#verse: bittersweet recovery of corruption
thedetectiveofinaba · 5 years
Raidou doesn't sing anymore. But tonight he is humming something. Something old, older than himself. Occasionally there are words. He sounds so sad still.
[for reference he's humming/singing Dead Hearts by Stars]
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It was a somewhat… positive sight to see Raidou do something else than work in silence at the same room as her. Don’t get her wrong: she prefers the silence compared to the pests and noise at Tokyo PD but too much silence is a sign of sorrow in one’s soul if you ask her. She knows this by a personal experience and it at least applies to her.
A hum of a tune even she has no idea is something new to see and a sign of on maybe he’s somehow gotten past the tragedy they both had. Emphasis on maybe: she just has a hunch the fuck up of the elders will never disappear.
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