#velona pony fashion
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velona-pony-fashion · 4 months ago
Have you ever had shoplifters?
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Rose: Well... putting ourself aside, everyone respected the Madam, she helped people in need a lot, or so I heard.... so nobody really would do any harm to his place, well... other than ...you know... you seen... anyway we can protect ourselves, all of us have our strengths, especially me! Ha! I work with metal all day and have sharp teeth, who would dare to harm me or my friends!!! HAHAHA
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years ago
A designer unmatched in creativity and design, yet I fear what fury lies within him…
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Sketched Mr. K, a character whose story I’m patiently looking forward to!
Had forgotten how tough it is to properly draw clothes on Ponies, though I’m still proud of how I drew his outfit!
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lumiere-angel-90 · 3 months ago
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Potion calendar twelve !
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nyanris-pocket-dimension · 7 months ago
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some inteactions between their characters and one with @velona-pony-fashion
an attack on mlemkat - https://x.com/mlemkat
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whirlwindflux · 2 years ago
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Recently did a Secret Santa exchange over on Discord and I got Mr. K from @velona-pony-fashion! Had a lot fun drawing this boy! ^^
Bonus sticker!
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unlocktheaskblog · 2 years ago
it’s kind of like, practice for this sort of thing and also a THANK YOU to this community for being so awesome
so without further ado
good luck finding your character
@sistr-world @aerialaim @thelittlestflyingdoe @askgermanv1nce @theblackcubeofdarkness @ask-summer-epos @hoofclid @whirlwindflux @askalbinopie @ponies-just-vibing @ask-dreamlessportal  @lumera-eclipse @askdapperdash @asktheforgottenpony @ask-fairyliesponies @ask-tay-relic @asktwilighteclipse @fishermod @ask-the-out-buck-pony @ask-princess-lilly @rainbowdashsmailbagthings (BATMAN) @ask-sugarplum @epaofficial @askmovieslate @askthoughtformfluttershy @askvisionary @ask-marble-pie @thatvoidedpegasus @ask-healthy-light @ask-new-world @ask-the-runaway-queen @the-endless-archive @ask-whiteblade @sunny-and-sparkle @asklittlecheese @ask-jetstream @asklostcelestia @aura-answers @utab-who-are-you @captainmolasses @ex-king-sombra @wizardpinkie @ask-the-luna-knight @trixielawyer @ask-wizard-sunburst @asksurprisearchive @ask-internetexplorer @raindropsanswers @askhotbloodedpinkie @ask-jappleack @cheesewiz @flashtheponyofwind @i-dream-of-twilight-sparkle @flightlessspitfire @stockstockstock @ask-doctor-timeturner @darkfiretaimatsu @noodlezss @ask-shutter-ghost @ask-the-prototypes @ditzydolores @askvaudeville @timeoutwithdoctorwhooves @ask-charcoal-cakes @ask-narratordoe @ask-melissa-and-the-band @iamyourdoubt @ask-a-grumpy-melon @asktacobell @ask-luciavampire @ask-missy-mlp @ask-twistedgravekeeper @askmotherlyluna @mymind-theirvisions @ask-the-doctor15 @asks-umbra-winterdance @askburningstream @a-spoonful-o-generosity @adventuresofcandymareinvrchat @polofastter @ask-ariabliss @askdaisydandfriemly @pumpkinspice-pony @ask-number-nine @ask-grapesherbet @occherry @ask-fancymystery @ask-that-one-firefighter-girl @ask-pacifica @ask-doctor-dimension @askderpyscientist @askrarity @aby-askblog @princess-skyla-replies @fleet-follows @theblindfoldedprince @velona-pony-fashion @ask-lir @asksweepslick @asksketchpunk-blog @dearpinkiepie @rainbowfeatherreplies @askbananapie @foodielovethealicorn @askhugsworthy @askderpythespy (I thought you were dead) @askdrunktwilight @whoovesnassistant
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ask-narratordoe · 2 years ago
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Hi! This is a big ol' thank-you post for all of the lovely creators who helped me out on my anthropology final last semester <3 They were all kind enough to fill out a nearly 50 question interview for my ethnography on MLP ask blog culture.
Also, just a side note, I will not be posting again until February 16th, since that's my blog-iversary. Hoping to hit 400 followers by then, and I'm super close, so any support helps!
Again, thanks to these amazing people for their time and help ^^ -Mod Doe <3
Ponies featured, left to right, top to bottom: Aerial Aim from @aerialaim JetStream from @ask-jetstream Musical Mishap from @ask-missy-mlp Summer Epos from @ask-summer-epos Tay Relic from @ask-tay-relic Albino Pie from @askalbinopie Dark from @askdarkpony Nigel Hugsworthy from @askhugsworthy Inquiry from @askinquiry Dash from @distorteddash Sombra from @ex-king-sombra Flash Wind from @flashtheponyofwind Princely from @theblindfoldedprince Lea from @the-endless-archive Paint Tastic from @unlocktheaskblog Theodore from @velona-pony-fashion Whirlwind Flux from @whirlwindflux
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ask-charcoal-cakes · 2 years ago
have you visited the pony fashion store called Velona before?
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charcoal: "no, tell me now, where is it, the shop "
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reversal-mushroom · 2 years ago
1. @ex-king-sombra 2. @askmotherlyluna 3. @goldspurandfriends 4. @askpinkaminathebaker 5. @the-endless-archive 6. @askreinhild 7. @warped-futures 8. @ask-nightmareandprincess 9. @ask-the-docs-companions 10. @askhirepinkamena 11. @askrosablancafranca 12. @ask-dr-hope 13. @little-shop-on-the-corner 14. @velona-pony-fashion 15. @crypkit 16. @ask-jetstream 17. @ask-the-sea-pup 18. @ask-fricklefrackle 19. @ask-the-light-bringer 20. @askbajablast 21. @asktacobell 22. @village-at-the-edge 23. @ask-pluto-skylight 24. @early-morning-tea 25. @stories-of-equestria 26. @askdrunktwilight 27. @sunny-and-sparkle 28. @ask-summer-epos 29. @askthequietdoctorwhooves 30. @askmimieponi 31. @ask-spiritwind 32. @bedeviled-dotty 33. @mymagicgrandpa 34. @distorteddash 35. @asklonelycaptainpip 36. @ask-appledashh 37. @flightlessspitfire 38. @ask-a-grumpy-melon 39. @ask-donkey-in-trouble 40. @ask-timerwhooves 41. @whirlwindflux 42. @ask-narratordoe 43. @darkfiretaimatsu 44. @ask-healthy-light 45. @twila-bloggin 46. @flurryofmyheart 47. @ask-princess-skyla 48. @ask-princess-lilly 49. @manechesters-finest 50. @larvas-lair 51. @aura-answers 52. @asklostcelestia 53. @kai-mur-alga 54. @ask-wizard-sunburst 55. @witchtaunter 56. @a-spoonful-o-generosity @ask-guyra
Yeah, I could name a bunch more, but that’s all I felt like right now and probably overwhelming.
My feed is pretty dead. Any new blogs I could follow? 👉👈
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velona-pony-fashion · 2 years ago
Solar and twilight: are you guys ok?
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The magic surrounding Mr.K's wings slowly turn into a mist with weird symbols in it and break apart as it disappears. Although Cyrian looks tired as the time passes by, but once it's completely gone Nathalyon picked up K and put him down on to a couch to rest while.
Sir Nathalyon: Kaz... Cyrian went back, he got slightly drained. I'll also go and issue a search for Neesha. If you need anything contact me my friend... *said the unicorn and headed out with Cyrian to make sure he is also fine*
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velona-pony-fashion · 4 months ago
CAN I BE applejack
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Theo: I'm not sure why... *Mr.K puts his hoof up to Theo's mouth* Oh yeah, we don't question customers here, Of course you can!. Hope you like your costume! Have a lovely Nightmare Night! and don't forget to pay at the front! As you know we accept anything you wish to offer as payment! Enjoy your day dear Customer!
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velona-pony-fashion · 4 months ago
Ask-scarletmystic) scarlet ask) can you make shizuku from dress up darling
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Theo: Thank you for your order! Hope we could make your request as you wished for it @ask-scarletmystic
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velona-pony-fashion · 4 months ago
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*Though the text could have been written better, you regognize Mr.K's handwriting and can put together that..."
Theo: Yes we open or shop again! For special Nightmare Night Deals! Limited only which means although you are all welcome to post your orders but Mr.K won't be able to process all of them...*he quiets down and whispers* He is preparing for holiday so he will take some quick requests that jogs his inspiration! So I'm not sure how many that will be, but don't be discouraged and ask! If your request won't be done we offer a sale for another outfit and give special invite for future event in Velona! Thank you for your understanding!
(Mod: Yes, I'll open the ask box again, so you are welcome to send Nightmare Night costume requests or sent any other asks!)
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velona-pony-fashion · 9 days ago
If you're still accepting costume requests, may i suggest my changling as Chrysalis?
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Theo: I would like to apologize for our late delivery of your request, so we would like to offer this outfit for free as well as a future one on the house also! The wings have been made with a very soft and light metal, the outfit is from a soft fabric, the paint on your horn and face will fade after a day or two, the hair has been painstakingly folded by Aly, hope it's to your liking dear Customer
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velona-pony-fashion · 9 days ago
JetStream: I’ll admit I’m not very good at styling myself outside of a plain shirt and pants, maybe a tang top if I feel adventurous. Since you can work with larger ponies could you maybe help me find something I could wear at a fancier event?
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Theo: From what we heard you prefer a bit more sporty type of outfits, so taking that into consideration we created a few sample outfits that we believe would fit your style. You are very welcome to choose, and if you don't like the colours we picked it's also changeable so do tell us what you prefer!
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velona-pony-fashion · 4 months ago
Banana Pie meant Applejack the pony. There's a mare named Applejack that lives at Sweet Apple Acres. Though, it's his own fault thinking that you two might have heard, seen, or know her.
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Theo: Have you heard any of these Boss? *but Mr.K just shakes his head*
(Mod note: Though the shop is/was? in Canterlot it is not the same Canterlot as in the show as it's not the same world. So ponies from the show don't really exist? :>)
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