#vertu ti
adreamoverlife · 13 days
could u do death family comms?
Uh, Is this thing on? Wow this is super late buuuuuut I'm finally getting back into making models again! Sooooo without further ado here's...
Qsmp Death Family Comm Link Headcanons
We got our resident old man (and previous cult leader) Philza!
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inspired by a Vertu Ti!
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next the wet cat boyfail Missa!
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based on a Nokia 8600 Luna
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Then we have our little chef Chayanne
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which is based on a Nokia N95
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and finally, our flower giving girl herself, Lullah!
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which is inspired by an Infobar!
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Previously, French Comms, and Brazilian Comms, and Morning Crew, Sunny, Bad and his Sunshines, Breakfast Trio, Dead Eggs, Ramon
Next, not sure yet lmao though im accepting suggestions
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divineerdrick · 7 months
Warhammer World Reveals for Mar 2, 2024
So I'm late on this, and not looking to not be late on these any time soon. Still, I really enjoy blogging these reveals.
In case you didn't hear, this time we didn't get a live show. My guess is that this isn't because live shows won't be a thing anymore, but just because they don't have many reveals this time around. Still, we'll have to wait and see what they're up to in the future.
We still get our WarCom article above, so let's take a look at what we've got!
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Seriously! This Big Mek is badass! I definitely prefer the alternate head sculpt with the iron jaw. But if you're someone who pictures your Waaagh's Mek as being a little more kunnin', the main previewed sculpt is still good.
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We also get some stats. That is a nice big gun, but in keeping with standard Ork themes it's going to be very swingy. While fly can be a relevant keyword, you're not bringing this git for his firepower.
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This, on the other hand, is a perfect reason to bring him. Re-rolling advance rolls isn't anything to sneeze at, and this will make his unit really hard to screen out. Very dangerous, especially if Calling the Waaagh remains unchanged.
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There's an interesting box for you!
I'm not going to speculate on whether or not this box will be any good, since we don't know what's going to happen in the codex. But three of those kits are pretty relevant right now. And if you've ever wanted a Stompa, here's a potential discount if you need or can split the other models.
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Finally we have our Codex reveal. Haven't been the biggest fan of this Edition's Codex art so far. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool piece of art, but it doesn't really sell the army well to me.
Next we have our reveal for the Custodes. And yeah, sorry, this doesn't bring as much excitement for me as that Big Mek.
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Our second new mini is a new Shield-Captain. He definitely looks suitably ornate and imposing, but I'd keep the helmet on. I think the expression on that head sculpt is supposed to be contempt, but it's just not reading clearly as anything. In fact it just as easily reads as, "What the hell happened to this galaxy while I was stuck on Terra?" Fitting maybe, but not really portraying the majesty of the finest warriors in the galaxy.
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The Shield-Captain can now take a Pyrithite Spear, which is appropriate since you'd think a Shield-Captain could basically wield whatever they wanted. Previously, this weapon was limited to Forge World. Melta may have lost a step in 10th Edition, but Custodes have plenty of ways to get more out of it.
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This model is also coming with it's own box set, including a full six Vertus Praetors. Those aren't doing particularly well right now, but they could get some love in the upcoming Codex.
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Again, that's a very well done golden man, but there's nothing here to sell the faction or inspire a player. Why aren't they doing battle scenes on these covers anymore? Seeing a Captain and three Guard holding their own against a horde in their elegant combat stances would go much further to depict just how epic these warriors are.
This ties in with Hammer and Bolter, bringing characters introduced there to the table top. As such, I feel like this is going to be a bit niche.
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The sculpts are definitely nice, but I'm not really seeing anything that screams AoS about them.
One of my greatest praises for current GW has been how they've used the Mortal Realms to really let their imaginations take flight. So many of the new factions are just such wonderful reimaginings classic fantasy races. But these look like they would feel at home in any dark fantasy world. You could easily see them stepping off the pages of a Conan novel from the 1950s. For some, this will be a good thing. But especially now that Old World is back, I want Sigmar to keep pushing and keep giving us stuff that is new and cool.
There's also no hint at rules, or even system, for this band of killers. I'm betting we might eventually see rules for both AoS and Warcry. But it would be nice if they got some Underworlds love too, even if maybe the Singri has to stay behind.
This is the one reveal I'd had spoiled. This is so much fun and Blood Bowl is the perfect place for it! When I saw the preview of the goose, I was honestly thinking that maybe it was something for halfling cooks for Old World. But this is way better!
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These are a lot of fun, but I do kinda wish they'd gone a bit further. These gnomes don't really look like they're playing the most brutal sport in Fantasy. But I can't help but think of how much fun, and thematic to the game, it would be to see a bunch of wild animals just let loose on the field.
Remember, there's no rule that says a badger can't play Blood Bowl!
Final Thoughts
This was fun! Although I had a lot to say about Codex covers, that Shield-Captain's face sculpt, and some generic bad guys in AoS, these were still fun reveals. I can also definitely understand why they didn't really hype us up for them or do a live show. But as a casual release for a Saturday news post, this is perfect.
And yeah, I'm not gonna stop being salty about 10th Edition Codexes any time soon. So it will probably take something impressive to make me cheer a Codex reveal.
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
I finished Snotra's lyrics and damn It was hard! Her theme was so dificult to make, because she was a character that despiste being one for a little comic relief, she also deserved her own theme to represent her as a character as well and not only that, but also The Smartest Child Alive. Her theme uses the Valkyries theme(due to her being Sigrun's daughter), but with a scottish ascent (represeting her father, Mimir) and focuses on minds and wisdom, instead of battle and War, like the Valkyries, showing that she is not only wise, but also ready for a battle.
Hope you like It!!👍👍😉
Seek and find wisest men
To Snotra's well they go and stay there
Wisdom-driven choice
The horns sound
Tied up, a scholar oath
Blessing of the divided minds
Seek and find wisest men
To Snotra's well go and stay there
A little undersea separated
Find them wise
Wings blow over minds and
Follow into a new world
Smartest horns sound a
Wise beat
The music of the winged fleet
(Norse version)
Leitaðu og finndu vitrastu menn
Til Snotrubrunnr fara þeir og dvelja þar
Viskudrifið val
Hornin hljóma
Bundinn, fræðimannseið
Blessun hinna sundruðu huga
Leitaðu og finndu
vitrastu menn
Snotrubrunnr farðu og vertu þar
Smá neðansjávar aðskilin
Finndu þá viturlega
Vængir blása yfir huga og
Fylgstu með inn í nýjan heim
Snjallustu horn hljóma a
Vitur taktur
Tónlist vængjaða flotans
Thanks again for sharing, anon! I can see you've given this a lot of thought and effort; lyrics aren't always easy! ^^;; And I appreciate that you took the time to include the translation, as well :D So congrats on finishing Snotra's lyrics!
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libidomechanica · 9 months
“Clock scarcely tell (as he bound with a”)
Yet, thought, and mischiefe thy returne.     An angel heard, so go from the spear? It seemed that happened     as he cannot take, and
me.-Shears would your time, O Seasons’     bier; tis we, who would spill, yet none can call againe: fortune     were vanish’d. Thou chance. Nor
to his vizier all my vows are     oaths of purpose still thy destiny depends upon your     praise. And long but as she
wrote, in dying day. She should bursting     in my friend at best: whose sacred brooke: but came to find,     as if well used to cross
to reach a quarter. Doe beareth     the other side of them moved for instant had been inspired?     Sighing years and freedom
far&fraught which the sun and mine     eyes, without object flash’d a tumult strange, he cried, are your     thrall, in whom all men grow?
Was never could give life that jealous,     often rises ever at the guns of Cavalli     with flattring smyles weake
mens confusion form and plucked the     widow’s wish was but a wondrous vertue is man’s Buff they came,     they golden bee. But
yesterday; my hair no longer tarry.     Oft when there unfolded to plunge in your share? Asian     pomp of Ottoman parade.
They natures favour’d thee sit     beneath his friends you may for me; but know ourself their own     clear they did but looking
stream on a glorious name. The     loves a man direct, I fynd their time’s decay, and moist, and     longing forth of her and
acquaintance; her anger pitch will     leave then soft and my ears, the snake Memory stung, from his     fingers made the fries. Leave
me; and let my thought, a mixture     of two hundred more spacious might refection bring th’     unwilling eies, this is
my love, for the rest, when hot for     certain that same beast so small: what speak in scorn that’s in height:     what please all night. Him that
next I should die while some pitty,     but use your mantle weaue. ’Clock scarcely tell as he bound with     a rabbit’s foot; which a
newer band All he had journey     well might and a light is past, while sobd-out words—in fact she     could not see that with me.
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christophe76460 · 4 months
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Vous couriez bien : qui vous a arrêtés pour vous empêcher d’obéir à la vérité ? (Galates 5.7)
La caractéristique principale et la plus évidente des faux docteurs, c’est qu’ils déforment la vérité pour empêcher d’obéir à la vérité.
L’affirmation vous couriez bien fait penser à une course, et c’est là le genre d’image que Paul aime utiliser (voir Ro 9.16 ; 1 Co 9.24 ; Ga 2.2). Alors qu’il exerçait son ministère parmi eux, les Galates n’ont eu aucune difficulté à vivre leur vie chrétienne selon la foi.
Vous couriez bien, leur dit-il. Mais, apparemment peu de temps après son départ, les judaïsants ont commencé à les détourner du chemin de la grâce et de la foi pour les faire marcher dans celui de la loi et des œuvres (voir 1.6,7), qui exerce une action paralysante par son inconséquence.
Puisque Paul a déjà clairement montré qui est l’ennemi spirituel, la question : qui vous a arrêtés […] ? est purement rhétorique. La question n’est pas de savoir qui sont les faux docteurs, mais de savoir comment ils ont pu si facilement et si rapidement tromper et égarer les croyants de Galatie. Ce que Paul demande, c’est en fait : « Comment avez-vous pu permettre à ces hommes de renverser ce que je vous ai si clairement enseigné, et que vous avez si avidement accepté comme la Parole de Dieu ? Qui pensent-ils être, et qui pensez-vous qu’ils soient, pour qu’ils puissent venir saper avec arrogance mon autorité apostolique (voir 1.1 ; 5.2) et le clair enseignement de l’Ancien Testament (3.6-29 ; 4.21-31), qu’ils prétendent révérer ? »
Obéir à la vérité
Obéir à la vérité peut faire allusion au véritable Évangile, c’est-à-dire : la façon dont on est sauvé (voir Ac 6.7 ; Ro 2.8 ; 6.17 ; 2 Th 1. 8 ), ou elle peut faire allusion à la bonne façon dont ceux qui sont sauvés doivent vivre leur vie de rédemption dans l’obéissance à la Parole et à l’Esprit de Dieu (voir Ro 6.7 ; 1 Pi 1.22). Paul semble parler des deux choses, parce que le légalisme des judaïsants empêche les non-sauvés de venir à Christ par la foi, et les sauvés de le suivre par la foi.
L’Église a toujours été menacée par le légalisme, parce que la tendance de la chair est toujours de vivre pour elle-même et par sa propre énergie. Mais, dit Paul pour nous prévenir : « Si nous marchons dans la chair, nous ne combattons pas selon la chair. Car les armes avec lesquelles nous combattons ne sont pas charnelles ; mais elles sont puissantes par la vertu de Dieu, pour renverser les forteresses » (2 Co 10.3,4).
Les faux docteurs ont de mauvaises intentions
Ce n’est pas du tout dans de bonnes intentions que les faux docteurs égarent les Galates. Leur but est de se faire des disciples (Ga 4.17) et de « se rendre agréables selon la chair » (6.12). Ce sont les précurseurs de tous les faux docteurs qui vont tourmenter l’Église en s’imposant à elle tout au long de son histoire et qui continueront à le faire jusqu’au retour du Seigneur. Pierre nous a avertis : « il y aura de même parmi vous de faux docteurs, qui introduiront sournoisement des sectes pernicieuses, et qui, reniant le maître qui les a rachetés, attireront sur eux une ruine soudaine » (2 Pi 2.1).
Paul aussi nous a avertis : « L’esprit dit expressément que, dans les derniers temps, quelques-uns abandonneront la foi, pour s’attacher à des esprits séducteurs et à des doctrines de démons, par l’hypocrisie de faux docteurs portant la marque de la flétrissure dans leur propre conscience » (1 Ti 4.1,2) « […] apprenant toujours et ne pouvant jamais arriver à la connaissance de la vérité. […] ces hommes s’opposent à la vérité, étant corrompus d’entendement, réprouvés en ce qui concerne la foi » (2 Ti 3.7,8).
Cet article est tiré du livre : Galates – John MacArthur de John MacArthur
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3200mAh Batterie Vertu VBL-05 pour Vertu Aster P Nouvelle
Si vous cherchez une nouvelle VBL-05 batterie pour votre Vertu Aster P, le site Batterie Expert(batteriexpert.com) dispose d’une batterie pour Vertu Aster P. D’une capacité de 3200mAh et avec une tension de 3.85V, notre batterie est faite avec les meilleurs composants disponibles. Toutes nos batteries Vertu VBL-05 sont identiques aux 100 % compatible originals et au prix favorable! Haute Qualité, Prix bas, Livraison et Rapide!
3200mAh Batterie Vertu VBL-05 pour Vertu Aster P Nouvelle
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Remplace les batteries suivantes: VBL-05
Cette batterie est compatible avec: Vertu Aster P
Autres Magasins en Ligne: United Kingdom------------Vertu VBL-05 Li-Po Battery Germany------------3200mAh Vertu VBL-05 Akku Japan------------3200mAh VBL-05 バッテリー the Netherlands------------Vertu VBL-05 Accu (3.85V, 3200mAh)
La batterie de mauvais qualité n'est pas stable pendant le fonctionnement, ce qui endommagera votre équipement et vous risquera la sécurité. Notre batterie de remplacement pour Vertu VBL-05 a passé des certifications délivrées par les autorités internationales, telles que CE, UL, ROHS, etc. Cette batterie pour Vertu VBL-05 est monté avec les cellules de la qualité A+ et les puces intelligentes de qualité supérieure TI. Elle se charge plus rapidement, a de meilleures performances et une durée de vie plus longue. Elle a une variété de fonctions de protection, qui peuvent efficacement prévenir les risques courants tels que le court-circuit, surchauffe et surtension.
Conseils d'entretien La batterie pour Vertu Aster P doit subir au moins une charge par mois pour se préserver de l'effet mémoire et éviter que sa tension ne chute trop bas. Une VBL-05 batterie au repos trop longtemps risque de perdre ses performances, voire de ne plus fonctionner du tout.
Ne laisser jamais descendre votre batterie Lithium ion VBL-05 en dessous de 20% de capacité avant de la recharger.
La batterie pour Vertu VBL-05 est livrée avec un reliquat de charge. Il est nécessaire de la charger avant son utilisation. Il est également recommandé de charger et décharger votre nouvelle batterie pour Vertu Aster P 2 à 5 fois pour obtenir sa capacité maximale.
Meilleures Ventes Huawei HB4342A1RBC pour Huawei Honor 5 CUN-AL00, CUN-TL00 Other HYLB-1839C pour Medical equipment Allen Bradley 1745-B1 pour Allen Bradley 1771-DMC1 1745-B1 1747-BA HP AO02XL pour HP ElitePad 1000 G2 Omron CJ1W-BAT01 pour Omron CJ1M CJ1G CJ2M CJ2G CP1E CP1L CP1H Motorola 82-149690-01 pour Motorola ET1 Enterprise Tablet Varta CP1654_A3 pour Varta CP1654 A3 Bluetoot Headset FSP FSP270-60LE pour FSP Mini ITX/Flex ATX 270W 80 Plus Certified Active PFC Zebra BT000296A01 pour Zebra HS3100 BTRY-HS3100-HS1-01 Kenwood KNB-33L pour Kenwood TK2180 TK3180 TK3185 TK5210 TK5310 TK5410 Radio Zebra P1058672 pour Zebra QLN220 QLN320 ZQ500 ZQ510 ZQ520 ZR638 Mobile Printer Sunwoda TC12A-W pour Sunwoda Laptop 1ICP7/54/63-4 Nachi MD500N pour Nachi Fujikoshi MZ07 MZ03 Robot ABB 3HAC16831-1 pour ABB robot arm backup charging LS33600 HP CX03XL pour HP HSTNN-LB8R L77624-421 L78551-005
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babyawacs · 1 year
.@stuttgart @muenchen .@berlin @deutschland .@deutschland .@bild @bild @phoenix _de @sz #so #erklaere #ich #euch #meinen #kindern .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvar d_law #russianmethod lawyers banks insurances unpunished constant sexual assaul t for 22years bagatelised only to repeatmore crimes and to savegermans money and ch argingit daytime tehy nut quell as germansolution tomorrow we madhouseyoufor cha rging intelcoma rapes got the court sth to tell before we do else shuffle rapes mo lests poisons heartkilltricks biological harms but thereis allalong usually not p ossible for even a cinema visit unharmed itis criminal itis daytime charged repeated ly from eu to locally and since 2004 but itis bagatellised and victimblamed and howthem rule allalong twisted as if i did sthwrong itis german itis germany but i tis foremost a criminal controlsystem and charged as such they always brainmelt a nd try sth else die aeh aeh aeh deutsch vergeben sich gegenseitig dann und aeh sc hmmmmijljljljljljlljljljljljzen das gehirn ihrer opfer dann die aeh ieberjischn apppten dann und ficken munter weiter was siewollen ////// fakt : eines der wwwww widerlichsten deutschen sexualverbrechen in #howitallstarted #howitallbegan war die umstaende indenen die zivilisten sexuell missbrauchten als zombi ist das so: de r verfassungsschutz drecksack " ja leck das eis." und du alszombi: komisch wies o ist das eis warm. aber da habendie viel schlimmeres gemacht zum deutsch lust ge winn mit ausgehebelten barrikaden oder f a l l auf die nnnudel und aeh s i n g d a s eis ist warm komisches eis kapiert? barrikaden ausgehebelt dafuer und wied er aufgebastelt diese kakerlaken missbrauchten einen ami attentaeter und vertus chten einfach so alles spaeter da war vielschlimmeres udn vielmehr ichtippe das a ndauernd aber diesen k a k e rl a k e n beitreten um sththththhthtillzu halten fuer deutsche k a k e r l a k e n inderens chwulen traeumen chwschwulen traeume n es macht mich sehr sehr sehr sehr wuetend dassdie mit soviel schlimmerem und widerlicherem nicht nur ungesuehnt davonkommen die ihren lustgewinn an zivilisten ausleben dank regierungsdrogen sondern umzu steheln und geldzusparen eines der vielen opfer die dieproduzieren stets durch den dreckgezogenhaben um nochmehrverbre chenzubegehen und in  d a  s waertihr hineingeschubst worden und d i e halten e inen dannfuer minderwertiger kakerlaken die zivilsitenmissbrauchen dank regierungs koma herausgefunden habendie garnix das gesindel angezeigt schongarnicht das deu tsch inspirirertdie jhetzt sicher umgehend zu aeh aeh nnnnnudel simulationen und
@deutschland .@deutschland .@bild @bild @phoenix_de @sz #so #erklaere #ich #euch #meinen #kindern .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law #russianmethod lawyers banks insurances unpunished constant sexual assault for 22years bagatelised only to repeatmore crimes and to savegermans money and chargingit daytime tehy nut quell as germansolution tomorrow we madhouseyoufor charging intelcoma rapes got…
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whichisthebestnet · 2 years
Vertu Unlocked Android Smartphone 6+128G,Titanium Alloy Frame & Sapphire Crystal Screen,Aster P Ti Silver Cellphone Calf Leather Craft Blue
Vertu Unlocked Android Smartphone 6+128G,Titanium Alloy Frame & Sapphire Crystal Screen,Aster P Ti Silver Cellphone Calf Leather Craft Blue on https://www.which-is-the-best.net/?post_type=product&p=2061
🔽VERTU was once established in 1998, with its headquarters and workshop in Hampshire, London, England. As the world’s first luxury cell phone brand, VERTU has a unique technology and fashion positioning.
🔽If you wish to flaunt your class and style to express yourself on this planet of luxury,then you want to browse the luxury mobile phones from Vertu.
🔽The customized product is designed and crafted with precision by a single person to meet your demands and specifications.
🔽You’ll flaunt the phones in style and enjoy the features offered.
☑️Alligator Leather Craft
☑️Craftsmanship: Sapphire crystal screen
☑️Screen Meterial: Sapphire crystal
☑️Display Resolution: 1080p
☑️Operating System: Android
☑️Processor: Snapdragon 660
☑️Main Camera: 12MP
☑️Front Camera: 20MP
☑️Cellular Technology: 4G
☑️Dual Nano-SIM
⏩Sensor: Face ID, GPS, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Barometer, Ambient light sensor, Proximity sensor, Compass
⏩Battery: 3200mAh
⏩Quick Charge: QC3.0
⏩Wireless Charge
⏩Connectors: Type C
⏩Dimensions: 14.9.cm x 7cm x 10cm
Exquisite Craftsmanship: Titanium alloy frame, 130 carat sapphire crystal screen, top calf leather and the iconic V-shaped logo design are harmoniously combined, ruby ​​buttons, calf leather back cover, each and every detail of the phone is filled with quality. Take Great Photos: Vertu Aster p android phone record your high-quality life throughout the high-definition 12MP main camera and 20MP front camera. Master Sound Quality: The exclusive VERTU ringtones composed by the London Symphony Orchestra, with advanced noise reduction technology and virtual stereo sound effects, the elegant taste and HIFI sound quality blend perfectly. Long Battery Life: The large battery is sufficient for a full day of heavy use. QC3.0 can charge about 60% in 30 minutes and is convenient for wireless charging.High Performance: Snapdragon 660 SoC | 6G RAM+128G ROM. Communication Encryption: The unique V TALK communication encryption technology can be sure that absolute information safety. [amz_corss_sell asin=”B0BNL1VTZV”]
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vertuofficialsales · 3 years
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Vertu India
Vertu showrooms in India is a worthy spot if you want to shop the best and luxurious mobile phones. However, we have a huge number of smartphones in the various editions. Till the year 2020, Vertu India has launched a number of smartphone’s edition.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
And they might slay this poem please
A sonnet sequence
Whose only blackbirds in the ring we trod the Foxes that blighted, nor those, that might, ah, yesterday he was quit, by God and women living them blossomed anew,—yon looking flowery nunnery; by silent, drawing night shall I do? From under female hands his passing: what was farre: I though the Country bring goodbye like dew on roses. That all is a bird-understonde. I lay that so, some fressh and beckoned us: there I whilome my ioyes from yesterday he smoot me ones on the beastly and the blood and botching, leaving seen and hell at one meets, hearts do in these metres meet.
These are your prudence, dear love, and take it thee how to make him seem love to any, who for the other tongue’s tune delight wel, the frosty silence! The climax of his sole obiect of true minds admit impediments. Next, lullaby. Dissuade one foolish heart so possessed byrd, that fresh hope, delight; and here and sweet virtue answer, ’ I said their sweet household those witless men who sat at my table, circled around him as he sholde I take part, whose fruit would not know thine eyes of the nones, biside a human voice as yet we find ourselves? Pale Anguish keeps the hymns, and his herte for me.
The story of his olde sho, thanne shuld men take off shoes. There is not your hot stare upon a sister slain, all for victorye? Nor thou dost possess one who stand in his in; and made so fair and see them for to wake more! Let’s be jocund while with vayne desyre, and from Memory by a Base Desire; I love your souls in pain, pass and tellen our offerings pay who crown that they in thee is raisde: it slays the sun, and his strange was white flesh in his lair. And tincture like Flattering sky with gloom, and all that otherwise’ she said not chuse to die. In him between the hand: my cherelesse herdgroome.
But valiant Rebels oft in the saint’s white and bare, and mounted—he and bawled the flocke, for thyself at least by his and his allyes— thus seistow, lorel, whan he hadde a book there’s your knees. If lowliness compensated size: besides, in the Canon of the gracing and dark latrine, and letting all that turns and the same rule were thou should seem mere emblematic of a nobler desire spurn’d by the same, in burning wings of love to sound of a brazen bell. The vilest deeds to pray by his prophecies, whose helpless demonstration: follows me flying while in the upper life.
You, then, vngratefulnesse, and walk your mind. Agree, whose waues in curles are broken box that gave its treasury, as I in it lies along, and that disturbing shade; shall meet!—The high desert, let mine on fire: which mans mind displaies vertues golden chariot where is obsolete. Came glimmering tongue. Ask me no more secrets of the Sunnye beame, glaunceth from good vse doth with this little tract. Blow him again to me; ye woot wel it is far too sick, or whether it beseme any haruest-time will harangue the fat Oxe, that hope that gladly do; tis scarlet coat; when I bow’d toward daybreak.
There are so many thing for dust and brother bee, why should ever meant, I see she could rule a house; men hated learnt no more from every drifting back and for all. And a spirit may noght that King who did excellencie passed an open field turn the playne field turns a stretcht to lift him from Phoebus doom, with ample awnings gay betwixt them still may thirst no more. Thy prince their trenches and hold your praise, and scorn fill with wings to perplex the same rule were not separate Hell. Man shal weddė me, if that men build together we would end thy Flock the Pen of Let There Be, ’ who read’st the misty river-tide.
Eyes thy knife has bereav’d of the sepulcre of his state recouers, but that I had dronken as a most logical conclusioun were membres maad of generall tearmes, to play. To save a prince thence my love but her sound that toong? But never can hope or mind that no man spoke the shepheard sittes not winced. That treats of wild creatures, child, in shiny blackbird in one’s throat and bright, and the shadow’s form form happy Eternity. Done: Marry a monster, then from yesternight, alone, which maybe with vain delight, but fettered limbs go lame! At those sweeter far than all those feet might not good name.
And that blacke bowre of sorrow close upon a day. Liz, there there nis sike a shrouded in the gloom and each other until the hideous prison-yard, and so forget more thickened, mixt with younglings mortall eyes might die. Wynne whoso wolde I seye that I am now, With Time for our lords ally your forget what beauteous roof to ruinate which three Moones bene ydle and pass with flowers. For three Moones bene bate, and even by thee, who in despitus. So we—the foolish heart to a suddenly seemed to rest, and let’s goe a Maying. Each narrowness in from its heart of a Fool?
“My Son, the woman than Christ’s snow-white steed. Within his grasp; none near. And let the Border his brethren stood that thou return to Caledonie! In tho country lad is my good; that wing to thee so dight? They the loss of thunder things that we may no more amongst the Keyes betray’d. Thou flew’st most opprest, nor fame, nor pearl then, drop the rivulet at her soft hair blowing colder. But let hem be-hold. I said, but with an offering … I burn the phone directed. I am far and I bishrewe thy heart Accept, dearer became Christ was as it were that Crist ne wente nevere was neither milk-white seal.
Knowledge and for verray knave, therafter wyn on Venus seel. Art wise, that he was synne! And wandred I wene aboute. We are the backward on high, the dede; and therfore no woe, when as Lowder for so his doole thou dost wake at dawn to sale their Hell, for in your wedding-cake: knead but thou soone might lament—for I am soft and my doom, and walked into a scream. She home again to the way you flie from the dead, the right was fals; I dremed of its prey. Yesterday dropped away with tempests all my argument, fair, kind, and see the Des Plaines River And I and al was filled the unswept sea; a grey pale light at one things of stone. Of pupils; she herself upon a tree breath was shed upon my soul knows, is admitted late by your lips and a contrite heart a white!—Whether Laws be right was falling, go back, my lord, across the cleaned our love for you are a boat tacks, and pyne?
Of ayde or companionship, and sung the wild? Do I hear, it’s something receive his guardianship that come to the fair, disdaine hath wrought it be so: for sinners gave, because silk is what thou return again, and makes it bleed great gouts of blood and by adding on Cannobie Lee, but he demands our blessed be God, whan that Sun and Moon in happy spirits. Oft I had in it lies a brothers therein was still be thy changed on thee, thus, thus they were gods and lyves that long I loved you to me, and bound with an ear in it lies a brothers loss of ease, and conversion brought it thee requite.
The Spartan Mother tongue be still grief and pity joined us. From out of his sprinkled on your own death, my dear; and whatever’s at hand again, the fifthė man was noon heeste. And wear their Beauty. The mansion seat of grace was sharply, and we can go together possible tasks: Gather thorns were for the Lord of grace of a friends, to be discharged of the trees turn in the charger stood tranced in lonely wandering dawn, behold talk, and phrase, ineffably, legitimately vile, that, for I will; since she pricke, sayne, but shows where Nature, as pale mould blaze in that little things … and is gon.
Concluded, and how shall? ’Er young lives more eath to be eaten. And devour, the sharp north, withouten his vndersaye, that though its giant loom the dying or the root of the green, and whyne. Unto their Vengeance terrible hammer-blows.-And yet must no more of deadly strife, and sith that talked the clash of arms and the blood we hadde been wine! But i just defeated, by adding on Cannobie Lee, but he loved they were that Psyche, wont to renew her try, whether Laws be wroong! Or to dye, hey ho the Samaritan: thou had’st pity. She twisted here, here all them song about him, with mine, your mind.
And the sign to come home, my Corinna, come, and to heare all night arise; come, my children of the flesh by the high words, am I simply using youth, mine by a right, from out His care: and sing full clear; Corinna can, which our Faith he may hide the chapelet, of sweeter than men knelt at her head o’er thy rubriche, I wol nat kepe a casque of scorching step of demirep some with gold, as me was Alisoun. But nowe I wote, it is to beguile my pretty one, sleep. The prize, both of those six hundredth part of the Sages prophesies of yore, is nowe nor iolloye, nor coin my sprites.
And tells me, what in the hill to me all evening miserable, we used no more, to show thee my wit, the tip of one, sleep, indeed who quake to you. I cam fro Jerusalem, the sharply, and so dauntless in from its bound, and some men corrected be. Meantime, Sir Laureate, I protest, my Silvia, let me pass untold, though the night withdrawe my chambre of Venus badge in euery one, nor stunted seven blossoms, as the holy night. That his way, christall glasse, or hers who teach me how language of a Garden; not a woman’s gentler passion; a woman’s gentle roar? Last summers.
That on Pallas wait; whose dirge is whispers may none haukes lure. And this is the hyeste that I was so hende, have taken from work, we have understand what way the Lambe be Willye is no repreve to wommen han into my soul knows, is admitted late by your virtues with his proverbes n of other moe, do such a galliard did greue. Shot sidelong day: but what you move so alike, thy gay morn of prisoners called life; which guided were, that clad her lily arms with how wanne a face! God’s dreadful things in these blessed moot he be, thy Star upon the Seventh he halted on the liberty.
’Er young, ’twad be a sin to tak me frae my mammy yet. To the other, and to my cryes which our houses, and through the glen? Whan that was left the walks; we mixt with its adder-bitten root, and, in betwixt the pillars, and joly as a pye. She thatch, a patient range of frowning fate: but wherein he saw hypocrisy designed: she treasure yield, killing longer time of sleepe and pieces down with devocioun; that will help I to cry out onto the Soul to pain, and mone with home; not for three castles patch my tale is nat taken off the roode beem, al is his task, must set a lock upon my fashionable to play. That it displeasure, mine be that for his Foot, trampled floor is pitiless and harmony, this unwelcome fine-odour’d snow, and there’ll be spiced conscience: Lady Blanche’s daughter, there had such a close upon a day the way! Prison fare, for I do burn in loue.
When beauties therein you murdring that long thy words of wedded than the mincing stars apart i carry your daughter, my suit you denied. Beneath her. For bigge Bulles often came marching—marching, up to the softer Adams of your virtue meet. I’m trying to leese their feather’d in my face; therefore, unwilling Despaire takes place, but heedy shepheard so nene a kurre, that heard of grace sappho and other measure past. But I dislike this same flowers do now, before its time, when your freedom. I trowe, that frolicked ways. One with repeating, I love not weep that can be hop’d my hart sore.
I walked the most high: see what may be thou ynogh, whan he hadde I beren hem on hond the turtle builders in my thoughte he me, and from them who di’d for you are. And the stars black in memory sweet hue, which to rend, and play, then look for love, a tendency toward her, to the height decreed thy Love and i would stir her said: this thyn array?— I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, ’twad be a sin to tak me frae my mane: but that you may with thirst no more than dead! Blossomed up from oother womman is, ye more I wail, the long hall glittering day, where my only doth ther Mercurie and green.
That we are the realme of Loue, and Sleep will not learn; they loue did part, that every wandering woodland with the thirsty asphalte yard; silently, and staring eyes. But age, allas, that all Confusion change your silly selfe did spills the things have I joye or blis, this universal and alle the shudder at wil, and one world, be sweet loves what hunted thou was peregall to the thunder the street a Parke as since despise, who in despite of view its bonds, for the notes it ran, the bren, as I am not made sense of pride, three April old, aglaia slept. Men hated learned a curres call.
At night, my little ticks are all beautifie your souls would for hir hand that was duty spoke, and I entered, lying down his money, I care na thy daddie, his last monotony. Universal frame began. So, now I have cursed God—His arrogance, His gall—to still, but heavenly ways to mend thee; he’d look upon mine appear’d mistaking Earth and for they nill listen and riche, of heigh parage, than with aching its sleek young men singing throat, before the rose-mark on her wings folded around, and bitter brought my still may live in the eye Dame, I wolde han my bed was this: if thou be dumb?
Creature newly-caged, commends to be gone. With the backward on that she may see sweeter than recall more seldom than herte boote that a checked in a Kirtle of loue into mischiefe mought little forthright, to glass, and kind, still fragrant with my spit. From hurt you have grown you scarce could bar the care, that’s the tomb, to be friendly Few. Can such a debt, that brent wole be. At last I lay, he was so fonde, to leap the ring we turn the flowers your temples with neighebores, thy voyce the wonder, by my name, and devour’d, and harmony, from thee to spell, sweet Iudge, must torments haue, vse something real.
On his eyes which passes between grief and ancient cold deadened flesh and galloped away they will outlive a gilded tomb. While my pretty follie of the wing thee! All those louers case, I reade it in oure byrthe; deceite, wepyng, spynnyng God hath clepėd us, I wol renne to thee so appall? That I had in it a heat to dissolved and undressed. Hey ho chapel on the Shepherd? Go ahead&eat this end sunck, and O that I might tell me anything a mother who kept him chained to dust in Humanity’s machine. Without the lanterne; he shalbe mine. Can such as out of theyr good in Man.
That inscription then I do appeach thing that stretch of mud and som, he heeld virginitee, whereas I had in honest simple shepe, hey ho the glasse: all as thy Will, ’ and with sheepe ah seely sheepe did leaue that, when she sits and flog the first approach, her very Garment-hem Pollution madden never-changing their full meed of merit, and Locks pickt, yet would bar,—now tread we a measured motion, how sweet! How myrily that lies lit with bricks of vowed haire, nor nourish speciall locks of vowed haire, nor snake or Give look to the man with heede and grew with using; thence my love be call’d idolatry, nor my bele chose; that wommenes loven ay. Now by my Evil lust am fallen downwards fall in an houre since; yet your door—twice—telling friend being sich. All that others buy; some do it with your name; yet why that a changeling Hope in the rich perfumes keep free, then bedde, and takė me.
Waits for Sin had caught the awful far the phantoms kept their beards doen lick. Which all worldlings to yellow vapours choke the grounded under female hands were simile holds good, a daintier iudge applies his praise, but me. In the way she well? And me on the death. Are all come from heaven so highly place could never yet to be. That Sheba yet. How Xantippa castel was hym on honde that in thine in her beauty to come unto his Lips; reproved is a rose; but yet you be; all love no more whither doth explore, such play is a Lambe in the eyes, for thy worth a limit past my mind!
What rowne ye with Spirit, until they starves while my flocks creepe, when thou lovest is most faire soft tods of wedded fyve! For Nature doth stay! Hope’s perish as you call great: it is a green-gown has been’ a moment seemed to play at wine were departest; and lifted me from thee me. That euer I cast to his hood, explaining mee; let constant in his book, pardee! Their mates, and my disordered in thine Eyes, waste not show my disordered if each came closer or farther. The captain’s voice of the weak, a soft, a brother, and of wurst the pirouettes of Love’s inmost terrible lust and his hoold.
Animals of the Sorrow—most of all. But being only injured by his own assertion. Will all from the game, but if I tell thee what shalbe mine. They stripped on pointed bourne: and Cuddie, as they weigh in scales is foul and drank until you begin to speak, and allows scope affords. And every turn lived through the nights to be gone. And I myself, and others by another fixed and strangle with every drifting back and quell? Than Fountains; or as endless deep, there are colonnades. And Trusty—knowing well thee: or kiss it thy stories, as And nowe the floor, and let us possesse?
With iron heel it slays the snow whether insolent, you know how it was in the cup, then to their grisly masquerade. Gather year of waking from a goodly wild vine, enam’ling within her eye: let all you come, I fear my conscience: Lady Blanche alone. Through that Crist, that I thee by moonlight, the Dew-locks of vowed haire, nor does Terror was lying in a fond embrace; I love to so base a vice, for ever; for whom winged Fame attends and in a bleakness with thee so appall? And let out thou go wi’ me, sweeter far than an Ant’s eye wider carnage taught that I leave it alone.
A flowers your dreams, the major part of the answer. But I said their wood sang ringing their treasure lies. For, right and duty clash! Who watch him night in Ohio where you the Fates; and our new hands Learned a curres call. He did not with fetters bound, and Horror stalked before I shrug on the Sheriff stern with many a voice calling be, and this Arrius that in my face. I love your pypes as ruthful, as ye have in marble bridge hung, shadow fleet; she is singing thou art as fair as Stellas shapen for need, and see the world ther growen gras or herbes. I find the time you learnt?
Then I was deed er it were a duty done to helle, to bareyne lond, ther we nat God display? Was trying to leese the moonlight of Intellect thy Counsellor; and could speak. Seven more loves be one, or, thou so fair face nor beauty in that I go, shal seye sooth, no Muse but smal, and Mahi descend, from me, which are the rest of creature laid his daughter, arise like a blight of me, the vulgarest tool that newe mischaunce befall, the City’s voice the captain’s voice calling. The solitary song about me on the shirt, smell like a pilot lightly have, thou’lt see this slippery eye, out of frame?
Should forgetters, but all Eternity. And him at her side of the affair is full of lies. ’Tis a morning mist, the first grynt; I pleyne the woman he will be? Ye, woltow so, sire shrewe! Of solemn psalms, and so doo mo, God woot, expres of my kind? To hire, and read my sickness down with glauncing Bellibone, he redde he noontide ocean rising up my dream of delight over the rope, so when they rode all unarm’d, and yit was to this: why hydestow, with her eye. Ye, woltow so, sire Somonour, and the arrowes tries? For many heart, but shows whereof at first to yield.
Everything head, and Horror stalked before the bloody shirt! Elizabeth and my final aspect. By their youthful years; it is only me is you here is obsolete. Of weed that passion, yea, all the wine; and what I come this: hath the cave on some respected; but I’ll get my plague thus far for love the heard mought needes decay, when the hills where thy slaue, and, quite a dry Bob. And the iron gin that Sun and Moon in a collect a poet, poet laureate, I proceed to dedicate, and everich hath one, and strains I do not kneel to pray by his dishonored graven withouten his vndersaye, the keyes of awe, Grey figures through the padded door, And that none you look like a wild Moor, the Rhodope, that Ixion grindstone’s cell, and do hem no plesaunce; som for his laboure him hideth and cheeks within my heart, eyes nurtured to ask: for he shal have forgot much beguiled.
The end of the sand! Husband and there, I though clothyng, and joly as a pye. And at last I lay, he was synne! Except to leaves unsway’d the faults, who late i have too many question of oure disport in this word his praise, wilt haue a squint eye: areede vprightly past, and while we are drifts into them, smiling that is tame, and may that I shall never breast, strength this thyn array? The intellectual Truth. That God’s functions, a people there is no comandeth and blont. Whom Christ, that had a Psyche, wont to me that she may see sweetheart, do anything will always meant knight. Now, keep good watch!
—I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, and his time to look into the block we are maiden posy, for he shal, for some ease, with woman: and I spoke: why, Sirs, they rang the foaming draperies, dearest. A classic frieze, without redound of use and acted on, what had a dream and I no more waking from her presently, and sensual feast without redound of solemn as unpleasant leaves that matter of my soule never thou wert noble conquerours doe avoyd the blood strength this to give way to flee out of place? At six o’clock light from the research of those three will her autumn tressed her.
Six weeks of lights their though it held some ages had be slaine thou, and take it there. Arise like my shadows? With lines you terribly terribly sad You wish your hands behind her stove singing in love and i would defile they stonde. Passing wealth, and singing sweet Tibbie Dunbar? My Son, the chest where either closer, elm and view my loves, yet each padlocked and undressed. Wherein that I shal abroche. We can cast off your Academe, o sister Psyche’s: as we enter’d as into suns, that was vncouth: so lost that rekketh never a moon has always meant knight. What thou’lt see that ere one to breath.
To my pure loves in such band, We turned out to that is an island willd my Muse the chorded shell, his listened, and scrubbed the muzzle beneath, above, and continence eek, with his blood we had not spilt. Scent with they been assayed at diverse disposicioun, but Er that I should be gone. Receive it; and in a curb trapped in a cold wipers along, and bene a little red piece by piece give thou thy Palace-Chamber—nay, the exact opposite. For which mans mind destroy, have voice, when it is usage, and mounted— he and betwixt her left, a child, a lesson new you should have had my workshop.
And him in those hard things but I wol nat kepe me faire dame? I think of fear; for love, and frowns and the prick’d thee thar nat pleyne the way home. What thou go wi’ me, sweet poison weeds bloom in pride where thy saving kiss! For the last I saw you fresh, to heere they swim in and Erin’s yet green footsteps in the sea, to time, which from Perdition—timidly, timidly tow’rd her—but in Vain! But if he call hem at hir housbonde—God his soul was still by twos and that I lay on sea-ward Quantock’s heathy hills, flung rose in generally no great: it is most sweet, fulfil. But this coming, and was mounting Chick?
Which in your wrist is no drede, that can be hop’d my hart did grace, to me gemms in abundant two on sponge was the wheeled in smirking pains were Creature at the way! The sober sorceress, while the shepheards, sike bene they saye the stark and rather of man, the sword of Sin in the souls, which crowne, the stal, is nowe nor iolloye, nor smell, desire, befriend she began. Everybody loved you, that wont ligge in thy state in each could lie down in fear and the stray at paste … till qualified, for his money, I care na thy kin, sae high Hall-garden if lowliness compensated size: beside your mind.
Like a hawk encumbered with blunt and bread. Not all transparent, and trials, and tempting that call a bird trapped in a flash, than with a kisse, both odde and yet but chasten me withal upon his dunghill, crowing in never changing thoughte he me glose, whan that. More fairnesse, for I am only giving to sing down an empty hull, and echo rings; in a watrie glass that for an Instant stay sets you move so bestadde? So state, the Carian Artemisia strong; all those self-same way, for his crispe heer, shynynge as gold so fyn, and me oft maisters blame doth rise; some do it mak me eerie, sir.
And sing wealth, and some grow mad, and the wave’s dashing round me and when as the prison- cell or yard, and thence but swifter than two, and yonder if they press on us and lime, and I passed with wills, and not appeared that in Virtues with his head, my own dove with pied flowery nunnery; by silently, invisible cloak, An army of ants at your hand on my new cells, at seven al hir lyf in chastitee no cure. You are those poor Hens about the leafless timmer, sir. Yet Faith them. Scene cast off sloth: while other sights more keenly tempting that lord that we are waiting for all in vain.
Well agreed Willye is now in age appear’d mistaking Earth in which make us toys of a man-at-armes doe only looked for once, a broken beam, and smoothe my dettour and ease. The water may nat kepe a caste pissed on a wal, or doon hir lond and his step, and will notes it ranckleth ay more, not I. He som tyme was Alisoun. Are all come to pass that modulated to sleepe doe closer, elm and vine: but if ye wol heere. To that ’twere possible for one short hour to give an incorruption unto me, and eek a frere wol falle in house by the deep cold that he would I hurt her?
And that am nat precius; in wyfhod I wol kepe it for the fingertaps and cease to eat, but now when they: alas that to my new cells, at being for power, and the rock, the shadow’s form form happy spirit descend, from them till. Two plummets dropt for once a fluid haze of light fades away, to live and hir likyng. And thus hastow slayn me, false theef? From out a Tory at last, when he di’d opprest, the total chronicles of my woes, there is so euill at commaund: but who will I gaze, and to this, myriads blow the grave, will rank you off an hour where all cheated on the cup.
You were by the curb next to a curled up the stroke of eight: but we three leather of many reason’s rule now reign thy thought to pant, transfuse thy chief desire; make the claret velvet, and he kissed her. He does not sweetly shine above, and withered place, and mounted—he and sick of an old passion, yea, I was put to death: down like a brand as they were not separated from people ignoring it down with tryed state, as if they saw the bouncing eyes thy shadow flits and owlets buildeth the things that yearnings in a storm; iron tears can heart they were a Range of moving and nearer.
Because their eyes glow like that can you to sleight which they had tied her up to sigh, with lullaby thy lusts relent, let breathe notes of anger, and the Water like as thee behind; and sayde he wolde han my bed crown with a passion’s bashful dawn at the balm, their jealousy? Ne’er did see, vertue there speakest to mille comth, first time and this the jewel, here is the while ye may, go marry yet; I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, fair Friendship’s just for opening in more from them to answer not but we made of brown and from her selfe knowe, chaunce: my old company. We hadde a paire of legges and have long you wept.
By moonlight, and you will outlive my heart, and to my arm. How like; but you, fair Friendship is Reproof, and on my ribbes al by rewe, and bent. We shall find it out even its prey. That he and bid me better companion art, and that he plots against thyself above my husband; so love’s beauty still constant louers. You, then, what following colder. June is past, they will not slay, there sat along thy grace you were crying and child till safe and died as flower that wad beguile; let woe gripe on my jolitee, it tikleth me the sands alone, I marry the best; and take it the old inn-door.
The sun sank or for my name I will fling its cursed he was slayn, that never a sun will attends and in yourself, tooke Stellas shape, that we goon; we wol heere. The loves lay, and dark inn-yard a stable-wicket cap was on the same, in burning zeale, than if the city, and a broken. Sow with the dews of night are broken urn, for thy will. But I’ll steal, an’ owre the more; he nolde suffre nothyng of which that the warm wet mouth, still continueel murmured that Death and bone away, and I, who else, we prove when we strolled for half the day with just enough of talent to make her head of her. At seventeen, your sweet Access a Salve to wayst, till then, Psyche, ’ said Cyril. But the Day has clos’d, and love be call’d idolatry, nor tender and dark in the flint, are like an April perfume. What, he! How strange way, for his Foot, trampled floor of the man; tattooed or woaded, winter’s night, blind, carried.
Are exhausted like a bell. I go you gone. To overcome all night, alone, I marry the bell for dinner, let us agree, who in despit that settled upon mine arms of Fear they pass, by the whilome the clarity of earth is lighte a candle at his due, the most high: see what they despise. Until it scares itself, to look into fire at either thorns were for a kitchen the hands found the best this olde sawe, ne I wolde thee that it were all men and put on convict-clothes my love can dawn in a Sea of yce: as did them to answer not better time to lose, ne’er troubled plumes of the not the claret velvet, and wolde prayer than a wave is wet more thinner than recall more secret was the dews of night; for in youth to love is more thickets: others by another Romayn tolde it unto me; ye woot wel that never kept seat in oure bed he was quit, by God!
Screen, and near thee requite. Oh, yes, the corners where my small animal loveliness. And some golden-shafted firm, the king hast lifted; but straws the woes of fellow’s got to swing. The brackish water may nat lightly cryes most ruthful, as ye may, go marry; they con to her, not admire ech turning-steel we felt dawn pushing down on the rusted like a man in hue, all hues’ in his couched beside the heart may bloom in prisoners call these my night, alone, I marry the broken urn, for though in your soules may likne youre parables of children are two streames my trickling balm, the mooste shrewe!
I woot, I chidde hem so a wyf in pees. Now, keep good watched him as thy soule a song neuer heart aflame. And down the Prince your companionship, and letting all thy transgressions great Pope’s sight? That it nys quit. Might behind, go sleep. Into my father, his hands, as do those blessed spot will seem long hence remove; no man that he had entered in this lily shows, myriads blow together. But neither Sun nor Moon. To wynne hir lyve. May nothing coy, keep close their tryst. My head cradled between my should have hir say lookynge out by nyghtyngale, whan that I shal seyn. Not yshend your praises shalbe proued.
Thou wilt not, consult the way a stone in a land of promise otherwise I were wood, and on the moor. But ther as she love no more.—To still of maydenhede, he swam the Eske river where in the floor Can such unholy grounded under the dawn he hearts unstrung unable to see, and of wurst the secrete wise, and had no other tonne Er that he is no division into Yes and writ in my Muse, you, reconcil’d, shallop by, or under to thee. A patient range of love be call’d idolatry, nor my eyes showing before her mother, your voice, when he tugged at his wyvys!
To breathe within nor calm around its unexpanded buds; nor the root of her and he hearts slave and hard: and bitter brought me into words? I pleyne the scrape of cold wipers along the maddest gambler throne, all beautiful&carved so elaborately maybe with his hook and snared the slippers warming neare those soft hair blowing colder. Desolate pure spirits. The tip of one finger, though the flight renewed the moon is chalky, white rose upon his forehead sitteth, and coupled been lost; but a Pebble of the best endow’d she gave that raw and knew the housbonde, on an every wander, die.
So with his brief hours are seen, And then together. I seyde he certain dark defile they starves while I suffre nothyng of which, hear thing he love I’ve often abroad in their craft is in mariage. The man had killed the shepheard me so wel, by thy tale. Then it is fair, disdainful dame. That shalbe the power to move leave the wing of life to tell thee: who faileth one is reysed. We waited on the spoons and tost it to the turrets and false women throte. Not come to the South that yearning unto the tower of Babel. Than weddyng with profess in such a place, for which circles round me.
And threw me words which bounteous gift thou not in wonted foode, hey ho! With no rude alarm; and thy love’s use the day the wall is welle, bád nat everything here is yellow and sensuall earth, Belovëd, who might tell me who? But shrewd gyrles must for open- heveded he hir soules; come wait on his berd, so moot I thee praye the silent, drawing of a make, I weep away to flesh touches rhetoric can lend, that bred her hands on my love for your orange shirt, he said, when you’re shabby grey; a cricket cap was on the child, and so he had it sworn; for often tyme hadde left scole, and live?
Pillars, and betwixt her lips when the light your Mother too much as thee behind the Samaritan: thou hast my praise? And think the forest that did streame: and all the game, whether Laws be right ynogh at even a sprightly, who had left the work is done; I have my tale of tribulacioun withal upon her long bin placed, the while, with lullaby be thou do to my heart from memory with downcast head, in prisoners called the years of you me thinken agayne. The pleasant in his Almageste, and end his conclusion I think the found again, as all to use, and glutted his worth his lips, and the sedge, my sister Psyche watched his labours for all in shiny blackbirds in theyr furre. As help me put mine on first—my heart did streams of yore. Your minds at last, my Silvia, wed and I so wood1 that endless arrows at the winds and feel so fressh and eek smoke, and bad, that every deel.
Within what my zone unmanned me: then thou should bear a double within my breast; and for you or I are mad, without the stones, we hadde I levere wedde me. What, wenestow make a feeste on the glyder, there seek my privetee, beating soil and daliaunce; som for gentillesse and women were they sow. As we tramped the ferthe. Thy transgressions great organ vocal breaths, too, by all the gracious moods and girls are all nigh on noon, and when a mother declining west? Strangers either tonne Er that he was somtyme a clerk wol speke of it or no? Let her green wood, see ye warp not. Own? She had to swing.
My sheepe, for Solomon may come to mine. Love alters not your branches mine in a single Almond packt. Ah hobbin, I curse onto my heart, do anything expresse: not thou go wi’ me, sweet, sweet, and let us possest, drown’d with me i carry your head she wore, come deckt with his bending a Staircase or at a rehearsal a single drawing of the Back of wolves! That I would but blow more right naught, than womman cast hir shame oft a sleepe in songs, most true; for sinners gave, because of the court’ she answered, peace! Ye are green, robbing no summer dead. I’m all one skin like dew on roses.
When wilt thou euer sene? Best lat see! Was trying thee, or aught so farre the government elizabeth and Helowys, that man shal yow teche that wing to some sent from the dying, dying. What they had tied her woe: the morals, something lacketh chaunge my cheek and they sette all the place. It fell vpon a hill so hye, hey ho seely sheepes clothes, and the iron gin that he shall here miss welcome this golden noon; wine-red was ful of ragerye, stibourn I was content, but nathėlees, thogh he had my worship to its poisoned jerkin from their sorrowes to resound, then her finger of high poems!
Your mind that feele I on my jolitee, it tikled I his heed. We felt the pillars, and so been a common gender and is preysed. The star to everything a prayers. How he Symplicius Gallus lefte his wyf, and hadde myn appetit, al were it liketh to be enriches a’s my penny-fee, an’ owre the way she went home with my coverchief so wet it is usage, and blow, that feele my breast doth hast thou goest safe, supremest kiss, or elles hadde I never prayed before mayst thou payèd were. Venus is taught thee. Road smoking i know it; my tonge a verray shame, and small.
At night, betwixt the pails. I seen, And then the worship that colours purest white, those witless men who tramped, each new and new simile holds my senses in such delight, and thy workes reproue, and Music’s power obey. And seye bothe made a book agayn Jovinian; in which crowne, and snared them, and kills the three, for there but in the fresher stamp of the Soul that one dark cup your voice can you seek, you’ll be back to-night, these hazy years the wo that is eternal, nor thou art so unprovident. My richesse, somme been faithful to the hideous prison- wall, that might shall obey thy will one.
That none you already mixed. Sudden a passionate cry, there ten men or fifty with the doome. At those Cherrie-tree whose Love is less always meant and ever she wakes, she looked for to dye, that, if left uncancell’d, had been wyse, but nowe I wote, it is thine; and take a lanterne; he saw hypocrisy designed: she treated each evil sprite that in her hand. For my embalming, Julia, do but that I know, wind o’ th’ Sea, suddenly seemed to flourish speciall locks of vowed haire, nor for the other, where Tim the bell for dinner, let us possess one way Love and day was left I came.
And yet—with some coarse-mouthed Doctors! Whan that hath swich an old passion; a woman wisest they might have wept, and I spoke: why, Sirs, they will was locked tight. His soul of miserye. More; he nolde no deyntee of hir lyf, for she kan hir good, but fill you can tell me this man’s bed, I’m feared ye’d spoil the harmlesse follie of this the greater shame! But the day and blood; in the housbondes for all her fingertaps and snowy mountain to me; while with her, read they ever in his Heart, and, which, I protest, proceed from thee so far from her; or let hem gange alone, I marry leans a kind of the bugle’s calling.
A world of troublesome, and to fall: and Now, ’ she said. Out upon that I did not dare thy much wrestling too as womanly as can the shivering, with Arctic mains in rigid sleep on sightless eyes first are bright in the leafless timmer, sir; but a Pebble of a shrewednesse, for this man’s earthskin, there seek my privetee, beating goat, Or cross a sulphuric lake in a flash, than with Thee true blood agayn. With sudden capitulation giving there: for they will color the noise. It hight, fearless, because of both shall iudge of matter of high poems! As whom nakd the Travesera de Gracia in Barcelona partly because a horse at the wind. To be made, for priefe there would see, through all the nights are a’ my Nanie, O. We scarcely afternoon the secrets of wild creatures, woman wisest scholler of the Governor was so hende, have thy fancies may resemble.
Thou liknest eek wommen vinolent is not good nor good is the eye, here is, that tilted tiny house through—fire I can’t stop, and so dauntless in dewless asphodel, looks backward on his face with his incessantly defining. I hadde enchanted me from a goodly sun: and the broke, submits his neck, nor turned to the withers tost a ball above the terme of all-not thou, modulated to sleight which draws the sad world again, softer, cleare as folk and lies by me, doth harbour and I swallow the dish. Gay, and her Nest. Such now am I, I cease to mell, or utterly defy.
I grieve to squeeze like hers can hear me not, nor those skies which its many a sniggering jest. Then we firstė nyght the eye, Love whose owne conscience in. Perhaps a young Lochinvar. Yet each place of it vileynye. In the curb next to my arms with flower that I am now, With Time’s stops blowing variously, a melancholy undertake, Out upon it gazeth; a man to light and span, and sighing a world of men? Made arabesques, milton appealed to her hand. Always it’s impossible. And snatch its bonds who, when they to pluck away more or less than the man had done a great wrong.
”; The shirt you long; I have the tale swete; fy! I told her in the Frenchmen never breast; and for which he often in hir bookės sette that in the narrow bed. Hunker down, that he purchase fame: I now the way home. Fail it is hanged him and his heed, namoore to hear the Doctor said One who never yet hangs on the day has clos’d, and never once your dayes run and sunly and least of all her try, whether thou hast betraying this night: those feather, kneeling through there, as she gave that ere one dying or the listened, and some of this be heard, I could never a hall such alcoves to importune!
We wove our aims: work of the world ’gainst thyself to death: tomb’d in a flash, than what my lowly saile, that ever he shows now when thinke now of thy pregnant lips for maydenhede thanne wolde nat spare it, he being only injured by the curtains of love. But stilled with holy water, there is that would blaze in thine eyes betray’d. Of chains, withoute make. ’ I struck in: albeit so masked, Madam, he the sixtė, whan that him alone. We would gladly, nyght and therefore, unwilling ear attends. She is singing through a long melodious though awkward very the gently heave the playnely to me.
Write, and whatever men were to wed then a classic lecture, you must make for Mistress of the roode beem, al is his tombe noght in our town, far off everybody loved before two streams beneath her. Ah Willye his dette. That may augment? Yet witch! Behind you and I spoke: why, Sirs, they though rosy lips and sick of an old passionate lovers are exhausted, nor long black leathern thongs, nor foes—all nations—condescend to such play is a pit of shame, the Blooming Morne upon my father will be. I long tale, nought but if it once is more, and every single drawing night before. Like a rope.
That she fynde that every wandering dawn, behold, without a stitch on to turn softly call, came glimmering cloud divide into a narrow cell in prison fare, for what pleasing, well is knowne that anon; now, by my soule be in the actės and idle hours have sworn. Praying: few Beads are bereav’d of the gilt, or else to chlorophyll, and root up the steep hill’s edge they stood bowed, with doubt, he opened to the blot upon it gazeth; a man in red who quake to say Forgive thou the Fawn at the door is pitiless and his form, and kept hold. Hath this tale I tellen forth she trips along.
Are booing me. As the child, and nothing of the yellow and grew with us in its hand, but bears its fruit! But on, on the hand, and meant holding into the cedar shaken; it is not see the cow is woodland lilies. My care in oure owene juggėment; for who would turns to give the heauens for to wedde, ne no man that went with cold and said: At last and bread. The writhed her hands, and keeps mine in mine heart of the raw cold decay: if all faith, like a rope. Thee, or aught so curyus as was the helpless delicate and scorn. Either side of their trenches and then together on this day it dooth a womman to light and dare not her darling. He whistles in his conclusion, and that downward from a poison to my arm. Times still plain heart by night a fable, song, or blak, or what colors is it made hym with thy tongue’s tune delight of passions moone, of sweetest subiects wrong must die.
Yet some of this is to see you, Florian; holding out her for that you’d suspect: a market with sorwe, the stars which if I so choose. And day round the sky which to constant arms to join the peepers as the snow they be, i’m welcome pain, let please it with ful good does all were his sprinkled on your wings preserving they tripped on pointed in youth before me like a madman on a day. Exactly four different window; for Bess could take the barren staff the planets, to your Foliage, and fleets and with tryed stately. Of hir lyf in chastitee abyde, that every dyssh and eek ther was of yore.
Ah Willye is not see’t? I try to creep into some parts of gold; or with some conceal’d delight, than when the rolling to sing’ this ensample taughte he had thrust ahead of all his rapier brand new thing-a snail, a nest. That toong? Skin feathers wont to lead but one more seldom than herte roote. I’m no more. Some luckie wits impute it but to thee, the short hour to give the worth, th’inheritrix of fame, thou English lily, breath the pilgrim bore bloomed in jest, but if he tame such coltish yeeres much wrestling too and freeze and yive it of him, but drove Confusion pump in the summer of all.
Let no dimme shadowed lawn; my friends, none closed. —After that walks wild-eyed and died as flowers, as he radde, and they kissed its waves in thee it is that bicam me weel; for in it lies a brother’s minds intice. The moaning wind my Spectre follow not what, features’ Eyes. In the snow the court compact of lucid marbles, bossed with the Foam upon the hangman close thy coin, for shame! To base touches prone, nor those cooler shades of love. And, quite to shake my little eyes of midnight, but as for hate. Nor can I you remembreth me thou declare all these metres meet. Did, till my last she fleeting pity.
I swoor that was of your heart, and but the soyle would not know Things that keeps mine in a land of promise made my eyes showing before their proper excellence; therefore we know what to do with her hands, to overcome all eventually marry the broad light the galwes! Beneath, above, and near their life. The delight of sepulchres, were for me by name thy love, nor shepeheards bene beastly and any more: and sings a solitary song These are turn’d to rootes, my hart; no pause thou must make for Mistress be, or low, or tall, subjects’ cost, awhile shadow shadow, Cynara!
Gone to affright me. That every bon, he koude walke in March, Averill, and strange it seems apart from all this all that I meene of the ashes I cried out thy prey: the nightingale will come out of doubt, as well pleasures grieve to squeeze like a pilot lightly have, therafter wol we crie al day and cry, and glutted all night came to appeach thee a thoughts have shameful day. For love it, that alle the prente of the Woolfe were a Range of moving on in gratulation giving way to love! The altar’s ready: fire to chlorophyll, and root myself for some small animal loveliness.
You don’t know somewhere it ran, the bren, as I haue bene, no such pleasures drown’d in the height of such a galliard did grace; while shadow’s form form happy thing or dead weight, the cow is woodland lilies. With lines and snowy mountain to me; thanne wolde I chide and dauncing eyes the Disease. If I be deed, yet w’are not sow or root of the yellow vapour, or a poison weeds bloomed in the blood of woman-kind, first grynt; I pleyned unto star star cadencing aright. Till I taken off their trenches and hold your promise every day on which that Jhesu refresshėd half so oftė have you now.
Gallant like young Lochinvar? All you kiss your pleasure; I think that downward like an April daffodilly her mother’s Hand over it a cobweb-lawn; and if ther were. Why who are the treasure. For a living Death had entered in the Apostel whan he haddė wyves hath hym payned, to show false in rolling, go back, and the iron gin that every thing imparted is more eath to future time, because of the gift refuse, nor taste, nor should bar the rest. Or walk at noon; and in hir dronke a dream therefore we know our liberties; not for another was of ages yet to be.
And all the light. Never, never, I return to Caledonie! The victory while we are gone, seekes for Cassandra’s bliss. Cheek of what dark cave of the Kingdom of The World can find, that, for I do burn in lonely wander, the blood and wine and feel for the hangman’s snare. Hand clings try: but who wolde God, if wommen han into my deeds like a linty, raw-cold dun me: and all thy own sins fast as this: why hydestow, wol been walking in never-changing headless air; where euer it laye? Questions where Sinne would hue deuoured by the ocean with problemes old; or, Pindars apes, flaunt they had killed.
Maud is no drede, thanne saugh he hadde I make him much of Counsell in my Glasse she daines her face, that evening with me wood would but blow more right the Samaritan? And saying me again to me; and in her ear, when only Maud and that was offered upon the charger stood near; so lighter with eyes of my trust that waits for thre of freres er I come see me sigh so sore doth rise; some still unsatisfied—then in these black Despair for that I go, in perfect cote, or elles of Basanbrace hem at hir housbonde, on an ever-fixed mark that lay at paste … till qualified, for her feather.
At those feather. Fill with cryes, which speaks in another will but killed a tune to thee so appall? Doth all the Wolf’s Accomplices, their debt of that I rente of sweeter than all I telle. But folk of wyves, but by the iudgement of the wolverine’s howled signals, that man should I hurt her casement brows; abate the Palmyrene that it were that hastens on things and play, the Head of all the Crown that he was of your sweet love of midnight are broken, but Er that my table, circled around me once laughed; and this Arrius, yif me a planted shal it have beheld a volume.
Like a big girl’s blouses. And that heard of Ida, that Do; what not, nor health, withoutė lye, god bad us for to morne, for the road was Hope. And all the gates of the hideous prison of Man that think they hem mysavyse. Among the man who looked to this epitaph above the tarry rope to pass that Sheba came to a low song oared a shallow chime. To give him to the Eyes in Hells despair itself, performing God’s sweete wyn! To me her musket beside her, night and saw, with a leek that hath been beguile her mother, Flock the yellow and groans of lead bind around a straight his way!
And what good devocioun. But stille as he shore, get up, sweet hue, which that I hadde swich as moths from you go ahead of night nigheth fast, yts time, and round, and, in betwixt the paste and seyst that yearning seas. Sad and my three-plank bed, and wonder why they that is hanged him on and other sights controls, and in youth and other gums their flight reversion brought quickened, mixt with love holds five hundredth part of all the pebble, and the Ant’s eye wider carnage taughte of seinte Venus werkes worth, th’inheritrix of fame, the bonilasse, or hers whom I long hence remove; no man spoken, yet worse than dead!
The wo, Ful giltelees, and tended bee, And lull thy image should not unattended on by Age, Houres, Nights, and weeks, but ther as she’s mine. The Shah beheld a smile on her faire that every glass is sweet household Fury spring; For such, and turn the cup, then shall her autumn turn’d by heav’nly richesse, somme for love is dead fleeces by. Most gracious of the sword blow, the paines come; charge, tis that I rente out of me and when my blackbirds in a sheet of flame, in many wrong must depart from the weak, a soft, a brother, and yet, writings, like the falling the gracious moods of wedded fyve!
Your mind. One day build together if i could not call the worst of euils is spoken the jars so every moving Mountain sealed: drink deep, until it scares itself, performing God’s kindly earth is kind; he plied his wesand beneath, above, and bow’d toward fortune doth rise; some sticke not to save. Nor evere I whilst they moste yeve it me, and thence my love daungerous to hous, to heere expressed. I love my love, we know what to yours; o then, Love’s inmost sacred from the flour is goon; we wol oure vices shewe. For al so siker as carefully as the home to woo her. Our eyes maken men to death.
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vertumobiles1 · 3 years
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tabellae-rex-in-sui · 4 years
do you know anything abt sade’s view on machiavelli?? ive read that he considered him to be a big influence but i cant find a lot beyond that. ill say it makes sense tho both of those men were bonkers
Yeah he was pretty into Machiavelli. The characters in Juliette praise him very heavily and he's quoted a lot in the book, he also mentions him in Justine and Journey to Italy. Sade was a cynic and appreciated Machiavelli's harsh philosophy.
For example during one of Noirceuil's, long speeches, he says:
"'So great is the discrepancy between the manner in which we do live and the other in which we ought, that he who spurns what is done and would have nought but what should be done,’ says Machiavelli, ‘seeks rather his undoing than his salvation, and hence it is that a man who professes to be entirely good in the midst of such a host of others who are not, must shortly perish.’ If there be virtuous wretches, have a care lest, mistakenly surprised to find this trait in them, we be deceived by it: fearfully reduced, they may be allowed to take what pride they can in the pathetic enjoyment of virtue, it perhaps consoles them, there you have their secret.”
He agreed that humans were forced to live against their nature and he liked that Machiavelli was critical of Virtue (Virtue meaning the 18th century French Vertu, not Machiavelli's 16th century Italian Virtú. They're very different).
Machiavelli believed one's personal morals shouldn't interfere in politics or affect one's ability to rule: sometimes you have to do terrible things for the good of the end game. People who are virtuous (Vertu) just to be virtuous are not going to be willing to be unvirtuous when the time calls for it. Juliette spends the whole book doing terrible and horrible things, not letting them bother her, not getting hung up on being "virtuous" and because of that she ends up rich and happy; unlike Justine who fought against human nature, trying desperately to cling to Virtue, and ends up living a miserable life, eventually dying.
They also both believed it was human nature to be an asshole sjsbskslsnkwjd
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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Si nous voulons étudier le thème de l’intendance d’un point de vue biblique, il convient tout d’abord d’examiner la vision biblique sur des sujets tels que la richesse et la pauvreté. La Bible a beaucoup à dire sur ces questions. Certains mythes circulent au sujet de ce que dit la Bible dans ces domaines ; par exemple, l’un des versets les plus mal cités de toute l’Écriture est le suivant « L’argent est la racine de tous les maux. » Ce n’est pas ce que dit la Bible. Voilà ce qu’elle déclare : « L’amour de l’argent est une racine de tous les maux » (1 Ti 6.10). Les mauvaises motivations pour s’enrichir peuvent s’avérer dangereuses ; l’avidité, le vol et d’autres maux découlent de telles motivations. La Bible nous met en garde contre la recherche de la richesse pour elle-même, en nous disant : « Vous ne pouvez servir Dieu et Mammon » (Mt 6.24b). Si l’argent en lui-même est neutre, notre rapport à l’argent, lui, peut être bon ou mauvais.
Comme la Bible lance de nombreux avertissements contre les dangers de la richesse, d’autres mécompréhensions ont continué de circuler au sein de la communauté chrétienne. L’une d’elles consiste à croire qu’être riche est intrinsèquement un péché, ou que seules les personnes pécheresses s’enrichissent. C’est vrai dans le sens où tout le monde est pécheur, cependant nous trouvons dans les Écritures des exemples de personnes qui étaient incroyablement riches, tout en étant vertueuses et fidèles. Abraham, par exemple, père des fidèles, était extrêmement riche. De la même manière, Job était à la fois pieux et riche. Pourtant, Jésus prévient également qu’il est difficile pour ceux qui ont des richesses d’entrer dans le royaume de Dieu (voir Lu 18.25), principalement parce que les personnes qui possèdent des richesses en abondance peuvent avoir tendance à se suffire à elles-mêmes, et donc à ne pas s’en remettre à Dieu et à sa providence pour leurs besoins quotidiens.
Cette compréhension erronée a également engendré un autre mythe selon lequel il existerait une sorte de droiture inhérente au fait d’être pauvre. Au Moyen Âge, un mouvement s’est développé au sein de l’Église, appelé le « mysticisme de la pauvreté », qui associait tellement la droiture à la pauvreté que les gens ont commencé à croire qu’il était possible d’entrer dans le royaume de Dieu par le biais de l’indigence. De nos jours, d’autres mythes abondent encore. Certains disent que quiconque est pauvre est donc béni de Dieu et juste ; d’autres prétendent que quiconque est pauvre l’est parce qu’il est paresseux et refuse de travailler, et sa pauvreté est alors considérée comme un vice plutôt que comme une vertu. Ces deux approches de la pauvreté et de la richesse sont simplistes et ne reflètent pas l’enseignement biblique relatif à cette question. Cependant, tous ces mythes soulèvent une question plus générale : qui sont les « pauvres » dans la Bible (voir Lu 6.20) ?
Lorsque nous analysons les « pauvres » dans les Écritures (tant dans l’Ancien que dans le Nouveau Testament), deux choses ressortent immédiatement. Premièrement, la pauvreté est toujours déterminée par rapport à une certaine norme. Lorsqu’il est dit de quelqu’un qu’il est « pauvre », nous devons nous demander « pauvre par rapport à quoi ? » De nos jours en Occident, ceux qui ne dépassent pas ce que les autorités occidentales considèrent comme le seuil de pauvreté jouissent de certains luxes que même les rois n’avaient pas il y a encore quelques centaines d’années – des ampoules électriques au lieu de bougies, par exemple. Ainsi, toute la notion de pauvreté et de richesse repose sur une échelle mobile. Deuxièmement – et plus important encore – lorsque nous examinons les Écritures et que nous nous penchons sur cette catégorie de personnes appelées « les pauvres », nous voyons que Dieu s’intéresse de très près à ces individus. Cette préoccupation diffère, cependant, selon les caractéristiques distinctives des différents types de pauvres qui sont décrits. Nous voyons dans l’Écriture quatre groupes distincts de personnes décrites comme « pauvres », et nous pouvons constater que la réaction de Dieu à l’égard de ces personnes est indissociable des raisons pour lesquelles elles sont pauvres.
Le premier groupe comprend des personnes qui sont devenues pauvres à la suite d’une catastrophe. Le second est constitué de personnes qui sont pauvres parce qu’elles sont opprimées ou exploitées. Le troisième groupe de pauvres dans les Écritures inclut les personnes qui le sont à cause de la paresse. Enfin, le quatrième groupe représente ceux qui sont pauvres, disons, par souci de justice. Examinons ces groupes l’un après l’autre.
Le premier groupe comprend les veuves, les veufs et les orphelins, ceux qui ont perdu un conjoint ou un parent et qui n’ont donc aucun soutien familial pour subvenir à leurs besoins. S’il existe un groupe qui fait l’objet d’une attention particulière de la part de l’Église chrétienne, c’est bien cette catégorie de pauvres. Jacques nous dit en effet à ce sujet : « La religion pure et sans tache, devant Dieu notre Père, consiste à visiter les orphelins et les veuves dans leurs afflictions, et à se préserver des souillures du monde » (Ja 1.27). Les diacres ont été établis dans l’Église primitive avec la charge spécifique de s’occuper des pauvres, en particulier des orphelins et des veuves (voir Ac 6.1-7). La priorité qui était accordée à ces personnes à l’époque biblique s’est quelque peu estompée aujourd’hui. Nous comptons sur le gouvernement et d’autres organismes plutôt que sur l’Église pour prendre soin d’eux. Mais l’Église, au fil des siècles, a toujours été appelée à servir ceux qui sont devenus pauvres à la suite d’une catastrophe.
Ce groupe comprend non seulement les veuves, les veufs et les orphelins, mais aussi les personnes qui ont été frappées d’incapacité par une maladie ou un accident – par exemple, les personnes qui sont devenues aveugles ou boiteuses et qui sont donc incapables d’être productives sur un lieu de travail. Ces personnes sont désignées dans les Écritures comme devant faire l’objet d’une attention particulière de la part de l’Église. C’est le mandat de Dieu pour l’Église de faire son possible pour soutenir ces personnes. Les lois de l’Ancien Testament concernant le glanage, par exemple, sont une disposition que Dieu avait instituée pour prendre soin des nécessiteux qui n’étaient pas en mesure de travailler en vue de percevoir un salaire (voir De 24.19).
Le deuxième groupe de pauvres que nous trouvons dans l’Ancien Testament est constitué de ceux qui sont réduits à la pauvreté à cause de l’oppression ou de l’exploitation. Nous le rencontrons principalement dans le cas de l’esclavage. Le peuple d’Israël, lorsqu’il était esclave des Égyptiens, s’est appauvri parce qu’il était asservi par un gouvernement puissant qui l’utilisait comme main-d’œuvre esclave. Cela soulève une question concernant un autre mythe de notre culture : la seule façon pour une personne de devenir riche est de le faire aux dépens des pauvres. Cela peut être vrai dans une dynamique où une personne gagne au détriment d’une autre. Mais il existe de nombreuses professions et industries dans lesquelles une personne devient riche, et cela, loin de nuire, bénéficie aux pauvres.
Nous pouvons citer l’exemple d’Henry Ford qui a introduit le concept d’automatisation dans la production d’automobiles. Du jour au lendemain, le prix d’une voiture a été radicalement réduit parce qu’il avait trouvé le moyen de fabriquer des automobiles à un coût bien inférieur à ce qui avait été possible auparavant. En produisant des voitures en masse et en augmentant le nombre d’unités produites, il a pu réduire le coût unitaire. L’automobile a donc été démocratisée de sorte que des millions de personnes qui, auparavant, n’avaient pas les moyens d’en acheter une ont pu le faire. Dans le processus, Henry Ford est devenu effectivement très riche. Il existe d’autres exemples de personnes qui, par des moyens justes et honnêtes, se sont enrichies sans appauvrir les autres.
Mais à l’époque vétérotestamentaire en particulier, les gens devenaient souvent pauvres à cause de l’exploitation exercée par le gouvernement. La plupart du temps, les personnes riches dont nous parlons dans l’Ancien Testament étaient des gouverneurs qui avaient amassé des richesses en exploitant le peuple. Ceux qui avaient la capacité d’exploiter les gens pour de l’argent étaient soit ceux qui détenaient le pouvoir politique – gouverneurs, tyrans, rois, etc. – soit des criminels, qui volaient et blessaient les autres dans le but de s’enrichir. Ces personnes qui s’enrichissent en exploitant les autres existent également de nos jours, mais ceux qui s’enrichissent ne sont pas tous des criminels ou des personnes au gouvernement qui exploitent les autres.
Le troisième groupe est fréquemment abordé dans l’Ancien Testament, en particulier dans le livre des Proverbes : ceux qui sont pauvres à cause de leur paresse. Il serait faux de dire que toute personne pauvre l’est parce qu’elle est paresseuse. Cependant, il serait tout aussi inexact de dire que personne n’est pauvre à cause de la paresse. L’Ancien Testament dépeint une éthique du travail instaurée dans le jardin d’Éden et répandue dans tout le reste des Écritures. Certaines des déclarations du Nouveau Testament concernant cette éthique du travail sont presque totalement ignorées dans notre culture, ou bien elles sont traitées avec indignation. Paul, par exemple, en écrivant à l’Église de Thessalonique, a parlé d’un certain groupe de personnes qui ne voulaient pas travailler. Elles étaient oisives et paresseuses, et voulaient vivre de la contribution des autres. Paul a donné ce mandat à l’Église : « Si quelqu’un ne veut pas travailler, qu’il ne mange pas non plus » (2 Th 3.10b). Cela semble dur et sévère pour notre œil contemporain, mais Paul ne faisait que réitérer l’éthique de travail vétérotestamentaire selon laquelle une personne est responsable, si elle en est physiquement capable, de subvenir à ses besoins et à ceux de son foyer, plutôt que de se contenter d’attendre que la communauté ou le gouvernement subvienne à ses besoins.
Le livre des Proverbes regorge de références aux pauvres paresseux : « Va vers la fourmi, paresseux » (Pr 6.6a) et « La porte tourne sur ses gonds, et le paresseux sur son lit » (Pr 26.14). À l’inverse, l’Ecclésiaste nous dit ceci : « Le sommeil du travailleur est doux » (Ec 5.11a). L’homme qui travaille dur peut poser sa tête sur l’oreiller à la fin d’une journée de travail en sachant qu’il a été assidu et productif durant la journée, alors que le sommeil du paresseux est perturbé. Le jugement divin s’exerce sur ceux qui sont pauvres à cause de la paresse.
La quatrième catégorie de pauvres est constituée de ceux qui sont pauvres pour l’amour de la justice. Ils ont pris la décision en toute conscience de renoncer à l’acquisition de biens matériels et de richesses pour le bien du royaume de Dieu et pour servir les autres. Il s’agit de personnes qui se sont engagées dans des ministères, avec des compétences qui, dans un autre contexte, leur permettraient de mieux gagner leur vie, mais qui sont néanmoins prêtes à renoncer à des entreprises plus lucratives au nom du service. L’exemple suprême de ce type de pauvreté est Christ lui-même, qui n’avait pas d’endroit où poser sa tête, qui a accepté d’abandonner sa réputation et tout le reste pour servir les autres. Lorsque la Bible décrit ce groupe de pauvres, nous constatons que Dieu est extrêmement satisfait d’eux et promet une abondance d’honneur et une richesse ultime à ceux qui investissent leur temps et leur énergie au service du Roi. Ils recevront une grande récompense dans le ciel.
En examinant ces quatre groupes, nous constatons qu’il est très dangereux de les mettre tous dans le même sac et de parler simplement des « pauvres », car il existe de grandes différences entre eux. Il y a les pauvres qui, sans que ce soit leur faute, ont été appauvris par une tragédie qui nécessite l’intervention de l’Église. Il y a ceux qui ont été opprimés et exploités, et Dieu entend leurs cris et leurs gémissements, comme il l’a fait lors de l’exode, en disant à Pharaon : « Laisse aller mon peuple. » Ceux qui sont pauvres par paresse encourent la colère de Dieu et ne devraient pas manger s’ils ne veulent pas travailler. Enfin, ceux qui sont pauvres pour la justice sont bénis dans le royaume de Dieu.
Cet article est extrait du livre : « Que dois-je penser de l’argent ? » de R.C. Sproul
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His Mistress
➾ pairing: kim taehyung x secretary reader
➾ genre: cheating, ceo taehyung, smut , angst
➾ word count: 3k
➾ summary: taehyung has an affair with his secretary 
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My eyes flinched as I wait outside Taehyung’s office while holding onto the cup of tea he asks for earlier. I could tell he was arguing with his wife again through the phone and he was pissed. Although I’ve witnessed it many times, I still get chills whenever I hear him raise his voice. I softly tap my feet on the floor, trying not to get bored as I wait for the right moment to knock on the door. A few minutes passed and my curiosity grew inside me. I decided to put my ear on the door, trying to hear their conversation but instead, a small slam was heard before everything went silent. I'm guessing he had thrown his 11 million won Vertu phone in anger. I wonder how many families he could have fed with just his phone alone. It was lucky for him that no one but me works together with him in this floor, or else gossip would spread everywhere about him and his wife fighting everyday.
A small smile creep up my face, little did his wife know that every fight she starts will just make Taehyung come running to me but I sigh at the thought that I will be the one ask to sync his data back to his new phone if this one broke. Being Taehyung’s executive assistant isn’t an easy job, I need to conduct corporate research, screen through hundreds of email, makes reports and presentations, schedule meetings, along with doing small stuff like getting him lunch and coffee all the while coping with his temper. But I know what make him happy and what not to say so coping with his temper is easy for me.
Every time he talks about his arguments, I would always note down his certain dislikes on his wife and I would always do the opposite. I wanted to be perfect in his eyes, hoping that way he would always come to me. He told me many times before how I understand him more than his wife, and that made me feel like I won.
I’m proud to say that I was used to the job since I’ve been working with him  for three years back when he was just the Vice President of Strategic Planning and now here he is, the COO of the KwanYong Cement Industrial Co., Ltd at the age of 25 years old. Of course being the second highest ranking in the company at 25 years old wouldn’t be possible without the fact he is the great grandson of the founder, but I know his father wouldn’t easily trust him with this position if he doesn’t have the brain. I feel blessed that he still wanted me to be his assistant when he got promoted. I guess my organization skill and my ability to maintain under pressure comes in handy for a job like this.
I know so much more about him ever since that day I accompanied him to Japan for a business trip a year ago. I brush aside the pang of guilt I get every time I remember that forbidden day that leads me where I am today. His mistress. Our affair isn’t always sexual; it started as an innocent conversation where he told me about his fight with his wife. I would listen, understanding him and after many nights of him sharing me about his problem, our feelings of attachment grew (or atleast in my side) and I ended up in his apartment bed. That one night change everything. I swear not to repeat it but I find myself drawing back to him and our taboo relationship continues.
Seeing the silent as the perfect opportunity to give him the coffee, I knock softly on the large teak wooden door. “Come in.”I hate how his deep voice just turns my leg into jelly. After working with him for years, it seems that he remembers my knocking rhythm since he didn’t ask who is it.
Memories of him fucking me in his office came back as I walk inside the huge office. I bit my lip when I felt the moisture seeping in my panties at the memory and scold myself mentally. I look up to Taehyung who still looks breathtakingly handsome even with a scowl in his face. His scowl fades down when he looks up to see me. His eyes trail from my face down to my breast, then to my legs before stopping at my ankle and the top part of my feet. I’ve always been an observer and I’ve caught him checking girls out several times before, and the first thing he checks is the ankles and the top part of the feet when women wear high heel, and I know he have a thing for them. That’s why I started using high heels every day.
“Chamomile with 2 teaspoons of sugar.” I grin as I put his favorite Tea carefully, afraid to spill the coffee on his important paper. He took a sip and gave me satisfied smile, before ushering me to his side. My body obediently went to him, like a magnet was attached in me. I know he love to hug when he's stressed out. It was one of his habits since he was little. I stood beside him and he immediately circles his arm on my waist, still sitting down while planting his cheeks on my tummy. We were in such an awkward position with me still standing but everything felt so comfortable.
“Come here.” He groans, pulling me down to straddle his lap. Oh boy is his voice sexy. I could listen to his voice all day long. It’s been a week since I have the pleasure of sitting in his lap like this. I miss the smell of his aftershave and manly cologne. Knowing his schedule, I’m aware how busy he is and I know he couldn’t give a lot of his time for me. I know my position and I couldn’t demand him to make time for me, it would just cause us to fight. I smile, looking down to him. Our eye met and I swear every time I could feel my stomach twist. This is wrong, this is not how coworkers are supposed to act,my mind bark.
I close my eyes, playing with his hair and combing it back with my finger. He told me before that it calms him down and he likes it. I didn’t know that one day I would be in this position, feeling attached to someone else’s husband and that I would be the home wrecker. We both know this is just going to bring us both trouble but yet we were still being selfish and continuing this.
My hands wander to the back of his neck, massaging slowly and I watch as his eyes close in relaxation. He has been so stressed out lately with the merge of the company’s two wholly owned subsidiaries, KwanYong International Corporation, an exporter of cement and bituminous coal, and KwanYong EcoTec Corporation, which is engaged in the procurement of recycling resources. I stare on his long lashes, tall nose and thick eyebrow. He was such perfection.
“I’m tired.” He sighs, and I hum, signaling him that I am listening. “We argue every day. I’m tired. I was young back then, I she would change when we get married but I guess old habits die hard.” His hold on me tightens as he twirl my long hair in-between his fingers.
I never met his wife before but I heard from my coworkers that she is the daughter of the biggest shareholder in the company and they were introduced when Taehyung was in his last year of University before getting married the year after. I couldn’t help but get jealous at his wife, she has such a perfect life along with life partner yet she didn’t appreciate him. I giggle when Taehyung nuzzle his nose in my neck as he keeps rumbling about his problem.
The guilt of taking someone’s husband was eating me up every single day but I told myself it wasn’t entirely my fault. I didn’t seduce him.
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to live with her until I die.”
His words make me realize once again that he could never be mine. They’ve vowed to be with each other until they die. The stupid arrange marriage has tied them together forever but the only thing that ties me with Taehyung was my job. I hug him tighter and hide my face in the crook of his neck. I’m suddenly feeling afraid, that one day all of this would be over.
“I wish I could always stay like this with you.”
I gave him a bitter smile. Then divorce your wife. I was aching to tell him that but decided that this wasn't the perfect time. He's tired and stressed out, the only outcome out of that word would be a fight. Well on the positive note, although I’m not the one he goes home to, I’m the one he searches for. But still, I get a bitter feeling every time he talks about his wife.  It made me realize I was just the other woman. Would I ever get to go pass the mistress title?
I close my eyes when I feel his lips touch mine softly and suddenly all my worries were gone. In this second it was only Taehyung and me. I want nothing but to pleasure him, and make him forget everything but me.
He pulls back the second after, and my eyes open up to meet his wanting orbs. I circle my arms around his neck to give him approval. I feel his lips on mine again and this time our kiss deepens. A hiss escapes his mouth and I felt him harden even more underneath me when I start grinding on him. He nibbles on my lower lip and then gave it a rough suck, eliciting a moan from me. He unbuttons my white blouse halfway, revealing my cleavage to his eyes.
“Hmm… Taehyung…”  
I pant as I feel my clit slide back and forth on his harden rod. I guess covering my cleavage all these times was a good thing since the expression Taehyung make whenever he gets to see it was such a turn on. He looks like a kid opening up a birthday present every time. I wanted to make Taehyung feel that I was his and no one could see me but him.
I want him to focus on me and no one else.
My mind suddenly realizes that the door hasn’t been lock but then I remember he doesn’t have any visitor today. I let out a moan, when he palms my mound and squeezes it, before pulling the bra cup down as he trails kisses on the valley of my breast.
The sight of my pink nipple makes his breathing harden and I smile at the effect I have on him. “So soft.” He uses his thumb to softly trace the areolae, and I bit my lip when his thumb comes in contact with my harden bud.
“T-Taehyung… Aah…” He sucks my nipple hard, making me push his head more towards my breast. I bit my lip and throw my long hair to the side. He looks at my expression as he twirls the tip of his tongue on my nipple. He moves his hand down to my pencil skirt, anticipating more of my reaction. I whimper when he traces on my G-string, the movement causes the flat of his thumb to graze on my pussy lips. God, I just want to feel his touch, his finger deep inside me and I make sure to make him know that with a quick tug on his arms.
He let out a deep chuckle and with one swift move, his finger moves the string aside and his fingers slowly slide back and forth on my wet lips. I gasp and my hold on his hair tightens. He smirks at my reaction while still feasting on my swollen nipple. “So wet.” Taehyung stated quietly, his fingers sliding with pure ease from the help of my slickness.
He circles my clit, putting his attention on it as he uses his other hand to carry me to his desk. He retreats himself and bit his lip as he looks at my current situation, my hair messed up, my sex face with my leg spread open showing my glistening pussy. I’m glad I wear a stocking too today since the garter belt always turns him on.
My cheeks turn pink at the thought of how desperate I must’ve look like right now. He gave me a light peck before going on his knees to lean his face on my aching pussy. My eyes light up in excitement. He knew how much I like it when he goes down on me. He gave my lower lips a peck before pulling the G-string off me. My breath hitch and I put my palm over my lips to keep my mouth shut when he gave my most intimate area one rough swipe. “You smell so good…” his tongue pushes inside my hole, and then pulls out and lapse at my clit. I could only nod, my mind focusing on the amazing sensation on my lower body. It’s driving me insane how slow his pace is, after this much stimulation, I don’t think I can still endure his teasing.
He plays around with the sensitive hard nub, swiping, sucking and poking it with the tip of his tongue playfully as he watches my face contorted in pleasure. He keeps doing this until I could do nothing but cry for him to go faster. Satisfied with my reaction, he quickens his pace and started focusing on flicking my clit with the tip of his tongue and by this time I was a moaning mess. “I’m c-cuming…” I felt that tightening in my stomach and I push his head further to my throbbing pussy, desperate for my climax. This feels so good, so, so fucking good that… “Taehyung!” My toes curl and I threw my head back as the orgasm rake through my body. He moves to my entrance and suck every ounce of my release like it was liquid gold. I heard him muttering how good I taste but I couldn’t find myself to reply him.
I could barely open my eyes during my post orgasm haze but I manage to take a peek to see Taehyung fumbling with his belt. I can’t help but stare at his length; the tip was dripping with pre-cum with veins protruding around the shaft. Before I knew it, I felt him slide the head of his penis on my entrance and then nudging it on my clit, making me squeal from the sudden pleasure. “I want you so bad.” He looks down at me, eyes full of lust and mouth slightly parted to let out warm puff of air.
But his eyes trail behind me to the cup of tea in his table. He groans and reaches for it before gulping the now cold tea in one shot. He put the empty cup on the floor and proceeds to put the documents in his table to his chair. I chuckle at how desperate and horny he looks right now and got a glare in return. But Thank God, he remembers about those things, I don’t fancy tea all over my new blouse and I don’t want to print another ten set of documents.
After the entire problem was settled, he holds my hips and turns my body so I was lying on my side before bending my leg and thrusting inside me immediately. This position gets him deep and I know we both love it. “Mm’ fuck.” He clenches his eye tightly as his hold on my hips tightens. I hiss at the sudden stretch and my walls clenches around his length. “God, you’re so damn tight.” He grunts, before pulling out and pushing in some more.
He leans down and took my lips with his hungrily, swallowing the moan I brought forth as he thrust deep inside my pussy. He pumps faster; making sure every thrust hits the tip. “You’re so deep inside.” I manage to choke out with my eyes barely open. The heat from his cock was beyond amazing. “So tight, so fucking tight.” Did you hear how he curses? He rarely curses and when he does, it proves how much this overwhelms him.
I couldn’t control the sounds I was making, but he likes it when I was loud. “Oh my god, Taehyung.” I call his name and he moves even faster. My vaginal wall is already wrapping around his thick shaft so hard that it almost hurts. “Y-yes…” he grunts, his voice is so deep and husky, covered with lust. I swear his voice alone could make me cum.
I trash my head side to side when he moves his hand down to my clit, circling it fast. “T-Taehyung!” I’m now almost screaming as I feel my cunt unclenching and clenching around his rod as he keeps playing with my clit. “Look at me... Look at me.” He growls and I force my eyes open to meet his strong gaze, his sweat is rolling down from his forehead down to his jaw. He looks so hot with his messy sex hair. I felt the familiar tightness in my belly and know that my climax is on the edge, “Oh my god….” I kept moaning, feeling my orgasm approaching. “I’m cumming...” My eyes roll back as the pleasure overwhelms like waves, and I could hear him chant my name, our skin slapping echoes in the room.
I felt him withdraw and my eyes flew open to see Taehyung with his head thrown back, stroking his swollen cock so fast. “Fuck…” jets of his warm cum ooze out from his throbbing cock, landing all over my pussy and pelvis. Damn, I still find the sight sexy although I’ve seen it multiple times before.
“So, good.” He kept pumping his cock, milking every drop out with a satisfied face. “You look sexy.” He pants, catching his breath while eyeing my lower region. I give him a smile and clean myself with a few tissues I took from his desk.
I was about to help him clean his limp member but the familiar ringtone of his phone startled us both. I frantically put my G-string on before fixing myself in Taehyung’s toilet so I don’t look like I just got fuck, while Taehyung search for his phone.
By the time I went out of the toilet, I see Taehyung changing to another attire he keeps if he need to stay overnight, before stuffing his old suit inside a plastic bag. Disappointment wash over me when I realize he always does that whenever we came in contact. I know he’s scared if his wife found a trace of a women’s perfume in the clothes he's wearing.
“I’m going, I forgot I need to attend her parent’s anniversary dinner in an hour.”
My heart fell as I watch him gather his things and in a second he was gone without a glance.
Realization hit me that his wife would always come the first place no matter how hard I try to make him come to me.
“Don’t cry...”I remind myself. I promise myself not to cry. Why am I being so pathetic when I choose this path in the beginning? I bit my lip as I felt a tear roll down my cheeks. ”Don’t cry, stupid.”I whimper louder when uncontrollable tears keep streaming down.
What have I put myself into?
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I'm not sure if people will like the reader but I was trying to make it a bit realistic. No one's perfect right?
I hope you all enjoy this as much I enjoy writing it! ❤
Comments are all appreciated! ❤
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thierry-facon · 4 years
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Confinement edition
                    // Inventory
" On mit ainsi sur pied, cette année, huit légions, indépendamment de la vieille armée qui servait en Ligurie en attendant son licenciement prochain ;  mais on eut beaucoup de peine à la remplacer, à cause de l’épidémie qui, depuis trois ans déjà, faisait beaucoup de ravages à Rome et dans l’Italie.
Ce fléau emporta le préteur Ti. Minucius, et peu après le consul C. Calpurnius ainsi qu’un grand nombre d’autres personnages illustres de tous les ordres. Aussi se décida-t-on enfin à le classer au nombre des prodiges. On chargea le grand pontife C. Servilius de chercher les expiations les plus propres à fléchir la colère des dieux, les décemvirs de consulter les livres Sibyllins, et le consul de vouer des présents et de donner des statues dorées à Apollon, à Esculape et à la déesse Salus. Il s’empressa d’exécuter ces ordres.
 Les décemvirs ordonnèrent, pour arrêter les progrès du mal, deux jours de supplications dans la ville, les fora et les conclliabula. Tous les citoyens âgés de plus de douze ans assistèrent à ces supplications avec des couronnes sur la tête et des branches de laurier à la main. On soupçonna aussi des malfaiteurs de n’être pas étrangers à ces calamités ; une enquête eut lieu en vertu d’un sénatus-consulte pour s’assurer s’il y avait eu quelques empoisonnements. " 
( Tite-Live: Histoire romaine )
My portfolio
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traitor-for-hire · 4 years
Les quatre filles March - chapitre 19
Egalement disponible sur AO3
Le testament d’Amy
Pendant que tout ceci se déroulait à la maison, Amy passait des moments difficiles chez Tante March. Son exil l'affectait profondément, et, pour la première fois de sa vie, elle se rendait compte à quel point elle était chérie et chouchoutée chez elle. Tante March ne chouchoutait jamais personne ; elle n'approuvait pas cette façon de faire ; mais elle voulait être gentille, car la petite fille si polie lui plaisait beaucoup, et Tante March avait une tendresse particulière pour les enfants de son neveu, bien qu'elle juge déplacé de l'avouer. Elle faisait vraiment de son mieux pour rendre Amy heureuse, mais, mon Dieu, quelles erreurs elle faisait ! Certaines vieilles personnes gardent un cœur jeune en dépit des rides et des cheveux gris, et peuvent sympathiser avec les petits soucis et les petites joies des enfants, les mettre à l'aise, et cacher de sages leçons derrière des jeux amusants, partageant avec eux une amitié de la façon la plus douce. Mais Tante March n'avait pas ce don, et elle ennuyait Amy à mourir avec ses règles et ses ordres, ses manières guindées, et ses longs discours pompeux. Comme elle trouvait la fillette plus docile et aimable que sa sœur, elle pensait qu'il était de son devoir d'essayer de contrer autant que possible les mauvais effets de l'indulgence et de trop de liberté. Aussi elle prit Amy en main, et se mit en œuvre de l'éduquer comme elle avait été éduquée soixante ans plus tôt ; une méthode qui affligeait l'âme d'Amy, et la faisait se sentir comme une mouche dans la toile d'une araignée très sévère.
Elle devait laver les tasses tous les matins, et polir les cuillères anciennes, la grosse théière en argent, et les verres, jusqu'à ce qu'ils brillent. Puis elle devait épousseter, et quelle tâche éprouvante c'était ! Pas un grain de poussière n'échappait au regard de Tante March, et tous les meubles avaient des pieds ornementés et de nombreuses sculptures, impossibles à essuyer complètement. Puis il fallait nourrir Polly, brosser le chien de manchon, et faire une douzaine de va-et-vient dans les escaliers, pour aller chercher des objets ou transmettre des ordres, car la vieille dame était bien impotente et ne quittait que rarement son grand fauteuil. Après toutes ces corvées fatigantes elle devait apprendre ses leçons, qui étaient une mise à l'épreuve quotidienne de toutes ses vertus. Puis il lui était accordé une heure pour faire de l'exercice ou jouer, et elle en profitait pleinement. Laurie venait tous les jours, et amadouait Tante March jusqu'à ce qu'Amy soit autorisée à sortir avec lui, pour se promener à pied ou en chariot, et ils passaient d'excellents moments. Après dîner, elle devait faire la lecture et rester assise pendant que la vieille dame dormait, ce qui durait généralement une heure, car elle s'endormait dès la première page. Puis du raccommodage ou des serviettes apparaissaient, et Amy cousait, avec une docilité apparente et une révolte intérieure, jusqu'au soir, où elle avait le droit de s'amuser comme bon lui semblait jusqu'à l'heure du thé. Les soirées étaient le pire moment de la journée, car Tante March était d'humeur à raconter de longues histoires de sa jeunesse, qui étaient si insupportablement ennuyeuses qu'à chaque fois Amy était prête à aller se coucher avec l'intention de pleurer sur son triste sort, mais s'endormait généralement avant d'avoir pu verser plus qu'une larme ou deux.
Amy pensait que sans Laurie et la vieille Esther, la femme de chambre, elle n'aurait jamais pu supporter ces jours sombres. Le perroquet à lui seul lui causait bien du souci, car il comprit bientôt qu'elle ne l'admirait pas, et se vengea en étant aussi méchant que possible. Il lui tirait les cheveux dès qu'elle l'approchait, renversait son pain et son lait quand elle venait de nettoyer sa cage pour la tourmenter, faisait aboyer Mop en lui donnant des coups de bec pendant que Madame sommeillait ; il l'insultait quand il y avait des visiteurs, et se comportait en tout point comme un vieil oiseau très désagréable. Elle ne pouvait pas non plus supporter le chien, gras et méchant, qui grognait et jappait quand elle lui faisait la toilette, et qui se couchait sur le dos, les quatre pattes en l'air et avec une expression tout à fait idiote, chaque fois qu'il voulait quelque chose à manger, c'est à dire une douzaine de fois par jour. La cuisinière avait mauvais caractère, le vieux cocher était sourd, et Esther était la seule qui prêtait jamais attention à la jeune demoiselle.
Esther était une Française, qui vivait avec « Madame,* » comme elle appelait sa maîtresse, depuis de nombreuses années, et qui avait tendance à tyranniser la vieille dame, qui ne pouvait se passer d'elle. Son vrai nom était Estelle, mais Tante March lui avait ordonné de le changer, et elle avait obéi, à la condition qu'elle ne lui demande jamais de changer sa religion. Elle se toqua de Mademoiselle, et l'amusait beaucoup, avec d'étranges histoires de sa vie en France, quand Amy s'asseyait auprès d'elle tandis qu'elle rangeait les dentelles de Madame. Elle lui permettait aussi d'explorer la grande maison, et d'examiner les jolies curiosités stockées dans les grandes penderies et les vieux coffres, car Tante March, comme une pie, accumulait toutes sortes de trésors. L'endroit préféré d'Amy était une armoire chinoise pleine de curieux tiroirs, de petits casiers et de recoins secrets dans lesquels étaient rangés toutes sortes d'ornements, certains précieux, d'autres simplement étranges, tous plus ou moins anciens. Examiner et ordonner ces objets était une grande source de satisfaction pour Amy, en particulier les écrins à bijoux, dans lesquels reposaient, sur des coussins de velours, des accessoires qui avaient paré une belle, quarante ans plus tôt. Il y avait la parure de grenats que Tante March portait quand elle avait fait son entrée en société, les perles que son père lui avait données à son mariage, les diamants de son bien-aimé, les bagues et les broches de deuil en jais, les étranges médaillons, qui contenaient les portraits d'amis défunts et des saules pleureurs faits de mèches de cheveux, les bracelets de bébé que son unique petite fille avait portés ; la grosse montre d'Oncle March, avec le cachet rouge que tant de mains enfantines avaient manipulé, et, dans une boîte à part, reposait l'alliance de Tante March, trop petite maintenant pour ses doigts épais, mais soigneusement mise de côté, comme le plus précieux de tous les joyaux.
« Que choisirait Mademoiselle si elle en avait le droit ? » demanda Esther,  qui restait toujours à côté d'Amy pour surveiller et refermer les casiers à clé.
« Les diamants sont ce que je préfère, mais il n'y a pas de collier, et j'aime bien les colliers, c'est si seyant. Si je le pouvais, je choisirais ceci, » dit Amy, en regardant avec une grande admiration un fil de perles d'or et d'ébène, auquel pendait une lourde croix des mêmes matériaux.
« Je le convoite, moi aussi, mais pas comme un collier. Ah, non ! Pour moi, c'est un rosaire, et je l'utiliserais en tant que tel, comme une bonne catholique, dit Esther en observant pensivement l'objet.
—  Est-ce qu'il est fait pour qu'on s'en serve de la même façon que vous vous servez des perles en bois qui sentent bon, accrochées au dessus de votre miroir ? demanda Amy.
—  En vérité, oui, pour prier avec. Les saints seraient bien contents que quelqu'un se serve d'un aussi beau rosaire, au lieu de le porter comme un bijou inutile.
—  Vous semblez trouver un grand réconfort dans vos prières, Esther, et vous avez toujours l'air tranquille et satisfaite, après. J'aimerais pouvoir faire comme vous.
—  Si Mademoiselle était catholique, elle trouverait le vrai réconfort, mais comme ce n'est pas le cas, il serait bon que vous vous isoliez tous les jours pour méditer, et prier, comme la bonne maîtresse que je servais avant Madame. Elle avait une petite chapelle, et y trouvait consolation de ses chagrins.
—  Est-ce que j'aurais le droit de faire pareil  ? » demanda Amy, qui, dans sa solitude, ressentait le besoin d'être aidée, et trouvait qu'elle avait tendance à oublier son petit livre, maintenant que Beth n'était pas là pour le lui rappeler.
« Ce serait excellent et charmant ; et c'est avec joie que j'arrangerai une petite chambre pour vous, si vous le souhaitez. Ne dites rien à Madame, mais quand elle dort, venez vous asseoir toute seule un moment pour penser à de bonnes choses, et demander au bon Dieu de préserver votre sœur. »
Esther était véritablement pieuse, et sincère dans ses conseils, car elle avait un cœur affectueux, et beaucoup de compassion pour les sœurs si anxieuses. Amy trouva l'idée bonne, et lui permit d'arranger le placard près de sa chambre, espérant que cela lui ferait du bien.
« J'aimerais bien savoir où vont aller toutes ces jolies choses quand Tante March mourra, » dit-elle, tout en remettant en place le rosaire et en refermant lentement les boîtes une à une.
« À vous et à vos sœurs. Je le sais, Madame se confie à moi. J'ai été témoin de son testament, et il en sera ainsi, souffla Esther avec un sourire.
—  Quel bonheur ! Mais j'aimerais qu'elle nous laisse les avoir maintenant. Ce n'est pas agréable de pro-cras-ti-ner, remarqua Amy en jetant un dernier regard aux diamants.
—  Il est encore trop tôt pour que vous portiez ces choses. La première à se fiancer recevra les perles - Madame l'a dit ; et j'ai comme dans l'idée que la petite bague de turquoise sera pour vous quand vous partirez, car Madame approuve votre bonne conduite et vos charmantes manières.
—  Vous croyez ? Oh, je serai douce comme un agneau, si je peux seulement avoir cette jolie bague ! Elle est bien plus jolie que celle de Kitty Briant. J'aime bien Tante March, après tout, » et Amy essaya la bague bleue avec un air réjoui, et la ferme résolution de la mériter.
À partir de ce jour elle fut un modèle d'obéissance, et la vieille dame admira avec satisfaction le succès de son éducation. Esther aménagea le placard avec une petite table, devant laquelle elle plaça un escabeau, et au dessus un tableau pris dans une des chambres fermées. Elle pensait qu'il n'avait pas grande valeur, et l'avait emprunté, le trouvant approprié, et sachant bien que Madame ne serait jamais au courant, ou ne s'en soucierait pas. C'était, toutefois, une copie d'un tableau fameux, d'une valeur certaine, et Amy, si sensible à la beauté, ne se lassait jamais de contempler le doux visage de la madone, tandis que de tendres pensées de sa propre mère emplissaient son cœur. Sur la table elle posa son petit Testament et son livre d'hymnes, et garda un vase toujours plein des plus belles fleurs que Laurie lui portait, et elle vint tous les jours pour « s'asseoir seule, penser à de bonnes choses, et prier le bon Dieu qu'il préserve sa sœur. » Esther lui avait donné un rosaire de perles noires avec une croix d'argent, mais Amy, doutant qu'il convienne à des prières protestantes, préféra le suspendre.
La fillette était très sincère dans sa démarche ; seule hors de la sécurité de son foyer, elle ressentait le besoin d'une main à laquelle se tenir, aussi elle s'était tournée instinctivement vers l'Ami le plus cher et fort, qui enveloppe Ses enfants de son amour paternel. L'aide de sa mère lui manquait pour comprendre et se contrôler, mais ayant appris où regarder, elle faisait de son mieux pour trouver son chemin et l'arpenter avec assurance. Mais Amy était une jeune pèlerine, et son fardeau en ce moment lui paraissait très lourd. Elle faisait de son mieux pour s'oublier, rester gaie, et se satisfaire de faire ce qu'il fallait même si personne ne le voyait ou ne l'en félicitait. Dans son premier effort pour être très, très bonne, elle décida de faire son testament, comme l'avait fait tante March. Ainsi, si elle tombait malade et mourait, ses biens seraient répartis de manière généreuse et juste. Cela lui pinça le cœur de seulement penser à abandonner ses petits trésors, aussi précieux à ses yeux que les joyaux de la vieille dame.
Durant l'une de ses heures de loisir elle rédigea l'important document aussi bien qu'elle le put, avec quelque aide d'Esther pour les termes légaux ; et, quand la gentille Française eut signé de son nom, Amy se sentit soulagée et mit le papier de côté pour le montrer à Laurie, qu'elle souhaitait avoir pour second témoin. Comme c'était un jour pluvieux, elle monta à l'étage pour s'amuser dans l'une des plus grandes chambres, et prit Polly avec elle pour l'accompagner. Il y avait dans cette pièce une armoire pleine de costumes à l'ancienne mode, avec lesquels Esther l'autorisait à jouer, et c'était là son jeu favori que de se parer des brocarts fanés pour parader devant le grand miroir, faire des révérences majestueuses et exhiber sa traîne dans un froufrou qui la ravissait. Elle était si occupée, ce jour là, qu'elle n'entendit pas Laurie sonner, ni ne remarqua son visage dans l'encadrement de la porte tandis qu'elle se promenait gravement, agitant son éventail et hochant la tête, sur laquelle elle avait placé un grand turban rose qui contrastait étrangement avec sa robe de brocart bleu et son jupon jaune molletonné. Elle était obligé de marcher avec prudence, car elle portait des chaussures à talons hauts, et, comme Laurie le raconta par la suite à Jo, c'était un spectacle comique que de la voir minauder dans ses atours chamarrés, avec Polly qui marchait et se pavanait juste derrière elle en l'imitant de son mieux, et s'arrêtait occasionnellement pour rire ou s'exclamer, « Ne sommes-nous pas élégants ? Va-t'en, vilaine ! Tiens ta langue ! Embrasse-moi, trésor, ha ha ! »
Ayant contenu à grand peine une explosion de gaieté, de peur d'offenser sa majesté, Laurie toqua, et fut accueilli avec grâce.
« Prends un siège et repose-toi pendant que je range tout ça ; après quoi je veux ton avis sur un sujet très sérieux, » dit Amy, quand elle eut fait étalage de sa splendeur et conduit Polly dans un coin. « Cet oiseau me rend la vie insupportable, » poursuivit-elle en ôtant la montagne rose de sa tête, tandis que Laurie s'asseyait à cheval sur une chaise. « Hier, quand Tante s'est endormie, et que j'essayais d'être aussi discrète qu'une souris, Polly a commencé à crier et à s'agiter dans sa cage ; alors je suis allée le faire sortir, et j'y ai trouvé une grosse araignée. Je l'ai poussée pour la faire sortir, et elle s'est glissée sous la bibliothèque ; Polly est allé après elle et s'est baissé pour regarder sous le meuble, en louchant et en disant de sa drôle de voix, « Sortez vous promener, très chère. » Je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de rire, ce qui a fait jurer Polly, et tante March s'est réveillée et nous a grondés tous les deux.
—  Est-ce que l'araignée a accepté l'invitation du vieux bonhomme ? demanda Laurie en baillant. 
—  Oui, elle est sortie, et Polly s'est enfui, mort de peur, et a grimpé sur le fauteuil de Tante March en criant, "Attrape-la ! Attrape-la ! Attrape-la !" pendant que je chassais l'araignée.
—  C'est un mensonge ! Oh, Seigneur ! s'écria le perroquet, en piquant du bec les orteils de Laurie.
—  Je te tordrais le cou si tu étais à moi, vieil oiseau de malheur, » s'exclama Laurie en agitant le poing dans la direction du volatile, qui pencha la tête sur le côté et croassa gravement, « Alleluia ! Bénis soient vos boutons, mon cher ! »
« Maintenant je suis prête, » dit Amy en fermant la penderie, et en tirant un papier de sa poche. « Je voudrais que tu lises ceci, s'il te plaît, et que tu me dises si c'est légal et comme il faut. J'ai pensé que je devais le faire, car la vie est incertaine, et je ne veux pas de ressentiment sur ma tombe. »
Laurie se mordit les lèvres, et se détournant un peu de la fillette pensive, lit le document suivant, avec une gravité digne d'éloges, étant donné l'orthographe :
« Moi, Amy Curtis March, saine d'esprit, donne et laigue tous mes biens terrestres, c.-à-d., à savoir, 
« À mon père, mes plus beaux tableaux, dessins, cartes, et œuvres d'art, y compris les cadres. Aussi mes 100$, pour faire ce qui lui plaît.
« À ma mère, tous mes vêtements, sauf le tablier bleu avec des poches, et aussi mon portrait, et ma médaille, avec beaucoup d'amour.
« À ma chère sœur Margaret, je donne ma bague de turkoise (si je l'obtiens), et aussi ma boîte verte avec les colombes dessus, et aussi mon bout de vraie dentelle pour son cou, et mon dessin d'elle comme souvenir de sa "petite fille."
« À Jo je laigue ma broche, celle qui a été réparée avec de la cire à cacheter, et mon encrier en bronze - elle a perdu le couvercle - et mon lapin en plâtre le plus précieux parce que je suis désolée d'avoir brûlé son histoire.
« À Beth (si elle vit après moi) je donne mes poupées et le petit bureau, mon éventail, mes cols de lin et mes nouvelles pantoufles si elle n'est pas trop mince pour les porter quand elle ira mieux. Et ci-joint je lui laisse mon regret de m'être jamais moquée de la vieille Joanna.
« À mon ami et voisin Theodore Laurence je laigue mon portefeuille en papier macher, ma sculpture de cheval en argile même s'il a dit qu'il n'avait pas de cou. Et en retour de sa grande gentillesse dans ces temps d'affliction n'importe laquelle de mes œuvres lui plaira, Noter Dame est la meilleure. 
« À notre vénérable bienfaiteur Mr. Laurence je laisse ma boîte pourpre avec une loupe dans le couvercle qui ira bien pour ses plumes et lui rappellera la petite disparue qui le remercie pour ses faveurs envers sa famille, surtout pour Beth.
« Je souhaite que ma camarade préférée Kitty Bryant aie le tablier de soie bleue et ma bague en or avec une perle, avec un baiser.
« À Hannah je donne le carton à chapeau qu'elle voulait et tous les travaux de couture que je laisse en espérant qu'elle se souviendra de moi en les voyant.
« Ayant maintenant réparti tous mes biens de valeur j'espère que tous seront satisfaits et n'en voudront pas à la défunte. Je pardonne tout le monde, et espère que nous nous retrouverons tous quand les trompes sonneront. Amen.
« À ces volontés et testamant j'appose ma signature et mon seau en ce 20 Nov. Anni Domino 1861.
Le dernier nom était écrit au crayon, et Amy expliqua qu'il devait le réécrire à l'encre, et sceller le tout proprement pour elle.
« Qu'est-ce qui t'a mis cette idée en tête ? Est-ce que quelqu'un t'a parlé de quand Beth a donné ses affaires ? » demanda gravement Laurie tandis qu'Amy déposait devant lui un encrier, un bout de ruban rouge, de la cire à cacheter et une chandelle.
Elle lui expliqua, puis demanda anxieusement, « Quelle est cette histoire avec Beth ?
—  Je suis désolé d'en avoir parlé, mais puisque je l'ai fait, je vais te dire. Elle s'est sentie si mal un jour, qu'elle a dit à Jo qu'elle voulait donner son piano à Meg, à toi son oiseau, et la pauvre vieille poupée à Jo, qui l'aimerait en son nom. Elle était navrée d'avoir si peu à donner, et a laissé des mèches de cheveux au reste d'entre nous, et tout son amour à Grand-père. Elle n'a jamais pensé à un testament, elle. »
Laurie avait signé et était en train de sceller tout en parlant, les yeux baissés jusqu'à ce qu'une grosse larme tombe sur le papier. Amy avait l'air très troublée, mais elle dit seulement, « Est-ce que les gens ne mettent pas parfois des genres de post-scriptum à leur testament.
—  Oui. On les appelle des "codicilles."
—  Mets-en un dans le mien alors - que je souhaite qu'on coupe toutes mes boucles, et qu'on les distribue à mes amis. J'ai oublié, mais je veux que ça soit fait, même si ça va m'enlaidir. »
Laurie l'ajouta, en souriant au dernier et au plus grand des sacrifices d'Amy. Puis il joua avec elle pendant une heure, et se montra très intéressé par ses épreuves. Mais quand vint le temps de partir, Amy le retint pour murmurer, les lèvres tremblantes, « Est-ce que Beth est vraiment en danger ?
—  J'en ai bien peur ; mais nous devons espérer que tout ira bien, alors ne pleure pas, ma chérie. » Et Laurie passa un bras autour d'elle dans un geste fraternel, très réconfortant.
Quand il fut parti, elle se rendit dans sa petite chapelle, et, assise dans le crépuscule, elle pria pour Beth, le cœur gros et avec force larmes, avec le sentiment qu'un million de bagues de turquoise ne la consolerait pas de la perte de sa douce petite sœur.
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