#very blue sections of the episode. lots of blue. the blue is off the charts and i took it and made it bluer
sollucets · 2 years
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Ployphach Phatchatorn as Bam in Midnight Museum Episode 4
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little-devil-town · 7 months
Little Devil Town | Masterpost
ello! my name is Bee [@cryptic-bee], and I'm the author/illustrator behind Little Devil Town :D
this post will contain everything you need to know about the comic before getting into it, as well as links to episodes/ref sheets/etc below the cut!
be warned, it is just a fuck ton of links and reading-
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also!! this little dude (its name is Boo!) will be hidden in every episode! can you find it? :]
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Before I get into it-
Pink equals Links you can click on
Blue equals Important Terms relevant to the comic
that is all :]
》 Tags 《
#Little Devil Town — General posting tag
#Little Devil Town [comic] — Posts involving specifically the comic, like episodes/mini comics/etc
#Little Devil Art — Art by Bee having to do with the characters/lore/etc
#beebo speaks — Beebo posts
》 Important Links 《
| FAQ Post |
| UnVale World Link |
| Instagram Link | Webtoon Link |
》 Episodes 《
Season One
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
Season Two
》 Reference Sheets 《
| Height Chart(s) |
| Lucid Alavor [+ Ghoul] | Puppet | Stitch | Dolly |
Oxyne's Abnormal Circus
| Oxyne Sophia Averys | Ainsley Ramirez |
| Tiny | Button |
Alsifur's Mythics Shop & Stage Tricks
| Vanny Alsifur | Moss Alsifur |
The Jury
| Merlin Blake | Cosmos |
| Roman Allister | Kanary Flower | Seren Copper |
| Annabelle Lee | Daisy Curtis | Magnolia White |
| Wilbur Alavor | Leanna Alavor |
》 Summary 《
A necromantic souleater, a living puppet, an arsonist, and a shapeshifter. What could possibly go wrong?
They're not exactly the dream team, but Dollhouse Inc do what they can to scrape by in this strange little Devil Town - even if that includes a bit of murder on the side.
》 Trigger Warnings 《
Manipulation/Mentioned toxic relationships
Implied/mentions of abuse
Implied/mentions of SA/CSA
Implied/mentions of suicide attempts
Implied/mentions of self-harm
》 General Info 《
The story will take place in a fictional city called Devil Town set somewhere in the US.
Some terms are tossed around a lot that I've gotten questions about in the past, which I will explain in this section!!
Unnaturals - Unnaturals are classified as anyone with abilities/powers, or just simply aren't Human. Most of the LDT cast consists of Unnaturals, for example: The main 4, Button, etc. There are thousands of different kinds of Unnaturals, all with their own abilities. Some abilities overlap, like Arsonists [ex. Stitch] and Flare Elementals [ex. Vanny], but are considered to be separate categories depending on strength over their ability [While Stitch is only able to summon flames, Vanny is also able to control existing flames and direct them far easier than Stitch can]
Banned Unnaturals - This is a list of certain Unnaturals and their abilities that The Jury have deemed too dangerous to be allowed in the public. The list ranges from abilities that can get you arrested for being shown off to abilities that will get you publicly executed as a reminder of what will happen if you don't obey. The current Jury aren't too fond of that last option, some members wanting to remove it completely and rewrite the laws, but are unable to as it's the only thing preventing people against Unnaturals from having a full on riot and destroying what little Devil Town has.
Cursed Unnaturals - A category of Unnaturals that don't occur genetically/naturally [hehe]. Instead it's a forceful ability cast upon someone, and something they, in most cases, cannot control. This isn't limited to Unnaturals, some humans can also be cursed - thus making them classified as an Unnatural once cursed.
Souls - The very life essence of a person, Human or Unnatural. A person, in most cases, cannot live without their soul. It's what makes them who they are, their very being in a form of hidden light that only Unnaturals with abilities linked to souls can see.
Hosts - A person's body, what souls will link onto to create life.
Souleaters - Souleaters are considered part of the Cursed category of Unnaturals, a curse that makes the recipient require the souls of people to stay in control of their hosts. They have two states: The Dormant state, where they've been successful in consuming souls and keeping control. And the Starvation state, a monstrous form hellbent on consuming as many souls as possible - though reaching this state means the souls they take will never be enough, because as far as anybody knows, a Souleater cannot return from their Starvation. They are on the Banned Unnaturals list under the Execution section.
》 Groups/Group Roles 《
Dollhouse Inc
Dollhouse consists of Lucid, Puppet, Stitch, and Dolly [and Ghoul but. she's a cat. so-]. They work alongside OAC Afterhours, aka Oxyne's secret mercenary side business. Lucid provides new souls in the form of Living Dolls for Oxyne to convert into clowns when the old ones fail, and Oxyne pays for the warehouse Dollhouse currently lives in.
While Lucid is considered the “Leader” of the group, there's not actually a specified order amongst them - they can do what they like, they just tend to look to Lucid for guidance on missions.
Oxyne's Abnormal Circus
OAC consists of Oxyne, Ainsley, Tiny, and Button, along with various other background circus characters. The circus was a project Oxyne started with the help of Vanny and Merlin to bring attention to the wondrous side of Unnaturals and their abilities, making her a very prominent figure in Devil Town.
Oxyne - Ringleader, Oxyne is the mastermind behind the Circus. She's completely in control, both because she's the boss and because she can literally mind control her troop if she wants.
Ainsley: Fire breather/Acrobat, Ainsley is both Oxyne's right hand and one of the most well known acts of the Circus. They do various tricks involving flames along with flinging herself through the air and various flaming hoops to wow their audience. Sometimes Stitch will join in to help Ainsley with their act, providing the fire she uses.
Tiny: Strongman, pretty sure this one speaks for itself. Tiny likes to show off just how much that big ass hook arm of his can handle, often testing his limits on stage of how powerful it really is and taking audience suggestions for what materials he can or can't slice through [spoiler: most of the time he can]
Button: Contortionist/Clown, being a Living Doll allows Button to twist and bend in inhuman ways that is both amusing and slightly horrifying to witness in the ring - but the audience enjoys themselves anyway. It also performs as the lead clown when those acts are going on.
Alsifur's Mythics Shop & Stage Tricks
AMSST consists of Vanny and Moss only, selling various mystical items having to do with Unnaturals and such. Kinda like a magic store but with actual magic in it. It was the first thing Vanny was able to do after being freed from her family, and she's very proud of her business. She also offers personal lessons to young Unnaturals struggling with control of their abilities, Dolly being one of her primary students.
The Jury
The Jury consists of Merlin, Roman, Kanary, Seren, and [despite never being seen by the public] Cosmos. They act as the elected leaders of Devil Town, keeping the city in check and making sure things stay peaceful between Humans and Unnaturals. They're also the ones that uphold the Banned Unnaturals list as a way to keep the peace between the two, restricting which Unnaturals can publicly use their abilities, which will be arrested if they do, and which will be executed if found.
》 Backstories 《
| Puppet's Origins | Stitch's Origins | Dolly's Origins |
》 Voice Claims 《
I don't have any yet smile
feel free to suggest some if you have any ideas tho :D
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virghogh · 3 years
NCT Birth Charts x Hexaco Results Analyses pt. 2
recently NCT Dream were on a new reality show called Mental Training Camp where they are doing a variety of activities and all of their behavior and interactions are being analyzed by professional psychologists.
ofc my virgo sun mercury ass was thrilled and I had their birth charts pulled up the whole time to cross reference.
I wanted to share some of my personal thoughts on how the 2 might connect!
p.s. Thank u for all the likes on part one !!<3
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
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**key: in the hexaco charts the blue represents the Dreamies, the orange is an average result of 300 college students who took the same test**
Renjun - “An artist down to the bones”
✨aries sun // scorpio moon // pisces mercury // pisces venus // taurus mars✨
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can i just start with a wow cause!! This title is so bold and what they continued to talk about with him, and when looking at his chart... there is much to unpack here so let’s get into it
they started off his analysis focusing on how much of an “artist” he is. They said 2 qualities a great artists needs is openness and emotionality and he scored way above average in those areas, and the highest of those in his whole group. Looking at his placements I think anyone could tell this person is highly creative. With his 2 pisces placements and water moon in scorpio. There’s a lot more going on with that moon sign than just creativity, but it is a common trait amongst water moons!
I feel like his water energy is responsible for more of his imagination? If you watch a lot of NCT content you can see just how imaginative Renjun is. Especially in the relay vlogs when he was taking us through his art all I could think was wow this guy has crazy (good) imagination! the reason I mention this is because he has a taurus mars. taurus is ruled by venus where we get a lot of our creativity from and it’s a known thing that taurus placements always bring natural creativity. I really think the combination of water imagination with taurus art is a beautiful combo.
 On top of his natural talent in creativity and imagination, scorpio moons absolutely need an outlet. He was truly blessed with placements that give him that outlet <3 They mentioned he could be a poet and scorpio moons are always being recommended to write poetry. His art is essential to his mental and emotional health. 
something really interesting is how they mentioned that mark has traditional leader energy, but Renjun has a “mother-like” leader energy. I thought that was so sweet and really accurate for him. They mentioned how throughout the intro he would scan the others eyes a lot and make contact very subconsciously and with ease. Taking everyone into account. I see this a lot in his 2 pisces placements. I feel like a lot of pisces makes someone very sensitive, in-tune with people and caring/compassionate. And with the slower, calmer taurus mars it gives him a gentle approach. He has this strong bull/ram influence from his aries sun and mars, his driving forces, that gives him initiative and a strong voice. when these 2 connect I feel like it makes a mom bear kind of thing. 
They also said it seems when he scans like that he is almost analyzing and observing, “gathering opinions”. Scorpio moons have hawk eyes, they’re always observing micro-actions and reactions. He is mostly observing with care so he can pay attention and accommodate! But I think having a scorpio moon just makes him naturally tune in to people a lot more and gives him a sharper eye. 
I wanted to put him and Jisung in the same post because they’re both scorpio moon kings, and I wanted to talk about how this really intense moon sign plays out in 2 very different people. I have a scorpio moon too, so seeing 2 idols I like with their own scorpios moons is very interesting to me! 
at one point the psychologists verbal report took a turn and all i could think about was that scorpio moon! After they finished telling him about his artists traits, they said “there is one thing you should look out for”, and it was that people like him tend to get lonely easily and often/a lot and Renjun quickly agreed! They said that since he’s with good friends a lot, it helps, but in the future he could get very lonely and experience it more than the average person. This is so textbook scorpio moon I honestly felt like he was speaking right to me and my scorpio moon for a second. From one scorpio moon to another, I’m so glad he has people around him. 
then they asked him when he typically gets lonely the most and he responded with “it just comes to be out of the blue” u poor scorpio moon bb😭. I don’t know how serious he was about this word but he said he will be depressed on the nicest days sometimes. 
there was another story Mark was telling thin time about Renjun. They went out to a meal together on a beautiful day and Mark comments on how nice out it is and Renjun just responds with “I’m depressed”. There are so many traits of his scorpio moon coming through here. With the moon being in such an intense, deep and dark sign, it is in detriment here. It’s a really rough placement for your emotions. Water moons in general are known for being quite moody and sulky, sometimes it just comes out of nowhere and very randomly. There doesn’t always have to be a trigger. I feel like his pisces-scorpio are really like teaming up a lot when it comes to his expressions and emotions. 
In the last post I mentioned how I think Jeno and Mark are lucky to have fire moons because they could get really hard on themselves or down/depressed if they had earth or water moons. Renjun is a good example of what I meant. With his Taurus mars, earth signs are known for being down and hard on themselves a lot and I think the combination of a earth mars and scorpio moon is tough. taurus likes to be alone a lot too and I could see him maybe in the future develop a tendency to isolate when he’s having a scorpio moon moment and feels like the world is ending (again, being around people must be really helping him). I also see his aries sun maybe being another way to help express that scorpio moon. It might feel less like he has to keep all of these scorpio feelings to himself, it’s easier for him to let it out. It’s also worth noting that having a scorpio moon and taurus mars means they’re in opposition! Giving him even more depth and intensity. 
as for the hexaco chart, based off just his chart I don’t know if I would have guessed his openness was that high with his scorpio and taurus?? But other than that I think his hexaco is very spot on for him! His agreeableness is slightly below average👀 umm yes hi aries sun and fixed moon and mars. His extroversion is pretty much average but that average to me tells me someone is more on the extroverted side or maybe in the middle? Being in the middle would make sense to me because I think he definitely has potential to isolate. I’m curious to see what his houses are! I’ve seen a lot of talk that he’s a cancer rising and I buy it because it would put his sun in 10th, and moon in 5th but that’s a whole other topic...
That emotionality is wonderfully high. His openness and expression/ reactions are one of my favorite things about him. He’s truly a little aries hot head at times. I feel like aries in big 6 often gives this kind of ease with expression and straightforwardness like I was saying about mark. Similar to Chenle though, I think even though Renjun is open, he isn’t an open book and has his deep thoughts and secrets. I see his openness more in that he will always be there for people and listen/help peoples problems. He’s the kind of person to meet someone and if he can tell they’re struggling he’d offer his ear or shoulder even if they’re not close. He’s welcoming. 
tldr; has intense imagination and creative abilities, he is very welcoming, compassionate, attentive and caring. Mom vibes. He is very moody and gets down a lot, his friends and artistic expression are essential. He is very expressive, passionate and hot headed but has a lot of patience.
Jisung - “Shy Perfectionist” 
✨aquarius sun // scorpio moon // aquarius mercury // aquarius venus // aries mars✨
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Jisungs section in this show was reallyyy short they didn’t say much and moved on kinda quick😅 I’ll be honest Jisung has always kinda confused me especially when I try to understand his chart and what i see in the videos. So not getting a lot of information from this episode either (yet! the show is ongoing) is tough
As far as the title they gave him🥺chart or no chart I think it’s a good title for him and how he appears in content and stuff he is true baby. In their verbal report they basically just said he’s shy and then talked a lot about how he has very good “follower” qualities. They were saying having a good follower is also a really important quality in a group though. And jisung agreed with what they were saying. That’s pretty much all we got from them😅
Honestly if I could only have one members guaranteed full chart I’d want it to be Jaemins or Jisungs because Jisung has an aquarius stellium! And the house it’s in could tell us so much more about him. Typically when I think of or meet aquarius I don’t pin them as a shy type? I could see some of them preferring to stick to themselves but they still operate pretty well in social situations. So Jisung’s painfully shy personality we see is interesting to me. Where I definitely do see his aqua and scorpio working together is in how anxious and nervous he is. He’s a worrier too and has admitted it. Also I’ve heard the combination of aquarius and scorpio makes someone intensely intuitive to future events, so I feel like if jisung is unaware of this gift it could contribute to his high anxiety. Maybe he gets feelings of “something bad is about to happen” a lot for seemingly no reason👀
Another very aquarius trait is of course they’re weirdooos through and through! And what I’ve noticed about the aquarius weird trait is how many different kinds of weird there are because aquarians are always weird in such different ways. I definitely think Jisung is a weird guy, or quirky? You can almost see the gears grinding in his head when he’s contemplating and then he’ll do something “weird” after that! Weird, or just off beat. And what I love about the way jisungs lil aquarius mind works is you can tell those weird moments are purely just how he really is and thinks, and it’s not to be funny or for the cameras, he just processes information and thinks completely different from everyone else. 
Since we know jisung is shy I feel like a lot of his aquarius and scorpio mood comes out off camera so we won’t get to see that side! But I’m sure it’s there.
I think Jisung’s scorpio moon is a good example of how different it can be. To go from a very emotionally charged chart to one that is being dominated by air is quite different. With Renjun, I was talking about how his water and fire give him the ability to be in touch with and express his scorpio moon more. But with an air dominant chart I feel like hinders that ability and creates a more detached person. Not that he’s cold, not emotional, or not compassionate. But just that he probably prefers to “just not think” about certain stressful or emotional topics. But the problem with that is it doesn’t mean emotions are gone and scorpio is very hard to ignore, so he’s probably internalizing a lot of stuff v deeply or is surprised when emotions come, what feels like, out of nowhere,.. Jisung also has an aries mars though! I feel like the openness of the aries mars combining with the detachment of Aquarius sun could also contribute to sudden releases of emotion🤔 but be back to normal in minutes
I also wanna add that I feel like jisungs very follower personality and ability to just kinda let things happen or not take charge must be a result of the industry and being the maknae tbh, or it at least accentuated it 
For the hexaco chart I really want to comment on how high the honesty-humility is! In the first part I mentioned how aquarius and aries can be quite righteous signs. So this trait must be really played up in his chart because it seems he cares a lot about following the rules (could also be a result of industry). His emotionality is higher than average! For his chart I don’t know if I would have expected that but from watching him I think it totally lines up, maybe his aries mars is proving more of an outlet. 
I also wanna finish by adding that jisung is still super young and has been in this “baby” position for most of his life, and is literally the youngest out of a 23 person group lol and grew up in the industry so there’s more going on with that than just astrology <3
tldr; very shy, anxious and nervous, intuitive, an oddball, his community is important and helpful to him, easily reactive, but not very emotionally expressive, he’s level-headed, has a lot of growing to do🥺<3
part 3 coming soon!
feedback and thoughts are always welcome!
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sillyhnytheories · 4 years
*Please note that my knowledge of Wuxing only comes from reading some online articles on the subject. I am far from an expert . Yashahime appears to be using it in a very simple way and what follows is my attempt to explain how. But just know that it much more complex than what I go into here. I recommend additional research if the subject interests you.*
Wuxing, or the 5 phases is a Chinese philosophy that is applied to various and widely different things like martial arts, tea ceremony, cosmic cycles, politics, even music and the interactions of medicine.
The Phases are often likened to the classic elements of earth, wind, water, and fire. However, while generally it would be incorrect to make such a comparison, I think in Yashahime's case we can because they are using it in such a simple manner.
Each Phase is has it own "element" with associated colors, seasons, animals, cardinal directions and more.
The Phases are:
Thus far, I have found this chart from wikipedia adequately displays the phase associations Yashahime is referencing in the show and additional material. The phases are called a "movement" in this chart which is another way to describe them.
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I think the pearls, children and parents have been assigned an phase. Also, some of the villians and others have been connected to a phase as well.
Metal contains two columns and has two color associations of indigo and white. Overall, white is used to represent the phase. Silver is used instead of white in Yashahime. So the silver pearl belongs to this phase. At the moment I also think Riku's blue pearl is actually supposed to be an indigo pearl and also goes here.
I think Towa has been assigned the metal phase and needs both the silver and indigo pearl to be "complete". I noticed Sunrise has posted many close up pictures of her eyes where the glow of sword cause her right eye to appear blue. I think this is a clue.
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At the moment, no villian has been shown to represent metal. At least that I have noticed, except perhaps Riku if he turns out to evil.
Originally I thought Sesshomaru would be a sole representation of Metal. Now I think Yashahime is using a combination of Metal and Earth to represent both parents.
Earth also contains two columns and is associated with purple and yellow (gold) with yellow being the general color association. Thus the purple and gold pearls are assigned to this phase. I think Setsuna is the earth phase and needs the two "earth" pearls to be complete.
As with Metal Sesshomaru/wife jointly represent Earth.
Kirinmaru, Lady Kyuki and Joka are the earth associated villians.
Yawaragi is also a earth associated character.
Fire is pretty simple. It the red pearl, Moroha and Inuyasha. Tokotsu is assigned villian.
Wood represents Kagome, the green pearl and Konton.
However, it gets a little tricky. First, although green is often used to represent the wood phase, it's true color is actually called qing which is more of a bluish green. And like metal and earth, it has two color associations of scarlet and green. Now everyone thinks Jyūbei has the green pearl but it could be Konton. Notice he has two qing orbs hanging off his sleeves. The green pearl in promotional materials is qing too.
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I think they made them both qing for simplicity's sake. Technically one should be scarlet.
Or if Jyūbei does have the real green pearl, I think it's possible that there is second wood associated pearl we don't know about and it could be green or scarlet.
ETA: In episode 15, Riku was seen to also possess a green pearl. It could be this is the real one and the others are fakes. Or maybe there are multiple sets of pearls.
This phase is represented by the color black, sometimes it's a very dark blue.
Assigning anyone or anything to this phase is complicated.
In the second opening we see Moroha's red pearl flash black temporarily. I think this is a hint that the red and black pearl are connected like the gold/purple and silver/indigo pearls.
Inuyasha's black pearl and it's purpose really fits the association connected to the water phase but he himself does not.
But I do think that Moroha is being connected to this phase as well as fire.
Rin also belongs to this phase at the moment. Her current situation really reflects the deeper associations with the water phase. If I am right about my yukionna theory then this will be a permanent association.
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So how is Yashahime using the 5 phases?
Besides what I described above, there is:
Konton's fu dogs were named wind and thunder and were also green and scarlet, connecting him to the wood phase.
The purple coded villians, Kyuki and Joka, both had mountain lairs. The purple part of the earth phase is associated with mountains.
Yawaragi in the last episode is also a earth associated character but they drew from the two different earth columns to indicate this. She was associated with yellow and mountains.
The dream gazing flashback has Setsuna standing on a field and bathed in golden light. In the yellow (gold) section of the earth phase, a field is the association.
As I said, Joka is a "Earth" associated villian. In her episode, the round part of her earrings went back and forth between purple and gold and I think this is so viewers will make the connection that the gold and purple pearls go together.
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The recent Christmas themed article calls special attention to the present in Moroha's hand and it's wrapped in red and qing, representing her two parents.
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There have been other, smaller visual call outs where the colors of blue/white/silver and purple/gold/yellow are used together.
Using the Wuxing associations alone for clue detection is very much not recommended. I do sometimes but I have also gotten very familiar with the way I think it's used and have reseached the subject on a deeper level than what's presented here.
Yashahime mostly uses the color associations and there is a limited number of colors. Every instance of red is not going to be a reference to the fire phase and the characters associated to it.
Wuxing simplified
There is a very simplifed way to use the Wuxing theory by focusing on the combination of colors Yashahime has assigned to the families.
For InuKag/Moroha: Red, Black and Green.
For Sesshomaru/wife/twins: Yellow or gold and purple. Technically the metal phase colors belong here too but I noticed that they rarely use it except for with Towa.
If you see a combination of those colors focused on in a scene, character or object then maybe it's meant to be associated with the respective family. I would make sure there are additional contextual clues to support the idea.
For example, when I saw the comet in episode 15, I immediately thought Inukag reference because it was red black and green. And I think it is. The comet is an analogy for the shikon jewel and also the 500 years between Kikyo reincarnating into Kagome.
It's not completely tied to Wuxing but Yashahime does a similar thing with the MirSan/Kohaku family and Rin. They get associated with orange/black/dark blue and diamond patterns a lot. Why Rin is associated with this is explained in my Yukionna theory. I will link to it as soon as I clean it up.
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hypexion · 4 years
The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith is technically a crossover episode, since the Doctor shows up. It’s got some interesting stuff going on, and a decent enough central mystery. Unfortuantely, this post is about The Wedding of River Song, an episode which is a terrible conclusion to many things.
The episode begins on a strongish note, with the Doctor tracking down why the Silence want to kill him. He bounces around a few places before reaching Skull Land, where he steals the head of Dorian, know blue person, in order to find out The Question. What is The Question? Stay tuned to find out and immediately regret it! Anyway, on finding out that the Silence want to avoid the Doctor answering a trivia question, the Doctor decides to screw around instead of going off to die. It’s a good call, really. But then he makes a call and learns that the Brigadier has died, so he decides it’s time to die. This is about the point where the episode stops doing good things.
The investigation is spliced in with the lastest Bad Thing that’s happened. Somehow, all of time is happening at once! Somehow. As the Doctor relays to Winston Churchill, River Song decided not to kill him, which causes time to go all wibbly. The Doctor also wants us to know that River Song is a woman who is very womanly for some reason.
All of Time All at Once is, in theory, and interesting setting. However, the episode pretty much does nothing with it. Once Amy shows up (with a sinister eye patch), it all falls into the background. This is after a lot of effort goes into showing how mixed up all of history has become, which you’d would mean it’s a bigger deal than it is. On the list of The Wedding of River Song’s sins, wasting the setting is a pretty minor one, but it’s still there.
Anyhow, it turns out Amy still remembers the not-broken timeline, but Rory does not. They’ve been collecting up Silence in test tubes for reasons, so that once again the show can do “the heroes thing they are winning, but actually they are losing!“. We do at least get an explanation for Korvarian’s eyepatch that isn’t completely stupid, so at least one thing is resolved in an okay manner. Then we get the solution for The Big Problem - River broke time by not killing the Doctor, but once they touch, time is fixed. Yay!
Except River doesn’t want to fix time, because the Doctor will die. Given that not fixing time will destroy all of reality, this comes off as incredibly selfish. Condemning all life to inevitable destruction for the sake of one man who will also die because of that is Not Good, and quite probably hanging around in the Evil section of the alignment chart. I guess it’s meant to be some big romantic moment when the Time Beacon or whatever it is revealed, but given that it doesn’t solve the problem, it doesn’t overcome the main issue with River’s actions here.
So in order to fix time, the Doctor and River... get married.  It’s called The Wedding of River Song, so it’s not really surprising that this happens, aside from the fact it comes completely out of nowhere and there’s absolutely no actual development of the Doctor and River’s relationship for this to make sense. Because their relationship is never shown, it’s merely implied. An obvious example of this is in The Impossible Astronaut, where they compared diaries and talk about all the fun off-screen adventures they have. Which is a deeply unsatisfying way to create a relationship between two characters, and it’s unacceptable if the resolution to your story is based around that relationship. The Doctor/River relationship, as presented on-screen, barely exists. They spend more time fighting than they do having any kind of chemistry, with exceptions for Moffat’s favourite trash of “flirting“ where the characters are smug at each other. The Wedding of River Song cannot be a statisfying conclusion to the Doctor/River arc, because that arc doesn’t exist!
So fixing time kills the Doctor. Stone dead. Except it doesn’t, because we can’t actually kill off the title character. So we just get a massive copout when it’s revealed that the Doctor who got shot was actually the Tesselecta, which also introduces a plot hole the size of the sun into the episode. Why does the Doctor screw around so much, including being willing to leave River with the trauma of “killing” him, when he could just say that he has a sneaky plan by the lakeside? Nothing in this episode, or this arc makes any sense!
Finally, we reach the single dumbest moment in the Doctor Who revival. The question, that must never be answered, hidden in plain sight - Doctor Who? It’s not clever, it’s not funny, and it’s such an obvious example of Steven Moffat being far, far less of a writer than he thinks he is. Plus, it’s just stringing the mystery out further, with no fucking conclusion.
In essence, The Wedding of River Song was doomed from the start. By being tied to the terrible arc of Series Six, it could never hope to be that good. Yet it also manages to fail on it’s own dismerits, with new plot holes, wasted settings, and just really dodgy characterisation. The silver lining, however, is that Series Six is now over. Hooray! (there is still one more series six post)
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human-enthusiast · 4 years
Antagonist: Buggy (East Blue - And Before This Time Frame)
At first, I was still on and off about my decision on whether or not I would make an analysis on Buggy at all. My analysis pages aren’t necessarily about the villains of One Piece in general, but more towards humanitarian or misanthropic topics reflected in their world from ours. In the first few appearances, I thought I had nothing to go off from, at least in context of World Issues. But I started writing out his characteristics and anything known about his past that could reflect on it, and then I started writing on something to reflect later after writing out other analogies with other villains and their world.
Stereotypical behavior of a pirate
Narcissism: Blames others for his mistakes (Shanks)
Treats a majority of his     underlings as replaceable/worthless
Alignment: Chaotic Evil/Neutral Evil
Worthy Notes
He was one of the recognizable characters who witnessed Roger’s execution up front.
Before this, he knew him personally and grew close with his captain.
To me, he and Shanks are friends/crewmates that had similar circumstances but different outcomes - two sides of the same coin (Important Distinction).
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Buggy is a character that I both dislike and love for various reasons. If there was a person, who had a striking resemblance to him (in both looks and especially personality), there is a 100% chance I would not get along well with him. The arrogance, laugh, and overall characteristics of a narcissist that gets his ass handed to him in nearly every encounter is annoying to the point of wanting to punch him personally.
However, he also handles many of his problems and the crazy reality that is their world with great comic relief like a majority of the characters. He himself has great one-liners and funny encounters that make him a great antagonist towards Luffy and an overall character of One Piece.
He’s one of the few designated antagonists of the East Blue Arc that popped up later, not only in the same arc, but in other arcs afterwards. Alvida does as well but she isn’t treated very much like an antagonist after Loguetown. More mild and laid back as Buggy’s vice captain, without straying from her original personality.
The thing about him from the beginning is how iconic of a character he is, mixed with some stereotypical personality traits as the main character’s villain. With the listed traits above, he actually isn’t the most original kind of villain under a broad definition.
I use the moral alignment chart for these analysis and/or characters because it’s one of the easiest ways to place and understand the foundation about them. For Buggy, he could go either way for being neutral or chaotic in the evil row. He does things for his own gain. But he also does evil acts because he is under the notion that he can with no other reason. Many of the East Blue antagonists are essentially like this.
Before knowing anything about Buggy later on, and even after, I would put him in the same boat as Krieg and Arlong. These are very chaotic pirates who also display typical pirate personas. Greedy, foul playing, captains without any remorse or care for others (although Arlong, towards fishmen and crew mates, tends to be an exception). They appear to not have an underlining motivation to be the way they are. Just regular, run-of-the-mill pirates.
But taking in consideration his past affiliations on being a cabin boy to Gol D. Roger, his attitude, in tune with Arlong’s, makes a lot of sense. 
The start of the Pirate Era sparked a grand affiliation to the massive sweep of pirate crews to take to the seas. A historically popular phenomenon done in a way that no other sailor accomplished the way Roger did: conquer the Grand Line. When an ever-changing event like this occurs, you have a mix of on-lookers who are changed by this. Characters like Luffy are filled with adrenaline. A need to seek adventure, making him the perfect predecessor for Roger’s Legacy, but in a way where he can call it his own.
Then there are characters like stereotypical, unnamed pirate crews, a majority of which mainly focus on the prospect of Roger’s treasure One Piece. They physically have nothing to tie them down, so they feel it necessary to pursue that challenge. This sparks greed or a search for infamy, something that actually connects to Ace’s motivation the most, but he has a more dynamic change that alters his motivations. Compared to others, this change is due to an instance where he is showed an alternate approach on life and dreams, a somewhat more healthy version. But when this alternate approach isn’t introduced to others, they are bound to the same mindset, installing more harm along the way. 
The known reactions are like two sides of the same coin. They’re broad chances of what someone will turn out in response to this freedom on treasure hunting and adventure seeking. And the two characters that are on those sides are Shanks and Buggy.
Personally, I find this to be an excellent coincidence. Now whether Oda intended for there opposing characters to mean anything significant is up for debate. But my interpretation proceeds them as the differing approaches when they (1) lose something significant in their life and (2) in retaliation against the unfair advantages life threw at them.
Buggy takes on the evil, greedy and infamy route in response to Roger’s execution.
As selfish as he is, Buggy did care very much for his past Captain. Most likely as a father figure of sorts considering he was rather young when he first joined as a cabin boy. He was able to make bonds with the crew mates, showing the more humanistic side of him.
In the events of Roger’s untimely sickness and later execution, I say it created an unfathomable emotional downfall on Buggy. In love and loss, it can have a negative influence on someone. He doesn’t seem to stray away from a greedy persona even with the Roger pirates. However, they acted as a sort of buffer, suppressing that intent need enough where it tends to affect only him.
With instances like Orange Town in Episode 5-8, his greed has an outward impact on the people and environment. I doubt he had any monetary reasoning for docking in the small town. There could have definitely been some looting, but that probably wasn’t their main purpose. It seems more along the lines of a power move.
Throughout his stay, he ultimately uses his Buggy Balls to obliterate different sections of the town, describing it as “his idea of fun.” Now whether because he lacked the resource or motivation, he never seemed to be this destructive as a younger cabin boy. He was still capable of violence and only doing so when needed.
He offers insight about the potential in taking on negative behaviors against the world, in combination of this obtainable freedom. He takes it with a motivation in the form of retribution.
Now how does Shanks play into this?
I said before that these two are like the sides of the same coin. And this is how far it goes:
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They, literally and figuratively, were on the same boat. That being the Oro Jackson’s crew and witnessing first hand Roger’s execution.
Unlike Buggy, however, Shanks wasn’t affected in a downward spiral of vengeance. Where Buggy took on the active persona of a vindictive route, he took to Roger’s will. The concept of inherited will within One Piece is a powerful notion. Especially with how it plays into the influence of a character and the world around them.
Roger’s will is directed more towards the importance of adventure and unbridled freedom. Doing something for yourself and “destroying” the world in a round-about way.
He is the opposite of Buggy by choosing the path of piracy in leniency. He isn’t necessarily upright and morally good in all regards. Because I’m certain he could have done bad things. But his outlooks on life make him move forward from the past.
Meanwhile, Buggy is situated into his past persona, and possibly due to the loss of his captain, by striving to be the King of the Pirates. Buggy has a connection to it that many others wouldn’t have known about until around Sabaody and Marineford. This need with the title is one of the defining elements of being greedy to an unexpected turn in his life.
This plays in well with his narcistic attitude in blaming others for mistakes he’s made in the past. Specifically where he blames Shanks for “making” him accidently eat his devil fruit. While he does find a use in his powers, he remains to be bitter about it. A reaction like this shows a character that ties himself with things he wish were different, believing that acting on them in the future will somehow change it. And about the only way he finds some use in it is fulfilling his desire to be at the top. A familiar form that ties him to Roger in the past.
Of course, I’m not implying that Roger’s death sparked his greed, because it is quite obvious he was always like that. No, it’s more of he represents the expected type who find satisfaction in titles. The expected results of Roger’s last words that the world paints into perspective. Buggy’s the negative aftermath that people expect when the world changes.
Because in simplistic sense, change begets destruction.
Change creates numerous responses that guide people, and it can be interpreted in broad groups. The results of these events divide people and their motivations, creating a diverse but also destructive world within One Piece.
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Just a little logicality fic that I wrote late at night. I hope you enjoy it. I would love to post a part two or more. If I do I’ll link to it here.
Inspiration for this post
Patton had been getting better until his condition took a turn for the worst. He was born with a rare blood disorder and was certain he was going to die around the age of two. But now, as a fourteen year old, he was the most optimistic person, likely to ever live. 
He had been in and out of the hospital for all his life and hadn’t been there for six or so months when he had fallen extremely ill. Being rushed to the hospital was a rush that he sadly knew all to well and was no longer scared by the sirens of the ambulance or the musings of his mother in her attempts to soothe him. Instead, Patton found this whole ordeal rather annoying. His breathing mask was a little crooked and the straps around his ears were itchy. 
They arrived at the hospital and Patton was placed in a room he had been in many times before. Doctor Marcie came in and out, checking one thing then leaving to attend to another patient before returning, only to leave yet again. There were no children’s hospitals nearby so the child section of the St. James hospital was often understaffed and over filled. 
Patton waited patiently, though he had his iPad to help with that. Soon he was told that he would have to stay overnight for a while and was sent to an empty room. There were two beds, though the other had no patient. Two TVs and a curtain separating the room in two. Patton was put in the bed farthest from the door and was left with his mother and older sibling Talyn.
“Oh, Pat, don’t worry.” His sweet mother assured him.
“I’m not worried momma!” He giggled.
You’re so brave.” She cooed.
“Momma, he’s been here so many times, I think he’s used to it by now.” Talyn stated.
“Momma, they’re right.” Patton said. He grasped his Mother’s hand and smiled.
“Oh hun, you are perfect.” She sighed.
“No I’m not momma.” 
“Pat, you know this isn’t the time to argue with her.” Talyn reminded their small sibling.
“Yeah.” He replied grinning up at his sibling. 
As the night drew closer Patton’s mother and sibling had to leave. It was a bit tearful for the older woman but Talyn helped their mother out and soon Patton was left in the room. Alone.
Oh, he hated being alone. No one to talk to, no one to smile at, nothing but silence. 
Luckily, he had his iPad and the room had a TV. Patton began absently flipping through stations until he found reruns of The Office. Using that as background noise he started scrolling through Instagram, liking posts and watching makeup tutorials and satisfying videos. 
Then, around eight pm, another kid was rolled into the room and put in the other bed. He too, had glasses and Patton desperately wanted to point out that fact.
However, he knew that many kids didn’t want to talk with their ‘roommate’ right away. So he kept quiet. 
After assuring the other kid was comfortable in his bed all but one nurse left. She walked over to Patton and began checking on him. 
“How are you doing Pat?” She asked. 
“I’m doing good Nora.” Patton smiles. Nurse Nora was Patton’s favorite. She was often his nurse while he was at the hospital and she never looked at him with pity and sadness like all the others. He wondered if her eyes were always filled with hope.
“You’re lookin’ alright. Everything seems fine. Other than you being sick that is.” She made Patton giggle.
“When is Emile coming?” 
“He’ll be here to see you in morning Honeybee.” Nora told Patton.
“Yay! Oh, I have to ask him Remy!” Patton exclaimed.
“I’m sure Dr. Picani will be happy to tell you all about it.” Nora said looking at the chart.
She set down the chart and turned to Patton. 
“Pat, this is Logan. He’s gonna be here for a while like you.” She told him.
“M’kay.” He replied side-eyeing the boy quickly.
Nora gave him a small ‘bap’ on the head and turned to leave. 
“I’ll be back in to check on you again around eleven Honeybee.” She called.
Nora left the room and Patton felt his face ease out of the bright grin he had and into a smaller, more comfy smile. Patton lowered the volume on his tv as another episode of The Office began. He laid back his pillow and watched intently at the screen. Well, at least he was trying to watch intently. Instead he was sneaking glances at the other boy in the room. Logan, as Patton now knew, had his glasses off and his nose in a book. In fact, it appeared he had been left with a rather large stack of books. 
Patton particularly liked how the boy’s facial expression shifted as he read. Logan’s small smile turned to shock, then his eyebrows creased into an angry look, then he softened and stared at the page in endearment. At one point Patton thought he had caught Logan re-reading the same paragraph several times. He was chewing on the inside of his lip in nervousness, but his eyes betrayed that action. Logan’s eyes were shimmering with a glow Patton knew only as love. He must be reading something he loved. 
Logan flipped the page and that glimmer of love in his eyes faded away. Patton felt his own face waver as he saw this. 
Patton then realized he had likely been looking at Logan long enough for it to be considered rude and turned away. After not being able to fully focus on the show Patton decided to turn off the TV and play on his iPad. The WiFi at the hospital was horrid but Patton had time to waste. While one particular game was loading Patton decided to take another glance at Logan.
The boy had somehow fallen asleep. The book rested on his chest that rose and fell and his hair was tossed carelessly around his face. Patton felt a grin grow on his face as he saw how content Logan was. The other kids that Patton had shared a room with in the past weren't usually content. Those kids slept with a permanent look of pain. Their eyes were so full of sadness. Some had tear stains on their cheeks that Patton didn't know how long were there or how long would last. Seeing a boy so peaceful like Logan made Patton so simply happy. 
Logan then turned on his side toward Patton, the book falling to the floor. When the sound didn't wake Logan up Patton grabbed the IV on the side of his bed and got on his knees so he could wheel it around the bed. He got it to the left of him and attempted to quietly get off the bed. Once his feet were safely on the cold floor, Patton walked to the book and picked it up. Good Omens, Patton read. The cover was a simple sketch of a man with angel wings reading a red book in front of a black background. The font was funny looking and Patton made a mental note to try and read it once he was out of the hospital. 
He went to place it on Logan's dresser when he heard a sudden intake of air next to him. Patton looked over and saw Logan suddenly sitting up in the bed, staring at him, clearly startled. 
"Uh, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Patton rushed to say. "It's just, your book fell while you were sleeping and I didn't want it to be on the dirty floor."
"Oh." Logan seemed to calm once given the explanation, his shoulders relaxed. "Thank you." 
"Of course." Patton squinted as he ginned. He placed the book on the stand next to Logan's bed and walked, his IV in hand, over to the right side of his bed before sitting down cross-legged on the soft blue blanket his mother had left. 
It was quiet. Patton decided he didn't enjoy the quiet and perhaps this was the time to talk to Logan. He looked over at the boy who had put his glasses on and was fixing up his hair a little. Patton felt a giggle rise from his throat. His glasses were crooked. Not enough that Logan could tell but Patton sure could. 
"Um, Logan?" Patton asked. 
"Yes?" He looked over at Patton. 
"Your glasses are crooked." Patton told him. 
"Oh." He began his attempts to fix them. After several tries where he would look to Patton for assurance that they were level and get a 'no' as a response Patton decided to simply fix it for him. 
Once again pulled his IV to the other side of the bed, Patton walked over to Logan and adjusted the glasses on his face. He smiled at Logan once done and the boy smiled back, though Logan's was, a smaller simpler smile. 
"You seem to know the hospital staff very well." Logan pointed out as Patton sat back down on his bed. 
"Yea, I've got a blood disorder so I'm in and out of here a lot." Patton explained. 
"Hm." Logan appeared to be assessing Patton's expression, though Pat couldn't tell what he was looking for. "Why did the nurse call you Honeybee."
"Uh, well," Patton felt embarrassment creep into his cheeks. "Nurse Nora was one of the very first nurses that I had on the regular rotation and when I first met her, I was obsessed with this stuffed animal. It was a bee with a little pot of honey on top. So, she started calling me Honeybee. Only a few people call me honeybee around here. Nora, Dr. Picani, Dr. Bollis, the secretary at the front desk, her name is Virginia, and the pastry chef down at the cafeteria, Mr. Thomas."
Logan nodded along as Patton gave him unasked for information. He didn't mind however. There wasn't much else to do. 
Once it seemed like Patton was finished Logan decided to speak up. "I suppose I should tell you about my condition, seeing as you told me yours."
"Oh, you don't have to Logan! I understand if it makes you uncomfortable to talk about."
"Really?" Logan tilted his head. 
"Yea!" Patton gave him another toothy grin. 
"Thank you." Logan reciprocated. 
"I never would want to make you uncomfortable. A lot of kids here don't like to talk about why they have to be in the hospital." Patton told him. "It's normal."
"I've heard you mention a Doctor Picani, who is that?" Logan asked.
"He's the child therapist at the hospital. He comes to visit all the kids at least once when they're here over night." Patton explained. 
"Ah." Logan nodded in understanding. 
The two continued to chat for a while. Patton would explain something about the hospital to Logan and Logan would ask some more questions until Patton had a question of his own. 
"What is your book about?" 
"Sorry?" Logan looked at his other bespectacled friend. 
"Your book, I think it was called Good Omens. It had funny font and an angel on the cover." Patton clarified. 
"You want to know about my book?" Logan asked. 
"Well, yeah, that's why I asked silly!" Patton giggled. 
"Oh, uh, well, it's about this angel and demon, both were sent to Earth to observe human evolution and perform miracles, that's the angel's job, or create mischief, the demon's job." Logan began to tell. "After a few thousand years the angel, who's name is Aziraphale, and the demon, who's name is Crowley, realize that whenever one does something beneficial the other just counteracts it with a bad deed."
Patton looked at Logan intently as he explained away the book. "Eventually they become good friends and both live in central London. Aziraphale owns and runs a bookshop while Crowley has a Bentley, you know the old car."
Patton nodded, reading the excitement and glee plastered all over Logan's face. 
"Then the Antichrist is born, and he's supposed to bring about the end of the world. However, neither Crowley or Aziraphale want that so they attempt to stop the end of the world on the Antichrist's eleventh birthday. So they-" Logan looked Patton directly in the eyes. "are you planning on reading the book?" 
"Oh, uh, I suppose so." Patton shrugged. 
"Then, I guess I shouldn't tell you what happens. People tend to not like it when I explain in detail the plots of the books I'm reading." Logan looked down. 
"No! No, no, keep going. Though I know how it ends that doesn't mean I won't want to read it." Patton assured him. 
"Really?" Logan asked. Patton nodded quickly and Logan continued. 
He explained every event in the book in great detail and would even draw Patton a diagram of confusing plot points so he could better understand it. Patton tried very hard to focus on everything Logan was saying but he found that when the boy was joyfully going on about something he's passionate about, Logan is hard to look away from. At some point Logan had walked over to sit on Patton's bed with him and was giddily showing Patton the diagram he had drawn up though at this point Patton had completely given up on paying attention to Logan's musings. Instead he had zoned out, his mind racing, never stopping to think about one thought or another too quickly. Though he somehow always tied his thoughts back to the boy sitting next to him, Patton decided to not unpack all of that at the moment. Besides, what real harm was being done if his absent-minded staring just so happened to be in the general area where Logan sat next to him. 
"Ya-huh?" Patton's eyes came back into focus as once Logan got his attention. 
"Oh, uh, I was just making sure you understood what I was saying." Logan gave a small smile before turning back to the "evidence" he had laid out on the bed. 
"Yep." Patton continued to stare in Logan's general area as the smart boy went on. 
"So, as I was saying I think-" Logan turned his head to the right and looked at Patton realizing the cheery boy was staring at Logan's hair. Logan exhaled and lightly took Patton's chin in his fingers, tilting the other boy's head back to the diagrams on the bed. This time assuring that he could fully understand what Logan was saying. 
Patton pursed his lips and visibly pouted a little but didn't complain. He did however sneak one last look at Logan who had just the lightest hue of pink dusting his ears. 
As Logan drew to a close on his lecture about his the current book he was reading he transferred back to his bed and was organizing his belongings. 
"Thank you for listening to me Patton. I usually can't find anyone willing to listen to me talk about my interests."
"Oh of course, to be fully honest I spaced out a little, but a book about an Angel and a Demon falling in love," Patton laid back in his bed, a dreamy look on his face. "what's not to be interested with?"
"What?" Logan looked at his curly haired friend, flabbergasted. "They're best friends, they're not in love." 
"Yeah ok." Patton raised his eyebrows and chuckled. 
"They aren't." Logan stated. 
"Oh, please." Patton sat up, turning to look Logan directly in the eye. "Logan, I have been in and out of this hospital my entire life. I have memorized almost every facial expression there is. I can tell how someone is feeling just by how they walk. I can see past every faked smile and forced laugh. I know what eyes filled with pity or pain look like better than, I dare say, anyone. People's actions portray their feelings more than they know. And from simply all you have told me about Crowley and Aziraphale, I can tell you with complete certainty. They are in love." Patton punctuated the last four words forcefully. 
Logan looked at Patton with a small amount of shock. That however, faded quickly. Replaced instead by a content resting face. "Well, I guess it is a possibility." He mumbled. 
"It's essentially a fact." Patton once again laid back. 
It was quiet for the first time in a while. Though, the silence wasn't awkward as Patton had become used too. Instead, it was an easy silence. Logan, though Patton couldn't see very well, was going over the notes he had made, clearly searching for something to disprove Patton's conjecture. Patton felt a smug smile reach his lips as he closed his eyes. Enjoying the silence. That is until Logan gives a frustrated grunt and slammed his note book shut. Patton sat up, concerned. This wasn't the outcome he had expected. 
"Hey, uh, Logan." Patton tentatively began. "Your voice is really nice."
"What?" Logan jerked his head up, his voice breaking a little. 
"Your voice. I liked listening to you talk about the book, but your voice is very calming." Patton continued explaining. "You see, my older sibling Talyn has a friend, Virgil, he's read those H. P. Lovecraft books and he loves talking about them. I usually tune it out, which sounds rude but sometimes I just cannot continue hearing him vent about such yucky topics. However, I loved listening to you talk about Good Omens. Though the book itself isn't as gross as Lovecraft I also think your voice is part of the reason why I was so interested."
"Oh, well," Logan took a shaky in take of breath. "Thank you." 
Patton smiled as a response and let his head rest on the pillow behind him. The minutes ticked on. It was slow but Patton turned on his TV and the two watched reruns of whatever shows they could find that was somewhat enjoyable. At some point the clock had struck eleven and Nora came back in. Checking both boys vitals before turning off the TV and wishing them a goodnight. 
The dark room was once again plunged into silence that neither boy seemed to enjoy. Patton found he could not sleep for the life of him and figured Logan had drifted off at that point. So, when Logan shifted in his bed and spoke Patton jumped just a little.
“Patton, are you still awake?” He whispered. 
“No.” Patton admitted. Opening his eyes and allowing them to adjust. 
“I cannot seem to rest.” Logan sighed. 
“Neither can I.” Patton giggled. 
It was quiet for a beat too long. 
“I feel I should admit something to you.” Logan whispered, his voice full of hesitation. 
“Shoot.” Patton assured his friend.
“Earlier. When I initially awoke from my nap.” Logan began. “You told me my glasses were crooked. I purposely never fixed them correctly.”
It was quiet. 
“Wow.” Patton began a soft giggle that grew. “You are a lot more subtle than I am.”
“Very much so.” Patton continued his giggle. “That was a pretty smooth move there.”
“My friends would have called it desperate.” Logan admitted. Patton pursed his lips.”However, I’m not good with emotions at all. I’m not the best at, well, anything of the sort. I can’t just tell you I think you’re cute now can I?”
“Why not?” Patton asked, completely dodging the fact that this adorable boy had called him cute. 
“Well, for one you could be straight.” Logan pointed out. 
“Me? I’m as gay as everyone’s first impression of Aziraphale, Logan.” Patton chided.
Logan chuckled. Patton too laughed at his own comment. It was quiet. Though he couldn’t see any colors other than dark grey and black Patton could feel the red on Logan’s ears. Or perhaps that was just Patton’s hope that Logan’s face felt as hot as his did.
"I love sleepovers." He sighed. 
"Patton, I don't believe this counts as a sleepover."
"I'm in a nightgown aren't I?" Patton said as though this was an argument. 
"It's a hospital gown and attire doesn't really make it a sleepover." Logan countered. 
"Truth or dare?" Patton asked, turning on his side toward Logan.
Logan was quiet. Clearly searching Patton's face once again, this time likely for a sign that he was joking. After some time Logan looked away. 
"Dare." He sighed.  
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theonyxpath · 6 years
We’ve been mentioning our smash-hit Onyx Pathcast here and all over our social media, and I’m thrilled to say that our team of podcasters; Eddy Webb, Matthew Dawkins, and Dixie Cochran (no e), are at it again with this week’s episode that will be found here on Friday: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
The team is really just getting started, and in two weeks they’ll have an interview with Impish Ian Watson, our community manager, and uber-dev for the Trinity Continuum. He’s no slouch on classic White Wolf  lore, either! Thanks to all you who sent in questions for the team to toss at Ian.
We’re just getting set up to record the next interview, and I think this might be the team’s first big mistake. They’ll be interviewing yours truly, and that can’t be anything but trouble. Potentially hilarious trouble, but trouble nonetheless.
You, yes you, can help them, though.
Please give them some questions to ask me in the comments here, and that way they can come to the interview pre-armed and let the chips fall where they may. Interestingly, Fast Eddy Webb has recused himself from this interview as he claims he already knows all the answers I might give. (Which is fair, for years we did the What’s Up With White Wolf/Gameline/Onyx Path panels at conventions together. So he might already know my likely responses!)
      Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition illustration by Ken Meyer, Jr
    A couple more things, but not a lot. I don’t know about anybody else, but right now the pollen is starting to waft here at Onyx Path central, and I’m feeling a bit zombie-like. Stupid allergies.
Thanks to everybody who checked out and “liked” our friends at the Bodhana Group‘s Facebook page. They do good work, and have great potential to help more kids and adults via gaming, so please stop over and check out what they’re doing: https://www.facebook.com/thebodhanagroup/
We’ll be having a sale at IPR (Indie Press Revolution) on Chronicles of Darkness Prestige Editions like Demon, Mummy, Beast, and Dark Eras, starting May 21st. Most will be 40% off, so if you’re in need of a fancy edition of the core books for those lines, that’s your chance!
      Pan’s Guide illustration by Pat Loboyko
    We’re reviewing the “How to Play” videos for the Fetch Quest Kickstarter, and Jaunty James Bell is starting to pull the KS page together. You can see some of the cards in the Blurbs! section below. This is going to be an experiment of a KS for us, as Fetch Quest is a fun, collaborative card game for all ages set in the Realms of Pugmire. As Eddy says:
I really want to make a card game that allows people to experience the realms of Pugmire in a new way. Fetch Quest is portable, easy to learn, and encourages cooperation and teamwork. Not only does it seem to be a fun game in its own right, but I hope it’ll be a great product to play when you don’t have time for a session of the Pugmire RPG, or to get new players excited about Pugmire as a whole.
We really hope that all of our intentions come across, and the KS is a lot of fun for all, but it is really hard to gauge these things when we move into uncharted waters and do a card game. Prince’s Gambit was a different sort of game, with a very different play-style, and I think it appeals to a different sort of player, so even that is hard to use as a template for how Fetch Quest will do.
We’ll see in a couple of weeks (hopefully May 22nd).
      Page from Cavaliers of Mars.
      Work on projects for all sorts of our game lines, old and new, continues apace – like for the Cavaliers of Mars core rulebook pictured above. Meanwhile, I’ve been negotiating contracts for all sorts of things, licenses mostly, but also reviewing pitches new books, projects, and game lines. Some of those pass from me over to White Wolf for approval if the pitches are for projects in their settings, and others – the majority right now – are ours to chart the course of.
Many Worlds, One Path!
Now that the massive Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought Kickstarter campaign has triumphantly finished, we’re prepping for a puppy of a different color with Fetch Quest, the adventure card game set in the Realms of Pugmire!
    As we try and find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
The devs have added a whole bunch of new game lines’ dice and rolling bg’s and got caught by a bug Apple needed to fix, so be sure to update your app and soon that should be fixed.
There’s been tweaks to all elements of the UI, you can now preview every die type in the store, and you can use multiple die types per roll! Here are the links for the Apple and Android versions:
Three different screenshots, above.
(The Solar Anima special Dice above)
  Promethean: The Created and Demon: The Descent dice on a Demon: The Descent tabletop
  Hunter: The Reckoning and Mage: The Awakening dice on a Mage: The Awakening tabletop
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
Our latest offering is the Mage 20 Cookbook, now in a convenient Kindle ebook version! https://www.amazon.com/Mage-Cookbook-World-Darkness-Enlightened-ebook/dp/B07C71BRDC/
Nook version is coming soon!
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
  Our initial selection includes these fiction anthologies:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Ages Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Ascension: Truth Beyond Paradox (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Curse of the Blue Nile (Kindle, Nook)
Beast: The Primordial: The Primordial Feast Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
  And here are six more fiction books:
Vampire: The Masquerade: Of Predators and Prey: The Hunters Hunted II Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Poison Tree (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: The Strix Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Forsaken: The Idigam Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Awakening: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
  Andand six more more:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Beast Within Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: W20 Cookbook (Kindle, Nook)
Exalted: Tales from the Age of Sorrows (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Tales of the Dark Eras (Kindle, Nook)
Promethean: The Created: The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Demon: The Descent: Demon: Interface (Kindle, Nook)
  And even more books are now on Amazon and the Nook store!:
Scarred Lands: Death in the Walled Warren (Kindle, Nook)
V20 Dark Ages: Cainite Conspiracies (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Strangeness in the Proportion (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: Silent Knife (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Dawn of Heresies (Kindle, Nook)
And here are the Champions of the Scarred Lands fiction anthology and the Huntsmen Chronicles anthology for Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there!
    Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://theonyxpath.com/press-release-onyx-path-limited-editions-now-available-through-indie-press-revolution/
You can now order wave 2 of our Deluxe and Prestige print overrun books, including Deluxe Mage 20th Anniversary, and Deluxe V20 Dark Ages! And Screens…so many Screens!
And you can now order Pugmire: the book, the screen, and the dice! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
Wave 3 of our extra Kickstarter projects is now on sale at IPR!
Here are the direct links for the Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras Prestige Edition: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Chronicles-of-Darkness-Dark-Eras-Prestige-Edition.html
Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras Storytellers’ Screen: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Chronicles-of-Darkness-Dark-Eras-Storytellers-Screen.html
Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Exalted-3rd-Edition-Deluxe-Edition.html
Ultra-Deluxe (Orichalcum) Exalted 3rd Edition: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Exalted-3rd-Edition-Ultra-Deluxe.html
Exalted 3rd Edition Storytellers’ Screen: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Exalted-3rd-Edition-Storytellers-Screen.html
EX3 Chibi Bookmarks: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Exalted-3rd-Edition-Chibi-Bookmarks.html
Deluxe W20 Shattered Dreams: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/W20-Shattered-Dreams-Deluxe-Edition.html
W20 Shattered Dreams Storytellers’ Screen: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/W20-Shattered-Dreams-Storytellers-Screen.html
Plus price adjustments on M20, Book of the Wyrm, Anarchs Unbound and a few other projects!
DTRPG.com continues its D&D Sale with nice discounts on Scarred Lands and Pugmire books!
    Book of Freeholds for Changeling 20th Anniversary Edition arrives this Wednesday in PDF and physical book PoD versions at DTRPG.com!
They are the center of Kithain culture, the havens and shelters required when times get grim. They are dreams made manifest, and hopes kept burning. From the Mythic Ages to the present day, freeholds have been the linchpin around which the changeling world turns. Learn the history of freeholds as they wind throughout Kithain history. Discover the lost Treasures that bind the fae and their homes together, soul-to-balefire. Study the dangers, the threats, understand the duties and responsibilities, and then gather your motley to claim your birthright.
The Book of Freeholds contains:
• Two new freehold Archetypes
• Four new Glade Archetypes
• Full rules for the creation of freeholds and Glades
• 11 fully developed freeholds and Glades
• New chimera, Treasures and Oaths, and more
        To celebrate the opening of the Slarecian Vault for Scarred Lands, we’ve put four Scarred Lands posters on sale via DTRPG.com. These 12″ x 18″ posters feature both classic SL covers with Hollowfaust and the Blood Sea, and new images from the new book, like the SL PG cover wrack-dragon, and a hearty band of adventures well met and ready to divvy up their magical treasure.
      Ask the darkness, and it shall answer: the Beast: The Primordial Player’s Guide PDF and physical book PoD versions will answer your questions now on DTRPG.com! http://drivethrurpg.com/product/236135/Beast-Players-Guide
The Beast Player’s Guide expands on the material presented in Beast: The Primordial, with additional information on the Families and Hungers, what it feels like to be a Beast and experience the Devouring, and how to commune with the Dark Mother. You’ll also find two new Families and two new Hungers!
The book also includes a plethora of new Atavisms, Nightmares, Merits, and Birthrights, as well as systems for creating smaller, subservient versions of the Horror, new forms of Inheritance, and details on the mysterious Obcasus Rites.
        There are some things that even a Demon fears – Night Horrors: Enemy Action for Demon: The Descent has arrived in PDF and physical book PoD versions: http://drivethrurpg.com/product/236133/Night-Horrors-Enemy-Action
“Fighting the Machine is like fighting the ocean. You literally cannot hurt it. Doesn’t matter how much poison we dump into the ocean. We’ll only kill the things in it. We’ll never kill it. Same with the God-Machine. Kill angels, traitors, stigmatics, cultists, cryptids, whatever, you’ll never hurt the Machine Itself. No, that doesn’t mean we stop trying. You stop trying, you drown. Screw that.”
—Mr. Bliss, Guardian Inquisitor
Night Horrors: Enemy Action includes:
• Dozens of Storyteller characters, including Unchained, angels, exiles, cryptids, and stigmatics, for use as antagonists, allies, or just inspiration
• Multiple plot hooks and story seeds for your Demon: The Descent chronicles
• A brief look at cults in Demon, including the Ten Thousand Names of God, a secret society fueled by the God-Machine
      When you need a Changeling 20th character and a way to get started with C20: here are the C20 Ready Made Characters in PDF and physical book PoD versions! Available on DriveThruRPG.com! http://drivethrurpg.com/product/225641/C20-Ready-Made-Characters
Running a one-shot game of Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition? Starting up a chronicle with new players who aren’t sure what to play? Looking for some examples of how the various kiths might look?
Thanks to our generous Kickstarter backers, these thirteen ready-made characters cover each of the Changeling kiths. Each character is provided with background, roleplaying suggestions, art, and some potential motleys and story seeds — everything you need to immerse yourself in the Dreaming!
        Coming NOW as both PDF and physical book PoD on DTRPG, we reveal The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb, a Jumpstart adventure for Pugmire. www.drivethrurpg.com/product/232337/The-Secrets-of-Vinsens-Tomb–A-Pugmire-Jumpstart
A cat living in Pugmire disappears, but neither the police dogs nor the cats of the Cat Quarter know why. When zombies attack the heroes, however, all signs point to an invasion by the Monarchies of Mau. But how does this intrigue tie into the lost tomb of the first king of Pugmire?
The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb is a Pugmire story for three to six characters. This jumpstart contains all the rules and characters you need to play — just grab some dice and go! You can also use this adventure with the full version of Pugmire.
The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb contains:
• An evocative and mysterious setting that’s both family friendly and deep enough to create compelling stories.
• A summary of Pugmire’s traditional fantasy rules system. It’s designed for streamlined play, with an emphasis on cooperation and action over competition and violence.
• A complete adventure for a Guide to run for three to six players. Also useful for Guides running a full Pugmire game of first or second level characters!
• Six ready-to-play characters, so you can jump into the action.
Can your good dogs discover the secret of Vinsen’s Tomb?
        Appearing now on DriveThruRPG are the PDF and PoD physical book versions of Arms of the Chosen for Exalted 3rd Edition! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/226224/Arms-of-the-Chosen
Take up the panoply of legendary heroes and lost ages, and awaken the world-shaking might of their Evocations. Before the dawn of time, the Exalted wielded god-metal blades to cast down the makers of the universe. In an ancient epoch of forgotten glories, Creation’s greatest artificers forged unimaginable wonders and miracle-machines.
Now, in the Age of Sorrows, kingdoms go to war over potent artifacts, scavenger princes risk everything to uncover relics of the past, and the Exalted forge great arms and armor on the anvil of legend. These treasures are yours to master.
Discover the mystical power of the five magical materials and the secrets of creating your own Evocations. Wield weapons of fabled might and don the armor of mythic heroes, making their puissance your own. Claim Creation’s wonders: the miraculous tools of the Chosen, living automatons, flying machines, hearthstones, and more. And unleash the mighty warstriders, titanic god-engines of conquest and devastation, to once more shake Creation with their footfalls.
Matthew Dawkins, Steffie de Vaan, and Mighty Matt McElroy will be at the UK Games Expo in early June running games and talking shop with fans and retailers.
Prep is also underway for Gen Con 2018 in August, which takes place in Indianapolis, IN. In addition to our booth presence, be sure to check out the games and panels in the Gen Con Event Schedule.
From Fast Eddy Webb, we have these:
Eddy will be speaking at Broadleaf Writers Conference (September 22-23) in Decatur, GA. He’ll be there to talk about writing for interactive fiction, and hanging out with other writers who have far more illustrious careers. http://broadleafwriters.com/3rd-annual-broadleaf-writers-conference/3rd-annual-broadleaf-writers-conference-speakers/
Eddy will also be a featured guest at Save Against Fear (October 12-14) in Harrisburg, PA. He’ll be running some Pugmire games, be available for autographs, and will sometimes accept free drinks. http://www.thebodhanagroup.org/about-the-convention
If you are going and want to meet up, let us know!
  And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon (Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition)
C20 Players’ Guide (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Wr20 Book of Oblivion (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Aeon Aexpansion (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
In Media Res (Trinity Continuum: Core)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Tales of Excellent Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
Dog and Cat Ready Made Characters (Monarchies of Mau)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
  Second Draft
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Guide to the Night (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Fetch Quest (Pugmire)
They Came From Beneath the Sea! Rulebook (TCFBtS!)
  WW Manuscript Approval:
Night Horrors: The Tormented (Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition)
GtS Geist 2e core (Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition)
M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
  Post-Editing Development:
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
In Art Direction
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Scion Hero – Getting that rolling.
Trinity Continuum – Got notes and text for both Aeon and the Core. Also… workin on it.
Wr20 Guide for Newly Departed – Everything with Gaydos.
Geist 2e – We have a nice window to get KS art.
The Realm
M20 Gods and Monsters
Ex3 Dragon Blooded – Wave 2 art in progress
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
Wraith 20 Screen – I’ll pull this together while doing errata. I got the list from Dansky of what tables to pull… just want to make sure they are right.
Fetch Quest – Working on the logo.
EX3 Dragon Blooded
Changeling: the Lost 2 – With Josh.
Cavaliers of Mars – Splats and map should be in by end of the month.
Scion Origin – Sending Sheet stuff to Mr. Gone. Dropping in the art I got in.
Boggans – Going to WW for approval.
Monarchies of Mau – Some art still coming in while this is proofing.
  At Press
Beckett Screen – At shipper.
Scarred Land PGs & Wise and the Wicked PF & 5e – At fulfillment shipper. PDF and PoD physical book versions on sale at DTRPG.
Prince’s Gambit – Being sent to the US, expected at fulfillment shipper this this week.
V20 Beckett’s Jyhad Diary– Deluxe edition printing now.
Scion Dice – At fulfillment shipper.
Wraith 20 – Errata being input.
SL Champions of the Scarred Lands Anthology PoD – PoD proof coming.
Pugmire – Pan’s Explorer’s Guide (or whatever) – PoD proof coming.
Book of Freeholds – PDF and PoD versions on sale this Wednesday!
  TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: Today is the birthday of Randall “Tex” Cobb, who had a career first as a boxer and then as an action film actor. He had a bunch of appearances, but his ultimate role was that of Leonard Smalls, the Lone Biker of the Apocalypse, in Raising Arizona. He’s that antagonist, the one that just keeps coming and destroys all around him as he does. Excellent inspiration for any game. And, he has dark secrets – is he the personification of evil, or of the negative impulses (the Shadow) in H. I. “Hi” McDonnough’s psyche?
1 note · View note
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
The volume indicates that we’ve seen the bottom of Bitcoin and now it’s blue skies ahead. I see for the last quarter of this year I’ve been on a monetary reset. Bitcoin is going to explode now today for the Bitcoin price. Da Vinci Jeff 15 we will be talking about bitcoin because right now according to Da Vinci Jeff 15 we have massive evidence in the charts that this year three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars for bitcoin was most certainly the bottom. And guys what would surprise you, even more, is what according to the vintage 15 is the short term outlook for the big comprise right now. Guys this episode will be jampacked because we will also be talking about the virus and the financial crisis and what is most likely to happen to the broader economy within this year. Guys, you want to take a seat. You want to be ready for this episode. You want to smash up the Like button to at least 3000 to 4000 likes and that being said you want to come to the most important question of the day. Devin T.J. 15 How are you doing today. I mean I’m going to Cannes not tickled pink but you know we’re going to get there one day. Yes yes yes. As you remember we talked about in case we close above a certain price of a which enter close would be after the Sunday. He would be tickled pink and I would be tickled yellow I at least put on a yellow T-shirt for you guys. But yeah we will have more of these fun things coming up. But for a note I mean she thanks for joining us at these very late hours in Chile. Let’s pull up the charts and let’s see what you have to share with us because I can already tell everyone this would be most certainly very very surprising. Sure. So let’s see here what we got here. We’ve got like the long term. All right. Got it two weeks up to and I was hoping we were you would have liked some sort of like railroad tracks where it had it up both here. But that’s not happening. So we have to deal with what’s actually happening and it’s positive. Right. Once we close this two-week chart out with the green candle this would be awesome be considered a Hiromi. So what we have to do obviously in the next two weeks pass this high which is probably around what is a high a C here. I hate it when people do that when I watch videos. Not tell you the price it’s seven thousand three one hundred thirty-nine if we pass that high in the next two weeks. That is a positive sign for us forgo a lot higher. I really think that this is the bottom here because we can see volume is finally coming in. And until we chart here you can see that we have a rounding bottom here. And if we go back in the past. Right. Whenever we have a rounding bottom of volume that shows that hey you know what. We’re gonna go a lot higher. So that’s this is very positive in a sense where you can see that even though with this little uptick rate you see this rounded out. And then we went on higher and you go back and you can go back into history and see the same thing. But I’m not gonna go off there. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah looking at the short term. Right. I’m thinking that we’re going to have probably a little bit of a scare here happening very sure shortly with the price and I mean it’s bleak. I don’t know why it’s not showing up to the levels but I mean here let me just add take and take your time. I want to make everyone aware. Think about it guys. We had a big volume in the breakdown and then people lost interest over time. But when the prices really went bearish the volume increased again. So actually right no da Vinci and we saw this very nice rounding bottom and according to you, this is a bullish sign for bitcoin in case we close above seven thousand one hundred forty U.S. dollars within the next one or two weeks you would say this was most certainly the bottom and we see much more bullish price action within the next few weeks and months. Is that correct? Exactly. So I’m thinking I’m thinking. Before we do I think we have a little bit more downside. Not much though I think they point to will hold us here if you wanted to take some trade-off of this. I would suggest to you that you know to set your boss at the bottom of a lot of these words here. Maybe have this out that way down here and set it by order. If you can get. If we come down more at thirty-eight point two because I would do reliably thirty-eight point two is going to hold and you can see if you wanted to take this like just you know to do even just a two to one. All right. I mean that’s right back where. Right. Right back where we are pretty much. And so it’s a very good risk-reward ratio and you could actually just take half prophecies and let’s see where the rest runs. Right. And that would be you know painted to take you to hold on for you know bitcoin at 100k. Actually not so if you want to take a big risk here it’s not even a big risk. So because like really you as you can see it’s like seven point three percent difference here. So if you need the most you could lose a seven-point cent of your money that you put down on this trade and you can always just you know reduce that amount that you’re going to lose in total dollar value, of course, sure you want to. And then you let the rest ride all the way to 100k. I think that would be an amazing amazing trade. First of all, thank you, Devon, she and I want to know from everyone watching right now please guys take part at the polls. This is the first part of this video we will make to poll and pose for this video. Do you think three thousand eight hundred ish three thousand eight hundred fifty was the bottom for bitcoin? Yes or no click the poll which is popping up on top of the screen right now and say yes or no whether this was the bottom. So don’t you, first of all, thank you so much for this kind of bullish outlook even though we have in the immediate short term most probably some more downwards price action the mid and long run looks extremely bullish for bitcoin right now. However, that’s the second thing you want to talk about and this is one specific confirmation here on your specific bid contract. Can you tell us a little bit more about that what has to happen for us to go bullish on this specific chart which you are showing you right now? Well, this is the Mac DRM right. And this is the Mac the histogram here. And as you can see great we have created all a very long candle down. But this is on the green candle up. So this means that momentum is going to actually turn down. And once we actually confirm this we can see this thing go up up and away. I think that will be the beginning of our bull run higher will happen in the next 2 1 or 2 months. And right. And guess what. Look at that are. What’s happening in one or two months to have any that’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? Yes. So guys think about it. We have one two two months for this confirmation and the coughing is in one point five months which is exactly in between this time frame. You can see it actually right here. It’s big consensus dot com pretty interesting. They are doing one count one based on the 10 minute average and one count on based on the unchanged. BLOCK time right now which is ten points four minutes and not 10 minutes and you can see between the next forty-five to forty-seven days we will approximately of course. Things can change a little bit. We will see the bitcoin laughing coming down. And if this, in fact, coincides with the confirmation on the Mac deal guys I mean we can probably talk about serious fireworks coming. And of course, it’s the moon by talking Neil right now. But let us know in the comment section or below if you think that this is actually a probability according to me. And also dove into aged 15. It is. And thanks Devin she for sharing that. However, there is a second thing which certainly is very very important for us and this is of course not only the bitcoin outlook but also the outlook for the financial markets. And I mean we have been screaming about that for the last couple of years. And right now it really seems that this going to go down. And with that virus coming up maybe let me show you quickly this is statistics. It’s already set the six hundred sixty-three thousand confirmed cases. The curve is still going parabolic on the linear scale not flattening out at all. So DaVinci she can you maybe share with us your thoughts on this whole situation the financial markets and what can we expect. I’ve been talking on Twitter about hyperinflation coming off deflation. What are your thoughts about that? You actually talked about it prior to the recording that things might be much much much worse than we all predicted it because this virus is unprecedented. Yes. Like like I’ve said Chris I really believe that we have a very high probability that goes into hyperinflation sometime this year probably into the last quarter of this year. And the reason why is because of this is this virus and money printing that the Federal Reserve and the world have embarked on when there is lower economic activity. We’re going to see a lot of people not being able to purchase different goods like they used to. Like for example, it’s going to be harder and harder to produce phones cars and all that come to a stop and you’re not much of money and not be able to buy anything except what you’re going to really need. And I even I think about how I want a new MacBook Pro the next new 16 inch MacBook and then I realized you know what I rather hold back and wait for things to change to calm down before I go and spend that money. But now I’m going to spend that money and only what I absolutely need. And so a lot of people are going to have that same thing and then they’re going to purchase all those goods that they absolutely need and there’s only a few of them left because you know nobody is going to work everybody’s staying at home and they’re getting checks from the government and so yeah that’s going to bid the price up of different goods until the point where people realize wait a second you know what. If I don’t buy something I want the paper money I’m going to lose its value. So that could turn into hyperinflation very very fast. And the biggest problem of that is it’s something like a negative feedback loop which is making things worse and worse and the simple fact that things are getting worse making things even worse when people are sitting on a bunch of currency which is actually right now happening and then they see that much of spending the money very quickly because the prices rise so fast they spend it more quickly and this drives the prices even more up. And this drives the urgency of buying things faster even more up as well. The problem is what we have been seeing all of these economists. If you want to call them like this they are like Keynesians or monetarists. And what they should have been doing within the last 10 years when the economy was going up and up and the financial markets were going up they should have contracted the money supply. So they have some room to to grow and to do to expand the monetary supply right now. But what they’ve been doing is just expanding and expanding and expanding and right now that things are getting worse. They have to expand it even more. And this is the biggest problem these economists are in my opinion they are a big job because they have contradicted their own philosophy of contracting and expanding the monetary supply. So what we are seeing right now is just what is inevitable in the first place and things are getting much much worse as they are right now. So thank you so much for sharing that knowledge with us DaVinci and. Yeah, I can just be very very happy that everyone who is watching right now will be most properly prepared because we’ve been talking about that for the last couple of years and I want to urge everyone please, first of all, go down to the video and this is very important and go down and not only smash the like button two three to four thousand likes for this video but also I’ve seen that 50 percent of the viewers are not subscribe to or channel. So please click the subscribe button tick tick this little belt and press on all because otherwise, you will be missing out on time-sensitive content when things get very very bad. Scroll down hit the Like button hit the subscribe button on our channel and on Dove J 15s channel. This is very important and I also want to know do you guys think that the hype inflation might start already towards the end of 2020 click the second poll on top of the screen right now and say yes or no. That would be very interesting. And yet of interest do you have maybe any concluding thoughts about this whole situation how people can prepare. I mean it should be obvious to most of them. But I want to to make it very obvious for every single one. Yes well, obviously you should purchase hard assets like gold silver and obviously Bitcoin is a hard asset to save for after this. This monetary reset that we’re going to be going through. I really think that that’s one of the best ways that you can protect against hyperinflation but you can also purchase ISIS that you know that you can sell. Liquidate for cash easily. That also works as well. So anything that you can sell. Exactly. Thank you so much for that da Vinci. And guys stick here until the end of the video because the Vinci has a massive massive update for Pandora’s wallet. Also, guys, I want to watch you go down to the pink comment and in case you are an experienced trader, there is massive volatility coming up. Take advantage of the massive volatility if you own experience trader because you know we have a collaboration with babies and females and added together you can get two hundred two dollars for free for zero point two Bitcoin deposit on buy bit and zero point two Bitcoin deposit on fee mix added together it’s one hundred two hundred and two dollars. By clicking this link and clicking this link you can get an account within 30 seconds and get two hundred two dollars in total for free for zero points two Bitcoin deposit. And that being said I mean you already said it. That’s a very important update for Pandora’s well. Can you introduce us to that update some people already know about it? But some people don’t. How can they take advantage of that offer? Yes. Well, I and a lot of response great response from people taking up the offer of access to my telegram group my private telegram group and it’s growing really fast. We’ve gotten quite a few people and interesting people and now I’m helping everybody. And you know you get a to all my trades is something that you get to see my portfolio and so forth. And there are a lot of people are excited about that and this is actually for a short time until the end of actually April. We are new access to that that group were forever basically. So you will have access that telegram group for forever. And on top of that, I’m going to be publishing a white paper that gives you access to the coin that I’m going to be making sometime soon so by purchasing any of these subscriptions you’ll be getting some of those coins as well. And will probably be the only way Americans can actually participate in my and this coin offering that I might be doing in the future. No guarantees right but that’s. If we do do the coin offering I will be giving it to anyone of their subscribers. Between now and the end of March. Right so you’ll be having you’ll have access to those coins as an airdrop if you help support. Pen self supports DaVinci codes and us as well. Thank you very much and guys do you know how to find that scrawled on pin comment take on more and press Pandora’s wallet dot com and you might be you can actually it’s your own decision take part of that. So thank you so much DaVinci for that. Thanks, everyone for smashing up the like button. Thanks, everyone for subscribing torch until we actually just passed fifty thousand subscribers. So thanks everyone who was joining you. Thanks, everyone who is joining right now by scrolling down pressing subscribe and join in before we were hit 100k. So that being said should you have anything to share before wrap up today’s episode. Yeah. Always a position of strength. And don’t get wrecked. Thank you so much. I mean she does not get raped guys and that being said we will see each other very soon at the next one of em crypto. Click the subscription box right here and click to buy the story which is popping up right there and that being said we will see each other maybe soon at the next one of M.M. trip the wall I’m talking so fast and has always guys as always. Bye-bye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want-to-see-this-what-new/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=be-ready-if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want-to-see-this-what-n-w-davincij15 source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/613959820609978368
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
The volume indicates that we’ve seen the bottom of Bitcoin and now it’s blue skies ahead. I see for the last quarter of this year I’ve been on a monetary reset. Bitcoin is going to explode now today for the Bitcoin price. Da Vinci Jeff 15 we will be talking about bitcoin because right now according to Da Vinci Jeff 15 we have massive evidence in the charts that this year three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars for bitcoin was most certainly the bottom. And guys what would surprise you, even more, is what according to the vintage 15 is the short term outlook for the big comprise right now. Guys this episode will be jampacked because we will also be talking about the virus and the financial crisis and what is most likely to happen to the broader economy within this year. Guys, you want to take a seat. You want to be ready for this episode. You want to smash up the Like button to at least 3000 to 4000 likes and that being said you want to come to the most important question of the day. Devin T.J. 15 How are you doing today. I mean I’m going to Cannes not tickled pink but you know we’re going to get there one day. Yes yes yes. As you remember we talked about in case we close above a certain price of a which enter close would be after the Sunday. He would be tickled pink and I would be tickled yellow I at least put on a yellow T-shirt for you guys. But yeah we will have more of these fun things coming up. But for a note I mean she thanks for joining us at these very late hours in Chile. Let’s pull up the charts and let’s see what you have to share with us because I can already tell everyone this would be most certainly very very surprising. Sure. So let’s see here what we got here. We’ve got like the long term. All right. Got it two weeks up to and I was hoping we were you would have liked some sort of like railroad tracks where it had it up both here. But that’s not happening. So we have to deal with what’s actually happening and it’s positive. Right. Once we close this two-week chart out with the green candle this would be awesome be considered a Hiromi. So what we have to do obviously in the next two weeks pass this high which is probably around what is a high a C here. I hate it when people do that when I watch videos. Not tell you the price it’s seven thousand three one hundred thirty-nine if we pass that high in the next two weeks. That is a positive sign for us forgo a lot higher. I really think that this is the bottom here because we can see volume is finally coming in. And until we chart here you can see that we have a rounding bottom here. And if we go back in the past. Right. Whenever we have a rounding bottom of volume that shows that hey you know what. We’re gonna go a lot higher. So that’s this is very positive in a sense where you can see that even though with this little uptick rate you see this rounded out. And then we went on higher and you go back and you can go back into history and see the same thing. But I’m not gonna go off there. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah looking at the short term. Right. I’m thinking that we’re going to have probably a little bit of a scare here happening very sure shortly with the price and I mean it’s bleak. I don’t know why it’s not showing up to the levels but I mean here let me just add take and take your time. I want to make everyone aware. Think about it guys. We had a big volume in the breakdown and then people lost interest over time. But when the prices really went bearish the volume increased again. So actually right no da Vinci and we saw this very nice rounding bottom and according to you, this is a bullish sign for bitcoin in case we close above seven thousand one hundred forty U.S. dollars within the next one or two weeks you would say this was most certainly the bottom and we see much more bullish price action within the next few weeks and months. Is that correct? Exactly. So I’m thinking I’m thinking. Before we do I think we have a little bit more downside. Not much though I think they point to will hold us here if you wanted to take some trade-off of this. I would suggest to you that you know to set your boss at the bottom of a lot of these words here. Maybe have this out that way down here and set it by order. If you can get. If we come down more at thirty-eight point two because I would do reliably thirty-eight point two is going to hold and you can see if you wanted to take this like just you know to do even just a two to one. All right. I mean that’s right back where. Right. Right back where we are pretty much. And so it’s a very good risk-reward ratio and you could actually just take half prophecies and let’s see where the rest runs. Right. And that would be you know painted to take you to hold on for you know bitcoin at 100k. Actually not so if you want to take a big risk here it’s not even a big risk. So because like really you as you can see it’s like seven point three percent difference here. So if you need the most you could lose a seven-point cent of your money that you put down on this trade and you can always just you know reduce that amount that you’re going to lose in total dollar value, of course, sure you want to. And then you let the rest ride all the way to 100k. I think that would be an amazing amazing trade. First of all, thank you, Devon, she and I want to know from everyone watching right now please guys take part at the polls. This is the first part of this video we will make to poll and pose for this video. Do you think three thousand eight hundred ish three thousand eight hundred fifty was the bottom for bitcoin? Yes or no click the poll which is popping up on top of the screen right now and say yes or no whether this was the bottom. So don’t you, first of all, thank you so much for this kind of bullish outlook even though we have in the immediate short term most probably some more downwards price action the mid and long run looks extremely bullish for bitcoin right now. However, that’s the second thing you want to talk about and this is one specific confirmation here on your specific bid contract. Can you tell us a little bit more about that what has to happen for us to go bullish on this specific chart which you are showing you right now? Well, this is the Mac DRM right. And this is the Mac the histogram here. And as you can see great we have created all a very long candle down. But this is on the green candle up. So this means that momentum is going to actually turn down. And once we actually confirm this we can see this thing go up up and away. I think that will be the beginning of our bull run higher will happen in the next 2 1 or 2 months. And right. And guess what. Look at that are. What’s happening in one or two months to have any that’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? Yes. So guys think about it. We have one two two months for this confirmation and the coughing is in one point five months which is exactly in between this time frame. You can see it actually right here. It’s big consensus dot com pretty interesting. They are doing one count one based on the 10 minute average and one count on based on the unchanged. BLOCK time right now which is ten points four minutes and not 10 minutes and you can see between the next forty-five to forty-seven days we will approximately of course. Things can change a little bit. We will see the bitcoin laughing coming down. And if this, in fact, coincides with the confirmation on the Mac deal guys I mean we can probably talk about serious fireworks coming. And of course, it’s the moon by talking Neil right now. But let us know in the comment section or below if you think that this is actually a probability according to me. And also dove into aged 15. It is. And thanks Devin she for sharing that. However, there is a second thing which certainly is very very important for us and this is of course not only the bitcoin outlook but also the outlook for the financial markets. And I mean we have been screaming about that for the last couple of years. And right now it really seems that this going to go down. And with that virus coming up maybe let me show you quickly this is statistics. It’s already set the six hundred sixty-three thousand confirmed cases. The curve is still going parabolic on the linear scale not flattening out at all. So DaVinci she can you maybe share with us your thoughts on this whole situation the financial markets and what can we expect. I’ve been talking on Twitter about hyperinflation coming off deflation. What are your thoughts about that? You actually talked about it prior to the recording that things might be much much much worse than we all predicted it because this virus is unprecedented. Yes. Like like I’ve said Chris I really believe that we have a very high probability that goes into hyperinflation sometime this year probably into the last quarter of this year. And the reason why is because of this is this virus and money printing that the Federal Reserve and the world have embarked on when there is lower economic activity. We’re going to see a lot of people not being able to purchase different goods like they used to. Like for example, it’s going to be harder and harder to produce phones cars and all that come to a stop and you’re not much of money and not be able to buy anything except what you’re going to really need. And I even I think about how I want a new MacBook Pro the next new 16 inch MacBook and then I realized you know what I rather hold back and wait for things to change to calm down before I go and spend that money. But now I’m going to spend that money and only what I absolutely need. And so a lot of people are going to have that same thing and then they’re going to purchase all those goods that they absolutely need and there’s only a few of them left because you know nobody is going to work everybody’s staying at home and they’re getting checks from the government and so yeah that’s going to bid the price up of different goods until the point where people realize wait a second you know what. If I don’t buy something I want the paper money I’m going to lose its value. So that could turn into hyperinflation very very fast. And the biggest problem of that is it’s something like a negative feedback loop which is making things worse and worse and the simple fact that things are getting worse making things even worse when people are sitting on a bunch of currency which is actually right now happening and then they see that much of spending the money very quickly because the prices rise so fast they spend it more quickly and this drives the prices even more up. And this drives the urgency of buying things faster even more up as well. The problem is what we have been seeing all of these economists. If you want to call them like this they are like Keynesians or monetarists. And what they should have been doing within the last 10 years when the economy was going up and up and the financial markets were going up they should have contracted the money supply. So they have some room to to grow and to do to expand the monetary supply right now. But what they’ve been doing is just expanding and expanding and expanding and right now that things are getting worse. They have to expand it even more. And this is the biggest problem these economists are in my opinion they are a big job because they have contradicted their own philosophy of contracting and expanding the monetary supply. So what we are seeing right now is just what is inevitable in the first place and things are getting much much worse as they are right now. So thank you so much for sharing that knowledge with us DaVinci and. Yeah, I can just be very very happy that everyone who is watching right now will be most properly prepared because we’ve been talking about that for the last couple of years and I want to urge everyone please, first of all, go down to the video and this is very important and go down and not only smash the like button two three to four thousand likes for this video but also I’ve seen that 50 percent of the viewers are not subscribe to or channel. So please click the subscribe button tick tick this little belt and press on all because otherwise, you will be missing out on time-sensitive content when things get very very bad. Scroll down hit the Like button hit the subscribe button on our channel and on Dove J 15s channel. This is very important and I also want to know do you guys think that the hype inflation might start already towards the end of 2020 click the second poll on top of the screen right now and say yes or no. That would be very interesting. And yet of interest do you have maybe any concluding thoughts about this whole situation how people can prepare. I mean it should be obvious to most of them. But I want to to make it very obvious for every single one. Yes well, obviously you should purchase hard assets like gold silver and obviously Bitcoin is a hard asset to save for after this. This monetary reset that we’re going to be going through. I really think that that’s one of the best ways that you can protect against hyperinflation but you can also purchase ISIS that you know that you can sell. Liquidate for cash easily. That also works as well. So anything that you can sell. Exactly. Thank you so much for that da Vinci. And guys stick here until the end of the video because the Vinci has a massive massive update for Pandora’s wallet. Also, guys, I want to watch you go down to the pink comment and in case you are an experienced trader, there is massive volatility coming up. Take advantage of the massive volatility if you own experience trader because you know we have a collaboration with babies and females and added together you can get two hundred two dollars for free for zero point two Bitcoin deposit on buy bit and zero point two Bitcoin deposit on fee mix added together it’s one hundred two hundred and two dollars. By clicking this link and clicking this link you can get an account within 30 seconds and get two hundred two dollars in total for free for zero points two Bitcoin deposit. And that being said I mean you already said it. That’s a very important update for Pandora’s well. Can you introduce us to that update some people already know about it? But some people don’t. How can they take advantage of that offer? Yes. Well, I and a lot of response great response from people taking up the offer of access to my telegram group my private telegram group and it’s growing really fast. We’ve gotten quite a few people and interesting people and now I’m helping everybody. And you know you get a to all my trades is something that you get to see my portfolio and so forth. And there are a lot of people are excited about that and this is actually for a short time until the end of actually April. We are new access to that that group were forever basically. So you will have access that telegram group for forever. And on top of that, I’m going to be publishing a white paper that gives you access to the coin that I’m going to be making sometime soon so by purchasing any of these subscriptions you’ll be getting some of those coins as well. And will probably be the only way Americans can actually participate in my and this coin offering that I might be doing in the future. No guarantees right but that’s. If we do do the coin offering I will be giving it to anyone of their subscribers. Between now and the end of March. Right so you’ll be having you’ll have access to those coins as an airdrop if you help support. Pen self supports DaVinci codes and us as well. Thank you very much and guys do you know how to find that scrawled on pin comment take on more and press Pandora’s wallet dot com and you might be you can actually it’s your own decision take part of that. So thank you so much DaVinci for that. Thanks, everyone for smashing up the like button. Thanks, everyone for subscribing torch until we actually just passed fifty thousand subscribers. So thanks everyone who was joining you. Thanks, everyone who is joining right now by scrolling down pressing subscribe and join in before we were hit 100k. So that being said should you have anything to share before wrap up today’s episode. Yeah. Always a position of strength. And don’t get wrecked. Thank you so much. I mean she does not get raped guys and that being said we will see each other very soon at the next one of em crypto. Click the subscription box right here and click to buy the story which is popping up right there and that being said we will see each other maybe soon at the next one of M.M. trip the wall I’m talking so fast and has always guys as always. Bye-bye.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want-to-see-this-what-new/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=be-ready-if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want-to-see-this-what-n-w-davincij15
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/be-ready-if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want-to-see-this-what-n-w-davincij15
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
The volume indicates that we’ve seen the bottom of Bitcoin and now it’s blue skies ahead. I see for the last quarter of this year I’ve been on a monetary reset. Bitcoin is going to explode now today for the Bitcoin price. Da Vinci Jeff 15 we will be talking about bitcoin because right now according to Da Vinci Jeff 15 we have massive evidence in the charts that this year three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars for bitcoin was most certainly the bottom. And guys what would surprise you, even more, is what according to the vintage 15 is the short term outlook for the big comprise right now. Guys this episode will be jampacked because we will also be talking about the virus and the financial crisis and what is most likely to happen to the broader economy within this year. Guys, you want to take a seat. You want to be ready for this episode. You want to smash up the Like button to at least 3000 to 4000 likes and that being said you want to come to the most important question of the day. Devin T.J. 15 How are you doing today. I mean I’m going to Cannes not tickled pink but you know we’re going to get there one day. Yes yes yes. As you remember we talked about in case we close above a certain price of a which enter close would be after the Sunday. He would be tickled pink and I would be tickled yellow I at least put on a yellow T-shirt for you guys. But yeah we will have more of these fun things coming up. But for a note I mean she thanks for joining us at these very late hours in Chile. Let’s pull up the charts and let’s see what you have to share with us because I can already tell everyone this would be most certainly very very surprising. Sure. So let’s see here what we got here. We’ve got like the long term. All right. Got it two weeks up to and I was hoping we were you would have liked some sort of like railroad tracks where it had it up both here. But that’s not happening. So we have to deal with what’s actually happening and it’s positive. Right. Once we close this two-week chart out with the green candle this would be awesome be considered a Hiromi. So what we have to do obviously in the next two weeks pass this high which is probably around what is a high a C here. I hate it when people do that when I watch videos. Not tell you the price it’s seven thousand three one hundred thirty-nine if we pass that high in the next two weeks. That is a positive sign for us forgo a lot higher. I really think that this is the bottom here because we can see volume is finally coming in. And until we chart here you can see that we have a rounding bottom here. And if we go back in the past. Right. Whenever we have a rounding bottom of volume that shows that hey you know what. We’re gonna go a lot higher. So that’s this is very positive in a sense where you can see that even though with this little uptick rate you see this rounded out. And then we went on higher and you go back and you can go back into history and see the same thing. But I’m not gonna go off there. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah looking at the short term. Right. I’m thinking that we’re going to have probably a little bit of a scare here happening very sure shortly with the price and I mean it’s bleak. I don’t know why it’s not showing up to the levels but I mean here let me just add take and take your time. I want to make everyone aware. Think about it guys. We had a big volume in the breakdown and then people lost interest over time. But when the prices really went bearish the volume increased again. So actually right no da Vinci and we saw this very nice rounding bottom and according to you, this is a bullish sign for bitcoin in case we close above seven thousand one hundred forty U.S. dollars within the next one or two weeks you would say this was most certainly the bottom and we see much more bullish price action within the next few weeks and months. Is that correct? Exactly. So I’m thinking I’m thinking. Before we do I think we have a little bit more downside. Not much though I think they point to will hold us here if you wanted to take some trade-off of this. I would suggest to you that you know to set your boss at the bottom of a lot of these words here. Maybe have this out that way down here and set it by order. If you can get. If we come down more at thirty-eight point two because I would do reliably thirty-eight point two is going to hold and you can see if you wanted to take this like just you know to do even just a two to one. All right. I mean that’s right back where. Right. Right back where we are pretty much. And so it’s a very good risk-reward ratio and you could actually just take half prophecies and let’s see where the rest runs. Right. And that would be you know painted to take you to hold on for you know bitcoin at 100k. Actually not so if you want to take a big risk here it’s not even a big risk. So because like really you as you can see it’s like seven point three percent difference here. So if you need the most you could lose a seven-point cent of your money that you put down on this trade and you can always just you know reduce that amount that you’re going to lose in total dollar value, of course, sure you want to. And then you let the rest ride all the way to 100k. I think that would be an amazing amazing trade. First of all, thank you, Devon, she and I want to know from everyone watching right now please guys take part at the polls. This is the first part of this video we will make to poll and pose for this video. Do you think three thousand eight hundred ish three thousand eight hundred fifty was the bottom for bitcoin? Yes or no click the poll which is popping up on top of the screen right now and say yes or no whether this was the bottom. So don’t you, first of all, thank you so much for this kind of bullish outlook even though we have in the immediate short term most probably some more downwards price action the mid and long run looks extremely bullish for bitcoin right now. However, that’s the second thing you want to talk about and this is one specific confirmation here on your specific bid contract. Can you tell us a little bit more about that what has to happen for us to go bullish on this specific chart which you are showing you right now? Well, this is the Mac DRM right. And this is the Mac the histogram here. And as you can see great we have created all a very long candle down. But this is on the green candle up. So this means that momentum is going to actually turn down. And once we actually confirm this we can see this thing go up up and away. I think that will be the beginning of our bull run higher will happen in the next 2 1 or 2 months. And right. And guess what. Look at that are. What’s happening in one or two months to have any that’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? Yes. So guys think about it. We have one two two months for this confirmation and the coughing is in one point five months which is exactly in between this time frame. You can see it actually right here. It’s big consensus dot com pretty interesting. They are doing one count one based on the 10 minute average and one count on based on the unchanged. BLOCK time right now which is ten points four minutes and not 10 minutes and you can see between the next forty-five to forty-seven days we will approximately of course. Things can change a little bit. We will see the bitcoin laughing coming down. And if this, in fact, coincides with the confirmation on the Mac deal guys I mean we can probably talk about serious fireworks coming. And of course, it’s the moon by talking Neil right now. But let us know in the comment section or below if you think that this is actually a probability according to me. And also dove into aged 15. It is. And thanks Devin she for sharing that. However, there is a second thing which certainly is very very important for us and this is of course not only the bitcoin outlook but also the outlook for the financial markets. And I mean we have been screaming about that for the last couple of years. And right now it really seems that this going to go down. And with that virus coming up maybe let me show you quickly this is statistics. It’s already set the six hundred sixty-three thousand confirmed cases. The curve is still going parabolic on the linear scale not flattening out at all. So DaVinci she can you maybe share with us your thoughts on this whole situation the financial markets and what can we expect. I’ve been talking on Twitter about hyperinflation coming off deflation. What are your thoughts about that? You actually talked about it prior to the recording that things might be much much much worse than we all predicted it because this virus is unprecedented. Yes. Like like I’ve said Chris I really believe that we have a very high probability that goes into hyperinflation sometime this year probably into the last quarter of this year. And the reason why is because of this is this virus and money printing that the Federal Reserve and the world have embarked on when there is lower economic activity. We’re going to see a lot of people not being able to purchase different goods like they used to. Like for example, it’s going to be harder and harder to produce phones cars and all that come to a stop and you’re not much of money and not be able to buy anything except what you’re going to really need. And I even I think about how I want a new MacBook Pro the next new 16 inch MacBook and then I realized you know what I rather hold back and wait for things to change to calm down before I go and spend that money. But now I’m going to spend that money and only what I absolutely need. And so a lot of people are going to have that same thing and then they’re going to purchase all those goods that they absolutely need and there’s only a few of them left because you know nobody is going to work everybody’s staying at home and they’re getting checks from the government and so yeah that’s going to bid the price up of different goods until the point where people realize wait a second you know what. If I don’t buy something I want the paper money I’m going to lose its value. So that could turn into hyperinflation very very fast. And the biggest problem of that is it’s something like a negative feedback loop which is making things worse and worse and the simple fact that things are getting worse making things even worse when people are sitting on a bunch of currency which is actually right now happening and then they see that much of spending the money very quickly because the prices rise so fast they spend it more quickly and this drives the prices even more up. And this drives the urgency of buying things faster even more up as well. The problem is what we have been seeing all of these economists. If you want to call them like this they are like Keynesians or monetarists. And what they should have been doing within the last 10 years when the economy was going up and up and the financial markets were going up they should have contracted the money supply. So they have some room to to grow and to do to expand the monetary supply right now. But what they’ve been doing is just expanding and expanding and expanding and right now that things are getting worse. They have to expand it even more. And this is the biggest problem these economists are in my opinion they are a big job because they have contradicted their own philosophy of contracting and expanding the monetary supply. So what we are seeing right now is just what is inevitable in the first place and things are getting much much worse as they are right now. So thank you so much for sharing that knowledge with us DaVinci and. Yeah, I can just be very very happy that everyone who is watching right now will be most properly prepared because we’ve been talking about that for the last couple of years and I want to urge everyone please, first of all, go down to the video and this is very important and go down and not only smash the like button two three to four thousand likes for this video but also I’ve seen that 50 percent of the viewers are not subscribe to or channel. So please click the subscribe button tick tick this little belt and press on all because otherwise, you will be missing out on time-sensitive content when things get very very bad. Scroll down hit the Like button hit the subscribe button on our channel and on Dove J 15s channel. This is very important and I also want to know do you guys think that the hype inflation might start already towards the end of 2020 click the second poll on top of the screen right now and say yes or no. That would be very interesting. And yet of interest do you have maybe any concluding thoughts about this whole situation how people can prepare. I mean it should be obvious to most of them. But I want to to make it very obvious for every single one. Yes well, obviously you should purchase hard assets like gold silver and obviously Bitcoin is a hard asset to save for after this. This monetary reset that we’re going to be going through. I really think that that’s one of the best ways that you can protect against hyperinflation but you can also purchase ISIS that you know that you can sell. Liquidate for cash easily. That also works as well. So anything that you can sell. Exactly. Thank you so much for that da Vinci. And guys stick here until the end of the video because the Vinci has a massive massive update for Pandora’s wallet. Also, guys, I want to watch you go down to the pink comment and in case you are an experienced trader, there is massive volatility coming up. Take advantage of the massive volatility if you own experience trader because you know we have a collaboration with babies and females and added together you can get two hundred two dollars for free for zero point two Bitcoin deposit on buy bit and zero point two Bitcoin deposit on fee mix added together it’s one hundred two hundred and two dollars. By clicking this link and clicking this link you can get an account within 30 seconds and get two hundred two dollars in total for free for zero points two Bitcoin deposit. And that being said I mean you already said it. That’s a very important update for Pandora’s well. Can you introduce us to that update some people already know about it? But some people don’t. How can they take advantage of that offer? Yes. Well, I and a lot of response great response from people taking up the offer of access to my telegram group my private telegram group and it’s growing really fast. We’ve gotten quite a few people and interesting people and now I’m helping everybody. And you know you get a to all my trades is something that you get to see my portfolio and so forth. And there are a lot of people are excited about that and this is actually for a short time until the end of actually April. We are new access to that that group were forever basically. So you will have access that telegram group for forever. And on top of that, I’m going to be publishing a white paper that gives you access to the coin that I’m going to be making sometime soon so by purchasing any of these subscriptions you’ll be getting some of those coins as well. And will probably be the only way Americans can actually participate in my and this coin offering that I might be doing in the future. No guarantees right but that’s. If we do do the coin offering I will be giving it to anyone of their subscribers. Between now and the end of March. Right so you’ll be having you’ll have access to those coins as an airdrop if you help support. Pen self supports DaVinci codes and us as well. Thank you very much and guys do you know how to find that scrawled on pin comment take on more and press Pandora’s wallet dot com and you might be you can actually it’s your own decision take part of that. So thank you so much DaVinci for that. Thanks, everyone for smashing up the like button. Thanks, everyone for subscribing torch until we actually just passed fifty thousand subscribers. So thanks everyone who was joining you. Thanks, everyone who is joining right now by scrolling down pressing subscribe and join in before we were hit 100k. So that being said should you have anything to share before wrap up today’s episode. Yeah. Always a position of strength. And don’t get wrecked. Thank you so much. I mean she does not get raped guys and that being said we will see each other very soon at the next one of em crypto. Click the subscription box right here and click to buy the story which is popping up right there and that being said we will see each other maybe soon at the next one of M.M. trip the wall I’m talking so fast and has always guys as always. Bye-bye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want-to-see-this-what-new/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=be-ready-if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want-to-see-this-what-n-w-davincij15
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
The volume indicates that we’ve seen the bottom of Bitcoin and now it’s blue skies ahead. I see for the last quarter of this year I’ve been on a monetary reset. Bitcoin is going to explode now today for the Bitcoin price. Da Vinci Jeff 15 we will be talking about bitcoin because right now according to Da Vinci Jeff 15 we have massive evidence in the charts that this year three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars for bitcoin was most certainly the bottom. And guys what would surprise you, even more, is what according to the vintage 15 is the short term outlook for the big comprise right now. Guys this episode will be jampacked because we will also be talking about the virus and the financial crisis and what is most likely to happen to the broader economy within this year. Guys, you want to take a seat. You want to be ready for this episode. You want to smash up the Like button to at least 3000 to 4000 likes and that being said you want to come to the most important question of the day. Devin T.J. 15 How are you doing today. I mean I’m going to Cannes not tickled pink but you know we’re going to get there one day. Yes yes yes. As you remember we talked about in case we close above a certain price of a which enter close would be after the Sunday. He would be tickled pink and I would be tickled yellow I at least put on a yellow T-shirt for you guys. But yeah we will have more of these fun things coming up. But for a note I mean she thanks for joining us at these very late hours in Chile. Let’s pull up the charts and let’s see what you have to share with us because I can already tell everyone this would be most certainly very very surprising. Sure. So let’s see here what we got here. We’ve got like the long term. All right. Got it two weeks up to and I was hoping we were you would have liked some sort of like railroad tracks where it had it up both here. But that’s not happening. So we have to deal with what’s actually happening and it’s positive. Right. Once we close this two-week chart out with the green candle this would be awesome be considered a Hiromi. So what we have to do obviously in the next two weeks pass this high which is probably around what is a high a C here. I hate it when people do that when I watch videos. Not tell you the price it’s seven thousand three one hundred thirty-nine if we pass that high in the next two weeks. That is a positive sign for us forgo a lot higher. I really think that this is the bottom here because we can see volume is finally coming in. And until we chart here you can see that we have a rounding bottom here. And if we go back in the past. Right. Whenever we have a rounding bottom of volume that shows that hey you know what. We’re gonna go a lot higher. So that’s this is very positive in a sense where you can see that even though with this little uptick rate you see this rounded out. And then we went on higher and you go back and you can go back into history and see the same thing. But I’m not gonna go off there. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah looking at the short term. Right. I’m thinking that we’re going to have probably a little bit of a scare here happening very sure shortly with the price and I mean it’s bleak. I don’t know why it’s not showing up to the levels but I mean here let me just add take and take your time. I want to make everyone aware. Think about it guys. We had a big volume in the breakdown and then people lost interest over time. But when the prices really went bearish the volume increased again. So actually right no da Vinci and we saw this very nice rounding bottom and according to you, this is a bullish sign for bitcoin in case we close above seven thousand one hundred forty U.S. dollars within the next one or two weeks you would say this was most certainly the bottom and we see much more bullish price action within the next few weeks and months. Is that correct? Exactly. So I’m thinking I’m thinking. Before we do I think we have a little bit more downside. Not much though I think they point to will hold us here if you wanted to take some trade-off of this. I would suggest to you that you know to set your boss at the bottom of a lot of these words here. Maybe have this out that way down here and set it by order. If you can get. If we come down more at thirty-eight point two because I would do reliably thirty-eight point two is going to hold and you can see if you wanted to take this like just you know to do even just a two to one. All right. I mean that’s right back where. Right. Right back where we are pretty much. And so it’s a very good risk-reward ratio and you could actually just take half prophecies and let’s see where the rest runs. Right. And that would be you know painted to take you to hold on for you know bitcoin at 100k. Actually not so if you want to take a big risk here it’s not even a big risk. So because like really you as you can see it’s like seven point three percent difference here. So if you need the most you could lose a seven-point cent of your money that you put down on this trade and you can always just you know reduce that amount that you’re going to lose in total dollar value, of course, sure you want to. And then you let the rest ride all the way to 100k. I think that would be an amazing amazing trade. First of all, thank you, Devon, she and I want to know from everyone watching right now please guys take part at the polls. This is the first part of this video we will make to poll and pose for this video. Do you think three thousand eight hundred ish three thousand eight hundred fifty was the bottom for bitcoin? Yes or no click the poll which is popping up on top of the screen right now and say yes or no whether this was the bottom. So don’t you, first of all, thank you so much for this kind of bullish outlook even though we have in the immediate short term most probably some more downwards price action the mid and long run looks extremely bullish for bitcoin right now. However, that’s the second thing you want to talk about and this is one specific confirmation here on your specific bid contract. Can you tell us a little bit more about that what has to happen for us to go bullish on this specific chart which you are showing you right now? Well, this is the Mac DRM right. And this is the Mac the histogram here. And as you can see great we have created all a very long candle down. But this is on the green candle up. So this means that momentum is going to actually turn down. And once we actually confirm this we can see this thing go up up and away. I think that will be the beginning of our bull run higher will happen in the next 2 1 or 2 months. And right. And guess what. Look at that are. What’s happening in one or two months to have any that’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? Yes. So guys think about it. We have one two two months for this confirmation and the coughing is in one point five months which is exactly in between this time frame. You can see it actually right here. It’s big consensus dot com pretty interesting. They are doing one count one based on the 10 minute average and one count on based on the unchanged. BLOCK time right now which is ten points four minutes and not 10 minutes and you can see between the next forty-five to forty-seven days we will approximately of course. Things can change a little bit. We will see the bitcoin laughing coming down. And if this, in fact, coincides with the confirmation on the Mac deal guys I mean we can probably talk about serious fireworks coming. And of course, it’s the moon by talking Neil right now. But let us know in the comment section or below if you think that this is actually a probability according to me. And also dove into aged 15. It is. And thanks Devin she for sharing that. However, there is a second thing which certainly is very very important for us and this is of course not only the bitcoin outlook but also the outlook for the financial markets. And I mean we have been screaming about that for the last couple of years. And right now it really seems that this going to go down. And with that virus coming up maybe let me show you quickly this is statistics. It’s already set the six hundred sixty-three thousand confirmed cases. The curve is still going parabolic on the linear scale not flattening out at all. So DaVinci she can you maybe share with us your thoughts on this whole situation the financial markets and what can we expect. I’ve been talking on Twitter about hyperinflation coming off deflation. What are your thoughts about that? You actually talked about it prior to the recording that things might be much much much worse than we all predicted it because this virus is unprecedented. Yes. Like like I’ve said Chris I really believe that we have a very high probability that goes into hyperinflation sometime this year probably into the last quarter of this year. And the reason why is because of this is this virus and money printing that the Federal Reserve and the world have embarked on when there is lower economic activity. We’re going to see a lot of people not being able to purchase different goods like they used to. Like for example, it’s going to be harder and harder to produce phones cars and all that come to a stop and you’re not much of money and not be able to buy anything except what you’re going to really need. And I even I think about how I want a new MacBook Pro the next new 16 inch MacBook and then I realized you know what I rather hold back and wait for things to change to calm down before I go and spend that money. But now I’m going to spend that money and only what I absolutely need. And so a lot of people are going to have that same thing and then they’re going to purchase all those goods that they absolutely need and there’s only a few of them left because you know nobody is going to work everybody’s staying at home and they’re getting checks from the government and so yeah that’s going to bid the price up of different goods until the point where people realize wait a second you know what. If I don’t buy something I want the paper money I’m going to lose its value. So that could turn into hyperinflation very very fast. And the biggest problem of that is it’s something like a negative feedback loop which is making things worse and worse and the simple fact that things are getting worse making things even worse when people are sitting on a bunch of currency which is actually right now happening and then they see that much of spending the money very quickly because the prices rise so fast they spend it more quickly and this drives the prices even more up. And this drives the urgency of buying things faster even more up as well. The problem is what we have been seeing all of these economists. If you want to call them like this they are like Keynesians or monetarists. And what they should have been doing within the last 10 years when the economy was going up and up and the financial markets were going up they should have contracted the money supply. So they have some room to to grow and to do to expand the monetary supply right now. But what they’ve been doing is just expanding and expanding and expanding and right now that things are getting worse. They have to expand it even more. And this is the biggest problem these economists are in my opinion they are a big job because they have contradicted their own philosophy of contracting and expanding the monetary supply. So what we are seeing right now is just what is inevitable in the first place and things are getting much much worse as they are right now. So thank you so much for sharing that knowledge with us DaVinci and. Yeah, I can just be very very happy that everyone who is watching right now will be most properly prepared because we’ve been talking about that for the last couple of years and I want to urge everyone please, first of all, go down to the video and this is very important and go down and not only smash the like button two three to four thousand likes for this video but also I’ve seen that 50 percent of the viewers are not subscribe to or channel. So please click the subscribe button tick tick this little belt and press on all because otherwise, you will be missing out on time-sensitive content when things get very very bad. Scroll down hit the Like button hit the subscribe button on our channel and on Dove J 15s channel. This is very important and I also want to know do you guys think that the hype inflation might start already towards the end of 2020 click the second poll on top of the screen right now and say yes or no. That would be very interesting. And yet of interest do you have maybe any concluding thoughts about this whole situation how people can prepare. I mean it should be obvious to most of them. But I want to to make it very obvious for every single one. Yes well, obviously you should purchase hard assets like gold silver and obviously Bitcoin is a hard asset to save for after this. This monetary reset that we’re going to be going through. I really think that that’s one of the best ways that you can protect against hyperinflation but you can also purchase ISIS that you know that you can sell. Liquidate for cash easily. That also works as well. So anything that you can sell. Exactly. Thank you so much for that da Vinci. And guys stick here until the end of the video because the Vinci has a massive massive update for Pandora’s wallet. Also, guys, I want to watch you go down to the pink comment and in case you are an experienced trader, there is massive volatility coming up. Take advantage of the massive volatility if you own experience trader because you know we have a collaboration with babies and females and added together you can get two hundred two dollars for free for zero point two Bitcoin deposit on buy bit and zero point two Bitcoin deposit on fee mix added together it’s one hundred two hundred and two dollars. By clicking this link and clicking this link you can get an account within 30 seconds and get two hundred two dollars in total for free for zero points two Bitcoin deposit. And that being said I mean you already said it. That’s a very important update for Pandora’s well. Can you introduce us to that update some people already know about it? But some people don’t. How can they take advantage of that offer? Yes. Well, I and a lot of response great response from people taking up the offer of access to my telegram group my private telegram group and it’s growing really fast. We’ve gotten quite a few people and interesting people and now I’m helping everybody. And you know you get a to all my trades is something that you get to see my portfolio and so forth. And there are a lot of people are excited about that and this is actually for a short time until the end of actually April. We are new access to that that group were forever basically. So you will have access that telegram group for forever. And on top of that, I’m going to be publishing a white paper that gives you access to the coin that I’m going to be making sometime soon so by purchasing any of these subscriptions you’ll be getting some of those coins as well. And will probably be the only way Americans can actually participate in my and this coin offering that I might be doing in the future. No guarantees right but that’s. If we do do the coin offering I will be giving it to anyone of their subscribers. Between now and the end of March. Right so you’ll be having you’ll have access to those coins as an airdrop if you help support. Pen self supports DaVinci codes and us as well. Thank you very much and guys do you know how to find that scrawled on pin comment take on more and press Pandora’s wallet dot com and you might be you can actually it’s your own decision take part of that. So thank you so much DaVinci for that. Thanks, everyone for smashing up the like button. Thanks, everyone for subscribing torch until we actually just passed fifty thousand subscribers. So thanks everyone who was joining you. Thanks, everyone who is joining right now by scrolling down pressing subscribe and join in before we were hit 100k. So that being said should you have anything to share before wrap up today’s episode. Yeah. Always a position of strength. And don’t get wrecked. Thank you so much. I mean she does not get raped guys and that being said we will see each other very soon at the next one of em crypto. Click the subscription box right here and click to buy the story which is popping up right there and that being said we will see each other maybe soon at the next one of M.M. trip the wall I’m talking so fast and has always guys as always. Bye-bye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want-to-see-this-what-new/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=be-ready-if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want-to-see-this-what-n-w-davincij15 source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/03/be-ready-if-you-hold-bitcoin-you-want.html
0 notes
swipestream · 7 years
Ghosts of Dathomir Review
Fantasy Flight Games Ghosts of Dathomir Product Page
Fantasy Flight has been producing Star Wars RPG material since the introduction of Edge of the Empire in 2013. In that time, they have produced seven standalone hardcover adventures, spread out over each of the Star Wars RPG lines. If you are interested in some of my previous reviews of the FFG Star Wars RPG line, you can find reviews here: What Do I Know About Reviews? Fantasy Flight Star Wars
This brings us to the most recently released Fantasy Flight Star Wars adventure, Ghosts of Dathomir. This adventure is for the Force and Destiny line, so it focuses on Force sensitive player characters and things that would utilize the Force as a theme.
The Mists of Dathomir’s History
Many of the adventures and sourcebooks in FFG’s Star Wars lines touch on what is now Legends material, as well as incorporating the most recent material being produced in the canon movies, novels, comics, and television shows.
Dathomir and the Nightsisters have been around in Star Wars circles since The Courtship of Princess Leia, published in 1994. At that point in time, the Witches of Dathomir were split much like the Jedi and the Sith, with the Nightsisters being the dark side representatives. Throughout Legends continuity, the witches of Dathomir were utilized in many places right up to the end of the previous extended universe.
In canon stories, they first appear in the Clone Wars television series, and from a canon standpoint, only the Nightsisters exist. Canon Nightsisters, however, are a little less clear cut than their Legends counterparts—sources such as the novel Dark Disciple make it clear that the Nightsisters will use the dark side of the Force, but they still consider it dangerous. Giving in to the dark side, as the Sith do, is something to be avoided.
When the lore on Dathomir is utilized in this adventure, it seems to lean heavily on the canon version of the witches, with only the Nightsisters referenced. The history of the planet, when events outside of the adventure are mentioned, sticks with events as they unfolded in canon sources such as the Clone Wars animated series.
The Ritual of the Book
Ghosts of Dathomir maintains the standard structure for the Fantasy Flight Star Wars RPG adventures. It is a hardcover book that clocks in at 96 pages. The book starts with a one page “crawl” summarizing the adventure, and the final page of the book is an ad for other FFG Star Wars products.
The production values of Fantasy Flight’s books are always high, and this one is no exception. Each chapter has a two-page spread summarizing a potential action scene for that chapter, and there are numerous half and quarter page illustrations. There are a few repurposed pictures from other Fantasy Flight products (such as a few illustrations of Stormtroopers), but most of the art is specific to this adventure, portraying NPCs and locations detailed within the book itself.
Fantasy Flight Games Ghosts of Dathomir Product Page
Never Tell Me the Odds
This review touches upon a few plot points for the adventure. As such, there may be a few spoilers scattered throughout. If you don’t want to stumble across any spoilers, you may want to skip the in-depth look at the various sections of the book.
The adventure opens with the single page of fiction that Fantasy Flight uses to kick off their products, detailing an event that sets up the starting point of the adventure. From there, we have an adventure overview, which explains some of the backstory leading into the adventure. We have a list of important NPCs, and an adventure summary, explaining how each chapter is intended to unfold. There is a section on game preparation, as well as a new Force Power tied to the main villain of the story.
One aspect of the backstory that I really liked was the idea of a mega-corporation sending floating cities to various planets that they are strip mining to oversee the process. Inhabitants of the planet causing the floating city to crash is a suitably epic event to have occur. This feels very Star Wars in scale, and yet isn’t something we have explicitly seen previously.
The new Force Power is something introduced in Chronicles of the Gatekeeper. I like these, because they illustrate that the Force Power trees are just a means by which one tradition may learn to use the Force, not the only “true” way to progress within a limited set of pre-determined powers.
This power tree allows a character to generate fear in opponents, eventually allowing them to feed off that fear to regain strain. At the highest levels of mastery, a practitioner can use fear to cause an opponent to take actions they wouldn’t normally take. It’s a nice villainous power tree, but one that will potentially cause a lot of Conflict for any PC that starts to learn it.
As in Chronicles of the Gatekeeper, there are numbers that indicate at what point in the adventure the PCs can start to learn different levels of this power tree. Specific events that trigger in certain episodes allow the power to be accessed and advanced, if the PCs choose to do so.
Episode I: Inquiring Minds
The adventure starts with the PCs attempting to track down an artifact that is rumored to have a connection to the Jedi or the Sith, and starts them on Toydaria, looking for an art dealer that is going to auction off the artifact.
As they look for the shop, depending on the skills they are using to find the place, they may be able to find out some ancillary information that may clue them in on the wider story of what is going on surrounding the dealer and his shop, but there aren’t really any stakes. It is essentially having the PCs land on the planet and then make several checks until they can narrow down where the shop is located.
Eventually the PCs will find out that the shop owner and the artifact have been taken by thugs, and they have the chance to either beat up or bribe the local thugs for information on where he’s being held. Upon arriving at the estate, they can poke around for more clues to the greater context of what is going on. They are detected and fight the kidnappers in their attempt to recover their prize. The villain of the adventure shows up, but only long enough for them to see her and potentially figure out what that crazy circular lightsaber on her back means.
The initial searching for the shop feels like a very cold open to a Star Wars adventure. It also feels like there are a few other missed opportunities.
The initial encounter in the shop could have been comedic gold if they had fleshed out the encounter in more detail—a protocol droid leading cleaning droids to defend the household is just begging for its own chart of potential mishaps using the narrative dice symbols.
There is the feeling of balancing risk versus reward as the PCs explore the estate where the NPC and artifact are being held, risking discovery as they do more research and pick up more clues—unfortunately, the only explicit “timer” on the PCs being discovered is that eventually, they will fail a stealth check when moving around.
Some of the information the PCs might gain from a successful roll when looking around is a false lead for what is really going on—I would much rather hand the PCs a false lead than force them to “spend” a success on learning it. That just feels a little dishonest from the GM side of things.
  Episode II:  Deadly Visions
Fantasy Flight Games Ghosts of Dathomir Product Page
In this chapter, the PCs get pressed into service to find another NPC that will allow them to find out more backstory for the adventure. They also start having Force visions triggered by the artifact that they recovered. Eventually they get an idea of where their final destination might be, and they are pointed towards a place where they can research that location before heading out.
The PCs head into the wilderness on Toydaria to help recover the person that owned the artifact before the art dealer, and between the wilderness encounters and a run in with Imperials, potentially debilitating Force visions start to kick in.
I really like that the Force visions are keyed to the characters’ emotional weaknesses, as well as being divided between those that are likely to appear to light leaning Force users versus dark side using Force users—I wish that the visions themselves more explicitly stated what the PCs should be taking away from them.
It’s fine for visions to be vague, but if the clue is in one sentence out of the five provided in the description, that’s the difference between “I don’t know why the blue bottle is significant,” and “wait, there was a blue bottle in my vision? I don’t even remember you reading that.”
As presented, the PCs have their ship impounded by a Hutt until they recover the previous owner of the artifact, but there is also an ISB agent involved. The ISB agent is looking for the villain of the story, but is utilized mainly to go after the PCs as an added complication.
I think it might have been more interesting to have options where either the crime lord or the ISB agent impounded the ship and pressed the PCs into service, instead of forcing a more linear resolution of this chapter. Moral quandaries are part of what sets Force and Destiny apart from the other Star Wars lines, so what better way to introduce one than to have them work with the Empire against another Force sensitive?
Episode III: Echoes of the Past
Fantasy Flight Games Ghost of Dathomir Product Page
Between the visions and the clues provided by the NPC in the previous chapter, the PCs should be able to determine that the resolution for this story is on Dathomir, the planet where the main villain is from—she was a Nightsister recruited by an Imperial Inquisitor, who then killed her master and went rogue. It is also the planet of origin for the artifact.
Because Dathomir doesn’t have many modern settlements on it, the GM is instructed to have the PCs look around for a while to find the final resting place of the crystal mass where the villain is going.
There are some modular encounters that take place either in the ruins above the crash site, or in the underground location the PCs are trying to find. There isn’t a set number of these that should be used, and there is no mechanical trigger for any of them, they are just included as examples of encounters the PCs could have.
Eventually the PCs will find the villain, who has begun to learn how to control the greater crystal mass to boost her powers, and she will have Nightbrother guards to help her in this final confrontation. Then she literally summons illusory ghosts of Nightsisters with the stone to help her attack the PCs.
I’m still a little confused about the chain of events here, even after taking notes and reading several sections multiple times.
The villain wanted both shards that broke off a larger crystal mass on Dathomir, but after attempting to get the shard that the PCs have in the first chapter, she decides she only needs the one she has always had. She then proceeds to go to her own home planet, which she always knew was the origin of the crystal?
The NPC Nightsisters that live nearby are “neutral” but “positively disposed” towards the villain, because she took the crystal away, and its influence faded—but she’s bringing it back, so why be positively disposed towards her?
The Nightbrothers that show up in the final act also seem to be thinly drawn—the villain used to be a Nightsister, so they decide to follow her.
While the text instructs the GM to make sure the PCs feel that the search takes a while, and they are told to resolve this with only a few rolls, there aren’t really any tools provided to increase the stakes of searching.
There are some good seeds in this section that I wish had been utilized more. Instead of just giving up and taking her one shard, the villain could have taunted the PCs into coming to Dathomir to either join her or try to take her shard, so she could ambush them and gain theirs.
Side Note: How Much Dathomir is in Ghosts of Dathomir?
If you are a fan of Dathomir and the Nightsisters, this adventure may not have as much content as you were expecting. The crystal mass that produces the artifacts that put the story in motion aren’t tied to any Legends or canon lore on the Nightsisters or Dathomir. This mysterious mass could have sprung up on just about any planet.
Fans think of a lot of things that are synonymous with Dathomir. The Nightsisters with their energy bows. Zombies. Giant rancors. In this adventure, only the Nightbrothers show up, justified in that they are following a (former) Nightsister. There is a brief mention of negotiating with the local tribe to get them on the PCs side, but they have no statistics, and no Nightsister NPC is named or given any personality traits in this adventure.
The Force is My Ally
The floating factory cities of the mega-corporation are a great visual that could be used as a recurring theme in a campaign. The main villain has a great backstory, being tied to both the Nightsisters and the Inquisitors, and she is made more interesting by the fact that she is also on the run from the Empire. The Force power tree is a great inclusion for GMs to use with NPCs, or to dangle in front of PCs to tempt their moral fiber. The structure of having visions keyed to emotional weaknesses and dark or light side leanings is a great tool. Modular encounters are always good to drop into other adventures where appropriate. It wouldn’t take much to repurpose elements of this adventure for use in an Edge of the Empire game.
There are some useful tools in this adventure that might appeal to you if you are a Star Wars RPG completest, but if you are looking for a good Force and Destiny adventure, Chronicles of the Gatekeeper holds together better than this one, and if you are interested in the potential Dathomir lore, it is only superficially addressed in this adventure.
Spread The Stew:
I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing
While the motivation for some of the primary NPCs makes sense, the secondary NPCs in the adventure seem to exist just to move the plot forward. False leads that should just be given to the PCs, for them to accept or scrutinize, are handed out as part of their successes for some tasks. The clues that exist in the adventure to explain the backstory of what happened may never come together. The clues are very discreet from one another, and may not be obvious, meaning there could be a lot of wasted backstory in this adventure.
The actual plot structure feels a little rushed, especially at the end of Episode II and going into Episode III. Its linear, but the main villain just drops everything to do the next thing on her list because it’s time for the next episode. It’s clear that Dathomir, as a setting, is intended to be a selling point, but the climax of the story could have happened on almost any planet where the GM wanted to have the crystal mass show up.
Tenuous Recommendation—The product has positive aspects, but buyers may want to make sure the positive aspects align with their tastes before moving this up their list of what to purchase next.
There are some useful tools in this adventure that might appeal to you if you are a Star Wars RPG completest, but if you are looking for a good Force and Destiny adventure, Chronicles of the Gatekeeper holds together better than this one, and if you are interested in the potential Dathomir lore, it is only superficially addressed in this adventure.
The two main issues with the product are that it adheres to a much more “traditional” structure for designing an RPG adventure that doesn’t take advantage of the unique aspects of the FFG system, and that there are areas that were not developed in the space allowed, which may have made the overall adventure better. Specifically, the ISB agent hunting the main villain and the nearby village of Nightsisters needed more information to make them matter.
What did you think of the review? Agree? Disagree? Is there anything I might have missed? Please let me know in the comments. Additionally, feel free to let me know what kinds of reviews you would like to see in the future, and thanks for your time!
Ghosts of Dathomir Review published first on http://ift.tt/2zdiasi
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