#verse | xyl
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chaosworthyarchive · 3 years ago
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↳ @familylightfox​ asked: Volt probably thought he was being sneaky, offering up a piece of sliced apple to Lyra when the small family came to visit. Might as well spoil them while their young, right?
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chaosworthyarchive · 3 years ago
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Sometimes the uncle is just a bad influence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Art, Arrow and Lyra belong to me. Mina and Knux do not. Free to reblog. Do not repost. 
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chaosworthyarchive · 3 years ago
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Another commission from NellaSanchz over on Twitter that I am in love with <3
Art belongs to NellaSanchz. Arrow and Lyra belong to me. Free to reblog. Do not repost. 
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chaosworthyarchive · 3 years ago
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In the XYL Verse, namely the section where the band is still touring and whatnot, there’s going to be a point in time where they do go back to Grand Metropolis and play. Naturally, Arrow’s not exactly for that but the band counters that by telling him to headline a song himself, with them behind him, and to just let everything out in one go.
It takes a lot of convincing at first before he caves and does it, and it ends up being his way of expressing pent-up feelings over all that happened. Of telling a story without actually telling the whole thing and the experience is nothing short of cathartic for him. It shifts something in the dynamic of him and the people.
Which is why the last show the band plays before Lyra is born is in that very same city. It’s both a small farewell and a lasting reminder that nothing’s going to keep this ‘hog down for long.
While there could be a handful of songs that would fit that criteria, my mind is currently settled on this one for the first few lines especially:
Bring out a poisoned tongue or plastic crown But from here they look the same Sometimes it can get all too much for me And that's why the photograph gets burned Throw the match in gasoline
Don't let the ones who hurt you see you cry Tomorrow is another day
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chaosworthyarchive · 3 years ago
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A beautiful commission I got from Minimin_093 on Twitter~! I highly recommend you check them out!
Find them here: Twitter | Comm. Info
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years ago
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↳ @atimelesslullaby​ asked: The queen brings her hero a freshly cooked dinner. Since she knew he didn't cook much himself, and felt he deserved the chance for he and his wife to enjoy. They probably didn't have much time for it, what with watching their daughter. 
 "Happy Father's Day, dear. Since she's a little young to truly celebrate it right now."
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    {➹} – THE VISIT FROM THE PRINCESS had been unexpected but the way the small family had lit up at her presence was a sure sign that, true to Sonic’s word, she was indeed a much cherished friend, welcome to come and go as she pleased. Lyra, in particular, seemed delighted to see the princess again and, though shy, she did smile as the food was handed down. Another, unexpected surprise but one gladly taken by the thankful mongoose. 
    While better at cooking than her husband, the mongoose could only managed so much, both due to time and skill. Needless to say, the meal would be thoroughly enjoyed.
     “Thank you,” naturally the hedgehog was grateful as well, smiling at his friend with just a inkling of sheepishness. He was never good at being the center of attention but, given the little one in his arms, he supposed he didn’t have much choice when it came to the day in question. Not anymore. It didn’t stop him from tapping his daughter gently on the nose, the whole of the conversation lost on her of course but it didn’t stop him from giving her a playful look. “Hear that, Half-Pint? You owe your aunt one.”
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years ago
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I can assure you that Arrow has a ton of pretty little rocks, drawings and the like from Lyra that he's gotten from her as gifts over the years. And you better believe he loves and keeps every single one.
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chaosworthyarchive · 3 years ago
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➤ They Adopted Him | Accepting
↳ Anonymous asked: For Lyra. Do you call him daddy or papa?
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     {➹} – THE LITTLE ONE ONLY pointed excitedly to the blue hedgehog in question, the one currently at the kitchen counter fixing a snack while she sat in her highchair. Typically she was shy, but there was one person (well, two) who always put a smile on her face. 
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chaosworthyarchive · 3 years ago
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While it's far from the bulk of their music, The Forget-Me Knots do perform songs that Mina wrote regarding her past relationships – very a la Swift. Yes, Arrow knows about all of them and doesn't mind playing those songs, in fact there's a certain joviality about the couple when they do because of where they are during those times and just how far they've come together. They get a laugh out of cementing their relationship by singing about the old, failed ones.
In a sort of similar tune Arrow enlists in the rest of the band's help (Max and Mach) in writing a song or two about Mina and just how much she means to him. He keeps these songs a surprise until those little segments the boys get during the concerts. Instead of playing their usual metal covers they will do more of a ballad and always get a kick out of Mina’s reactions.
Likewise the rest of the band uses their skills to let off steam or announce feelings in similar ways and neither Mina nor Arrow ever mind this. They encourage it, in fact.
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years ago
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➤ Star Bright | Accepting
↳ Anonymous asked: ✭ ✭
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Surprising as it may seem to some, Arrow actually has very little interest in increasing his overall base speed. In his mind he’s more than fast enough and with nothing and no one on his planet able to naturally keep up with him he doesn’t see a reason to go above and beyond with a skill that’s hardly ever failed him in the past. Besides, even if he did one day meet someone who could given him a (literal) run for his money, his use of Chaos Energy easily brings his speed to new heights that even Kintobor has trouble reading. 
In the XYL Verse, though it’s rare, The Forget-Me Knots do interviews with select news outlets but there is a written rule that asking about events related to Robotnik and The Freedom Fighters is strictly off-limits. It was actually Mina who came up with the rule, mostly for Arrow’s sake, but because the band is self-managed they have all absolutely walked out of some shows because of this rule being broken. Even Mach and Max don’t stand for this.
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years ago
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Little headcanon dump:
Arrow’s healing factor depends on not only the level of energy he has remaining but also how far he is away from the emeralds or a significant source of positive energy. If he’s further away, say in a different Zone and there are no other emeralds he could leech from, it’s going to take him longer to heal than if he was back home.
He’s totally the type to eat scraps of food right off cutting boards and from pots and pans when he’s around someone who’s cooking. Never enough to effect the meal but you might still need to watch out for him.
He is the type of person to collect vinyls, new and old, and has an entire set up to play them. And he plays them loud. How he hasn’t lost his hearing, no one knows.
If you asked him about getting into fist fights Arrow would say he's only been in one defending Miles in Emerald Hill. This isn’t exactly the truth however, as he got into a handful of scuffles when he was still regularly bar-hopping in his late teens and twenties. Usually they were confronting drunk idiots who couldn't take a hint but sometimes he just managed to say or do the wrong thing which caused a ruckus. 
XYL Verse
Given they’re performers, it’s very common for Arrow and Mina to dress up for their dual concerts and music videos, to an extreme extent sometimes even. It becomes a trademark of their videos during the time they make them, but one thing they make very clear is that they would never ask the other to dress in a way that they themselves wouldn’t. In fact, outfit exchanges become a loveable part of their media performances.
When the times comes, they will have Lyra in a few of their videos and songs for sure (at least the more family friendly ones).
Lyra definitely learns her first curse word from Knuckles, and Arrow is not happy about it.
While Arrow can still go Super (even though it’s a terrible idea), Chaos can no longer achieve their Perfect form without the hedgehog’s help. This is an unintended failsafe but also very risky for Arrow.
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years ago
tmw you realize your ‘future’ verse is really only three years away:
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tmw you realize you’ve been rping the same idiot for nine years:
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years ago
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Colored an old WIP I had laying around in my folder. One day I’ll draw more verse-based things, but that day is not today.
Art and Arrow belong to me. Free to reblog. Do not repost. 
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years ago
⇀ starter | @atimelesslullaby​ 
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    {➹} – IT HAD BEEN a long time since the hero had seen his friend. It wasn’t due to a lack of want, quite the opposite actually, but he had been busy the last few months. Even that was putting it mildly. He had tried to keep in touch where and when he could but the efforts had paled in comparison to their usual visits. Which was why he had jumped at the first chance to meet her face to face when it had popped up, having taken it a step further and invited her to his world for one very specific reason.
     As for why, well, the princess was going to find out very soon.
     The hedgehog had wanted to keep it a bit of a surprise, but he knew certain signs were going to be telling. He, for one, didn't exactly look his best at the moment. While typically messy in some fashion his quills were more disheveled than ever, and there was an air of exhaustion about the hero even if it only truly showed in his eyes. Even his clothing seemed to be a bit jumbled.
     It hadn’t stopped him from smiling when he saw Zelda approaching the front door to the house he shared with his partner, not in the least. In fact he looked positively delighted as he jogged down to meet her. He really had missed her. 
     “Long time, no see, huh? ‘M glad you could make it.”
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years ago
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Family selfie 📸
Art, Arrow and Lyra belong to me. Mina does not. Free to reblog. Do not repost.
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chaosworthyarchive · 4 years ago
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Small headcanon:
In the XYL Verse, namely when the band is still quite active on tours and whatnot, there’s usually a moment during the shows where Mina takes a backseat and lets the boys do one or two songs together. These songs are usually covers of more popular songs but done in a far more intense way with harder instruments and with Max (the bassist) bringing ‘scream’ vocals to the mix to pair with Arrow’s ‘grit’. The crowds adore these little sections. (examples: x, x)
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