#very like. traveling between spots of civilization and the bittersweet freedom of your first time really cutting ties from home
meteortrails · 1 year
maybe. I’ll write a naddpod fic. maybe a sort of magical realism deal, some sort of merge between their original high fantasy and the modern day. and I’ll send them on a full cross country road trip during the early brewings of a civil war and they’ll pick up balnor off the side of the road in the first third of the trip. balnor imprints on Bev like a baby duck bc Bev IS a baby duck if you think about it. and like it’s not really about the plot or anything, it’s about those long weeks of being on the road where moonshine cooks and balnor drinks on walking days and they bond on a pile of pillows and blankets in the back of hardwon’s shitty minivan. they’ll go to see the worlds largest ball of twine and wrestle and play grabass and moonshine and hardwon will have the most emotionally charged threesome of all time with a triss. doesn’t it sound perfect??
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