#very uncertain whether i went the correct way through the horse racing terms... hope this is alright
asordinaryppl · 5 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 10: Forced Into The Starting Gate
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Itaru: (I should start getting ready to leave… Oh, right.)
Itaru: (Now that I have a rough idea of our performance schedule, I should apply for paid leave.)
Boss: Chigasaki-kun, can I borrow you for 15 minutes?
Itaru: — — Yes.
Boss: I believe this is everyone.
Itaru: (Everyone being me and a couple of my colleagues and… They’re only guys I don’t mesh with, huh.)
Boss: The reason I called you all here is to discuss whether you would be interested in participating in an urban development project that the company is currently promoting.
Boss: I may be asking you to participate, but the project is already in its final stages. What I would like from you is to provide support.
Itaru: (A large scale urban development project overseas? It’s the development of a theater facility that will become the center of arts and culture and its surroundings.) 
Itaru: (I looked over the synopsis because it seemed interesting that it’s got to do with theater.)
Boss: Participation is not mandatory, of course, as this will run parallel with your current work.
Boss: That being said… There is a reason you were chosen.
Boss: As individuals who are considered the future of this company, I would like you to become core members of the next project.
Itaru: (Eight horses have entered the gate for the promotion race. The most popular one is Outgoing Ghost Monster, the one attracting attention is Rich AF Parents.)
Colleague A: I will do my best to meet your expectations.
Colleague B: I’ve been interested in this project for a long time, I would be honored to participate!
Itaru: (The gate has opened, and all horses have started running at the same time.)
Colleague C: Considering the progress of the work I am in charge of, I should be able to participate as well.
Itaru: I apologize… Could I ask for some time to think about this?
Itaru: (I would’ve probably participated if it wasn’t for this timing…)
Itaru: (Honestly, my head is filled with the theater company and the Fleur Award, I can’t fit anything new in there.)
Boss: … Ah, you also have your theater company to think about, Chigasaki-kun. Please make sure to consider your schedule.
Boss: Because this project’s theme has to do with the arts, the team members asked for you to be included as well.
Colleague A: …
Itaru: I’m grateful.
Boss: I will set up another opportunity to explain the training’s content and to introduce the team’s members, I’d appreciate your participation.
Itaru: Thank you very much.
[Door clicking]
Itaru: …
Colleague B: He can’t just think about it and then refuse.
Colleague C: Must be nice to be in a position where you can survive even if you quit your job.
Colleague A: It’s a popular theater company, and since they’re so well-know it’s probably hard for our company to deal with too.
Itaru: …
Itaru: (At least talk about this somewhere I can’t hear you.)
Chikage: I’m really sorry, I’ve got my hands full at the moment.
Employee A: Is that so? I apologize for springing this on you so suddenly.
Chikage: Feel free to let me know any time I can be of help.
Chikage: …
Itaru: Should we go somewhere good, Senpai?
Chikage: … I don’t even want to guess what that is, but let’s hear it.
Itaru: What’s that supposed to mean?
Chikage: *sigh* You don’t give me much of a choice. I’ll keep you some company.
[Punching sfx]
Itaru: Delivering a crit and then a hook combo, aaaand KO! Ah, this really is the best way to go at it.
Chikage: You’re not hiding your true feelings at all.
Itaru: *siiigh* I really hate this. Only those who want to participate in the race for career advancement should enter the gates.
Itaru: And anyway, you should just quit if you don’t wanna do it. Directing that hatred towards me is just wrong.
Itaru: Being a level between a noob and a mid-ranker is so lame. You don’t have as many rights as a mid-ranker does.
Chikage: Not that there are a lot of middle level players around.
Itaru: I understand that the company has high expectations for the “elite Chigasaki-san”. That’s why they hired me after I graduated and diligently raised me like cattle.
Itaru: I make use of my physical appearance and do everything half-heartedly, but I can understand how desperate my colleagues are to advance their careers.
Itaru: From their perspective, someone who has several irons in the fire and talks flippantly is probably really annoying.
Itaru: And a triple combo finisher— But still, I’m trying to figure out where I stand, so I wish they’d let me be.
Itaru: Must be nice for you, Senpai, you travel overseas and advance your career in a non-complicated way.
Itaru: The criticism you receive probably isn’t that harsh, either.
Itaru: Me on the other hand, I’m stuck being the “capable guy” who does decent local work.
Itaru: At the end of the day, I’m just a handyman.
Itaru: Even if I’m treated favorably, it’s not like I’m being lax with my work. I may not be motivated, but I want to believe I’m doing everything I’m supposed to.
Chikage: Neither your mouth nor your hands seem to be letting up.
Itaru: I wonder what I should be aiming for to begin with.
Itaru: Should I become a corporate slave like you, and aim for a high place where no one will complain about me, or should I reach a position that will scream “Itaru Chigasaki”?
Chikage: Sounds like a conversation you should be having with your father. (1)
Chikage: Shouldn’t you think about what you want to do first?
Itaru: What I’m aiming for… Well, I guess I want to maintain the status quo, so I won’t get criticized as often. No. I want to retire as early as possible with passive income…?
Chikage: Stop spending in gacha and start investing.
Itaru: That’s asking for too much.
Itaru: … I chose this job because of its benefits, and got it out of luck, I’m not really looking to advance my career.
Itaru: Our theater company is somehow made up of people who mostly engage in two trades at the same time, but they all have a dream and enjoy what they do.
Itaru: Compared to them, my job is just a source of income. Sometimes, I feel like I don’t have much to give back to the theater company.
Itaru: Even though right now is an important time for the Spring Troupe, I’ve found myself caught up in the promotion horse race with my coworkers talking behind my back.
Chikage: In your case, your hobby is more useful to the theater company.
Itaru: ^ This. Honestly, I keep wondering whether I’ve got any reason to keep working as a salaryman, but I don’t have the courage or confidence to focus solely on acting.
Itaru: I wanna have some sort of insurance, so to speak.
Itaru: *sigh*~ To think I’d have such student-like worries at my big age… Do you never think about such things, Senpai?
Chikage: Well… My job’s got various merits, you know.
Itaru: Various merits?
Chikage: Various merits.
Itaru: I see? Looks like you won’t elaborate.
Chikage: No matter where you work, there are times you’ll be praised and times you’ll be criticized. And it’s not just you.
Chikage: It’s the same for me too, depending on who’s looking at me. I think I’m satisfied with having my theater activities praised.
Itaru: But if we’re actually nominated for the Fleur Award this time, it’ll be difficult to get the company to accommodate for you.
Chikage: The company evaluates your performance, after all. If you can’t contribute in improving the company’s image, you’ll be told to focus on your work.
Chikage: That being said, this doesn’t change the fact that we need to bring good results during our next performance.
Itaru: That’s true… Okay, Winner! *exhale*, I think a load’s off my shoulders.
Itaru: Oh, yeah. Weren’t you also asked to take care of something, Senpai?
Chikage: Ah… I was asked to accompany a client to an overseas meeting as their interpreter, but I declined because I don’t have the time for it.
Itaru: Guess cheaters have it hard too. Though there’s gotta be people who are jealous of the fact that you can go sightseeing as an interpreter.
Chikage: I mean, it’s not a country I really want to go to.
Itaru: But you understand its language.
Chikage: Guess so.
Itaru: Okay, we get it, you’re cheating.
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(1) the actual exchange here involves itaru making a joke with his name (『茅ヶ崎至』に至; "chigasaki itaru" ni itaru), and chikage replying with 'you've got both dad jokes and undodgeable attacks'. i had to entirely drop this and let it get lost in translation because i couldn't come up with a dad joke
(2) the literal translation for the episode title is 'forced gate-in', but because i wasn't sure this term is actually used in english, i decided to change it
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