theendingirony · 2 years
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ℋ𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽? 🥀
Model: @makenttosh on IG
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areeeanuh-blog · 5 years
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All for the asthetical vibe
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go4image · 5 years
Black Beauty and Velvet Light
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The Custom Harley Davidson bike came fresh, clean from Harley Heaven Zurich. One of a kind bike, each element is carefully chosen and assembled with a unique handcraft.
For months I was searching and testing a new light, a soft light endless nights in the studio until the light turned out to be soft enough to reflect so smoothly on a shiny surface like a mat surface.
The goal was to shoot the entire bike with this soft light. The tank turned out fantastic, same for the rest of the dark details, just the chromatic parts of the motor didn’t want to appear matt. After a few nights more even the shiny motor parts received this velvet look with the new soft light.
Take a look at the 4K Video.
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celesterunewhisper · 3 years
Day 11 - Watch
Tik. Tik. Tik. The slow sounds of an unseen grandfather clock audibly marked the choking silence that engulfed the elaborate living room. On any other day, the room might have felt comforting, perhaps even welcoming; however, the tension that wove itself with that damn ticking almost made sitting in the room unbearable. In the center of the den, two large couches—red and gold in hue, as was the rest of the decor—were set facing each other with an elegant coffee table between them. Next to the couches, an oversized chair sat to meet the entire room, sitting there like a throne; the fireplace flickering behind the high-back chair only served to cast a menacing shadow over any who sat in it. Compared to the rest of the furniture, it was clear the chair was moved deliberately into the room for whatever purpose the mysterious gathering served. The rest of the decorations of artwork and statues were purely there to display the wealth of the Crimsonburn family. Sitting in the throne chair, a middle-aged Quel'dorei man gazed out at the crowd of three with his beady, contemplating blue eyes. His complexion was lined with not only age but experience in the thralls of stressful politics. He wore elaborate robes of red and maroon and had his white-blond hair slicked back for the occasion. Lord Norath Crimsonburn glanced to the two men on the couch to his left. The elder of the two—looking not too much older than Norath—had long straight black hair, partially braided to keep his bangs from his face sporting robes of violet and slate-gray. A younger man sported the same hues in attire and hair; however, he had his short and slicked back similar to the Lord of the house. “You have met my wife, Lady Larae Crimsonburn, Lord Velvetlight?” Norath then glanced to the woman on the opposite couch who was meek in appearance with short, curly red hair and gorgeous robes of crimson. He smirked when her matching blue eyes locked with his, only for her to look to the table with discomfort seconds later. It thrilled him to see her so obediently in her place. The raven-haired gentleman raised a dark brow at the Lord of the house. “Indeed. A fetching catch. However, it is your daughter, my son, and I wish to meet.”
“Her tardiness is unorthodox, I assure you. Perhaps, she is nervous about being among such distinguished companies.” Norath replied, his voice icy and uncomfortably calm. Lord Velvetlight simply sighed before reaching forward towards the coffee table. An array of refreshments rested upon the wooden surface, including snacks, tea, coffee, and wine. The guest Lord helped himself to a glass of the latter. A superb Dalarn red; year 450K.C, much before the wondrous city made its floating charge to Northrend. An expensive taste with the delicate bite of a lingering arcanic crisp. Not enough to quell Lord Velvetlight's patience, unfortunately. As if the swelling distaste was the perfect queue, a young elven woman was politely escorted into the room by a servant of the manor. Her short hair matched both the curliness of her mother's and the pale blonde hues of her father's, and just like her parents, the Crimsonburn colours painted her corsetted, victorian gown. The servant didn't stay long and left the young woman to linger awkwardly at the door; her blue eyes glanced to her father's with an apologetic expression. Norath smiled, yet no humour or kindness touched his eyes. “My daughter; Lady Celeste Crimsonburn. What a pleasure for you to have finally indulged us with your presence.” Celeste winced, immediately curtseying before Norath, with her head low, “My apologies, father,” she spoke carefully, turning her attention to the two guests in their home. “I thank you for your patience, my Lords.” Her politeness was useless at this point; she had already disappointed Norath to irreparable levels that night. But, she still had a role in maintaining, lest she made it worse for herself. “Take a seat, Celeste,” Norath instructed cooly. “You remember Lord Velvetlight, don't you?” Truthfully, Celeste did not. However, she forced herself to dig through her memories in an effort not to embarrass herself further. She took a shot in the dark. “You...were a guest speaker at Sunstrider University. You taught a lecture for my Introduction to Political Theory class.” As she spoke, attempting to sound confident in her answer, she sat beside her silent mother. “Ah, so you do remember. Excellent.” Lord Velvetlight looked pleased. “I also met you in your adolescent years, but I do not expect you to remember something eighty years ago.” There was a momentary pause as the Lord took a sip of his wine. “I would like to introduce to you my son, Lord Zan Velvetlight. A proud Magister of Quel'thalas and Scryer under the ranks of Astalor Bloodsworn's trusted Arcanists.” Zan stood to his feet to bow towards Celeste, “A pleasure, my Lady.” Instinctively, Celeste held her hand towards the expecting man, to which he took and placed a gentlemanly kiss upon it. She was used to such gestures with her family's position in the noble hierarchy; however, she could never bring herself to enjoy that flavour of attention. It took everything in her power not to grimace as Zan retook his seat. “The pleasure is mine, Lord Zan.” “Celeste, why don't you elaborate for Lord Velvetlight more about your education,” Norath commented in a thinly veiled order. “Yes, indeed,” Lord Velvetlight began, “I am very interested in hearing more about the daughter Lord Crimsonburn has been raving about.” Celeste rose a brow at the strangeness of the conversation, and she couldn't help but glance at her mother for answers. However, when Larae met her daughter's gaze, her bright eyes glazed over with sadness. For some reason, the woman could not bring herself to speak out of turn and left her daughter to the thralls of confusion. “Right,” Celeste breathed, now looking to Lord Velvetlight—vividly aware of her father's icy gaze boring down on her while she spoke. “I have been studying the economics of the country primarily. Provincial stabilization, governance, representation through the monarchy, and the delicate balance of power and influence.” She took a deep breath, “I hope to follow in my father's footsteps of becoming a member of King Sunstrider's advocates.” This, of course, was an utter lie. “Ah, such high expectations. So much in common with my son.” Lord Velvetlight hummed with satisfaction. Zan spoke to provide context to his father's statement. “I hope to enlist within the Kirin Tor eventually. Put more experience under my belt to either rise further with the Magisters of Quel'thalas or, perhaps, a cozy seat on the council of the Magus Senate.” Arrogance coated his tongue as he spoke a matter of factly. Celeste forced an interested smile to her face and spoke with perfunctory attentiveness. “How do you not burn yourself out from such strenuous tasks?” Zan's ego predictably inflated as he smirked with bottomless pride towards Celeste. “Because I am superior. Other low-lives let opportunities pass them by, while intellectual men must rise to guide this wayward Kingdom. I intend to learn all I can to do so.” Celeste felt her blood run cold as her smile faltered. “Ah—your...father is right about...sharing high ambitions, then. I suppose.” Another lie. She wanted nothing more than to leave both the conversation and company. Norath spoke up once more, “It is as I said, Lord Velvetlight. It would be a flawless arrangement that will benefit both sides of the political spectrum. We must act upon the traditions of the monarchy's system before the ambitious Prince threatens to change the whole thing. What with that Theron whispering in his ear.” “Father, what are you talking about—” Celeste began. “You will speak when you are spoken to.” Norath snapped. Then turning back to Lord Velvetlight, he continued as if the outburst never happened. “What say you?” “Zan?” Lord Velvetlight glanced to his son, asking a vague question Celeste still did not understand the context of. The younger lord gave Celeste a once-over before smirking. “I find it both an excellent strategy and a rather lovely match. I agree to Lord Crimsonburn's proposition if you are inclined to act upon it, father.” Lord Velvetlight smiled. “Then our deal has been settled. The ceremony will be scheduled for the end of the month as planned.” “Perfect.” Norath grinned. “I have already arranged for their housing, as well. A gift for the new family, hm?” Lord Velvetlight chuckled, “So generous, my Lord.” Zan bowed his head, “I generously accept, Lord Crimsonburn.” Norath stood to his feet, and the other two lords followed suit. “A rather short meeting, but I understand you and your son are rather busy this evening.” “It has been a pleasure, Lord Crimsonburn. Till the ceremony, then.” And soon, Celeste was alone in the den with her father. Her mother couldn't bear to be in the room any longer, and she still didn't understand why. Norath gestured his hand silently towards Celeste, allowing her to speak freely. “What was that all about, father?” “We plan on uniting our causes together, Lord Velvetlight and I. The details are none of your concern, but we came up with an ideal way to permanently seal our partnership. A bargaining chip, if you must.” Norath responded as if Celeste's question was foolish. “What was the bargaining chip?” she asked hesitantly. “You, my dear,” Norath said. “You are.” The silence was almost deafening if it wasn't for that rhythmic ticking. “I beg your pardon?” Her voice was almost inaudible. Norath sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Ignorant girl. You are to wed Lord Zan. What did you think I meant when I said 'ceremony'?” His blue eyes narrowed at his daughter. Celeste's jaw nearly dropped to the floor; however, she closed it quickly before her father sneered. “Wait,” she breathed, “I just met him. I don't even know him!” “Frankly, my dear, I couldn't care less if you loved him or hated him. This is out of your control.” “You can't make me marry a stranger!” she shouted, standing to her feet. Norath was swifter than Celeste anticipated, and as he stood to his feet as well, the back of his ringed hand made contact with his daughter's cheek with an audible slap. Her face jerked to the side from the force, and her hands immediately went to cup the welt with a shaking whimper. “I can.” Norath towered over his trembling daughter. “Just watch.”
@daily-writing-challenge​ @howlingowl-wra​
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celesterunewhisper · 3 years
Character Sheet
Celeste Runewhisper
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––– THE BASICS –––
Age: 106 years old Birthday: July 7th Race: Ren'dorei (Void Elf) Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Complicated. If asked, Celeste will state she is 'Single', however, technically she is wedded to a one Zan Velvetlight; a well-know, noble Sin'dorei magister. She has abandoned her old life, yet her 'husband' still searches for her not out of love but out of frustration for losing his 'property'. Face Claim: Credit for the Artists → Below [XX] , Above [XX]
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Hair: Short and floofy; light purple in hue. (#A191CF) Eyes: Violet; illuminated. (#644C80) Height: 6'0” Weight: 140lbs Build: Hourglass Distinguishing Marks: Beauty mark under her left eye and under the right corner of her lips. Common Accessories: She is normally seen sporting some sort of tight fitting necklace with whatever outfit she wears. Either she really enjoys the style, or she's hiding something. Wardrobe Style: Flowing dresses; pants are the devil.
––– PERSONAL –––
Profession: Working as a Server/Photographer for the Howling Owl. Was previously a courier and freelance journalist. Hobbies: Reading, working on her enchanting skills, travelling, and honing the voidic arts Languages: Thalassian, Common, Orcish, Shath'Yar Residence: Dawn's Blossom, Pandaria Birthplace: Crimsonburn Cottage, Tranquillen, Eversong Woods Religion: N/A
Spouse: Lord/Magister Zan Velvetlight (alive) Children: None Parents: Lord Norath Crimsonburn (alive) and Lady Larae Crimsonburn (alive) Siblings: Lady Lorise Evendream (half-sister; deceased) Lady Silani Somberrest (half-sister; deceased) Lord Larentus Somberrest (half-brother; deceased) Pets: Soup; a fluffy, female grey tabby cat. (alive; lives in Millstone Hamlet, Stormsong)
––– TRAITS –––
* Bold your character’s answer. Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: None. Drugs: None. Alcohol: Only occasionally.    
––– RP HOOKS –––
A Follower of Magister Umbric: For six (6) years up until the Telgorus Rift Incident—the unintended birth of the Ren'dorei—Celeste was a member of Umbric and his ostracized research group in Silvermoon City, experimenting with the dark arts before BfA made it cool. Perhaps, if your character was within Umbric's ranks previously as well, they and Celeste might know of one another. Courier: Just because she's employed by the Howling Owl doesn't mean she won't take commissions for important deliveries. She's the type to ask no questions and to get the job done safely for all parties involved. Hire her today! Adventurer: Celeste loves to explore all she can of what Azeroth has to offer—and, of course, all of the other planets now available to them! Want to get her really excited? Ask her to embark on a risky adventure and she's your gal. The Howling Owl: Celeste's current employer. Heard of them? Part of them? Come on down and talk to her! Especially during server-wide events.
DM me here on Tumblr, or mail me ingame!
IG Name: Runewhíísper (special characters included for easy copy+paste)
Server: Wyrmrest Accord @wraconnect​ , @howlingowl-wra​ mention
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