#verse; unholy crusade
hxly-fxther · 1 month
"Tell me something…. why do you insist you love me. Why do you insist on talking to me like some loving parent. I don't understand. I love my daughter dearly, I'd never put her through the things you've put me through, that level of hurt and pain… You said before that I've chosen the way I responded to things, but… that's neither here nor there… I just…. don't understand. Is there a way I possibly could… I doubt it…"
Would Lucifer ever accept any sort of answer from God? …no. Most likely never. He will most likely just become more angrier with any response - he knows this. So why is he even bothering. Who is to say…
Though, for the moment. What stands there isn't the prideful Lucifer wielding his wrath… it's the Lucifer who has spent thousands of years hiding his true thoughts, feelings, emotions - underneath all that pride and wrath
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Now this... Was truly something else. Nothing he expected to see on the last couple of days they had. Would this finally be Lucifer showing what he once was? Humility? Maybe.
"Samael. No matter who you are or what you do, it is always a fathers job to love their children unconditionally. I may have punished you, and I did so very cruelly and harshly. That doesn't mean I do not love you. You are my son. Simple as that. You may never believe me, you may resent me forever and I am ok with that. You have many, many times before."
Father kneels down before his son, a hand on his shoulder, a rare moment that has only happened a handful of times in other cycles. Might he actually get through to him this time? No. Impossible. Yet the creator still tells him what he has said only a couple times before.
"Lucifer, your existence is my most beautiful work. And I will never, ever take that for granted."
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screentimeoverlord · 15 days
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He keeps an eye out for everyone, this man is determined to stay alive and survive this shitshow.
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darkseraphscorner · 2 months
Seraph sneaks back into heaven, being a Seraphim had some ups, portals where handy.... he just hoped no one was paying attention.
He approached his second in command. "Argus, how goes the work?" He asked.
The looming angel turned to him and wrinkled her nose. "You stink of brimstone, but work is good." She rumbles. "Was up before someone smells you."
He chuckles nervously and heads up to his quarters, stripping down and stepping into the shower, hot water washing away the smell of hell, now he can relax.... maybe he can sneak out and see Lilith again? His heart raced at the thought, she had opened his eyes to a range of things... he hopped she was okay.
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hells-greatestdad · 22 days
Summary of Major Events in Unholy Crusade, in-universe August 8th and after
August 8th at midnight, God had a stand-off with Eve to release the colossi from Purgatory.
Later that in-universe morning saw the first battle taking place in Heaven, one of the colossi from Purgatory
Rest under cut, cuz there is A LOT
Please note that this summary is heavily from my own perspective. It helps that my muse plays a very major role in all this, but it's quite possible that I'm missing out on some important detail
Shortly thereafter, another threat showed up in Greed Ring in Hell. An angel came to punish and test Greed. Mammon called for backup and Lucifer and Philza (formerly Azrael angel of death, one of Lucifer's brothers from Heaven)
The battle was pretty tough and Lucifer got knocked unconscious because the absolute dumbass forgot he's a demon and holy light will burn his ass (aka mun rolled a nat 20 for damage, ouchies)
Philza saved Lucifer by taking him away from the battle so he'd be safe, healed him a bit. Lucifer was able to wake up the next turn.
However, while Lucifer was unconscious….
Stuff was going on in Heaven. And Hell. Charlie was trying to figure out how to bring everyone together in unity, since God had declared her to be "the key" in all of this, and she asked her mother to remove the barrier in Pride Ring that barred easy travel to other rings by the Sinners
Charlie also wrote a speech and had it broadcast over Alastor's radio tower. Since Lilith has an agreement with Vox that he will air all messages from the royal family, her message gets played across the media to all of Hell, too.
Charlie ends up summoned to Heaven to help with the fight there. …..sadly. She sacrifices herself to take down the colossi.
Another round of fights begin, and Lucifer, who had been knocked unconscious and literally just woke back up and healed himself to full health, was teleported to a different fight. Leaving Mammon and Philza to summon Asmodeus to help with Angela, who had summoned ANOTHER angel named Ash. Oh, and there's a giant wolf they had been fighting, too.
Other battles are taking place. Adam nearly dies in his, then Lute takes his place.
The next round of fights are characters who had witnessed multiple cycles, more than millions of cycles failing to get past all of them. Lucifer gets to fight his brother Michael, who informs him of Charlie's unfortunate death.
The battle includes Lucifer, Sera, and Emily against Michael. The battle sees Sera's death, and Lucifer only just barely manages a victory. He deals the killing blow to Michael. He lost a limb during the battle, Michael having lopped off his right arm.
Lilith faces a Divine version of Lucifer, who as you know, nearly kills her. She calls on an angel named Seraph as backup, and Pentious answers her prayer for aid.
Now all of this is written as heavily from my perspective, so other people would do well to jump in if I'm missing anything important.
Lilith is able to defeat divine Lucifer with the help of Seraph.
Lucifer tries to get in contact with everyone after his battle. He meets up briefly with Lilith and they have a moment. He then goes to meet with Paimon and Mammon, who are not doing well with the whole "unity" thing they are being told is so important. Lucifer hears Paimon out and is able to bring him over. Mammon was already convinced by Roo and others, but begrudgingly. Lucifer had just been told it might be best that he speak to Mammon too.
There is a confrontation between Lucifer and Philza over the death of Michael, specifically that Lucifer killed him, since the news is very sudden. Lucifer has a complete mental breakdown and ends up being comforted by Philza.
Lucifer gets some much needed rest. Boi is exhausted.
Emily is now High Seraphim of Heaven, with Sera gone. She calls to meet with some people, including Lucifer and Lilith. Lilith shows up since Lucifer is busy.
So, during this, they have a week, possibly two, before the final battle comes. "Mother".
The next day, his wife is suddenly terrified of him. It comes to light that Lilith is dealing with a trauma response, from having fought with Divine Lucifer. Sadly, the appearance of her own husband is bringing that experience back. They end up sleeping in separate rooms for a bit, Lucifer having to keep his distance. But he does sweet things for Lilith, like making meals and leaving rubber ducks and puns and stuff and giving her things she likes.
Lilith eventually decides she's tired of being scared of her own husband, and they start sharing a bed again.
During this time, they have to try and prepare and try and foster and encourage unity between Heaven and Hell. Not just the leaders, but the people, too. This won't work unless the people are just as on board as the leadership.
So right now, it's just preparing things.
The ideas at play right now:
-playing the "test" battle that took place on August 4th that involved Charlie, Philza, and one other. Showing Hellborn (Charlie) working together with an angel (Philza) across the media
-form a council meant to watch over matters between Heaven and Hell, made up of both Heavenborn and Hellborn. So far, candidates for those on this list include Rosie and Carmilla. Lucifer and Lilith are still working on some details before this is presented to Emily
- meet with Saint Pentious and thank him in person. They also want to ask if he'd be willing and able to speak on behalf of unity
Some of the battles of the other characters brought in (Harbringers) are still ongoing with the irl muns. 3 of them, I think?
Also, Adam sewer slided (or more like tried to kill God by blowing himself up??), but God brought him back to life.
Oh! God also restored Lucifer's arm. Which he was not expecting.
Lucifer has also received some advice from Angela, including to ask God to restore his arm. And she gave him 4 summoning feathers for the battle ahead.
This is all the major stuff that I remember.
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radioiaci · 1 month
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His final broadcast left on that somber note, Alastor took one last look around his booth before he turned and left it behind. He was not done yet- and he did not plan on dying if it could be helped… But knowing how he’d faired against Adam…
Well. It would have been foolish to deny the odds.
He strode down the hall back towards his room, intent to see Rosie and knowing that she had retreated to herself after their evening together of dance and drink. He’d had the final task to do, but he did not see fit to leave his wife - still such a strange thing to think about - to her own devices on the eve of what could be their last night together.
The radio demon took a detour out to the hotel grounds, leaning to pluck a few small wild flowers he found to then bring back inside and up to where he knew Rosie to be. His room had been open to her - even if it bore telltale signs of his more… bachelor style of living. But he’d already assumed she would not mind, all things considered.
To the sixth floor, he returned, finding his door and opening it with small flowers in the opposite hand as he strode inside. The door was shut behind him as he sought her out, rounding where Rosie sat and presenting the small flowers to her.
They were not the most beautiful, but that was not the point.
“You look upset,” he said aloud when he was able to process her expression at all, settling next to her and inserting himself into her space. Knowing full well she did not mind that either.
“…Are you afraid?”
|| @cannibalxroses ||
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What will you do, Asmodeus? Will you swallow your grievances with Heaven, allowing the world to move forward into a bright future? Or will you refuse?
The weight sits upon the shoulders of you and Mammon, now. -🍎🌳
The sin of Lust furrows his brow angrilly, pretty he sure he knew the source of this message before he spoke "I suffered greatly in heaven, burying my desires like I was expected to even if it made me feel empty and heartless, and I won't deny I've let rage anger burn for my former home, even when it wasn't needed. I'll admit that..." He then relaxes and looks up, not to anyone especially not his creator, but to the future
"But I've also loved this world and my new life for long enough to know it was worth it, I've made a community that accepts love in every form for the betterment of all involved, so noone would have to feel as I did under my power. I believe in love and hope over hate and rage. If Heaven and Hell must unite to continue their existence, and the lives of it's citizens, then I'll do it, I'll advocate for it if need be. For the innocent people of Hell, and the friends I've made, I'll swallow my grievances, long as noone else is harmed by this war which has proven it's point. Is that what you wanted Father~?
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themosthatedbeingg · 24 days
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He was always watching from a distance, silently, just processing the other harbringers and their interactions constantly.
Alastor latched onto Charlie a lot because she was familiar, but he felt that this Lucifer seemed rather pleasant.
Seeing someone bite him....maybe that's how he could greet him too!
Getting the courage, the eldritch demon walked up to him and.......bit him on the arm, looking rather pleased with himself.
Lucifer had been going over what to make for dinner at their void Applebees when he felt teeth latch onto his arm and he let out a startled fox like Yelp, his wings coming out as his halo glowed brightly .
“H-Hey?! What in my father’s name are you doing ?!” He thought Alastor liked him!
Wait was this a training session? Did he need to attack back?
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originemesis · 1 month
[continued - xxx ]
Though its capability to produce a range of sound ranging from gritty echoes to soul withering rumbles seemed slated in the strings of the hybrid battle-axe, the span of angelic steel that caps its golden polish with a sharpened end sings once swung. Such a sickeningly sweet sound- like the ever present hum of a halo mixed with the shrill acoustics of a hawk's cry hitting a wall of cumulus. It's a far more distinctive noise than the resounding roar that accompanies a severed head still thinking itself attached to protest its 'exorcism' from its body, but shockingly short lived as the angel issues a fierce round of flapping to right himself mid-air and shoot the snarling hell lord a look befitting of the 'impudent' variety. Smug at the very least. False teeth flash in a widespread display of mania as the fallen head dissipates as if the black smoke it spares is an adequate replacement for bloodied water in beckoning a feeding frenzy from a passing shark.
"YEAHEAHH! Just the tip~" He tuts, the axe heavy by his side as he grasps the handle two-handed and wound back as if contemplating another head to accompany his intermittent bursts of rock and roll, but two lively maws darting in prompts his take off with a harsh flap to shoot him into the red sky. The heads aren't exactly as quirky as the last one, so he spends a good several squawking seconds evading the pair of snapping jaws, spiraling up the base of one serpentine neck to avoid its detection only for the second maw to spot and force him back out of its mate's blind spot. He continues this thrashing exchange of weaving in between both drooling sets of jaws, being sure to let both know in turn about how they all were being super cunty about this whole needing to die with their world thing. Until of course the third wheel of the remaining heads showed up once he'd been corralled by the other two. Shit. Shit-balls, even. His talons twitch on the axe, wound up to strike at the intrusion if it darted in, but it opts for a fire blast.
An initial screech is for the heat seeping in through the divine thread count. "Burning in hell- HOW FUCKING ORIGINAL-!!" The temperature detection levels in his mask alerts with a piercing shrill that would likely upset and permanently deafen any passing hellhounds. Golden feathers singe black at the ends until he all at once tucks them tight in favor of a downward dive towards the ground. With the aftermath of the fire still encasing him, he adjusts to a longer rung of air space just shy of where the manor's top floor met its stairway down, patting frantically at his once again unfurled feathers to beat patches of flames out of the lesser cooked bits to a spirited rendition of him calling Paimon a sore slut.
It's then he noticeS the 'congregation' below. And just what were those whores up to? Time to pay them a little visit- and he comes bearing gifts. Partly the flames from their nub necked lord still smoldering around his shoulders. Partly his now flaming axe which he slams into the ground in the middle of the three previous onlookers.
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The walkway ruptures under the force of the strike he drops his train like momentum into, spreading fire and jagged chunks of concrete around the trio and the impact zone.
@avispatr , @mages-pandoras-box , @a-hell-of-a-time
hit counter [3+1 from burned/20 ] - phase 1 the music has stopped for this round.
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cast-you-dxwn · 2 days
A hand falls onto Michael’s shoulder, one that would linger for a moment before a half grin comes from the Creator. “My Son.” He speaks with words softened by the cluttering of his mind, words that should have been said long ago that have been forgotten with the passage of time.
“I know you have began to foster certain feelings for myself and I do not blame you. The cycle you had taken a break in had scarred you in more ways than I could have thought. I have relied on you so heavily, treated you as nothing but a tool and have taken your loyalty for granted.” Father removes his hand from Michael’s shoulder.
“Every Cycle you do as is needed, every Cycle you live with them, hoping that this will be the one. The one that will allow your rest. Time and time again I call upon you to turn your sword among family, both at the beginning of time and at the end. You, among everyone else, have seen so much loss.”
The sight of Father frowning is a rare oddity, the man was normally seen with high spirits at all times but this time? That wasn’t the case.
“I implore you, allow yourself to be honest with me. I will not strike you, I will not hurt you, I will not allow you to fall. A trillion Cycles worth of pain and hardship is so much for one soldier to bear alone. If there is something I may be able to do for you… Let it be known. You deserve a reward for your service, anything at all and I shall see to it that it happens.”
He knows. But of course he knows. Father had likely become aware of the resentment beginning to simmer in the back of Michael’s soul long before he became aware of it himself.
He does not startle at the hand placed upon his shoulder, no, he does not seem to react at all. His gaze is fixed upon the ground, dark circles beneath his eyes, and for a being that knows neither fatigue or rest, he seems so very tired.
“They look to me as a hero.”
The words are quiet, barely more than a whisper. But Father does not need to hear him. He knows, likely before Michael thinks to speak, He knows.
“Fallen or not, in every cycle. Hellborn or Angel, Sinner or Saved. They look to me. To defend them, to balm their wounds, to save them in the hour of their deaths. Then they ask ‘why’. Falling tears and pleas for answers I do not have, when I turn my blade upon them. I never know what to say.”
Father removed his hand from his shoulder, and Michael finds himself longing for the touch. For something that he does not know for certain will end in blood. A hand raises, and he places his own there, a child’s mockery of a parents reassurance.
“I cannot stop. I know this. I once tried to rest, and everything was so much worse. But no matter what I do, what I try, who I uplift, or encourage, or kill, it all ends the same. Blood and tears, and them always asking me ‘why.’”
His gaze finally raises, meeting the shadowed place beneath Fathers cap where a humans eyes would be. Silvered eyes, normally so sharp and ready, are now dull iron rings that hang heavy. He is just…so tired.
“Why did you make me this way? Why did you make me care about them? If you were to treat me as a tool, then why am I not simply a tool? Why make a sword that weeps?”
There is no anger in the query, but there would be if he had even the slightest amount of vigor to conjure it with. As it stands, he meets Gods question with averted eyes, a set jaw, telltale signs that he is thinking very deeply about something.
“I simply…want them to be well. I want the scars on Charlottes skin to cease haunting her. I want Cains anger to cease ruling him. I want Alastor to be able to sleep through the night, for Adam to finally find his peace, for Lucifer to stop…flinching every time I look at him.”
Pearlescent droplets begin to gather in the corners of his eyes, and he grits his teeth, swallowing hard, willing them not to fall. To be fierce instead of weak, such is his station, his purpose.
“I want them to stop hurting. I want them to know that all will be well, in the end, and I do not know if that is something you or I could ever do, but…I want them to be happy. Even if that means they must be in a world without my presence.
A fitting fate for a turncoat.”
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high-seraphims · 2 months
@flowercrxwned asked
Eve stepped through a portal at Sera's office doors, Father's manipulation had gone too far this time. Adam was necessary to win this fight and Sera needed to know the truth without outside influence. She just hoped her knowledge would be trusted. " Hello, Sera. It's been a long time."
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Well that came as a shock, Eve appearing in her office as she got back. "Eve? What are you going here, shouldn't you be." She trailed off as she looked at her form. "Eve, you should remember to get dressed before you make such an entrance.."
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hxly-fxther · 1 month
"Say, what do you think would happen if I threw one of these,"
Lucifer conjures up a full sized and filled up propane tank
"And chucked it at one of your eyes"
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"You would have a lot of time to think about the consequences of your actions being stuck alone in the white room. Dear boy, it would be silly to do such at a time like this."
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screentimeoverlord · 24 days
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What? He has a family.. Val and Velv. Rude..
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hellsdisneyprincess · 2 months
It's late at night. There's an incoming call from dad
Normally, Charlie would try to urge her dad to wait until the morning but things were a bit different right now.
She answered the phone.
"Hey, Dad...." She didn't want to worry him, but at the same time, it was impossible to keep her concern out of her voice with what God had just told her.
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hells-greatestdad · 2 months
Lucifer Stat Sheet [Unholy Crusade] (updated 9/19/24)
Alignment: neutral (true)
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HP: 290
MP: 150
LV: 20
AC: 16
Strength: High - 18
Dexterity: High - 19
Constitution: High - 17
Intelligence: Average - 15
Wisdom: Average - 14
Charisma: High - 18
Hand-to-hand combat: Lucifer is adept at physical combat, using no weapons
Demonic skills
Intimidate: Lucifer can lull lesser demons into submission through access to his demon form. This will mean that they will not disobey his word.
Demon form: Lucifer can summon a fearsome and powerful demon form
Conjuration: Lucifer can conjure up nearly anything he desires
Pyrokinesis: Lucifer can summon and manipulate fire at will (related: he can also breathe fire)
Angelic skills
Shapeshifting Lucifer can shapeshift into a variety of animals
Flight: can summon 6 seraph wings for flight
Teleportation/portals: Lucifer can summon portals, including for travel between the realms. If he has at least some idea of where the destination is, he can create a portal there.
Healing: Being an angel, even a fallen one, Lucifer has healing abilities. However: he cannot easily heal wounds from Angelic Weapons. If at all.
Can have an explosive temper. Rage can take over if pushed far enough, especially in demon form
Demon form is closer to base emotions/instincts, meaning controlling emotions while in demon form is more difficult
Prideful: may play with opponents and not take fights seriously unless it's clear there's either a level playing field or the opponent is stronger than he
Angela's feather (x4) [given to Emily]
A vial (heals 75% HP + haste; double actions for 3 turns)
Ability to summon Lilith's pet snake Penelope and her abilities for aid in battle for 3 turns
Divine Lucifer's feather (x1)
Philza's feather (x1) [given to Emily]
Eden apple slice (x2) [1 used, 1 given to Emily]
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radioiaci · 1 month
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[ Soundtrack. ]
He was under no illusion that he'd come cripplingly close to death again. Facing the strange reflection of himself from another failed existence... There were a lot of thoughts that threatened to overtake him as he lay amidst his nest of pillows in his canopy bed. The subtle chirp and buzz of illusory insects and frogs in the bayou were a comfort; helping to dull the pain just enough for him to make an effort to truly convalesce, now that he was out of immediate danger.
Alastor had to struggle through clean-up when he'd returned back into the hotel. The tower had been decimated - but that was not forefront of his mind. He'd bathed himself with some struggle; mended the lingering puncture wounds left in his arms and legs by the rubble he'd piked himself onto. But thankfully, he could no longer feel any major internal damage.
He would not thank the angel for it. It would not have been necessary had it not been for her ilk. Bitter until the last.
But eventually, he would be no longer covered in blood and in a better position to settle, comfortable, amidst his sheets as he closed his eyes and recalled that he was free of Lilith's nightmarish threat. Which meant sleep was attainable.
Unsure if he wanted to allow it to take him so readily, Alastor took his time in succumbing to it, laying with his eyes closed in a lazy sprawl that almost made him feel as though he could pretend nothing whatsoever had happened. That Charlie had not died. That his doppelganger had not attacked them in his tower. That he'd not fallen to what should have been his own death. That the angel had not brought him back from the brink.
He wanted to badly to pretend.
There was the knowledge too that there were still battles presumably being fought. Those that he would not and could not join to help. He had no personal stake in many of them. Did not know all of the players in this seemingly never-ending chess game. He'd done what he'd done to protect Rosie and her cannibals. He'd trained Charlie to make an effort to protect her - and failed.
Frustration and failure. Intermingling in his brain in a way that made him feel sick.
It was only when the nausea began to claw at him that he finally shut down the thought processes. He did not want to delve deeply into them. Could not. Maybe he would still be needed for what was to come.
Alastor allowed himself to relax as best as he could, his chest eventually slowing with the exhales of sleep.
Unless otherwise needed, he would be out for some time.
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dick-meister · 30 days
What kind of Villain are you?
righteously evil
you've been hurt. what you're doing is wrong. there is no doubt. but it's what you need to do. you were not going to roll over and let it just happen. so you did what you had to. and you will continue doing what you had to. when you die, its with fury in your eyes. your opponent says you're stubborn, having kept this up for this long. you laugh, and spit in their face. you curse them until your very last breath.
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