#versailles (audrey)
matchtheminrenown · 2 months
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historical costumes + orange
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 2 years
The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 16
Versailles ( Audrey Bonnefoy) belongs to @queen-of-stoneharts
A few days passed, the group was still working on the plan. "The place where Tolys is being held in must be really well protected. It would be foolish of us to just come in being noticed by everyone. We need to go unnoticed." explained Alice. "Right, but first we need to locate the location. Where exactly their base could be?" asked Roderich. "Leave it to me. After all, Tolys is my boyfriend and I promised him to protect him." explained Alfred. "Alright. But still, how are we gonna break in, when we find the locations?" asked Feliks. "Well, I think I got an answer for that. We're just gonna fit in the background. It will be some work with this, but I'm really determined to make the hunters outfits, in order to break in and save a friend." said Audrey. "That’s a really nice idea Audrey." complimented the Austrian. Blushes appeared on her face:"Is nothing. Really." "No, that’s really brilliant idea, Audrey. It will be much easier to sneak up without rising suspicion, if we have disguises." said Alfred. "But still, we need to find this location. We have to think. If we were this kind of organization, we would probably have our base in a place no one would expect it or really well hidden. Hmmm…" said Alice. "Perhaps…" began Feliks but he stopped himself. "Go on honey" said the Polish woman. "Well, I thought maybe if we knew one of the hunters, we could follow them until they reach their base." answered the man. "That’s actually not a bad idea. Yeah, I even know someone I can follow. I will simply follow Gilbert." said Alfred. Alice looked at him questionably:"Are you sure following Gilbert is a good idea? What if he notices you? At this point he will know that you’re trying to break Tolys out." "I’ll be extra careful. Beside, what are disguises for?" asked the American. "Are you sure about this?" asked Roderich. "I’ll be fine." answered Alfred. "Alright, if you say so." said Feliks. Then they kept talking about their plan. It needed to be well-thought. On the meantime, Tolys was thinking about a way of escape. His teeth clenched, as his energy was being consumed. Each second that passed he could feel himself growing weaker. All of the sudden he heard the door open. He turned around to see Gilbert. "What do you want…ughh…now? Haven’t you seen me suffering enough? There’s…no way you could hurt me…ugh…more than you already have…" said the werewolf, as he tried to hold down his groans from the pain he felt. "Actually, I came here with a proposition." answered Gilbert. "Whatever it is… The answer is no…" said Tolys, looking at the person that stood above him with fury in his eyes. "You didn’t even let me tell you. I’m very much against it, but one of my coworkers proposed that we stop draining your energy and let you out of the chains, placing you in a cell with a comfortable bed, as long as you cooperate with us of course." he explained. "And give up my freedom willingly? Never…" answered the Lithuanian. "If that’s your choice, okay then. Maybe that’s even for the best." said the German. "If not the fact I’m being restrained….I would already punch you. And I wouldn’t even need to be in my werewolf from to do that." said Tolys. A laugh escaped from Gilbert’s mouth:" Do you really think you can scare me? Why even should I be scared of someone like you? You wouldn’t even hurt a fly." "True, because a fly is harmless unlike a monster like you…" answered Tolys. The laugher stopped. "What did you just call me?" asked the German. Then he grabbed the Lithuanian by the tie:"If anything you are the one who’s a monster. Literally. You’re the one who’s a werewolf. And you also got your stupid boyfriend in troubles." "Alfred is not stupid… And I’m sure he’s working on a way to find me and get me out of there." said Tolys. "I don’t see why should he. He probably had enough of the troubles you brought him. After all, who wants a heartless and ugly beast for a boyfriend? All you’ve done for him is put him at risk. He’s better off without you." said Gilbert letting go of Tolys’s tie.
Tolys let his head down, as tears start it dropping down from the brunette’s eyes, and small wolf squealing noises escaped him as well. "Oh, what’s the matter? Did I hit you where it hurts the most?" asked Gilbert, knowing very well that he did. Tolys just looked at him. Not a single answer coming out of his mouth. "Got nothing to say now, do you? Well, no matter. Soon enough, all of this will be over." he said and then left. "Is it true? Is it possible Alfred isn’t planning on saving me? But he fought alongside me when the hunters went after me. Well, is true he doesn’t even know where I am being held thought. Oh, I wish could see him again. I miss him so much. I feel so…incomplete without him. He always knew how to cheer me up." thought the man as more tears came out of his eyes. Tolys really wanted to see his boyfriend again. Feel that feeling of warmth, when they spent their times together. The embrace of a comforting hug from Alfred, when something was wrong or when he hugged him in general. The touch of his hands. His attractive looking face and his body. His goofy but also adorable personality. The taste of his lips. The Lithuanian missed all of this. He didn’t hide from himself that he felt sad and hurt, but on the same time pissed because of Gil’s words toward him. Not to mention the actions he committed against him. On the other hand the werewolf felt guilty about putting Alfred in danger. He never wanted anyone he cares about to get hurt because of him. Especially if it was his lover. "Oh Alfred, what have I done…" escaped his mouth. Some days later, the group was finally ready with starting their plan. Alfred did as he said and tracked down the hunters base, following Gilbert who was so full of himself and didn't even notice the American going after him. All five were wearing their disguises. "Everyone ready?" asked Alfred. "We’re like totally all ready." answered Feliks. "Then let’s go." said the blond man and everyone went out of his house, to only be stopped by Vash and Rose at the entrance. "Where do you think you’re going in those outfits?" asked the Swiss raising his eyebrow. Alfred advanced forward:"You probably heard the news already. So, we’re going to save Tolys. And don’t even think about stopping us, cause we will do it anyway." "Hold on, hold on brother. We’re not here to stop you, or anything." said Rose. "Wait, what?" escaped the American’s mouth as shock appeared on his face. "Are you deaf or something? We came here to help as well. Well, at the beginning when I learnt about Tolys being a werewolf, I was upset that he didn’t say anything and felt like I don’t want anything to do with him anymore. But Rose smacked some sense into my head, and I realized that he’s still my friend and that I shouldn’t juge him for being different." answered Vash. Everyone in the group smiled. "Oh, that’s amazing, you guys." said Alice. "Unfortunately, I don't think you two will be able to go with us and infiltrate their base. I only made five disguises for us. I didn’t know someone would actually want to come with us." explained Audrey. "It doesn’t matter. We can still help in other way. Just come with us." said Rose. Everyone looked questionably at them but did as they asked. As they arrived, they noticed a van, hidden behind the trees. "As you can see, I brought my van. And inside of it.." began Vash and opened the back door:"…we’ve got weapons. Here." the he handed some guns to them. "Let me guess. We have to pay for them, right?" asked Roderich. "Actually, no. Not this time. Is about an important matter, which is saving a friend in need. So, I’ll let you have them for free." answered the Swiss man. "Nice" said Alice. After the conversation, they all got into the van and drove off, Vash driving it as Alfred gave him the destination. "So, here’s how it will go. Vash and Rose you wait for us, with the van hidden. Rod and Audrey, you cause a distraction, so nobody is on our way and notice us when me, Feliks and Alfred get Tolys out. Then we get out of there." explained the Polish woman.
As the seconds were passing by, Tolys could feel that he had less and less energy. He didn’t even have the strength to struggle against the chains anymore. All these days, his energy was being drained out of him, making him feel miserable like never before. Even dark circles appeared around his eyes, as one of the effects caused by his energy being drained, also making him feel tiredness and hurting his whole body. He was also a bit pale. "Oh, you don’t look so well. But, That’s actually the goal." said a well known voice. Tolys opened his eyes and made an effort to look up. In front of him, stood Gilbert. "You…again?" escaped the Lithuanian’s mouth. "Just checking on you and your state. Honestly, I didn’t expect the effects to be this drastic. But, if that means we finish the experiments faster, then be it." said the German. Despite feeling weakened, Tolys looked straight him in the eyes with anger:"Maybe now there’s no effects….ugggh….but sooner or later karma will come for you….and you will pay for everything that you’ve done…" A maniacal laugh escaped from Gil:"Tolys, Tolys, Tolys. Stupid and foolish like always. You will never learn, huh? I honestly don’t know what Alfred saw in you. He must’ve been even dumber that you." Tolys growled at him. "Oh what’s the matter? Getting defensive because I insulted your boyfriend, dog?" asked Gilbert in a mocking way. Tolys didn’t respond anything. Suddenly an alarm starting ringing. "What the hell? Did someone really had another accident in the lab again?" escaped Gil’s mouth as he run out of them room. Tolys let his head down, as he felt more and more powerless. Then suddenly the door opened and three figures appeared in them and came closer to the Lithuanian. "More of you? What do you want this time from me?" asked the werewolf. They took off their masks. Tolys couldn’t believe he would see those faces ever again. Right in front of him stood Alfred, his boyfriend along with his two friends, Feliks and Alice.
He couldn’t help it but feel joy. "Tolys, honey I finally found you. Oh, I missed you so much. So damn much." said Alfred as he hugged him. "I missed you too, my love." said Tolys. After Alfred let go of him, he looked at Feliks and Alice:" I’m happy to see you two as well." "Same for us."said Alice. Then a thought appeared in the Lithuanian’s head:"Wait, but how did you even manage to break in?" "Well, you see at the beginning it was supposed to be only us with Audrey and Rod. But then Vash and Rose totally joined in. Vash gave us guns to defend ourselves just in case, and he drove us here with his van. Then, we passed by in disguises and Audrey and Rod caused a distraction by causing the alarm in the lab, in order to get everyone in one place, while we break you out of there." explained Feliks. A smile formed on Tolys’s face:"Oh you guys. I’m so happy that you came for me. It really means so much to me." Then a groan escaped his mouth. "Tolys, what’s wrong?"escaped from Alfred’s mouth. The American looked at his boyfriend with worry:"Here, let me get this dog muzzle off." As the muzzle was taken off, Alfred threw it really far away. "Oh God, what those monsters did to you?" he asked as he kneeled down. Tolys looked up at him:"The chains…can’t transform…draining my energy…getting weaker…" Another groan. "Guys, we need to free him. Quick!"shout it Alfred. The two nod and run up to the console. "Which button unlocks the chains?" asked Feliks. "Maybe try this one." answered Alice, pointing a big red button. "Alright" said the Polish man and pressed it. The chains let go of the werewolf, as he fell into his boyfriend’s arms. He opened his eyes:"Alfred…I can’t walk…I’m too weak…" A smile appeared on Alfred’s face:"Is alright honey. I can hold you in my arms. I’m sorry that I didn’t get here faster. But I promise you that I’ll never let those bastards hurt you ever again." Then without any questions, he took him in his arms and they immediately went out of the room. On the way, Feliks texted Audrey and Roderich to get out of here as well. Moment later, they grouped up and immediately went to the van, in which Vash and Rose were waiting. When they got inside, they drove off as fast as possible.
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haitianempress · 2 months
Battle of the worst parents
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rc-catalog · 8 days
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🖊️: fanfiction; 🖼️: moodboard; 🎨: art/edit; 🧵: web weaving; 👥: character profile; ⚡: flash fic friday; ☕: motivation monday
Rating: General, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Threxia by @mynameisemma |🖼️| TW: light suggestive imagery | T
Malbonte by @dmitryswifey |🖼️| T
Solace by @angelasscribbles |🖊️| Vicky Walker x Adi | TW: explicit content | E
A Little Healing by @angelasscribbles |🖊️| Vicky Walker x Adi | TW: reference to sexual activity | M
Until I See You Again by @dmitryswifey |🖊️| Lane x Boris | TW: blood, character death | M
Cain and Lane by @mynameisemma | 🖼️| Lane x Cain| TW: non - sexual nudity, religious imagery, disturbing imagery, disturbing lyrics | E
You Are Mine by @dmitryswifey |🖊️| Lane x Dmitry |TW: explicit sexual interaction | E
Family Portrait by @agattthaa |🖊️| Audrey x Cassiel | T
Audrey's Broken Heart by @angelasscribbles |🖊️| Audrey x Mikael, Audrey x Cassiel, Audrey x Raphael, Audrey x David | TW: mentions of violence, slight sexual innuendo | M
Audrey and David by @liittleemiixeer |🖼️| Audrey x David | T
Wyatt and Ellaire by @reddforalt |🖼️| Ellaire x Wyatt | TW: blood, injuries | M
HOT by @reddforalt |🖼️| TW: blood, burning at stake | M
Ellaire by @reddforalt |🖼️| TW: sword | G
Wyatt Path by @reddforalt |🖼️| Ellaire x Wyatt | TW: violence, blood | M
Mia, Victor and Max by @reddforalt |🖼️| Mia x Victor, Mia x Max | TW: mentions of death | T
Victor by @reddforalt |🖼️| TW: blood | T
Max and Mia by @reddforalt |🖼️| Mia x Max | G
POTV by @reddforalt |🖼️| G
Tere Bina Kya Wajood Mera by @webanglikethat |🖼️| Devi x Ram | TW: death, skeletons, gory heart | T
Alexandre and Renee by @reddforalt |🖼️| Renee de Noailles x Alexandre Bontemps | M
What Once Was by @angelasscribbles |🖊️| Renee de Noailles x Alexandre Bontemps | T
Jeff Path by @reddforalt |🖼️| Emma x Jeff | TW: guns, nudity | M
Mei by @reddforalt |🖼️| TW: violence, blood, sword | M
Kazu Path by @reddforalt |🖼️| Mei x Kazu | TW: injuries, violence | M
Takao Path by @reddforalt |🖼️| Mei x Takao | TW: slight sexual content | T
Inspired by Kazu by @reddforalt |🖼️| Mei x Kazu | G
Masamune Path by @reddforalt |🖼️| Mei x Masamune | TW: blood, implied sexual content | T
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angelasscribbles · 9 months
Romance Club Fan Fiction Master List
For all the things: click here. 
For my most recent posts: click here.
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Heaven's Secret:
Sorrow and Solace: A MC x Adi two-shot
Mortal Ascension: Eden McClain's mortal life is cut short, thrusting her into a new and mysterious world where angels and demons are real, old rivalries never die and her heritage makes her something completely unique.
Astrea's Broken Heart:
Audrey's Broken Heart: A rewrite of season 2, chapter 1.
Vying for Versailles:
What Once Was: Renee married someone else. What happens when Alexandre re-enters her life?
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agattthaa · 1 year
My fics:
The Elementalist
Smartwatch- Beckett Harrington/F!MC
Flame of Samsara
Fate - Ram Doobay/Devi Sharma
Ours - Radha Basu/Devi Sharma
Belong - Ram Doobay/Devi Sharma
Crave - Radha Basu/Devi Sharma
Maybe - Radha Basu/Devi Sharma
Rain - Unrequited!Ram/Deviya Sharma
Beautiful - Walter/Vyxaria
Jealous - Walter/Vyxaria
Attached - Walter/Vyxaria
Question - Walter/Vyxaria
Heaven's Secret
Addicted to Love - Mimi/Vicky
Vying for Versailles
Loyalty - Maria Theresa/Renée de Noailles
Heaven's Secret: Requiem
Anna's Effect - Anna/Lane
Just doing laundry with you- Anna/Lane
Warm - Anna/Lane
Astrea's Broken Heart
Burn - Cassiel/Audrey
Sunshine - Cassiel/Audrey
Care - Cassiel/Audrey
Starved - Cassiel/Audrey
Ridiculous? - Cassiel/Audrey
Only you - Cassiel/Audrey
All yours - Cassiel/Audrey
W Time Catcher
Just for tonight - Vesper/Nova
And The Haze Will Take Us
Leather String - Dragan/Lada
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dobaara · 1 year
wait you study fashion?? that is literally so cool!!! i really want to get into fashion more, could you recommend media, books or anything that could help? (if its not too much obviously hehe)
thank you!! of course I would love that!
movies & documentaries:-
The devil wears prada (2006) (it's a classic)
Cruella! (2021)
Mahogany (1975)
Funny face (1957) (audrey hepburn is stellar in this!!)
Who are you, polly maggoo? (1966)
Catwalk (1995) (personal favorite)
Westwood: punk. icon. activist (2018) (I did a shoot on Vivienne Westwood few months back and it is one of my personal favorites)
McQueen (2018)
Supreme Models: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionized Fashion
The Little Dictionary of Fashion - Christian Dior (I have this with me and I kinda like this)
Vogue: The Editor's Eye - (I have this with me too and this basically shows how important the role of editors has been in fashion and alsostudies the work of some of Vogue's legendary editors, including Polly Allen Mellen and Grace Coddington)
Grace: A Memoir (speaks of the aforementioned Grace Coddington and her rise to the fashion industry from her beginning days of being a model to her work with Anna Wintour)
The Battle of Versailles - when I learnt about this in class, I'll tell you, my jaw dropped! this was an iconic event that catapulted American fashion into worldwide fame!! it's one of my favorite events and I can go on and on about this!!!
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meerawrites · 11 months
Character intro: Camille
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Inspired by: Mary Wollstonecraft and aggressively subverting the “dumb blonde” trope.
Character summary: she/her, white-French, bisexual, a vampire following the year 1790. Audrey’s half sister, daughter of a Vicomte and Versailles court lady. As skilled with a pen as she is with a rapier.
Fun Fact: she used to just exist cause Audrey needed a sibling, but, she’s really grown on me.
As genre commentary: I loathe the dumb blonde trope, so here’s a blonde vampire with a sword and high notions of the revolution that can destroy you.
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charmantevamp · 1 year
BORROWED FROM: @radicalrascals
TAGGING: @honorhearted @verreprincesse @annastrxng @johnnyandre @johngravessimcoe & @fanatiquee. 💞
✧・゚   𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
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★  ⸻   GENERAL
Name: Audrey Fleur de Belmont | Camille Cécile Wells
Alias(es): Mistress Death, Lady Quaintrelle, the bawd, the whore, Mary Magdalene & more! | Reine de Stylos (Queen of the pen), & the gossip.
Gender: Demi-girl (she/they) | female (she/her)
Age: 30 | 20-24 (in appearance)
Date of Birth: July 12th | December 8th, which coincides with the Catholic holiday of the immaculate conception of Mary, ironically
Place of Birth: Rhône Alps, France | Paris, Versailles, France
Spoken Language(s): French, English, German, Italian, Latin, Spanish, classical French, Creole, and Greek. | French, English, German, Latin, some classical French, and Greek.
Orientation: Bi (non-discriminating!) | bi (sapphic leaning).
Occupation(s): sex worker, bawd, madam, nurse in the great wars, poet and sometimes writer. | writer, gossip columnist, advocate, anti-monarchist, and revolutionary.
Eye colour: green | blue
Hair colour: Raven black | blonde
Height: 5’2” | 5’1”
Other: (modern verse) rose tattoo on thigh and sometimes pink hair. | n/a
Colour: pink | sunflower yellow Song: Audrey | Camille
Food: (as humans) cake | king cake
Drink: (as humans) wine | champagne
★  ⸻   HAVE THEY...
Passed university: by 18th century standards | by 18th century standards
Had sex: yes 🙄 | only a few times
Had Sex in (semi)Public: yes | no
Gotten pregnant/someone else pregnant: (verse dependant) yes | no
Kissed a boy: yes | yes
Kissed a girl: yes | yes
Gotten tattoos: (verse dependant) yes | no
Gotten piercings: yes | yes (ears for both)
Been in love: no (yes) | not yet
Stayed up 24+ hours: no rest for the wicked (yes) | no
★  ⸻   ARE THEY...
A virgin: no | don’t ask, and I won’t tell
A cuddler: no (yes) | don’t know
A kisser: yes | doesn’t know yet
Scared easily: no | no
Jealous easily: no | yes
Trustworthy: depends who you ask | of course! Of course! Of course! (No)
Submissive: switch | switch
Dominant: switch | switch
In love: verse dependant | with herself
Relationship status: it’s complicated | my immortal romance is irrelevant, we should be plotting revolution!
TW for self-harm/suicide mention.
Have they harmed themselves: no | no
Thought of suicide/ideated: yes | no
Attempted suicide: no | no
Wanted to kill someone: they had it coming | only with just cause
Have/had a job: yes | yes
Fears: abandonment | failure
★  ⸻   FAMILY
Sibling(s): Camille | Audrey
Parent(s): Vicomte de Pasteur/Mary | Vicomte de Pasteur/unknown noble mother
Children: (verse dependant) Nicole de Lioncourt | none
Significant other: it’s complicated | uninterested we strive for a higher cause Pet(s): a dog and a cat | a bunny
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Munday Thursday meme!
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Tag nine people you want to get to know better! Do the meme if you want to!
Favorite color(s): Jewel tones, especially sapphire blue, navy, blush pink, burgundy, and all sorts of neutrals. Soft colors are welcome too. Not a fan of brights/neons.
Favorite flavor(s): Tea, champagne (Sugarfina’s champagne gummy bears are the best), fresh strawberries, penne alla vodka, spaghetti carbonara, chicken tikka masala, rose-flavored macarons, Korean BBQ, red velvet cake, a fresh croissant, cannoli, a traditional afternoon tea set somewhere bougie like The Ritz and/or Claridge’s, baked macaroni and cheese, and chocolate. Yes these are all flavors do not test me.
Favorite genre(s): historical drama, historical romance, romance, horror, drama, thriller, and some action and comedy. Basically: give me a costume drama and I’m usually happy, unless I see glaring outfit inaccuracies.
Favorite music: Uhh...something pop/rock/oldies/pop goes classical/soundtracks go here.
Favorite movie(s): Dead Poets Society, Shakespeare in Love, Good Will Hunting, many things starring Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn, most Jane Austen adaptations. For animated: Beauty and the Beast, Lilo and Stitch, Howl’s Moving Castle. For pure camp/rewatch value: The Mummy, Clueless, Legally Blonde, The Addams Family + Values. For Horror: R U D E as fuck question. Depends on what I’m in the mood for. Cannot narrow it down to a handful.
Favorite series: Downton Abbey, Bridgerton, A Court of Thorns and Roses/SJM multiverse, What We Do in the Shadows, Endeavour, Outlander, Sanditon, The Great, Danganronpa, Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Rose of Versailles, Lupin III, Mobile Suit Gundam (mostly 0079 and Zeta, with soft spots for 0080 and Char’s Counterattack), Umineko no Naku Koro ni. And for garbage taste background noise: Gossip Girl, Emily in Paris.
Last song: I don’t care that it’s like six months too early I am hype dammit
Last movie: History of the World: Part 1 rewatch in anticipation for Part 2. But Scream VI tomorrow finally! And after that, the Luther movie at some point.
Currently watching: The aforementioned History of the World: Part 2 (roughly half the skits were great, half were painful), The Last of Us, The Mandalorian, What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim? (as I just found it on Hulu and loved the webtoon), Sanditon, Call the Midwife, Marie Antoinette, Tom Jones, Call My Agent! (I need to watch 10 Percent too, but CMA is on Netflix and has Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, which is who I want to be when I grow up). 
Currently working on: Oh, a constant mishmash of replies, researching costumes for my conventions this year (one of my local friends is revamping her Despair!Kazuichi for a con and is giving me all the more reason to bring Despair!Sonia back out again, even if I wore her last year at this event. We wish we had a Gundham!), work, absolutely losing my shit with Jennifer L. Armentrout’s From Blood and Ash getting picked up by Amazon before we’ve even seen an ACOTAR finalized script/casting/anything from Hulu (ACOTAR > FBAA by a long shot. Heck, give us the Throne of Glass series we were promised!), prepping for cooking date with the husband on Saturday (we’re making a tomato-based chicken curry full of veggies with white rice (his) and shirataki/konjac rice (mine). 
Tagged by: Tagging? We don’t need tagging. I stole it like the Straw Hat Pirate I am (no really I was big into One Piece like 6-7 years ago with offline friends. Still have costumes sitting in my closet that I should sell)
Tagging: Hey you! Yes, you! Do you want to do the Really Cool Thing all the kids are doing and avoiding your drafts with literally Anything Else On The Internet? Then I’ve got exactly what you need! This meme.
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stylewhiz · 9 days
Dream A Dazzling Paris Decor Theme
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'Open the door to Paris, France, and the accolades that keep coming from worldly people who can't get enough of this fashionista city'
A spiritual place seemingly lost in time that holds the charm of history seeping through every stone bridge, cobbled street, and Herculean monument. We are fascinated with ancient lands and cities like Paris as it takes us on a ride through changes in architecture, fashion, and cultural ideals. Paris is a time capsule of recorded events with wars, revolutions, and kings who once reigned from the Chateau de Versailles. A star-lit haven of furnishings with an intentionally glamorous layout. This is how most view the French capital as a vision of loveliness and charm. Paris makes your heart sing and the melody lives on, long after you have experienced its magnetic pull on your heart. It's like a beautiful haunting that calls you to bring touches of it into your home. And here the options are endless as Paris is like fairy dust you can sprinkle in any room Doing things our way makes us a leader in our own lives and how we furnish our interiors speaks volumes about our confidence to dress up our homes in a way that excites our senses.
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'Dream A Dazzling Paris Decor Dream'
You can start with hanging images of the Eiffel Tower often depicted in colors like pink teal, black, and white, or jazz up the bedroom with Duvets and Comforters decorated romantically with Parisian flair. With so much history and ornate opulence creating a Paris theme has never been easier. Imagine coming home to your little piece of Paris heaven. It could be a shower curtain with red accents on black and white to match your favorite color lipstick. Or an Eiffel Tower metal table to enhance your living room look. You can introduce Paris to your home with Paris cafe pictures for the kitchen or wall decals that resonate with this European city. The sky is the limit and if you are a Monuments fan there are plenty of classy prints with favorites like the Eiffel Tower and London's Big Ben. The Parisians are the Kings and Queens of grandeur and elegance. You only have to think of fashion names like Coco Chanel - Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior plus movie stars like Audrey Hepburn and her infamous quote "Paris Is Always A Good Idea" to appreciate why this city of (light and eternal love) captures the hearts of so many. There is no doubt Paris is a cosmic star and adored by people of all ages.
Author ~ Linda (Style Whiz)
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annn-starrr · 7 months
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ann. she/her. eighteen years old. enfp. cancer. hufflepuff. old soul. a writer. socially awkward but i speak a lot when I'm meeting new people. i tend to get excited easily, especially when it comes to my comfort tv show/anime/movie/games/book. as you might have noticed from the former statement, I'm multifandom!!! I'm just gonna have fun in this app! and please be kind to yourself. this is your first time living a life, it's fine if you make a mistake. personal account
p/s : if you're my mutual, feel free to ask for my discord.
on this account, I'm gonna focus on an interactive game called
Romance Club ! here's everything you need to know about me when it comes to this game.
.・。.・゜✭・. ✫・゜・。.
Top 10 Prettiest Mc in RC (imo)
A Widely Known Man That I'm Feral About
The Day I Went Insane About a MILF
Women in RC That Makes Me Giggle and Tuck My Hair Behind My Ear
(the rest will be updated through time)
Below is the information about my playthrough in RC stories.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Legend of the Willow ]
Story status : Completed. Now replaying. Empress ending.
Mc's name : Mei.
Path : Coldness and The Pearl Fox.
Love Interest : Kazu Naito. ♡♡♡
(favourite story on rc & first story)
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Theodora ]
Story status : Completed. Mortal ending. Might replay for Lawrence or John route. Don't know if i can resist Friedrich 🥲.
Mc's name : Season 1 - Theodora Avery.
: Season 2 - Elena Flores.
: Season 3 - Audrey Flemming.
(didn't need to change the default names because it's already perfect)
Path : Cynic.
Love Interest : Season 1 - Friedrich Blumhagen
: Season 2 - Friedrich Blumhagen
: Season 3 - Friedrich Blumhagen
(lmao, I am so okay about him 🤥)
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Song of the Crimson Nile ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S2 Ep5.
Mc's name : Evthys [ love her full name ]
Path : Honesty and Necromancer.
Love Interest : Main account - Amen.
: Second account - Livius.
(back then, i unknowingly played on both of their romantic routes and i instantly regretted it when i saw livius was hurt at S2 Ep1)
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Soulless ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep5.
Mc's name : Lilinaya.
Path : Lust [ she's so hot in this path 😔 ]
Love Interest : Walter.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Arcanum ]
Story Status : Completed. Good ending.
Mc's name : Selena.
Path : Emperor and High Redemption.
Love Interest : Season 1 - Liam and Bert.
: Season 2 : Bert.
: Season 3 : Bert.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Shadows of Saintfour ]
Story status : On going. S1 Ep5
Mc's name : Madonna O'Neill [ so proud of myself for choosing her name ]
Path : Caution
Love Interest : planning to romance Stephanie.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Heaven's Secret 1 & 2 ]
Story status : HS1 - Completed. Not so good ending because only Lucifer survived T_T.
: HS2 - Completed. I don't know how to feel with the ending. But I don't think that's the real ending.. right?
Mc's name : Annabeth Walker.
Path : HS1 - Angel. High glory.
: HS2 - Composure. High strength.
Love Interest : HS1 - Lucifer.
: HS2 - Lucifer. [ Tempted by Hunger and Malbonte but decided to play on his route after I finished with Lucifer ]
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Time Catcher ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep10.
Mc's name : Nova.
Path : Moon Heiress and High Status.
Love Interest : Main account - Lucien.
: Second account - Shen.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Rage of the Titans ]
Story status : Ongoing. S1 Ep5.
Mc's name : Vivienne Campbell.
Path : Divinity.
Love Interest : Undecided between Adrian and Murphy.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Vying for Versailles ]
Story status : Ongoing. S1 Ep3.
Mc's name : Henrietta de Noailles.
Path : Calculation.
Love Interest : Queen Maria Theresa.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ The Desert Rose ]
Story status : Ongoing. S1 Ep7.
Mc's name : Sarin.
Path : Rebellion and The Desert Flower
Love Interest : Undecided between Jack and Adil.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Love, Sin & Evil ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep8.
Mc's name : Tuesday.
Path : Logic and Light.
Love Interest : Sue.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Garden of Eden ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep10.
Mc's name : Ann [ not me using my own name ]
Path : Principles and High Reputation.
Love Interest : Main account - Jin Doo-yeong.
: Second account - Seong-hwa.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Kali: Call of Darkness ]
Story status : Completed. Good ending.
Mc's name : Amala Basu.
Path : Independence and Kindness of Goddess.
Love Interest : Main account - Amrit Doobay.
: Second account - Ratan Vaish.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Kali: Flame of Samsara ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep9
Mc's name : Deviya Sharma.
Path : Pride and Legacy.
Love Interest : Ram Doobay [ atp, i think I'm a whore for Doobays ]
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Chasing you 1 & 2 ]
Story status : Chasing you 1 - Ongoing. S1 Ep5
: Chasing you 2 - Waiting for an update. S1 Ep10.
Mc's name : Kira Harrington.
Path : Logic and High Authority.
Love Interest : Chasing you 1 - Alexander Nielsen.
: Chasing you 2 - Samuel Makoto.
the rest will be updated (I'm too lazy to continue the rest T_T). anyway, HAPPY GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER (it's not a thing, i just made it)
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 2 years
The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 11
A month passed. Alfred’s and Tolys’s relationship was getting even stronger than before. Also their bosses gave them a break and let them rest for a bit. So the two were able to spent some more time together. Also of their days, they spent with their group of friends, if they were free of course. Well same couldn’t be said for Matthew, who’s boss really was a jerk and made the poor guy work even more than usually. Well at least he had his siblings who came to visit him if they could or didn’t me had anything planned. One day, Tolys called Alfred, and said it was an important thing. So Alfred, immediately left his house and went to see his boyfriend. "What’s the matter, dear?" asked the American. "Oh Alfred, you’re fast. We may have a problem with our Halloween plans." answered the Lithuanian. "Why? Are you busy that day?" asked the blond. Tolys shook his head:"No, i’m free on that day. Is just… There’s gonna be a full moon on that night. And you are aware that i can’t hold it the transformation, unless i wanna end up in pain and out of energy. What do we do now? I can’t show up as a werewolf to the rest of our friends. Not yet. And especially, I can’t go out like this with other people seeing me." "Oh Gosh, that’s really a bummer. Let me think…"said Alfred. The two thought a little until, an idea popped out in Alfred’s head:"What if you actually could go out in your werewolf form?" "Huh? What do you mean? I don’t really get it." asked Tolys with confusion in his voice. "Well, is gonna be Halloween, right? And a lot of people will be wearing costumes. So, what if you pretended that you dressed up as a werewolf? You could pretend that you have a really realistic costume. This way no one should suspect a thing." explained Alfred. "That’s not really such a bad idea." said Tolys as his face brightened up a little. "But, what if someone catches me and finds out is not a costume?" asked the Lithuanian worried. "Don’t worry about it. I’ll be there and i’ll make sure no one finds out. And I promise I’m not gonna leave your side, even for a moment. You will be safe with me. That’s a promise." said the American, stroking his boyfriend’s cheek. "Alright then. Let’s do this." said the Lithuanian as he smiled. The days we’re passing by. Halloween was getting closer. Tolys couldn’t hide that he was still nervous about, but he trusted Alfred with the promise he made for him.
The day finally arrived. It was night time. The full moon appeared. And of course Tolys turned into his werewolf form and Alfred was there for him. Lucky all of it happened before their friends arrived. And when they arrived, all of them were really impressed when they saw Tolys. "Wow, bestie you really slayed with that costume. It looks so realistic and amazing." said Alice. "Yeah, you look like totally cool man." said Feliks as he joined the conversation. "Thank you guys…" said Tolys. "By the way, Matthew just texted me and he won’t be able to join us. His awful boss decided make him work on Halloween." explained Alfred. "Geez, poor guy really can’t catch a break. Can he?" said Audrey. "Well, Vash and Rose aren’t going as well. But that’s because they still are finishing moving and settling down to their own new house." said Alfred. "So there’s only going to be the awesome me, Tolys, Alfred, Alice, Feliks, Audrey, Roderich, Francis and Arthur then." said Gilbert. "Yup, looks like it." said Francis. "Alright, everyone. Let’s go before they take all of the candies from us." said Arthur. Then the gang went on their way. Arthur dressed up as a sorcerer, Francis as a vampire, Gilbert as a dark knight, Audrey as a witch, Roderich as a ghost, Alice as a banshee, Feliks as the devil, Alfred as Batman and of course Tolys who pretended to be dressed up as a werewolf. The group had so much fun trick or treating. They went from a house to another house, gainning more and more of the sweets. Also, since everyone thought that Tolys has a very realstic costume, thanks to this he gained even more candies as people were really impressed. Good thing no one knew he truly was a werewolf. After trick or treating, the group went to Feliks’s and Alice’s house for a small party between friends.
"So, let’s see how much candies we have collected together." said Alice. Everyone gathered their bags and emptied them from the candies. There was a tone of them. "Holy shit, that’s a lot. Maybe even more than the last time we went trick or treating." said Alfred. "Well, last time our costumes weren’t this good as this year." answered Audrey. "That’s true. But, we like totally did rocked this year. Especially you Tolys. Who would have thought that you’re so good at making very realistic costumes." said Feliks. Tolys covered his face as he felt blushes appearing on his cheeks:"Guys, stop. Is not that good." Alfred saw that Tolys was a bit troubled, so he rushed to his rescue:"Anyway, is such shame the others didn’t come." "True. That’s really a shame. Especially for Matthew. His boss truly is an asshole. I bet the poor guy would a lot of fun as well, celebrating with us." exclaimed Gilbert. "And Vash and Rose. I mean is understandable, they’re still moving in into their own new house. Also there’s Vash’s younger sister as well, Lili. She’s almost grown up, but she’s still not an adult yet." said Roderich. "That’s true." answered Arthur. "Guys, what are we doing? We came here to have fun. Not to get sad over some of our friends not being able to celebrate with us today." said Francis. Everyone looked at the French man. "He’s right. Is not like there’s not another year for that. And who knows? Maybe at that time Matthew will find a better job." said Arthur. "Very well then. Let’s get this party started!" shout it Alice in excitement and switched the music on. There was a lot of laughing, chatting, singing and even dancing. Some didn’t feel like dancing though. "Hey love, care for dance with me?" said the American, giving his hand to his lover. Tolys looked away from him:"I’m not sure. I mean, I would love to but…" Alfred placed a hand on the Lithuanian’s cheek, gently stroking it:"Is gonna be alright. I promise. Nobody’s gonna find out. But if you really don’t feel like it or don’t feel comfortable, than that’s okay. I won’t be forcing anything on you." A smile appeared on the werewolf’s face:"You know, you are right. But still, can I get ready first? I really don’t feel confident about dancing in this from in front of everyone." "Of course. I understand. But if you really don’t feel like doing it, please just don’t push yourself to do it. I don’t want you to feel forced to do it." answered him Alfred. The party was going smooth, Feliks and Alice went on the stage and decided to preform a really romantic dance together. And Audrey and Roderich joined them in a small friendly competition between friends. It the end, they end it up having a draw. "That was pretty fun, wasn’t it?" asked Alice. "It was fun indeed. Looks like the two of you have gotten even better since last time, we had a competition." said Roderich. In the end, Alfred and Tolys end it up not dancing at all at the party. After all was over, everyone went home. The Lithuanian decided to lead his lover home. "I’m really sorry about not dancing with you at the party." An apology escaped from Tolys’s mouth. "Is fine really. I’m not mad at you. And I told you to stop apologizing so much, especially for the small things." answered Alfred. "I’m sorr… I mean. Alright." said Tolys. Then an idea popped out in Alfred’s head:"How about we have a dance in my house instead? There’s gonna be no one beside you and me out there." Small blushes appeared on the werewolf’s cheeks:"Sure. I would love that." When they arrived to Alfred’s house, they immediately start it dancing. In the end, Tolys end it up staying at Alfred’s house till the next day.
Versailles (Audrey Bonnefoy) belongs to @hopelessly-austroholic
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emanuelebottiroli · 8 months
Consorzio vini Alto Adige, debutto a Parigi
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I Vini dell’Alto Adige danno il via a un anno che sarà ricco di appuntamenti nazionali e internazionali con l’obiettivo di accrescere sempre più la loro notorietà e le peculiarità della loro proposta enologica. Il Consorzio si prepara quindi all’importante debutto al Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris – arrivata alla sua quinta edizione e in scena dal 12 al 14 febbraio a Paris Expo Porte de Versailles – riconoscendo l’internazionalità crescente di questa piazza per il mondo enologico, in un momento strategico per quanto riguarda anche l’aggiornamento delle carte vini.
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Saranno quindici le Aziende presenti con le proprie etichette e a fianco del bancone istituzionale del Consorzio. “L’appuntamento internazionale di Parigi va ad arricchire in maniera importante il nostro calendario di eventi annuale e sono certo che sarà un’ottima occasione per dar vita a scambi e ispirazioni oltre che a relazioni commerciali per i produttori” spiega Andreas Kofler, presidente del Consorzio Vini Alto Adige. “E’ la prima volta per noi, quindi siamo curiosi e molto motivati, vogliamo sfruttare al meglio questa piazza che richiama operatori da tutto il mondo ai quali potremo raccontare tutta la diversità e la qualità dei nostri vini che nascono in un territorio così piccolo e così straordinariamente privilegiato e diversificato”, conclude Kofler. Se con la presenza in fiera si punta agli operatori internazionali di settore, con la serata speciale pensata per il 12 febbraio si vogliono invece coinvolgere i giornalisti e tutto il mondo Horeca e trade parigino. Nel cuore della città infatti, in una location esclusiva, sono stati invitati dal Consorzio alcuni tra i più importanti e rinomati professionisti e giornalisti locali per far scoprire loro tutta la diversità di questo piccolo territorio, attraverso un percorso, tra vitigni e terroir, guidato da Audrey Brugière, semifinalista del concorso Miglior Giovane Sommelier di Francia. L’evento ruoterà attorno alle varietà di Borgogna - Chardonnay, Pinot Nero e Pinot Bianco – e ai vitigni storici dell’Alto Adige – Gewürztraminer, Lagrein e Schiava -; il sofisticato mondo del vino locale avrà un’ampia scelta tra le diverse tipologie e referenze di tutti i quindici produttori presenti a Parigi che, durante la serata, potranno farsi conoscere al meglio. Elenco produttori presenti al Wine Paris (Hall 2.2, D156) e alla serata esclusiva del 12 febbraio: Abbazia di Novacella Baron Longo Kellerei Bozen Josef Brigl Castelfeder Dipoli Peter Franz Haas Cantina Girlan Cantina Kaltern Winery Kornell Cantina Kurtatsch Alois Lageder Winery Nals Margreid Ignaz Niedrist Tenuta J. Hofstätter Read the full article
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entomoblog · 1 year
Insectes : avec le réchauffement climatique, les pollinisateurs ont le bourdon - Le Parisien
See on Scoop.it - Les Colocs du jardin
« Ça bourdonne ! » Caroline Picque tire à elle une grappe de fleurs jaunes, celles d’un érable de Naples, qui abrite quelques bourdons gloutons justement. Au milieu des 20 000 arbres venus des cinq continents, cette naturaliste de l’arboretum de Versailles-Chèvreloup (Yvelines) couve du regard les petites bêtes. Les quelques degrés perdus depuis la veille ont rendu les insectes plus rares mais la jeune femme, bonnet enfoncé sur la tête, reconnaît le vrombissement : « Les pollinisateurs sont essentiels à la vie. On les oublie trop souvent, à part peut-être les abeilles. »
  Par Emilie Torgemen 
Le 29 mars 2023 à 10h50
  "Or il n’y a pas que les ruches et les Apis mellifera, les butineuses domestiques. D’ailleurs, ces travailleuses du miel, à la langue trop courte, ne peuvent pas féconder les fleurs à corolles profondes. Alors, leurs cousines sauvages assurent la reproduction des tilleuls quand les coléoptères s’occupent des sorbiers, les papillons comme les citrons jaune vif que l’on voit déjà s’affairent autour des fleurs des prairies… Or tout ce petit peuple, déjà bien éprouvé par les pesticides et l’artificialisation des terres, commence à sentir les effets du réchauffement.
  Une armée de 30 000 contre une mère célibataire
Justement, l’installation de ruches, très en vogue, en haut des immeubles de bureau et d’habitation, finit par poser une drôle de concurrence. « Les abeilles domestiques sont 40 000, hyper bien organisées. Elles se passent le mot pour localiser les meilleurs garde-mangers. Quand les sauvages, elles, sont des mères célibataires qui doivent nourrir leur couvain. Le combat est déséquilibré », compare Benoît Geslin, coauteur d’une importante étude sur le sujet en 2019.
  Pour autant, « les ruches qui bénéficient d’un vrai capital sympathie ont permis une importante prise de conscience. Sans les professionnels du miel, jamais les pires pesticides comme le gaucho n’auraient été interdits. »
  Pour enrayer le déclin de tous les pollinisateurs, à l’arboretum, on conseille « le jardinage flemmard ». À savoir : ne pas arracher le lierre, dernière réserve de nourriture à la fin de l’été, et laisser un peu d’orties, parfaites pour les papillons paons de jour. « Planter local, car fleurs et insectes s’accorderont mieux », plaide Caroline Picque."
  [Image] À l’arboretum de Versailles-Chèvreloup (Yvelines), un bourdon butine les fleurs d'un érable de Naples. LP/Philippe Lavieille
  Wild pollinator activity negatively related to honey bee colony densities in urban context - Ropars | PLOS ONE, 12.09.2019 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0222316
  (Lise Ropars, Isabelle Dajoz, Colin Fontaine, Audrey Muratet, Benoît Geslin)
  Précédemment :
  Ropars L. Fontaine C. Dajoz I., & B. Geslin. Hives densities threaten the sustainability of plant pollinator interactions in an urban context. Plos One. Submitted
  Senapathi D, Fründ J. […], Geslin B., […] & A.M. Klein. Wild insect diversity increases inter-annual stability in global crop pollinator communities. Ecology Letters. Submitted
  Bernadette Cassel's insight:
  (Re)lire aussi
  Dans la ville de Paris, les taux de fréquentation des pollinisateurs sauvages sont corrélés négativement aux densités de colonies d’abeilles mellifères présentes dans les environs - De www.biorxiv.org - 15 juin 2019, 12:19
  L'abeille devient-elle un "faire valoir" au service de la biodiversité ? - De www.lagazettedescommunes.com - 22 novembre 2017
  Abeilles en danger : n’oublions pas de protéger les espèces sauvages - From theconversation.com - 17 February 2017, 16:13
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gatabella · 6 years
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Stars + Perfume
Rita Hayworth - Shalimar by Guerlain
Elizabeth Taylor - Bal a Versailles by Jean Desprez
Audrey Hepburn - L’Interdit by Givenchy
Katharine Hepburn - Vol de Nuit by Guerlain
Lauren Bacall - L’Ombre Dans L’Eau by Diptyque
Vivien Leigh  - Joy by Jean Patou
Ava Gardner - Fleurs de The Rose Bulgare by Creed
Grace Kelly - Fleurissimo by Creed
Marilyn Monroe - Chanel N5 by Chanel
Natalie Wood - Jungle Gardenia by Tuvache
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