#verse   /.   dies illa solvet sæclum in favilla
necarion · 3 months
Cursed discovery last week: the scansion of the Dies irae fits perfectly into "Deck the Hall". The only modification, for all but the last verse, is that you have to repeat the first line twice.
Dies irae, dies illa, falalalala - la la la la Dies irae, dies illa, falalalala - la la la la Solvet sæclum in favilla: - falala lalala la la la Teste David cum Sibylla. - falalalala - la la la la.
Day of wrath and doom impending! David's word with Sibyl's blending, Heaven and earth in ashes ending!
It's particularly great with the Tuba mirum and especially the Confutatis maledictis.
Confutatis maledictis, falalalala - la la la la Confutatis maledictis, - la la la la Flammis acribus addictis, - falala lalala la la la Voca me cum benedictis. - falalalala - la la la la.
When the wicked are confounded, Doomed to flames of woe unbounded, Call me with Thy blessed surrounded.
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biiscione · 3 years
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                         verse   /.   dies illa solvet sæclum in favilla                                               (based on scott stewart’s priest)
HUMANS AND VAMPIRES have been at war since the dawn of creation. Vampires were strong, fast, and cunning but humans had their technologies          and the sun. They hid behind city walls during the Night as their enemies hid in their hives, away from Daylight. It isn’t until the fostering of PRIESTS, those gifted with special abilities, and the honing of their vampire hunting skills, that humans are able to combat the vampire menace. By this time, a vampire queen had given life to a human vampire, a HYBRIDA, one that takes both a human and vampire appearance and may walk in the sun. This hybrid sired an army of vampires in their likeness, wreaking more havoc on mortal civilizations. The Holy War comes at the height of power for the Orders of Clerics, especially the Priests, where they are accoladed and commemorated for their sacrifice and prowess, and, ultimately, for the destruction of what was known as the Primordial Hive. The war ends with a victory for Humanity and a near extinction of both ancient vampires and their hybrid descendants. Ancient vampires grovelled and wept in their hives, where, most often, they were hunted down and killed. The hybridae, much to Humanity’s dismay, forced themselves to assimilate to mortal life to survive, but were easily found out by the Priests and, like their kin, killed. Humanity was lulled into a false sense of security and the Priests, for fear they may usurp the Clerics through their virtue, are disbanded, forced into society once more.
GEOGRAPHY   /.   The world, destroyed by years of violence, has been reduced to swamps, forests of crags and plateaus, and deserts of both ice and sand. Cities, while they are large in their own right, are few and far between. Those whose ancestors didn’t settle in the Cities settle in small settlements in the Wastes, granting them freedom from the Church and their oligarchical rule, but they are not afforded the same protections of the walled cities. Most of these towns work to provide sustenance, supplies, and fuel to the resource - starved cities. Some towns are built solely to house the workforce for prisons meant to hold, torture, and experiment on vampires. In the case of vampires, Hives are typically made on the faces of mountains, opposite to Cities built in the center of a vast, barren terrain. HUMANS   /.   CITY - DWELLERS AND THE WASTELANDERS: Pretty standard. Bipedal, squishy things with blood coursing through their veins, beating heart, complex nervous systems. They come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. You get the idea. HUMANS   /.   CLERICS: Members of the oligarchal Order set in charge of human civilizations, highest members of the Church. They hold elections when one of them dies and the newly elected official remains there for life. Such elections are voted by all in the Cities but it really is the wealthy and powerful that have the final say. They hold no special divination skills or affinity for the divine, except for the claim of being able to wield God’s will and free the world of the vampire menace. HUMANS   /.   PRIESTS: A gender neutral term for humans gifted by God. Appear as standard as the aforementioned humans but are marked with a scarlet crucifix above the height of their brow and down their nose. Like Clerics and other clergy, Priests shave their heads, if not to show their humility, to make it easier for them to move in combat. Acute skills in divination, like divine intuition. For example, they can sense another’s presence, vampire or human, without the use of any other human senses. This translates itself as being able to know a vampire’s next move/attack so they may attack first. They manifest Grace to be weightless, to jump great heights or endure terrible falls (think of the Force!). Each Priest may take a liking to a particular weapon but all are equipped with several crucifixes, holy water, and rosaries. HUMANS   /.   THRALLS: Discernable by their sickly pallor and black sclerae, characteristics eerily similar to their vampire masters. They’re pretty low on the ladder and considered as such by both humans and vampires, all for being humans so mad or weak that they’d rather be serfs to vampire overlords. Thralls become such by being ‘TAKEN’ or bitten by a vampire, primordial or hybrid, but do not feed on their master’s blood in return. If they aren’t used as manual labor or for remedial tasks during the day, they are often kept around their masters (mostly imprisoned) to feed on. VAMPIRES   /.   PRIMORDIALS:  Immortal enemies of man since the dawn of time. They are birthed from sacks laid by the Queen of their Hive and are nurtured for a gestation period of about six months. They are hairless, typically mucus - covered beings and while they may stand as humans do, they are quadrupeds. They have translucent, pale skin, flat faces, and long pointed ears (like bats and echolocation). Their eyes are small, black orbs and are often not needed, for their other senses assist them in movement and tracking. Despite being relatively small compared to humans (two-thirds of their average size), they are agile and strong, using their talons and fangs as deadly weapons and come in overwhelming hordes. They typically travel in groups with kin that have similar tasks as them, whether that be hunting, Hive maintenance, or scavenging. They never sire fledglings of their own. VAMPIRES   /.   QUEENS: One in each Hive. She is winged but flightless, sports horns eerily similar to a wide kokoshnik tiara, and has no eyes. Besides this, she looks as her offspring do, pale and slimy. When she first becomes Queen, she mates only with the strongest male of the Hive once, storing his seed for each time she lays eggs... think of ants! The Queen of the Primordial Hive took a great leap in fostering a human and turning them herself but was successful in creating the first human - vampire hybrid, able to traverse the day. If a Queen is killed and not quickly replaced, the Hive will surely die with her, not immediately but death is imminent. VAMPIRES   /.   HYBRIDAE: Immortal hybrids. Can be created by a Hive Queen or sired by another Hybrida. They may shift between two forms but one is able to withstand the sun. The first form is their human form, a form with flesh drained of blood but skin that retains much of the same complexion as when they were mortal. Hybridae typically sport the eyes they had before their turning but, sometimes, they may have the black sclerae of their primordial kin. They experience hair growth like humans do and may sport hairstyles and, if applicable, facial hair that are fashionable in the Cities at the time. Their vampire form is vastly different, standing several feet taller than their weaker, human form and with broad, webbed wings (unlike their sires, they can fly). They sport the leathery skin of their sires, hairless and often damp, though their skin tones range from blue gray to black. When feeding, one may be able to see glowing, crimson veins running along their body, especially in complete darkness. They typically have slit pupils and black sclerae but their irises may change colors according to their Hives’ locations. Long - fanged and long - taloned like their primordial kin, they are even stronger than their sires’ sack - born fledglings. They can unhinge their jaws to feed or use their fangs as weapons, talons often slicing through flesh like butter. They travel with packs of primordials or, more likely, alone as they are often ill - tempered and aggressive. Hybridae may mate with other Hybridae but don’t typically due to their territorial and volatile nature. They can also mate with humans, in either forms, and this gives rise to a new but weaker population of vampire - humans who only possess a human form. By the time the Holy Wars have ended and most of the Hybridae are killed off, their offspring with humans have mostly completely assimilated to life in the Cities. Despite this fact and most not even knowing they are vampire - kin, they are persecuted by the Church and their divine warriors, Priests.
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biiscione · 3 years
priest!panos growing his hair out long to hide that big ass cross tattooed on his forehead>>>>>
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