#verse inspo // the horror of a carcass is the beauty of a butcher shop
lovestaged · 1 year
thinking about... what if... maybe .... siyue's entire thing with ghosts in her horror verse becomes worse bc she gets possessed by them </3 it happens and it's bad bc she could be doing interviews and photoshoots and whatnot and she ends up doing or saying smth wild and out of character bc it's the ghosts in control now and she couldn't do anything about it except tremble in rage ...
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lovestaged · 1 year
horror verse starter, open to all!
for the longest time, queenie has thought the only place that she's always felt the most at home is the stage. she would insist that it's the only place she could feel like herself. she has always found it rather proud, and fascinating that stage fright is just something that doesn't exist in her life. from a young age, she has enjoyed every single chance of being on stage, liked all the spotlight on her that it's too bright and blinding to see anything else properly—especially her parents' ever judging gazes. that had developed into some sort of habit, that she would find her way to any stage that she is set to perform the next day on the previous night, when all staff has left and there's no one left in sight except for herself. it has made it easier, and calming for some last minute practice, and most importantly, it takes the burdening pressure off just a little. this would be the only time mistakes could be tolerated, and unnoticed. because no one would be around. because she could not bear to have her weak, prone to mistakes side shown to anyone else. because mistakes don't knock her down. it's knowing that other people are watching that does. yet now, a surprised yelp escapes her as she trips over her own foot, knees hitting the stage ground hard as palms reach out to break the fall a little, the microphone in her hand making an ugly sound as it hits the ground and rolls away, and it's sounded piercing to her. so she immediately brings her hands to her ears, as if that could block it, and the sharp shriek of the ghosts around her. she shouldn't have done that. to do so would mean that she's acknowledging that she could see them, and they have succeeded in being more than an eyesore in her daily life. to do so would mean they're affecting her more than she is willing to admit. and unfortunately, she isn't the only one who's aware of that. one of the ghosts—with bloody tears spilling over and dark mouth pulling back to reveal misshaped, dirty teeth had its face too close to her, and siyue instinctively squeezed her eyes shut, raven hair falling forward as if that could shield her. she tries to move back, but it's hard to even breath. it's as if they're squeezing her in from all sides. biting down on her lower lip hard, she thought she could taste blood. but even that would be better, because for what it's worth, she refuses to give them the satisfaction of hearing her scream in fear. she would just have to wait it out. as always. they would go away soon, like they always do, right?
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lovestaged · 1 year
thinking of making my girl's horror verse to be her main verse....bc a singer haunted by ghosts??? think about how fun and messy and terrible it could be omf. making a mistake on stage and it's bc there's a ghost sitting in the audiences staring at u. missing a note bc another is shrieking in ur ear. fails to control ur expression properly and the smile on ur face just wavers a little bit too much bc a ghost is strangling ur neck from the behind.
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lovestaged · 1 year
✱    the verses (more tba)  open for any connections / plots tbh!
- horror verse: you see, despite whatever stories (truths and lies alike) that she tells about her past, you know for one thing is that siyue is not one to be trusted. after all, the ghosts that follow her around would be the dead giveaway. she does an exceptionally great job at pretending nothing's wrong, really, but only she knows what goes on behind closed doors when she's alone. facing her demons surely isn't her favorite pastime, but maybe she'd have to give in to their requests and demands to finally be left alone, and maybe that includes paying her own debt. (inspo tag: the horror of a carcass is the beauty of a butcher shop) - crime verse: the crowd that she likes to mingle with certainly isn't all that different from the likes of her. birds of a feather flock together, after all. none of them are ever innocent. so when she happens to be the witness of a murder in one of the most anticipated parties in downtown, it seems now that she has more than just her reputation to fear losing, and that includes her own life as one by one the party attenders who have been in contact with the victim start dying in mysterious ways all over.  - a darker crime verse: queenie enjoys competitions. but only when she's the one winning. many would say she’s good at what she does, that she’s born for it. but there’s always someone new, that has her feeling threatened. less about her records and status, but more about her pride and ego. but it’s alright, she’ll take it into her own hands to eliminate those who stand in her way, so that she's the last one standing, by whatever means necessary. after all, red is definitely her color. (yes let me write singer-slash-murderer!queenie thanks) (inspo tag: they say I did something bad but why's it feel so good) - heist verse: nowhere else to put her talents of charming and deceiving with a flair for the dramatic for good, especially after giving up a singer dream due to various reasons, siyue has ended up becoming the resident con artist, yet she loves working in groups, simply for the fact that there's always someone else to blame on whenever something goes wrong. plus, it's fun! (inspo tag: they're the hunters we're the foxes) (ps: highly inspired by da.phne k.luger in o.cean's eight) - reincarnation verse: (to be expanded - see you in my 19th life inspired) basically she reincarnated with previous memories of her past lives intact. still a singer here, having decided that becoming a high-profile celebrity surrounded by security should make it harder for someone to get to her, and is determined to get revenge because she gets murdered by the same person. every single life. only that she doesn't quite know who it is, or why. (inspo tag: i know hurt is a wandering song)
- apocalypse verse (re.sident e.vil): (to be expanded)
- supernatural verse: (to be expanded) a nine-tailed fox who has had amnesia, more or less after finally becoming human, or so it's said. - d.c comics verse: (to be expanded) she lives in go.tham because she's in debt after breaking an exclusive contract, thinking that she'd be well hidden in a crime-ridden city. what do you expect.
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