#vergle thoughts
moonstonecanyon · 4 days
Life Update (9/2024)
Hello my beautiful gamers.... I'm overdue for one of these updates on this account. Earlier this year, I created a GoFundMe to help get myself off of the streets/to stop being Homeless. And we reached and met that goal in just a few days! I still sincerely and wholly thank every single one of you who helped contribute or spread the word of my situation. I will never forget your kindness.
I will continue under the cut so I don't drag our your dashboards:
Unfortunately, however, even after raising over $1500 USD.... it still wasn't enough to be able to afford a month's rent anywhere to live in the state I live in. And if it WAS, the landlords I contacted and reached out to didn't like that I wasn't employed, despite the fact that I met literally all of their other requirements and was told multiple times that I was an ideal candidate.
It's frustrating, even now. I lived out of my car for the last 1.5 months until a few weeks ago. The money I received from the GoFundMe was money that I WANTED to use for affording rent and a security deposit to have a roof over my head, but instead, I had to use it to keep myself alive during then. While homeless, I reached out to a special program at a college a bit of a ways from where I've always lived, and spoke with the Director of the program. The program in question takes unemployed people like me and puts them through training to get ready for an apprenticeship in a trade industry. I took a placement exam for the college, passed with flying colors, and got myself a Scholarship to cover my tuition costs fully, and I also got set up to receive financial stipends from the college to help me keep afloat while I am taking the classes and training.
I also spoke with my mother and her boyfriend and we came to an agreement. She will let me stay at her house again while I am going to college. Once I get into an apprenticeship with an employer, I will be able to start making and saving money again. This is far from my ideal situation since I still have to deal with. Family. But this is a step forward, I think.
TLDR: I'm going back to college as a full-time student for a special program to learn an industry trade, and I'm not homeless anymore. Yay :)
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third--moon · 9 months
my beautiful gamers, I am so so tired. but moreso, I feel unmotivated, ill, directionless half of the time. I thinj I've been told I cannot achieve my dreams too many times in my life Im tired tired tired of waking up to the same morning everyday
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third--moon · 2 years
life update
I have a new job.... again
the people are nice and its decent so far, I can tolerate it :)
I wish it wasnt part-time but hey, something is better than nothing/no money, ig
Thinking about volunteering soon... wanna work with fishies in thr future.... Wanna get something nice and save enough money so one day i can live in my own home with my own pets and my own rules/freedom...
It will eventually happen one day. I just have to keep believing and hoping.
I really need to focus on moving out soon. I'm alive but I'm not really living, some part of me is still Afraid for as long as I stay here in this house. I've also just been only surviving here. I need to keep fighting.
My last grandmother also passed away today. I never knew her very well, so I'm less sad and more concerned for my father, who loved her very much. I hope he's alright.
I was also almost bit by a young snake today, too. Woops lol
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third--moon · 2 years
I’m about to become so Annoying this week/next week about World Cup js
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third--moon · 2 years
Not my mom tryna get me to go over my transphobic aunt’s house for the holidays :(
I put my foot down and said NO, and that I can go see my cousins a different day anyways. Christmas is just a day :/
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third--moon · 2 years
I think Pulseman would have a Neocities page that absolutely BLASTS the viewer with bright flashy colors and lights and has a bunch of 2000s arcade game gifs all over the page and a bunch of heart emojis around a portrait pic of Beatrice and he would have spelling errors everywhere but honestly he's so proud and happy with the page regardless 🥰😌
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third--moon · 2 years
Getting back to my coding practicing, and hopefully my language practicing as well.... the desire to draw atm is at very much a low low right now :(
but re-reading coding stuff does make me happy, maybe I can move onto the next version of my site soon :)
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third--moon · 2 years
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Do you like my pet plants? Do they look cute? :)
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third--moon · 2 years
things have been very rough on my end lately. I had a really bad day today where I basically had a breakdown inside a pizzeria after being told one too many times this month that everything I do is basically Not Enough, or Not Good Enough. :/  It also doesn’t help that I’m experiencing financial stress on top of everything too :(   I had to deal with some very dark thoughts today but I think they’re gone now. I’m just tired and numb now :c
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third--moon · 2 years
I think I will go ahead and begin to learn HTML too :)
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third--moon · 3 years
I think
I think I’m going to try to make a greater effort to talk on my main art acct, y’all... probably just talk about whatever, reblog friend’s art too... byeah 😔😌
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third--moon · 3 years
I’m remembering my time at a convention a few years ago (pre-pandemic) where I met Johnny Gioeli of Crush 40 fame in person and honest to god, I’ve never felt like I had a role model I looked up to more in that moment than I did right then. I’m remembering good and funny stories he told at a panel and then him hugging me and telling me he believes I can achieve my dreams
and then me being a crying mess holding an autographed SA2B case afterwards
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third--moon · 3 years
imagine perceiving yourself. couldn’t be me
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third--moon · 3 years
First post again baybeyyyyy
I want this sideblog to be mainly personal. I want a blog where I can RT friend art and shitposts and put my own thoughts somewhere too :)
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third--moon · 2 years
very depressed today
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third--moon · 2 years
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Added a starfish but for some reason, class attribute definitions did NOT want to work in the <head> section of my page??? Very strange... Starfish is nice at least and moves around :)
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