#velvet bow hairband.
loversmore · 10 months
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IRENE ♡ music bank (231124)
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Give me a Reason: Chapter 5 - "The Elliots"
N and Tessa made there way through the foyer, decorated with mahogany and antique furniture, the windows adored with velvet curtains and cleaned until you couldn't tell it was glass anymore.
There was a servant waiting for them, dressed to the nines. A clean shaven face, and short black hair with steel colored eyes. A pressed black vest over a white dress shirt and a black bow tie, N didn't know his name, he didn't know any of the servants names.
“Young Master Tessa, Master Louisa requests your presence in her study.” The servant said, monotone, with his hands behind his back.
“Of course she does… ‘ight N, see you at dinner.” She sighed and waved him off, leaving him in the foyer smiling warily at the servant, going up to his room alone it was.
There were two sets of spiral staircases the led upwards, and two hallways either side, one lead to an expansive library, full of every book, magazine and article you could imagine, the other a large dining hall, despite the table being made for twenty people, there were only ever five people sitting there at a time… usually less.
He started his way up the stairs passing hall after closed off hall of doors that lead to the different rooms of the manor, if he was being honest he didn’t know what was in most of them, they'd just moved. And he hadn't had time to actually explore his own home.
Not… that he wanted to, going from living in a modern, sleek, polished marble and right angles to this was a little bit of a culture shock. He didn't mind the rural setting; much preferred it to the foggy, polluted skyline he was used to. It was the manor itself that was… creepy.
If you would have him describe “haunted manor.” Then he'd describe the inside of this place down to the tan walls with wood accents and the ancient, well maintained hardwood underneath his feet. It wasn't just how old the place was either. Mr. And Mrs. Elliot had hired enough servents to keep the place spotless and looking like new.
It was just so big. So empty, so… oppressive.
And lonely…
He shook off those thoughts, it was fine, he'd just have to adjust to it, he was always good at going with anything, surely this would be no different.
“Don't be such a bitch J.”
“Then don't be such a pussy, V.”
Ah, that sounded like his sisters off in the next room over, bickering as per usual and probably about something small or nothing at all.
“I am not letting you anywhere near my room! Not my fault it has a window and your's doesn't, your's is bigger anyway!”
“But I'm the oldest, I deserve the window.”
“By eleven minutes! I want to see the garden, you have access to the library! Which you bitched and moaned about until you got, in case you don't remember.”
“You just want the window because it looks over the garden.”
“And? You just want the window because I enjoy looking over the garden and you have the inability to feel joy and must drag everyone else into the misery pit with you.”
“Give me your room.”
“No. Fuck you, suck my dick.”
N sighed, of all the things that had changed. That didn't, and he doubted it ever would. When he rounded the corner that's when he actually saw them, instead of listening to just their voices bickering.
V was the middle child out of the three, and she was the shortest too, if you call 5'10 short. She had short platinum blonde hair that was styled in a bob, a hairband keeping it in place perched on her head. Right now, she was in grey sweatpants and a black crop top, her arms crossed and amber eyes looking up and irate at her older sibling.
J was looking down at her, hand on her hip and long, similarly platinum hair going all the way down to her waist, she usually wore it up in a dual pair of pigtails or a ponytail, but that was absent for the moment. She wasn't in nearly the same casual clothes as V. With a short, black skirt, black, 4inch heels, and a grey business jacket over a white dress shirt. The sunglasses perched on her head were ever present, only leaving when she was sleeping. She had to have just come home if she was dressed like that.
“Hey guys.” He gave a smile towards the both of them, V gave a half-hearted smile and a wave at him, while J just rolled her eyes and scoffed, sticking her nose up at him.
“Ugh, whatever.” J walked off, heels clicking as she went down the hall towards her room, V let out a long suffering sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose before she looked N over.
“Good first day?” She asked, leaning against the wall and giving him a small smile, he relaxed a little bit, without J around, V tended to be in a better mood.
“Yeah! My teachers all seem nice! And I made a friend… I think.” When he thought about Uzi, she seemed…quiet, but also not? He wasn't entirely sure if he would consider what they had a ‘freindship’ per say. He thought she was cool, and they'd talked a handful of times.
Which was… more then he had with most people honestly, most found him a little… much.
“You think? What's that supposed to mean,” She curled
“It was mostly me talking…” He admitted, rubbing the back of his head and grinning sheepishly. “But! She let me borrow a pencil! That I… forgot to give back… but still!”
“Sounds like you just met someone and they took pity on you.” V replied, a dry sarcastic tone to her voice that gave away that she was teasing… mostly.
“Hey!” He yelped, ears turning pink.
“What? Don't call it a friendship if it's clearly not. Did you guys talk… about anything?”
“Uh… Mrs. Sparks had like animal heads and stuff floating in jars, we talked about that and… she told me she has a pig baby in one of them.”
“Ew. Anything else?”
“I gave her some of my lunch! The cafeteria kinda… completely ruined her food and so I gave her the tuna sandwich.”
“How'd they ruin it? Actually, don't answer that it's public school food.” Still she pondered it for a moment before shrugging. “That's like, an acquaintance, but whatever.”
“It's… the same thing isn't it?”
“Nope. But I gotta get to work, clothes don't model themselves.” She gave him a breif wave before checking her phone and grumbling to herself, walking off and out of sight.
Her and J , being out of school and a bit older then him, had other things to do. J was still going to college, business school of course, V took a different route, said no to more school and put herself on display, literally… she modeled for a few designer brands, and was sometimes stopped on the streets for her picture.
N was the youngest out of the three, being 18 and still in high school, though his last year thankfully, he'd always done decently in school, forgotten homework assignments and disorganization notwithstanding.
He entered his room, the heavy, creaking wooden door snapping shut loudly behind him as he looked around his room.
It was… bland. The bed was huge with crimson blankets made out of the smoothest kind of cashmere silk imaginable, the sheets light pink and light enough to feel like nothing when slept in.
But the walls were bare, his desk clean and devoid of everything but his grey laptop and a cup of pencils. The floor having only a basic rug directly underneath and around the bed. He had two small windows either side it, looking over the front of the manor and the driveway.
The only real thing of note was a well loved golden retriever plush resting on the bed, faded and the fur pressed down from being hugged night after night, he smiled at it, hooking his backpack on the back of his chair.
“Big brother Nathan?”
A small, shy little voice called out to him from behind the door to the connected room and he smiled, kicking off his shoes and taking off his hoodie, showing the basic grey t-shirt underneath.
“It's me!” He called back, opening the door to his little sisters room. Cynthia, or Cyn and everyone affectionately called her. She was reading, though now she looked up at him with big, innocent eyes that matched the rest of the siblings, along with her hair, held in a similar style to Tessa’s; mostly because she was the one who always styled it.
Her legs were covered by the blankets of her bed, and she beamed, sharing her older brother's sunshine of a smile as she made grabby hands at him.
Cyn was 6, the last and true youngest of the siblings. She was sweet… if having a peculiar interest in superstition, and N couldn't ask for a better little sister.
“Welcome back! How was school? Did you meet anyone? Were they cool? Can I meet them?” She immediately asked four questions in quick succession, each one making his smile a little wider.
“Good. Yes, yes. Maybe. In that order.” He replied as he wrapped her in a gentle hug, her arms gripping loosely around his neck. She giggled when he blew a raspberry on her cheek.
“And what did you do today Cyn?”
“Tessa brought up some more books for me to read! And then I got lunch… I heard J screaming at someone!”
“Have you not been out of your room today?”
“Uh. No… haven't felt very well, Tessa was at work and Big Sisters Vanessa and Jessica were busy…” She seemed a little sad, but N was here to make sure that didn't last very long.
“You want to take a stroll around the garden before dinner. I can take you.” He asked gently, and Cyn’s eyes lit up and she beamed.
“Yes! Thank you!”
With that, N leaned down and reached under her bed;
And pulled out a neatly folded wheelchair.
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ancient-cats-unite · 1 year
Jam Session
The music cats jam out together! What could go wrong? Many things, especially when a guest star gets involved.
"Sorry I'm late!"
Moneko burst into the studio door, almost tripping and sending her pink songbook flying. Ramen Cat, who changed from his work clothes to something more extravagant caught it. He chuckled, handing back to the girl.
Ramen was decked out in a sparkling red and orange gradient jacket. One sleeve was studded while the other had "RAMEN" sewed on with sparkly thread. Ripped jean shorts and boots with yellow laces made him look pretty kickass. Moneko had the complete opposite clothing sense, a strawberry pink dress with a green belt, hair extensions in pink and green with hot pink mary janes.
"Hey Moneko! We're kinda waiting on the Rock Revengers."
The studio was sleek, a stage fitted enough for the gang as well as some speakers set up. The jam session pooled their money together to rent for an hour though Moneko's salary could pay for it hundred fold. Moneko pulled up a plastic chair.
"Neat! I got this cool song I've been practicing for awhile. I miiight play it on my world tour."
Ramen propped himself up on her lap, looking at the lyrics in pink pen. Suddenly the door burst open with a loud kick. The mortar player held a large music case, almost comically large. The others streamed in, rough housing antics ensuing with the bee and the crab.
The mortar player propped up his drum on the stage. The crab ruffled both Ramen's and Moneko's hair.
"Whassup crazy folk?! Haven't seen y'all since winter!!"
Moneko giggled, while Ramen hurried to fix his springy hair.
"Yeah, yeah.. ey, where's the other guy?"
Ramen retied his black hairband. The Rock Revengers stood up, confused. Moneko checked her phone, scrolling through their reserved time.
"Yes! We have another person coming. She's a very special friend of mine-"
The door creaked open, following the jangle of beads. A typical cat with an eye popping headdress rolled in. Alongside her was a mini cat carrying her microphone on a velvet pillow.
There was nothing typical about this cat. She was known for her over the top displays at her concerts. Flashing lights, gravity defying stages and excellent costume design. She was a force to be reckoned with, even after her retirement no one could take her top spot. Her popularity was a hidden gem to the empire. The one and only.. Cabaret Cat.
"Meawuuuuuu! Meaoo!"
Cabaret Cat nuzzled Moneko's leg, sitting next to her on her velvet pillow. She mewled sweetly like it was a sincere greeting.
"..okay, who is this cat?"
The chestnut player asked, lugging his music stand along. He was immediately tackled by the mortar player.
Cabaret Cat begun to groom herself. Dismissing her cat companion, she held her microphone in her mouth. Ramen looked at Cabaret Cat, jaw dropped.
"How did you get Cabaret Cat in here? With US??"
Cabaret Cat was gently carried into Moneko's lap.
"Oh, she just wanted to sing with us! For fun! She texted me on Meowter."
Moneko held Cabaret Cat all the way to the stage. The Rock Revengers stammered, pushing the highest pedestal for the tiny cat and bowing. It was very out of character for them, they bowed to no one.
"H-here you go Cabaret Cat!"
Cabaret rewarded their kind gesture, allowing a pet from each. The rockers were reduced to a grateful mess.
"I.. I petted the Miss Cabaret.. I'm never washing this paw again!"
Ramen rolled his eyes.
"Okay.. Cabaret. Should we, uh, get you anything?"
"Meawuuu! Meaw meaww!"
She shook her head, getting slapped in the face by beads and string. The rockers connected their instruments to the speakers, Ramen pulled out his spare microphone and helped the other two singers connect their microphones.
"So should we start with 'Cat eat Cat world'?"
Moneko set up her lyrics on a music stand. Cabaret bonked into the microphone just to make sure it worked.
"Yeah, thats like the only song we know."
Ramen pulled out a microphone stand in his paws. The Rock Revengers were all set up at this point. The mortar player was hyped at this point, jumping right in.
"Hell yeah! One, two, one, two, three, four!"
Terrible, absolute abhorrent musical skills ensue. Loose and sloppy was the only tempo the rockers were used to. Cabaret sighed in disappointment. When the band got to the bridge of the song, Cabaret let out her signature verse.
"Meawu! Meawu meawu!!"
The floor began to crack. Rumbling the stage, everyone hurried off to witness the magic of the Cabaret. A huge humanoid cat came from the ground in sparkling neon and gold. Cabaret jumped from her seat and landed on the statue's paws. It rose until it broke the roof of the studio, up to the sky. Cabaret, fully confident on her own stage, started her solo.
The cats below were both starstruck and devastated. Ramen looked at the debris that surrounded them. Miraculously no one was hurt.
"I really REALLY HOPE she's paying for this."
"Is that Cabaret's hit single "Meow into my heart"?"
Cabaret had quite a crowd around her as she sung to her heart's content. After she finished, she winked at her friends below. The statue then drifted off into the sunset. The crowd was shook except the band.
"I'm NOT PAYING FOR THIS. Can't you get Cabaret to pay for this Moneko?"
Ramen held his paws up. A whole clutter of voices from the Rock Revengers, Moneko and Ramen overrid any sort of civil conversation.
"I can probably take this out of my budget!!"
"But what about MISS CABARET??"
"Guys please!!"
In the horizon, Cabaret Cat and her statue sat on a large hill. The cat sipped on a pink lemonade, singing her famous tune.
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ellendorit · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Cherry Hatband/Hairband.
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thepeachstreet · 1 year
Girls Hairband Online
Welcome to The Peach Street - your one-stop destination to buy a wide range of handmade hair accessories online! We offer an exquisite collection of hair accessories, including luxury hair accessories for girls, hair bows, hairbands, baby accessories, and more. Whether you're looking for velvet bows, princess bows, or trendy hair clips, we have it all!
Discover our enchanting selection of frozen hair accessories inspired by your favorite characters. From frozen hair clips to princess Elsa crowns, we have the perfect accessories to add a touch of magic to your little one's hairstyle. Our sparkly crowns, fairy wands, and cool brooches are sure to make your princess feel like royalty.
For the youngest fashionistas, we have a delightful range of baby accessories, including baby headbands and hairbands. Browse our online store to buy baby hairbands and headbands that are not only adorable but also comfortable for your little bundle of joy. Complete their adorable look with our cherry blossom headbands or luxury hair ties.
At The Peach Street, we understand the importance of quality and style. That's why we take pride in offering handmade hair accessories that are crafted with attention to detail and designed to elevate any outfit. Our collection includes an array of girls' hairbands, ranging from elegant to playful designs, ensuring there's something for every occasion.
Experience the joy of finding the perfect hair accessory for your little one. Visit our website and explore our diverse collection today. Whether you're searching for a princess peach wand, a wand and crown set, or a sparkly cape, you'll find it all at The Peach Street. Shop now and let your little one's hair accessories reflect their unique style and personality!
 At The Peach Street, we understand the importance of finding the perfect hair accessories for girls of all ages. Our collection includes a delightful range of baby accessories, including baby headbands and hairbands, designed to make your little one look adorable and feel comfortable. We take pride in curating high-quality products that are safe and gentle for delicate baby hair.
Looking for something inspired by your favorite characters? We have a wonderful assortment of frozen hair accessories, including frozen hair clips and princess Elsa crowns. Let your little one's imagination soar with our enchanting collection. Our princess peach wand and crown sets, as well as fairy wand and crown combinations, are perfect for those magical dress-up moments.
In addition to our extensive range of hair accessories, we also offer luxury hair ties that are both stylish and functional. Our hair ties are designed to secure your hair without causing damage or leaving creases, ensuring you can create beautiful hairstyles with ease.
The Peach Street is your ultimate online destination to buy handmade hair accessories. Our user-friendly website allows you to browse through our wide selection, conveniently order your favorite items, and have them delivered right to your doorstep. We strive to provide a seamless shopping experience, ensuring that you can find the perfect hair accessories for yourself, your little ones, or as thoughtful gifts for loved ones.
Indulge in the world of hair accessories at The Peach Street and discover the perfect finishing touches to complement any outfit. From cherry blossom headbands to cool brooches, we have the accessories to help you express your unique style and elevate your look. Shop with us today and embrace the beauty and elegance that our handcrafted hair accessories bring to your life.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] SYGA Elastic Stretchy Elastic Soft Wide Velvet Bowknot Bow Headbands Hairband Knot Turban Headwraps Hair Bows Accessories for Kids Toddler Infant Newborn Baby GirlNewborn Baby Headbands:Skin-friendly and breathable, comfy for your baby. You can stretch it before using, super light and soft, never leave a dent. Variety of colors for daily wear, match most outfits, sweet every day. Nice gift for your little baby, make them cute and eye-catching. Nylon material hair bands+High quality chiffon fabric bows. We have 12 variety of colors to choose and match your baby girl's daily clothes.Cute Baby Headbands, Grow with your Baby:The perfect essential bow for any little girl our darling nylon headbands are design to grow as your baby grows. From baby to big girls your little one will be able to wear this beauty for many years to come. Choose one or all colors. You can never have too many!Suitable for Any Occasion:Daily wear, banquets, baby showers, dance parties, etc. are all suitable for your baby to wear. This is definitely one of the gifts that can't go wrong! Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, etc. are very suitable.Features:One size fits all headbands, from newborns up to little girls.Boutique chiffon flower bows, beautiful and good well-shaped.Super stretchy nylon material, very light and comfortable to wear. Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 17 x 9.5 x 2 cm; 13 Grams Date First Available ‏ : ‎ 14 December 2021 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ SYGA HOME FURNISHING ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09NLRBMG4 Item model number ‏ : ‎ HB-Flower-Turquoise Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ SYGA HOME FURNISHING Packer ‏ : ‎ SYGA HOME FURNISHING Importer ‏ : ‎ SYGA HOME FURNISHING Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 13 g Item Dimensions LxWxH ‏ : ‎ 17 x 9.5 x 2 Centimeters Net Quantity ‏ : ‎ 1.00 count 🎀Soft Nylon Hairbands with Big Bow: The cute baby headbands hairbands are made of soft nylon material with chiffon material flower bow design. When the baby wears it, the flower bow will look very elegant. It is flexible enough to accompany your baby to grow up, suitable for most babies, from newborns to toddlers 🎀Never Leave Marks: Because it is very soft and light, the baby is very comfortable to wear. Not too big or too tight. It will not leave any red skin marks on your little newborn's head
🎀Best Gifts for Baby Girls: The first choice for holiday gifts, birthday gifts, and Christmas gifts - Perfect gift for your own baby daughter or friends with kids! Whether it is a birthday, baby shower, Christmas or other occasion to dress up, please give them a surprise gift. The handmade baby turban will give you a wonderful gift with sincerity 🎀12 Colors Baby Girl Headbands: 12 different colors of baby headbands meet the daily outfits. Considering the difference dress in winter and summer, we will provide 12 most commonly used colors i.e. Medium Pink, Dark Pink, Gray, White, Red, Peach, Black, Beige Yellow, Cream Pink, Green Khaki Yellow and Turquoise [ad_2]
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coquettefashion · 7 years
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Pink Items
Satin Ruche Top | Satin Sleep Set
Glitter Headband | Frill Blouse
Satin Shirt Dress | Ruffle Bikini Set
Lace Sleep Teddy | Bow Headband
Velvet Skater Dress | Triangle Bikini Set
Use Code: FDM10 For $10 Off Orders $90+       Use Code: FDM25 For $25 Off Orders $140+ Use Code: FDM35 For $35 Off Orders $210+
More Items On Sale Here!
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
Oh are we taking bets on what she'll wear?
1. Whatever she was wearing under the door coat for the st.pauls jubilee appearance, a black version of that.
2. A shiny silk skirt and cashmere fullsleave, turtle neck sweater with a pussy bow and a velvet hairband like Catherine wears.
3. Some version of Jack the ripper cape and Jack the ripper hat and Jack the ripper gloves and black louboutin heels, the red sole sparkling as she sashays in on Harry's arm and flashes a veneered smile at Sophie.
I think she will will try and cosplay a look between Kate and Diana.
She will want her own version of this photo
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kujibelievethis · 3 years
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Pokemon accessory fall collection Velvet hair bow-- 1,320 yen Hair ribbon-- 1,100 yen Evolution stone hairband-- 1,100 yen Pictures and products from Pokemon Center JP.
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uneq-apol--arts · 4 years
Red Velvet
Summary: Charles finds Beetlejuice celebrating his birthday alone... in the dark... in the basement. (Rated Teen for Language.)
Warnings: some strong language, slight self-degradation
Genre: hurt/comfort(?), Familial Fluff
Characters: Charles Deetz, Beetlejuice. 
Notes: Got this idea from a headcanon in this post.
I didn't proofread so it probably doesn't flow well.
No one had seen Beetlejuice for the past two days. He seemed to have vanished straight into the night. Lydia didn't even have a clue as to where he could have possibly gone. Collectively, the household fretted that he had been kidnapped by Juno or some other higher power. 
Charles had volunteered to stay home from work and look for the "damn demon." It was almost noon when he decided to get up for coffee and toast. He trudged his way down the stairs and stopped at the basement door. A soft, rhythmic humming was seeping under the door. Charles briefly debated going down into the basement. The Maitlands couldn't leave the house so they could do it.... On second thought, however, he remembered that they refused to even go near the basement door. He'd have to ask Delia to look into PTSD treatment for them. 
The creaking of the door under his fingers echoed down into the basement but the humming did not yet cease. Sneaking quietly down the stairs, Charles realised that the humming was that of one Mx. Beetlejuice. The mortal man left the lights off in hope that the demon wouldn't just teleport away. Disappointingly, it was when he hit the bottom step that his cover was blown. The old wood creaked dangerously under his weight and the humming cut short with a yelp. Charles glared at the step as if it had cursed his firstborn. 
Nonplussed, Charles continued on, stumbling through the maze of boxes. The deeper he went, the lighter it got. He realized quickly that this was because there was a candle flickering somewhere in the dank basement. He followed the soft orange glow of the little flame. 
What Charles found was certainly not what he expected. 
In the furthest corner of the basement sat Beetlejuice. His knees were pulled up to his chest, black and white striped dress pulled down to his feet to hold them in place. His feet were socked with pastel green tights, holes forming in the heels. Standing out brightly against his wine purple hair was a matching hairband with a big pastel green bow in the center. In front of the demon was a single, small cupcake, candle on it flickering away steadily. 
Charles sat down slowly in front of Beetlejuice, watching as he flinched and shut his eyes. He opened them back up again, his hair also lightening in hue. 
"'Sup there, Chucky boy?" 
"Nothing much. Just came to see what the buzz was about." Beetlejuice snorted as Charles struggled to speak in slang. "So whatcha doin' down here on your own, in the dark?"  He still wasn't used to slang but Lydia had told him it made Beetlejuice more comfortable so he was at least willing to try. Beetlejuice let out another sound like a snort and looked up at Charles. At least the slang gave him something to lighten his mood, if his brightening hair was anything to go by.
"Oh just the usual, ya know." Beetlejuice picked up the cupcake (red velvet with vanilla frosting, Charles noted). 
"And just what is the 'usual'?". It was at this point that Charles regretted having Beetlejuice as a son figure. Beetlejuice held up the cupcake and slipped the candle between his fingers. 
"Just sixty-nine-ing a cupcake, as one does." Charles winced and slapped Beetlejuice's hand gently. The demon promptly stopped and put the cupcake back on the floor. "Sorry man, you asked for it!" Charles shook his head uneasily as his companion chuckled wholeheartedly, hair turning a sickly soft green. A few moments later, Charles looked up and a rooster with green feathers sat in front of him, pecking at the cupcake. 
"Alright, that's enough avoiding your problems, Beej." The rooster seemed to slump and in a puff, Beetlejuice was back. 
"Come on, man, that was a go-" he was interrupted by a sudden hacking fit, feathers flying from his mouth. Charles moved to the side and patted the demon on the back until the fit was over. Once he calmed down, Charles inquired again. 
"Seriously, though. What's up?" Beetlejuice sighed, jovial facade breaking down at the concern in Charles' face. The gradually built up green sunk into the demon's roots,  returning the wine purple to its former glory. 
"This is gonna sound so stupid-" 
"No it isn't." Now this was something Charles had experience in. "You aren't stupid. In fact you're quite quick-witted and knowledgable," he paused and held up one of the feathers "especially with sex jokes and history." Damn. Delia is really rubbing off on me. Beetlejuice scoffed but Charles saw his eyes take on a glassy reflection. "Just because you can't read or 'function like a demon' doesn't mean you're stupid or worthless. You're smart and have opinions and feelings just like the rest of us. Judging by your hair, these feelings are ones you weren't allowed to express. So, because I care about you, you chaotic dumbass, I'd like to hear them." By this point, Beetlejuice had conjured up a tissue and was wiping his eyes and laughing. 
"I... I uh. Damn, I'm more sensitive than I thought, shit. Um. Today's... my birthday. Mom got really abusive on my birthdays. So I started celebrating by myself. Miss Argentina would make me these tiny, lil' homemade cupcakes but since I can't get into the Netherworld, I had to magic one up. They aren't as good." As he said this, a centipede crawled out of the cupcake. Beetlejuice reached out and grabbed it, stuffing it into his dress pocket. 
"That's horrible. I don't see why that's stupid. It's perfectly normal to want to celebrate one of your most important days. Now. How about we text Delia and have her get some cake stuff and we all make cupcakes? Hmm? I won't tell them why if you don't want to." 
"Are you sure that's okay?" 
"I'm positive." Charles stood up and reached down a hand to pull the demon to his feet. "Now let's go see what we need." 
Later that night, the household gathered in the kitchen, utensils and ingredients spread out upon the counters. Throughout the ordeal, flour was mushroom-clouded, sugar was chugged, lewd jokes were made, and eggs were eaten raw. And at last, a red velvet cake with vanilla frosting made a millenia old demon feel loved. 
Remember: You are loved and cherished and we'd hate to lose you <3.
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teatimeinthesky · 5 years
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(Instagram tags for @angel_jujo and mudo_rika!)
@eatthemice (Angel) and I decided to go as Spinels to Comic Fiesta 2019!
It was super fun doing a cosplay with a really good friend of mine and the memories were all great! We are happy that there were plenty of people were excited and asked for pictures. Everyone we met was thrilled to talk about Steven Universe and SU the Movie.
We also met one other SU cosplayer, Steven Universe himself! @mudo_rika
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When Angel and I decided to be Spinels together, we sat down and collected references and discussed how we wanted the costumes to look. I drew the mockups of the costumes as a reference for the tailor (Pictures below!). We commissioned a cosplay tailor to make the clothes for us.
We went for velvet, cause fancy, and mesh on top of the pants for extra fancy(doesn’t really show in person, sadness).
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I wanted to add the bow, cause again, fancy, and my inner Pearl is coming out 🤣
We also styled the hair pieces ourselves. Our ponytail bases were made of polystyrene(plus paper cones in RevengeSpinel’s). The hair strands were glued and hair sprayed to shape.
For RevengeSpinel, the ponytails were heavier. Angel decided to use big screws attached to a plastic hairband and screwed/slotted the ponytails in place. Two screws were used for each ponytail to keep the ponytails upright.
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For InnocentSpinel, the hearts were quite lightweight so I shaped some wire into a pokey thing with a base to sit under my wig. I added white ribbons to the base of the heart hairpieces as extra bits I can pin onto the wig for stability.
Finally, the Spinel Heart Gem! (Oh boy I finally could use my skills!) I used references found online on the Spinel gem and modelled the heart in Blender. I unwrapped the model and printed out the UV map. Angel used iridescent film layered ontop of a dark pink film, cut out the facets and taped them all together. She likes to say that it wasn’t as easy to build as it looks. It was time consuming... 😆
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It was sometimes chaotic but it was fun. 10/10 would do another cosplay with Angel.
More pictures to come if there is more pictures! ✨
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ellendorit · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Cherry Hatband/Hairband.
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thepeachstreet · 1 year
Luxury Hair Accessories For Girls
Welcome to The Peach Street - your one-stop destination to buy a wide range of handmade hair accessories online! We offer an exquisite collection of hair accessories, including luxury hair accessories for girls, hair bows, hairbands, baby accessories, and more. Whether you're looking for velvet bows, princess bows, or trendy hair clips, we have it all!
Discover our enchanting selection of frozen hair accessories inspired by your favorite characters. From frozen hair clips to princess Elsa crowns, we have the perfect accessories to add a touch of magic to your little one's hairstyle. Our sparkly crowns, fairy wands, and cool brooches are sure to make your princess feel like royalty.
For the youngest fashionistas, we have a delightful range of baby accessories, including baby headbands and hairbands. Browse our online store to buy baby hairbands and headbands that are not only adorable but also comfortable for your little bundle of joy. Complete their adorable look with our cherry blossom headbands or luxury hair ties.
At The Peach Street, we understand the importance of quality and style. That's why we take pride in offering handmade hair accessories that are crafted with attention to detail and designed to elevate any outfit. Our collection includes an array of girls' hairbands, ranging from elegant to playful designs, ensuring there's something for every occasion.
Experience the joy of finding the perfect hair accessory for your little one. Visit our website and explore our diverse collection today. Whether you're searching for a princess peach wand, a wand and crown set, or a sparkly cape, you'll find it all at The Peach Street. Shop now and let your little one's hair accessories reflect their unique style and personality!
 At The Peach Street, we understand the importance of finding the perfect hair accessories for girls of all ages. Our collection includes a delightful range of baby accessories, including baby headbands and hairbands, designed to make your little one look adorable and feel comfortable. We take pride in curating high-quality products that are safe and gentle for delicate baby hair.
Looking for something inspired by your favorite characters? We have a wonderful assortment of frozen hair accessories, including frozen hair clips and princess Elsa crowns. Let your little one's imagination soar with our enchanting collection. Our princess peach wand and crown sets, as well as fairy wand and crown combinations, are perfect for those magical dress-up moments.
In addition to our extensive range of hair accessories, we also offer luxury hair ties that are both stylish and functional. Our hair ties are designed to secure your hair without causing damage or leaving creases, ensuring you can create beautiful hairstyles with ease.
The Peach Street is your ultimate online destination to buy handmade hair accessories. Our user-friendly website allows you to browse through our wide selection, conveniently order your favorite items, and have them delivered right to your doorstep. We strive to provide a seamless shopping experience, ensuring that you can find the perfect hair accessories for yourself, your little ones, or as thoughtful gifts for loved ones.
Indulge in the world of hair accessories at The Peach Street and discover the perfect finishing touches to complement any outfit. From cherry blossom headbands to cool brooches, we have the accessories to help you express your unique style and elevate your look. Shop with us today and embrace the beauty and elegance that our handcrafted hair accessories bring to your life.
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amazinglaki · 3 years
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Trendy Club Multicolour Scrunchies, Velvet, Chiffon, Cotton Elastic Hair Bands for Women -15 Pieces #1 Best Seller in Jewellery https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B07XJWJ9FK/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=3638&creative=24630&creativeASIN=B07XJWJ9FK&linkCode=as2&tag=amazingtamizh-21&linkId=9cbc1b8c0173d5f598db80d788777a26 #hairband #headband #hairaccessories #hairbands #handmade #accessories #headbands #fashion #bandana #hairstyles #hairbandstyle #hair #hairclips #bando #babygirl #aksesorisrambut #s #hairclip #scrunchies #hairaccesories #hairaccessory #hairstyle #hairbandmurah #bow #bandomurah #headpiece #bows #hairpins #bandokorea https://www.instagram.com/p/CRGjs8LHE_e/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vudnadina · 3 years
Velvet Knot Bows Headband Baby Girls Accessories Elastic Soft Nylon Hairband Korean Toddler Hair Scrunchies Ropes Rings
Velvet Knot Bows Headband Baby Girls Accessories Elastic Soft Nylon Hairband Korean Toddler Hair Scrunchies Ropes Rings
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Just For Today
Click Here To Visit The Shop
N€W Velvet Knot Bows Headband Baby Girls Accessories Elastic Soft Nylon Hairband Korean Toddler Hair Scrunchies Ropes Rings
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yogiblogpost · 3 years
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Good Offer of New Velvet Baby Hat for Girls Big Bow Winter Baby Turban Hat Photography Props Elastic Kids Beanie Cap Baby Accessories 11 Color
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Buy New Velvet Baby Hat for Girls Big Bow Winter Baby Turban Hat Photography Props Elastic Kids Beanie Cap Baby Accessories 11 Color Right Here and Right Now and You will save  USD 0.48 or 30%%, Because price is will changed at any time without notice, or stock may be run out, If You Buy Now You Just Pay For  1.11, not in Reguler Price at  1.59. Yap! This is I mean you will Save  30% % /  USD 0.48
Addition Information of New Velvet Baby Hat for Girls Big Bow Winter Baby Turban Hat Photography Props Elastic Kids Beanie Cap Baby Accessories 11 Color
Product UD (PID) : 32949716924 Product Rank : [RANK] at Keyword photography props Reguler Price :  1.59 Discount Price : 1.11 Category ID : 1501 Category Name : Mother & Kids Saving   :  USD 0.48 Discount : 30% Seller ID : 324966 Seller URL : https://ift.tt/39D7QKq Rank : [RANK]  From 17584 Last Stock Available : (When this Article was written).
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  Best Price for New Velvet Baby Hat for Girls Big Bow Winter Baby Turban Hat Photography Props Elastic Kids Beanie Cap Baby Accessories 11 Color
Related Product for photography props and New Velvet Baby Hat for Girls Big Bow Winter Baby Turban Hat Photography Props Elastic Kids Beanie Cap Baby Accessories 11 Color
2020 Baby Cute Girls Big Bow Design Headband Headwear Accessories Apparel Photography Prop Party Gift
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Buy 2020 Baby Cute Girls Big Bow Design Headband Headwear Accessories Apparel Photography Prop Party Gift  and You will Save  USD 0.29 or 21% %, Becuase You Just Pay for  1.11 not Full Price for  1.40
Addition Information of 2020 Baby Cute Girls Big Bow Design Headband Headwear Accessories Apparel Photography Prop Party Gift Reguler Price : 1.40 Discount Price :  1.11 Saving   :  USD 0.29 Discount : 21% %
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 Baby Cute Girls Hairband Lace Flower Print Headband Headwear Apparel Photography Prop Party Gift
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Buy Baby Cute Girls Hairband Lace Flower Print Headband Headwear Apparel Photography Prop Party Gift and You will Save  USD 0.48 or 30% %, Because You Just Pay for  1.11 not Full Price for  1.59
Addition Information of Baby Cute Girls Hairband Lace Flower Print Headband Headwear Apparel Photography Prop Party Gift Reguler Price : 1.59 Discount Price :  1.11 Saving   :  USD 0.48 Discount : 30% %
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