zorkaya-moved · 2 years
happy birthday, serin! 2.20.23
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We love/hate tumblr dot com for erasing my birthday message to one amazing and talented Serin at @venenumroses ! Have you all had the time to check her out? Speak with her? Commission her? See her writing and her works in art and photoshop? The very icon you see on this post is actually one of her amazing works. So make sure to look at what she does and don't hesitate to reach out to her! But let me just into screaming at my friend about how much I love her.
Serin, hi! Sorry this came out so damn late, I didn't see how queue messed up and erased all the queued posts, including the previous one I wrote. However! This does not mean I'll stop screaming about you and how amazing you are. I know things are tough and I know that you've been having troubles with writing, getting inspiration, you're burn out. Please, never feel bad for taking a break. Dedicate your time to games! Resident Evil remake is coming out soon and I know how excited you are about it! Listen, if I see any art of the charas I'm sending it your way if you haven't seen them yourself haha. I just hope you know that you are wonderful, beautiful, and amazing. On this day, I really hope that you've been having a good day and you've been getting some delicious cake or whatever you wanted to snack on or enjoy!
You've always been kind and you've always been insanely creative. You and Everi were my muses and my inspirations to create original characters and you continue to astonish me with your grasp on all your OCs. Miss Crystal will always be taking the throne, of course, she's a queen and a goddess, but I love how you expand into your own lore with your multimuse blog. Every character seems so different, so unique, so fucking amazing. I also love to learn more about Crystal from your replies, your answers, and your threads with other people. I love your passion, I love how unapologetic you are about loving Crystal and how ruthless & strong she is. Go off queens, you got it! Your passion for creation and your talents within those fields are absolutely spectacular. They are like a never-ending flower garden of ideas. Absolutely gorgeous. Like you are: gorgeous, strong, and powerful. I will fight the world for you, I will kick anyone for you.
Happy Birthday!! Let's kick 2023 to make it a successful year for you!!
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tyraunt · 2 years
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so he isn't mad she wasn't around
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"I already told you I was not annoyed. And I am not someone who would lie to you for no reason. But if you disappear suddenly, of course I am going to worry. Not about you - you know very well how to defend yourself.
I am going to worry about what in the blazes you are doing while absent." This also classifies as worrying about her. Kaleb is clearly ignoring it. He taps his fingers against wooden desk, thinking of how he wants to word this. "Things are just not safe with you around. For their own sake, they should at least know how to behave."
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jardaddy-a · 2 years
i could still say, “i don’t remember”. / crys to mimosa. about what? who knows !
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                 ❀☠️ THE TOXIC MIMOSA ❀ ━ TAYLOR SWIFT - MIDNIGHTS┊NO LONGER ACCEPTING ! @venenumroses
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       ˗ˏˋ☠️❀┊ ( * THE TOXIC MIMOSA ) ━  ❝ and if i don't buy your excuse , what will you do ? ❞ JESTING INQUISITIVENESS jabs holes in solid foundations , lavender focals follow her springtide figure like a spotlight . A SMILE paints his visage with gaiety &&. shields the teaspoon of lachrymose burbling from within , ❝ but i'd turn a blind eye to it , because we all like to keep our secrets . ❞ SOMETHING twists in the way he grins , leaving a phantasmal sensation of insects scuttling behind one's back . HE BEARS a mask of hollow centipede shells , obscuring his purest emotions from within , he's always secretive , leaving one to wonder what exactly was running within that head of his . BUT perhaps within the length of their fateful encounters , perhaps that hardened shell of a mask finally begun to crack .
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       ˗ˏˋ☠️❀┊ ( * MIMOSA ) ━ HE VEERS CLOSER , a feather of an exhale bursts forth a scent of flowers as he pressed a kiss to her temple before he reluctantly parted . ❝ i won't pressure you , darling . i can wait . you can wait . we have eternity . maybe one day i'll truly get to know you , and you'll truly get to know me . ❞ OR SO HE THINKS , unbeknowst to the maiden that an invisible timer hovers above his head . IT IS UP TO FATE whether he survives the end of everything , for now , chaining her into a cage such as himself was unecessary ( no matter how he dislikes the idea of losing his grasp on her . )
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ophiidias · 2 years
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /[your muse] is the good influence  /[your muse] is the bad influence  /[my muse] is the good influence  /[my muse] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /[your muse is mines] childhood crush  /[my muse is yours] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [from your muses side]/  unrequited [from my muses side]/  unrequited [from both sides]/  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]/  soulmates  [ literal ]/  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [on your muse]/  cheating [with your muse]/  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [half]/  siblings [step]/[my muse] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /[my muse] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /[my muse] is a parental figure to yours  /[my muse] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /[your muse] is taken under mines wing  /[my muse] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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❝ My dear princess, ❞ said the JESTER, ❝ tell me more about this moon you so long for. ❞ The PRINCESS was so happy to find someone who cared about her needs and enthusiastically shared her dream and her wish of the moon she so desired .
what does a snake have in common with a butterfly? perhaps it's found in symbolism, perhaps it's found in story. perhaps, like the Jester, the snake is willing to listen to the butterfly express her longing for something just out of reach.
isn't that just what Serpent does? slipping into a dark corner of a bar, offering not just a listening ear, but a way to catch that elusive dream. could you, then, imagine how Serpent might have ensnared Crystal in her little plot, her devious little game? or, perhaps, Crystal would be too wise, to much of a realist to give in to the temptation of Ambrosia, of Serpent's sweet promises.
I would absolutely love to see what kind of curious relationship might form between these two. both in PtN and, maybe maybe in other verses. the quiet sane butterfly and the mad snake.
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yuichiroswife · 2 years
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{ AAAAAAAH, SERIN! YOU ARE LITERALLY THE SWEETEST THING EVER! Thank you so much for sending this to me! I’m really sorry that I answered it so late, I’ve been busy doing a few things as of late but I finally have the time to get to this! Totally expect to get one back from me! }
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cxnvicts · 2 years
╰ * unprompted ask from 「 @venenumroses ー crystal slevant 」
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     White sands build mountains,  where beauty lingers at the start ends up in a mist and fog where thunder is the reign of the skies.  The femme heard known whispers in the darkness residing in the brain,  treachery,  bloodshed,  malice  ...  all feared equally,  especially by those who have been graced by the high till their feet couldn't touch the ground.  Mistrust exists and has persisted,  easily predicted for this diplomacy lies in nothing but a mask for motives that grow ever darker.  A tentative peace depends on more drowning in the abyssal depths,  ruthless fury remains in the barricade of colored seasons and the shackles shine fairly.  With a tongue sharp and fierce as an ice - forged blade,  departing cherry dyed lips begin the poisonous speech as the unseen labyrinth takes a form that vanishes in the blink of an eye.          ❛❛     For a moment I found myself looking at nothing more than a reflection in a water surface.     ❜❜         It would be a lie to state the opposite,  the inkling bile obnoxious almost travels from the throat like an invasive emotion that evokes familiarity.
One cannot help but wonder how much sacrifice takes to freeze a will in a permanent state of beautiful yet sickening complacency.
     This exchange,  to see a psyche that activated a forceful attempt of resistance that found a sheer of incredulity;  this new experience was a call to pull out different strings inside that beating heart of hers  —  that abhor that out of madness perhaps makes the perfect sense.          ❛❛     I must confess that I did not expect something like this.     ❜❜         Once the moment comes to an end,  the heat still stings and the reddish light shines like rubies on the ambient almost blinding the vision.  A pout in porcelain features appears with ease.          ❛❛     You have a horrible personality.  It’s offensive,  Chief  …  If I were to take <  it  >, your title, away from you,  what would you have left  ? Nothing.    ❜❜         
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While this wasn’t her first time welcoming a Sinner who had just turned themselves in, the Chief couldn’t help the stifling uncertainty bubbling within her ever as she returned to her seat; hazy grey eyes never once shifting from the other’s own peculiar hues. 
“A horrible personality, you say...” The Chief blinked curiously, ungloved hand reaching at the lapel of her dull-coloured coat so she could tug it closer. “Mm… I suppose you would be correct.” She nodded after the brief pause, her voice steady and matter-of-fact, coupled with a melancholic smile on her lips. She must have used her ability. This much, the Chief could tell now that they were bound together with her shackles. As to what that ability of hers could do, however... The Chief couldn't quite tell just yet. “I would have... nothing left, yes.” 
Nothing, huh... The idea of being left with nothingness, with the sickening feeling of vast emptiness within her... The Chief supposes it does, indeed, terrify her. However, the fact remains that what she has ー these shackles of hers ー and the title that came with it was unique to her. A sinner had already made an attempt of imitating her likeness before, and they themselves admitted that they could not quite copy her ability. This was hers. Her power. Her duty as the Chief of Minos Bureau of Crisis Control. And no one can ever take it from her.
That, at least, is enough comfort for the Chief, despite the worry that slowly gnawed at the back of her head.
Crystal Slevant. Although Nightingale had done her best to gather as much information as she could about the Sinner, in the end, there wasn't much they could unearth other than what was already out in public. Beyond that, it was as if she had been living as a ghost.
"You don't seem to be very pleased with that." She continued, carefully studying the Sinner's features. There were still a lot of things they don't know about Crystal yet. And though the Chief would rather not delve much about herself, this was as good a chance as she might ever get. "Does it frustrate you? My attachment to my title, that is."
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shacklda · 2 years
puts a leash on the chief.
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The way her head cocked to the side was almost comical, nothing but questions in her gaze as the leash was clipped securely on. What in the...? Tug, tug.
“.... This isn’t what I meant when I offered to go on a walk.”
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"Is there something you need?"
Jensen seemed to be lost in thought, it happened more often than not, given that she tended to try and keep herself busy. Though with retirement...She was more or less trying to find a hobby.
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enjomo-arch · 2 years
drops my archive to WISH YOU A HAPPY BIRTHDAY ( or late ) i hope you had tons of cake from another fellow pisces !
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oh  shit  dropping  ur  archive  for  me  ?  Serin  beloved.  Seems  we  all  like  fishes. Thank  u  and  ily  !!  Thanks  for  the  time  spent  together  on  dash  and  writings  when  we  tossed  muses  here  and  there  I  always  had  fun.  I  know  ur  having  a  rough  time  now  but  listen  u  got  this  and  I  believe  it'll  end  well.  Cheering  for  you  with  all  my  powers  and  hope  a  lil  flame  will  lighten  up  the  month  for  you  too  after  all
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violentsinnxr · 2 years
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favourite colour(s): black/white/purple
favourite flavour(s): chocolate, savory stuff and meaaaat.
favourite genre(s): whatever houseki no kuni is categorized as.
favourite music: jpop / jrock / jrap / krnb / lo-fi stuff / games & anime soundtracks as well... but my top 2 artists are Eve and DPR, by far.
favourite movie: i rarely watch any but i'd say... Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai.
favourite series: games - final fantasy, fire emblem, yakuza/ryu ga gotoku ; manga/anime - houseki no kuni, jojo's bizarre adventure, psycho-pass.
last song: sokodomo - LOL
last movie:  adam by eve: a live in animation
currently reading: blue lock, ron kamonohashi deranged detective, chainsaw man. (i only read mangas...)
currently watching: ...the way of the househusband.
currently working on: studying japanese again, starting to learn korean as well and getting my ffxiv na alt to the end of the msq... i may also be considering making a song cover but this is neither here nor there.
tagged by: @ragingsands & @shackld tagging: oh boy, here we go... @cxnvicts, @ephixltes, @wiildcardd, @shiningstages, @venenumroses and everyone seeing this and feeling like it'd be fun to do! feel free to grab it from me 🙏
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ragingsands · 2 years
> what tarot card are you?
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the tower
where is the line between awakening and self destruction? is it thin? are you walking toward it? on it? already too far gone? there is nothing more disheartening than trying to find yourself, only to learn that you detest the person you've been looking for. can i tell you a secret? you are allowed to love yourself. required to, even. how can you go forward without it? make no mistake– it is not easy. but it is essential. you will get there, and it will be warm. NUMBER: 16 UPRIGHT: sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening REVERSED: personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster tagged by: @ubcs tagging: @tundraecho @violentsinnxr @cxnvicts @furiaei @venenumroses @wolvensden
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
❝ whatever you do, i shall stand with you, as i always have. ❞
@venenumroses / @tenebrispxnea
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The rose's thorns will always be dripping poison when they'll dig into another's skin. Crystal Slevant was a person who was beautiful beyond doubt but also... exceptionally dangerous. The power of something ancient gleamed like the prettiest flame any 'moth' would want to get closer, only to die so fastly. It's beautiful, the way she walks forth with such confidence and stride without looking back. It made Sokolova wonder if this was because she couldn't look back or because the future was more important to her. Was that flame more than others ever expected? Or would that flame consume such a pretty flower if not for the will and strength of the beholder? Zarina knows her answer to that question: Crystal is stronger than the majority of people she'd ever met. But even the strongest people would require help when it's needed. Perhaps, it's why the leader of the Black Rose stepped closer to her. ever the sweetest of friends, isn't she? Forceful yet beautiful, stubborn yet strategic, bright yet mysterious. An enigma, certainly. A beautiful, beautiful enigma.
Black Rose. Sokolova should certainly speak with Crystal about her team, it sounds like quite an interesting conversation. Are they as colorful as the deathless spring next to her? Maybe they'll be able to see if the dynamic within their teams might be similar. It'd be fun to see two teams meeting. But then again, is it even possible? With how busy everyone is and with how they both just could still have reasons to always do as they pleased. Teamwork is essential to be remembered by people like them both: independent and powerful. Sometimes, working alone was simply better because there'd be no constriction.
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Zarina raises her hand to place it on Slevant's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, but her golden gaze continues to look forward. This land, this place, this society. They're too different. The life of Crystal Slevant was still mostly unknown to Sokolova, but it was an interesting approach to everything. Her voice sets away any overthinking and overestimating of the situation, bringing a sense of calm and respite within the winter's embrace. Maybe, they still don't know much about each other, but it still leaves a moment of the future. Yes, they must not look back but strive forward and remain in the present.
"I know," she replies shortly, glancing at the other with a coy look. Of course, she'll be here. As she always would. "It's mutual, Crys. But as this is your turf, you're the boss here." Zarina then jokingly pushes the woman's shoulder forward. "Leader of the Black Rose, lead the way. I'll follow your orders today. I trust you and your strategic judgment."
Ask me to jump, and I'll ask how high.
Because this trust cannot be easily broken.
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chronosbled · 2 years
Carnal and Holy Sinning (This is a love letter to myself.)
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You are the world's leading cross bearer of the most guilty conscience. You feel everything you touch turns to gold but in the way that it becomes molten and rich; and what I mean is that when you allow yourself impulse (which is not often) it leads to disaster. When you want someone it feels like sorrow, and you love the world like tacky honey, and you'll wish it could all feel less heavy. You look at yourself in the mirror and yearn to stake the heart and ascend with peace. Someday, you'll rot into the earth, and the dirt will cave with you like a sigh of relief.
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Tagged by: @venenumroses
Tagging: As per usual, just steal it and tag me.
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shiningstages · 2 years
Muse Chosen: Amethyst
ANIMAL: Dog: Loyalty, bravery, friends, affection, protection, communication, patience, and devotion. / Cheetah: Quick thinking, passion, flexibility, quick-witted, freedom, progress, and protection. / Eagle: Goal-oriented, focused, adventurous, resilient, vision, power and freedom. The big sister who would do anything for her charges, including her adopted primal sister, and all the people she deems worthy of their trust. She presses on despite any opposition, and will go all out if deemed necessary. A powerful leader with her eyes on the prize, yet also knows to wind down and just have fun whenever she can.
COLOR(S): Sunshine yellow, the bright sparks that lead to a roaring yet comforting orange flame, the red of blushed cheeks and constant cuts and scrapes
MONTH: May or June. The spring cool air still whips in her hair, yet she basks in the warmth of the bright sun. Working and training isn't as exhausting, despite the sweat that still slides down her skin, and the harvests are in full swing with winter far from her mind. Everything is truly alive, or creating new life to fill the world to the brim. Flower festivals leading to summer celebrations, a million meals made from fresh fruits and veggies. Everything can happen, yet she can take a day to just lay in a field of blooms. She can't wait for what surprises await her tomorrow.
DAY OR NIGHT: Day - Awake, full of energy, ready to bound for her own adventure or to see her loved ones' smiles in the light.
PLANTS AND FLOWERS:  Strelitzia   —  devotion,  loyalty and affection.  freedom from worries,  fears and anxieties.  perpetual wish. 
SMELL: Fresh-baked bread - simple yet so comforting. Vegetables and fruits just picked and plucked, and whatever dirt clings to them until they're washed away. The burning of firewood - sometimes sweet cherry wood, at other times savory oak, or the times when the fire's too strong and the smoke burns your eyes and clogs your throat. The flames hidden under roasted marshmallows or smoked / spit roasted meats, the smelling the lush grass around you as you look up at the stars.
GEMSTONE: Amethyst just mined - or cracked open in an ordinary looking rock, a captivating little wonder hidden in plain sight. Al uncut gems that don't have the highest purity, yet still give off such a fantastic shine that you can't look away.
SEASON: Spring / Summer.
FOOD: Pot roast, braised steak, s'mores, smoked salmon, fresh bread infused with herbs and honey
ELEMENT: Fire. The passion and desires in her soul, ignited by her loved ones and her own spark to move forward. Soothing to look at, dangerous to touch if her flames are high, yet you can stroke her air with your cold hands needing warmth or a heart needing melting, if she so chooses to let you. Blinding when at her brightest, and yet she can crash to mere smolders if she's not cared for herself. Blow a soft breeze and add a bit more wood to relight her, but also be there to cool her off.
DRINK: Freshly squeezed orange juice, or the juices leftover from a fruit campout. Lemonade toned down with said juices. Teas ground up from her own herbs.
tagged by : @venenumroses ( thank you hun~ )
tagging : @feveredbcnes ( or anyone you wanna do it for ) | @lunarcry ( emu!! or anyone you have more muse for, even gran / akira ) | @strawberrycolaaa | and anyone who want to~
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promiscxous · 2 years
Dangerous Parasocial Celebrity Fascination.
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How does somebody embody this as one person? Simple. You are online way too much. You don't have to bare your secrets to the world, you are not our doll to prompt or play with, you belong to yourself. Having an obsession with presentation was probably fun at first, but now it's a set of rules and you only have so many strikes until you're out. And to that I say whatever dude. Just be. Allow the side of you that is not a cardboard glamour exist as they are without pursuit of difference. You are allowed to exist plainly.
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Tagged by: @venenumroses
Tagging: Just steal it from me and tag me if you want.
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ophiidias · 2 years
tagged by : @venenumroses ♡ tagging : whoever would like to do this
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | overthinker | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | perfectionist | pessimistic | naive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading / collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing | yoga | gaming | surfing
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