shadovan · 6 months
@lcftyambiticns continued from here:
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Lorroakan rarely left his tower —— why would he risk getting stabbed in the back by some lunatic when he had his minions assistants to run errands for him?
Today, however, his presence was required at the Counting House, and he was dead set on taking his frustrations out on the next innocent employee and letting them know that his VALUABLE TIME wasn't to be SQUANDERED.
He paused when he spotted yet another execution notice hanging on a wall. This city was truly going to the dogs...
' You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen. '
Initially ignoring the voice, Lorroakan suddenly felt someone staring at him. Was HE being addressed? With a perplexed frown, he slowly turned his head.
What in the nine hells... The audacity of some people!!
The wizard blinked, taken aback and bewildered, as he gazed at the pale man who was shamelessly ogling him.
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". . . . I beg your pardon??" He wasn't flattered ( perhaps a little ), but offended and felt his cheeks flushing.
"I suggest you cease gawking at me if you value your well-being," he snapped, distaste and disdain his voice; clearly flustered unnerved by the . . . unexpected attention.
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His left eyebrow raised at the threat — or was it more self-defense on the other’s part? Both could be applicable depending on how the remark had been received. Perhaps his tone hadn't come across as he had expected.
"My well-being? I doubt you could do much to me," he said with a smile, a simple shrug of his shoulders while Tareque rested his arms on the table in front of him. It wasn't even a remark of arrogance, just simple fact. This form would be destroyed, but it would only come back stronger.
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"Besides, it was a compliment," the lich added, gold eyes looking the man up and down without a hint of subtly. "But now you're looking at me like you just had a pointy stick shoved up your ass, so I may need to retract it."
He wouldn't. The sentiment was still accurate, but how dull would it be to simply walk away without causing more of a fuss? The fact was that Tareque was merely that damned bored, and Lorroakan was providing a pleasant view of a distraction from it.
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cragsnow · 3 months
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felix would like to introduce you to his horse, neighsayer. he barely rides him, talks to him like he’s his long-suffering husband, and feeds him entirely too many sugar cubes.
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theemptyislost · 3 months
Haunt Me verse extended origin bs snippet.
(since it has been a hot minute since I have been able to write. Here is a snippet while I work on HM and SL)
TW: Gore, torture, language
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“There once was a fair maiden – “ A loud choking sound broke through the hellish lullaby. The creatures muffled scream spoiling the wistful words of a tragic fable long since forgotten. Renditions of which were buried under the jealousy of a fallen deity – his God.   “Tut-tut. We would not want to ruin –“ The devil gritted between clenched teeth. One hand grasping a horn, the other a bastardization of a saw. “ – the story now,” he paused as if exerted by the mere notion of having to start over…again. “Such an untrained thing you are. It is a wonder you caught anyone’s eye in such a state.” A vicious back and forth sawing motion and the serrated blade severed keratin sheath and bony core from his new toy’s skull. Undeterred by the gargled gasp of pain it drew from lips far too pretty for abysmal filth. His hand fell lazily to the side. The gore covered blade clinking against frozen tile as he stalked back to his throne. The painfully beautiful Archduke fell lazily against the plush finery, one leg thrown over an arm rest as he leaned against its opposite. Chin perched on one fist, newly severed horn twirling between the fiendish claws of the other. Achromic eyes observed his current present as it refused to cave to his generous hospitality. “Now…” Deadened white irises shimmered ominously contra the shades of Cania, enhanced by the beast’s onyx cape and crimson skin. The devil’s handsome features were not enough to guise the deadly current of rage that swirled beneath the surface; the absolute jealousy eating at his sanity. The injustice of it all. “Where was I?” Clawed finger twirled his black goatee, as if struggling to recollect. “Ah, yes…” the devil purred, a dreadful smirk curling his lips. Irises flashing a deep red where there was once white as his visage crumbled amid the rising fury. “There once was a whore – ”
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heavenbled · 2 months
character profile ; voidwalker. (original character, destiny based.)
name ; kaifeng andar. species ; awoken, unknown what generation. seems to be slightly mutated with reptile-like features. pronouns ; he/him/they/them. gender ; nonbinary. sexuality ; pansexual, preference towards men. class/subclass ; void warlock - voidwalker. ghost ; wen-yan (they/them) age ; going onto second century alive as a lightbearer. appears to be in mid 30s.
physical description ; kaifeng is a tall and slender person of about 6'7" height without armor, 6'9" with. though, he's most usually seen with a heel of some sort when in civvies, so typically it adds on a few inches (nighthawk's given them shit for it). they have a deep mauve purple complexion, with tiny white freckles dotted across their body ; notably they are spaced out and few in general, but some are more clustered around their arms.
their eyes are a bio-luminescent white, but unlike the 'usual' (for lack of better words) eyes of the awoken, his pupils are reptilian. almost draconic. kai's hair is depigmented and completely stark white at natural state, however they have a ritual, every week or two to dye it jet black. almost slightly too black for natural black hair. and it goes all the way down to his calves, tips ending just above ankles ; typically they're seen either in a giant bun for helmet wear, or two twintails that cycle between brains and loose ponytail.
they are usually seen in their shadow armor and twin dragon bond. or if in civvies, usually something spacelike, starry, purple/black, etc. his markings are a deep purple that accent cheeks, eyebrows, and eyes, to which they usually even further accent with sharp eyeliner.
due to their light and the way the void interacts with them, kai's fingers and hands have been dyed a dark purple. he usually dons gloves when outside of armor.
light abilities ; kaifeng has a very capricious and unpredictable relationship with their light, as the beginning of their revival was the worst awful time to him to get it under control. due to the nature of his previous life and things that nyx haneul yuan lived with, the void interacts with kai most typically in hallucinations and visions. they experience vivid to small ones : auditory, tactile, and visual alike. it was antagonistic to them for a long time, leading to several breaks from reality and quite a lot of paranoia. however, as kai began to work with the void and figure out how to truly master his light, it became slightly more benevolent. still mostly neutral. helps quite a lot with reflexes in combat.
they do not use any other subclass other than void.
brief history & personality ; oh to awake in a world so foreign to you and everyone else you dare mention it to ; a world where things were dark, upside down, light scarce and nothing dared to make sense. the ascendant plane, he would come to learn the name eventually. he he was awoken to a cold and unfamiliar world, faced with the bones of people they might have once known in a life he had absolutely no recollection of. to an easygoing and friendly little drone who called themselves wen-yan, who had absolutely no recollection of kaifeng's revival in the first place. and the bones of a wish dragon, an ahamkara, facing him and glowing and even speaking to him. he had to bring it with them, of course, how could he not?
and so from the beginning it was arduous and lonely for them, hiding their features and keeping that secret away in fear for what a public reaction would bring. there was a fear about facing the public and being amongst people that was so innate, so buried deep within their soul without the slightest idea as to why, or how to quell it. being a lightbearer is a blessing and a curse. he had truly thought he was cursed for the longest amount of time, and in that did he begin hiding his true identity and abilities to begin living as a civilian among civilians.
nestled in the last city he played this game, living a reclusive life mirroring the solitude that nyx had been forced and held away in before his death. the irony between enforcing old habits the body remembers, but the mind and the person do not ; for they are different people when one is bathed in the light, but yet all the same. kaifeng would always live this double life with himself, they would always feel as if there's just something off about them metaphysically, spiritually, everything in between. his very existence had felt as if something had been etched into the fabric of the universe itself, writing itself over several timelines already. like a saved game file.
surely there had to be corruption in that, in of itself? what did it take, as much as that new save file gave?
in time he would come to love, and eventually settle down with a civilian by the name of hala. the sunshine to their moonlight, the two became inseparable and in time, loved each other as fiercely as the roaring of the sun. as the ebb and flow of the moon. kai felt as though it would've been eternal, even if he'd done all he could to convince himself hala would one day have to pass on, as all things in life eventually did. it cemented this sort of idea to him, that they were just an ugly, dead thing - now cursed to overwrite the ways of the universe time and time again at the cost of material, and immaterial. that of which he could not yet see.
it's approaching from the horizon in where hala starts feeling fatigued, and not quite himself anymore, that kai is faced with the difference of their lives once again. only this time, they can't fight it or deliberately try to overwrite their will in the stars ; of all things to fail at when it seemed to be the very reason for his existence. but there is something healthy there, in that hala teaches him to find the light in the dark. no matter how bleak things seemed. they learn to find contentment in the present time, not the past nor the future.
and then the red war happens. the red legion invades and suddenly the world is ending. they had nowhere to go, and hala had been just two degrees short of being able to parkour about the city, and escape into the wilds for survival. kaifeng had been inexperienced with their control over the light in all the years they've spent ignoring it, and had been an utter mess in the heat of battle. one thing was a clear lesson from that day, from that entire scene and consequently, war : he had not been enough.
it's at this point, during the hardest parts of the war that he escapes to the farm. and it's there that they run into a lightbearer, a guardian, who meets him like they were two neutron stars colliding. the consequences of a wish, the consequences of intense devotion between two twins, that they had been ripped apart so brutally in a life long gone. a shapeshifting guardian, known by most as the nighthawk - but to them, as sao and neptune.
fast forward past the war a little : through kai's slow integration into guardian society and tower life, do they begin the process to mastering their light control and combat skills. at first it's slow moving and they are much too ill-prepared to deal with their void. but eventually, they find purpose in the fight and the reasons why guardians do the things that they do. a bit of motivation, a bit of a pep-talk from nighthawk as his senior lightbearer, and eventually they're moving out into the solar system to face battle head-on. to rise up to the mantle and hold the responsibility that came with calling himself a guardian.
just so happens that one of his battles turns out to be the path of becoming a shadow. this will be a separate post, as well as how lightfall and the final shape affects them.
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odissean · 2 months
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ODISSEAN. But they could neither of them persuade me, for there is nothing dearer to a man than his own country and his parents, and however splendid a home he may have in a foreign country, if it be far from father or mother, he does not care about it.
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WANDERER. Maedi ns'Etesarl, a fandomless scifi OC. Crossover-friendly with a variety of verses. ©
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avernusdamned · 1 year
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THE FURY OF AVERNUS. and you will be forged anew by the Hells themselves. You will be torn asunder and put back together. Stronger. Better. Hollow. HOW HEAVY IS A HEART? HOW MUCH DOES IT COST WHEN IT'S NOT YOURS TO SELL?
an independent and selective rp blog for KARLACH CLIFFGATE of BALDUR’S GATE 3. written and adored by maxi! 25+ they/them.
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trickstercaptain · 4 months
       It wasn't odd for Astarion to keep to himself while at camp — the pair of them weren't attached at the hip, after all, and Jack honestly preferred it that way — but it was strange to have not seen him at all ever since getting back from Moonrise Towers. Normally at this point in the evening, Jack would have already received some indication that his presence in one of their tents, or out in the clearing, was requested. Or made the same request himself. And perhaps that was why, when Jack did locate him, a sense of unease appeared to cross the elf's face. Jack frowned, leaning against a twisting black trunk that, in another lifetime, might have been a flourishing tree.
       “ You seem oddly reclusive tonight. ” He watched Astarion, knowing that something was wrong, but not knowing how to go about offering reassurance or comfort. And Jack wanted to comfort him. He paused, hesitating before speaking again. “ If this is the result of what that drow from earlier had to say, I wouldn't pay it any mind if I were you. ” The longer he'd had to mull on it, the more uncomfortable he'd felt at the insinuations made that he was Astarion's owner. “ Too much time spent in Menzoberranzan, clearly. ”
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midnighttaverns · 16 days
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ℙ𝕝𝕠𝕥: : (Modern Verse) Vixen has completely forgotten about something important to (Your Muse). She has no clue what it is, so she tries to play it off
𝔻𝕪𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕔: Partners or close friends
𝕆𝕡𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕠: All
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The young woman had walked into the space, opening a bottle of pain killers. She looked tired and frustrated. "Hey. Where have you been all day? I tried calling you when I got off work like twice." Her tone made it seem like it was just a normal Monday afternoon. Clearly, she wasn't tracking anything important. "Whatever, you want to go to that taco place down on Main Street? I haven't eaten all fuckin day."
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headshaker · 3 months
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HEADSHAKER. Perhaps Nie Huaisang had really been a “head-shaker” before Nie Mingjue’s passing. After Nie Mingjue’s death, however, he went from knowing nothing to knowing everything — including the fact that Nie Mingjue’s corpse had been swapped and the true colors of the san-ge he had once trusted.
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THREE DON'T KNOWS. Ni.e Huais.ang, from MDZS. Largely book and manhua-based with lesser influence from other sources. Crossover friendly. ©
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spiderwarden · 5 months
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okay my eyes are somewhat normal again, but FRIENDS! I know next to nothing about Fallout. I will support you in your expansion toward Fallout!! always!! PURSUE what makes you happy! I just .. .can't comment much on something I know nothing of!
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shadovan · 8 months
@never-surrender continued from here:
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Still in bear form, the last thing Halsin expected to see was the form of Tareque standing before his very cage in the aftermath of an absolute slaughter. Halsin hadn't even had the time to break the damn cage down to help him before each and every one of the goblins were massacred in a rather spectacular display of skill. He almost felt bad for them ...
Wild shaping back to his normal form, Halsin rose from all fours until he towered over top of Tareque, a smile firmly in place, "Ah, thank you my friend, I wasn't sure how much longer I would have been able to retain such a state... you're certainly a sight for sore eyes-"
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The goblins had fallen quickly at his ambush, some more so than other. The few not immediately slain fell to a more sinister flavor of fate.
The lich hadn't known for certain that it was Halsin in the pen, but his assumptions had been made off of careful planning and the gossip of the nearby folk. Sure, there may have been parties out seeking to rescue the druid, but why shouldn't he interfere, himself? If he was more capable than the others, it was worth the venture.
He wiped some of the goblin blood off his cheek with his sleeve, then his head turned at the familiar voice. Was he relieved? Yes, but he wouldn't admit it aloud.
Not yet, at least.
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"I could say the same," he stated with a coy little smirk, looking Halsin up and down in a manner that was anything but subtle. "Are you injured, though?"
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cragsnow · 4 months
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inside of you there are two wolves, and those wolves are sad felix and happy felix, except the only wolf that anyone really gets to see is sad felix because he is just sad all the time.
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steel-and-fire · 6 months
//Something that most people are not aware of, it seems, is that BG3 takes place in DnD's default verse. The Forgotten Realms.
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heavenbled · 2 months
kaifeng ( + nighthawk) origin stories, based in destiny's world but translatable to other fandom verses.
in the golden age in the states, kai was once known as nyx haneul yuan. he was an orphan with his twin sister, samira iseul yuan and the two kinda flit from foster home to foster home. it was a pretty shitty situation and had been really taxing and traumatizing to the both of them until they both were of legal age to officially be on their own. and that they went, never once leaving each other's side as they pursued their own paths in life. they both left high school and pursued their own degrees at the same university, living off of fafsa and prayers. embezzlement of their shitty lineage and childhood story lead for good scholarship points. the two essentially scrap their way through hell to make something better of themselves, even with all the bullshit that came with shit cards.
kai pursued a degree in dance while also taking to figure skating, even getting competitive for as long as his body would be able to. samira went into biology and earned her degree with (a moderate amount) of difficulty. but they made a life for themselves, they were successful. nyx was fairly popular as a skater, later becoming a vocal and skating coach after retirement. samira went on to bigger and bigger things, seemingly like dragging her twin around but in actuality, nyx was really grateful and proud of her. got him out of his comfort zone. that is, until samira has to suddenly vacate the entire planet, and nyx did not have a ticket on board the ship.
they hit 35. the collapse begins, and the world ends. everything comes crashing down around them, samira is gone, and nyx is completely, utterly alone. the darkness sweeps in and levels the city in minutes, and he with it. but the thing is, samira feels it - they say that its a twin thing. she feels it, just as her ship slips in between dimensions, right on the cusp of light and darkness. fast forward a bit, samira emerges from that slip with thousands of others like her, led by a queen who now called themselves the awoken. i don't really give a fuck about canon here and i built a lot of headcanons around the awoken as a separate species of people from huamnity, bc bungie did not do Enough in my opinion. beings that were once-human, cooked to atoms in a dimensional hole when the clash of light and dark basically explode at that precise moment? cmon . you KNOWWW i'm gonna be on top of that shit. whole apex predator, feral space elves i don't give a fuck reality is whatever i make of it. awoken hcs can be a separate post for later.
anyway she emerges, her queen builds their new home in the asteroid belt: the dreaming city. her queen builds this city with the power of wish dragons, ahamkara. samira takes her background in street fighting to enlist herself into her queen's army. she rises through the ranks ridiculously fast with her ambition and power, and eventually she is able to have access to a wish dragon's lair. she finds it, and she steadies herself in knowing what she's sacrificing: she wishes her twin alive, at the cost of hers. and of course the dragon takes advantage of that wish, of the guilt on her conscience and misery. of course, when nyx comes back he comes back so wrong.
it's like he himself becomes awoken at the cost of his sister. awoken, and half-ahamkara. his hair and eyes turn white, skin a deep purple, and there's just this slightly off-putting feel to him. like a mirage at the corner of your eye, but just barely. this is getting really long so im gonna keep it a lil short: society doesn't like that. awoken aren't a known people at this time where nyx was reincarnated (in the same city that had been destroyed back on earth) and eventually is collected by miss queen awoken herself. sequestered away to live in seclusion on her order, as he was an "abomination." ahamkara magic was dangerous, and eventually they were even all hunted to extinction because of their corruption. nyx dies alone once more, and centuries later does a little ghost come along and revive him once more, this time in the light.
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thcdoomed · 8 months
i come from a hairy family. / from kristen.
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the passion (1987) || accepting [🏹]
|| @torntruth
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Dronia almost chokes on her roasted cockatrice wing, it almost feels as if Kristen just said whatever she could think of to get a reaction out of Dronia. And it always seems to work. She lowers the wing, dabbing at her chin with her sleeve, and just stared at her, an incredulous look on her face. At least the time it takes her to finish chewing her food and swallowing it down gives her the time to think of what to even say in reply to that.
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"Do you just speak whatever you are thinking, Kristen?" She asks as if she doesn't already know the answer.
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meistoshi · 5 months
hmmmm.. storm sorcerer & swap monk for a nature domain cleric class.....
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