#very very likely it mustve been a liked post instead of a reblogged one so theres no searching for it on other blogs either
bevydev · 9 months
post i didnt save save me
post i didnt save
save me post i didnt save...
(cannot find post i saw this morning and didnt save to drafts, any help would be much appreciated 😭)
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vanilla-vivillon · 3 years
"we're exes and we meet again" maybe?
Oooooooooh interesting!!! I decided to do a Genya Safin x David Kostyk one because I haven’t done that yet for some reason
Also college AU yes please.
Genya Safin knows what she wants
And what she wants is to get through her studies
Become a plastic surgeon
Support her friends
Maybe get a cat
What she doesn’t want is to meet her high school ex at a party
She doesn’t want to talk with him for hours
She doesn’t want to relive the hurt
But the universe never does care for what we want does it
“C’mon Nazyalensky it will be fun!” Nikolai was trying to convince Zoya to come to the party he was throwing in his dorm
Nikolai was throwing a party to celebrate the start of there third year at Stanford
“Nikolai there is a lot of studying we should be doing instead of drinking our cares away” Zoya shot back
“Genya, love, please knock some sense into Zoya?”
“It could be fun, plus the school year started two weeks ago. No profesor is going to assign a big test anytime soon” Genya said
“You have never met Proffesor Baghra” Zoya said Speeding up
They were all walking to the dormitories together
Zoya was studying law. She wants to be a lawyer
“Are you really gonna let some old hag with a stick up her ass ruin your fun?” Genya retorted stopping in front of them
After a long pause zoya finnally relents and says “Fine. I’ll go, but for you, that way your not stuck with Alina and Mals drama”
Ever since Alina started screwing the professor with the the dreamy dark eyes and looked far to good to ever be a professor, mal had been insufferable
Flashing his million dollar smile Nikolai turned towards Zoya “I knew you would see sense”
“Now leave my sight before I change my mind” Nikolai sped off towards his dorm no doubt to finish preparations for tonight
Genya typically enjoyed parties
Cool people, cool music, cool boys
The list went on
Reapplying her deep red lipstick Genya turned towards her roommate Alina
Alina Starkov was a foster kid bouncing around homes in a small town, Keramzin.
She and her friend Mal felt so out of place in California
Genya helped her a lot in the first year and after some drama in there second year friendship was finally back on track
“Okay how do I look?” Genya asked giving a little spin
She chose a short red dress with a black leather jacket and thigh high black boots
“You look Perfect” Alina complimented finishing up on her own eyeliner
“Of course I do”
Alina laughed that fluttery sound that had become far to rare these days
“Listen Alina, I’m worried about you”
Alina took a pause before answering “I’m fine Genya”
“Alina you’re sleeping with your professor”
“So what!” Alina snapped “We’re both adults! Besides I don’t want to talk about this tonight, let’s just go to the party”
Genya let out a sigh
Sometimes Alina could be the most stubborn woman on earth
Loud music was blaring through the speakers Nikolai borrowed from Mal
Genya was socializing with some of her friends
While Genya did like parties the constant people was always a little stressful for her
So after giving some dating advice Genya went to go grab some beer
Pouring it Genya reflected
She was doing well in her classes, most of her friends were okay, she personally didn’t have a cat but across the hall from her is some dude Harshaw who did
one thing was missing
Journals and glasses and caramel candies
Genya had been in love once in her life
And it’s seemed once was all she would ever get
“Oh sorry!” Genya exclaimed accidently spilling beer on someone
Looking up she lost her breath
There he was
All brown hair and wide eyes and sunkissed skin
And all the memories came crashing back
Geny first fell in love with him in the sixth grade
Well not love really
More like awe.
Back then he was really into legos
He built this giant airplane that Genya thought was so cool
But they first talked in seventh grade
They were partners in a group project
David hadn’t been very interested in Genya then
But Genya even then loved the way his brain worked
But she never said anything
In there sophomore year of high school after years of being friends Genya finally got the courage and told him her feelings
David was so suprised then he had to leave the room and come back two minutes later to say he reciprocated her feelings
They started dating and were inseparable
Whenever David had been pulling an all nighter on some new idea she would go over to his house and bring him some Carmel candies
Whenever she raved on about this new surgery technique he would listen and give her that soft beautiful smile he rarely showed anyone
But there happiness came crashing down in senior year
David was going to go to MIT all the way in Massachusetts while Genya wanted to go to Stanford in California since she was a kid
At first they were going to do long distance
But it didn’t work out
They both got busy
And didn’t talk
And Genya hated having a boyfriend who was never there
There was never some big fight
Never some big cheating scandal
One day Genya posted a picture of her on a date with the cute classmate who winked at her and that was that
They never saw each other again
But that might change tonight where she met those impossible chocolate eyes again
“What are you doing here?” Genya said after her shock
“Genya, I…. I live here” David said stuttering
Clearly he was just as suprised as she was
“Hey Genya you meet my new roommate David!” Suddenly Nikolai appeared “He just transferred from MIT”
He transferred
David Kostyk transferred to Stanford
The one who got away was standing right in front of her
“Do you two know each other?” Nikolai asked sensing the tension
Ignoring him, Genya said “would you like to talk outside?”
After knowing David for years Genya knew she should probably initiate conversation
David gave a slow nod ignoring his roommate’s bewildered face
Walking outside they turned to each other again
He had gotten cuter if that was even possible
“So…. You transferred?” Genya attempted to start talking
“MIT was great, but it felt kinda isolating. So when Nikolai suggested transferring… I took him up on the offer”
That made sense
David always had a hard time making friends
In high school Genya practically had to force him into her friend group
It mustve be hard all alone
Genya was the opposite
Although all through elementary school she was ruthlessly bullied and sophomore year of college was complicated, she had always been able to make friends
“Well I’m glad your here now” Genya said looking away to hide her blush
“I think I’m glad to”
David and Genya talked the whole night
About there studies and friends
Genya couldn’t way to introduce him to Alina
They had a lot in commmon
Things between the two weren’t perfect
But then again in matters of the heart it never was
Genya wasn’t sure of what she wanted
But if she had a Carmel loving genius by her side she might be able to be okay with that
Omg it’s finally done. This has to be one of the most difficult things I’ve written. I didn’t enjoy it at all but I’m really glad I went through with it. Thank you @ninamorozova and @confused-as-all-hell for encouraging me to complete this.
Thank you @wafflesandschemingfaces for the prompt
If yall really like this I might make a part two with David’s perspective
Please reblog. Likes are nice but te logs actually help
My ask box is open and I take any Grishaverse requests
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