#vessel if you see this no you fucking didn't🔪🔪
sleepanonymous · 6 months
At the risk of exposing how unhinged I am about Sleep Token, I am going to tell you all about the stress dream I had last night. By no means am I blaming the dream for the bad day I'm having (it's the other way around, most likely), but I literally have not stopped thinking about this dream for one minute since waking up. Hence, I am screaming it into the void to hopefully get it out of my brain.
What was this horrible, terrible, agony-inducing stress dream, you ask? Vessel got braces. His slightly crooked front teeth? Gone. His sharp canines? Filed.
I was beyond distraught (to be frank, the entire fandom was). None of us had any idea until he went on stage for the upcoming ritual in Melbourne. For some reason, I was present, as in I had literally flown to Australia for this. When Vessel walked on stage the first thing he did was smile and suddenly the entire crowd was in massive distress.
And then. And then.
In the middle of Sleep Token's performance, someone found a comment string on Instagram between the main ST account and Lani (the creator of the new masks) that was literally:
I hate my teeth so much bro You should get braces bro 😁 Haha you're so right
We also found out Espera had liked Lani's comment too, so the entire crowd had turned on Espera and Lani for approving Vessel's decision to make himself more comfortable in his own body 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, I hate my brain sometimes, and that was my stress dream about what would happen if Vessel got braces.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e1 i think i'm gonna like it here (w. jeremy carver)
can only use it sparingly but i do love a good shot gone slowly tilted to show things being Off (twilight new moon had a good one, when edward dumped bella in the woods). i think when it hits the right spot for me, it gives me that emotional physical vertigo
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when i was watching s2e13 houses of the holy, instead of dumping my brain output here i was to a person and said this
nic 03/29/2023 10:41 AM his reaction to sam saying he does pray, it was like the world shifted beneath his feet and i felt tilted along with it and why does this show keep doing this to me
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s2e13 houses of the holy (w. sera gamble, d. kim manners)
and going back to watch this scene even before he says it, i feel a little unbalanced because of this weird perspective they're shooting. sam's up even taller than usual on the steps, we're looking way down at dean and way up at sam. and then up at them from way down at the ground level. anyway, as the seasons have progressed, they seem to generally be a little less creative in filming, but this sam's in a coma dream or whatever had a moment
(stalling. i was not in a great mindset last night and seeing sam in the hospital bed i couldn't deal and skipped watching for the night so)
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suspension of disbelief shattered and i wanna yell NO fuck you we're not bringing religion into this conversation as the medical professional. i know it's like oh but the implications and layers of meaning for dean to hear this right now but i'm just like 🔪🔪🔪 i've been there with a fairly rapidly dying of cancer parent in the hospital. just. no.
DEAN You're a doctor. You're a medical professional. You're trying to tell me that my brother's life is in God's hands? What, is that supposed to be a – a comfort? DOCTOR Mr. Dougherty – DEAN No, God has nothing to do with this equation at all. DOCTOR I didn't mean – DEAN That's not good enough.
lol well for somewhat related and somewhat not related reasons, dean and i are on the same page apparently
DEAN Cas, are you there? Sammy's hurt. He's hurt, uh – he's hurt pretty bad. And, um... I know you think that I'm pissed at you, okay? But I don't care that the angels fell. So whatever you did or didn't do, it doesn't matter, okay? We'll work it out. Please, man, I need you here. DEAN Screw it. Okay, listen up. This one goes out to any angel with their ears on. This is Dean Winchester... And I need your help.
think i know sorta where this is going. i did avoid more plot specific fics around this time period so i don't know much.
also contemplating when the angels fell did they all go into vessels? with consent?
HAEL Then you've heard them – our brothers and sisters, many still circling for vessels, most just… so afraid.
thanks for clarifying, show
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dean in line to get murdered by grumpy angels because he was so desperate he put out an open call and cas is gonna go roadtripping with the pretty angel lady to the grand canyon. priorities!
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this ezekial dude saying still believes the mission, cas and dean. what's the mission, what could anyone even believe in castiel for at this point?
oh what a surprise, pretty angel lady possibly has ulterior motives!
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we're all just trusting randos left and right
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DEAN You know what's in that house! Now, I can't help you if you ain't willing to fight for yourself! SAM I know. It's okay. It's what I want.
again with the suicidal moments. i felt extremely guilty and responsible for the person i lost to suicide, a friend told me something that i've since tried to accept. that i couldn't want that person to live more than they did. we're just hitting all sorts of buttons tonight.
saw julian richings in the credits, completely didn't expect death to show up as sam's reaper. and the cabin with the fire and everything got me all choked up.
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DEAN From the inside. So, what, you gonna open him up? What, possession? You want to possess Sam? EZEKIEL I told you. DEAN No way. EZEKIEL Understood. It's your call. DEAN No, it's Sam's call. There's no way in hell he'd say yes to being possessed by anything. EZEKIEL He would rather die. EZEKIEL I'll leave you two alone, then. EZEKIEL heads for the door. DEAN Wait.
i at least appreciate that they acknowledged that it's sam's call. but it wouldn't be supernatural if one of the brothers didn't do something extremely ill advised to save/keep the other
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(reminds me of another awful thing at the end of s4 magicians where julia needed a decision made about her body but was comatose and they let her boyfriend from another timeline choose. and it wasn't what she would have chosen)
SAM If I go with you... can you promise that this time it will be final? That if I'm dead, I stay dead. Nobody can reverse it, nobody can deal it away... and nobody else can get hurt because of me. DEATH I can promise that.
more weight on the scale for dean to feel like he has no other choice. why is sam in such a hurry to die? isn't that usually dean's job. i don't like it.
DEAN Even if I said yes, it doesn't mean squat. Sam will never say yes – not to you. EZEKIEL But he would say yes to you.
why does that sound like the beginning of something bad
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DEAN Sam, listen to me. I made you a promise in that church. You and me, come whatever. Well, hell, if this ain't whatever... But you got to let me in, man. You got to let me help. There ain't no me if there ain't no you.
dean, that's not a good argument. true it may be, that's a lot to put on sam. rereading the church thing, i'm not sure how it was a promise. more a statement of fact. always sam first, we'll figure out the rest like always
from s8e23 sacrifice SAM What happens when you've decided I can't be trusted again? I mean, who are you gonna turn to next time instead of me? Another angel, another -- another vampire? Do you have any idea what it feels like to watch your brother just – DEAN Hold on, hold on! You seriously think that? Because none of it -- none of it -- is true. Listen, man, I know we've had our disagreements, okay? Hell, I know I've said some junk that set you back on your heels. But, Sammy...come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this bastard and all the sons of bitches that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you! It has never been like that, ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you.
all right so was that even dean saying that, then? i can't be taking schmoopy quotes out of context if it was just an angel saying crap that sam wanted to hear to get a yes lol
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oh jesus fucking christ. so we're gonna lie/hide that dean tricked him into saying yes to an angel. how long is this gonna play out 😩
DEAN Then we keep it a secret for now. Or until Sam's well enough that he doesn't need an angelic pacemaker or I find a way to tell him. I - I… As for him being in a hospital, I'll have to figure something out.
EZEKIEL IN SAM’S BODY I can erase it all, if you like. He will not remember any of this.
for fuck's sake. sure! wipe his memory! make it inevitably a million times worse when he finds out!! not like he has a history of shit fucking up his brain or anything! stupid fucking manufactured conflict plot bullshit. I DON'T LIKE IT.
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cut straight to castiel stripping down in the laundromat and candy with a design department that clearly had some fun creating fake labels
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i'm always glad to see that fucking trench coat out of commission :p
DEAN Oh, I mean, I stopped, you know, let a few Japanese tourists take some pictures. Nobody got too handsy. I knew you'd pull through. I meant what I said at the church. You're capable of anything, Sam, and hell if you didn't prove me right. SAM Good. 'Cause we got work to do.
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feeling guilty yet, dean? looks like it. after you stabbed jewel staite you were binge drinking and falling apart because of the lying to sam part. sure this'll be smooth sailing though
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