinary vaccine market?
Q What are the key strategies adopted by key players in the global veterinary vaccine market?
Q  How is each type segment of the global veterinary vaccine market expected to grow during the forecast period 2023-2033?
Q How is each disease segment of the global veterinary vaccine market expected to grow during the forecast period 2023-2033?
Looking ahead, ongoing research and development initiatives aim to develop novel vaccine technologies, improve vaccine efficacy and safety, and expand the use of vaccines in emerging areas such as aquaculture and wildlife conservation. 
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jokerlennon · 2 years
should i add havelock to my names
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Lord Vetenari will look at Vimes and immediately go: "put that man in a situation"
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nival-kenival · 5 months
I'm thinking about writing a leverage Discworld crossover because I love both of them
But I'm worried if I make Hardison a goblin if it is like racist? To be clear, none of the team would be human.
Goblins in Discworld (specifically mentioned in Raising Steam and maybe Snuff) are the best coders ever for the clacks, and they are amazing with picking up and improving technology, quite literally better at it than humans and other species (Raising Steam)
But... Goblins were until very recently a race that was looked down upon, and is still likened to unclean things even though the people of Ankh-Morpork are quickly warming up to the species
I am just worried if I make the black man a goblin it could be seen as problematic. Any thoughts would be appreciated
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lunaavity · 2 years
MAYBE IM IN LOVE ?! — the mentally ill
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introductions :
our female lead, a music major, piano player. very dedicated to her piano, maybe a bit too much. has (near) perfect pitch and is very proud of it! complains about everything but will do it anyways. outgoing and happy go lucky! optimistic on most parts, can ghost people alot, her friend are used to it by now. is known as the "department beauty" unbeknownst to her. every end of the semester, people line up to duet with her, no matter the instrument. she thought it was because she just plays really good, says she can pick up on social cues well, but is oblivious when needed.
law major, a friend of yanfei's, got roped into the friend group by hutao. is the resident gossiper with yn and hutao. every other week, she has tea on someone new. never ask where she gets her information from. has a weird parasocial relationship with childe, no one knows how they know each other. filthy rich and not afraid to show it. makes up fake laws from time to time to scare hutao and chongyun. mischievous and cunning, but she means well. a bit more on the quiet side, but will gladly join in on the banter.
another law major and another "department beauty" but she knows, and uses it to her advantage. mom of the group, can only sigh when yelan starts gossiping. debates with yelan in the groupchat when she messes with chongyun and hutao. top student, the amount of things stored in her big brain can surprise you. an attentive person, mention something once, she'll remember it for the rest of her life. another quiet one. swears on her life that she will never use shortform (hutao is trying to fix that)
vetenary medicine major, is determined she's on top of her class, she almost failed last sem. has a surprising soft spot for animals, owns a cat that she calls "tao" because she didnt know what to name her. yn's bff, outgoing and energetic, also types sproadically, which annoys yanfei. she's similar to yn, but more energetic. loves loves loves taylor swift. will actually jump a kanye west fan. well known throughout the campus for being the girl who pranked prof guizhong and got away with it.
culinary arts major, winter > summer. hes a pycho (says hutao) doesnt like animals but tolerates it for hutao. suprisingly also mischievous, but he knows how to act innocent. joins yelan in her random activities to mess the dorm about. steals food from the fridge because he is broke!!! is a worker at flowers.co, is halfly the reason yn got accepted. sends weird stuff in the gc sometimes.
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previous masterlist next
notes — half of our main cast!!!! xiao friend group coming soon 😈
synopsis — xiao, the so called 'face of the music department' , or your crush, bumped into you! the 'beauty of the music majors'. for forgiveness, you give him a flower and run off. only for him to tweet about the incident and blow up! does the world really need to know about everything?
taglist (open) — @soobin-chois @ferumie @pissmori @zyilas @sunsethw4
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mendedrum · 10 months
...the way vetenari is, you cant just not ship him with anyone even if he's heavily aroace-coded. there's something so sexy about his domineering attributes.
i still think vimes x vet is the hottest dynamic he has though.
and i say this after 33 books lol
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asparklethatisblue · 2 years
Slowly reading through the different Discworld protagonists, and I think so far the only one who isn’t scared of Vetinari? Vimes. Everyone else is terrified of him, nervous to see him, scared he’ll be mad, playing 4D chess in their head regarding what they think Vetenari will do. Vimes just zones out and thinks of a way to do whatever he wants anyway
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magnoliamyrrh · 9 months
if theres something i regret its not being well enough to double major in both anthropology and zoology or vetenary science
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I think it would be a running joke that despite his wonderful acting skills whenever Journalist Moist says he's a journalist nobody believes him, assuming something else that reveals something about their own experience/prejudice. Someone who's worried about the guard will think he's a detective, someone worried about guild secrets will think he's spying for a rival guild, and the really important dangerous people will think he's working for Vetenari. Exactly one person ever believes he's a journalist due to their own personal prejudice against journalists specifically.
LMAOO yesss absolutely
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whumpty-dumpty · 2 years
Why is this such a shitty year?
My parents just found out that our dog has cancer and has only one more day to live. They have to let him go tomorrow. They're on their way back from the vetenary clinic to get him, so he can have one more day with the family. And I am sitting at their house crying my eyes out, and waiting for my kids so they can say good bye to him.
Why is this happening? First my colleague, then my cat now our dog... I hate this so much.😢
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the voting size difference between the ryou vs fiddleford poll and the cecil vs vetenari poll is insane lmao
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