#very tol supportive momma
v3nusxsky · 2 years
i’m so in love in your writing skills babe xx you have no idea how much you makes me feel so happy tysm
Could I request motherly lady lesso where the reader has trouble with eating (anorexia) & often have very bad panic attacks because of that and lesso try her best to help her with comforting and etc please❤️
I struggle with that so bad rn.
Hey lovely thank you so much love that makes my day that they have this effect on you. You all provide me with the motivation to write and continue posting so thank you for the support <3 it wasn’t something I planned on doing more off just a way to get over a nasty breakup but I’m so glad now I write more it makes me truly happy.
Chosen Momma
*Authors note| another sensitive topic so I'm going to try and do the prompt the some justice. Again everything I write comes from my own experiences so please be gentle and if anyone is struggling with this my messages are open*
Trigger warnings~ anorexia and panic attacks
Prompt~see ask^^^^
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Mothers. Certainly a funny concept. The one person who is supposed to nurture, comfort and support you as you navigate life. Yet yours, well she did the opposite. So much so you couldn't help but feel relieved when you joined the school for Evil. Your mother being an Ever, now refused to even acknowledge your existence. At first you thought you'd be sad, that you were not seeing your mother. After all you only get one mother. Yet you didn't feel sad, no you just felt freedom.
Your struggle with eating has been present for years. Certain foods would cause extreme reactions for you, resulting in panic attacks. Sometimes you would have good days, but naturally you also had bad days. And on those days you couldn't help but wish to have someone to hold you and guide you through the process. Recovery was a long road, one that contained a lot of twists and bumps. The bends were sharp and honestly, it was a treacherous path to travel alone.
Since arriving at the school, you had done your best to hide your illness, you didn't want to appear weak. Weakness is not something a Never should show, you'd had that drummed into you from day one. Making a conscious effort to do well. Maybe because you wanted those grades or maybe it was due to a certain red head. When you arrived you were instantly drawn to her. She seemed to attack your gaze effortlessly. Teaching attachments are a serious thing. And on the first day you had not planned for Lady Lesso to be your attachment. Yet the world works in mysterious ways and you soon found yourself in that situation.
Lesso seemed to have a soft spot for you, you knew that with how she treated you. In fact, you now found yourself searching for her any time you two were in the same room. On the hardest days, a smile from her would brighten your day, giving you a small beacon of light to guide you. Yes Lesso was more of a mother to you these past months than your mother had been in years. And as hard as that was to admit it was a pure fact.
The day she found out of your illness, you'll never forget the sadness that lingered in her eyes, she was desperate to help in some way. As much as you knew you had done the right thing telling her, yet you felt so guilty seeing the pain it caused. And that was the night that you made a promise to the Dean, you would find her whenever you were struggling. And on those days you had helped Lesso know exactly how to help you. Exactly what you craved and needed to get through this. Maybe just maybe, having her by your side to guide you through it al would be helpful for you.
On this particular day, the food being served in the food hall seemed to be massively terrifying. You sat, gaze unfocused, starring at the plate of food as if it was the most scary monster to be imagined. You could feel yourself being swept up in the panicked thoughts, your heart racing as if it was beating at the speed light travels. It was hurting your heart. Was it going to beat out of your chest? You vaguely remember being told that when you felt as though a hand was plunged into your chest and squeezing your heart like a vice, that you should try to sit up straight. Yet your body seemed to just want to fold in half. Your vision was the next thing to deteriorate. You vaguely remember a pressure on your shoulder before you lost consciousness.
You conciseness began to flood your body once more, you instantly noted the change of environment. You were no longer in the noise hall, you were in the safety of Lady Lesso's office. The women was sat by your head, stroking through your hair to provide comfort. Only when you were fully back in the present did she help you sit up and pulled you into a loving embrace. Immediately stepping into the motherly mode. Her hand never left your hair as she rocked gently with you in her arms, whispering repeatedly words of love and support. "Oh my little dove, are you okay my darling? Is your chest still sore little one?"
You took a few more steady breaths before attempting to answer her, "I'm okay momma it is still hurting slightly but it's much better now momma" you mumbled soaking in her embrace. You'd been calling Lesso momma now for a few months, it had slipped out during a particularly bad attack and luckily she felt honoured you saw her as your chosen momma. If she could provide you with what you truly deserved and you felt comfortable with that title then who was she to deny you such a comfort. You had told her about how your mother would handle this, and to have the complete opposite from the one and only Dean of Evil was just overwhelming.
The softer side of Lesso was one that only a select few people had the pleasure of seeing it, so the fact you were one filled your heart with joy. Whenever you had bad days, where everything felt too much you knew you could come and seek comfort in your momma's embrace. Knowing she would hold you till you had weathered the storm. Only then when you were calm, she would get you some of your safe foods and encourage you to eat. "Eat my darling, take as long as you need and I'll be here with you my little one" was her constant reminder that you would never be alone and there was no pressure to eat any faster than you could handle. She wouldn't leave you because of this illness, in fact she was going to stay and help you recover. And that made your heart fill with love. Who said a mother is formed by sharing blood and DNA?
Word count~ 1137
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creamecream · 5 years
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“All I wanna be,
Is someone who gets to see,
A giant woman~”
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Hunter Chapter 16 A Talk with Gillian
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She drives to the hospital with a huge smile. What she had done was crazy, very unlike her. But, God help her, it had felt so right. Not just physically. That should scare her. After all, he is right. She doesn’t really know him. Not in the logical, well planned way that she is used to handling her personal life. Despite this, she feels only excitement when she thinks of him, of them.
She pulls into the hospital and hurries in. She places Jamie in the back of her mind. She needs to return to healer mode. Mark Bailey, Joanne , and the new baby, need her. She sees Gillian as she steps off the elevator.
“Claire, I spoke to Joe. What is going on?”
“Is he here?”
“No. Went back to the clinic as we are here. Don't deflect. What have you done?”
“Later Gillian. I need to see to the Bailey’s.”
“Yes but, I will hold you to later.”
“Fine.” She intended to talk to her anyway. “Where are they?”
“In the nursery. They baby is fine. She will go home today.”
“Thank God. Let's go.”
They enter the sweetness of the nursery. Claire loves well baby nurseries. The smell of newborns, their cries and coos, the proud new parents and grandparents. Happy places. She knows there will be some sadness here. She is prepared for it.
Mark Bailey sits holding his new daughter. Wrapped in the blue and pink stripes of the nursery blanket, only her pink cap is visible. He is talking to her, telling her about her mommy. She is happy to see the connection. She had seen daddy's pull away from their offspring in this type of situation.
“Mr. Bailey, Mark.” She speaks softly as not to startle him or the baby.
He looks up with red eyes. The mark of tears on his face. “Nurse Claire. I was just telling baby Joy here about her momma. They say I can take her home today. I am glad you are here. I have a question for you?”
“She will be named Joy after her momma but I would like her middle name to be Claire, after the woman that looked after her and my Joy.”
“Oh Mark. I would be honored.”
“Good. I know you feel bad. But don't. The doc told me if you hadn’t tol' her to call an ambulance, if the medics weren’t there, I would have lost them both. I will miss her. God alone knows how I will survive, but, I've my daughter, my Joy Claire because of you. You wanna hold her. I need to find that nurse and finish her birth certificate.”
“Thank you. I would.” He stands and transfers her over. She slips into the rocker as he heads out. “Joy hello. Oh you area beauty. Ably named to. You look like your momma. Yes you do. She was stubborn but so brave. She loved you and your siblings fiercely. You got a good daddy and aunt. It won’t be easy, your life. But if you have even half of your momma's strength, you will be fine.”
She helps him see her into her home going outfit, into her car seat. He explains that Joanne is at the house with the other children.
“She is going to stay a month or so. The help get all settled. I am thankful. Joy's service is in two days. I pray you can come. You and the other healers.”
“We will be there. I am glad you have help. You have my number. Please call if you need me, us.”
“I will. Thank you for my baby Joy.” She hugs him, kisses the baby's forehead, and sees them off.
She meets Gillian at the cafeteria. She is starved, missing breakfast and all the activity. She gets a chicken sandwich and fries, a coke for energy, and joins her.
“How are they?” her friend asks.
“He is grieving hard. Wants us at her service in a few days. But, I think he will be okay. In time.” She tells her all he had said.
“How sweet to name the baby that!! I am glad Joanne is staying.”
“Me too. We will still need to check in on them.”
“Agree. Now, what is going on with you and Joe?”
“What did he say?”
“That you wanted to just be friends but that you had agreed to talk in a few days. That he thought it was just the grief over losing Mrs. Bailey.”
“I will talk to him. But it will change nothing. I love him Gillian. I love him to much to hold him when I don’t love him like I should.”
“But Claire, you did. Not three days ago. What has changed?”
“I just came to the realization. That is why I hesitated to take the next step. He was comfortable, easy, familiar, safe. But there was no real passion, thrill, danger. Nothing unknown..”
“Claire you have always been the safe, responsible, reasonable person. That is why you and Joe are perfect together.”
“Were. We were.”
“Christ! What has got into my friend? Where did Claire go?”
“I've always been here. I just buried this part of myself under societal and my family’s expectations.”
“Okay! Who is he? Who brought this side out of you?”
“I am not saying. Not yet. I will say that I broke off with Joe before..”
“You slept with this mysterious man!”
“Again not saying. I will talk with Joe. I know he will be hurt but, it would be worse later, if I lead him on.”
“I am still not sure who you are, but will support you”
“Thank you Gillian.”
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1, 9 and 10 for Cam, Lain, Rose and Brad :3
Thanks dearie!!
Cam Cam1.) list 5 basic facts about your OC-He sad man-Owns an abandoned asylum for tours that doubles as a haunted attraction -He’s a psychic and can talk to ghosts but usually has a talisman on person at all time with a very specific spell to put up a barrier to block all of that energy or else migraines and pain-Over protective “brother” to his two younger bffs-Strange obsession with Panic! At The Disco. 9.) Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?7/10 times his nightmares are ptsd related and always take him back to one very traumatizing evening. 2/10 times it’s work related. 1/10 times it’s some weird alternate dimension type dream that’s been reoccurring since he was 23. 10.) You’re conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?Panic! At the Disco albumsCats. Specifically his cat Luna His pentagram cat talisman Plague doctor masksPeriod correct Viking knives
Lain1.) list 5 basic facts about your OC-bubbly lil lesbian -dance like no ones watching when everyone is watching. Literally. Will gladly bop around anywhere-ride or die friend-argumentative little shit-passionate about who and what she loves9.) Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?Probably some silly horror movie type dream with a creepy doll or something10.) You’re conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?Her phoneHeelsLesbian pride flagLight pink golf ballsPhoto of her and her dad
Rosé1.) list 5 basic facts about your OC-musician-broken but still giving it her 110% every day-outsider who’s content where she is-only love and support for the people she cares about -wanna fight? She’ll kick your ass, brads ass, hell! She’ll kick her own ass. 9.) Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?Everyone she cares about and has told her that they care and give a shit forget her and completely ignore her. (Brads gotten used to 4 am phone calls for reassurance that he still cares about his sister)10.) You’re conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?Her guitar Autographed Reel Big Fish vinyl (it’s skacoustic and it’s framed)Polaroid picture of her and brad with said named band (the pic and vinyl are a package deal)BradBooks (mostly 50’s and 60’s horror)
Bradley1.) list 5 basic facts about your OC-tol soft puppy dog man-musician-ride or die friend to the point where he’ll be over to your house in 5 minutes with ice cream and cookies his momma baked-knows what he knows and knows a lot about what he knows -certified fucking dork9.) Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?Lots of getting lost in warehouses and running from things. 10.) You’re conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?His bass Polaroid picture of him and Ro with the band Reel Big FishA ‘68 Nova (or a hot wheel if he doesn’t fucking finish building that damn car)RoBeer
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