voxxcd · 1 month
        【   @venisontransmission from here    】
"Getting pissy about it already?" He chuckled lightly, trailing his claws along the collar he had just snapped around Alastor's neck before sliding his fingers up to his chin, "Maybe I should have gotten that muzzle. It's not like it's you're first time wearing one of these,"
When he walked into the room with the collar he wasn't entirely certain how to get it on the other now that it was actually done- but seeing him so focused on the book he could hardly pass up the easy opportunity. It was mostly blue, a couple small accents of red though a lighter shade then what might be a color for Alastor.
Vox's other hand came up to flick the small tag on the collar, leaning down to leer over the radio demon with a grin, "I went ahead and made this one just for you though,"
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helluvasins · 2 months
@venisontransmission - Continued from: Here
...Hearing that come from Foster's mouth does end up making him chuckle a bit. How amusing.
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✥✧∘* "Little doe? Me? You must be joking." Pinches his cheek. "I'm not asking you to make me submit. I just want you to do what you want."
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infernal-blaze · 6 months
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@venisontransmission liked for a starter.
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Elena found herself within the confines of the Ambassador building in Hell. She was one of the very few residents of Heaven to be allowed in such a place. After pulling out a few favors with some high ranking angels, she had managed to get permission to visit Hell. However, she hadn't just gone through all of that to sight see. No, she had been informed that there was a possibility her son was here.
Supposedly, a letter had been delivered to Alastor on her behalf. He was supposed to meet her here, if he really was in Hell. She hoped he wasn't, for his sake, but she couldn't stop the way her heart pounded in her chest at the thought of seeing him again.
Finally, the doors to the building opened. Elena was quick to shuffle towards them, hands wringing nervously. Her wings folded neatly behind her back as a man in red came into view.
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radicheart · 2 months
@venisontransmission replied to your post “(( personally i think cal should be brave and wear...”:
foster out there staring in a corset lmao
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Did someone ask for a deer in headlights? That's what Cal looks like now that he's been caught wearing a corset dress and makeup.
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rainbowofsinners · 2 months
@venisontransmission said: >:3c "Etonan douvanjou wouj." Why does this brat keep flustering him like this! Oh, he will learn!
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"Oho, very bold of you to try that again!" Watch him try to retaliate by leaning down until his nose is barely touching Foster's, narrowing his eyes towards him, and whispering in a deep eldritch voice that one could feel rattle in the air. "You must have a death wish, handsome. I will find out how to fluster you." That's a promise and a threat.
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hells-beloved-queen · 6 months
ll Continued - @venisontransmission ll
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"You wish to stand, hm? It's nice to wish for things...dear darling." The chain to his collar gave a sharp tug from the vice grip around his neck, ever slowly snaking around his neck tighter like an infernal serpent. Soft clicks of her heels against the ground echoed as she strode closer towards him. "Do we need another lesson in manners and proper etiquette on how to behave around the Queen? I would only be so delighted to give you a much needed reminder."
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radicheart-a · 6 months
@venisontransmission (x)
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Cal hums—partially in amusement, partially in concern—as both thumbs stroke gently over Foster's heated cheeks. "It seems you've gone over the edge with the rams, my dear."
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radioiaci · 2 months
▹ @venisontransmission
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"Charming as this display is, I've been rather pointedly asked to convince you to rein it in. I'm not quite certain others enjoy the type of amusement you've seemed to have found for yourself."
The nicest way he could possibly tell the other to simmer down.
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gctchell · 3 months
@venisontransmission said: "Would you like to help me put needles in his belongings, dear?"
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" ... Needles? " It's a small voice she replies in, but ooh, there is interest.
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voxxcd · 4 months
      【   @venisontransmission    】
Alastor was a pain in the ass to get on film but it wasn't entirely impossible. It was just about picking apart between what was distorted. That was probably why it took him awhile to actually notice the radio demon was sick. The resulting feelings from coming to that conclusion was complicated, to say the least. He wasn't sure what part of it all he was most pissed about but luckily there was a clear distraction laid out in front of him.
If Alastor was sick then he'd be weaker and Vox needed to figure out exactly what he was going to do with that information. More time passed, time required for him to plan and for the deer demon to get weaker. He almost expected everything to go nowhere, the couple of ways to get the disease but instead he watched him get sicker and sicker. Just another thing to piss him off.
Eventually, he had his opportunity and he took him. The room he had set up had the containment cell in the middle, something entirely made of what looked like glass but was much stronger. It was entirely see through, round with nowhere to hide. That feeling was only accentuated with all the lights and cameras around it, all prominent. There were a few other tricks in place, things to handle Alastor if he wasn't quite as weak as the media demon had assessed.
He sat in the surveillance room, watching the radio demon laying in the center of the room and waiting for him to wake up. He was feeling impatient, almost on the verge of anxious but it wasn't like he was about to admit that to himself. He wondered if the radio demon would answer his questions about the illness, not that that was what this was about. He tapped on the armrest of the chair, waiting and watching his new prisoner, planning on watching while he woke up and got his bearings at well.
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helluvasins · 3 months
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✥✧∘* "Oh, you can lay on me, but I can't lay on you? How rude, Foster..." Nuzzles into him. Look at him, looking cute.
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the-smallest-star · 2 months
Stares at that imp that looks like Vox. Stares. Smiles
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"............................." He knew didn't he. Of course of all sinners, Alastor would put two and two together.
Who knew deer could count.
"....... VAL!! VEL!!!" He's noping out, he wants to live and he's high tailing it, even in his lack of sleep.
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radicheart · 3 months
@venisontransmission replied to your post “He's sitting on the floor in front of a giant...”:
Yes, hello, he's pressing his face in front of that fan. He's very hot. Feel bad for him.
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Oh hi, Foster! He does, actually. Maybe that's why he plucks his alternate up by the scruff of his shirt and plops him down in his lap facing the fan so he, too, can experience the fan at full blast.
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rainbowofsinners · 3 months
@venisontransmission said: "I have to shout - I can't hear you over the disgusting kissing sounds."
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"Oh, so you can mack on other Alastors, but we Voxes can't compliment each other in peace. I see how it is."
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hcppyhotel · 8 months
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❝ holy  fuckin  --  JUST  KISS  ALREADY  !!!  ❞
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voxxisms · 4 months
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@venisontransmission requested a meeting! [ cont. ]
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     THE  CIRCUMSTANCES  of how the last overlord meeting went was what prompted vox to appear at this one.  originally,  he had been hesitant to go,  last time,  &&  so when velvette had proposed going in his stead,  to present the angel's head they had found,  he had been happy to let her.  she had plenty still to learn about the politics  &&  responsibility an overlord came into,  &&  there was no better way than by doing.
her handling of the presentation had not been  ...  his favorite.
     he'd had to smooth things over with carmilla carmine,  something only made easier due to the other circumstances surrounding the time.  she would hold a grudge against velvette,  certainly,  but the rest of them were on semi - decent terms,  which mostly meant that she was still willing to listen in to his angelic security proposition.  all for the better,  considering.
     he knew alastor might be there,  &&  so he worked hard to keep his gaze trained elsewhere,  on carmine herself,  or peering past them all.  to watch out of the windows,  or down at his notes that he took ever so diligently on notebook paper.  college - ruled,  a spiral notebook.  he often made mental notes  ( literally )  but always found that he would be more likely to recall if he physically wrote it down a few times.  he could feel when a pair of eyes landed on him,  sending a tremor of awareness down his spine.  his own snapped up to meet them,  surprise  &&  then frustration on his face all too clear.
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     a challenge.  something in the other's expression,  &&  he knew this would be a new battle.  what exactly,  he did not know.  everything was different now;  perhaps once upon a time this look could have conveyed something different,  a silent exchange of words directing one to follow the other.  but now,  it was a call to arms.  a request to duel.
        ❛  take a picture,  it will last much longer.  ❜    words not spoken,  but rather mouthed in the direction of the radio demon,  expression pulled into something amused.  another note for his book,  too,  carmine made some mention of territory being possibly available soon,  something about a struggling upcomer,  not ready yet,  but something to keep an eye on for when the contracts faltered there.
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