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the-delightful-temptation · 2 months ago
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"Come on, baby girl. I already sent you money for the bitch I shot. Can't we just forget about that? Besides she was getting fat, barely fit in that dress you had her wearing. I did you a favor."
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▼ "Been quiet as fuck! I almost miss coming into a blood bath. Almost. Not really. Fuck you still about that. You owe me a new model."
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alkasden · 2 months ago
!! Important Blog Changes !!
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[To better organize things, I have made a new blog to stick all of my Canon Character RPs! This blog here will keep my OCs as normal with Alkas, Floo, and Nine. However, I will be moving Charlie and my side blogs characters ( @velveteenvanity and @overlordrosie ) over to the new secondary blog. All interactions for Charlie, Velvette, and Rosie will be over there from now on.] -Mod Nine
New Blog for Canon Characters: @indulgentnine
[Important sidenote: The new blog is a new tumblr account itself, so it follows back from it, not from here.]
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raitrolling · 2 years ago
・°♢ Velour💙 💎 ✨ Charms restocking soon!♢°・ @.velveteenVanities Hey everyone! I've had an urgent last-minute commission come in from a private client that's required all my attention, so there'll be no new videos for the next few nights. Sorry for the late notice! But I'll be dropping new vids as soon as I can! ✨✨ 53 replies - 628 retweets - 8.4k likes
🦌🍃 Ohrixk 🍃🦌 @.mebukijikas good luck velour, we all can't wait to see your return 💙 36 likes
Telida Gatton @.borealisShining fighting!!!!!!! 💪💪💪 1 retweet - 20 likes
Coryto | Basilisk 🐉 STREAM FRAGMENTS @.corytobasilisk that client is an asshole, who drops a major project on an already busy celebrity at the last minute? the entitlement of some people is real smh 3 replies - 10 retweets - 53 likes
juni // @.velvelvelvet day 47 of velour not answering my mailbag 25 replies - 2 retweets - 6 likes
💅 @.k4rm4isthethunder lol velour got caught fooling around with fans again and is trying to save face i bet 19 replies - 4 retweets - 2 likes
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indulgentnine · 2 months ago
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Velvette's Catch Up Post
▼ New IC Tag: #ic: velveteen vanity ▼ Old Posts: @velveteenvanity
Not much has been going on for Velvette as of late, working on the next designs for the new year and scrolling the feed seem to be all she is up to. Perhaps she would get out more, do a few more posts, maybe spice things up by rustling some feathers.
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wilted--chamomile · 2 years ago
Velour of Velveteen Vanities is a manipulative abuser and a scammerˏˋ°•*⁀➷
I’m not using a quirk because I want this to be seen by everyone, please share this around as much as you can.
My name is Veruco Miopah, and I am a victim of Velour’s manipulations. I don’t think I am the only troll who has been deceived by his two-faced ways either. I have been a fan of the Velveteen Vanities channel for the past four sweeps, and he has been a comfort creator of mine ever since I watched that video about his iconic Starbucks story. I’ve spent over 10000 caegars on him in total to prove that I WAS a dedicated fan, which includes numerous dates with him (detailed below), but DOES NOT include being the one of the highest tier patrons to his patreon (100 caegars/perigee) which gave me access to his supporters-only Discord channel and the ability to join Discord calls with him and the other 100 caegar patrons. Velour would only arrange these calls once every three perigees, claiming he was ‘’’too busy’’’ to chat with his fans for an hour. Apparently he was not too busy to be going on other paid dates and appearing on other people’s YouTube channels tho!!!!!!
Velour’s YouTube channel was my life. I never had a lot of friends, so I turned to watching YouTubers for comfort. I know it’s stupid and sad now, but when I watched Velour’s videos, I felt like he could be my friend too. On camera, he is so positive and kind, it’s no surprise everyone seems to fall in love with him. And... I did. I was in love with this fake personality who REALLY only wanted money from me and all of his other fans. But now my eyes are open, and everyone else needs to open their eyes too.
As you all know, Velour offers a “Paid Requests” service on his online store, where he says he will do anything for you if you can name your price. I started off small, wanting autographs and personalised letters from him, and they always came promptly and were written with a real love for the person ordering them. I then became hooked, and one option caught my eye: You can pay to go out on a date with him. It was very expensive, yes, but I was starstruck so I didn’t care. I could go on a date with the man I loved! So of course I had to try it out. 
I should have known he didn’t care about me when we discussed the date in full detail before going out, it was very methodical and seemed like he really wanted to cover his a**. The date itself was fine, wonderful even. He was just as kind as he was on camera, very attentive to my needs, and he gave me a hug like I paid for him to do. I was hooked, and could not wait to see him again on my second date.
That’s when the prices started to rise.
You would think that meeting someone in person and getting to know them would make you a known loyal customer, and I was! I bought and wore his merch (which he complimented me on and suggested other accessories I could also purchase!!), I was an active member of his servers and replied to his tweets often, and he knew me by name. But instead, the prices for dates started to double. It was obvious he was just trying to leech as much money out of me as possible, but I was smitten. He took advantage of my love and kept dangling the possibility that one night we could become official in front of me. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and he didn’t care, because all he cares about is getting paid.
We went on five dates in total, and on the fifth date he broke my heart. I finally confessed my love for him and poured out all my heart, and he violently rejected me. He suddenly became very cold and very angry, stating that this is “not how this works”, as if I’m not supposed to expect a relationship from someone I have gone on MULTIPLE dates with. As if I’m supposed to be able to control how my heart feels!!! He wouldn’t hear my side of the story at all, and all he cared about was what I had paid for with ZERO regard for my feelings. I was crying, and when I wanted for just a bit of sympathy he stormed off because I didn’t want to pay him for another hug. He left me alone in the cold, while he probably went off to scam money out of some other poor, lonely soul. 
He played with my heart, and he’s no doubt playing with all your hearts too. But it took me over 10000 caegars to finally see his true colours. You can all thank me for giving this to you for free!!!!
I’m disgusted that this man has been able to manipulate me and so many other vulnerable trolls’ hearts for so long. He builds you up and makes you feel like you’re special, but then never gives you anything in return. He takes advantage of you being his loyal fan by tricking you into paying extra for his services, and EVERYTHING costs money. A hug, a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, playing with his hair, even just a basic hi-five. I bet he’d make you pay to see his smile if he could get away with it. 
I know I am not the only victim of this vile excuse of a man, and I encourage everyone who has ever been scammed or manipulated by him to also come forward.
Stop giving Velour your money. Stop watching his videos. Stop buying his clothing, and for the love of Her Imperious Condescension stop going on dates with him. He doesn’t care about you, he doesn’t care about any of his fans. He’ll lead you on and act like a Prince Charming, and then steal as much money from you as possible. He targets vulnerable trolls like me who are lonely and looking for some attention, and he’ll two-time as many women (and men) as he pleases). DO NOT give him any more attention or you WILL become his victim too.
Please also boycott the following YouTube channels, businesses, and trolls who openly support and defend him: BIFFSVOO Gaming & Aiolos’ Twitch channel (GonePostal), Cavius Hair and Beauty, Aeon Racing F1 Team, SkillShare, NordVPN, Squarespace, Audible, Honey, and Viltau Espino (Event organiser, Velour supplies his uniforms and costumes). 
I wanted to be merciful and allow all of you to publicly announce your separation from Velveteen Vanities, but SOMEONE hacked into my system and is causing me too much trouble, so I CANNOT sit on this any longer. If I find out who did it, I WILL be reporting you to the authorities for sabotage. 
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alkasden · 3 months ago
For the canon characters thing, I recommend Cherri! I’d also suggest Niffty, but you already have a gremlin lol. And if you want to do male characters, I’d say Sir Pentious or Lucifer.
-Magic Anon
(Ohh very good choices! Yeah haha, Floo is my little gremlin energy even though I love Niffty. Cherri does sound fun mmm, possibly adding to the list.
Could certainly pick up a male muse! That opens a lot more possibilities. Awe I love Sir Pentious and Lucifer. Those would take some studying as I'm not super keen on their mannerisms.
Gonna be picking just one as a side muse here on this blog to avoid overwhelming myself, but will be using portrait templates like Alkas and Floo. Getting one Canon character amidst two OCs seems like a good balance for my workload.
Some big contenders right now I have are Verosika or bringing back my Rosie @overlordrosie or Velvette @velveteenvanity I attempted in the past as ask blogs but would be remade into RP. Other little suggestions talking to folk are Mimzy, Glitz/Glam, or Summer.) -Mod Nine
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