#verse: Resident Evil
scarlxtleaves · 11 months
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Dammit, these things were just too strong..and they were everywhere. Hopefully his sister and the kids managed to find safety with the military. Nero himself would have to make do with the situation he’s thrust into here. Quickly he began making his way through the zombie-torn city within the small alleys. It wasn’t until he arrived within a seemingly empty opening before a large grocery store did he hear the sound of a heel, the one-armed man quickly turned with his revolver aimed towards the other. “A woman? Sneakin’ up on a guy like that is only going t’ get you shot. Take it you’re here for some tampons? Or are ya more of a ‘pad’ kinda gal?”
liked for a starter / @pastchasing
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incessantlark · 24 days
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Lyrics from 'Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most' by Dance Gavin Dance
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zarstarss · 2 years
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there was an opportunity
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clouds-soup · 2 months
I'm slowly making my way through the resident evil games and the jump from 6 to 7 is fucking insane.
6 is like me and my buddies on a fun little adventure. Haha I can punch the zombies look at how dumb they are this guys only defense is screaming at me!!!
And then 7 is like my fucking wife is possessed and this old man is force feeding me human flesh. Oh god the mold is alive and it's eating me oh fuck he's mutated and has a chainsaw now and his wife is giving birth to bugs that eat people
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zhaleys · 29 days
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claireada gecko-verse
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morbidpaintz · 1 year
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comic/spiderman study turned into leon self indulgence :p
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matchalilly · 1 year
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When you have a type and you know which one to blame...Chad it's all Chad's fault.
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Grumpy tired big-titty men my beloved
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k-0re · 1 year
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3 woman (with very questionable methods of dealing with bad guys) with both the properties and powers of a blow fly and spider
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i-wanna-perish · 9 months
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fan-fangirl-world · 2 years
One day you are posting rookie Leon and Captain Redfield content and then Capcom makes it canon and creates official content of them together for a game.
Excuse me while I appreciate this moment.
Like I can’t believe it.
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When you thought the rookie was gonna steal your time but in fact he stole your heart.
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evilwvergil · 2 years
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“Battlesuit Jill” 🥰 💕 ↳バイオハザード RESIDENT EVIL Re:Verse
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virologikal · 4 months
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𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 @judasiskariot requested: ship: Chris && Wesker (S.T.A.R.S. era) ⸻ 22: ﹝…in a rush of adrenaline﹞
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With late summer well on the way, the streets of Raccoon City seemed more reminiscent of a cauldron, reflective surfaces of towering office buildings in the city proper only intensifying the heat, causing the air to flicker even in the late afternoon hours. Fortunate citizens elected to remain in their air-conditioned homes, while others took refuge in the recently opened swimming area at the Mendez River Docks. Children swarmed the Cafés in hopes of some quickly depleting ice cream, and fans were sold out everywhere, as notices plastered all over the city shopping area declared.
Still, none of it could compare to the heat of their breaths exchanged in much-too-close proximity as they stood, pressed against each other in spite of their layers of tactical equipment and cloth sticking to their damp skin, in an alleyway a few blocks away from the R.C.P.D.
It was dangerous, and stupid, yet alluring - a combination most enticing despite the risk it posed.
Wesker could hear the quickened breath, could feel it brush against his own lips while the both of them remained in stasis, a moment frozen in time as ocean blue observed amber from behind the security of shaded glass; calculating and studying as he always did, especially with Chris. The younger man had fascinated him from the moment he set foot into the S.T.A.R.S. office, and only kept pulling him in with easy smiles and boyish charm, a lighthearted stubbornness tethering him to his Captain as it seemed. Carefully testing boundaries and pushing buttons for the mere sake of curiosity needing satiation, their dance having already lasted numerous months, moth to flame, flame to moth.
Mere moments before, their team had ended their monthly training parkour, leading them through the Arklay Forest, down the trail and around the south of Raccoon City, past the university and across the circular river to the end point. Along the way, they faced various mock-encounters to prepare for actual emergencies. By the end of it, every single one of them was out of breath, sweating and, some of them, cursing.
It wasn’t unusual for Chris to stroll along back to the R.C.P.D. with Wesker, idly chatting away or trying to glean some personal information by prodding the older man with questions, but this time the blond could tell there was something else on his point-man’s mind.
Having spent as much time together on - and off - duty as they had, it became increasingly easy for Wesker to identify certain thought patterns in the other, especially when it came to him wanting to be inappropriately close in public. The hope of distracting the brunet and seizing the upperhand in all situations had long since been abandoned as Chris proved to only be spurred on when being told no, and thus gears had been shifted to enticing the other with secrecy.
The thrill of it seemed to work wonders, thankfully enough, and ensured at least a modicum of safety for Wesker, who found himself distracted more often than he had liked from the reality of their escapisms being not only dangerous for both their careers (as much as his was a farce, he still took pride in it), but also for his charade. And it certainly didn’t make things easier when it came to planning his desertion from Umbrella in the upcoming months.
A gentle touch from soft lips catching his lower one in a playful attempt to bring forth a reaction snapped Wesker from his train of thoughts, an involuntary shiver sliding down his back causing a tensing of his shoulders, while the other one’s hands reached to remove obtrusive shades from the bridge of his nose, tucking them away carefully in his breast pocket without breaking eye contact.
Narrowing his eyes briefly in the low light, Wesker reached, fingers of one hand curling around Chris’ chin, feeling the stubble under his tips as he tilted his head slowly, his eyes with no expression, not betraying the hunger and want he had felt all day while watching the other exert himself in the summer heat. Still their hearts pounded an unforgiving beat against their chests, blood rushing through their veins and dusting the younger one’s cheeks red, only noticeable by the analytic gaze of blue eyes never missing a detail despite the sinking sun’s glow upon their skin.
Words were considered for a brief moment as Wesker weighed the thought of teasing the other further, and by doing so inviting a chance to move their entanglement to his apartment, but when his lips parted, he could feel Chris’ body move against his in a sudden, unexpectedly strong motion, pushing up towards him despite fingers holding his chin, even ignoring the reflexive, warning pressure Wesker applied.
Hardly as composed as the blond was, Chris clearly had no patience for games and no thoughts left for any danger of possible exposure as his fingers curled into what little cloth of his Captain’s shirt he could grasp to pull him closer, lips pressing in unexpected desperation against his mouth and, when smoothed against each other, releasing a soundless sigh Wesker swallowed. Just when he thought he had successfully mastered the adrenaline coursing through his veins, Chris ignited the cinders again, fanning the fire like he always did, being the harbinger of unwise decisions Wesker was certain he would eventually regret one day.
Momentarily, however, he allowed himself to indulge, his hand releasing the other’s chin and grabbing his neck instead, fingernails digging into smooth skin before sliding up into soft hair where they curled and grabbed, tugging hard enough to bring forth an exquisite sound, muffled only by their sealed lips.
Intent on taking back control of the situation, he proceeded to part warm and soft lips with his tongue, too impatient and greedy to take his time, but finding Chris pliant and welcoming.
Wesker was no fool - he knew the implications of their actions, his actions, but found himself unable to resist all the same. Still, one of these days he would have to end whatever it was they had.
Unless he could convince Chris to follow him.
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coffiishake · 6 months
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In my two decades of living I’ve collected silly little guys that make me happy :) this is definitely not all of them and I’m probably missing some but these are the ones that I remembered :D Omw to collect more funny lil guys
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WIP Wednesday
I was hoping to have this done today but life happened so have this little tidbit instead...
“L-Luis… Luis please. You have to let go.” Leon hissed, his own hands clasped over Luis’s, trying to pull them away but there like stone digging into his flesh.  
There is still no indication that Luis even hears him. That he even knows where he is. His bright eyes are unfocused, unseeing.
Leon gives up on trying to pry Luis’s hands from him and out of nowhere a thought strikes him. He stopped his struggle and then gently placed a trembling hand onto the space between Luis’s shoulder blades. Leon gets a flash of ichor darkened veins, winding thickly around Luis’s spine. The hole Krauser’s knife left had long since healed, sealing Luis’s plaga inside.
His own plaga stilled in his chest and Leon took a deep breath.
He felt so foolish, but Leon had to try. He closed his eyes and tried to reach out. On his own, through his own plaga, whichever way worked. He just needed the thing to hear him. Surprisingly, it seems to work. Leon could feel it when they connected and immediately, he took the opportunity to try to convey to it that Luis was safe. That Leon was with him and that he would do whatever it took to make sure that nothing happened to him.
Hey. Hey, can you hear me? You’re safe. I’m here. You’re safe and so is Luis. I’ve got you. I won’t let anything happen to you.
Leon gasped in shock.
Protect him.
He had been trying to talk to it. Was it anymore insane that he was communicating back.
Yes. I will protect him. I’ll protect you both. Just please… Please… you have to try. Try and calm down. You’re hurting him.
Crazy enough, it seemed to work. Luis’s grip loosened and Leon could do nothing but sigh in relief. His own plaga finally calmed in his chest.
“Fuck.” Leon panted and winced. A sense of dizziness overcoming him before it all went black.
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drenix004 · 1 year
Blankets for omega
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Pairing: Alpha Leon Kennedy x Omega Fem Reader.
Summary: Leon doesn't know which blanket to take to his omega, so he takes them all.
Warning: fluff, Alpha Leon concerned, Omega Fem
¡English is not my first language, so there may be mistakes, don’t hesitate to correct me.!
Leon S Kennedy had a reputation for being a cold and calculating alpha, at first glance it was obvious that he was dominant by nature. The air around him made it more than clear that he was an alpha, and as such society told him that he should not be soft, that only showed weakness.
But, Leon was never someone normal, he stepped out of the typical stereotype many times, just as he was doing at that moment.
Stares were on him, some discreet and some not so much, he could hear the dismayed whispers at seeing him grab items in a specialty store for omegas.
He had called his omega during the flight back from Spain, his wolf was restless and would only calm down if he heard his mate's voice. But, when he heard it he knew immediately that something was not right, so he asked.
He had a fundamental rule in their relationship, No lies, and more if that could put the integration and security of the omega.
"I don't like the nest anymore, the blankets make me uncomfortable" he replied almost on the verge of tears.
Those words had caused Leon to worry about his mate's health.
The nests were very important for the health and well-being of the omegas, they could easily get sick if they were not suited to each other's needs.
If the nest wasn't right, neither would the omega and if that alone would make her sick.
That was enough to make her almost run out of the plane when she landed, she could feel the distress and discomfort through the pair bond so she let out slight grunts as she climbed into her jeep and drove to the nearest omegas store.
When he walked in, he certainly attracted attention, but he focused on what was more important. He grabbed a cart and went about putting items that would help calm his omega and then went to the section that to him was worse than the puzzles he did on his missions.
As he entered the nesting items aisle in the blanket area he didn't know which one to choose, there were thermal blankets, silk, cotton, quilted, soft, extra soft, linen, thin, thick, plush, textured, untextured.
"Why the fuck are there so many?" he cursed under his breath at the excessive amount of blankets, he furrowed his eyebrows, every minute that passed was a minute without being able to comfort his partner.
"Fuck it, I'll take them all" he grabbed one of each type and was throwing them into the cart.
Money wasn't an issue, and it never really would be. The government paid him very well for risking his ass on every mission, it was the only advantage he saw to it, as he could fulfill his partner's every whim without having to look at his bank account.
Quickly the cart filled up, so it was his turn to carry a few blankets in his hands. he was practically a walking mountain of blankets when he got to the cashier to turn off, he gave him a dirty look when the clerk opened his mouth, shutting him up before he even uttered a vowel.
He quickly stowed everything in the jeep and floored the gas pedal to the metal, on the way he released his pheromones to get the blankets scented.
"I'm coming honey, Alpha is on his way."
if it is well received, I will make part 2 :)
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