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hopingforromanoff · 5 years ago
Not As Beautiful As You {N. Romanoff}
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader 
Warnings: uhhh I don’t think any. There’s one scene that really seems like it gonna turn into smut but nothing actually happens, I promise😂
Requests are open, so feel free to send in requests and I will do my best to get them posted ASAP. i’m gonna keep them open for now but please be patient with the length of time it takes to finish them. 
A/N: I KNOW I said that I was gonna post soon and then I disappeared again, but my dog had her puppies so it’s been a bit crazy over here. Anyway, this is for @versdan​ 800 follower writing challenge! Congrats, you deserve every single one of them, love you!💗
Hope you enjoy!
My Masterlist
The sound of your laughter joined the crackling of the fire, and crickets chirping in the nearby trees and tall grass. Bucky cheered as his throwing knife hit dead center on the makeshift target on the rotted tree stump. You narrowed your eyes at him and marched the short distance to retrieve your knife from where it landed just off the center.     
“Aww Y/N, don’t get all upset just because i'm better at this than you” Bucky’s playful banter caused you to turn back around to face him. 
“Listen Barnes, just because you’re a highly trained assassin doesn't mean you can rub it in people’s faces”  you jokingly swung your arm back as if you were going to throw your knife at Bucky this time instead of the target.  
“Keep goofing off and you’ll seriously get hurt” Natasha glanced up from her book, closing it and setting it gently next to her on the red and black checkered blanket that she had placed down to protect herself from the damp grass. 
“Sorry Nat, he was being mean” you giggled lightly and then slowly made your way around the campfire to your spot next to her like a kicked puppy. It was beginning to get dark so you were gonna stop messing around soon anyway.
“It's fine lyubov moya , I just don’t want you to get hurt, this is supposed to be team-bonding camping or whatever Steve called it, not watching my girlfriend be an idiot and getting hurt” Natasha grabbed your hands as soon as you were within reach, pulling you down onto her crossed legs. 
Your hand found Natasha’s cheek and you pulled her into a soft kiss as the last rays of the sun began to fall behind the trees and the first specs of twilight fell upon the campsite. 
Soon the bright moon and flickering of the fire were the things lighting the campsite. Natasha tightened a blanket around the two of you as the damp evening air chilled your skin. A light breeze ran through the campsite, causing the flames to flicker. The blanket did little to stop the chill that ran through you. 
“Are you cold, baby?” Natasha tightened her arms around you even tighter as you turned into her to bury your face into her neck, seeking warmth. Natasha let out a soft laugh as your nose brushed the side of her neck when you shook your head yes.   
“Did that tickle?” You pulled away just long enough to shoot her a mischievous smile. Natasha knew that meant trouble and she raised her eyebrow to scold you, but it only lasted for a few seconds before she was pulled into a conversion with Steve and Wanda about a recent mission. 
You settled for a moment allowing Natasha to get engulfed in the conversion. Once Natasha was distracted, you let your bottom lip brush over her collarbone, a shiver ran through Natasha when you let your lips pause at her neck, leaving a few kisses there. 
“Y/n, stop” Natasha whispered sternly under her breath as her hand squeezed your hip. 
You ignored her, continuing to pepper kisses up and down the side of her neck. Your hand fell to Natasha’s waist and you began to fiddle with the waistband of her pants as you felt her begin to crumble underneath you. She took a strained deep breath as she tried to maintain her composure as most of the team had now gathered around the fire and joined in the conversion. You almost felt bad for torturing her like this, and then you remembered the similar stunt she pulled during team movie night a few weeks ago. Natasha allowed you to continue your assault for a few more minutes before she abruptly stood, nearly causing you to fall to the floor in the process. 
Natasha made an excuse for her quick exit as she began to march the short distance to your tent, dragging you with her. Natasha groaned when Steve reminded her that they needed help with something. 
“Bed. Now.” Natasha growled as she pulled you tight against her hips. You softly whimpered in response to Natasha’s tone before scurrying into the tent.  
You managed to play a few rounds of a game on your phone before you heard the zipper on the tent and Natasha appeared. You silently watched her for a few moments while she gathered her things and placed them on her side of the air mattress. Natasha sat down on the bed, and scooted closer to you. 
 “You know…..two can play at this game, kitten” Natasha’s hand fell to your bare thigh and she began to stoke up and down it. She finally locked eyes with you for the first time since she came in. Her hand tightened around the back of your knee as she used it to pull you closer to her. A satisfied smile appeared on her face at the surprised squeak that fell from your lips. 
As soon as you were what Natasha deemed closer enough she placed a few gentle kisses on your thigh before crawling up the bed to lie next to you. Her lips gently brushed yours, almost as if she was gonna have mercy on you but you knew her better than that. She placed a gentle kiss there before abandoning your lips entirely, opting for the same method of torture you had used earlier in the night. 
Her breath hit your cheek as she moved painstakingly slowly, her lips merely brushing against your skin but nonetheless the light touches still sent shivers through your nerves. Once she reached your collarbone, she paused for a moment,  leaving a few stray kisses there before she began to work her way back up your neck. She began to lightly suck on the skin once she reached just under your ear. A soft moan fell from your lips as you threaded your fingers through her hair and pulled lightly. 
Natasha smiled against your skin as her hand bunched around the bottom of the fabric of your shirt, her lips only leaving her body for a brief moment as she pulled it over your head and discarding it at the bottom of the bed. With more skin now exposed, Natasha began to kiss down your body. 
Natasha made her way slowly, paying special attention to where your breasts were falling out of your navy bra. You moaned softly when she reached the waistline of your pants, she left a line of kisses along there. Her hands found your hips and slowly your sleep shorts joined your shirt at the end of the bed.  Your breath caught in your throat and you moaned out her name when she slowly began to kiss down your thigh. Once she reached your inner thigh, you began to squirm under her. 
“Relax, baby” Nat purred, pushing your hips back down onto the bed. You whined in frustration once you realized that you weren't going to get what you wanted anytime soon.  
“Kitten, you’ve gotta be patient-” Natasha was not able to finish her sentence before she was interrupted. 
“You guys do know that you’re in a tent, right? And that we can hear everything?” Sam's voice came from outside the tent.  
“Then don’t listen” Natasha continued to softly bite your inner thigh, but one look at your bright red cheeks told her that you were far too embarrassed to enjoy the rest of the evening. 
“Y/N, wake up” Natasha's warm hand falls to your shoulder as she tries to gently arouse from your nightmare. No matter how peaceful Nat tried to make it, the shock of being woken up caused the blanket to fall into your lap as you shot up in bed. 
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay, kitten, I'm here, it was just a nightmare” Natasha grabbed your hands to ground you. 
“Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up” you mumbled softly trying to shake the dream out of your head. 
“Don't be sorry, it's okay, I promise. Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?” Natasha’s voice was laced with concern.  
Suddenly feeling claustrophobic, you began to rapidly search for a way to escape the confined area of the tent. Natasha dropped one of your hands to reach up and brushed your hair out of your face. Her hand paused behind your ear before letting it settle on your cheek, her thumb lightly stroking your skin in an attempt to calm you.    
“Y/N, look at me. We don’t have to talk about” Natasha paused as an idea came to her mind. “C’mon, I wanna try something”
Natasha guided you out into the cool night air, a vast difference from the scorching summer heat that would be felt once the sun arose high in the sky. 
The leaf covered path opened up to the mountainside, you could barely make out the outline of the path below you, but you remembered enough from your hike up to the campsite earlier that day.  Natasha grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the ledge. Once you were close to her, she turned you around to look over the edge once again, her hips pressed against yours
“Look” Natasha wrapped her arms around you and pointed out into the vast ocean of black that had millions of stars dancing in it. The shadows of the tall trees faded into the background. 
Natasha began to point out some constellations, keep her arms tightly around you trying to fend off the cold air, but mostly because she just liked it when you were close to her. In the distance you could hear the rustling of the trees as the wind picked up for a second. 
 “How did you find this place” you intertwined your hands with hers as they sat around your waist. 
“I found it when I was collecting firewood with Steve when we first got here, I wanted to show it to you” Natasha sounded distracted but you weren’t paying too much attention, too focused on the stars that shimmered like freshly fallen snowflakes in the night sky.  
“Natasha...its beautiful” 
“Not as beautiful as you” you broke your gaze from the stars for a moment and saw that Natasha was no longer looking at the sky but you instead, her eyelashes brushed against your cheek. And she kissed you, soft and gently. It was all silent, the best kind of silence though. The kind of silence where words weren’t needed, where you could just enjoy each other.
Permanent Taglist: @sebbbystaaan​ @starspangledseb   @sirinaheart ​@mushyjellybeans​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @natasha-danvers @stop-drop-and-drumroll @imma-new-soul
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shaynawrites23 · 5 years ago
For You
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Pairing: 1940s! Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 1055
Prompts: “Wait- you did what to who?”
“You shouldn’t have done that.” “I’d do anything for you.”
Written for @versdan’s writing challenge as well as @blisfvll’s! I hope you don’t mind me combining the prompts!
Moodboard is by the wonderful @summer-writes! She’s also a talented writer, so go check her blog out!
"(Y/N), come help me with dinner!"
You groaned, tossing the dress you were going to try on onto your bed and matching down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Ma," you whined, "I have a date, remember?"
Your mother was bustling around the kitchen, multiple pots bubbling on the stove. You grudgingly picked up a knife and started chopping up the remaining vegetables.
"Oh, I know, honey. You're going out with that Barnes boy, right?"
She spun around to look at you and you nodded in confirmation.
"Does he treat you well?"
"Extremely. Ma, he's the sweetest boy you'd ever meet." A lovesick smile crossed your face as thoughts of your handsome wooer filled your mind.
"Well, in that case, I think your father and I would like to meet him. Why don't you invite him over for dinner sometime?"
"Sure." You tossed the chopped vegetables into the soup, wiping your hands on your apron. "Anything else you want me to do?"
"No, no." Your mother waved a flippant hand in your direction. "Go get ready for your date. And be home by 10!"
You stood in front of the mirror, fiddling with your hairpin. You weren't exactly nervous, you just had butterflies doing stunts in your stomach.
The clock struck six thirty, and you jumped at the loud clanging. Six thirty. He was late, and Bucky was never late.
You tentatively opened the door, stepping out into the cool evening air. There was no sign of him on any side of the street. Letting out a shaky breath, you leaned against the doorframe, perfectly prepared to wait for him, however long it might take.
Okay, maybe not that long. It had been half an hour, and he had yet to show up. Huffing, you pushed yourself off of the doorframe with your heel, scanning the street one more time.
Houses, trees, cars, silhouette, nope, guess you could go back in- wait, silhouette?
You whipped back around, squinting in the dimming light in an attempt to discern any identifying features. It was a tall man, limping, and... well, that's all you could see. You considered going up to him, but decided against it, choosing to stay in the safety of your front porch.
He approached slowly, limping up your driveway. Now you could see who it was, and you practically flew toward him.
"Bucky!" Your hands flew to his face, examining the bruises and cuts. "Oh my god, what happened to you?"
He winced as your thumb brushed over a particularly dark spot on his cheekbone and you immediately apologized, though your fingers continued tracing his features to asses the extent of his injuries.
"I beat up Jimmy Carter," he mumbled, and as he spoke he revealed bloodstained teeth.
"Why? When? What happened? And- no, come in first, explain later." You grabbed his wrist, leading him up to your room. He followed willingly; there was no way you'd be capable of forcing a man of his stature to come against his will.
Thankfully your parents didn't catch you smuggling Bucky in; that was the last way you wanted them to meet. You pushed him down to sit on your bed by his broad shoulders, rummaging around in the bathroom for your family's first aid kit and fetching an ice pack from the kitchen.
"Here. Hold this." You pressed the ice pack to his black eye, not relenting even as he flinched away from the cold and waiting until he held it there himself. "So, what happened?"
"Nothing," he mumbled as you rubbed an alcohol-soaked cloth over his cuts- minor injuries, but still, you hated seeing him hurt. You raised a questioning eyebrow and he sighed. "He insulted Steve, and proceeded to make derogatory comments about you. Steve can take it, he's used to it, but I couldn't let him talk about you like that."
"So- wait, you did what to who?"
He chuckled, but his eyes still avoided yours. "I beat up Jimmy Carter because he was making offensive remarks about you."
"You shouldn't have done that," you murmured, holding a second ice pack to the forming bruise on his forehead.
"I'd do anything for you."
Bucky's eyes met yours, electric blue in the dim lighting, and you felt the breath knocked out of you. He looked so vulnerable, yet at the same time so determined to protect you at any and all costs, and it made you want to wrap him in a blanket, hold the precious boy tight and never let anyone hurt him again.
"Bucky..." you breathed, placing a hand on his jaw and tilting his head to face you.
"(Y/N), I don't care if you don't feel the same way, I just need to tell you this." His gaze was so intense, you were sure you'd either faint or kiss him if he kept looking at you that way.
"I love you. Doll, I love you so much, my heart feels like it'll burst every time I even think of you. Please, look at me. I swear I'm telling the truth here." He caught your wrist as you attempted to turn away to hide your blush, his touch warm and gentle.
"Sweetheart, you're my stars, my moon, my world," he continued. "I'd lay my heart at your feet, if only to receive another look from you. I'd give my life for yours, no matter where, no matter when. Hell, I'd pick the stars out of the sky if you asked me to. I know this is sudden and a lot to process, but I love you, (Y/N), with all my heart and soul."
You pressed your lips to his, kissing him with all the fiery passion you could muster. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him as if he wanted to become one and the same person with you. Your hands roamed across his back, trying to grasp onto him but settling on his shoulders instead.
"I love you too," you whispered against his lips.
Okay so I really don’t know what’s with me and all these heartfelt confessions lately but I hope you love reading them as much as I love writing them!
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rezwrites · 5 years ago
Go Wild
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For @versdan​ 800 follower writing challenge. Again, Congratulations, Mom!!
Emily Sonnett x OFC 
Prompt: “Live a little! Doesn't hurt to have fun!”
“Come on, y/n, get up!” I heard Emily yell in my ear. 
What time is it?” I grumbled, pulling the warm covers over my head, not wanting to wake up yet.
“9:15!” She chirped, yanking the covers off of me, the cold air of the hotel room hitting my skin in an instant, causing goosebumps to rise all over me.
“Too early Em.” i groaned curling myself up trying to get warm, slowly falling back asleep. Well, until Emily started jumping on the bed, a last ditch effort to try to get me up.
“Nah, its the perfect times to go to the beach, which is where we are hanging out today, so hurry up and lets go!” She hopped off the bed, landing with a loud thump as she hit the hotel floor. Walking over to the widow Emily opened the curtains, flooding the room with the morning sun.
 "Come on, y/n, I'll be waiting for you down in the lobby." With that she left the room, leaving me alone in silence, with the exception of the air condition. It took me a few minutes to actually get up from the bed, but once I did I quickly got ready for the day and headed down to the lobby.
The sun felt warm on my skin, in contrast with the cold water crashing against my feet. Emily and I were caught up in a conversation about future pranks to pull on the team when I suddenly tripped on Emily’s foot, falling to the ground. Luckily, I caught myself, but that did not help the waves crashing against my body, soaking my clothes. Emily was doubled over laughing, holding her stomach.
“Em, what the heck!?” I angrily yelled at her.
“Come on Y/N. Live a little. Doesn't hurt to have fun!” She said between laughs but was interrupted when I splashed water at her, wetting the front of her clothes. A very audible gasp left her lips as she looked at me in surprise. I saw the gears turning in her head as she started her attack on me as we waded deeper into the water, only to the point of the water at our hips. After a few minutes of fighting we dragged out selves out the water to sundry.
“You know we’re going to be in trouble when we get back, right?” I spoke up after thirty minutes of silence between us, pointing out that our semi dry, disheveled clothes will surely get the teams attention when we arrive back at the hotel.
“I don’t care. Did you have fun?” She queried looking over at me with the most sincerest eyes you could ever imagine.
“Yes, thank you Em”
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marvelbbyx · 5 years ago
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And they were roommates! (College AU: Mason Weaver x Fem! Reader)
You discovered that you liked girls when you were very young, knowing how others would react, you kept it a secret from your loved ones. Hiding from it well into your adult years.
Starting college, you expected yourself to keep your head down, get good grades, and stay out of everyone’s way. That is until you were roomed with Mason Weaver, a bold and intrepid individual that surprised you the moment you laid eyes on her. Certain feelings arising between the two of you, in order to try and put a stop to it, you distance yourself from Mason.
Until she realizes what’s going on and urges you to tell her how you feel.
Author’s Note: This is for the @versdan writing challenge! I chose Mason Weaver for this because there is a lack of Mason Weaver FICS on this platform. But if you’d like me to write more I will! Enjoy! ☺️
This fic is also based in the ’60s.
“I don’t get why you can’t tell me how you truly feel.”
Song featured: Leavin’ On Your Mind- Patsy Cline
Warnings! A little lengthy but that’s it.
August 8th, 1965
You set down your last box in the corner of your side of the dorm before plopping yourself down face first on your new bed. Your arms were sore and worn out from carrying all of your stuff up and down the stairs, thankfully you were finished now and could rest a bit before you unpack everything.
You were mainly excited to unpack your record player, a powder blue 1964 Dansette Tempo—with four speeds. After begging for one for years, your parents got it for you as a graduation gift. Eventually starting your horde of record albums. Your favorites were: Doris Day’s Day by Night—Connie Francis’s Who’s Sorry Now?—and Patsy Cline’s single Leavin’ On Your Mind.
Besides your impressive collection of records, you also own a vast majority of books. Books have kept you company since you were very small. When you hit the age of twelve, everything seemed to have made sense quicker than you realized, beginning to show more romantic feelings towards your childhood friend, Caroline.
As you were moving stuff into your room, you couldn’t help but hear whispers and murmurs as you walked. The paranoid side of you thought that they were about you, but you knew that you were just overthinking it. Even if they did know about you, the comments would be just as hurtful. But you couldn’t do anything about it nor wanted to. That would cause more problems on your part, especially if it got one of the deans involved. So you decided that it was best to keep to yourself and not stir up any trouble for you or anyone.
Your head perks up when you hear the doorknob turning, automatically; you surmise that it’s your new roommate and await the worst. You see a girl walk through the door carrying a large box, wearing high-waisted denim jeans and a button-up red flannel shirt. Her hair cascades down her shoulders in long dark blonde waves.
She shuts the door behind her, her hazel eyes darting up to look at you. “Oh wow, I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone was in here. Were you sleeping?”
You shook your head vigorously. “N-No, I was just resting. My arms are tired.” You say meekly.
She breathes out a laugh, making your heart flutter inside your chest.
“I’m Mason, Mason Weaver.” She extended a free hand towards you, keeping the box close to her chest with the other. You were rooted to your spot, unable to stand or reach your arm out to hers. Even if you did you’d probably melt all over the floor.
Mason’s eyes scan you up and down curiously, “Ya know when someone introduces themselves it’s common courtesy to do the same.”
“Y/N...Y/N L/N.” You say quietly, sitting up and lifting your hand to shake hers.
“Oh, she does have a name,” The blonde jokes with a grin. You nearly turn red at her words, the cool drawl in her voice causing your stomach to do somersaults.
Mason turns her back to you and sets her box down on the bed opposite to yours. Sitting down next to it and kicking off her boots, you tried your best not to stare at her but something about her held your gaze. You felt warm, you wanted to think because of how hot it was outside, but you knew it was because of her.
You saw her start to unpack her box, the contents inside weren’t exactly what you had expected to be inside. You anticipated something like toiletries or old books. Instead, she took out 35mm film rolls and a Canon Demi.
“You take pictures?” You ask softly.
You see her nod. “Yeah, I’m majoring in photography, so I have to take a lot of pictures. What’s yours?”
“Biochemistry.” You reply ducking your head down. “It sounds lame compared to yours.”
Mason shook her head. “Not at all. It’s different, I like different.” She beams over at you.
The overwhelming heat now scorched your face, you felt faint and light-headed. You needed to leave as soon as possible or else you’d pass out right then and there. You quickly rose to your feet, the dizzy feeling only intensifying. “I’m-I’m gonna go check out the library.”
“Oh, o-okay.” She gives you a small wave as you dashed out the door, beating yourself mentally for acting a fool in front of her.
You could only imagine how tomorrow would play out...
August 9th, 1965
You were the first one to wake up the following morning, it was surprising that you didn’t wake up Mason with all of the noise that you were making. You raced out the door before she could wake up and greet you. You had three classes today, the first two blowing by fast. You couldn’t wait to be done for the day. That way you could go back to the dorm to listen to your records and unpack everything.
Upon arriving to one of them, you were asked to sit in the front row, your professor claimed that it would make an example of yourself to the students in the back. Instead, the front happened to be an ideal shooting range for paper hornets from the two boys sitting behind you.
A few hit the back of your neck as you were taking notes.
You were now seated at one of the far lunch tables on the outside of the cafeteria, reading your textbook for your next class, Math. You stopped once you heard someone sit down next to you, lifting your head up slowly to see Mason sitting across from you.
“Hey roomie,” She breathes, giving you a soft smile.
“Oh, hi.” You say softly, looking back down at your book to mask your now flushing face.
Mason wipes her forehead with the back of her hand, emitting another sigh, “God, I’m beat, I can’t wait to head back to the dorm and rest a bit after this next class.”
You hummed in response, flipping onto the next page of your textbook.
“So...how was the library yesterday? I assume it was good since you were gone all day, and you left so fast this morning I didn’t even get to talk to you.”
“I’m sorry if I woke you up,” You murmured.
She waves a dismissive hand. “I had to get up early anyway, the best pictures are at sunrise and sunset.”
You lifted your eyes from your book once more. “Because of the lighting?”
“That and the colors in the sky are absolutely gorgeous.”
There was sunshine in her smile and her eyes. The brown orbs showing a glimpse of her soul when she smiled, the honeyed hues twinkling in the sun like a rich topaz. They were safe and welcoming, perhaps that was the best way to describe them. And though you never saw them yourself, you could assume that Mason’s pictures were damn near incomparable to her.
But what had confused you was the fact that someone as pretty as her was carrying a conversation with you. Though you hardly exchanged any words back—she still talked to you. You wondered if she knew about you, maybe she didn’t. Or maybe she did and just didn’t care. Or maybe she did and she was just being nice to you out of sympathy. Whatever it was—it had started to scare you.
“My next class is two hours long,” Mason comments as she takes out the list of her classes. “College Mathematics with Dr. Mayfield.”
“I have that class too.” You managed to speak out.
A grin plays on Mason’s lips. “Really? Well, this day just keeps getting better. I’m glad I’m not going in blind.” She stands up from the table, your eyes following her form. “I finally have a walking buddy.”
“You wanna walk...with me?” You questioned innocently.
“Yeah, is there something wrong with that?”
“I-I don’t know. I just—“
“Come on.”
Mason takes your hand, pulling you out from the seat. You quickly collect all of your stuff before walking with her—your hand still in hers. Butterflies fluttered within your stomach, no—all over your body. To your surprise, you were shocked that she couldn’t feel your pulse racing while your hand was clasped on hers.
Even when you two were inside of the building she still held your hand, earning disapproving looks from students as well as some teachers in the hallways. But Mason didn’t seem to care about that. She appeared to not care about a lot of things.
The second the two of walked into your dorm room, you dashed over your box full of records. Forgoing your backpack and all of the contents inside. Mason gave you a quizzical look until she saw what you had pulled out from behind your bed.
“Is that a record player?” She asks.
You nodded eagerly. “Yeah, my parents got it for me when I graduated high school. I’ve been dying to listen to it all day.”
You took out the powder blue chest and set it up on your bed, then you took the Patsy Cline record and gently placed it over the spindle, you then turned the power knob until you heard it click, after that you adjusted the tone arm, setting it down on the record as it spun around. Soon the music began to play and Patsy Cline’s beautiful voice filled the dorm.
If you got leavin' on your mind
Tell me now, get it over
Hurt me now, get it over
If you got leavin' on your mind
“You like this song too?” Mason asked excitedly.
Your eyes lit up, “Yes!”
“Not a lot of people do,” Mason chirps. “But I’m glad you at least have taste.”
You blush. “I have more, if you wanna listen to them.”
“Do you have The Beatles?”
You bit your lip and nod. “Mm-hm,”
If there's a new love in your heart
Tell me now, get it over
Hurt me now, get it over
If there's a new love in your heart
It had been a few weeks now, and since that day you and Mason have gotten closer than ever. Everyday after your classes you would head back to the dorm and listen to your records, dancing in your room and failing your arms around like no one was watching.
In that time you now realized that you had fallen for Mason, and hard. Everything that she did had sent your heart in a frenzy, you were drowning and sinking deeper by the second. But you didn’t know if she felt the same and it pained you everyday. One day after Mayfield’s, you saw her talking with a guy, you thought nothing of it until she gave him a hug. Not a buddy hug either, a good hug. A hug that you desperately wanted to receive from her. Which hurt even more.
Since then, you decided to distance yourself from her, exchanging only a few words such as: ‘Hi’ and ‘Bye’. Keeping to yourself from the time you woke up to the time you went to bed. Mason had tried to talk with you as you were doing homework or studying, but you had just given her the cold shoulder. Ignoring whatever she tried to say.
And that made her angry.
You didn’t want to ignore her, in fact, you wanted the opposite. You wanted nothing more than to talk to her all day long, basking in each other’s presence, and to press a light kiss to her lips without a care in the world. But that guy—that guy you saw hugging her. Hugging the girl you loved. Killed you inside.
August 23rd, 1965
You had been in the library for two hours now, you weren’t studying or anything, you just wanted to pass the time until Mason went to sleep. She had to wake up early tomorrow to develop her photos. So you decided to stay a little longer until the library closed, then you would head back to your room and go to sleep, doing the same thing tomorrow morning.
You felt guilty. Guiltier than normal. It started to make you sick, your stomach bubbling up with bile. Why was it so hard to talk to her? Why was it so hard to take away this pain? Distancing yourself keeps you from getting hurt, right? If so, then why wasn’t it working? Why wasn’t anything working? It hurt so much and you could only imagine the way Mason was feeling right now.
With that, you decided to leave the library and head back to your dorm. To your surprise Mason was waiting up for you, sitting at the edge of her bed, Leavin’ On Your Mind playing in the background. She looked like she had been crying, swollen eyes an irritated shade of red, crinkling slightly as she managed a weak smile for you.
“Hey,” You say.
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, making way to your bed.
Don't leave me here, in a world
Filled with dreams that might have been
Hurt me now, get it over
I may learn to love again
Your hands patted a rhythm on your knees, as you awaited what Mason was going to say. You heard your heart thudding loudly in your ears, a thick gob of spit in the pit of your throat made it hard to swallow. Please...say something. You thought.
“Did I do something wrong?” Mason asks hoarsely. “If so, can you tell me?”
“You didn’t.” You mutter.
“Then why are you ignoring me? I must’ve done something if you’re not talking to me anymore.” Tears streamed down from her eyes. “Y/N, can you please tell me?”
You shook your head. “If I do then we won’t be friends anymore.”
Mason sprung off the bed and onto her feet, “You’re acting like we’re not friends now!” She boomed. “You’re my only friend here, and you’re treating me like I did something wrong. Like I’ve offended you in some way. Why?”
“Because...” You trailed off.
“Because what, Y/N?” Mason cried. “I don’t get why you can’t tell me how you truly feel!”
“Because I love you!” You shout at her, warm tears spilling down your face. “For so long I had to hide myself because I was afraid of getting hurt by somebody I loved. You brought out those feelings—Mason—feelings of complete and utter happiness. I never wanted to be around someone more than I want to be around you...and I’m so sorry I did that to you. But I know you don’t love me, so that’s why I stayed away from you!”
If there's a new love in your heart
Tell me now, get it over
Hurt me now, get it over
If there's a new love in your heart
“Did you think that that would work?” Mason questions harshly. “That ignoring me for a long time would help you?”
“But I saw you with that guy the other day. I assumed that he was your boyfriend and I just—it hurt so much watching that. So much that I couldn’t bear to be around you anymore.” You explained with a sob.
“Boyfriend? No, he’s one of my classmates from photography! He found my camera in the darkroom after I left it there accidentally.” She tells you. “And he’s not important to me because it’s you that I want!” You felt Mason’s hands cup both of your cheeks, inching her face closer to you. “It’s always been you. From the very beginning.“
The next thing you knew, her mouth was pressed firmly against yours, knocking the wind out of your lungs and making you lose balance. It was the most incredible feeling you had ever known.
So you kissed her back, desperate and eager, your hands finding their way around her neck and into her beautiful hair. Mason’s hands fell to your waist pulling you in closer. You eventually pull away from each other, your chests rising and falling fast as your struggles to catch your breath.
A blush crept over your cheeks. “So...does that mean you love me too?”
Mason laughs and nods. “Yes, Y/N. I do love you too.” She wipes your tears with the pads of her thumbs before kissing you again, the kiss soft and syrupy this time.
Hurt me now, get it over
If there's a new love in your heart
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acdeaky · 5 years ago
lovin’ you, hatin’ you, wantin’ you
warning: fluff, angst
note: happy 800 @versdan ! not me (creating two storylines for one idea and only writing the one with the happy ending bc i’m a sucker for love), wrong bitch. i’m so so incredibly sorry for not posting for like a month! i've been busy with work and i’ve really missed writing, so i’m hoping i can do a bit more (at some point) and get more work out for you guys to read :))
word count: 1.9k
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the field was soft and light that morning. the wheat had barely begun to grow and only touched your mid-calf, but it still itches whenever you passed it. the oranges and yellows in the sky made the mornings better. the fresh, crisp air of the open space made the mornings better. gwilym made the mornings better.
and he was there, just a few feet in front of you, guiding you through the wheat field, making a path for you. often, he glanced back, watching as you trudged and trekked over the terrain.
this morning, specifically, it was tough. the lack of a downpour in the late spring weather had caused warm nights and dry days, even drier mud which you almost tripped over everyday. the passage through the field was just a small consequence of having the best view of the mornings, and gwil; you’d keep him with you wherever you went.
the lake was already glistening when you made it to the opening. like always, gwil waited for you before stepping over the hill, offering you his hand - which you gladly accepted - for support. your other hand wrapped around his bicep as you made your way up and over the hill, finding your nestling spot easily enough after so many times.
and the sky was orange, and yellow, and all shades of happiness that you could think of. it reflected off of the lake and across the scenery, covering the trees and grass with colour.
without his knowledge, you always snuck a glance at gwilym. his light brown hair always fluttered in the wind, making what was usually a neat look, a disheveled one.
the sun looked good on him in the morning.
after years of seeing him like this, after coming to this spot almost every weekend of every year for ten years, it never got old; he only seemed to get better every year.
it was raining. a typical instance for london in the autumn. your usual outing on a friday night was hastly changed to a night in at yours. as always, gwilym brought the food and you the drinks. after he arrived, drenched down to the bone in water, his coat was hung up to dry, his sweater was changed into one that was permenantly at yours and both of you were settled on the sofa.
an age old film was playing in the background as you ate and later cleared away from dinner. it wasn’t long before boxes were thrown away and your places were taken on the sofa. gwil’s back was pressed against the back of the sofa, with your body tucked into his side as one of his hands idly drew patterns on your skin.
as the night grew older, you changed and went through a few episodes of a joint-favourite tv show and your eyes slowly began to close, leaving you asleep on gwil’s shoulder. almost your entire body was cradled into his side, your body turning subconsciously in your sleep to the welcoming warmth of him.
the next morning, you found yourself in your bed sheets, tucked up and away from the patter of rain from outside. it seemed the storm barely let up, keeping the weather steady throughout the night. only a few inches beside you, gwil was still in his slumber, the steady rise and fall of his body telling you he wouldn’t be awake for a while.
the urge to stay next to his warmth was strong, but you wouldn’t allow yourself to do that; it would be too much to add to a definition. a definition of your relationship that was most definitely not, but also was most definitely, defined.
so, instead, you pulled yourself away from what could be - once again - and began brewing some coffee and making breakfast, something completely undefinable.
the late summer evenings were always your favourite. it could be nine o’clock, but the sun would still be hovering in the sky, painting it with the most gorgeous shades of pink and yellow as the heat of the day had settled and remained, requiring only a thin hoodie to shield yourself from the natural coolness of the night air.
it was only yourself and gwil out at the moment, the others having retreated back into the house to either sleep or grab a drink. neither of you had realised that you were alone, only being interested in each other and your conversation at the time.
gwil was sat straight on the long sofa, his knees knocking into yours often as he swung his legs side to side. you were sat curled up, your body facing gwil and the others - being on the end allowed that - with your knees only ever centimetres away from him.
throughout the night, even before your friends began to leave, you two only seemed interested in each other, having little giggles and whispers to one another while the others conversed together.
during the few days you’d been away for the last couple of weeks of the summer before returning to university, your friends had placed bets on when something - anything - would happen between you and gwil. they kept it hidden, not letting anything slip of what they were up to.
nothing happened, though. you spent the rest of your time away as friends, having your little moments together several times a day.
it wasn’t until the sun had completely set and the pinks and yellows had faded into blues and blacks, with hints of purple, that you and gwil retreated back inside. the fire was left to burn out and the mess of the evening was left until morning.
with typical london weather, it was pouring. the storm had been growing slowly over the past hour or so and now showed no signs of stopping. the weather had perfectly captured your mood over the past few days; the consequence of ignoring gwilym in turn of sparing your own feelings.
but that would end soon. he was outside your door, his face flushed and cheeks warm, a coat, matching gloves and scarf, haphazardly thrown on, his knuckles rapping at the door. it pulled you from yourself, the TV’s job at drowning out the world with white noise had failed.
you barley even registered that he said your name. it came as a sweet whisper, not even making its way to you, rather past you, and through into your apartment. uninvited, which he was. you had thought the minimal messages and short responses had told him what you wanted to say. but he was here and he was-
“can i come in?” he asked, taking your blank expression and the ignoring of his first word as your continued ignoring of him. you could only nod, moving to the side a little to allow him room to get through the door, closing and locking it quickly after.
gwil had begun to pull of his gloves and scarf, his coat drenched in water. he left it over the back of one of your chairs, hoping by the time he left it would be drier, whenever that may be.
you watched as his methodically made himself comfortable, as he had done many times before. except, this time, he didn’t pour himself and drink or take his usual seat, he remained standing, his body stiff and hostile.
who to speak first, you thought. there were the differences; gwil had arrived at your apartment, but you had been disregarding his presence for the last few days, so it was debatable. and yet, it seemed gwil was in no mood to speak first, so you had too.
“no,” he started, “please don’t start this bullshit on not being ready to talk, because at this rate i’ll be dead before you finally tell me anything.”
sparing your feelings meant ignoring gwil in hopes of forgetting how to love him so you could be friends again. but, in the short time, the distance had made you feel deeply for him. the disappearance of him during your daily, and weekly, activities you do together was noticeable and you really didn’t want to leave it any longer.
but you also didn’t want to be left heartbroken. so you did what you did, and now, you regret the very idea of it.
“i just don’t know how i’m feeling, okay?” you felt small. even in your house, his presence was so large, so overbearing, you felt like you didn’t belong, like you were the intruder.
there had been many times where you tried. it had been something unspoken between you two for years and you wished, with your entire heart and soul, that you could just finish being the coward and own up to how you feel. yet, your heart refused to work, refused to be compatible with your head and pushed the only person you’ve truly loved.
gwil sighed, hearing those words for what could have been the hundredth time; he’d lost count. but he refused to get angry, refused to be hurt and upset over something you can barely help. “just,,, let me know so I can stop second guessing whatever is going on between us, okay?”
it was soft, not at all what you thought it to be. paired with the way you can only imagine he’s feeling, that should have been a lot harsher, more strident. but that wasn’t gwil, and that wasn’t the way he was with you.
the next few minutes consisted of harsh glares, glancing away and silence which could be cut with a knife. it wasn’t pleasant. yet, you could think of nothing to say.
pained and desperate to end this, you crossed the space between you, so that you stood in front of him, trying to get him to see that you don’t want an argument. your feelings for him are here and there, but most certainly, there. you’d rather keep gwilym than let him go, as pitiful as it sounds. the preference of keeping him in the knowledge that he feels for you like you do him is too strong to let him go as a result of your childish exploits.
so you tell him, more show him. you’ve never felt your touch to be so soft before you held his face, cupping his cheeks into the palm of your hands while your thumbs lightly stroked the outgrown beard that littered his face. gwil hadn’t even registered your touch, thinking it was his imagination and that you hadn’t, after the days previous, just touched his with such softness and kindness.
but you had, and you leaned up towards him, his height being an extreme disadvantage in instigating a kiss. yet, you reached, allowing your lips to rest a top of his with the upmost gentleness.
you felt twelve again, running through the fields in the early morning, your hand barely touching gwil’s as his wide stride took him further away from you. you felt like you were back at that lake, the early morning sun causing the ripples to glisten as the soft pinks and purples kisses the scenery around you.
you felt nineteen again, sat among friends as you laughed together, your body being only inches from gwilym’s, so close that you could feel the rise and fall of his delicate breaths, and his knees as they knocked into your own. you felt the warmth of him and the fire and the remainder of the sun, setting, leaving the world once again with a reminder of purples and blues.
you felt whole and where you were supposed to be.
TAGLIST: @shes-over-bored @i-barely-go-on-online​ @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty​ @1001-yellow-daffodils​ @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80​ @goldhoran @scarecrowmax​ @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic @miamideacon @chlobo6 @teenagepeterpan @spacedustmazzello @deakysgurl @forever-rogue @xcdelilahxc @keepsdrawings​ @igotsuckedintothevoid @kill4hqueen​ @supersonicfreddie @laedymoon​ @inthedayswhenlandswerefew​ @warriorteam1924 @painandpleasure86 @boomerangbassist @mamaskillerqueen​ @bhxrdy
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versdan · 5 years ago
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okie dokie — we have reached another milestone! First I’d like to say thank you guys for following me and just being super kind with loving my writing (even if I slack a bit oop), y’all are seriously the best 🥺 now onto the writing challenge!!
You don’t have to be following me to enter, but it’d be super if you did :)
Can be for any character or fandom of your choosing! Doesn’t have to be for Marvel specifically!
Two people per prompt! The prompts (au, dialogue & song) will be crossed out when each piece has been taken! So please make sure to keep checking back at the OG post for reference with this! I’ll be sure to reblog it every once in a while :)
The prompts are separated into three categories: AU’s, Dialogue & Songs
You can write smut! Just please make sure to place it in the warnings and add a ‘keep reading’ tab
If the fic is over 500 words, please make sure to add in a ‘keep reading’ tab! It’s a life saver
No inc*est, r*pe or p*d*philia please, those are big no-go’s in fics for me.
Tag me and the fic with “#versdan800wc” once it is posted!
The due date for the fics is August 13th! But the date is super flexible so if you need more time, just let me know!!
Send me an ask as to which prompt you would like and I’ll write you down! Happy writing babes! x
Now onto the good stuff —
College — 1. @clarkimagines w/ Carol | 2. @marvelbbyx w/ Mason Weaver
High School
Social Media
Mythology — 1. @buckybarney w/ Bucky x Oc
Soulmate — 1. @marvels-writings w/ Natasha
“Keep goofing off and you’ll seriously get hurt” — 1. @hopingforbarnes w/ Natasha
“I don’t get why you can’t tell me how you truly feel” — 1. @marvelbbyx w/ Mason Weaver
“Wait- you did what to who?” — 1. @nekoannie-chan w/ Steve or Rumlow | 2. @shaynawrites23 w/ Bucky
“Don’t get too comfortable, now. I wouldn’t want you falling for me” — 1. @aymgreen w/ Wonder Woman/Diana Prince | 2. @tpsebast92 w/ Steve
“See! All is fine and taken care of! No need to worry so much”
“You just don’t get it” — 1. @allfiguredout w/ Carol
“Let me know so I can stop second guessing whatever is going on between us” — 1. @acdeaky w/ Gwilym Lee
“Live a little! Doesn’t hurt to have fun!” 1. @awrykai w/ Sonnet from USWNT
“You’re motherly nature is showing and it’s making you look soft”
“I’m lovesick”
Killing Me Softly With His Song - Fugees
8 - Billie Eilish — 1. @buckyssoul w/ Sam & Bucky
Looking Out For You - Joy Again
Let the Sun In - Wallows
Falling - Harry Styles
Liability - Lorde — 1. @wndmxmffs w/ Natasha
High School Sweethearts - Melanie Martinez — 1. @empyreanwritings w/ Wanda
Cruel To Be Kind - Letters To Cleo
Just Like Heaven - The Cure
Leavin’ On Your Mind - Patsy Cline — 1. @marvelbbyx w/ Mason Weaver
any questions? shoot me an ask!! much love! x
tagging some mutuals to hopefully sb: @buckyssoul @envoyofyagami @empyreanwritings @allfiguredout @marvels-writings @blkmxrvel @vcdanvers @clarkimagines @hopingforbarnes @if-n0t-l8ter-when @wndmxmffs @acdeaky @marvelbbyx
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tpsebast92 · 5 years ago
A Faded Memory
This is for @versdan‘s writing challenge. #versdan800wc It’s a Steve Rogers x female reader fic with the prompt “Don’t get too comfortable, now. I wouldn’t want you falling for me.”. The reader is a warlock that helps out the Avengers from time to time. She catches Steve’s eye and a relationship blooms. Everything is going well and they begin to plan a future together. However, tragedy strikes during a mission changing everything. Hope you enjoy.
They say the best love stories begin with happiness and end in some kind of tragedy. I didn’t expect it to ever happen to me. All my life, I’d been waiting to meet my soulmate; I finally did in the 40’s, but I had to save the world, losing all chances of living out the rest of my life with her. Over 70 years later, I still wanted to meet the next woman to achieve the same dream.
           Natasha had repeatedly attempted to persuade me into dating someone. Each time I refused. I blamed it on being too busy, but in reality, none of the women she suggested were my type. I wanted someone who wasn’t afraid of adventure, to go out into the fire and risk their life to save others.
           I craved to share the same experience I did and have in the past, but also someone who could be romantic at the end of a long day. Someone who would draw a bubble bath and relax with me. Someone to cuddle with, to kiss…I yearned for love so much, I couldn’t see straight. Once, I thought about giving up and moving on with other priorities; Being an Avenger and taking care of the world around me. I had been so close to accepting being alone; Fate, it appeared had other plans in mind.
           Y/N is a warlock, gifted with abilities to protect everyone with forcefields and spells, which would come in handy with certain entities we faced. People would often compare her to Strange or Loki, but she differed in ways than them. For starters, she has yellow flames that flow from her fingertips and the forcefield would look like bubbles covered in a yellow hue. For another, she has an effect on me like no other.
           I am drawn to her like a moth to a flame, intoxicated by her presence alone. She could make me laugh and her lavender scented baths were exquisite to be in. She impressed me by throwing out a glass vial containing a spell to vanish a horde of squid-like monsters hungry for the tastes of human flesh. They’d dissolved in an instant before the team’s very eyes. The crush I developed on her approached faster than I anticipated, enjoying a movie night where she cuddled close to make room for Bucky. She’d fallen asleep during the third movie, y/h/c brushing against my shoulder.
           I became comfortable with her touch, relishing in those lingering hugs bound to make you go crazy with lust. I longed for one of her meals; she would always make one the team’s favorite dishes something that earned her a top spot on Wanda’s friendship list. In a month, I was hooked on her smile, the way her e/c sparkled with it. In the same month I wasted no time in asking her out, thrilled when she said yes.
Within five months, I wanted her to move into my room; we spent so many nights together underneath the covers whether or not we’d been having sex. Delicious, hot and tender sex. I loved having her naked body pressed against me, to wake with her head on my chest. Within a year, I longed to marry her. I planned it all out; the beach, the walk and picked out the perfect ring. She cried and accepted it. We’d celebrated with our friends, our family. This occurred a few days ago. Before the mission she went on with Natasha, Wanda, Bucky and Strange.
           Before I stood here in the lounge listening to what Natasha was telling me.
           “Steve? Are you listening? Did you hear what I said?” her voice cut through my thoughts. I must have zoned out through it all…or I could be in shock, refusing to believe a word she was saying.
           “I’m sorry. Can you repeat it?” I said. Nat’s eyes were red and bloodshot, as if she had been crying. She sniffed, unable to halt the new flood of tears from falling down her cheeks.
           “Y/N wanted to protect us. The demons were coming too fast, too hard. She held the forcefield as long as she could stand. Strange couldn’t help us. He’d been injured too severely, and Wanda had spent too much energy with the fighting. Y/N said she knew a spell to get rid of them, but it would cost…cost her something,” Nat’s voice broke and the sobs were now wracking her body.
“We didn’t know what it would cost. She wouldn’t tell us. She ordered me to tell you she loved you. Then she forced us back, letting go of the forcefield. She slammed her hands together and mouthed something none of us could decipher. Her hands flew out, the demons screamed and shrieked in pain, and then they were gone. Steve, there was an awful sound and Y/N collapsed,” she continued. My face felt wet. I swiped my cheeks with the back of my hand to discover my tears.
           “Is she okay? She’s not…dead, is she?” I asked. I was afraid of the answer. That Y/N was indeed dead, that I would have to start all over to find someone. I let out a breath of relief when Nat shook her head. A sense of dread washed over me at her prolonged silence.
           “What is it? Tell me. Please, Natasha,” I said. She took a deep breath before the truth was revealed.
           “WE got her to safety on the jet and when she awoke…Steve…she has no memory of us,” Nat said. I sucked in a breath, immediately thrown back into all of our cherished memories.
    Two Years Ago
           The first time I met Y/N was when we were in a need of a specific spell to block against flesh-melting mutants. The intended to harm as many civilians as possible. Under normal circumstances, we would have gone to Strange, but he was off world at the time. Bucky and I stood outside a townhome in Manhattan. Compared to the others surrounding it, this one stood out; the bricks weren’t quite the same brown in color, but instead had a yellow metallic sheen to it.
           “Are you sure this is the right address?” I asked. Bucky read it again while I checked the gate in front. I sighed and we walked up to the front door, golden in color. I knocked, half-expecting a man with horns to greet us. Instead a feminine voice called out ‘yes, how can I be of assistance?’
           “Y/F/N, L/N?” I questioned.
           “Yes, that’s me. Something I can do for you?” she answered.
           “I’m Steve Rogers. Tony Stark called earlier asking for a spell-,” I was cut off by the door opening and a woman with Y/H/C and Y/E/C stepped out.
           “to help us with the flesh-melting things,” I finished. She took my breath away and I felt a tug in my heart towards her.
           “Of course. Come inside. I’ve about finished it. I have to go over the instructions about how to use it. I should go with you. You’ll need a good forcefield until you get ready to use it…” she said. She continued to explain once we stepped inside, the door shutting behind us. It was the same time I knew she could be someone I could potentially see myself with. We continued to use her assistance, becoming good friends with her and forming a strong bond to last forever.
  3 Months later
           “Movie night! Grab drinks, snacks, blankets and sit down,” Tony shouted. Everyone scattered and returned with their choices, scrambling to find a seat.
           “Mind if I sit here?” a voice asked me. I looked up to see Y/N standing neat me, waiting for my reply. I was lost in her E/C that I forgot to say something.
           “Steve?” She asked. She tilted her head, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. At this, I was knocked out of my reverie.
           “Uh, yes. You’re welcome to sit here,” I said. She smiled and my heart slammed so hard in my chest, I was afraid she’d hear it. She sat, asking if I wanted to share her blanket. I nodded, watching as she draped it over our legs.
           “Damn. All of the good seats are taken. Can I squeeze in with you guys?” Bucky said as he walked into the lounge.
           “Sure. As long as you don’t mind me being super close to you. Steve? Hello?” Y/N responded. When I didn’t respond right away, she waved her hands in front of my face to get my attention.
           “I don’t mind. Snuggle in,” I squeaked out. She giggled and slid closer; one leg thrown over mine.
           “You’re being weird tonight. Is everything okay?” she asked.
           “I’m fine,” I answered, and movie night began, ending with her head on my shoulder, her even breathing fanning against my neck. Oh boy, was I in trouble?
  5 Months Later
           Y/N and I were together now; we had a successful first date at Coney Island, which ended with dinner at her place. She kissed me good night and the relationship bloomed from there. By the sixth date we had slept together. Y/N had initiated it, pulling me into a kiss and sliding her hands underneath my shirt. I gave in and we had explored each other’s bodies until the morning light when we laid next to each other, her arm draped over my waist, her head on my chest.
           Since then, we split our nights between the compound and her townhome. Tonight, we were at the compound in my room, cuddling naked; we had finished making love and we were in the early stages of pillow talk.
           “Don’t get too comfortable, now. I wouldn’t want you falling for me,” She said. I chuckled, stroking her back.
           “Would that be so terrible? Falling in love?” I asked.
           “Depends on who you’re asking. I like to think anyone who ends up with Strange would be in for trouble,” Y/N answered.
           “What about us?” A sadness crept up in her eyes.
           “I don’t know. My life span lasts a long time. Longer than most mortals. I’m not sure how long the serum in your body extends your own lifespan. I’m worried about getting hurt,” she said.
           “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You know that,”
           “You could hurt me by dying before I’m ready to be parted from you,”
           “It’s too late. I’m already in love with you,” I said. Her eyes flicked up at me and I leaned into kiss her.
           “No. It’s not terrible,” she said after we broke the kiss. “I’d be crazy not to be in love with you,” she continued. I rolled Y/N over capturing her lips in another kiss. This night we’d make love until we ached all over.
  1 Year Later
           I paced the living room in the beach house waiting on Y/N/ Tonight would be the night, I’d propose. To ask her to be mine forever. I’d bring her down to the beach, we’d take a walk and then I’d get down on one knee.
           I double checked, triple-checked to make sure I had the ring in my pocket – a gold band with an emerald cut 14 karat diamond sitting on top – and when she came out of the bedroom, we left the beach house to walk barefoot along the shore. Y/N weaved in and out of the ocean as we talked.
           “Tony and Pepper are married. I think everyone knew they’d be endgame. I wonder if they’ll have any kids. I’d love to spoil them,” she said. She pulled me into the water, the waves creating a frothy pattern around our feet.
           “I don’t know. Maybe. Y/N?” I said. I stopped in my tracks, getting her to face me.
           “What is it?” she asked.
           “I love you. I have for a while. This past year, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the future. How I want to spend it. I want to spend it with you. I have one question. One question that will change out relationship forever. Y/N, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” I proposed. I pulled out the box and opened it to reveal the ring. Tears welled in her eyes and she nodded.
           “Yes, I would love to marry you,” she said. She stood up and I pulled her into a kiss, sliding the ring onto her finger.
           “Now let’s go celebrate,” I said.
   Present Day
           “Where is she?” I asked. My voice shook as the realization hit home.
           “We took her back to her old townhouse,” Nat said. I nodded and sat down on the couch. I held my head in my hands, letting the grief take over.
           “I’m sorry, Steve. I’m so, so sorry,” she said. I could barely hear her over the buzzing in my ears. Y/N. My Y/N had lost her memory. All of it, except of who she was. All of her memories of us. Of me. Of the future we had started together. A thought occurred to me. I slowly lifted my head. There was only one thing to do. Begin again.
   1 Month Later
 “Hey, can I help you with those?” a familiar voice called out. I shifted the box I had been carrying onto one shoulder.
           “Sure. I wouldn’t mind some help moving in,” I said.
           “Perfect. I’ll grab a couple of boxes. I’m Y/N. I guess we’re going to be neighbors,” she said. She held out her hand. I took it, shaking it.
           “Steve Rogers. I guess so. Don’t worry. I won’t cause too much trouble,”
           “Steve Rogers, huh? Life getting to be too much at the compound?” Y/N asked. I chuckled and carded a hand through my hair.
           “Only a little. I thought I could use a break from the team for a few months,”
           “Understandable. Listen, I’m a warlock and if you guys ever need my help with anything, let me know,” she said.
           “I’ll have to take you up on that. But for today, how about you help me finish moving in and in exchange I’ll take you out to dinner?” I asked.
           “It’s a date,” Y/N accepted. Like I said. Time to begin again.
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nekoannie-chan · 5 years ago
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Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora mutante.  
Palabras: 1075 palabras.
Sinopsis: No querías confesarle el accidente que te hizo terminar en HYDRA a Steve, ¿cómo lo tomará él?
Advertencias: Mención de muerte de un personaje, angst.
N/A: Esta es mi entrada para Versdan’s 800 Follower Challenge con la frase #3:
“Espera, ¿hiciste qué a quién?”
También es mi entrada para Lancsnerd’s1K Celebration con la frase #25:
“Es una bendición. Y una maldición”.
Así como mi entrada para Tay’s Pop-culture Writing Challenge frase de la canción #8:
“La gente siempre dice que la vida está llena de opciones, nadie menciona el miedo”/ Journey to the past, Anastasia (película).
Y mi entrada para 30 days of Chris.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien. DISCLAIMER:Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Otros lugares donde publico: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea. 
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Finales de 2014
 Tamborileaste los dedos en las paredes de la habitación donde te encontrabas,  no tenías ganas ni de leer ni escribir, aunque no era como si te permitieran tener muchos libros.
Tampoco sabías que pasaba en el mundo, habías escuchado algo de unos alienígenas que habían atacado Nueva York, luego algo relacionado con HYDRA, aunque no habías entendido mucho, ¿acaso había sido HYDRA quien te tenía ahí?
Aunque al final no parecía tan malo ni siquiera te importaba, te habían enseñado a controlar a la perfección tus poderes.
Antes de que te atraparan…todo era un desastre.
Seguías sintiéndote culpable por lo que había pasado, aunque ya hubiesen pasado más de quince años. Básicamente habías pasado desde ese día ahí, no tenías familia ni algún lugar a donde ir, no dejabas de pensar que era lo que te merecías, casi podías entender el odio que tenían los humanos hacia los mutantes.
Alzaste la vista cuando escuchaste que la puerta se abría. Probablemente era para otro entrenamiento, sin embargo últimamente no te gustaba el rumbo que estaba teniendo, ellos quería que lastimaras seres vivos, evidentemente te negabas.
“Los poderes son para ayudar, no para herir a los demás” era lo que tus padres te habían enseñado.
—Calma, no te haré daño —dijo la mujer que entró a tu habitación.
Alzaste la mano y la congelaste, estabas segura que esa sería una mentira más, aunque no conocías a la mujer, algo estaba pasando en la base, aunque no sabías que, ni siquiera estabas segura si era buena idea escapar.
— ¿Nat? ¿Estás bien? —preguntó Steve entrando.
Cuando te vio, alzó el escudo.
—Baja las manos, no voy a hacerte daño, al contrario, quiero ayudarte —dijo.
Descongelaste a Nat, Steve no se parecía a ninguno de los hombres que habías visto antes, en su mirada encontraste algo que tenía muchísimo tiempo que no veías: bondad.
— ¿Qué…? —preguntó Natasha sin comprender lo que había pasado los últimos minutos.
—Creo que es uno de los alterados…
—Soy una mutante —lo interrumpiste corrigiéndolo.
—Ven con nosotros, nadie te hará daño —te aseguró Steve.
Sin poner resistencia alguna fuiste con ellos, algo te decía que él cumpliría su palabra.
Estabas en sentada en una mesa en el patio de la base, habían decidió no interrogarte en una de las salas, Natasha sería la encargada de realizarlo.
— ¿Tenías poderes antes de que te atraparan o los adquiriste después? —te cuestionó.
—Aparecieron cuando tenía trece, a los quince me atraparon, han pasado casi diez años desde entonces —dijiste congelando una mariposa en tu mano y la veías.
Steve te observaba a través de la ventana, por un momento creyó que ibas a asesinar a la mariposa.
—Es hermosa, tenía tiempo que no veía una —comentaste.
Steve y tú comenzaron a pasar más tiempo juntos, eventualmente se enamoraron.
 Corrías lo más rápido que podías, necesitabas alejarte, habías tenido el presentimiento que algo malo iba a pasar sin embargo aun así habías ido a la fiesta.
Anteriormente nunca te habías avergonzado de ser una mutante, sin embargo tus compañeros de clase pensaban lo contrario.
Cuando las burlas comenzaron en la fiesta ninguno de los que creías que eran tus amigos te habían defendido, al contrario algunos se habían unido.
Nunca habías pedido tener poderes, simplemente así eras, tus padres te habían enseñado que no tenía nada de malo.
Escuchabas los gritos atrás de ti, no te importaba lo que decían, simplemente querías huir.
Te tropezaste y caíste, ese momento fue aprovechado por los demás te alcanzaron y te rodearon.
Lo siguiente fue demasiado confuso como para que lo recordaras con exactitud, lo único que estabas segura era que habías herido por accidente a una chica.
En el hospital intentaste explicar lo sucedido, sin embargo los padres no te escucharon.
La noticia de que la chica había muerto llegó pronto, le habías contado lo sucedido a tus padres, tenían que huir, sabían lo que harían, sin embargo era demasiado tarde, después de que regresaste de unas compras, la escena que encontraste en tu casa era indescriptible.
No sabías que hacer ahora, estabas segura que las personas responsables irían por ti, la situación se había convertido en una cacería de brujas.
Y fue cuando HYDRA llegó, te prometieron que impedirían que te dañaran, pero tendrías que ir con ellos, por lo que accediste, ya no tenías nada que perder y tampoco querías enfrentarte a la comunidad.  
 Un día estabas frente a la ventana pensativa, suspiraste.
—Muñeca, ¿qué pasó? —te preguntó Steve.
—Nada, sólo pensaba.
— ¿En qué?
—Hay algo que no te he dicho Steve
— ¿Y eso es?
— La gente siempre dice que la vida está llena de opciones, nadie menciona el miedo
—No te entiendo.
—Hay un motivo por el que me “reclutaron” —dijiste.
—Tienes poderes —respondió como si fuese obvio.
— Es una bendición. Y una maldición
— ¿Qué quieres decir?
—Lo que hice, en el pasado…Asesiné a una chica…
— Espera, ¿hiciste qué a quién?
—No controlaba mis poderes, fue un accidente…creo que por eso asesinaron a mis padres —trataste de explicar.
Le contaste todo lo que había pasado y como terminaste en aquel lugar años antes.
Steve te escuchó atento, no era algo que hubieses hecho a propósito.
—Steve…di algo…
Él continuó en silencio varios minutos, la ansiedad crecía dentro de ti.
—Steve, di algo por favor.
—No te preocupes, lo que paso es que mi reacción fue exagerada simplemente
—Ellos querían convertirme en una asesina.
— ¿Quiénes? —cuestionó.
—Las personas…que me tuvieron en ese lugar…se suponía que me iban a ayudar después de lo que pasó, me dijeron que estaría segura ahí…pero nunca mencionaron lo que tenía que hacer…
—No te volverán a hacer daño, te lo prometo
—No te lo había dicho antes porque creí que me dejarías si…si te enterabas…
—Fue un accidente, en ningún momento planeaste asesinar a esa chica, ¿o sí?
Negaste enérgicamente con la cabeza.
—Supongo que los chicos que te molestaron nunca fueron reprendidos o algo.
Volviste a negar.
— ¿Por eso evitabas a los demás?
—Sí, aunque eventualmente acepté que tener poderes no era malo, sino que todo depende con el fin con el que los uses —respondiste débilmente.
—A la gente le gusta abusar de quienes son diferentes o creen que son débiles; pero cuando esa persona se defiende, entonces juegan a ser las víctimas.
Asentiste, notaste un cambio en su semblante, quizás lo estabas imaginando.
—No te preocupes, muñeca, en verdad, nadie más te volverá a hacer daño.
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versdan · 5 years ago
oh. my. god. Hi I am in LOVE with this fic so freaking much. The action scenes, the dialogue between characters, hOW THE READER FOUND NAT BCNSKWKF & then how caring Nat was towards the end 🥺🥺 this fic is truly amazing !!!
Thank you so so much for joining in on the writing challenge, Myc!! Sending loads of love!! x 💘
Soulmate AU entry for @versdan​ ‘s writing challenge 
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Soulmate AU where both have a birthmark on their left wrist which matches their soulmate.
Word Count: 5,617 
Soulmates aren’t always easy to find.
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versdan · 5 years ago
ANDY! yOu babe! oh my god- this was,,,to put into few words *chefs kiss*. The way you expressed the thought process of why reader was distancing themselves + just the chemistry between Mason and Reader is so 🥺 ugh I love this. Thank you so much for joining the writing challenge!! loads of love hun <33 💘💗
also, totally gave me another reason to listen to leavin’ on your mind for the 100th time bc yeS x
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And they were roommates! (College AU: Mason Weaver x Fem! Reader)
You discovered that you liked girls when you were very young, knowing how others would react, you kept it a secret from your loved ones. Hiding from it well into your adult years.
Starting college, you expected yourself to keep your head down, get good grades, and stay out of everyone’s way. That is until you were roomed with Mason Weaver, a bold and intrepid individual that surprised you the moment you laid eyes on her. Certain feelings arising between the two of you, in order to try and put a stop to it, you distance yourself from Mason.
Until she realizes what’s going on and urges you to tell her how you feel.
Author’s Note: This is for the @versdan writing challenge! I chose Mason Weaver for this because there is a lack of Mason Weaver FICS on this platform. But if you’d like me to write more I will! Enjoy! ☺️
This fic is also based in the ’60s.
“I don’t get why you can’t tell me how you truly feel.”
Song featured: Leavin’ On Your Mind- Patsy Cline
Warnings! A little lengthy but that’s it.
August 8th, 1965
You set down your last box in the corner of your side of the dorm before plopping yourself down face first on your new bed. Your arms were sore and worn out from carrying all of your stuff up and down the stairs, thankfully you were finished now and could rest a bit before you unpack everything.
You were mainly excited to unpack your record player, a powder blue 1964 Dansette Tempo—with four speeds. After begging for one for years, your parents got it for you as a graduation gift. Eventually starting your horde of record albums. Your favorites were: Doris Day’s Day by Night—Connie Francis’s Who’s Sorry Now?—and Patsy Cline’s single Leavin’ On Your Mind.
Besides your impressive collection of records, you also own a vast majority of books. Books have kept you company since you were very small. When you hit the age of twelve, everything seemed to have made sense quicker than you realized, beginning to show more romantic feelings towards your childhood friend, Caroline.
As you were moving stuff into your room, you couldn’t help but hear whispers and murmurs as you walked. The paranoid side of you thought that they were about you, but you knew that you were just overthinking it. Even if they did know about you, the comments would be just as hurtful. But you couldn’t do anything about it nor wanted to. That would cause more problems on your part, especially if it got one of the deans involved. So you decided that it was best to keep to yourself and not stir up any trouble for you or anyone.
Your head perks up when you hear the doorknob turning, automatically; you surmise that it’s your new roommate and await the worst. You see a girl walk through the door carrying a large box, wearing high-waisted denim jeans and a button-up red flannel shirt. Her hair cascades down her shoulders in long dark blonde waves.
She shuts the door behind her, her hazel eyes darting up to look at you. “Oh wow, I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone was in here. Were you sleeping?”
You shook your head vigorously. “N-No, I was just resting. My arms are tired.” You say meekly.
She breathes out a laugh, making your heart flutter inside your chest.
“I’m Mason, Mason Weaver.” She extended a free hand towards you, keeping the box close to her chest with the other. You were rooted to your spot, unable to stand or reach your arm out to hers. Even if you did you’d probably melt all over the floor.
Mason’s eyes scan you up and down curiously, “Ya know when someone introduces themselves it’s common courtesy to do the same.”
“Y/N...Y/N L/N.” You say quietly, sitting up and lifting your hand to shake hers.
“Oh, she does have a name,” The blonde jokes with a grin. You nearly turn red at her words, the cool drawl in her voice causing your stomach to do somersaults.
Mason turns her back to you and sets her box down on the bed opposite to yours. Sitting down next to it and kicking off her boots, you tried your best not to stare at her but something about her held your gaze. You felt warm, you wanted to think because of how hot it was outside, but you knew it was because of her.
You saw her start to unpack her box, the contents inside weren’t exactly what you had expected to be inside. You anticipated something like toiletries or old books. Instead, she took out 35mm film rolls and a Canon Demi.
“You take pictures?” You ask softly.
You see her nod. “Yeah, I’m majoring in photography, so I have to take a lot of pictures. What’s yours?”
“Biochemistry.” You reply ducking your head down. “It sounds lame compared to yours.”
Mason shook her head. “Not at all. It’s different, I like different.” She beams over at you.
The overwhelming heat now scorched your face, you felt faint and light-headed. You needed to leave as soon as possible or else you’d pass out right then and there. You quickly rose to your feet, the dizzy feeling only intensifying. “I’m-I’m gonna go check out the library.”
“Oh, o-okay.” She gives you a small wave as you dashed out the door, beating yourself mentally for acting a fool in front of her.
You could only imagine how tomorrow would play out...
August 9th, 1965
You were the first one to wake up the following morning, it was surprising that you didn’t wake up Mason with all of the noise that you were making. You raced out the door before she could wake up and greet you. You had three classes today, the first two blowing by fast. You couldn’t wait to be done for the day. That way you could go back to the dorm to listen to your records and unpack everything.
Upon arriving to one of them, you were asked to sit in the front row, your professor claimed that it would make an example of yourself to the students in the back. Instead, the front happened to be an ideal shooting range for paper hornets from the two boys sitting behind you.
A few hit the back of your neck as you were taking notes.
You were now seated at one of the far lunch tables on the outside of the cafeteria, reading your textbook for your next class, History. You stopped once you heard someone sit down next to you, lifting your head up slowly to see Mason sitting across from you.
“Hey roomie,” She breathes, giving you a soft smile.
“Oh, hi.” You say softly, looking back down at your book to mask your now flushing face.
Mason wipes her forehead with the back of her hand, emitting another sigh, “God, I’m beat, I can’t wait to head back to the dorm and rest a bit after this next class.”
You hummed in response, flipping onto the next page of your textbook.
“So...how was the library yesterday? I assume it was good since you were gone all day, and you left so fast this morning I didn’t even get to talk to you.”
“I’m sorry if I woke you up,” You murmured.
She waves a dismissive hand. “I had to get up early anyway, the best pictures are at sunrise and sunset.”
You lifted your eyes from your book once more. “Because of the lighting?”
“That and the colors in the sky are absolutely gorgeous.”
There was sunshine in her smile and her eyes. The brown orbs showing a glimpse of her soul when she smiled, the honeyed hues twinkling in the sun like a rich topaz. They were safe and welcoming, perhaps that was the best way to describe them. And though you never saw them yourself, you could assume that Mason’s pictures were damn near incomparable to her.
But what had confused you was the fact that someone as pretty as her was carrying a conversation with you. Though you hardly exchanged any words back—she still talked to you. You wondered if she knew about you, maybe she didn’t. Or maybe she did and just didn’t care. Or maybe she did and she was just being nice to you out of sympathy. Whatever it was—it had started to scare you.
“My next class is two hours long,” Mason comments as she takes out the list of her classes. “College Mathematics with Dr. Mayfield.”
“I have that class too.” You managed to speak out.
A grin plays on Mason’s lips. “Really? Well, this day just keeps getting better. I’m glad I’m not going in blind.” She stands up from the table, your eyes following her form. “I finally have a walking buddy.”
“You wanna walk...with me?” You questioned innocently.
“Yeah, is there something wrong with that?”
“I-I don’t know. I just—“
“Come on.”
Mason takes your hand, pulling you out from the seat. You quickly collect all of your stuff before walking with her—your hand still in hers. Butterflies fluttered within your stomach, no—all over your body. To your surprise, you were shocked that she couldn’t feel your pulse racing while your hand was clasped on hers.
Even when you two were inside of the building she still held your hand, earning disapproving looks from students as well as some teachers in the hallways. But Mason didn’t seem to care about that. She appeared to not care about a lot of things.
The second the two of walked into your dorm room, you dashed over your box full of records. Forgoing your backpack and all of the contents inside. Mason gave you a quizzical look until she saw what you had pulled out from behind your bed.
“Is that a record player?” She asks.
You nodded eagerly. “Yeah, my parents got it for me when I graduated high school. I’ve been dying to listen to it all day.”
You took out the powder blue chest and set it up on your bed, then you took the Patsy Cline record and gently placed it over the spindle, you then turned the power knob until you heard it click, after that you adjusted the tone arm, setting it down on the record as it spun around. Soon the music began to play and Patsy Cline’s beautiful voice filled the dorm.
If you got leavin' on your mind
Tell me now, get it over
Hurt me now, get it over
If you got leavin' on your mind
“You like this song too?” Mason asked excitedly.
Your eyes lit up, “Yes!”
“Not a lot of people do,” Mason chirps. “But I’m glad you at least have taste.”
You blush. “I have more, if you wanna listen to them.”
“Do you have The Beatles?”
You bit your lip and nod. “Mm-hm,”
If there's a new love in your heart
Tell me now, get it over
Hurt me now, get it over
If there's a new love in your heart
It had been a few weeks now, and since that day you and Mason have gotten closer than ever. Everyday after your classes you would head back to the dorm and listen to your records, dancing in your room and failing your arms around like no one was watching.
In that time you now realized that you had fallen for Mason, and hard. Everything that she did had sent your heart in a frenzy, you were drowning and sinking deeper by the second. But you didn’t know if she felt the same and it pained you everyday. One day after Mayfield’s, you saw her talking with a guy, you thought nothing of it until she gave him a hug. Not a buddy hug either, a good hug. A hug that you desperately wanted to receive from her. Which hurt even more.
Since then, you decided to distance yourself from her, exchanging only a few words such as: ‘Hi’ and ‘Bye’. Keeping to yourself from the time you woke up to the time you went to bed. Mason had tried to talk with you as you were doing homework or studying, but you had just given her the cold shoulder. Ignoring whatever she tried to say.
And that made her angry.
You didn’t want to ignore her, in fact, you wanted the opposite. You wanted nothing more than to talk to her all day long, basking in each other’s presence, and to press a light kiss to her lips without a care in the world. But that guy—that guy you saw hugging her. Hugging the girl you loved. Killed you inside.
August 23rd, 1965
You had been in the library for two hours now, you weren’t studying or anything, you just wanted to pass the time until Mason went to sleep. She had to wake up early tomorrow to develop her photos. So you decided to stay a little longer until the library closed, then you would head back to your room and go to sleep, doing the same thing tomorrow morning.
You felt guilty. Guiltier than normal. It started to make you sick, your stomach bubbling up with bile. Why was it so hard to talk to her? Why was it so hard to take away this pain? Distancing yourself keeps you from getting hurt, right? If so, then why wasn’t it working? Why wasn’t anything working? It hurt so much and you could only imagine the way Mason was feeling right now.
With that, you decided to leave the library and head back to your dorm. To your surprise Mason was waiting up for you, sitting at the edge of her bed, Leavin’ On Your Mind playing in the background. She looked like she had been crying, swollen eyes an irritated shade of red, crinkling slightly as she managed a weak smile for you.
“Hey,” You say.
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, making way to your bed.
Don't leave me here, in a world
Filled with dreams that might have been
Hurt me now, get it over
I may learn to love again
Your hands patted a rhythm on your knees, as you awaited what Mason was going to say. You heard your heart thudding loudly in your ears, a thick gob of spit in the pit of your throat made it hard to swallow. Please...say something. You thought.
“Did I do something wrong?” Mason asks hoarsely. “If so, can you tell me?”
“You didn’t.” You mutter.
“Then why are you ignoring me? I must’ve done something if you’re not talking to me anymore.” Tears streamed down from her eyes. “Y/N, can you please tell me?”
You shook your head. “If I do then we won’t be friends anymore.”
Mason sprung off the bed and onto her feet, “You’re acting like we’re not friends now!” She boomed. “You’re my only friend here, and you’re treating me like I did something wrong. Like I’ve offended you in some way. Why?”
“Because...” You trailed off.
“Because what, Y/N?” Mason cried. “I don’t get why you can’t tell me how you truly feel!”
“Because I love you!” You shout at her, warm tears spilling down your face. “For so long I had to hide myself because I was afraid of getting hurt by somebody I loved. You brought out those feelings—Mason—feelings of complete and utter happiness. I never wanted to be around someone more than I want to be around you...and I’m so sorry I did that to you. But I know you don’t love me, so that’s why I stayed away from you!”
If there's a new love in your heart
Tell me now, get it over
Hurt me now, get it over
If there's a new love in your heart
“Did you think that that would work?” Mason questions harshly. “That ignoring me for a long time would help you?”
“But I saw you with that guy the other day. I assumed that he was your boyfriend and I just—it hurt so much watching that. So much that I couldn’t bear to be around you anymore.” You explained with a sob.
“Boyfriend? No, he’s one of my classmates from photography! He found my camera in the darkroom after I left it there accidentally.” She tells you. “And he’s not important to me because it’s you that I want!” You felt Mason’s hands cup both of your cheeks, inching her face closer to you. “It’s always been you. From the very beginning.“
The next thing you knew, her mouth was pressed firmly against yours, knocking the wind out of your lungs and making you lose balance. It was the most incredible feeling you had ever known.
So you kissed her back, desperate and eager, your hands finding their way around her neck and into her beautiful hair. Mason’s hands fell to your waist pulling you in closer. You eventually pull away from each other, your chests rising and falling fast as your struggles to catch your breath.
A blush crept over your cheeks. “So...does that mean you love me too?”
Mason laughs and nods. “Yes, Y/N. I do love you too.” She wipes your tears with the pads of her thumbs before kissing you again, the kiss soft and syrupy this time.
Hurt me now, get it over
If there's a new love in your heart
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versdan · 5 years ago
I’m so sorry that I’m just now seeing this babe, tumblr ate this notification too and I’m biG PREssed. But!! Nonetheless I’m glad I found it now bc this was such a cute read 🥺🥺 thank you so much for participating in my challenge!! I luv u loads <3 💘💘
Go Wild
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For @versdan​ 800 follower writing challenge. Again, Congratulations, Mom!!
Emily Sonnett x OFC 
Prompt: “Live a little! Doesn’t hurt to have fun!”
“Come on, y/n, get up!” I heard Emily yell in my ear. 
What time is it?” I grumbled, pulling the warm covers over my head, not wanting to wake up yet.
“9:15!” She chirped, yanking the covers off of me, the cold air of the hotel room hitting my skin in an instant, causing goosebumps to rise all over me.
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buckyssoul · 5 years ago
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okie dokie — we have reached another milestone! First I’d like to say thank you guys for following me and just being super kind with loving my writing (even if I slack a bit oop), y’all are seriously the best 🥺 now onto the writing challenge!!
You don’t have to be following me to enter, but it’d be super if you did :)
Can be for any character or fandom of your choosing! Doesn’t have to be for Marvel specifically!
Two people per prompt! The prompts (au, dialogue & song) will be crossed out when each piece has been taken! So please make sure to keep checking back at the OG post for reference with this! I’ll be sure to reblog it every once in a while :)
The prompts are separated into three categories: AU’s, Dialogue & Songs
You can write smut! Just please make sure to place it in the warnings and add a ‘keep reading’ tab
If the fic is over 500 words, please make sure to add in a ‘keep reading’ tab! It’s a life saver
No inc*est, r*pe or p*d*philia please, those are big no-go’s in fics for me.
Tag me and the fic with “#versdan800wc” once it is posted!
The due date for the fics is August 13th! But the date is super flexible so if you need more time, just let me know!!
Send me an ask as to which prompt you would like and I’ll write you down! Happy writing babes! x
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versdan · 5 years ago
I LOVED THIS !! This was so cute pls the fluff is- 🥺 and Bucky saying sweetheart iM- soft. Thank you for joining my challenge babe!! This was an amazing thing to read <333 💗💗
For You
Pairing: 1940s! Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 1055
Prompts: “Wait- you did what to who?”
“You shouldn’t have done that.” “I’d do anything for you.”
Written for @versdan’s writing challenge as well as @blissfvll’s! I hope you don’t mind me combining the prompts!
"(Y/N), come help me with dinner!"
You groaned, tossing the dress you were going to try on onto your bed and matching down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Ma," you whined, "I have a date, remember?"
Your mother was bustling around the kitchen, multiple pots bubbling on the stove. You grudgingly picked up a knife and started chopping up the remaining vegetables.
"Oh, I know, honey. You're going out with that Barnes boy, right?"
She spun around to look at you and you nodded in confirmation.
"Does he treat you well?"
"Extremely. Ma, he's the sweetest boy you'd ever meet." A lovesick smile crossed your face as thoughts of your handsome wooer filled your mind.
"Well, in that case, I think your father and I would like to meet him. Why don't you invite him over for dinner sometime?"
"Sure." You tossed the chopped vegetables into the soup, wiping your hands on your apron. "Anything else you want me to do?"
"No, no." Your mother waved a flippant hand in your direction. "Go get ready for your date. And be home by 10!"
You stood in front of the mirror, fiddling with your hairpin. You weren't exactly nervous, you just had butterflies doing stunts in your stomach.
The clock struck six thirty, and you jumped at the loud clanging. Six thirty. He was late, and Bucky was never late.
You tentatively opened the door, stepping out into the cool evening air. There was no sign of him on any side of the street. Letting out a shaky breath, you leaned against the doorframe, perfectly prepared to wait for him, however long it might take.
Okay, maybe not that long. It had been half an hour, and he had yet to show up. Huffing, you pushed yourself off of the doorframe with your heel, scanning the street one more time.
Houses, trees, cars, silhouette, nope, guess you could go back in- wait, silhouette?
You whipped back around, squinting in the dimming light in an attempt to discern any identifying features. It was a tall man, limping, and... well, that's all you could see. You considered going up to him, but decided against it, choosing to stay in the safety of your front porch.
He approached slowly, limping up your driveway. Now you could see who it was, and you practically flew toward him.
"Bucky!" Your hands flew to his face, examining the bruises and cuts. "Oh my god, what happened to you?"
He winced as your thumb brushed over a particularly dark spot on his cheekbone and you immediately apologized, though your fingers continued tracing his features to asses the extent of his injuries.
"I beat up Jimmy Carter," he mumbled, and as he spoke he revealed bloodstained teeth.
"Why? When? What happened? And- no, come in first, explain later." You grabbed his wrist, leading him up to your room. He followed willingly; there was no way you'd be capable of forcing a man of his stature to come against his will.
Thankfully your parents didn't catch you smuggling Bucky in; that was the last way you wanted them to meet. You pushed him down to sit on your bed by his broad shoulders, rummaging around in the bathroom for your family's first aid kit and fetching an ice pack from the kitchen.
"Here. Hold this." You pressed the ice pack to his black eye, not relenting even as he flinched away from the cold and waiting until he held it there himself. "So, what happened?"
"Nothing," he mumbled as you rubbed an alcohol-soaked cloth over his cuts- minor injuries, but still, you hated seeing him hurt. You raised a questioning eyebrow and he sighed. "He insulted Steve, and proceeded to make derogatory comments about you. Steve can take it, he's used to it, but I couldn't let him talk about you like that."
"So- wait, you did what to who?"
He chuckled, but his eyes still avoided yours. "I beat up Jimmy Carter because he was making offensive remarks about you."
"You shouldn't have done that," you murmured, holding a second ice pack to the forming bruise on his forehead.
"I'd do anything for you."
Bucky's eyes met yours, electric blue in the dim lighting, and you felt the breath knocked out of you. He looked so vulnerable, yet at the same time so determined to protect you at any and all costs, and it made you want to wrap him in a blanket, hold the precious boy tight and never let anyone hurt him again.
"Bucky..." you breathed, placing a hand on his jaw and tilting his head to face you.
"(Y/N), I don't care if you don't feel the same way, I just need to tell you this." His gaze was so intense, you were sure you'd either faint or kiss him if he kept looking at you that way.
"I love you. Doll, I love you so much, my heart feels like it'll burst every time I even think of you. Please, look at me. I swear I'm telling the truth here." He caught your wrist as you attempted to turn away to hide your blush, his touch warm and gentle.
"Sweetheart, you're my stars, my moon, my world," he continued. "I'd lay my heart at your feet, if only to receive another look from you. I'd give my life for yours, no matter where, no matter when. Hell, I'd pick the stars out of the sky if you asked me to. I know this is sudden and a lot to process, but I love you, (Y/N), with all my heart and soul."
You pressed your lips to his, kissing him with all the fiery passion you could muster. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him as if he wanted to become one and the same person with you. Your hands roamed across his back, trying to grasp onto him but settling on his shoulders instead.
"I love you too," you whispered against his lips.
Okay so I really don’t know what’s with me and all these heartfelt confessions lately but I hope you love reading them as much as I love writing them!
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versdan · 5 years ago
okay first tHIS WAS SO FREAKIN CUTE & i loved the lil steamy part 👀👀 secondly, I loved how like nurturing nat was after the reader waking up it was so sweet and the ending 🥺🥺 ugH u fed my soft heart. Thank you so incredibly much for joining my challenge Lucy!! You’re a doll and I love u loads <3 💘💘
Not As Beautiful As You {N. Romanoff}
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader 
Warnings: uhhh I don’t think any. There’s one scene that really seems like it gonna turn into smut but nothing actually happens, I promise😂
Requests are open, so feel free to send in requests and I will do my best to get them posted ASAP. i’m gonna keep them open for now but please be patient with the length of time it takes to finish them. 
A/N: I KNOW I said that I was gonna post soon and then I disappeared again, but my dog had her puppies so it’s been a bit crazy over here. Anyway, this is for @versdan​ 800 follower writing challenge! Congrats, you deserve every single one of them, love you!💗
Hope you enjoy!
My Masterlist
The sound of your laughter joined the crackling of the fire, and crickets chirping in the nearby trees and tall grass. Bucky cheered as his throwing knife hit dead center on the makeshift target on the rotted tree stump. You narrowed your eyes at him and marched the short distance to retrieve your knife from where it landed just off the center.     
“Aww Y/N, don’t get all upset just because i’m better at this than you” Bucky’s playful banter caused you to turn back around to face him. 
“Listen Barnes, just because you’re a highly trained assassin doesn’t mean you can rub it in people’s faces”  you jokingly swung your arm back as if you were going to throw your knife at Bucky this time instead of the target.  
“Keep goofing off and you’ll seriously get hurt” Natasha glanced up from her book, closing it and setting it gently next to her on the red and black checkered blanket that she had placed down to protect herself from the damp grass. 
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